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require('Module:No globals');
local yesno = require('Module:Yesno')

local p = {} 
local g = {}         -- for parameters with global scope in this module
g.goalscorers = {}   -- table where selected and sorted players will be place
g.args = {}
g.totalGoals = 0
local data = {}      -- module subpage data -- require('Module:Goalscorers/data/UEFA Euro 2016 qualifying'); 

p.errorString = ""
function p.error_msg()
	if p.errorString ~= "" then
		return '<span style="font-size:100%" class="error">'
	         -- '<code style="color:inherit;border:inherit;padding:inherit;">&#124;_template=</code>'
	         .. p.errorString .. '</span>';
-- data for goals scored held in module subpages, e.g. "Module:Goalscorers/data/UEFA Euro 2016 qualifying"
      --[[ parameters containing data help in three tables
						data.rounds = {}   -- group, play-off
						data.goalscorers = {}    -- player, country, goals in each round)
						data.owngoalscorers = {} -- player, country, goals in each round)
						data.updated = {}        -- date of latest update (month, day, year)

--[[ ############################ Parameter handing  ###############################
      this section is currently unused
      will be used to take check parameters set in template

local function getArgs(frame)
	local parents = mw.getCurrentFrame():getParent()
	for k,v in pairs(parents.args) do
		--check content
		if v and v ~= "" then
			g.args[k]=mw.text.trim(v) --parents.args[k]
	for k,v in pairs(frame.args) do
		--check content
		if v and v ~= "" then
			g.args[k]= mw.text.trim(v)  --parents.args[k]
	-- allow empty caption to blank default
	--if parents.args['caption'] then templateArgs['caption'] = parents.args['caption'] end

--[[ ############################## Main function and other functions ######################

     main() - simple output of the data in the module in list form
function p.main(frame)
    local dataTarget =  g.args[1] or  g.args['data']
    if dataTarget then
        data = require('Module:Goalscorers/data/'.. dataTarget) --or 'UEFA Euro 2016 qualifying' 
    	return p.useModuleData(frame)  -- data on goals taken from module subpage
    	return p.useTemplateData(frame)  -- data on goals/assists taken from template
function p.useModuleData(frame)

    --p.goalscorers = {} -- table where selected and sorted players will be place
    g.totalGoals = 0
    p.selectGoalscorers() -- selected goalscorers meeting round and group criteris
-- CHANGEe: append own goals to list  (data will now include goals and own goals (negative))  
    p.sortGoalscorers() -- sort selected goalscorers by number of goal, then country
    local outputString = p.addIntroductorySentence() .. p.outputGoalscorers(frame) .. p.addFooterSentence()
--                      .. ""              --TODO add intermediate heading?
--                      .. p._owngoals(frame)  -- output list of goalscorers
    return p.error_msg() or outputString
function p.addIntroductorySentence()          -- add introductory text
	local totalGoalString = "A total of " .. g.totalGoals .. " goals were scored."
	--There were [has been|have been|was|were] #GOALS goal(s) scored in #MATCHES match(s), for an average of #GOALS/#MATCHES per match.
	local matches, dateUpdated = p.getNumberMatches()
	local mdyFormat = yesno(g.args['mdy'])
	local Date = require('Module:Date')._Date
	local pluralGoals = "s"
	local text1 = ""
	if g.totalGoals == 1 then
		pluralGoals = ""
		if dateUpdated == 'complete' then text1 = "was" else text1 = "has been" end
		if dateUpdated == 'complete' then text1 = "were" else text1 = "have been" end
	local text = string.format("There %s %s goal%s scored", text1, mw.getLanguage('en'):formatNum(g.totalGoals), pluralGoals)
	local pluralMatches = "es"
	if matches==1 then pluralMatches = "" end
	if matches then
		local average = g.totalGoals/tonumber(matches)
		local precision = 3                        -- display d.dd (three significant disgits)
		if average < 1 then precision = 2 end      -- display 0.dd (thwo significant disgits)
		average = tostring (average)

