MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday February 14, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to search--- Log opened Tue May 21 00:00:22 2013 --- Day changed Tue May 21 2013 00:00 < bazinga> SudoGhost: yes 00:01 < SudoGhost> Also, if someone declares on Wikipedia that they are a specific person, is it outing to mention their location in an SPI if it matches an IP address's geolocation? Outing is the kind of thing I don't want to get wrong, so i wanted to ask before I opened an SPI. 00:01 -!- creepyOGQ [~Archana@] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:01 < Bsadowski1> 00:01 < Bsadowski1> xD 00:01 -!- creepyOGQ [~Archana@] has quit [Client Quit] 00:02 < bazinga> SudoGhost: no 00:02 < bazinga> they made that information public 00:03 -!- creepyOGQ [~Archana@] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:04 < SudoGhost> Thanks. Just wanted to cover my bases there. 00:04 < mareklug> you misspelled "ass" 00:04 < SudoGhost> Slightly related, IMDB is under copyright, right? Not CC-BY-SA or any sort of copyleft license? 00:05 < Revent> Yup. 00:05 < SudoGhost> There's a copyright notice at the bottom, so I assume it's just regular copyright, but I reverted a copy-paste from there as a copyvio. 00:05 < Revent> "" 00:06 < Revent> Specifically "Your License to IMDb: If you do post content or submit material, and unless we indicate otherwise, you grant IMDb a nonexclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, and fully sublicensable right to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create derivative works from, distribute, and display such content throughout the wo 00:06 < Revent> rld in any media." 00:06 < SudoGhost> Wow... 00:06 < SudoGhost> okay. 00:07 < Revent> Yeah, they hired a lawyer. :) 00:08 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:08 < mareklug> that passage is highly irrelevant to the question, as it does no in the least answer what license IMDb grants to YOU. 00:08 < Revent> means that anything on IMDB doesn't belong to's licensed from the original author... 00:09 < Revent> i.e. 'confused copyright'...unusable. 00:09 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:11 -!- creepyOGQ [~Archana@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 00:12 -!- SerajewelKS [devnull@wikipedia/Crazycomputers] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:12 < Revent> FWIW, the actual 'we own this' is at the very /top/ of the page I linked. 00:13 -!- FastLizard4 [fastlizard@wikipedia/] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 00:14 -!- FastLizard4 [fastlizard@wikipedia/] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:15 -!- IH|away [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 00:15 -!- IH|away [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:15 -!- IH|away is now known as Guest64799 00:17 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 00:17 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:18 < Revent> !editcount Revent 00:18 < Revent> Oh lol, wrong chan. 00:20 < SudoGhost> The edit count of [[User:Revent]] is 42/0 00:22 < bazinga> you sound like your mouth is comfortably numb, as is the guitarist's fingers 00:22 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:22 -!- Mkdw [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:22 -!- Mkdw [] has quit [Changing host] 00:22 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:24 < SudoGhost> Ouch 00:24 < Revent> SudoGhost: Pretty much... lol. 00:24 < SudoGhost> I was going to say I was bad in high school, but I don't think I was ever that bad. 00:24 < SudoGhost> At least not in front of other people. 00:26 < SudoGhost> I had my headphones up really loud too... :( 00:28 < bazinga> 00:28 < bazinga> this is a funny song 00:29 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:31 -!- Fijit [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:32 -!- dekiss [~math@] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:32 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 00:32 < dekiss> hi guys look fix this asap :) look about definition of dos operating system :) 00:33 < Revent> *peers* 00:34 < Revent> *lol* edited 00:35 < Revent> Lemme proof the rest. 00:36 < Revent> Yeah...just the one looks like. 00:36 < dekiss> :D 00:37 < SudoGhost> Revent: I reverted it a little further, since there were some name changes in there. 00:38 < Revent> kk, yeah, I was just hitting the 'obvious' thing first. 00:38 < SudoGhost> Yeah, it was all the same editor 00:39 < Revent> Gotcha, I hadn't dug that far past the tw edits.. 00:40 < SudoGhost> Yeah, I just want and looked at the difference between the current version and the version that was before any edits today and that's how I saw that. 00:42 < Revent> (chuckles) reading that article brings back memories... 00:43 < bazinga> SudoGhost: don't be the pope 00:45 -!- creepyOGQ [~Archana@] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:46 -!- creepyOGQ [~Archana@] has quit [Client Quit] 00:47 -!- creepyOGQ [~Archana@] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:48 -!- creepyOGQ [~Archana@] has quit [Client Quit] 00:50 < SudoGhost> bazinga: Not to worry, I'm Buddhist and I don't care for hats. 00:53 < Revent> That was....awesome. :) 00:53 -!- Not_Here [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:54 < Revent> *lols* I think I might have killed helpmebot... 00:54 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit [] 00:54 -!- legoktm [~legoktm@wikipedia/Legoktm] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:55 < SudoGhost> Reminds me of George Carlin 00:59 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: PWNT] 01:02 -!- Moskau [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:02 -!- Moskau [] has quit [Changing host] 01:02 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:06 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:09 -!- LtNOWIS2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 01:13 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:14 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: I'm the greatest pirate-hunter in the world! AUYYEAHHH] 01:23 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 01:24 -!- bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:32 -!- basile is now known as guillom 01:33 < Revent> *thanks Moskau :) 01:34 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:40 -!- BleedLikeMe_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:40 -!- BleedLikeMe_ [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 01:41 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:41 -!- BleedLikeMe [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:42 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:44 -!- BleedLikeMe [] has quit [Client Quit] 01:45 < mareklug> this week's Indonesian boeing 737 runway overrun on landing 01:47 < Revent> *lols* Ya know the sad part of that? Not the overrun landing.... 01:47 < Revent> The state of the 'overrun area' at that airport... 8( 01:48 < Revent> How many do they have? 01:48 -!- zz_nas [Nascar1996@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 01:48 -!- russavia [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:48 -!- russavia [] has quit [Changing host] 01:48 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:49 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:50 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:50 -!- wywin_afk [~wywin@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 01:51 < Steven_Zhang> evening 01:51 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:51 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:52 < Steven_Zhang> holy shit 01:52 < Steven_Zhang> what happened in Oklahoma 01:52 < legoktm> hey Steven_Zhang 01:52 < legoktm> and :( 01:52 < Steven_Zhang> huge ass tornado? 01:53 < Steven_Zhang> It's times like this I'm glad I don't live in the US 01:53 < Steven_Zhang> we don't get tornadoes here 01:53 < Steven_Zhang> or hurricanes 01:53 -!- wywin_afk [~wywin@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:53 -!- wywin_afk is now known as wywin 01:53 < Revent> Yeah, OKC got squished. 01:54 < Revent> 01:54 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:54 < Steven_Zhang> apparently it was up to 2 miles wide 01:54 < Steven_Zhang> that's massive. 01:54 < Steven_Zhang> and speeds of over 300km/hr? 01:55 < Steven_Zhang> can't outrun that. 01:56 < Revent> Ye...crrect response is to climb in a hole and pull it in after you. :) 01:56 < Revent> *correct 01:57 < Revent> Steven_Zhang: Have you ever seen "Twister"? 01:57 < Steven_Zhang> yeah. 01:57 < Steven_Zhang> I actually think I have it on DVD. 01:57 < Revent> It's actually pretty factual.... 01:57 < Revent> 01:58 < Revent> aka "Dorothy" in the movie. 01:58 -!- zz_nas [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:58 -!- zz_nas is now known as Guest59887 01:59 < Steven_Zhang> heh, so it's real 01:59 < Revent> 'logistical difficulty' is a euphemism for some 'interesting' videos... :) 01:59 < Steven_Zhang> i think if i ever see a real tornado 01:59 < Steven_Zhang> i'd shit bricks 02:00 < Revent> These guys are seriously nuts... 02:00 < Revent> It mounts an IMAX camera. 