Directory:Article Heaven/List of terms for gay in different languages

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Terms used around the world to refer to homosexual persons may vary greatly by culture and language. Some terms are derived from stereotypes, including terms alluding to pederasty. Many terms are derived from gay, the common word in English used to refer to homosexual men and women (homosexual women are also called lesbians).

Pejorative terms are also listed, which may derive from insults, homophobia, stereotypes, or religious stories such as Sodom and Gomorrah.

Language Term Literal meaning Style
Afrikaans moffie diminutive derogatory
Albanian gej gay neutral
Albanian homo from homosexual derogatory
Albanian pederast, pede pederast, attractive lad derogatory
Arabic لوطي (lūŧī) of Lot's people; Sodomite derogatory (religious)
Arabic مثلي (miθli) of the same neutral
Arabic منحرف (munħaraf) queer/out of line slightly derogatory
Arabic شاذ (shað) weird, queer, pervert neutral
Arabic خول (khawal) gay highly derogatory (Egypt)
Arabic متناك (metnak) assfucked very highly derogatory
Armenian միասեռամոլ (miaseramol) homosexual neutral
Bengali সমকামী shômokami, গে ge homosexual, gay neutral
Bulgarian хомо (homo), педераст, педал homo(sexual) slightly derogatory
Bulgarian педал (pedal) pedal derogatory
Chinese (Cantonese) 基佬 (gēi-lóu) 'basic' man (the Chinese character 基 (basic, pronounced: gēi) is phonetically similar to 'gay') slightly derogatory
Chinese (Cantonese) 屎忽鬼 (see-fat-gwai) butt ghost (referring to anal sex) derogatory
Catalan gai gay neutral
Catalan marieta alteration of "Mary" derogatory
Chinese (Mandarin) 同性戀 (tóngxìnglián) same-sex love/yearning neutral (technical; equivalent to English "homosexual")
Chinese (Mandarin) 同志 (tóngzhì) comrade neutral (informal; equivalent to English "gay"); a pun on Communist usage of the word
Chinese (Mandarin) 玻璃 (bōlī) glass, crystal derogatory
Czech teplouš warm slightly derogatory
Czech buzna/buzerant faggot derogatory
Czech bukvice beechnut slightly derogatory
Danish bæskubber feces-pusher derogatory; used for men
Danish bøsse gun neutral; used for men
Danish homo slang for homosexual neutral
Danish lebbe slang for "lesbian" neutral or slightly derogatory; used for women
Danish svans tail derogatory; used for men
Dutch homo or homoseksueel homosexual neutral
Dutch nicht niece slightly derogatory
Dutch poot paw derogatory
Dutch flikker (no litteral meaning) highly derogatory
Dutch reetroeier arse-rower highly derogatory (infrequently used)
Dutch bruinwerker brownhatter (lit. brown-worker) highly derogatory (infrequently used)
Dutch mietje abbreviation of 'sodomietje', litterally meaning sodomite slightly derogatory
Dutch pot pot (for lesbians) derogatory
Dutch tapet from French "tapette": fly swatter (Flemish only) derogatory
English gay joyous, cheery, bright, lively neutral
English queer strange slightly derogatory or neutral
English poofter (or poofta) an openly homosexual man very derogatory
English faggot, fag bundle of sticks or branches, cigarette, see faggot (wood) highly derogatory
English fruit fruit very derogatory or neutral
English fairy fairy slightly more derogatory or neutral
English batty boy Jamaican Creole, abbreviation of 'bottom' very derogatory, homosexual male
English buftie [1] Scottish, young homosexual man very derogatory; used for men
English dyke ? neutral or derogatory; used for women
English poof [2] (or puff) homosexual man derogatory
English queen [3] homosexual man neutral or derogatory; used for men
English fudge-packer (compressing faeces in anal sex) very derogatory; used for men
English fudge-nudger (nudging faeces in anal sex) very derogatory; used for men
English bum-bandit [4] (taking somebody from the rear) very derogatory; used for men
English turd-burgler [5] (similar to 'bum-bandit') very derogatory; used for men
English shirt-lifter [6] (lifting shirt to take from rear) very derogatory; used for men
English pillow-biter [7] (biting pillow during anal penetration) very derogatory; used for men
English minge-muncher [8] (lesbian giving cunnilingus) very derogatory; used for women
