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Latest revision as of 07:56, 16 July 2021

Implements {{WP}}

require('Module:No globals');

local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs;
local mRedirect = require ('Module:Redirect')
local namespaces = {															-- includes namespace aliases - these are case insensitive
	['HELP'] = 'Help',															-- canonical namespaces
	['WIKIPEDIA'] = 'WP',

	['PROJECT'] = 'Project',													-- namespace aliases
	['WP'] = 'WP',
	['H'] = 'Help',
	['MOS'] = 'MOS',

--[[--------------------------< E S C A P E _ L U A _ M A G I C _ C H A R S >----------------------------------

Returns a string where all of lua's magic characters have been escaped.  This is important because functions like
string.gsub() treat their pattern and replace strings as patterns, not literal strings.


local function escape_lua_magic_chars (argument)
	argument = argument:gsub("%%", "%%%%");										-- replace % with %%
	argument = argument:gsub("([%^%$%(%)%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])", "%%%1");				-- replace all other lua magic pattern characters
	return argument;

--[[--------------------------< E R R >------------------------------------------------------------------------

returns formatted error message that is less strident than error() or standard MediaWiki error messages

TODO: add link to template page for help text


local function err (error_msg)
	return '<span class="error" style="font-size:100%">' .. error_msg .. ' ([[Template:WP|help]])</span>';		-- tamer, less strident error messages

--[[--------------------------< G E T _ C O N T E N T >--------------------------------------------------------

get content from <title> page.  On error, use <label> in returned message to identify failing event in the process

	<content>, nil – expected returns
	nil, msg – <title> not a valid title
	nil, msg – <title> does not exist
	nil, msg – <title> is empty


local function get_content (title, label)
	local content;
	local title_obj = mw.title.new (title);										-- get title object for <title>
	if not title_obj then														-- title object for non-existent valid <title> will have been created; nil else
		return nil, label .. ': invalid title: ' .. title;						-- return nil when <title> is malformed (not a valid title)

	content = title_obj:getContent();											-- get content 
	if not content then
		return nil, label .. ': page does not exist: ' .. title;				-- return nil when <title> does not exist
	elseif '' == content then
		return nil, label .. ': page is empty: ' .. title;						-- return nil when <title> has no content
	return content;

--[=[-------------------------< W I K I L I N K _ S T R I P >--------------------------------------------------

Wikilink markup does not belong in an anchor id and can / does confuse the code that parses apart citation and
harvc templates so here we remove any wiki markup:
	[[link|label]] -> label
	[[link]] -> link


local function wikilink_strip(text)
	for wikilink in text:gmatch('%[%b[]%]') do									-- get a wikilink
		text = text:gsub('%[%b[]%]', '__57r1P__', 1);							-- install a marker
		if wikilink:match ('^%[%[%s*[Ff]ile:') or wikilink:match ('^%[%[%s*[Ii]mage:') then	-- if this wikilink is an image
			wikilink = '[IMAGE]';												-- can't display it in a tooltip so use a word; TODO: parse out alt text or caption? worth the effort?
		elseif wikilink:match('%[%[.-|(.-)%]%]') then
			wikilink = wikilink:match('%[%[.-|(.-)%]%]');						-- extract label from complex [[link|label]] wikilink
			wikilink = wikilink:match('%[%[(.-)%]%]');							-- extract link from simple [[link]] wikilinks
		wikilink = escape_lua_magic_chars(wikilink);							-- in case there are lua magic characters in wikilink
		text = text:gsub('__57r1P__', wikilink, 1);								-- replace the marker with the appropriate text

	return text;

--[[--------------------------< T I T L E _ M A K E >----------------------------------------------------------

makes a prefix for the tooltip from {{nutshell}} |title= parameter value, if present, pagename else

Because we are evaluating the content of pagename, we set the frag_flag here when the pagename
has an anchor fragment (<namespace>:<pagename>#<anchor>)


local function title_make (title_param, pagename)
	local frag_flag;
	local c;
	local namespace;
	pagename, c = pagename:gsub ('#.*$', '');									-- remove section fragment if any
	if 0 < c then
		frag_flag = true;														-- when fragment removed, set the flag

	namespace = pagename:match ('^%a+'):upper();								-- extract canonical namespace; convert to upper case for indexing
	pagename = pagename:gsub ('^%a+', namespaces[namespace]);					-- replace with abbreviation

	if '' == title_param then
		title_param = '&quot;' .. pagename .. '&quot;';							-- use name of shortcut's target page when |title= missing or empty

	return title_param, frag_flag;

--[[--------------------------< T O O L T I P _ M A K E >------------------------------------------------------

assemble the tooltip (title= attribute value)


local function tooltip_make (title_param, nutshell, frag_flag)
	return table.concat ({
		title_param,															-- the tooltip prefix (usually WP: article name)
		('' ~= nutshell and ' in a nutshell: ' or ''),							-- when there is nutshell text
		(frag_flag and ' (subsection link)' or ''),								-- when WP: article name has a fragment