02:00 < Revent> 02:02 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 02:04 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:04 < Steven_Zhang> just imagine the insurance premiums payable at tornado alley 02:05 < Revent> Heh....I think I remember them having financial issues with the IMAX camera, actually. 02:06 < Revent> "It’s true. You can’t just walk into the Department of Motor Vehicles, there’s no box to check that says you’ve built a tank, you know? I made the mistake when I went to the DMV of bringing a picture of TIV2. And, at that point, it was game over. They said, “I’m sorry, sir, you’re going to have to take this matter to California Highway Patrol.” And 02:06 < Revent> so I was very nervous, because, you know, it’s the California Highway Patrol. Your pulse always quickens when they pull up behind you on the road. But they were actually fine about the whole thing and they didn’t see anything wrong with it. They give it a classification of a special-built vehicle, a multi-purpose vehicle code, which was the most l 02:06 < Revent> enient classification they could have given it." 02:07 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:07 < Revent> *heh* 02:09 -!- Faesleep is now known as Fae 02:12 -!- Denny_WMDE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:19 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:19 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 02:19 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:20 -!- ToAruShiroiNeko [~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 02:22 -!- Guest64799 is now known as Ironholds 02:22 -!- Ironholds [] has quit [Changing host] 02:22 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:24 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:26 -!- ToAruShiroiNeko [~admin@wikimedia/ToAruShiroiNeko] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:28 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:29 -!- Simeondahl [~Simeondah@wikipedia/Simeondahl] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:40 -!- TheChance [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:42 -!- ventiEventi [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:43 < ventiEventi> Hi all 02:45 < Solarra> h 02:45 -!- ventiEventi [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:50 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:54 -!- niko [~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 02:55 -!- kunwon1 [~kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:55 -!- metasyntactic [~kunwon1@unaffiliated/kunwon1] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:56 -!- niko [~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:59 -!- Simeondahl [~Simeondah@wikipedia/Simeondahl] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 03:02 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@] has quit [Changing host] 03:02 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:02 -!- My76Strat [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:02 -!- My76Strat [] has quit [Changing host] 03:02 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:03 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:04 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Client Quit] 03:11 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:11 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 03:11 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:14 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: hi 03:14 < wctaiwan> go to bed 03:15 < legoktm> lol 03:15 < legoktm> [02:30:12 AM] <+legoktm> GO TO SLEEP 03:16 < SigmaWP> night 03:16 < SigmaWP> what the dick it's 03:16 < SigmaWP> 3 03:16 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:18 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into] 03:19 -!- Denny_WMDE1 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:21 -!- Denny_WMDE [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 03:22 -!- Denny_WMDE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:23 -!- p858snake|l_ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:25 -!- peachey|laptop__ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:26 -!- Denny_WMDE1 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:26 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang] 03:26 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:27 -!- ooku [~Ooku@unaffiliated/ooku] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:28 -!- p858snake|l_ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:32 -!- Roadgeek_Adam [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:36 -!- Solarra is now known as katsy 03:37 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:41 -!- peachey|laptop__ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:43 -!- ooku_u [~Ooku@unaffiliated/ooku] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:44 -!- ooku [~Ooku@unaffiliated/ooku] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:45 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:47 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:48 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 03:53 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 03:58 -!- Vogone [~42@wikimedia/Vogone] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:58 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 03:58 < Vogone> is there any enwiki oversighter channel? 03:59 < wctaiwan> Vogone: there's one for revdel, but for OS it's probably quickest to just email 03:59 < NotASpy> Vogone: we can revdel stuff whilst it's waiting to be oversighted. 03:59 < wctaiwan>,,16742507_403,00.jpg John Kerry looks comical 04:00 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:01 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Client Quit] 04:03 -!- dirkfranke [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:06 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@2602:306:cdc9:2150:ea92:a4ff:fef4:46ff] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:06 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@2602:306:cdc9:2150:ea92:a4ff:fef4:46ff] has quit [Changing host] 04:06 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:08 -!- My76Strat [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:08 -!- My76Strat [] has quit [Changing host] 04:08 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:08 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:09 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|scoot 04:12 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ 04:13 -!- armufox1 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 04:16 -!- Maple__ [Maple@trivialand/genius/maple] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:16 -!- Maple__ is now known as Malep 04:17 -!- Malep [Maple@trivialand/genius/maple] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"] 04:19 -!- armufox [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:20 -!- AlmostGrad [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 04:21 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:21 -!- Firefly67 [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:25 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:25 -!- dekiss [~math@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 04:26 -!- dekiss [~math@] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:27 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:27 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:27 -!- MBisanz [] has quit [Changing host] 04:27 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:32 -!- BobTheWikipedian [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:32 < BobTheWikipedian> are pigs flying this morning? 04:32 -!- Vogone [~42@wikimedia/Vogone] has left #wikipedia-en [] 04:33 < kondi> BobTheWikipedian: yes 04:33 < BobTheWikipedian> ah. that explains it. 04:33 < wctaiwan> Pigs in Oklahoma, maybe :/ 04:33 < BobTheWikipedian> i am looking at "about:newtab" in my aurora browser 04:34 < BobTheWikipedian> i see facebook, the grimm, wiki, wiktionary, subfinderonline, inaturalist, google translate, runescape, pandora, and google maps 04:34 < BobTheWikipedian> oops "grimm, wiki" is "grimm wiki" 04:36 < BobTheWikipedian> it would seem enwiki fell off the page :o 04:36 < elkng> Koi|away: "That thing is fucking huge", what thing ? is there a picture ? 04:37 < dekiss> are you guys employees in wikipedia? 04:37 -!- SirGh0sT [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:37 < BobTheWikipedian> i wish 04:37 * Ironholds waves 04:37 < Ironholds> I am, sorta. 04:37 < BobTheWikipedian> i am an employee, and in wikipedia, but these two roles are unrelated 04:37 < dekiss> :) ok 04:37 < Ironholds> and (spookily) am currently triaging candidates for these community liaison jobs. 04:37 < BobTheWikipedian> i am employed by a school system 04:38 -!- SirGh0sT [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 04:38 < dekiss> ahm 04:38 < BobTheWikipedian> and my job has nothing to do with wikipedia 04:38 < dekiss> lol this morning i saw one error 04:38 < BobTheWikipedian> but i edit wikipedia sometimes 04:38 < dekiss> haha it was so funny 04:38 < wctaiwan> hey Ironholds 04:38 < dekiss> it got fixed immeadetly after i post it here :) 04:38 < BobTheWikipedian> not often enough it would seem, aurora forgot to list it in my top nine sites 04:38 < BobTheWikipedian> :P 04:38 < wctaiwan> are you getting colleagues or getting replaced :p 04:38 < BobTheWikipedian> top of the morning to you ollie 04:39 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: 'both'. 