English carpet-muncher [9] (see 'minge-muncher') very derogatory; used for women
English brown-hatter [10] (describes faeces on glans-penis) very derogatory; used for men
English Chi-chi man [11] Jamaican slang for homosexual derogatory; used for men (can be adjusted for women)
English bender [12] (describes one who is 'bent') very derogatory; used for men
English teapot [13] (pot used for tea with spout likened to effeminate gesture) very derogatory; used for men
English sausage-jockey [14] (man who rides another man's penis) very derogatory; used for men
Esperanto geja gay (cf. gaja = joyous, cheery, bright, lively) neutral
Esperanto lesba lesbian neutral
Esperanto samseksama loving the same sex neutral
Esperanto samseksema tending to the same sex neutral
Estonian homo short for homosexual neutral
Estonian gei loanword: gay neutral
Estonian pede pederast derogatory; used for men
Estonian munniimeja dick sucker derogatory; used for men
Estonian suhuvõtja cocksucker derogatory; used for men
Estonian lilla diminutive of "flower" derogatory; used for men
Estonian pepuvend ass/arse buddy derogatory; used for men
Estonian vaibasööja rugmuncher derogatory; used for women
Faroese bøssi from the Danish word meaning "gun" neutral or slightly derogatory; used for men
Faroese homo slang for "homosexual" neutral or slightly derogatory
Faroese gjeikari ? neutral or slightly derogatory; used for men
Faroese lebbi slang for "lesbian" neutral or slightly derogatory; used for women
Faroese samkynd, samkyndur same-gendered neutral; used for women and men respetctively
Farsi/Persian كوني Kooni Arse giver derogatory
Finnish hintti, hinttari fag, faggot derogatory
Finnish hinuri tower (as in a person who tows) derogatory
Finnish lepakko bat (the animal) slightly derogatory; used for lesbians
Finnish ruskean reiän ritari knight of the brown hole highly derogatory
Finnish homo short of "homosexual" neutral
French folle feminine of "fou" derogatory
French tante, tata aunt, auntie derogatory
French tantouze augmentative of "tante" derogatory
French tapette flyswatter derogatory
French pédé pederast derogatory
French pédaloide pun on "pedals" and former derogatory
French enculeur assfucker derogatory
French enculé one who is assfucked mostly used as generic derogatory term, like "fucked-up"
French gouine "lesbienne" or dyke derogatory
French homo short of "homosexual" neutral or slightly derogatory
French il en est he's one of them slightly derogatory
French (Quebec) fifi, fif stereotypical name for a poodle derogatory
French (Quebec) grande same meaning as "folle" derogatory
French (Quebec) gai, gay gay neutral
German Schwanzlutscher cocksucker highly derogatory
German schwul warm, hot (cf. schwül which means warm and moist weather) neutral, formerly derogatory
German lesbisch lesbian (adjectiv) neutral
German Lesbe lesbian (noun) neutral
German Schwuchtel mock feminine of schwul derogatory
German Schwuppe Schwuler in northern Germany neutral
German Tunte (cf. "Tante" = aunt) used for effeminate men derogatory
German warmer Bruder lit. warm brother slightly derogatory, anachronism
German 175er see Paragraph 175 (law) archaic, slightly derogatory
Greek αδερφή (adherfí) sister (sissy) derogatory
Greek αρσενοκοίτης (arsenokítis) man who lies down with men derogatory, religious
Greek κίναιδος (kínedhos) shame-mover archaic, derogatory
Greek κουνιστός (kunistós) shaking derogatory for effeminate men
Greek λούγκρα (lúgra) gluttonous woman derogatory for men
Greek μπινές (binés) [from Turkish "ibne"] derogatory for men
Greek ντιγκιντάγκας (digidángas) making ding-dang sounds derogatory for men
Greek ξεφωνημένη (ksefoniméni) screaming woman derogatory for effeminate men
Greek πισωγλέντης (pisoghléntis) enjoys it from the back derogatory for men
Greek πούστης (poústis) faggot derogatory
Greek συκιά (sikiá) fig-tree slightly derogatory
Greek σαπφίδα (sapfídha) Sappho fan positive or neutral, literary
Greek τζιβιτζιλού (dzividzilú) [gay slang for lesbians] slightly derogatory
Greek τοιούτος (tiútos) of that kind old-fashioned, neutral
Greek τριβάδα (trivádha) rubber archaic, derogatory for women
Haitian gason makomè literally boy gossiper derogatory
Haitian masisi ? ?
