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18 bytes added ,  18:52, 1 September 2010
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=====  Syntactic Transformations=====
=====  Syntactic Transformations=====
We have been examining several distinct but closely related notions of indication.  To discuss the import of these ideas in greater depth, it serves to establish a number of logical relations and set-theoretic identities that can be found to hold among their roughly parallel arrays of conceptions and constructions.  Facilitating this task, in turn, requires a number of auxiliary concepts and notations.
We have been examining several distinct but closely related
notions of indication.  To discuss the import of these ideas
The diverse notions of indication presently under discussion are expressed in a variety of different notations, enumerated as follows:
in greater depth, it serves to establish a number of logical
relations and set-theoretic identities that can be found to
# The functional language of propositions
hold among their roughly parallel arrays of conceptions and
# The logical language of sentences
constructions.  Facilitating this task, in turn, requires
# The geometric language of sets
a number of auxiliary concepts and notations.
The diverse notions of "indication" presently under discussion
Correspondingly, one way to explain the relationships that exist among the various notions of indication is to describe the translations that they
are expressed in a variety of different notations, for example,
induce among the associated families of notation.  A good way to summarize the necessary translations between different styles of indication, and along the way to organize their use in practice, is by means of the "rules of syntactic transformation" (ROSTs) that partially formalize the translations in question.
the functional language of propositions, the geometric language
of sets, and the logical language of sentences.  Correspondingly,
one way to explain the relationships that exist among the various
notions of indication is to describe the "translations" that they
induce among the asssociated families of notation.  A good way to
summarize the necessary translations between different styles of
indication, and along the way to organize their use in practice,
is by means of the "rules of syntactic transformation" (ROST's)
that partially formalize the translations in question.
Rudimentary examples of ROST's are readily mined from the
Rudimentary examples of ROSTs are readily mined from the raw materials that are already available in this area of discussion.  To begin as near the beginning as possible, let the definition of an indicator function be recorded in the following form:
raw materials that are already available in this area of
discussion.  To begin as near the beginning as possible,
let the definition of an indicator function be recorded
in the following form:
| Definition 1.  Indicator Function              |
| Definition 1.  Indicator Function              |
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|                                                |
In practice, a definition like this is commonly used to substitute
In practice, a definition like this is commonly used to substitute one of two logically equivalent expressions or sentences for the other in a context where the conditions of using the definition in this way are satisfied and where the change is perceived as potentially advancing a proof.  The employment of a definition in this way can be expressed in the form of a ROST that allows one to exchange two expressions of logically equivalent forms for one another in every context where their logical values are the only consideration.  To be specific, the ''logical value'' of an expression is the value in the boolean domain %B% = {%0%, %1%} that the expression represents to its context or that it stands for in its context.
one of two logically equivalent expressions or sentences for the
other in a context where the conditions of using the definition
in this way are satisfied and where the change is perceived as
potentially advancing a proof.  The employment of a definition
in this way can be expressed in the form of a ROST that allows
one to exchange two expressions of logically equivalent forms
for one another in every context where their logical values are
the only consideration.  To be specific, the "logical value" of
an expression is the value in the boolean domain %B% = {%0%, %1%}
that the expression represents to its context or that it stands for
in its context.
In the case of Definition 1, the corresponding ROST permits one
In the case of Definition 1, the corresponding ROST permits one to exchange a sentence of the form "x in Q" with an expression of the form "-{Q}-(x)" in any context that satisfies the conditions of its use, namely, the conditions of the definition that lead up to the stated equivalence.  The relevant ROST is recorded in Rule 1.  By way of convention, I list the items that fall under a rule in rough order of their ascending conceptual subtlety or their increasing syntactic complexity, without regard for the normal or the typical orders of their exchange, since this can vary from widely from case to case.
to exchange a sentence of the form "x in Q" with an expression of
the form "-{Q}-(x)" in any context that satisfies the conditions of
its use, namely, the conditions of the definition that lead up to the
stated equivalence.  The relevant ROST is recorded in Rule 1.  By way
of convention, I list the items that fall under a rule in rough order
of their ascending conceptual subtlety or their increasing syntactic
complexity, without regard for the normal or the typical orders of
their exchange, since this can vary from widely from case to case.
| Rule 1                                          |
| Rule 1                                          |
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|                                                |
Conversely, any rule of this sort, properly qualified by the
Conversely, any rule of this sort, properly qualified by the conditions under which it applies, can be turned back into a summary statement of the logical equivalence that is involved in its application.  This mode of conversion between a static principle and a transformational rule, in other words, between a statement of equivalence and an equivalence of statements, is so automatic that it is usually not necessary to make a separate note of the "horizontal" versus the "vertical" versions of what amounts to the same abstract principle.
conditions under which it applies, can be turned back into a
summary statement of the logical equivalence that is involved
in its application.  This mode of conversion between a static
principle and a transformational rule, in other words, between
a statement of equivalence and an equivalence of statements, is
so automatic that it is usually not necessary to make a separate
note of the "horizontal" versus the "vertical" versions of what
amounts to the same abstract principle.
==Where I Left Off In June 2004==
==Where I Left Off In June 2004==


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