Module:Goalscorers/data/test competition

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Goalscorers/data/test competition/doc

local data = {}

-- information about other templates used by module
data.templates = { flag_icon_linked = "fbuicon",      -- template for flag icon and team link [fbicon|fbwicon]
	               youth_level = 21,
	               flagvar = { GRE = "old", ESP = "1945" }
data.params =    { date_format = "dmy",                              
	               further = "Further text in module", 
	               extra = "Extra text in module" ,
	               footer=  "\n'''Notes:'''\n{{notelist-ua|refs="
	               	 .. "{{efn-ua|name=goals|This player's goal tally includes one or more goals which the player scored in matches that were subsequently forfeited, but which FIFA continues to count in its statistics.}}"
	                 .. "}}"
data.active_countries = {"SWE" ,"UKR", "IRL", "POL"}

-- this is to test idea on only listing notes cited by checking name table
data.notes = { goals = "This player's goal tally includes one or more goals which the player scored in matches that were subsequently forfeited, but which FIFA continues to count in its statistics.",
	           misc  = "Some other note."
-- date of latest update
data.updated2 = { date = '11 December 2018' }
data.updated = { -- round,       group,  matches,  update date
                    prequalifying      = {   3,   "complete" },
                    group =      {  A =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    B =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    C =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    D =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    E =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    F =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    G =  {  1,   "2018-12-01" },
                                    H =  {  30,   "complete" },
                                    Y =  {  20,   "2018-11-22" },
                                    Z =  {  20,   "2018-11-22" },
                    playoffs =           {   8,   "2018-12-02" },
--                    further_text = "[[Michel Platini]]'s nine goals remains a record in a single European Championship."
-- rounds of competition 
data.rounds = { prequalifying =3, group = 4, playoffs = 5 }  -- round with column for goals

--[[ how do we hand countries in groups and countries still participating {
	both = { D = { SCO, "complete"}, { POL, "complete"}, { IRL, "complete"}, { GER, "complete"} }, 
    group =  { D = { "SCO", "POL", "IRL", "GER" }, },
    ongoing = { "SCO", "POL", "IRL", "GER", etc }        --   list all countries still participating

data.groups = {
                    D = {  "ASA",  "ANG",  "ARU",  "BLR",  "BEN",  "BER",  "VGB",  "COL",  "COM",  "CGO",  "COK",  "CRO",  "DEN",  "DMA",  "COD",  "SLV",  "EST",  "ETH",  "FRA",  "GHA",  "GIB",  "HAI",  "IDN",  "JOR",  "KUW",  "LIE",  "MAD",  "MLT",  "NAM",  "NCA",  "NIG",  "NIR",  "NOR",  "PNG",  "POR",  "SKN",  "LCA",  "SRB",  "SVK",  "SDN",  "TAH",  "TAN",  "TOG",  "TGA",  "TCA",  "UKR",  "ZAM" },
                    G = {  "ALB",  "ARG",  "ARM",  "AUS",  "AZE",  "BHR",  "BRB",  "BHU",  "BOL",  "BRU",  "BDI",  "CPV",  "CHA",  "CHN",  "CUW",  "CYP",  "EGY",  "FRO",  "FIJ",  "GAB",  "GEO",  "GER",  "GUI",  "GNB",  "GUY",  "HKG",  "HUN",  "ISL",  "ISR",  "JAM",  "KGZ",  "LIB",  "LUX",  "MAC",  "MKD",  "MWI",  "MLI",  "MRI",  "MEX",  "MNG",  "MOZ",  "PRK",  "OMA",  "PAN",  "POL",  "PUR",  "IRL",  "RUS",  "VIN",  "SAM",  "STP",  "SEY",  "SLE",  "RSA",  "ESP",  "SUR",  "SWZ",  "SYR",  "THA",  "TLS",  "TUN",  "UGA",  "USA",  "UZB",  "VIE" },
                    Y = {  "AFG",  "ALG",  "AND",  "AUT",  "BAH",  "BEL",  "BIH",  "BUL",  "CAM",  "CMR",  "CAN",  "CTA",  "TPE",  "DJI",  "FIN",  "GAM",  "GRE",  "GUM",  "GUA",  "HON",  "IND",  "IRQ",  "ITA",  "CIV",  "KVX",  "MAS",  "MDV",  "MNE",  "MSR",  "NCL",  "NZL",  "NGA",  "PLE",  "PER",  "QAT",  "SIN",  "SVN",  "KOR",  "SSD",  "SWE",  "TJK",  "TRI",  "TUR",  "TKM",  "UAE",  "VEN",  "WAL" },
                    Z = {  "AIA",  "ATG",  "BAN",  "BLZ",  "BOT",  "BRA",  "BFA",  "CAY",  "CHI",  "CRC",  "CUB",  "CZE",  "DOM",  "ECU",  "ENG",  "EQG",  "ERI",  "GRN",  "IRN",  "JPN",  "KAZ",  "KEN",  "LAO",  "LVA",  "LES",  "LBR",  "LBY",  "LTU",  "MTN",  "MDA",  "MAR",  "MYA",  "NEP",  "NED",  "PAK",  "PAR",  "PHI",  "ROU",  "RWA",  "SMR",  "KSA",  "SCO",  "SEN",  "SOL",  "SOM",  "SRI",  "SUI",  "URU",  "VIR",  "VAN",  "YEM",  "ZIM" }