Haitian sis kouler six colors (reference to rainbow) ?
Hawaiian māhū homosexual derogatory
Hebrew הומו (homo) homo(sexual) neutral for men
Hebrew גאה (m: ge'e, f: ge'a) proud slightly positive
Hebrew עליז (aliz) gay, happy, joyful neutral, anachronism
Hebrew מתרומם (mitromem) somebody who rises up derogatory
Hebrew אגזוזן (egzozan) tailpipe fitter derogatory
Hebrew נטחן (nithan) gets grinded derogatory
Hebrew אוכל בתחת (okhel batachat) eats through the behind (i.e., allows himself to be penetrated) derogatory
Hebrew נושך כריות (nosheh kariot) bites pillows derogatory
Hebrew מפליץ קוטג' (maflitz kotej) farts cottage derogatory
Hebrew אוחצ'ה (oh'cha) sister (loaned from Arabic) derogatory for effeminate men
Hebrew ויאז'ה (vieja) old woman (loaned from Spanish) derogatory for older gay men
Hebrew לסבית (lesbit) lesbian neutral for women
Hungarian buzi fag, sodomite (from German Buserant, originating indirectly from "Bulgarian" as "heretic") derogatory
Hungarian homokos sandy (but refers to the word "homosexual") derogatory
Hungarian köcsög jug, pitcher
(originating from a jail term for the passive party)
highly derogatory
Hungarian meleg warm neutral, PC
Icelandic hommi from "homosexuality" neutral, for men
Icelandic lesbía lesbian neutral, for lesbian
Icelandic samkynhneigð same sex orientation neutral, for men and women
Interlingua gay English loanword neutral
Inuktitut ᐊᖑᑕᐅᖃᑎᒥᓂᒃᑐᖅᑎᓘᓐᓃᑦ (angutauqatiminiktuqtiluunniit) gay/male prostitute derogatory
Inuktitut ᐊᕐᓇᐅᖃᑎᒥᓂᒃᑐᖅᑎᓘᓐᓃᑦ (arnauqatiminiktuqtiluunniit) lesbian/female prostitute derogatory
Inuktitut ᐊᓪᓚᑦ (allat) strangers derogatory
Inuktitut ᐊᕐᓈᓗᒃ (arnaaluk) bitch derogatory
Inuktitut ᐊᖑᑕᐅᖃᑎᒥᓂᒡᓘᓐᓃᑦ ᐊᕐᓇᐅᖃᑎᒥᓂᒡᓘᓐᓃᑦ ᐃᒃᖠᒍᓱᒃᑐᖅ (angutauqatiminigluunniit arnauqatiminigluuniit ikłigusuktuq) "homosexual" (literally 'male-male and female-female who has a craves or lust) neutral
Inuktitut ᒐᐃ (gai) loanword "gay" neutral
Inuktitut ᓖᓱᐱᐊᓐ(liisupian) loanword "lesbian" neutral
Irish aerach airy as "gay" (loan-translation from English) neutral
Irish piteog Effeminate man neutral or derogatory depending on usage
Italian frocio old term for the Swiss Pope guards in Rome derogatory
Italian culattone fat ass derogatory
Italian ricchione faggot derogatory
Japanese 同性愛者(dōseiaisha) homosexual person neutral
Japanese ゲイ(gei) "gay" neutral or positive; used for men
Japanese ホモ(homo) "homo(sexual)" highly derogatory; used for men
Japanese おかま, オカマ, お釜 (okama) cooking pot (originally a slang word for ass) highly derogatory; used for men
Japanese おなべ (onabe) pot derogatory; used for lesbians
Japanese おネエ, オネエ (onee) (older) sister positive; used for effeminate gay men
Japanese ビアン (bian) abbreviation of "レズビアン(rezubian)" positive; used for women
Japanese レズ (rezu) abbreviation of "レズビアン(rezubian)" derogatory; used for women
Japanese レズビアン (rezubian) "lesbian" neutral; used for women
Kalaallisut anguteqatiminnoortartut gay neutral
Kalaallisut arnateqatiminnoortartut lesbian neutral
Kalaallisut angutinoortoq gay derogatory
Kalaallisut homoq loanword "homosexual" neutral
Kalaallisut qiivappoq gay/happy neutral
Kalaallisut arnanoortoq lesbian neutral
Kalaallisut liisupeq/liisbeq loanword "lesbian" neutral
Korean 동성애자(dongseongaeja) homosexual person neutral