		local pluralAverage = "s"
		if  tonumber(string.format("%.2f",average))==1 then pluralAverage = "" end
	    text = text .. string.format(" in %d match%s, for an average of %."..precision.."g goal%s per match", matches, pluralMatches, average, pluralAverage)
	if dateUpdated == 'complete' or dateUpdated == "" then
	    text = text .. "."
		local dateFormat =  'dmy'                                                       -- default
		if data.params and data.params['date_format'] then dateFormat = data.params['date_format'] end  -- from data module
		if mdyFormat == true then dateFormat = "mdy" else
			if mdyFormat == false then dateFormat = "dmy" end   -- template param overrides
	    text = text .. " (as of " .. Date(dateUpdated):text(dateFormat) .. ")."
	text = p.addAdditionHeaderText(text, dateUpdated)  -- handles template parameters bold, further, extra

	return text --totalGoalString 
function p.addFooterSentence()                 -- add notes at bottom
    local footerSentence = g.args['footer'] or ""
    --footerSentence = "This is a footer sentence."               -- test footer
    if data.params then
    	local footer = data.params['footer'] or nil
	    if footer then
	    	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	    	local processed = frame:preprocess(footer)
	    	if g.notes then
	    		footerSentence  = footerSentence  .. processed
    if footerSentence ~= "" then
    	footerSentence = '<div style = "" >' .. footerSentence .. '</div>'
    return footerSentence
function p.getNumberMatches()
   	local matches = g.args['matches']
   	local dateUpdated = data.updated['date'] or "1700-01-01" --'complete' -- assume completed if missing
    local round = g.args['round'] or "all"    -- round =  all(empty)|group|playoffs
    local group = g.args['group'] or "all"     -- group =  all(empty), A,B,C etc  
    local allGroupGames = 0
    local latestGroupDate = "1800-01-01" 
    if round == "all" or group == "all" then           -- count all the group games
    	for k,v in pairs( do
    		allGroupGames = allGroupGames + v[1]
    		if v[2] ~= "complete" and v[2] > latestGroupDate then latestGroupDate = v[2] end -- update if later date
    	if latestGroupDate == "1800-01-01" then latestGroupDate = "complete"  end -- no dates so must be complete

	if round == "all" then                                       -- all rounds and goals
        for k,v in pairs(data.updated) do 
            if k == "group" then
        		matches = matches + allGroupGames
    	     	if latestGroupDate ~= "complete" and latestGroupDate > dateUpdated then 
    	     		dateUpdated = latestGroupDate                -- update if later date
        		matches = matches + v[1]
    		    if v[2] ~= "complete" and v[2] > dateUpdated then dateUpdated = v[2] end -- update if later date
	elseif round == "group" then                                  -- group round only
	    if group == "all" then                            
		   matches = allGroupGames
		   dateUpdated = latestGroupDate  
		else                                                      -- single group only
           matches     =[group][1]                 -- number matches
           dateUpdated =[group][2]                 -- update date or completed
	else                                                          -- any other round
       matches     = data.updated[round][1]                           -- number matches
       dateUpdated = data.updated[round][2]                           -- update date or completed
    if dateUpdated == "1700-01-01" then dateUpdated = "complete"  end -- no dates so must be complete

   	return matches, dateUpdated

function p.owngoals(frame) -- need to check parameters if external call
    data = require('Module:Goalscorers/data/'.. g.args[1]) --or 'UEFA Euro 2016 qualifying' 

    local outputString = p._owngoals(frame)
    return  p.error_msg() or outputString
function p._owngoals(frame) -- internal call for own goals

    --p.goalscorers = {} -- table where selected and sorted players will be place
    p.selectGoalscorers("OG") -- selected goalscorers meeting round and group criteris
    p.sortGoalscorers() -- sort selected goalscorers by number of goal, then country

    return p.outputGoalscorers(frame, "OG") -- output list of goalscorers

-- select players meeting round and goal criteria
function p.selectGoalscorers(og)

    --data = require('Module:Goalscorers/data/'.. g.args[1]) --or 'UEFA Euro 2016 qualifying' 
    local goalMinimum = tonumber(g.args['minimum']) or -5  -- assume 5 own goals is maximum
    -- select all players with goals totals for appropriate rounds
    local round = g.args['round'] or "all"    -- round =  all(empty)|group|playoffs
    local group = g.args['group'] or "all"     -- group =  all(empty), A,B,C etc  

