Difference between revisions of "Template:Infobox Person"

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(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
{| class="infobox" style="width: 20em; font-size: 90%;"
<noinclude>{{#ifeq:{{SUBPAGENAME}}|sandbox|{{Template sandbox notice}}}}</noinclude>
<includeonly><table class="infobox biography vcard" style="width:{{#if: {{{box_width|}}} | {{{box_width|}}} | 22em}}; font-size:90%; text-align: left;" cellspacing="2">
|colspan="2" style="text-align: center; font-size:larger;"| '''{{{name}}}'''{{#if:{{{other_names|}}}|<br>{{{other_names|}}}}}
<tr><th colspan="2" style="text-align:center; font-size:larger;" class="fn">{{{name|{{PAGENAME}}}}}
{{#if: {{{image|}}}|
#if: {{{image|}}} |
{{!}} colspan="2" style="text-align: center;" {{!}} [[Image:{{{image|}}}|{{{imagesize|225px}}}| ]]<br>{{{caption|}}}}}
<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size:8pt;text-align:center;padding:4pt;line-height:1.25em"{{image class|{{{image}}}}}>[[Image:{{{image}}}|{{#if: {{{image_size|{{{imagesize|}}}}}} | {{{image_size|{{{imagesize}}}}}} | 225px}}|]]<br />{{{caption|}}}
{{#if: {{{residence|}}}|
#if: {{{birth_name|}}} {{{birth_date|}}} {{{birth_place|}}} |
! Residence
{{!}} {{{residence|}}}}}
#if: {{{birth_name|}}} |
{{{birth_name}}}<br />
!style="text-align:center; padding-right:0.75em;" | Born
| {{{birth_date}}} {{#if:{{{birth_place|}}}|<br>{{{birth_place|}}}}}
#if: {{{birth_date|}}} |
{{{birth_date}}}<br />
{{#if: {{{death_date|}}}|
! Died
{{!}} {{{death_date|}}} {{#if:{{{death_place|}}}|<br>{{{death_place}}}}}{{#if:{{{death_cause|}}}|<br>{{{death_cause|}}}}}}}
#if: {{{death_date|}}} {{{death_place|}}} {{{death_cause|}}} |
{{#if: {{{known|}}}|
#if: {{{death_date|}}} |
! Known for
{{{death_date}}}<br />
{{!}} {{{known|}}}}}
#if: {{{death_place|}}} |
{{#if: {{{occupation|}}}|
{{{death_place}}}<br />
! [[Occupation]]
{{!}} {{{occupation|}}}}}
#if: {{{resting_place|}}} |
!style="text-align:center; padding-right:0.75em;"| Contact
<tr><th>Resting place<td><span class="label">{{{resting_place}}}</span>{{
| {{{contact}}}
#if: {{{resting_place_coordinates|}}} |
<br />{{{resting_place_coordinates}}} }}
{{#if: {{{reference|}}}|
! Reference
#if: {{{residence|}}} |
{{!}} {{{reference|}}}}}
<tr><th>Residence<td><span class="label">{{{residence}}}</span>
#if: {{{nationality|}}} |
<br clear="all">
#if: {{{other_names|}}} |
<tr><th>Other&nbsp;names<td><span class="nickname">{{{other_names}}}</span>
This ''Infobox_Person'' template should be used to portray the '''vital statistics''' of living persons, persons with active estates, and non-commercial Main space subjects (e.g., [[Sir Isaac Newton]]).
#if: {{{education|}}} |
For ''supplemental '''resume''' information'' within [[Centiare:Directory|Directory]] listings of persons and/or estates (e.g., [[Directory:Marilyn Monroe|Marilyn Monroe]] who retain commercial ownership of their name, likeness, image, works, etc.), see [[Template:Infobox_Resume]].
For '''personally revealing''' information like physical features, political and religious affiliation, marital status, and friends, see [[Template:Infobox_Personal]].
#if: {{{employer|}}} |
== Usage ==
The ''name'', ''birth_date'' and ''contact'' parameters are obligatory.
#if: {{{occupation|}}} |
#if: {{{home_town|}}} |
| name =
| other_names =
| residence =
#if: {{{title|}}} |
| image =
| imagesize =
| caption =
#if: {{{salary|}}} |
| birth_date =
| birth_place =
| birth_name =
#if: {{{networth|}}} |
| death_date =
| death_place =
| death_cause =
#if: {{{height|}}} |
| occupation =
| known =        <-- Known for ...
| contact =
#if: {{{weight|}}} |
| reference =   <-- Latitude, longitude
#if: {{{known|{{{known_for|}}}}}} |
[[Category:Templates using ParserFunctions|{{PAGENAME}}]]
[[Category:people infobox templates|Person]]
#if: {{{term|}}} |
#if: {{{predecessor|}}} |
#if: {{{successor|}}} |
#if: {{{party|}}} |
#if: {{{boards|}}} |
<tr><th>Boards on<td>{{{boards}}}
#if: {{{religion|}}} |
#if: {{{spouse|}}} |
#if: {{{partner|}}} |
#if: {{{children|}}} |
#if: {{{parents|}}} |
#if: {{{relations|}}} {{{relatives|}}} |
#if: {{{signature|}}} |
#if: {{{website|}}} |
#if: {{{footnotes|}}} |
<tr><td colspan="2" style="font-size: smaller; font-style: italic; border-top: 1px solid;">{{{footnotes}}}
{{Documentation, template}}<!--allows /doc to display when template code is used in /sandbox-->
<!-- Please add categories and interwikis to the /doc subpage, not here. -->

Revision as of 18:50, 15 February 2008

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