Korean 게이(ge-i) from English gay neutral or slight derogatory; used for men
Korean 호모(homo) from homosexual derogatory; used for men only
Korean 이반(ee-ban) the second common neutral(positive or PC)
Latvian pediņš faggot derogatory; used for men
Latvian pidars from pederast derogatory; used for men
Latvian pederasts pederast derogatory; used for men
Latvian zilais "blue boy" derogatory; used for men
Latvian homītis from homosexual derogatory; used for men
Latvian zarnu kūlējs derogatory; used for men
Latvian gejs from gay neutral, male
Latvian homoseksuālists from homosexual neutral, male
Latvian lesbiete from lesbian neutral, female
Latvian homoseksuāliste from homosexual neutral, female
Lithuanian gėjus gay neutral, male
Lithuanian gaidys rooster, also used for lowest caste of prisoners derogatory
Lithuanian pydaras, pyderastas, pydrila pederast derogatory
Lithuanian žydras(is) the baby-blue one neutral or slightly derogatory
Luxembourgish lénks left neutral or derogatory
Luxembourgish tatta aunty derogatory; used for effeminate men
Macedonian пешкир (peškir) towel derogatory
Malay manya drag queen slightly derogatory
Norwegian rompis play on the Norwegian word for comrade "kompis", rompis it therefore a friend of the ass derogatory; used for men
Norwegian skeiv crooked, as in not straight neutral
Norwegian traktorlesbe Tractor lesbian, often referring to butch woman wearing manly workingclothes derogatory; used for lesbians
Norwegian homse slang derived from "homo" neutral; used for men
Norwegian skinkerytter "ham-rider", straightforwardly someone who engages in anal sex derogatory; used for men
Norwegian bæsjdytter "poop-shover", straightforwardly someone who engages in anal sex derogatory; used for men
Norwegian bønnebryter "bean-breaker", straightforwardly someone who engages in anal sex derogatory; used for men
Polish gej gay neutral
Polish pedał pedal derogatory
Polish homoś a homo derogatory
Polish kochający inaczej the one who loves in a different way slightly derogatory
Polish ciota aunt (augmentative) derogatory
Polish pedzio diminutive of pedal derogatory
Polish pederasta pederast - assfucker derogatory
Polish lesba lesbian derogatory
Portuguese (rapaz/garoto) alegre, alegrete, alegrinho, gaiato, Gaius gay lad, merry boy somewhat neutral, jocose
Portuguese almofadinha a dandy, pansy, sissy slightly derogatory
Portuguese amante socrático Socratic lover neutral, jocose
Portuguese baitola fag, from the British pronuntiation of "bitola", a tool used in the construction of Northeastern railways in the 19th century derogatory
Portuguese Bambi Disney's character, deer = gay, a twinky bottom highly derogatory, jocose
Portuguese Barbie-Ken; rato-de-academia; bofe-Barbie big muscles gay, gay gym rat slightly derogatory, jocose
Portuguese biba, bibinha, bibete queer, camp, hoity-toity very highly derogatory
Portuguese bicha, bichete, bichinha a mammal's female, fag derogatory
Portuguese boiola used to designate delicate little boys, young lads working in theatrical sketches and musicals in the late 19th and early 20th century derogatory (Brazil)
Portuguese caminhoneira / truck dyke truck dyke slightly derogatory, somewhat neutral
Portuguese (sub)entendido implied, the understood one slightly derogatory, somewhat neutral
