Normative science
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A normative science is a form of inquiry, typically involving a community of inquiry and its accumulated body of provisional knowledge, that seeks to discover good ways of achieving recognized aims, ends, goals, objectives, or purposes.
The three normative sciences, according to traditional conceptions in philosophy, are aesthetics, ethics, and logic.
Focal nodes
Peer nodes
- Normative Science @ InterSciWiki
- Normative Science @ MyWikiBiz
- Normative Science @ Subject Wikis
- Normative Science @ Wikiversity
- Normative Science @ Wikiversity Beta
Logical operators
Template:Col-breakTemplate:Col-breakTemplate:Col-endRelated topics
- Propositional calculus
- Sole sufficient operator
- Truth table
- Universe of discourse
- Zeroth order logic
Relational concepts
Information, Inquiry
Related articles
- Differential Logic : Introduction
- Differential Propositional Calculus
- Differential Logic and Dynamic Systems
- Introduction to Inquiry Driven Systems
- Prospects for Inquiry Driven Systems
- Inquiry Driven Systems : Inquiry Into Inquiry
Document history
Portions of the above article were adapted from the following sources under the GNU Free Documentation License, under other applicable licenses, or by permission of the copyright holders.
- Normative Science, InterSciWiki
- Normative Science, MyWikiBiz
- Normative Science, Semantic Web
- Normative Science, Wikinfo
- Normative Science, Wikiversity
- Normative Science, Wikiversity Beta
- Normative Science, Wikipedia