    local goalsCol = p.getGoalsCol(round) -- 4          -- first column for goals
    --local groupCol =  3         -- default column for group
    if round then
    --	goalsCol = data.rounds[round] or data.rounds[1] or 4  -- get column containing goals for that round or first round listed if all
    --groupCol =[round] or 3    -- get column containing goals for that round
    -- select players who have scored in rounds/groups requested
    local goalscorerData = data.goalscorers
    if og == "OG" then goalscorerData = data.owngoalscorers end
    for k,v in pairs(goalscorerData) do
        local goals, comment = 0, ""                         -- goals > 0 is the flag to include the player
        local playerName, playerAlias = p.getPlayer(v[1])                -- player name
        local goalsByRound, commentByRound = 0, ""
		if round == "all" then                                                   -- all rounds and goals
		    --local i = 4
		    for i = goalsCol, #v, 1 do        --or while i <= #v do
		    	goalsByRound, commentByRound = p.getGoals( v[i] , playerName)
		    	goals = goals +   goalsByRound              --TODO use getGoals on round options
		    	if commentByRound ~= "" then
			    	if comment == "" then
			    		comment = commentByRound 
			    		comment = comment .. "," .. commentByRound  --TODO decide on comma or semi-colon
		    	i = i+1
		elseif round == "group" then                                          -- group round only
		    --if group == v[groupCol] then                             -- single group only 
		    if group == p.getGroup(v[2], v[3]) then                         -- single group only 
				goals, comment = p.getGoals( v[goalsCol] , playerName)
			elseif group == "all" then                                 -- any group
				goals, comment = p.getGoals( v[goalsCol] , playerName)
			else   -- do nothing for other groups
		--elseif round == "playoffs" then                                   -- playoff round (redunant?)
		--	   goals = v[goalsCol]
		else                                                              -- any other round
			   goals, comment = p.getGoals( v[goalsCol] , playerName)        -- should also handle playoffs
	    if goals >= goalMinimum and goals ~= 0 then
	    	   if comment ~= "" then 
	    	   	  if og == "OG" then 
	    	   	  	comment = '<span> (' .. p.sortComment(comment) .. ')</span>' 
	    	   	  	comment = '<span>' .. comment .. '</span>'   -- no parenthesis when using notes
	    	   if og == "OG" then goals = -goals end  -- make owngoals negative numbers
			   g.goalscorers[#g.goalscorers+1] = { player=playerName, alias=playerAlias,
			   --g.totalGoals = g.totalGoals + math.abs(goals)    -- increment total goal counter	                                  
	    g.totalGoals = g.totalGoals + math.abs(goals)    -- increment total goal counter
    --return p.goalscorers -- it is available anyway
--[[ get column for round or first round listed if "all" 
      -allows group column to be omitted from player table when group table provided ]]
function p.getGoalsCol(round)
    if round == "all" then  -- if all need column of first round
       for k,v in pairs(data.rounds) do
       	  return v; -- return the first one
    return  data.rounds[round] or 4  -- get column containing goals for that round or first round listed if all
--[[ get group from group table or from player table     ]]
function p.getGroup(country, possibleGroup)             -- row contain player name, country code, group if given, goals
	if data.groups then
       for k,v in pairs(data.groups)  do  -- iterate through the groups
            --local = gotGroup = false
    		for j,u in pairs(v) do       -- for each group
    		   if u == country then
    		   	  return k
        return "no group found"
    	return possibleGroup -- no group table, so assume column three contains the group
--[[ get number of goals and any associated comment
      the goals can be a single number (the usual case)
        or as an option table (e.g. for own goals): { number of own goals, comma-delimited list of opponents }
    - if the entry is a table, we want the first entry (a number) and the second (comment string)
    - otherwise, if a number, we just want the number and an empty string
function p.getGoals (u, player)
	if type(u) == 'table' and type(u[1]) == 'number' then
		return u[1], u[2]            -- return number of goals, comment
	elseif type(u) == 'number' then
		return u, ""                 -- return number of goals, empty string
		p.errorString = p.errorString .. " Invalid goals entry for player " .. player
		return 0, ""
function p.parseComment(comment)
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()