04:39 -!- tttb [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:39 < wctaiwan> getting a promotion, then? :) 04:39 < Ironholds> the idea is we'll hire more mes, and I'll then spend a couple of months socialising the visualeditor and giving them all my duties. 04:39 < wctaiwan> ah. 04:39 < BobTheWikipedian> ooo cool 04:39 < Ironholds> I just need to find a way to pause the process before 'getting new duties' and after 'handing all my old ones off' 04:39 * Ironholds cackles, rubs hands 04:40 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:41 < BobTheWikipedian> why is it wikipedia's date articles are MMMM d as opposed to d MMMM? 04:41 < Ironholds> because americans are silly 04:41 < BobTheWikipedian> this has been bugging me 04:41 < Ironholds> ;p 04:41 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: indeed. Business Analyst, looks like. 04:41 < BobTheWikipedian> May 21 04:41 < BobTheWikipedian> From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 04:41 < BobTheWikipedian> (Redirected from 21 May) 04:41 < wctaiwan> nothing wrong with YYYY/MM/DD. 04:42 < Ironholds> Technically Senior Business Analyst, but also Junior Business Analyst, and also the only Business Analyst. 04:42 < wctaiwan> so more data crunching in R? 04:43 < Ironholds> yes and no. So, the last piece of BAwerk I did involved a lot of R to set it up, but most of it was then going through and mind-numbingly hand-coding 2,000 revisions. 04:43 < Ironholds> and then writing it up into something that made sense. 04:43 < wctaiwan> eeh. 04:43 < wctaiwan> well, good luck. 04:43 < Ironholds> See and 04:44 < Ironholds> that last one was fun to write. Working out a way to produce a context-dependent graph for every possible subset under a set of conditions 04:47 < wctaiwan> judging from the comments you still find coding fun. 04:47 < wctaiwan> That's a Good Thing. 04:48 < Ironholds> I do, very much so. 04:48 < wctaiwan> (when you don't, you cease writing comments except where absolutely necessary) 04:48 < Ironholds> noooo. 04:48 < Ironholds> comments are good. 04:48 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 04:48 < Ironholds> I'm tired of seeing code without any comments. 04:48 < tommorris> Ironholds: comments are good, except... 04:48 < wctaiwan> you'd hate my code then :p 04:48 < tommorris> # setting x to 5 04:48 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:48 < tommorris> var x = 5 04:48 < tommorris> # have now set x to 5 04:48 < wctaiwan> hah 04:48 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: If anyone else is going to see it, you should write comments 04:49 < tommorris> a lot of developers seem to think that is useful 04:49 < wctaiwan> classic beiginner's overadjustment 04:49 < tommorris> my preferred comments... 04:49 < Ironholds> tommorris: those devs are dumb. but. 04:49 < Ironholds> if it's #setting seed value 04:49 < Ironholds> #var x = 5 04:49 < Ironholds> *-# 04:49 < Ironholds> that's helpful. Demonstrates why the value of X is important. 04:49 < tommorris> # I worked hard on this shit, and unless you've understood the complexities listed in §3.1.8374 of the RDF 1.1 Semantics document, step the fuck back and don't fuck with this code or I'll rip your balls off. -tom 04:49 < tommorris> ^ that's how you write comments 04:50 < Ironholds> please tell me you didn't write that. 04:50 < tommorris> I have written comments very similar to it. 04:50 < wctaiwan> tommorris: //This code was hard to write. It's only fair that it should be hard to read, as well. 04:50 < Ironholds> I never thought it would be /me/ saying this to anyone, but: have you considered being less of an asshole? 04:50 < Ironholds> ;p 04:50 < tommorris> Ironholds: I'll be less of an arsehole when other developers stop being so incompetent. ;) 04:51 -!- ooku_u [~Ooku@unaffiliated/ooku] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:51 < Ironholds> tommorris: have you considered the possibility that arseholery for experienced devs has a relationship with the incompetence of neophytes? 04:51 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: a typical specimen of my current coding style. 04:51 < Ironholds> specifically, that people being a total dick to you is a really good reason to give up on getting better at something. 04:52 < wctaiwan> basically, if you're a coder you'd know what I'm doing. But good luck if you aren't. 04:52 < tommorris> Ironholds: oh sure, but when you are at work and there are other people who are being paid to be competent, I have good reason to expect them to be competent. 04:52 < Ironholds> oh, totally 04:52 < Ironholds> but you probably don't aide their willingness to listen to you by being a dick ;p 04:52 < Ironholds> my traditional analogy is: if I punch you in the face and then explain why, you're not listening to my explanation. You're going 'ow!' 04:52 -!- BobTheWikipedian [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [SeaMonkey 2.17/20130316231222]] 04:53 < Steven_Zhang> heh 04:53 < Steven_Zhang> You'd probably do that. 04:53 < wctaiwan> It's.. not quite like that, I think, at least with programming. There's this respect for learning things properly and doing your own research. 04:53 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: okay. and if you do your own research and are still stumped? 04:54 < wctaiwan> not so much handholding and being nice about it all. 04:54 < wctaiwan> then you show your work and ask good questions. 04:54 < Ironholds> it's not /about/ handholding. It's about this; if you want people to be efficient there has to be an 'and then?' beyond 'I did research and couldn't find anything' 04:54 < tommorris> Ironholds: I actually don't swear in code that much, but when there's something that's actually quite hard and I've spent days thinking about it, I think it's fair warning to put a comment saying "actually, this is doing something rather subtle and complicated and there's no way of making it any simpler, so unless you are prepared to do the same, then beware of alligators" 04:54 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: sure. and if you find the person you're talking to terrifying, angry and prone to violent threats? 04:55 < Ironholds> I'm not saying it's the way programming culture works. I'm saying the way programming culture works, if your statement is representative, is potentially limiting. 04:55 < Ironholds> tommorris: totally reasonable, but possibly not with threats of castration ;p 04:55 < wctaiwan> I'm not saying it's representative, anyway, I think this is a tangent. 04:56 < Ironholds> okie-dokes. Just saying; you want people to ask good questions, they have to have the spine or confidence to vocalise them, and you don't win that with angriness. 04:58 < tommorris> Ironholds: sometimes the answer to the question is "this shit is hard, I can't really explain it to you because I don't quite know how I pulled it off myself" 05:00 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: does freenode have a channel on R? 05:01 < wctaiwan> (and have you ever asked about things there) 05:02 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:02 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:02 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:02 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: no idea, and no, I use my friend Adam when I'm truly stumped 05:03 < wctaiwan> ah, okay. 05:03 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:03 < Ironholds> tommorris: which is totally fine 05:03 < wctaiwan> I was going to say that if there was, what I'm talking about (and possibly misrepresenting) would be the sort of attitude you'd see there, if it's anything like the other programming channels. 05:05 < wctaiwan> They'll answer questions, but don't expect them to tell you things if you're just too lazy to try it out, or if you're just throwing a problem at them without any prior effort. 05:05 < wctaiwan> I learned the hard way. >.> Some people never did. 05:05 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: but the person to judge whether the question is easy or difficult to answer, and therefore their response, is /them/. People who know what they're doing and have long experience. 05:06 < Ironholds> they're frankly not qualified to judge if a question is difficult for a neophyte, any more than the editors who go "anyone who can't learn a markup language in 2013 to add a citation is clearly clinically retarded" are qualified to talk. 05:06 < Ironholds> and a lot of getting the answer from research is, in my experience, not to do with the question but to do with how the question is formed. 05:06 < wctaiwan> it's not the difficulty. It's the effort. 05:06 < Ironholds> what words and terminology you use. And that's something a newb has to struggle through. 05:06 * Ironholds is trying to think of an illustration 05:07 < Ironholds> plotting. Asking "how do I plot a Lorenz curve in ggplot2" is the wrong question. 