--[[--------------------------< N U T S H E L L _ T E X T _ G E T >--------------------------------------------

gets text from {{nutshell}} (or redirect) template in shortcut's target page; frame included as argument here
so that this function has access to frame:preprocess()

shortcut is shortcut name with a namespace prefix (WP:BOLD, MOS:MED, H:CS1, etc)


local function nutshell_text_get (shortcut, frame)
	local content;																-- content of shortcut page then content of target
	local target;																-- name of shortcut's redirect target
	local msg;																	-- error messages go here
	local c;																	-- general purpose var holds the tally of gsub() replacements made when needed
	local title_param;															-- {{nutshell}} |title= parameter contents and value used in tooltip rendering
	local frag_flag;															-- boolean set true when normalized page name has a fragment (WP:<page title>#<anchor name>)

	content, msg = get_content (shortcut, 'shortcut');							-- get content of shortcut redirect page
	if msg then
		return nil, msg;
	target = mRedirect.getTargetFromText (content);								-- get redirect <target title> (page name) from content of redirect page: (#Redirect [[<target title>]]) or nil
	if not target then
		return nil, 'shortcut: ' .. shortcut .. ' is not a redirect';
	content, msg = get_content (target, 'target');								-- get content of redirect target
	if msg then
		return nil, msg;

	local templatePatterns = {
		"{{%s*[Pp]olicy in a nutshell%s*|",
		"{{%s*[Pp]olicy proposal in a nutshell%s*|",
		"{{%s*[Ii]n a nutshell%s*|",
		"{{%s*[Gg]uideline in a nutshell%s*|",
		"{{%s*[Gg]uideline one liner%s*|",
		"{{%s*[Nn]aming convention in a nutshell%s*|",
		"{{%s*[Pp]roposal in a nutshell%s*|",
		"{{%s*[Ee]ssay in a nutshell%s*|"
	local nutshell
	for i, pattern in ipairs (templatePatterns) do
		local pos = mw.ustring.find (content, pattern)
		if pos then
			nutshell = mw.ustring.match (content, '%b{}', pos)
	if not nutshell then														-- nil when there is no recognized nutshell template
		title_param, frag_flag = title_make ('', target);
		return tooltip_make (title_param, '', frag_flag);						-- nutshell doesn't exist so empty string for concatenation
																				-- begin template disassembly - order is important here - rare case where |title= holds a template
	nutshell = nutshell:gsub ('^{{[%w%s]*|', ''):gsub ('}}$', '');				-- remove opening {{ and template name then remove closing }}

	for t in nutshell:gmatch('%b{}') do											-- get an embedded template
		nutshell = nutshell:gsub('%b{}', '__57r1P__', 1)						-- install a marker
		local replacement = frame:preprocess (t);								-- get the template's rendering
		replacement = escape_lua_magic_chars(replacement);						-- in case there are lua magic characters in replacement
		nutshell = nutshell:gsub('__57r1P__', replacement, 1)					-- replace the marker with the appropriate text

	nutshell = wikilink_strip (nutshell);										-- remove wikilinks
	title_param = nutshell:match ('|%s*title%s*=%s*([^|]+)') or '';				-- get title text or an empty string
	title_param = mw.text.trim (title_param);									-- remove extraneous leading / trailing whitespace

	title_param, frag_flag = title_make (title_param, target);					-- get content from {{nutshell}} |title= param if present, else concot a title

	nutshell = nutshell:gsub ('|%s*title%s*=%s*[^|]*', '');						-- remove title parameter and value; TODO: these two can be made one?
	nutshell = nutshell:gsub ('|%s*shortcut%d*%s*[^|]*', '');					-- remove all shortcut parameters and their values

	nutshell, c = nutshell:gsub ('%s*|%s*', ' *');								-- replace pipes and get a tally
	if 0 < c then
		nutshell = '*' .. nutshell;												-- if any pipes were replaced, prefix with a splat

	nutshell = nutshell:gsub ('"', '&quot;'):gsub ('%b<>', '');					-- convert double quote characters to html entities then remove html-like tags
																				-- end template disassembly
	return tooltip_make (title_param, nutshell, frag_flag);

--[[--------------------------< M A I N >----------------------------------------------------------------------

template entry point

{{#invoke:Nutshell|main|<shortcut>}} where <shortcut> is shortcut name with or without namespace prefix; BOLD or WP:BOLD


local function main (frame)
	local args = getArgs (frame);												-- get a table of arguments
	local out = {};
	local shortcut = args[1];													-- TODO: error check this; no point in continuing without properly formed shortcut

	if not shortcut or '' == shortcut then
		return err ('no shortcut name given');

	local namespace, rest = shortcut:match ('^(%a+)(:%w+)');
	if namespace then
		namespace = namespace:upper();
		if not namespaces[namespace] then
			return err ('namespace \'' .. namespace .. '\' not recognized in shortcut: ' .. shortcut);
			shortcut = namespaces[namespace] .. rest;
		shortcut = 'WP:' .. shortcut;											-- add WP: namespace

	local nutshell, error_msg = nutshell_text_get (shortcut, frame);			-- pass frame so that nutshell_text_get() has access to frame:preprocess()
	if error_msg then
		return err (error_msg);
	table.insert (out, '[[');													-- open wikilink
	table.insert (out, shortcut);												-- add shortcut
	if nutshell then
		table.insert (out, '|<span title="');									-- pipe, then start the opening span
		table.insert (out, nutshell);											-- add nutshell text
		table.insert (out, '" class="rt-commentedText" style="border-bottom:1px dotted">');	--finish the opening span
		table.insert (out, shortcut);											-- add shortcut
		table.insert (out, '</span>');											-- close the span
	table.insert (out, ']]');													-- close the wikilink

	return table.concat (out);													-- concatenate and done

--[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D   F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------

return {
	main = main,