	-- we have something like "{{efn-ua|name=goals}}"
	if string.find(comment, "efn" , 1 , true ) then       -- if we have a comment with a note
		g.notes = true                                    -- set flag
	return frame:preprocess(comment)

function p.getPlayer(u)
	if type(u) == 'table'  then
		if type(u[1]) == 'string' and type(u[2]) == 'string' then
			--[[if #u[2] >1 then 
				p.errorString = p.errorString  .. "\n\nWe have u[1]=" .. u[1] .. " and u[2]=" .. u[2]
			return u[1], u[2]            -- return player name, player sorting alias
			p.errorString = p.errorString .. " Invalid name entry for player " .. u[1] .. ", " .. u[2] 
			return "", ""     --TODO errroer
	elseif type(u) == 'string' then
		return u, ""                 -- return player name
		p.errorString = p.errorString .. " Invalid name entry for player " .. u or u[1] or "unknown"
		return "", ""
--[=[ function p.preprocessSortName()
      stripp off wikitext [[ and ]]
      force to lowercase
      change special characters to standard letters
function p.preprocessSortName (name)
	name = string.gsub(name, "%[%[", "")              -- strip off [[ and ]]
	name = string.gsub(name, "%]%]", "")
    --name =string.lower(name)                          -- force lower case and return
    name = mw.ustring.lower(name)                       -- use unicode function

	local specialChars = {                            -- list of special characters and replacement pairs
		                   { "ı", "i" } , { "İ", "i" } , { "ß", "ss" },
		                   { "ý", "y" } , { "ř", "r" } , { "ő", "o" },
		                   { "é", "e" } , { "è", "e" } , { "þ", "th" },
		                   { "ē", "e" } , { "ņ", "n" } , { "č", "c" },
		                   { "ū", "u" } , { "ž", "z" } , { "æ", "ae" },
		                   { "å", "a" } , { "ø", "o" } , { "ą", "a" },
		                   { "ń", "n" } , { "ł", "l" } , { "ã", "a" },
		                   { "ș", "s" } , { "š", "s" } , { "í", "i" },
		                   { "á", "a" } , { "ä", "a" } , { "ć", "c" },
		                   { "ç", "c" } , { "ğ", "g" } , { "ö", "o" },
		                   { "ë", "e" } , { "ú", "u" } , { "ó", "o" },
		                   { "ð", "d" } , { "ü", "u" } , { "ű", "u" },
		                   { "ā", "a" } , { "ī", "i" } , { "đ", "d" },
		                   { "ă", "a" } , { "â", "a" } , { "ż", "z" },
		                   { "ț", "t" } , { "ş", "s" } , { "ś", "s" },
		                   { "ǎ", "a" } , { "ě", "e" } , { "ů", "u" },
		                   { "ĕ", "e" } , { "ñ", "n" } , { "ď", "d" },
		                   { "ï", "i" } , { "ź", "z" } , { "ô", "o" },
		                   { "ė", "e" } , { "ľ", "l" } , { "ģ", "g" },
		                   { "ļ", "l" } , { "ę", "e" } , { "ň", "n" },
		                   { "ò", "o" }
    for k,v in pairs(specialChars) do                 -- replace special characters from supplied list
    	name = string.gsub(name, v[1], v[2])

	return name                     
--[[ return the name for sorting 
       return supplied alias name for sorting
          checks for pipe (redirect) and uses name after pipe
          splits name into words
             returns first name if only name (e.g. Nani)
             otherwise returns name in format second_name [.. last name], firstname
function p.getPlayerSortName (playerName, sortName, countryName)
			--dewikify all names before sorting, also forces lowercase
	playerName = p.preprocessSortName(playerName)
	sortName = p.preprocessSortName(sortName)
	if sortName ~= "" then                           -- if we have a sort name supplied
		return sortName                              --            then return it
	-- players from certain countries will use name in order supplied
	local noSort = { "CAM", "CHN", "TPE", "MYA", "PRK", "KOR", "VIE" }
	for k,v in pairs(noSort) do 
		if v == countryName then
			return playerName
	-- else work it out from the supplied player name
    -- we don't want to test the name in a redirect, so get name after pipe if there is one
    if string.find (playerName, "|") then                 -- test for redirect
      	local names = mw.text.split( playerName, "|")    
       	playerName = names[2]                               -- get name after pipe

    local names = mw.text.split( playerName, " ") -- we don't want to sort on first name
	if #names == 1 then
		return names[1]                             -- return name of single name player
		-- we will assume the second name is the sort name e.g, Joe Bloggs, Jan van Bloggen
		local name = names[2]                   -- set name to second name e.g. Bloggs or van
		local i=3
		while i <= #names do                       -- any addition names e.g. Bloggen
			name= name .. names[i]
		name = name .. ", " .. names[1]           -- add first name e.g. Joe or Jan
		return name                                -- sort on second name third name etc, first name	