05:07 < Ironholds> the right question is "how do I get lattice-based graphs to accept coordinate-based input" or, alternately, "how do I get ggplot2 to accept functions in processing the inputted data" 05:08 < Ironholds> the second set of questions are right. The first question is the problem that the newb is trying to solve for. 05:08 < Ironholds> (I use this example because it bugged me for an age - actually, I've still not worked out the answer, but that's because Lc() has an oddly specific data format that isn't really used anywhere else) 05:08 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:09 < wctaiwan> honestly I think I'm just misrepresenting the situation. There's nothing wrong with being nice to newbies, and I truly think the channels are helpful enough if you show that you are actually trying to learn, not just to have your homework done for you. 05:11 < Ironholds> agreed with the first statement, can't speak to the second 05:11 -!- muahaha|scoot is now known as muahaha 05:11 < wctaiwan> in your case, experienced programmers would generally help you narrow down a question to what you actually don't know, as well. 05:13 -!- janek34234 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:13 < janek34234> where can i report error in a wikipedia image? 05:14 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:14 < QueenOfFrance> janek34234: either here or in #wikimedia-commons if it's an image from commons 05:14 < QueenOfFrance> Alternatively you could try #wikipedia-en-help 05:15 < janek34234> QueenOfFrance: 05:15 < janek34234> last updated in 2006 05:19 -!- Petraile [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:21 < janek34234> QueenOfFrance: i don't expect anyone here to fix it 05:21 < janek34234> I just thought there'd be a wikipedia page to report such errors 05:22 -!- smtchahal [~smtchahal@wikipedia/smtchahal] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:23 -!- janek34234 [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:23 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK 05:24 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:26 < smtchahal> Someone incorrectly AfDed a Wikipedia-space page at about a month ago and didn't even put the required templates, nor transcluded it to where it should've been, that could draw someone's attention. I would have moved that page to Wikipedia:Miscellary for deletion, but I am not sure that's what I should do. The "AfD is going" template still exists 05:27 < smtchahal> *moved it to MFD; not literally at that title, of course... 05:29 < Ironholds> huh? 05:29 < Ironholds> [[Creative strategies in advertising]] is not in the Wikipedia namespace 05:30 < wctaiwan> I think he means that the AfD was never properly listed? 05:30 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: read the first eight words of the statement ;p 05:31 < wctaiwan> oh. 05:31 < wctaiwan> bother >.> 05:31 < Ironholds> and indeed, but it shouldn't be moved to MfD. 05:31 < Ironholds> Just list it properly. 05:31 < smtchahal> Ah.... 05:31 < smtchahal> That *is* a mainspace article... 05:32 < Qcoder00> Afternoon 05:32 < smtchahal> But still has been AfDed weirdly... 05:32 < wctaiwan> smtchahal: wikipedia space generally refers to project space. 05:32 < smtchahal> No tranclusion, no required templates, nothing to draw discussion at al... 05:33 < smtchahal> I do know; idk how I missed it. 05:33 < smtchahal> Wikipedia:<Something here>; yeah I do know. 05:33 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 05:33 < smtchahal> I guess I just presented an example of WP:EPICFAIL. 05:33 < smtchahal> Though I didn't *do* anything. 05:34 < smtchahal> (gladly) 05:34 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away 05:35 < smtchahal> Who's willing to fix that mess, anyway? 05:35 < wctaiwan> I don't know how to. 05:35 < wctaiwan> I list all my AfDs with twinkle 05:36 < smtchahal> Well, me too... 05:36 < smtchahal> My first one was an exception to this, though. 05:38 < smtchahal> One could just copy the format from existing, ongoing AfDs, right? 05:38 -!- Roadgeek_Adam [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:38 < smtchahal> Wait; one also needs to transclude it to the today's AfD log page. 05:38 < smtchahal> 05:39 < kelapstick> I can do it 05:40 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 05:41 < kelapstick> listed on todays, left a comment on the discussion 05:43 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:51 -!- GorillaWarfare [6c14245e@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:54 < a930913> Anybody want to stop this suggestion turning into tumbleweed? 06:00 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 06:01 < Betacommand> a930913: I would never use such a tool 06:01 < a930913> Betacommand: o/ 06:02 < a930913> Betacommand: Why not? 06:02 < Betacommand> a930913: would make debugging a pain in the ass 06:03 < Betacommand> was that error introduced in my code or the cleanup? if its in the cleanup I cannot fix it, I have to file a ticket and wait 06:03 < a930913> Betacommand: What debugging would be obscured by it? 06:04 < a930913> Betacommand: Some log would say what the cleanup changed. 06:04 < a930913> Perhaps even hold before and afters for some period. 06:04 < Betacommand> a930913: do you have any idea how big and useless that log will become really quickly? 06:05 < a930913> Betacommand: It could return a short debug string to put in the edit summary. 06:05 < Betacommand> a930913: Ive got ~1000 lines of code that are run on every wiki page that I process to cleanup/adjust things 06:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Betacommand I dont know, logs can always be used to make furniture 06:06 * wctaiwan turns ToAruShiroiNeko into a desk 06:06 < a930913> Like <Rl> could mean refs fixed, list fixed etc. 06:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan so I have a use? 06:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> cheers! 06:06 < a930913> Betacommand: And its code like that that could be put into a central repository for all to use. 06:07 < Betacommand> a930913: define "ref fixed" I have about 12 different things I do to references on any given page 06:07 < Betacommand> a930913: then you run into cross language coding isuses 06:08 < Betacommand> templates are another dozen or two processes 06:08 < a930913> Betacommand: Obviously I'm over generalising, but assign each task a character. You get the idea? 06:08 < Betacommand> a930913: So you end up with a string like AKHNSQWERJTOQ98U4T AHD FGJHASERTUYQ that makes your edit summary almost useless 06:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Betacommand why not color code it too :P 06:10 < Qcoder00> Hi betacommand 06:10 < Betacommand> ToAruShiroiNeko: ?? 06:10 < Qcoder00> Anyy good with UI tweaks? 06:10 < Qcoder00> PM please 06:10 < a930913> Betacommand: That's just appended on. So "migrating wiki link [[WP:foo/debug|Debug: A$FJG3FGsjfSjs]] 06:11 -!- smtchahal1 [~smtchahal@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:11 -!- farouezt [~zad@gateway/tor-sasl/farouezt] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:11 < Betacommand> a930913: how do you thing the average user will understand that? 06:12 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:12 -!- smtchahal [~smtchahal@wikipedia/smtchahal] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:12 < a930913> Betacommand: By clicking or ignoring. 06:12 -!- smtchahal1 [~smtchahal@] has quit [Client Quit] 06:13 < a930913> Betacommand: And if you don't want that, then log the few bytes in a DB and return an ID to put somewhere. 06:13 < tommorris> or just log anything the bot wants to log to a DB along with a reference to the diff ID 06:15 < Betacommand> a930913: trust me it might be a good idea in theory but sucks in practice 06:15 < a930913> tommorris: There is no diff ID yet. Though the old ID could be sent to generate a log. 06:16 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:18 < a930913> Betacommand: Assuming everything was logged so you could see everything that your bot sent in. Would it still suck? 06:18 -!- Zuzak is now known as zuzak 06:21 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:21 -!- tttb [] has quit [Quit: Fare thee well] 06:22 -!- Snowolf [~snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 60 seconds.] 06:22 -!- Snowolf [~snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:23 < Betacommand> a930913: yes 06:24 -!- Snowolf [~snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf] has quit [Client Quit] 06:24 -!- Snowolf [~snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:24 < Betacommand> To make it log enough data to successfully debug a complex issue the logging database would quickly become sever GB 06:25 < Betacommand> *several 06:30 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds 06:31 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.0] 06:31 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:32 < a930913> Betacommand: GB of log is not much of a cost for such a project. 06:36 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 06:37 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 06:38 < Betacommand> a930913: it becomes unwieldy and bloated exponentially degrading its usefulness 06:38 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:39 < Betacommand> Also if someone changes the code to "fix" one thing and it breaks something else the bot op will take the shit, not the person who broke the bot 06:41 < Betacommand> a930913: see 06:42 < Betacommand> Its often very minor changes that can cause a shitstorm of issues 06:44 < a930913> Betacommand: We'll make a nice banner saying that the bot uses this cleanup and the botop can just forward the shit to the cleanup page. 06:45 -!