MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday February 06, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchImplements {{WP}}
require('Module:No globals'); local getArgs = require ('Module:Arguments').getArgs; local mRedirect = require ('Module:Redirect') local namespaces = { -- includes namespace aliases - these are case insensitive ['HELP'] = 'Help', -- canonical namespaces ['WIKIPEDIA'] = 'WP', ['PROJECT'] = 'Project', -- namespace aliases ['WP'] = 'WP', ['H'] = 'Help', ['MOS'] = 'MOS', } --[[--------------------------< E S C A P E _ L U A _ M A G I C _ C H A R S >---------------------------------- Returns a string where all of lua's magic characters have been escaped. This is important because functions like string.gsub() treat their pattern and replace strings as patterns, not literal strings. ]] local function escape_lua_magic_chars (argument) argument = argument:gsub("%%", "%%%%"); -- replace % with %% argument = argument:gsub("([%^%$%(%)%.%[%]%*%+%-%?])", "%%%1"); -- replace all other lua magic pattern characters return argument; end --[[--------------------------< E R R >------------------------------------------------------------------------ returns formatted error message that is less strident than error() or standard MediaWiki error messages TODO: add link to template page for help text ]] local function err (error_msg) return '<span class="error" style="font-size:100%">' .. error_msg .. ' ([[Template:WP|help]])</span>'; -- tamer, less strident error messages end --[[--------------------------< G E T _ C O N T E N T >-------------------------------------------------------- get content from <title> page. On error, use <label> in returned message to identify failing event in the process returns: <content>, nil – expected returns nil, msg – <title> not a valid title nil, msg – <title> does not exist nil, msg – <title> is empty ]] local function get_content (title, label) local content; local title_obj = (title); -- get title object for <title> if not title_obj then -- title object for non-existent valid <title> will have been created; nil else return nil, label .. ': invalid title: ' .. title; -- return nil when <title> is malformed (not a valid title) end content = title_obj:getContent(); -- get content if not content then return nil, label .. ': page does not exist: ' .. title; -- return nil when <title> does not exist elseif '' == content then return nil, label .. ': page is empty: ' .. title; -- return nil when <title> has no content end return content; end --[=[-------------------------< W I K I L I N K _ S T R I P >-------------------------------------------------- Wikilink markup does not belong in an anchor id and can / does confuse the code that parses apart citation and harvc templates so here we remove any wiki markup: [[link|label]] -> label [[link]] -> link ]=] local function wikilink_strip(text) for wikilink in text:gmatch('%[%b[]%]') do -- get a wikilink text = text:gsub('%[%b[]%]', '__57r1P__', 1); -- install a marker if wikilink:match ('^%[%[%s*[Ff]ile:') or wikilink:match ('^%[%[%s*[Ii]mage:') then -- if this wikilink is an image wikilink = '[IMAGE]'; -- can't display it in a tooltip so use a word; TODO: parse out alt text or caption? worth the effort? elseif wikilink:match('%[%[.-|(.-)%]%]') then wikilink = wikilink:match('%[%[.-|(.-)%]%]'); -- extract label from complex [[link|label]] wikilink else wikilink = wikilink:match('%[%[(.-)%]%]'); -- extract link from simple [[link]] wikilinks end wikilink = escape_lua_magic_chars(wikilink); -- in case there are lua magic characters in wikilink text = text:gsub('__57r1P__', wikilink, 1); -- replace the marker with the appropriate text end return text; end --[[--------------------------< T I T L E _ M A K E >---------------------------------------------------------- makes a prefix for the tooltip from {{nutshell}} |title= parameter value, if present, pagename else Because we are evaluating the content of pagename, we set the frag_flag here when the pagename has an anchor fragment (<namespace>:<pagename>#<anchor>) ]] local function title_make (title_param, pagename) local frag_flag; local c; local namespace; pagename, c = pagename:gsub ('#.*$', ''); -- remove section fragment if any if 0 < c then frag_flag = true; -- when fragment removed, set the flag end namespace = pagename:match ('^%a+'):upper(); -- extract canonical namespace; convert to upper case for indexing pagename = pagename:gsub ('^%a+', namespaces[namespace]); -- replace with abbreviation if '' == title_param then title_param = '"' .. pagename .. '"'; -- use name of shortcut's target page when |title= missing or empty end return title_param, frag_flag; end --[[--------------------------< T O O L T I P _ M A K E >------------------------------------------------------ assemble the tooltip (title= attribute value) ]] local function tooltip_make (title_param, nutshell, frag_flag) return table.concat ({ title_param, -- the tooltip prefix (usually WP: article name) ('' ~= nutshell and ' in a nutshell: ' or ''), -- when there is nutshell text nutshell, (frag_flag and ' (subsection link)' or ''), -- when WP: article name has a fragment }); end --[[--------------------------< N U T S H E L L _ T E X T _ G E T >-------------------------------------------- gets text from {{nutshell}} (or redirect) template in shortcut's target page; frame included as