-- sort the list of countries alphabetically
function p.sortComment(comment)

	local items = mw.text.split( comment, ",")         -- split comma-delimited list

    for k,v in pairs(items) do 
    	items[k] = mw.text.trim(v)                          -- trim spaces and coe
	table.sort(items, function(a,b) return a<b end)         -- sort the table alphbetically

	local list = "against "                    -- construct the alphabetical list string
	for i=1, #items do
		local sep =  ", "                              -- separator for comma-delimited list
		if i==1 then sep = ""                          -- first word doesn't need comma
		elseif i==#items then sep = " & "            -- use "and" before last word
		list = list .. sep .. items[i]
	return list
function p.getCountryName(country)
	if string.len(country) == 3 then      -- if the country given as a three-letter code
		local codes = require('Module:Goalscorers/data/Country codes')
	    for k,v in pairs(codes.alias) do 
    	   if v[1] == country then
    	   	   return v[2]
	    return country                    -- return the country name as is
--[[ sort goalscorers by goals, country and name
        the sort first sorts by number of goals
        when these are equal, it sorts by country
        when these are equal, it sorts by name
        Note: the name sort is on the first name
               - a split of the name and sort on the last name is possible
               - however, this would be complicated by Dutch (e.g. Stefan de Vrij) and Spanish names
               - would sort on second name be better
function p.sortGoalscorers()
    local sort_function = function( a,b )
		    if (a.goals > b.goals) then                -- primary sort on 'goals' -> a before b
		        return true
		    elseif (a.goals < b.goals) then            -- primary sort on 'goals' -> b before a
		        return false
		    else -- a.goals == b.goals 		           -- primary sort tied, 
		        --return <         -- resolve with secondary sort on 'country'
			    local country_a = p.getCountryName(  -- sort on name of country, not the code
			    local country_b = p.getCountryName(
			    if (country_a < country_b) then        -- secondary sort on 'country'
			        return true
			    elseif (country_a > country_b) then    -- secondary sort on 'country'
			        return false
			    else -- == 		   -- secondary sort tied, 

			        --return a.player < b.player         --resolve with tertiary sort on 'player' name
                    local player_a = p.getPlayerSortName(a.player, a.alias, -- get player name for sorting
                    local player_b = p.getPlayerSortName(b.player, b.alias,
                    return player_a < player_b      -- 
                     --local test_a, test_b = a.player, b.player

                   -- we don't want to test the name in a redirect, so get name after pipe if there is one
                    if string.find (a.player, "|") then                 -- test for redirect
                    	local names = mw.text.split( a.player, "|")    
                    	test_a = names[2]                               -- get name after pipe
                    if string.find (b.player, "|") then
                    	local names = mw.text.split( b.player, "|")
                    	test_b = names[2]
			        local names_a = mw.text.split( test_a, " ") -- we don't want to sort on first name
			        local names_b = mw.text.split( test_b, " ") --     so split names 
			        if not names_a[2] then names_a[2] = test_a end -- for players with one name
			        if not names_b[2] then names_b[2] = test_b end
			        return names_a[2] < names_b[2]      -- sort on second name
    table.sort(g.goalscorers, sort_function)

function   p.tabulateGoalscorers(frame, og) 
    -- ==============output the lists of goalscorers by goal======================
    local goalNumber = 1000
    local maxRank = tonumber(g.args['maxrank'] or 10)  -- limit list top ten or value in parameter maxrank
    local rank = 1
    local playerCount = 0
    local rankCount = 0
    local playerCells = ""
    local firstplayerCell = ""

    local tableString = '\n{| class="wikitable"'                                           -- start table 
                         ..'\n|-' .. '\n!Rank !! Player !! Goals'                          -- add table headers
    if g.args['header'] then tableString = tableString .. '\n|+ ' .. g.args['header']  end -- add header       
    for j,u in pairs(g.goalscorers) do    -- run through sorted list of selected goalscorers
    	-- is the player active still?
    	local playerActive = false
    	if data.active_countries then
    		for k,v in pairs(data.active_countries) do
    		  if v == u['country'] then
    		  	playerActive = true
    	local _,roundStatus = p.getNumberMatches()
    	if roundStatus == "complete" then playerActive = false end  -- overrides active_countries
    	-- wikitext for tablulated list    
       	local goalscorerString = p.addLinkedIcon(frame, u['country'])    -- linked flag icon    
    	if playerActive and g.args['bold']~='no' then
    		goalscorerString = goalscorerString  .. " '''" .. u['player'] .. "'''>"    -- bolded name
   		    goalscorerString = goalscorerString  .. " " .. u['player']                  -- name
    	goalscorerString = goalscorerString  .. u['comment']                -- comment for o.g.