Portuguese enrustido closet case, closet queen derogatory
Portuguese fresco, afrescalhado (fresh, cool) a dandy, pansy, sissy slightly derogatory
Portuguese frutinha, fruta little fruit or fruit, camp slightly derogatory
Portuguese gay gay neutral
Portuguese gilete bisexual, bi-curious, double-edge blade, literally slightly neutral
Portuguese invertido, detour, parafílico inverted / deviated / paraphiliac old-fashioned
Portuguese lésbica, safista, sapho, tríbade lesbian, sapphist, tribade neutral
Portuguese lésbica baton & rímel, femme, femina, sapatinha mini saia, sandalinha femme, lipstick lesbian slightly derogatory, jocose
Portuguese mariquinha(s), marica(s) pussy, pansy; from Ancient Greek "Marikas", an Eupolis comedy derogatory
Portuguese paneleiro vendor of pots and pans highly derogatory (Portugal)
Portuguese roto torn derogatory (Portugal)
Portuguese queima-rosca the one who has anal sex, a bottom, passive role, literally translated "doughnut burner" derogatory
Portuguese sapatão, sapatona, numero 43, bico largo 42, botinão, mulher-macho, machona, virago dyke, virago, literally translated "huge manly shoes / manly boots" derogatory
Portuguese sodomita sodomite derogatory, old-fashioned
Portuguese travesti, traveco, boneca, mona, transex, transgênero, imitador do belo sexo, quase-mulher transvestite, tranny, shemale jocose, somewhat neutral
Portuguese uranista uranist neutral or derogatory
Portuguese veado, veadinho deer, little deer = a twinky bottom neutral or derogatory (Brazil)
Portuguese velcro, grudar/colar velcro; bate-bolacha, bate-biscoito; tesourinhas tribbing; "hook-and-loop fasteners sexgame"; "scissor sisters", tribadism, "mashing cookies" slightly derogatory, somewhat neutral, jocose
Quechua q'ewa gay/homosexual neutral
Romanian bulangiu from "bulan", police stick. Bulangiu also means "one that does not hold his part of a deal", and is more likely to be used with this meaning derogatory
Romanian poponar derived from popou, meaning "tooshie" highly derogatory
Romanian curist derived from cur, meaning "ass" derogatory
Romanian găozar derived from găoază/găoz, meaning "ass hole" derogatory
Romanian pe invers (adj.) Adjective meaning "on reverse" somewhat neutral
Russian пидор, пидорас (pidor, pidoras) faggot, pederast highly derogatory
Russian педик (pedik) a faggy (slightly) derogatory
Russian гей gay neutral
Russian гомосексуалист homosexualist sometimes neutral, sometimes derogatory
Russian голубой (goluboi) light blue (slightly) derogatory
Russian гомик (gomik) from 'homo' with deminutive suffix slightly derogatory
Russian гомосек (gomosek) derived from homo highly derogatory
Russian педераст (pederast) Until 1930s a law term used sometimes as neutral, sometimes as degoratory
Russian мужеложец (muzhelozhets) Soviet law term neutral
Russian жопотрах (zhopotrah) ass fucker highly derogatory
Russian говномес (govnomes) crap puddler highly derogatory
Russian хуесос (huesos) cock sucker highly derogatory and swearing
Russian лесбиянка, лес, лесок, лесёнок (lesbiyanka, les, lesok, lesyonok) derivied from lesbian somewhat neutral(1st one), endearment(when referring a tolerant one to a lesbian)
Russian лесбо, лесбуха, лесбище (lesbo, lesbuha, lesbische) lesbo, lesbian derogatory, last one is somewhat positive...