- |Lobo| [51ca94c9@wikimedia-commons/Lobo] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:47 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Betacommand dont bugs in code cause wars? 06:49 * a930913 throws a brick at ToAruShiroiNeko. 06:49 < a930913> Sorry, bug ;) 06:54 -!- Moskau is now known as Superaway 06:55 -!- farouezt [~zad@gateway/tor-sasl/farouezt] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:55 -!- kelapstick [~kelapstic@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:55 -!- kelapstick [~kelapstic@] has quit [Changing host] 06:55 -!- kelapstick [~kelapstic@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:55 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.] 06:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I was bricked? 06:56 -!- Firefly67 [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06:56 * petan bricks 06:58 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 06:58 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:58 < Theo10011> heh 06:58 < Theo10011> 06:58 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:58 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 06:59 < Betacommand> a930913: that will go about as well as passing yellow painted crap, as gold 06:59 -!- ragesoss_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 can we have lasers to shoot down tornados? 07:00 < Theo10011> only if you finish your vegetables and pray really really hard. 07:00 < kelapstick> And Invent tornado shooting lasers 07:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> vegtables? 07:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 what vegtables? 07:01 < Theo10011> the yucky kind 07:01 -!- elkng_ [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:01 -!- katafler [~katafler@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:01 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 07:01 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Disconnected by services] 07:01 -!- Firefly67 [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:01 -!- katafler [~katafler@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 07:01 -!- elkng_ is now known as elkng 07:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Carnivores sleep all day and eat all night 07:02 < Theo10011> They are on drugs! 07:02 < Theo10011> shhh 07:03 -!- LtNOWIS2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:04 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 07:05 -!- |Lobo| [51ca94c9@wikimedia-commons/Lobo] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 07:06 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:07 < a930913> Any counter vandals around? 07:08 -!- SerajewelKS [devnull@wikipedia/Crazycomputers] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:08 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 07:09 < GorillaWarfare> a930913: Yeah, what's up 07:09 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:10 < a930913> GorillaWarfare: I can't keep up, that's what. 07:10 < GorillaWarfare> Hah 07:10 < GorillaWarfare> Yeah 07:10 < GorillaWarfare> It happens 07:10 < a930913> I'm radioing for backup :p 07:11 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:11 -!- ragesoss_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:11 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:13 -!- Guest59887 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 07:14 -!- Fradeb2000 [] has quit [Quit: Sto andando via] 07:16 < QuelqueChoseRose> any Commons sysops about? 07:18 < Theo10011> 07:18 < Theo10011> QuelqueChoseRose, try #wikimedia-commons 07:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter you around? 07:19 -!- zz_nas [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:19 -!- zz_nas is now known as Guest27498 07:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare actually you could help me with this too probably 07:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you have a moment? 07:20 < GorillaWarfare> ToAruShiroiNeko: Pooossibly 07:20 < GorillaWarfare> I'm going into a meeting in five minutes, so is it quick? :P 07:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure 07:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I pm 07:22 -!- LtNOWIS2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 07:25 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:25 -!- sucheta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:26 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:27 -!- YuviPanda [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:28 -!- YuviPanda [] has quit [Changing host] 07:28 -!- YuviPanda [~YuviPanda@mediawiki/yuvipanda] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:30 -!- kelapstick [~kelapstic@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Quit: Outta here] 07:31 -!- kelapstick [ca48f3e2@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:31 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 07:33 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:34 -!- Mono_ is now known as Mono 07:34 -!- Mono [uid1187@gateway/web/] has quit [Changing host] 07:34 -!- Mono [uid1187@wikimedia/mono] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:35 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|gaman 07:43 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Quit: User has quit this network.] 07:43 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:43 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:45 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:45 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:45 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:46 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:46 < QuelqueChoseRose> hmmm... if you go to "User:Special:foo", you get an exception error 07:47 < Ironholds> ...yes? 07:47 < QuelqueChoseRose> why? 07:48 < Ironholds> I imagine because User: and Special: are both prefixes that identify different, exclusory classes of page. 07:48 < QuelqueChoseRose> doesn't happen on any other projects 07:49 < QuelqueChoseRose> (well, I checked Wikidata,, fr.wp, and simple.wp) 07:49 < QuelqueChoseRose> and User:Wikipedia:foo doesn't generate any errors 07:54 -!- Superaway is now known as Moskau 07:56 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:58 < Ironholds> huh 07:58 < a930913> Dammit, somebody ban me until I revise D: 07:58 < YuviPanda> hmm 07:58 * YuviPanda bans a930913 07:58 < Ironholds> okay! 07:58 * Mdann52 bans a930913 from editing 07:59 < kondi> YuviPanda is back! 07:59 < Mdann52> a930913, not the smartest thing to say with old Ironholds about..... 07:59 < YuviPanda> for now :) 07:59 * YuviPanda bans Ironholds 07:59 < Ironholds> Mdann52: I'm 22, you cheeky bastard! 07:59 < Ironholds> ;p 07:59 * a930913 goes to revise until he gets distracted. 08:00 < Mdann52> :D 08:00 < kondi> YuviPanda: and best of luck for those remaining tests :) 08:00 < kondi> I have to go now 08:00 < YuviPanda> thank you :) 08:00 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has quit [Quit: bbye] 08:00 < QuelqueChoseRose> Ironholds: should i file a bug? doesn't interfere with anything, really (was just a typo on my part that made me notice it), but it could be indicative of a larger issue i suppose 08:01 < Mdann52> Ironholds, yes, but your an ainchant one to Wikipedia :D 08:03 -!- russavia [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:03 -!- russavia [] has quit [Changing host] 08:03 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:03 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 08:05 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:08 -!- Firefly671 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:08 < Ironholds> QuelqueChoseRose: if you want, but it's not going to be high-priority ;p 08:08 -!- Firefly67 [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:09 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:09 < mareklug> Discover credit card abolishes foreign currency conversion fees for all. The time of global marketplace has arrived for the little people. 08:09 < QuelqueChoseRose> lol i know :) 3 of the 4 bugs i've filed are still UNCO, so whatever. still, better to have it marked down somewhere than nowhere at all. 08:10 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:10 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host] 08:10 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:11 < kelapstick> mareklug: do places still take Discover card? 08:11 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:11 < mareklug> kelapstick "still"? they are now taking Discover outside USA 08:11 < kelapstick> really? nowhere I have been. 08:11 < mareklug> kelapstick it is by far the most reasonable credit company of the many I have been a customer of, well, American Express is there also. 08:12 < Ironholds> nowhere I've been 08:12 < Ironholds> and over here, Amex is a loathed company 08:12 < mareklug> Ironholds not in SF? 08:12 < Ironholds> mareklug: which is not outside the USA? ;p 08:12 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:12 < kelapstick> American Express charges retailers fees that are double Master Card and Visa 08:12 < a930913> I lasted 13 minutes! 