       -- we have a goalscorer
        playerCount = playerCount + 1
        rankCount = rankCount + 1
    	if u['goals'] < goalNumber then         -- player belongs to rowspan for new number of goals
    		                                    -- need to generate code for the previous rowspan (if there is one)
    		                                    -- then start the counts and player list for the new one
	        if playerCount == 1 then
	        	firstplayerCell = '\n|' .. goalscorerString           -- if first player in list just create cell and set goals
	        	goalNumber = u['goals']
	        	--rank = 1
	        	rankCount = 0
	        else    	                                              -- else generate previous rowspan
		        local rowSpan = rankCount
		        if playerCount > maxRank * 1.5 then
		        	firstplayerCell = '\n| style="font-style:italic;text-align:center;"|' .. rankCount .. " players"
		        	playerCells = ""
		        	rowSpan = 1
		        tableString = tableString .. '\n|-\n| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="' .. rowSpan .. '"|' .. rank 
		        --if rankCount > 1 then tableString = tableString  .. "=" end  -- adds equals when rank shared
		        tableString = tableString .. firstplayerCell 
		        tableString = tableString .. '\n| style="text-align:center;" rowspan="' .. rowSpan .. '"|'  ..  goalNumber
		        tableString = tableString .. playerCells

		        rank = rank + rankCount	
		        if rank > maxRank  then break end -- limit list top ten or value in parameter
		        rankCount = 0
	   			goalNumber = u['goals']
	   			firstplayerCell = '\n|' .. goalscorerString   -- set first player cell for next rowspan
	   			playerCells = ""
        else                                                                      -- else another player with same number of goals
        	playerCells = playerCells .. '\n|-' .. '\n|' .. goalscorerString      -- add to player cell list
    end -- reached end of list of goalscorers

	if tableString ~= "" then
        tableString = tableString .. "\n|}"
		return  tableString
		return ("No goals matching requested criteria.")
function   p.outputGoalscorers(frame, og) -- output list of goalscorers
    if g.args['table'] then return p.tabulateGoalscorers(frame, og) end  -- optional table output
    local outputString = ""	
    if og == "OG" then   end

    -- ==============output the lists of goalscorers by goal======================
    local goalNumber = 1000
    --local goalMinimum = tonumber(templateArgs['minimum']) or 0
    local listOpen = false -- flag for list started by template {{Div Col}} 
    for j,u in pairs(g.goalscorers) do    -- run through sorted list of selected goalscorers
    	--if u['goals'] < goalMinimum then break end -- limit list to goals over a threshold (now handled in select goalscorers)
    	if u['goals'] < goalNumber then         -- start new list of new number of goals
    		if listOpen then                    -- if an open list, close last list
    			outputString = outputString .. p.closeList(frame) 
    			listOpen = false -- redundant as will be set true again
    		goalNumber = u['goals']
    		local goalString = " goal"
    		--if og == "OG" then 	
    		if goalNumber < 0 then
    			goalString = " own" .. goalString 
    		if  math.abs(u['goals']) ~= 1 then goalString = goalString .. "s" end

    		outputString = outputString .. "\n'''" .. math.abs(u['goals']) .. goalString .. "'''"   -- list caption
    		outputString = outputString .. p.openList(frame,og) --start new list
    		listOpen = true
    		--goalNumber = u['goals']
    	-- is the player active still?
    	local playerActive = false
    	if data.active_countries then
    		for k,v in pairs(data.active_countries) do
    		  if v == u['country'] then
    		  	playerActive = true
    	local _,roundStatus = p.getNumberMatches()
    	if roundStatus == "complete" then playerActive = false end  -- overrides active_countries
    	-- wikitext for bullet list    
       	local goalscorerString = '\n*<span>' .. p.addLinkedIcon(frame, u['country'])    -- linked flag icon    
    	if playerActive and g.args['bold']~='no' then
    		goalscorerString = goalscorerString  .. " <b>" .. u['player'] .. "</b>"    -- bolded name
   		    goalscorerString = goalscorerString  .. " " .. u['player']                  -- name
    	goalscorerString = goalscorerString  .. u['comment']   .. '</span>'             -- comment for o.g.
    	outputString = outputString .. goalscorerString   --  .. " " .. tostring(u['goals'])

