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'''Gregory J. Kohs''' is a [[marketing research]] practitioner and founder of Internet enterprises.  He is the youngest child of four, born in [[Directory:Jackson, Michigan|Jackson]], [[Directory:Michigan|Michigan]] to Richard and Loretta Kohs.  In 1981, he moved with his parents to Central Florida, settling in [[Directory:Winter Park, Florida|Winter Park]], [[Directory:Florida|Florida]].   
'''Gregory J. Kohs''' is a [[marketing research]] practitioner and founder of Internet enterprises.  He is the youngest child of four, born in [[Directory:Jackson, Michigan|Jackson]], [[Directory:Michigan|Michigan]] to Richard and Loretta Kohs.  In 1981, he moved with his parents to Central Florida, settling in [[Directory:Winter Park, Florida|Winter Park]], [[Directory:Florida|Florida]].   
Kohs now lives in [[Directory:West Chester, Pennsylvania|West Chester]], [[Directory:Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]] with his wife, daughter, and a cantankerous [[beagle]].  Kohs serves on the board of directors of the [[Directory:Church of the Loving Shepherd|Church of the Loving Shepherd]].
Kohs now lives in [[Directory:West Chester, Pennsylvania|West Chester]], [[Directory:Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]] with his wife, daughter, and a cantankerous [[beagle]].  Kohs serves on the board of directors of the [[Directory:Church of the Loving Shepherd|Church of the Loving Shepherd]], and he is a co-founder and director of the registered non-profit [[Directory:Internet Review Corporation|Internet Review Corporation]].
==Resume Information==
==Resume Information==

Revision as of 16:25, 29 May 2009

Gregory James Kohs
The Kohser or Thekohser
Gregory Kohs headshot.jpg
Gregory Kohs (2007)
Residence [[City:=West Chester|West Chester]], [[State_Name:=Pennsylvania|Pennsylvania]], [[Country_Name:=United States|USA]] Template:Country data US
Born [[Birth Date:=1968-10-07|1968-10-07]]
[[Birth_City:=Jackson|Jackson]], [[Birth_State_Name:=Michigan|Michigan]], [[Birth_Country_Name:=United States|USA]] Template:Country data US
Known for Intellect, humor, and diplomacy
Occupation Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services
Contact 489 Lake George Circle
West Chester, PA  US  19382
[http://www.gregorykohs.com GregoryKohs.com] [mailto:thekohser@gmail.com Email] [http://insidemr.blogspot.com Blog (Inside Market Research)]
Reference Latitude: 39°56′22.5″N
Longitude: 75°36′42.4″W

Gregory J. Kohs is a marketing research practitioner and founder of Internet enterprises. He is the youngest child of four, born in Jackson, Michigan to Richard and Loretta Kohs. In 1981, he moved with his parents to Central Florida, settling in Winter Park, Florida.

Kohs now lives in West Chester, Pennsylvania with his wife, daughter, and a cantankerous beagle. Kohs serves on the board of directors of the Church of the Loving Shepherd, and he is a co-founder and director of the registered non-profit Internet Review Corporation.

Resume Information

In 1986, Kohs accepted a Dean's Scholarship (half tuition) to attend Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. Graduating magna cum laude in 1990 with a Bachelor's degree in History, Kohs accepted a Russell Conwell Fellowship (full tuition, plus annual stipend) to attend Temple University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There, he pursued a PhD degree which combined elements of Military History and Quantitative Methods in Geography. Simultaneously, he worked as a dormitory faculty member at the boys' boarding school, The School at Church Farm. After passing the comprehensive exams and completing work on about one-quarter of his dissertation (which was to have covered the aviation industry in Eastern European during the 1930's), Kohs opted to leave academia with his Masters degree to pursue a career in marketing research.

Having worked for three previous research firms (Data & Management Counsel, Research Works, and ICR), Kohs is now Director of Market Research at Comcast. His work includes mostly quantitative survey data collection among consumer audiences; however, some qualitative and/or commercial services initiatives are occasionally on his plate. Primary research areas include video (television), Internet, and digital voice (telephony), along with occasional forays into new products and services outside these particular arenas, such as 4G wireless data, home security, and others.

Kohs has recently expanded his reach into entrepreneurial ventures centering on wiki editing and optimization. [1] This includes the launch of his MyWikiBiz service.

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Consulting and speaking

Kohs is available for speaking engagements and press interviews, regarding the promises and perils of community-edited spaces on the Internet. He was invited to speak about wiki implementation at the annual conference of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy in July 2007, with his portion of the presentation available for download.

Greg Kohs’ presentation of wiki was both insightful and knowledgeable. I hope to have him return for further discussions on such an exciting emerging topic. -- Rebecca Morgan, Director of Communications, AACP

Associated Press photo, 2007.

The story of MyWikiBiz was broadly publicized in over 150 mainstream media outlets, including the Washington Post, USA Today, MSNBC.com, and the Chronicle of Higher Education, as well as a television appearance on the G4 TV network.

MyWikiBiz has a devoted interest in the success of the Semantic Web. We have the ability to communicate to complete novices the amazing advantages (and some disadvantages) of Semantic Web, or as it's also known -- Web 3.0.

Personal Information

I love many, many things. My wife and daughter are the most important parts of my life; and life is enjoyed best when I am experiencing the things I love with them. This would include travel, skiing, music, and food -- especially stone crab claws!

I also enjoy participating in Texas hold'em poker tournaments. Strange thing is, I enjoy directing a poker tournament just about as much as playing in one.


Click to see full screen capture
  • MSNBC gaffe: On March 22, 2007, MSNBC.com erroneously reported that Gregory Kohs was the "technology blogger" who Microsoft tried to pay to edit material on Wikipedia. Rick Jelliffe is correctly that blogger.
  • Television appearance: Speaking about Wikipedia and the phenomenon of "paid editing" on G4TV.
  • Medical publication: Kohs co-authored a study report for the American Journal of Roentgenology.


The following people, including their interests and their friends, have semantically tagged me as a friend:
<ASK Mainlabel="Friends" Header="show" Link="all"> Their Interests Their Friends [[Friend Of::Directory:Gregory J. Kohs]] </ASK>

Photo gallery

Music box

My favorite song by a garage band: Out of the Low Times by Alexi in Winter. <embed> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="340" height="60" id="divmp3" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.divshare.com/flash/divmp3.swf" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="flashVars" value="myFile=http://www.centiare.com/images/8/88/Out_of_the_Low_Times_by_Alexi_In_Winter.mp3&myTitle=Out of the Low Times&myLink=http://www.centiare.com/Image:Out_of_the_Low_Times_by_Alexi_In_Winter.mp3"><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="scale" value="noscale" /><param name="salign" value="lt" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><embed src="http://www.divshare.com/flash/divmp3.swf" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="lt" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="340" height="60" name="divmp3" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" wmode="transparent" flashVars="myFile=http://www.centiare.com/images/8/88/Out_of_the_Low_Times_by_Alexi_In_Winter.mp3&myTitle=Out of the Low Times&myLink=http://www.centiare.com/Image:Out_of_the_Low_Times_by_Alexi_In_Winter.mp3" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> </object> </embed>


Current news about "Gregory Kohs" (if any)

<feed url="http://news.search.yahoo.com/news/rss?p=Gregory+Kohs" entries="10"> [{PERMALINK} {TITLE}] {DESCRIPTION} {DATE} {AUTHOR} </feed>

Internal links

  • Directory:Gregory J. Kohs is "owned" by User:MyWikiBiz.
  • Gregory J. Kohs has contributed to the following Centiare articles:
    • Naval architecture in the Industrial Age

External links

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