Serbian peder gay - word derived from pederast derogatory
Serbian homo homosexual derogatory
Serbian buljaš butty boy derogatory
Serbian peškir towel derogatory
Serbian gej gay neutral
Serbian lezbejka lesbian derogatory for woman
Serbian lezbača hard core lesbian very derogatory for woman
Shona Ngochani homosexual derogatory
Slovak buzerant/buzík faggot derogatory
Slovak gej gay neutral
Slovak homoš homo derogatory
Slovak štvorpercentný four-percent neutral
Slovak teploš faggot derogatory
Slovak teplý warm slightly derogatory
Slovene gej gay neutral
Slovene peder gay - word derived from pederast highly derogatory
Slovene toplovodar anachronistic, literally "warm-water person" very derogatory
Slovene ritopik anachronistic, literally "bottom-sting person" highly derogatory
Slovene tetka anachronistic, literally "auntie" derogatory
Slovene homo/homič homosexual derogatory
Slovene buzi/buzerant faggot very derogatory
Slovene lezbijka lesbian neutral or slightly derogatory for woman
Slovene lejzba hard core lesbian very derogatory for woman
Slovene lezbača hard core lesbian highly derogatory for woman
Spanish marica, mariquita, maricón alteration of "Mary" derogatory
Spanish sarasa bad-life-woman derogatory
Spanish bujarrón sodomite derogatory
Spanish loca, locaza feminine form of crazy derogatory
Spanish mariposón big butterfly derogatory
Spanish muerdealmohadas 'pillow-biter' derogatory
Spanish jamaicón from Jamaica derogatory
Spanish afrancesado As a french person neutral (Argentina)
Spanish puñal dagger highly derogatory (Mexico)
Spanish puto male prostitute highly derogatory (Latin America)
Spanish joto from the Jack on the card decks, named "joto", "la jota" in Mexican Spanish highly derogatory (Mexico)
Spanish de ambiente from the scene neutral
Spanish entendido the understood one neutral
Spanish pato duck derogatory (Panama, Puerto Rico, Venezuela)
Spanish plumifero 'with feathers' derogatory (Puerto Rico)
Spanish cueco unknown origin derogatory (Panama)
Spanish traganachos unknown origin derogatory (México)
Swedish bög crooked neutral, formerly derogatory
Swedish bajspackare fudge packer derogatory
Swedish fikus ficus derogatory
Swedish stjärtlymmel ass rascal derogatory
Swedish stjärtdykare ass diver derogatory
Tagalog bakla unknown; can also be used to describe things used by a male judged to be too effeminate (e.g. cosmetics, toiletries, clothing) neutral or slightly derogatory
Tagalog bading unknown neutral or slightly derogatory
Tagalog baklita unknown neutral or slightly derogatory
Tagalog binabae effeminate neutral
Tagalog vaklush unknown neutral or slightly derogatory
Tagalog vaklushii unknown neutral or slightly derogatory
Visayan monmon suck cock while being analed neutral or slightly derogatory
Turkish eşcinsel homosexual neutral
Turkish top ball derogatory
Turkish nonoş old meaning: "cute, dear", now slang for effeminate gays derogatory
Turkish yumuşak soft derogatory
Turkish ibne homosexual (Arabic lit. feminine form of 'son', like in German 'Sohnin') derogatory
Turkish kulampara Persian for 'boy lover', used for top gay men, particularly those who like younger persons archaic, derogatory
Welsh hoyw happy, jolly neutral
Urdu Gando Arse Giver derogatory
Urdu ہم جنس پرست Humjinsparast same gender believer neutral
Urdu لوطى Looti From Lot's people religious, derogatory
Vietnamese đồng tính luyến ái same-sex love neutral
Vietnamese đồng tính same-sex neutral
Vietnamese pê-đê pederasty derogatory
Vietnamese ô môi (lesbian) a kind of fruit derogatory
Vietnamese gay gay neutral
Vietnamese les lesbian neutral
Vietnamese xăng pha nhớt petrol/oil mixture derogatory
Vietnamese hai phai two phases derogatory
Vietnamese biến thái metamorphosis very derogatory
Vietnamese bóng shadow derogatory
Yiddish פֿײגעלע (feygele) "little bird" - a diminutive of bird (פֿויגל) veryderogatory
IsiZulu unqingili ? very derogatory

See also



Note: some of the translations given in the following pages are for "gay" in the traditional definition of "joyful"

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