    end -- reached end of list of goalscorers

	if outputString ~= "" then
	    outputString = outputString .. p.closeList(frame)

		return outputString
		return ("No goals matching requested criteria.")

-- output icon linked to national team page
function p.addLinkedIcon(frame, country)
	local icon = data.templates['flag_icon_linked']         -- fbicon etc set in data module
	local level = data.templates['youth_level']  or ""           -- parameter for youth level, ie under-21
    -- equivalent to  {{fbicon|country}}     
    local flagVariant = ""
    if data.templates.flagvar and data.templates.flagvar[country] then
    	flagVariant = data.templates.flagvar[country] 
    if level ~= "" then 
    	return frame:expandTemplate{ title = icon , args = { level, country, flagVariant } }   
    	return frame:expandTemplate{ title = icon , args = { country, flagVariant } }     -- flag icon
-- formatting of list under each number of goals
function p.openList(frame,og)

	return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag{
		name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = 'Div col/styles.css' }
	} .. '<div class="div-col" style="column-width:25em;">' -- perhaps add "column-count:3;"" to limit max number of columns?
function p.closeList(frame)
   return '</div>'
function p.firstToUpper(str)
    return (str:gsub("^%l", string.upper))

-- handles parameters bold, further, extra
function p.addAdditionHeaderText(text, dateUpdated)
    if g.args['inlineref'] then
    	text = text .. g.args['inlineref']
    if g.args['bold'] and g.args['bold']~='no' then
    	text = text .. " Players highlighted in '''bold''' are still active in the competition."
    if g.args['further'] then
    	if text ~= "" then text = text .. " " end
    	text = text .. g.args['further']
    if g.args['extra'] then
    	text = text .. "\n\n" .. g.args['extra']
    return text
-- count number of goals for data in template
function p.countGoals(list, number, totalGoals)

    local split = mw.text.split( list, "\n", true )  -- split the list for number of goals scorers with N goals
    local count = #split  * math.abs(number)         -- calculate number of goals (including own goals)
    totalGoals = totalGoals + count
    --mw.addWarning( "Entry: " .. list  .. "[" .. count .. "]")