08:12 < Moskau> a930913: TMI. 08:13 < Ironholds> kelapstick: and you win a point. Used to work in a store? ;p 08:13 < mareklug> Ironholds Discover is ubiquitous in the USA. And now, it turns out, linked to oodles of other such in the world. And now for us happy Merkins, first normal use card that won't charge you 3% fee for buying at or bidding and winning on Etcetera. 08:13 < mareklug> No need to disparage anything, kelapstick Ironholds 08:13 < Moskau> That explains the signs everywhere in Schipol saying that they don't take American Express. 08:13 < kelapstick> my parents own/owned their own businesses (restaurant now) 08:14 < Ironholds> kelapstick: cool! I used to work in a small deli 08:14 < TheDruId> I'm not sure I've ever seen a Discover card. 08:15 < Moskau> I've never heard of that. 08:15 < mareklug> Ironholds here is a simple clue: link any card that is US based to your confirmed PayPal account and you can use it anywhere worldwide. Discover included. 08:15 < Ironholds> mareklug: that's not a clue, and I don't have such a card 08:15 < kelapstick> I have never seen anywhere that accepted Discover accepted in Beijing, Australia, or Mongolia, a few places in Canada do I think. I will check the shops at the airports in Istanbul and London and get back to you in a few weeks. 08:15 < mareklug> and that is not counting the aforementioned credit card aliances iwth the European/Asian cards I mentioned 08:16 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:16 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Quit: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you] 08:18 < mareklug> kelapstick Ironholds 08:19 -!- Firefly671 [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 08:19 < kelapstick> OK, UK, Japan, China 08:20 < mareklug> 08:20 < kelapstick> and in the other countries shown, provided you are at a store that accepts it 08:20 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:21 < mareklug> well you know that if you are a hapless European with a MaestroCard and try to buy something in the US, you are shit out of luck? so it works both ways. 08:21 < Ironholds> mareklug: we were talking about AmEx 08:21 < mareklug> I only menitoned AmEx in passing, in the context of being an extremely reasonable and friendly card to ME, the customer. 08:21 < mareklug> we were talking Discover 08:22 < kelapstick> I was talking both 08:22 < QuelqueChoseRose> mareklug: you /are/ aware what "merkin" means, right? 08:22 < mareklug> anyway, I interrupted myself while adding Discover to my PenPal. There is no reason not to use it for and anymore. or anything international that takes PenPal. 08:23 < mareklug> QuelqueChoseRose I would not use it otherwise 08:23 < QuelqueChoseRose> btw, anyone have any clue what component I should file this bug under? 08:24 < QuelqueChoseRose> mareklug: good ol' 'mer'can president Merkin Muffley? :) 08:24 < mareklug> yes, indeedee 08:28 < kelapstick> look at that, it's just about time to make lunch 08:28 -!- LtNOWIS2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:28 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:30 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:32 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:34 -!- enhydra [kalan@wikimedia/Kalan] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 08:34 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:34 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:38 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 08:38 < QuelqueChoseRose> huh. 3 of my 5 bugs just got confirmed within the space of 2 hours. 08:40 -!- xgoo [~xgoo@] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:40 -!- xgoo is now known as Guest87299 08:44 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:44 -!- smtchahal [~smtchahal@wikipedia/smtchahal] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:44 -!- Guest87299 [~xgoo@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:44 -!- David_Stevenson [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:44 -!- xgoo_ [~xgoo@] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:48 < smtchahal> Sorry to bother you people (because I know most of you are not here to help others), but can someone please tell me what would happen if my IP address (though not my user account) gets blocked (temporarily or otherwise) for vandalism? Not because I've ever committed vandalism as an IP, but because my IP address keeps changing almost every day, and I keep getting irrelevant messages (though none of those warnings have been above level 2 ("Ple 08:49 -!- enhydra [kalan@2001:ba8:1f1:f011::1337] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:49 -!- enhydra [kalan@2001:ba8:1f1:f011::1337] has quit [Changing host] 08:49 -!- enhydra [kalan@wikimedia/Kalan] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:50 < TheDruId> Wikimedia dispatches wikininjas. Sorry, I don't know. 08:50 < tommorris> smtchahal: if your IP is blocked, you may not be able to edit. if you are on a dynamic IP and you find yourself getting blocked, tell an admin and we can unblock that dynamic IP. or if it becomes a recurring problem, you can apply to be IP block exempt if you are reasonably trustworthy 08:51 < QuelqueChoseRose> smtchahal: although fortunately most IP blocks are anon-only 08:52 < QuelqueChoseRose> (though if for any reason you wanted to register a second account, that's more likely to be disabled) 08:52 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:54 -!- mariorz [uid490@gateway/web/] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 08:56 < smtchahal> I already have a second account, but I rarely use it. 08:56 < smtchahal> And I do know WP:SOCK#LEGIT. 08:59 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:00 < smtchahal> tommorris: Suppose that I get blocked when on a dynamic (or rather any) IP. Now does that mean that I am allowed to access the login page but can't successfully log in to on a non-IP block excempt account (like the one I use)? 09:00 < smtchahal> (Given that it's that type block, of course) 09:01 < tommorris> smtchahal: I'm not sure. I'm an admin, so never really feel the effect of IP softblocks. ;) 09:01 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:01 < Carly> MAREKLUG 09:01 -!- xgoo_ [~xgoo@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:01 < Carly> :| 09:01 -!- xgoo [~xgoo@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:02 -!- xgoo is now known as Guest15009 09:03 -!- Guest15009 [~xgoo@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:03 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:05 -!- GingerGeek [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:05 < russavia> ToAruShiroiNeko see how arguments are framed? that's half the problem 09:06 < Carly> MAREKLUG ! 09:06 -!- ExtinguishedFire [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [SeaMonkey 2.17.1/20130410205058]] 09:10 -!- smtchahal1 [~smtchahal@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:12 -!- smtchahal [~smtchahal@wikipedia/smtchahal] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:12 -!- prestoMBQ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:12 -!- prestoMBQ [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 09:15 < Qcoder00> Question 09:15 < Qcoder00> Does anyone here knwo who the Gideon's Are? 09:15 -!- erry_ [erry@freenode/staff/erry] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:15 < Dcoetzee> smtchahal1: You can always access the log in page and even log in, even with a blocked user. 09:16 < Dcoetzee> smtchahal1: You will just not be permitted to edit any page, except possibly your talk page. 09:16 -!- erry_ [erry@freenode/staff/erry] has left #wikipedia-en [] 09:16 < mareklug> Qcoder00 it is a secret society that places bibles in hotel rooms 09:16 -!- dirkfranke [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 09:16 < russavia> TIL Canada does not have a national bird 09:17 < Qcoder00> Not so secret 09:17 < smtchahal1> Dcoetzee: In the case only my IP address gets blocked? 09:17 < Dcoetzee> smtchahal1: If it is a soft block then you will still be able to edit normally after logging in with your user. 09:17 < Qcoder00> I was wondering if it was worth asking GLAM to get them to release certain materials they hold a nominal copyright to... 09:17 < Qcoder00> Such as historical accounts of their founding.. 09:18 < Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Depends on the GLAM but some of them monetize those blurbs as part of their books and whatnot in their souvenir shops 09:18 < russavia> mareklug i thought poland's national bird would have been a white eagle 09:18 < Qcoder00> Well ... 09:19 < Qcoder00> Surely Propogration of the gospel and histories of those that do is something that should not be tainted by avirace? 09:19 < Qcoder00> XD 09:19 < russavia> or an eagle at the very least 09:19 < Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: You haven't heard of irony? :-) 09:19 < Qcoder00> Of course not 09:19 < smtchahal1> Dcoetzee: I have (successfully) reported quite a few users at WP:ANI, but never bothered to check what kind of block was implented on them, so I'm not sure under what circumstances my IP address could get hard blocked. 