-- main goalscorer table 
data.goalscorers = {
    --                                                 ---------    goals by stage -------
	--  player name,            country,   group id,     prequalifying, group, playoffs

    -- top goal scorers from group D
    {"Steven Fletcher",        "Scotland",         0,       7,       0   },
	{"Kamil Grosicki",         "POL",           0,       4,       0   },
    {"Robbie Keane",     "IRL",         0,       {5, " (Irish legend)"},       0   },
    {"Robert Lewandowski",     "POL",           1,     { 13, "comment1"},       {0, "{{efn-ua|name=goals}}"}   },
    {"Shaun Maloney",          "Scotland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Arkadiusz Milik",        "POL",           0,       6,       0   },
    {"Thomas Mtller",          "Germany",          0,       9,       0   },
    {"Thomas Müller",          "Germany",          0,     {  9, "{{efn-ua|name=goals}}" },       0   },
    {"Thomas Mvller",          "Germany",          0,       9,       0   },
    {"Thomas İsmail",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Ismai",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Ismaili",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Ian",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Issac",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Brown",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },
    {"Thomas Smith",          "Turkey",          0,       91,       0   },

    {"Wu Lei",          "CHN",          0,       33,       0   },
    {"Yu Dabao",          "CHN",          0,       33,       0   },
    {"Gao Lin",          "CHN",          0,       33,       0   },
    {"Xiao Zhi",          "CHN",          0,       33,       0   },

    {"Thomas Smith",          "SCO",         0,       1,       0   },
    -- test sorting
    { {"[[Robert Lewandowski]]", "Aaa, test" },   "NCL",         0,       15,       0   },
    {"[[Brandon]]",   "NCL",         0,       15,       0   },
    {"Oak",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {"Oak Hill",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {"Oak Ridge",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {"Oakley Park",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {"Oakley River",          "ENG",         0,       19,       0   },
    {  "Jón Dagur Þorsteinsson (real name)",                            "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {  "Jon Dagur Thorsteinsson (anglised name)",                       "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    { {"Jón Dagur Þorsteinsson (sort name)", "Thorsteinsson, Jon Dagur" },   "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {  "Kári Árnason (real name)",                                           "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {  "Kari Arnason (anglised name)",                                       "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    { {"Kári Árnason (sort name)",           "Arnason, Kari" },              "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Jon Aaaason",          "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Jon bbbbson",          "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Jon Zzzzason",          "Iceland",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"Country Code",          "ISL",         0,       5,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LAO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GNB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ZAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SIN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SUI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SKN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CPV",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ALB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KSA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CYP",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IRN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BAH",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CMR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PHI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SSD",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "UGA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "DJI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BEL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CRO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AND",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "URU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ARM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AUS",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ALG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BUL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NEP",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ERI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "RWA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ARG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "UZB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NIR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "COM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GER",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TAH",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NED",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GHA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CTA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BRA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LUX",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LIB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BOT",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PAK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IRQ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SDN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TPE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MOZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "UAE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LVA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "HAI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CAY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IDN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "HUN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "HON",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "STP",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "QAT",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CZE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MDA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "COK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MLT",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NZL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ARU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CHA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CIV",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ENG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KUW",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IRL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VIE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NCA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CUB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PUR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MAR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NOR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VIR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BDI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AUT",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SLE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BER",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GEO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "JPN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "HKG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CHI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VGB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MAD",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SWZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ISL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "WAL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ESP",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SMR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PER",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LES",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NCL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SVN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MDV",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TJK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "OMA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CGO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SYR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GIB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ROU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MNE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "FRA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "USA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CUW",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KAZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SRB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TOG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PLE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TKM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LIE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AFG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "COD",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SOL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TCA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "THA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MTN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ZIM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KVX",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MWI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GUA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SLV",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MSR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PAR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KGZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "COL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "DEN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AIA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CHN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GAB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TRI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MKD",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "IND",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "FRO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SUR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BHU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MNG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MEX",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GUM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BFA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TAN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SEY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "FIN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BOL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TGA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SWE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "DMA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BRB",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ETH",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "POL",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LTU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "DOM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PRK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "JOR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "FIJ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ANG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "VIN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "UKR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "EST",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "AZE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ASA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LCA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SRI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "CRC",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GRN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MRI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BIH",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SVK",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ITA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MAC",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SOM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BRU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BLR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "KOR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BLZ",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GRE",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "EGY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "POR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "RSA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LBR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "LBY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "RUS",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "BHR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "PNG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NGA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ATG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TUN",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GUI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "NIG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "GUY",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MLI",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "EQG",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MAS",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "YEM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "JAM",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TLS",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "TUR",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ECU",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "SCO",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "MYA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"Aung San Suu Kyi",        "MYA",         0,       1,       0   },
    {"John Smith",        "ISR",         0,       1,       0   },

	-- top goalscorers from play-offs

    {"Zlatan Ibrahimović",     "SWE",         2,    8,          3   },
    {"Jonathan Walters", "IRL",         0,    3,          2   },
    {"Andriy Yarmolenko",      "UKR",         0,    4,          2   },

    -- note: needed to remove accents from Muller and Ibrahimovic
data.owngoalscorers = {
    {"Jonathan Walters", "IRL",         0,    {1,"Spain"},          0   },

return data