	return totalGoals 

--[[ use data supplied by template 

--function p.list(frame)
function p.useTemplateData(frame)
    --[[ {{{#if:{{{assists|}}}||There 
                  {{#if:{{{ongoing|}}}|{{#ifexpr:{{{goals}}}=1|has|have}} been
                  |{{#ifexpr:{{{goals}}}=1|was|were}}}} {{{goals}}} 
                  {{#ifexpr:{{{goals}}}=1|goal|goals}} scored{{#if:{{{players|}}}|&nbsp;by {{{players}}} 
                  {{#ifexpr:{{{players}}}=1|player|different players}}
                  {{#if:{{{own goals|}}}|&nbsp;(with {{{own goals}}} of them credited as {{#ifexpr:{{{own goals}}}=1|an own goal|own goals}})|}}|}} in {{{matches}}} 
                  {{#ifexpr:{{{matches}}}=1|match|matches}}, for an average of {{#expr:{{{goals}}}/{{{matches}}} round 2}} 
                  {{#ifexpr:({{{goals}}}/{{{matches}}} round 2)=1|goal|goals}} per match
                  {{#if:{{{updated|}}}|&nbsp;(as of {{{updated}}})}}.}}{{#if:{{{bold|}}}|{{#if:{{{assists|}}}||&nbsp;}}
                  Players highlighted in '''bold''' are still active in the competition.
    local statNumber = g.args['goals'] or g.args['assists'] or 0
    local matches = g.args['matches']
    local statType = "goal"
    if g.args['assists'] then statType = "assist" end
    if g.args['clean sheets'] then statType = "clean sheet" end
    local ongoing = g.args['ongoing']
    local text1 = "There"
    if g.args['lc'] then text1 = "there" end  
    local text2 = "were"
    if ongoing then text2 = "have been" end  
    local updateString = ""
    local averageString = ""
    local goalPlural = "s"                                                                    -- goal(s)
    if g.args['goals'] and tonumber(g.args['goals']) == 1 then 
    	goalPlural = ""
    	text2 = "was"
    	if ongoing then text2 = "has been" end  
    local matchPlural = "es"                                                                     -- match(es)
    if g.args['matches'] and tonumber(g.args['matches']) == 1 then matchPlural = ""   end
    -- auto version: string.format(" in %d match%s, for an average of %."..precision.."g goal%s per match", matches, pluralMatches, average, pluralAverage)
    if g.args['goals'] and g.args['matches'] then
    	local averageGoals = g.args['goals']/g.args['matches']
    	local avGoalPlural = "s"
    	if averageGoals == 1 then avGoalPlural = ""  end
    	averageString = string.format(" in %d match%s, for an average of %.3g goal%s per match", g.args['matches'], matchPlural, averageGoals, avGoalPlural)
    if g.args['updated'] and g.args['updated'] ~= "complete" then
    	updateString = "&nbsp;(as of " ..g.args['updated'] .. ")"
    local sep = "."
    if g.args['sep'] then sep = g.args['sep'] end
    local text = ""
    if g.args['goals'] then
    	text = string.format("%s %s %d %s%s scored%s", 
    	                     text1, text2, statNumber, statType, goalPlural, averageString..updateString..sep)
    text = p.addAdditionHeaderText(text)  -- handles template parameters bold, further, extra
    --[[   {{#if:{{{30 goals|{{{30 assists|}}}}}}|'''30 {{#if:{{{assists|}}}|assists|goals}}'''
                 <div class="div-col columns column-count column-count-3" style="column-count:3;">
                 {{#if:{{{assists|}}}|{{{30 assists}}}|{{{30 goals}}}}}</div>|}}]]
    local output = "\n"
    local number = 30
    local totalGoals = 0
    while number > -4 do                   -- for the each goals/assists
       local entry = g.args[number .. ' goals'] or g.args[number .. ' goal']
                       or g.args[number .. ' assists'] or g.args[number .. ' assist']
                       or g.args[number .. ' clean sheets'] or g.args[number .. ' clean sheet']
       if number < 0 then  
       	  entry = g.args[math.abs(number) .. ' own goals'] or g.args[math.abs(number) .. ' own goal']
       	  statType = "own goal"
       local plural = "s"
       if number == 1 or number == -1 then plural = "" end
       if entry then                                    -- do we have goals/assists for this number

    	 output = output .. "\n'''" .. tostring(math.abs(number)) .. " " .. statType .. plural .. "'''\n" 
    	                 .. p.openList(frame) .. "\n" .. entry .. p.closeList(frame)
    	 totalGoals = p.countGoals(entry, number, totalGoals)
       number = number -1
    if statType == "goal" or statType == "own goal" then
    	if g.args['goals'] and totalGoals ~= tonumber(g.args['goals']) then 
    	    mw.addWarning("WARNING. Mismatch between number of goals listed (" .. totalGoals .. ") and goals parameter (" .. g.args['goals']  .. ").")
    --{{#if:{{{bottom|}}}|{{small|{{{bottom_text}}}}} <div class="div-col columns column-count column-count-3" style="column-count:3;"> {{{bottom}}}</div>|}}{{#if:{{{source|}}}|{{smaller|Source: {{{source}}}}}|}}
    local footerText = g.args['footer-text']  or g.args['bottom'] or ""
    local footerHeading = g.args['footer-heading'] or  g.args['bottom-text'] or ""
    local footer = ""
    if footerText ~= "" then
    	local heading = ""
    	if footerHeading ~= "" then
    		heading = '<p>' .. footerHeading .. '</p>'
    	footer =  '\n' ..  heading  .. p.openList(frame)  .. '\n' .. footerText .. p.closeList(frame)
    --{{#if:{{{source|}}}|{{small|Source: {{{source}}}}}|}}
    local source = g.args['source'] or ""
    if source ~= "" then source = "<small>Source: " .. source .. "</small>" end
    return text .. output .. footer .. source
return p