09:19 < mareklug> russavia most storks in europe nest in Poland 09:20 < smtchahal1> I used to stay logged in to Wikipedia, but no more... 09:20 < smtchahal1> (upto 30 days as it allows, of course) 09:20 < Dcoetzee> smtchahal1: Let me be clear. No matter what kind of block is applied to your IP, that will never prevent you from logging in. 09:20 < Dcoetzee> Blocks prevent editing pages, not logging in. 09:21 < QuelqueChoseRose> I believe IP hardblocks usually only occur if there's evidence of multiple-account abuse 09:21 < Dcoetzee> And yes IP hardblocks are quite rare 09:21 < QuelqueChoseRose> especially if it's a dynamic range 09:21 < smtchahal1> Yes I did get it. But I guess I'd rather not log in at all than to find out that all I can edit is my talk page. 09:22 < Dcoetzee> smtchahal1: That is silly 09:22 < Dcoetzee> It's probably a soft block and you can still edit normally. 09:22 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:22 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 09:22 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:22 < Qcoder00> QuelqueChoseRose: I thought the only hard block was on network infrastructure of a group that had systemically meat puppeted... 09:22 < Dcoetzee> If it is a hard block, it's probably temporary. 09:22 < QuelqueChoseRose> worst case scenario you have to go outside for a few hours while an admin or CU reviews your unblock request. and it's unlikely that'll even ever have to happen 09:23 < QuelqueChoseRose> Qcoder00: by whom you mean Scientologists? 09:23 < smtchahal1> I have nothing to worry about, then. 09:23 < Qcoder00> QuelqueChoseRose: I did not say that 09:23 < Dcoetzee> smtchahal1: Anyway there's no reason to speculate, tell us your username and we can tell you exactly what kind of block it is and why it happened 09:23 < Bsadowski1> You don't appear to be blocked, smtchahal1 09:23 < smtchahal1> No, I've never been blocked. 09:24 < smtchahal1> Yes, that's true. 09:24 < QuelqueChoseRose> Qcoder00: someone scared of Mr. Miscavige? 09:24 < smtchahal1> Never mind. 09:24 < russavia> mareklug: interesting our article says white stork is a symbol of lithuania but not of poland 09:24 -!- smtchahal1 [~smtchahal@] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 09:24 < Bsadowski1> Hmm 09:24 < russavia> but then again, lithuania is polish clay, so it's probably correct 09:24 < QuelqueChoseRose> anyways, qcoder, no, while CoS is hardblocked by default, I believe other ranges are too 09:24 -!- smtchahal [~smtchahal@wikipedia/smtchahal] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:24 < Dcoetzee> ...I'm confused, why would someone ask a bunch of questions about blocking when they have no reason to believe they're blocked? 09:24 < QuelqueChoseRose> *other IPs 09:25 < smtchahal> Dynamically changing IP is the answer. 09:25 < Dcoetzee> Silly newbies 09:25 < QuelqueChoseRose> Dcoetzee: he was curious. has a highly dynamic range, and gets vandalism warnings when he's logged out. 09:25 < Dcoetzee> Oh I see 09:25 < russavia> "In the 19th century, storks were also thought to only live in countries having a republican form of government.[135]" there's today's useless piece of information i learned 09:25 < mareklug> russavia it may be a symbol of Li, but hte fucking birds come to Mazury 09:25 < Qcoder00> QuelqueChoseRose: Whose Miscavige? 09:25 < smtchahal> And I don't think I'm a newbie; even though I began a few months ago, I've made a few thousand edits. 09:25 < Dcoetzee> Sorry 09:26 < Dcoetzee> I thought you had quit the channel 09:26 < GingerGeek> lol 09:26 < QuelqueChoseRose> Qcoder00: head honcho at the cult of Hubbard 09:26 < smtchahal> To get my cloak back on, yes... 09:26 < Qcoder00> QuelqueChoseRose: Oh him... 09:26 < Qcoder00> The one someone unsuccusefully tried to have sectioned in the UK as delusional :) 09:26 < QuelqueChoseRose> the one who's not allowed into Germany 09:26 < Qcoder00> (and possibly borederline pyschotic) 09:27 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 09:27 < Qcoder00> Seriously? 09:27 * QuelqueChoseRose gets shot by Scientology snipers 09:27 < russavia> Mareklug: on geese -- They win the world's biggest bastards contest, hands down. They shit all over everything, make a ton of noise, and try to start fights. They're basically drunk Oakland fans. 09:27 < QuelqueChoseRose> i think they're all banned. State Department's always complaining about it. 09:27 < Qcoder00> The Germans won't let the head of a prominent spirtual movement in? 09:28 < QuelqueChoseRose> idk, maybe it's not that severe. read through if you're interested 09:28 < mareklug> russavia you think Oakland fans are the worst? The biggest bastards are swans. Try tangling with one. 09:28 < Qcoder00> That Scientology is controversial is a given 09:28 < Qcoder00> ;) 09:28 < QuelqueChoseRose> my grandfather did one of the first exposés on Scientology. was convinced they were bugging his phonecalls for years afterward 09:28 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Quit: jorm] 09:28 < Dcoetzee> QuelqueChoseRose: If we weren't talking about scientologists, I'd say he was paranoid 09:29 < russavia> oh i know all about swans -- especially the black ones we have here -- they are nasty sons of bitches -- they take chunks out of your leg, and chase you down the sandbars on the river 09:29 < russavia> obviously i'm talking from experience 09:29 < QuelqueChoseRose> I almost fell into the pond at the Boston Common once when I was little, thanks to a swan 09:29 < Dcoetzee> What is the best weapon to fight off an angry swan with? 09:30 < QuelqueChoseRose> Dcoetzee: Idk, I never watched all of Black Swan. Lesbian sex, maybe? 09:30 < Dcoetzee> ... 09:30 < Dcoetzee> That seems to be the main thing people remember from that film yes 09:31 < mareklug> Dcoetzee a bagel. they love onion. 09:31 -!- Denny_WMDE [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 09:31 < Dcoetzee> So I should keep bagels in my pocket at all times in case of wild swan attack? 09:31 < QuelqueChoseRose> a gun would work too 09:31 < mareklug> if you frequent swan infested ponds, yes. 09:32 < Dcoetzee> I dunno, a gun might just slow them down 09:32 < mareklug> Dcoetzee two bagels, as they come in pairs mostly 09:32 < QuelqueChoseRose> Desert Eagle, maybe? 09:32 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:32 < QuelqueChoseRose> or a bear gun, if you really wanna be sure 09:32 < Qcoder00> QuelqueChoseRose: Hmm 09:32 < mareklug> a bagel does the job and is legal in your jurisdiction. 09:32 < QuelqueChoseRose> though that might not work against long-range swan attacks 09:32 < Dcoetzee> That's unwieldly 09:32 < Qcoder00> I'm waiting for someone to leak Scientology secrets to Assange 09:32 < Dcoetzee> Qcoder00: Why has Anonymous not already done that? 09:33 < mareklug> Dcoetzee if you are hard pressed, carry one bagel only, but do cut it/slice it in half 09:33 < Qcoder00> That would put certain US officals in a tricky position 09:33 < Dcoetzee> mareklug: Clever 09:33 < mareklug> the swans are too stupid to realize they only got half a bagel anyway 09:33 < Pote> :-) 09:33 < Qcoder00> Dcoetzee: Anons are out for lulz, not actual 'Jail the crooks' activisim 09:34 < Qcoder00> That said 'fair game' and some Anon tactics become dangerously simillar 09:34 < Qcoder00> :( 09:34 < Dcoetzee> Anonymous is too diversified and lacking in central leadership to have their purpose fully characterised 09:34 < Dcoetzee> The most we can say is a lot of them are trolls. 09:34 < QuelqueChoseRose> and they're a lot smaller than peope think 09:34 < QuelqueChoseRose> *people 09:35 < QuelqueChoseRose> <ref></ref> 09:35 < Dcoetzee> But I would think at least they'd hate Scientologists enough to get some of their capable hackers looking into them 09:36 < Qcoder00> QuelqueChoseRose: Do you happen to have a copy of the Foster Report which could be scanned? 09:37 < Qcoder00> ( As a Government report, it should reasonably now be under OGL) 09:37 < QuelqueChoseRose> happy reading 09:38 < Qcoder00> The intent was on finding an original copy for Wikisource 09:38 < mareklug> QuelqueChoseRose that's Dave Touretzky's page. I know him from the 1987 first connectionist summer school, where I was invited. CMU is a fun place, and Dave is a great guy. 09:40 < QuelqueChoseRose> Qcoder00: Lol well I don't keep printed copies of UK Government reports lying around my house 09:41 -!- metasyntactic is now known as kunwon1 09:41 < Qcoder00> OK.. 09:41 < Qcoder00> Thanks for the link 09:41 < QuelqueChoseRose> Though my school has a copy of the Warren Report somewhere random, if you want 09:41 < mareklug> 09:41 * Qcoder00 checks to see if Wikisource already has the Warren report 09:42 < Qcoder00> Hmm 09:42 < Qcoder00> Not found yet 09:42 < Qcoder00> Warren Report is the JFK one right? 09:42 < QuelqueChoseRose> mareklug: ? 09:42 < mareklug> obviously 09:43 < QuelqueChoseRose> lol yes I know how to find a userpage from a contribs page :P 09:43 < mareklug> I respect people who post their phone numbers on their pages 09:43 < mareklug> QuelqueChoseRose why the ? then 09:43 < QuelqueChoseRose> indeed. email is less smart, though, thanks to bots 09:43 < QuelqueChoseRose> mareklug: because it's what you get when you press shift and / , which are the keys i felt like pressing 09:43 < mareklug> QuelqueChoseRose if you know how to use procmail, email posting in public is no skin of your nose 09:43 -!- beboki [~beboki@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:44 < Qcoder00> QuelqueChoseRose: - Is this what you meant? 