argument here so that this function has access to frame:preprocess() shortcut is shortcut name with a namespace prefix (WP:BOLD, MOS:MED, H:CS1, etc) ]] local function nutshell_text_get (shortcut, frame) local content; -- content of shortcut page then content of target local target; -- name of shortcut's redirect target local msg; -- error messages go here local c; -- general purpose var holds the tally of gsub() replacements made when needed local title_param; -- {{nutshell}} |title= parameter contents and value used in tooltip rendering local frag_flag; -- boolean set true when normalized page name has a fragment (WP:<page title>#<anchor name>) content, msg = get_content (shortcut, 'shortcut'); -- get content of shortcut redirect page if msg then return nil, msg; end target = mRedirect.getTargetFromText (content); -- get redirect <target title> (page name) from content of redirect page: (#Redirect [[<target title>]]) or nil if not target then return nil, 'shortcut: ' .. shortcut .. ' is not a redirect'; end content, msg = get_content (target, 'target'); -- get content of redirect target if msg then return nil, msg; end local templatePatterns = { "{{%s*[Nn]utshell%s*|", "{{%s*[Pp]olicy in a nutshell%s*|", "{{%s*[Pp]olicy proposal in a nutshell%s*|", "{{%s*[Ii]n a nutshell%s*|", "{{%s*[Ii]nanutshell%s*|", "{{%s*[Gg]uideline in a nutshell%s*|", "{{%s*[Gg]uideline one liner%s*|", "{{%s*[Nn]aming convention in a nutshell%s*|", "{{%s*[Nn]utshell2%s*|", "{{%s*[Pp]roposal in a nutshell%s*|", "{{%s*[Ee]ssay in a nutshell%s*|" } local nutshell for i, pattern in ipairs (templatePatterns) do local pos = mw.ustring.find (content, pattern) if pos then nutshell = mw.ustring.match (content, '%b{}', pos) break end end if not nutshell then -- nil when there is no recognized nutshell template title_param, frag_flag = title_make ('', target); return tooltip_make (title_param, '', frag_flag); -- nutshell doesn't exist so empty string for concatenation end -- begin template disassembly - order is important here - rare case where |title= holds a template nutshell = nutshell:gsub ('^{{[%w%s]*|', ''):gsub ('}}$', ''); -- remove opening {{ and template name then remove closing }} for t in nutshell:gmatch('%b{}') do -- get an embedded template nutshell = nutshell:gsub('%b{}', '__57r1P__', 1) -- install a marker local replacement = frame:preprocess (t); -- get the template's rendering replacement = escape_lua_magic_chars(replacement); -- in case there are lua magic characters in replacement nutshell = nutshell:gsub('__57r1P__', replacement, 1) -- replace the marker with the appropriate text end nutshell = wikilink_strip (nutshell); -- remove wikilinks title_param = nutshell:match ('|%s*title%s*=%s*([^|]+)') or ''; -- get title text or an empty string title_param = mw.text.trim (title_param); -- remove extraneous leading / trailing whitespace title_param, frag_flag = title_make (title_param, target); -- get content from {{nutshell}} |title= param if present, else concot a title nutshell = nutshell:gsub ('|%s*title%s*=%s*[^|]*', ''); -- remove title parameter and value; TODO: these two can be made one? nutshell = nutshell:gsub ('|%s*shortcut%d*%s*[^|]*', ''); -- remove all shortcut parameters and their values nutshell, c = nutshell:gsub ('%s*|%s*', ' *'); -- replace pipes and get a tally if 0 < c then nutshell = '*' .. nutshell; -- if any pipes were replaced, prefix with a splat end nutshell = nutshell:gsub ('"', '"'):gsub ('%b<>', ''); -- convert double quote characters to html entities then remove html-like tags -- end template disassembly return tooltip_make (title_param, nutshell, frag_flag); end --[[--------------------------< M A I N >---------------------------------------------------------------------- template entry point {{#invoke:Nutshell|main|<shortcut>}} where <shortcut> is shortcut name with or without namespace prefix; BOLD or WP:BOLD ]] local function main (frame) local args = getArgs (frame); -- get a table of arguments local out = {}; local shortcut = args[1]; -- TODO: error check this; no point in continuing without properly formed shortcut if not shortcut or '' == shortcut then return err ('no shortcut name given'); end local namespace, rest = shortcut:match ('^(%a+)(:%w+)'); if namespace then namespace = namespace:upper(); if not namespaces[namespace] then return err ('namespace \'' .. namespace .. '\' not recognized in shortcut: ' .. shortcut); else shortcut = namespaces[namespace] .. rest; end else shortcut = 'WP:' .. shortcut; -- add WP: namespace end local nutshell, error_msg = nutshell_text_get (shortcut, frame); -- pass frame so that nutshell_text_get() has access to frame:preprocess() if error_msg then return err (error_msg); end table.insert (out, '[['); -- open wikilink table.insert (out, shortcut); -- add shortcut if nutshell then table.insert (out, '|<span title="'); -- pipe, then start the opening span table.insert (out, nutshell); -- add nutshell text table.insert (out, '" class="rt-commentedText" style="border-bottom:1px dotted">'); --finish the opening span table.insert (out, shortcut); -- add shortcut table.insert (out, '</span>'); -- close the span end table.insert (out, ']]'); -- close the wikilink return table.concat (out); -- concatenate and done end --[[--------------------------< E X P O R T E D F U N C T I O N S >------------------------------------------ ]] return { main = main, }