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- |language = English ...led information about individual digital cameras and a feature that allows comparison of the digital cameras to each other.2 KB (249 words) - 22:41, 4 October 2009
- ...orld’s most populous country, has a literacy rate of about 96 percent. By comparison, Russia claims a 99 percent rate, Brazil’s rate is 92 percent, the United438 bytes (67 words) - 19:30, 2 January 2018
- | programming language = [[Tcl/Tk]] | language = English, German, Spanish, French, Dutch, Swedish, Russian,2 KB (269 words) - 16:58, 26 December 2009
- |language = English *[ Comparison of desktop search software]3 KB (416 words) - 03:47, 28 January 2010
- | programming language = [[C Sharp (programming language)|C#]] ...rsion. Nevertheless its initial design was innovative for that period - in comparison to other persistence frameworks on the market. Finally the team of develope6 KB (794 words) - 01:19, 29 May 2009
- | language = Fully Multilingual * Support for UTF-8 language files7 KB (944 words) - 17:04, 26 November 2009
- ...he world to refer to homosexual persons''' may vary greatly by culture and language. Some terms are derived from [[stereotype]]s, including terms alluding to [ ! Language !! Term !! class="unsortable" | Literal meaning !! align="left" | Style46 KB (5,735 words) - 20:36, 3 July 2009
- English, Spanish, French.....?<br><input type=text tabindex=10 name="language" size=32 value=""><p><b>Expires</b><br> Use "never" unless your site will e == Alexa Rank Comparison Tool ==83 KB (12,213 words) - 17:34, 16 September 2007
- ...s founded new concepts in the field of the non-verbal, beginning with body language, concepts which so far, had not yet been described: microscratchings. When Synergology is a means of deciphering the unconscious non-verbal language. The term « unconscious » is opened to numerous definitions because the c17 KB (2,430 words) - 18:23, 12 June 2009
-, Bulent and Ruth M. Townsley Stemberger. "The Effectiveness of Matching Language to Enhance Perceived Empathy." ''Communication & Cognition''. Vol 33(3-4), *Cheek demonstrated that NLP Milton Model language use is capable of reaching and influencing the unconscious mind by inducing19 KB (2,746 words) - 17:32, 25 September 2008
- ...the auxiliary subject is either an ''object'', an ''interpreter'', or a ''language'' to which the representation bears some [[relation (mathematics)|relation] ...arameter at the outset of theoretical work, and only gradually construct a language independent truth predicate by means of a careful theory of translation amo33 KB (4,956 words) - 22:18, 25 January 2008
- ...chments, missing software features, etc. You could even use a side-by-side comparison of the free and paid versions. 22. The "Viral Language" Strategy21 KB (3,524 words) - 19:12, 23 April 2008
- ...of Windows Vista that's right for you. Use this comparison table Use this comparison table to help you choose your edition.<a href=" KB (8,931 words) - 18:15, 21 April 2008
- ...other digit manipulations). The second class of ALU operations involves ''comparison'' operations: given two numbers, determining if they are equal, or if not e that computer's [[machine language]]. Using an already-popular machine language makes it much easier to run existing software on a new machine; consequentl39 KB (5,822 words) - 02:44, 11 December 2006
- ==Cactus Language== I will be making use of the ''cactus language'' extension of Peirce's Alpha Graphs, so called because it uses a species o134 KB (16,535 words) - 15:30, 11 October 2013
- ...and prostate cancer. We concluded that neither a disclaimer nor qualifying language would suffice to prevent consumer deception in these instances, where there70 KB (11,492 words) - 16:47, 2 May 2008
- ...mment''' Notable is a relative term. If there was a limit of like say each language encyclopedia gets 10,000 articles and no more, then this one and the follow it would mean deleting hundreds of thousands of articles in the English language. Let us not confuse being an encyclopedia in English with being one about t59 KB (9,273 words) - 14:11, 22 September 2007
- # The functional language of propositions # The logical language of sentences129 KB (17,728 words) - 22:14, 9 December 2015
- ...n]] of the [[predicate (grammar)|predicate]] '… is true' for a language that satisfies ''[[convention T]]'', the material adequacy condition laid d ...reatments of truth draw an important distinction at this point, though the language in which they draw it may vary. On the one hand there is a type of incompl81 KB (11,851 words) - 22:22, 25 January 2008
- ...n]] of the [[predicate (grammar)|predicate]] '… is true' for a language that satisfies ''[[convention T]]'', the material adequacy condition laid d ...reatments of truth draw an important distinction at this point, though the language in which they draw it may vary. On the one hand there is a type of incompl81 KB (11,851 words) - 18:53, 20 August 2007