
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday March 07, 2025
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Let us now recapitulate the story so far.  In effect, we have been carrying out a decomposition of the enlarged proposition E''J'' in a series of stages.  First, we considered the equation E''J''&nbsp;=&nbsp;<math>\epsilon</math>''J''&nbsp;+&nbsp;D''J'', which was involved in the definition of D''J'' as the difference E''J''&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;<math>\epsilon</math>''J''.  Next, we contemplated the equation D''J''&nbsp;=&nbsp;d''J''&nbsp;+&nbsp;r''J'', which expresses D''J'' in terms of two components, the differential d''J'' that was just extracted and the residual component r''J''&nbsp;=&nbsp;D''J''&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;d''J''.  This remaining proposition r''J'' can be computed as shown in Table&nbsp;47.
Let us now recapitulate the story so far.  In effect, we have been carrying out a decomposition of the enlarged proposition E''J'' in a series of stages.  First, we considered the equation E''J''&nbsp;=&nbsp;<math>\epsilon</math>''J''&nbsp;+&nbsp;D''J'', which was involved in the definition of D''J'' as the difference E''J''&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;<math>\epsilon</math>''J''.  Next, we contemplated the equation D''J''&nbsp;=&nbsp;d''J''&nbsp;+&nbsp;r''J'', which expresses D''J'' in terms of two components, the differential d''J'' that was just extracted and the residual component r''J''&nbsp;=&nbsp;D''J''&nbsp;&ndash;&nbsp;d''J''.  This remaining proposition r''J'' can be computed as shown in Table&nbsp;47.
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Table 47.  Computation of rJ
{| align="center" border="1" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" style="background:lightcyan; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; width:96%"
|+ Table 47.  Computation of r''J''
|                                                                               |
| rJ =       DJ        +       dJ                                            |
{| align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background:lightcyan; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; width:100%"
|                                                                               |
| width="6%"  | r''J''
| width="5%" | =
|                                                                               |
| align="center" width="20%" | D''J''
| DJ  = u v ((du)(dv)) +   u (v)(du) dv  + (u) v du (dv) + (u)(v) du dv  |
| width="3%"  | +
|                                                                               |
| align="center" width="20%" | d''J''
| dJ  = u v (du, dv)   +   u (v) dv      + (u) v du      + (u)(v) . 0   |
| width="46%" | &nbsp;
|                                                                               |
|                                                                               |
| rJ  = u v   du  dv    +   u (v) du  dv  + (u) v du  dv  + (u)(v) du dv  |
{| align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background:lightcyan; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; width:100%"
|                                                                               |
| width="6%"  | D''J''
| width="25%" | = ''u'' ''v'' ((d''u'')(d''v''))
| width="23%" | + ''u'' (''v'')(d''u'') d''v''
| width="23%" | + (''u'') ''v'' d''u'' (d''v'')
| width="23%" | + (''u'')(''v'') d''u'' d''v''
| width="6%"  | d''J''
| width="25%" | = ''u'' ''v''&nbsp;&nbsp;(d''u'', d''v'')
| width="23%" | + ''u'' (''v'') d''v''
| width="23%" | + (''u'') ''v'' d''u''
| width="23%" | + (''u'')(''v'') <math>\cdot</math> 0
{| align="left" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background:lightcyan; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; width:100%"
| width="6%"  | r''J''
| width="25%" | = ''u'' ''v''&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;d''u'' d''v''
| width="23%" | + ''u'' (''v'') d''u'' d''v''
| width="23%" | + (''u'') ''v'' d''u'' d''v''
| width="23%" | + (''u'')(''v'') d''u'' d''v''
As it happens, the remainder r''J'' falls under the description of a second order differential r''J''&nbsp;=&nbsp;d<sup>2</sup>''J''.  This means that the expansion of E''J'' in the form:
As it happens, the remainder r''J'' falls under the description of a second order differential r''J''&nbsp;=&nbsp;d<sup>2</sup>''J''.  This means that the expansion of E''J'' in the form:


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