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The process of creating a standardised Croatian language was incomplete. This is reflected in its labelling of the language as Croatian, Croatian-Serbo and the very unpopular Serbo-Croatian. This was a fundamental mistake made when political extremist ideology influenced decision-making regarding language and culture. It was an attempt at imitating Western imperial empire building egotism (a super Southern Slav State), which failed. <ref>[,+a+small+group+of+Croatians+(Illyrian+movement)+and+Serbian+representatives+signed+the+%22Vienna+agreement%22.+This+agreement+was+indeed+the+basis+and+the+start+of+the+regions+problems.&hl=en&gl=au&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiUqvX7PsU9eqoabBdAydnIJGhg51U28ot5XwTzQZDbK7bH-BgJ7fyGBN9H9SdJKGMzWprhDP9eE2AKI1AGvDD_AiTJpS-r-wJ6t_SQ-Vnzab_0q8mnDaQRty_pi92eS6e8YnzW&sig=AHIEtbSXRBZ8GEgv-6ybIMgyJPm3G06yBw LANGUAGE AND NATION: AN ANALYSIS OF CROATIAN LINGUISTIC NATIONALISM - A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of San Diego State (p43)]
The process of creating a standardised Croatian language was incomplete. This is reflected in its labelling of the language as Croatian, Croatian-Serbo and the very unpopular Serbo-Croatian. This was a fundamental mistake made when political extremist ideology influenced decision-making regarding language and culture. It was an attempt at imitating Western imperial empire building egotism (a super Southern Slav State), which failed. <ref>[,+a+small+group+of+Croatians+(Illyrian+movement)+and+Serbian+representatives+signed+the+%22Vienna+agreement%22.+This+agreement+was+indeed+the+basis+and+the+start+of+the+regions+problems.&hl=en&gl=au&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESiUqvX7PsU9eqoabBdAydnIJGhg51U28ot5XwTzQZDbK7bH-BgJ7fyGBN9H9SdJKGMzWprhDP9eE2AKI1AGvDD_AiTJpS-r-wJ6t_SQ-Vnzab_0q8mnDaQRty_pi92eS6e8YnzW&sig=AHIEtbSXRBZ8GEgv-6ybIMgyJPm3G06yBw LANGUAGE AND NATION: AN ANALYSIS OF CROATIAN LINGUISTIC NATIONALISM - A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of San Diego State (p43)]
{{Cquote|''Robert Greenberg, the foremost English-language scholar on South Slav languages, believes the root of the language polemic lies in the Vienna agreement of 1850, which “reversed several centuries of natural Abstand developments for the languages of Orthodox Southern Slavs and Catholic Southern Slavs.” (Greenberg 2004, 23) Croatians and Serbians came to the negotiating table with differing experiences. Serbian linguists were standardizing a single dialect of rural speech and breaking with the archaic Slaveno-Serbian heritage of the eighteenth century “Serbian enlightenment.” Early [[Croatia|Croat]] nationalists proposed a standard language based on a widely spoken dialect linked with the literature of the Croatian Renaissance. With an eye towards South Slav unity they also encouraged liberal borrowing from various dialects (Greenberg 2004, 24-26). This basic difference in approach created conflicts throughout the history of the South Slav movement and the Yugoslav state (Greenberg 2004, 48).'' }}</ref>
{{Cquote|''Robert Greenberg, the foremost English-language scholar on South Slav languages, believes the root of the language polemic lies in the Vienna agreement of 1850, which “reversed several centuries of natural Abstand developments for the languages of Orthodox Southern Slavs and Catholic Southern Slavs.” (Greenberg 2004, 23) Croatians and Serbians came to the negotiating table with differing experiences. Serbian linguists were standardizing a single dialect of rural speech and breaking with the archaic Slaveno-Serbian heritage of the eighteenth century “Serbian enlightenment.” Early [[Croatia|Croat]] nationalists proposed a standard language based on a widely spoken dialect linked with the literature of the Croatian Renaissance. With an eye towards South Slav unity they also encouraged liberal borrowing from various dialects (Greenberg 2004, 24-26). This basic difference in approach created conflicts throughout the history of the South Slav movement and the Yugoslav state (Greenberg 2004, 48).'' }}</ref>
*Statement made by the contemporary historian Dr Danijel Dzino ([[Australia|Australian]]  Research Council Australian Postdoctoral Fellow BA (Hons), MA, PhD Adelaide): {{Cquote| ''Medieval studies in Croatia and in most of the former Yugoslav space were firmly rooted in political history and suffered from isolationism and lack of interest in foreign scholarship.  In the [[Titoism and Totalitarianism|communist era]], especially after the 1960s, Marxist ideology and national and Yugoslav political-ideological frameworks  strongly impacted on the research into medieval history in Croatia '' <ref>[,+Becoming+Croat:+Identity+Transformations+in+Post-Roman+Medieval+studies+in+croatia&hl=en&ei=aEVLTZXLC5GevgPU26QW&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCoQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat:] Identity Transformations in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Dalmatia  by Danijel Dzino (p43)</ref>}}
*Statements made by the contemporary historian John Van Antwerp Fine (Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Michigan):{{Cquote|''Such substitutions of “Croat” for” Slav,” however, mislead the reader into believing something the sources do not tell...''<ref>[“Croat”+for”+Slav,”+however&hl=en&ei=oT-ITfy5CoPCvQOo56HZDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false When Ethnicity did not Matter in the Balkans:] by John Van Antwerp Fine (p11)</ref>
*Statements made by the contemporary historian John Van Antwerp Fine (Professor Emeritus of History at the University of Michigan) ethnic ambitions and Croatia hIstory:{{Cquote|''Such substitutions of “Croat” for” Slav,” however, mislead the reader into believing something the sources do not tell...''<ref>[“Croat”+for”+Slav,”+however&hl=en&ei=oT-ITfy5CoPCvQOo56HZDg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false When Ethnicity did not Matter in the Balkans:] by John Van Antwerp Fine (p11)</ref>
{{Cquote|''There is no justification to falsify history to support ethnic ambitions. The Croats and their Balkan neighbours have done this in a major way'' <ref>[ When Ethnicity did not Matter in the Balkans] by John Van Antwerp Fine (p15)</ref>}}}}
{{Cquote|''There is no justification to falsify history to support ethnic ambitions. The Croats and their Balkan neighbours have done this in a major way'' <ref>[ When Ethnicity did not Matter in the Balkans] by John Van Antwerp Fine (p15)</ref>}}}}


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