09:44 < Qcoder00> Or is the Warren Report something else? 09:47 < russavia> wow i wasn't expecting that </sarcasm> 09:47 < QuelqueChoseRose> not sure, really. just know that there used to be this massive book lying around in our Theatre, and apparently it was the Warren Commission Report 09:48 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:48 -!- IShadowed [] has quit [Changing host] 09:48 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:48 < Qcoder00> OK 09:49 < kelapstick> probably the same one 09:51 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 09:51 < Qcoder00> Anwhow... 09:51 < NotASpy> Sir Alex Ferguson is really interested in the assassination of JFK, has things like the Warren Report. He even knows who did it... 09:52 < NotASpy> in other news, 09:53 < kelapstick> and he isn't telling anyone? 09:53 < Qcoder00> Ah But Does Sir Alex know who really Killed Diana? 09:53 < Qcoder00> XD 09:53 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:54 < Dcoetzee> I also know who killed JFK... Lee Harvey Oswald :-P 09:54 < kelapstick> so says the Warren Commission 09:54 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: Jimmy Savile - he was in charge of seat belt safety for all British citizens. Clunk click every grope. 09:54 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:54 < Qcoder00> NotASpy; Erm... 09:55 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: she would have walked away from it if she had her seat belt on. 09:55 * Qcoder00 suddenly has a horrifying mental image about th cigar... 09:55 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:56 < NotASpy> Now then, now then Qcoder00 09:56 < NotASpy> the whole thing is in the past, but I'm really rather pissed off his house in Glencoe is continually being vandalised. It's really rather important. 09:58 < mareklug> you know a new MacBook Pro is imminent when MacMall discounts the 13" 2012 unit by 400 dollars less a buck. 09:58 < Dcoetzee> Well it's easy to discount Macs since they sell at 2-3 times their cost of production. 09:58 < mareklug> Dcoetzee it is easy, but it is rarely done. 09:59 < Dcoetzee> True 09:59 < mareklug> so I am all agog 09:59 < mareklug> the new thingee should at least have 802.11ac networking, which implies new Time Capsule and Airport bases. 10:01 < Dcoetzee> These days I prefer Hackintosh in VM to real Mac hardware 10:01 -!- SuicidalZerg is now known as The_Thing 10:02 < mareklug> Dcoetzee why would you. a) it is not likely to be a seamless user experience, especially in the future as driver support changes, b) they look certainly uglier than the custom-designed and manufactured apples. 10:03 < Dcoetzee> If I wanted to show off pretty things I'd buy jewelry. 10:03 < mareklug> and the Retina screen 10:03 -!- beboki [~beboki@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 10:03 < Pote> Carly: :-( 10:03 < mareklug> Dcoetzee you show off other pretty things you buy/bought -- D800 :) :) :) 10:03 < Dcoetzee> And my only interest in the Mac platform is building and testing cross platform apps 10:03 < mareklug> Dcoetzee basically I hear antipathy to Cupertino talkin' 10:04 -!- The_Thing is now known as Son_Gohan 10:04 < mareklug> Dcoetzee if you were interested in your apps as they play on a retina screen of a real mac user, you would invest in like equipment. 10:04 < mareklug> this is especialy true of photo / art apps 10:05 < Dcoetzee> And I did 10:05 < Dcoetzee> And it broke and needed replacement parts, 5 times, because Macs are shitty hardware 10:05 < Dcoetzee> Until eventually I couldn't fix it anymore 10:05 < Dcoetzee> I don't want to go down that road again. 10:05 < NotASpy> I disagree - four year old MacBook and not a single dead pixel. 10:06 < Dcoetzee> I had to replace the battery, the keyboard, the screen 10:06 < Dcoetzee> Practically everything 10:06 < mareklug> aw. I am awaiting the delivery of 2 SCSI vintage drives for my Apples circa 1988. To resume photoshopping duties in 24 meg memory and 24 Mhz Motorola 68030 CPUs. :) And you say they don't last. 10:06 < Dcoetzee> And I only had it like 2 years 10:06 < Dcoetzee> It was truly the worst machine I ever had 10:06 < mareklug> you were unlucky 10:06 < NotASpy> mine is still on it's original battery and power supply too - although the battery is a little swollen and could do with replacement, which is annoying as it still lasts a couple of hours on charge if you're sensible. 10:07 < edditer> Qcoder00: what do you think about making it subject-oriented instead of article-oriented? this means using an "in order to understand the subject, an understanding of the following subjects is required" section or infobox instead of a mere "technical style" warning. this will shift focus to a more fundamental level (than what the article happens to include/explain and what explanatory approaches it takes at a particular point in time), making the prer 10:07 < edditer> equisites tree less arbitrary. 10:07 < Dcoetzee> Also, needless to say, when testing cross compatibility apps it is a lot more convenient to have Mac in VM 10:07 < Dcoetzee> Since I don't need to have multiple PCs set up on a LAN, I can do it all on one host 10:07 < Qcoder00> edditer: OK 10:07 < edditer> Qcoder00: great 10:08 < mareklug> Dcoetzee yes, but your screen is not the physical retina a mac user uses. 10:08 -!- thedj [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:08 -!- thedj [] has quit [Changing host] 10:08 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:08 < Qcoder00> Did you exmain my template? 10:08 -!- Izhidez [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:08 -!- Izhidez is now known as Guest84939 10:08 < edditer> yes 10:08 < Qcoder00> Is it likely to be useful? 10:08 < Dcoetzee> Retina screens are nice but they're still LCD screens 10:08 < Dcoetzee> They're not radically different 10:09 < mareklug> Dcoetzee but your resolution, hinting, color temperature, color calibration, what have you, will be off. you won't know any different. you are basically programming blind. 10:09 -!- Guest84939 [] has quit [Changing host] 10:09 -!- Guest84939 [~DeltaQuad@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:09 < Dcoetzee> mareklug: You really really think I'm going to customise all my GUI assets for optimal display on a particular monitor? 10:09 -!- Guest84939 is now known as Izawayz 10:09 < edditer> Qcoder00: yes, with some change in wording ("This article approaches a technical subject that can only be understood if the reader is familiar with:"). however, some sort of infobox may be more fitting, since it's subject oriented. something comparable to the "article part of a series on". 10:09 < tzatziki> ...Xbox One. 10:09 -!- Izawayz is now known as Izhidez 10:09 < mareklug> all? only those you need to/ 10:10 < tzatziki> XBOX ONE?! 10:10 < tzatziki> Christ. 10:10 < Dcoetzee> mareklug: In a cross platform app the goal is to have one set of assets that does a reasonable job across a variety of hardware 10:10 < mareklug> Dcoetzee if you were catering to the professional crowd, you would have the physical stuff they use. 10:10 -!- Izhidez [~DeltaQuad@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has left #wikipedia-en [] 10:11 < edditer> Qcoder00: it would help if you could create an infobox. i could try to learn to do it too, so do it only when/if you have time. 10:11 < Dcoetzee> If I were catering to the professional crowd I'd be making money and could buy one 10:11 < Qcoder00> edditer: edit awau 10:11 < mareklug> ah. :) so it goes. 10:11 < Qcoder00> edditer: Edit away 10:12 < edditer> Qcoder00: thanks 10:12 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:12 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 10:16 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:19 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:19 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:20 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:21 -!- DJMalik [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:24 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ 10:24 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bo *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip. eir] by eir 10:27 -!- Prodego [~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:28 -!- ragesoss [~quassel@wikimedia/ragesoss] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:29 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:30 < Logan_> Hi Prodego. :) 10:31 < Prodego> hello sir 10:35 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:35 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 10:35 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:36 < Prodego> How are you Logan_? 10:36 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 10:36 < Logan_> I'm doing well, thanks. You? 10:37 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:37 -!- smtchahal [~smtchahal@wikipedia/smtchahal] has quit [Quit: Have to go for now.] 10:38 -!- DJMalik is now known as Bradford 10:39 -!- JohnLewis is now known as JL|AWAY 10:42 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:44 < Prodego> Tis alright 10:45 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:48 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:48 < mareklug> NotASpy my beautification project 10:48 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 10:51 < elkng> mareklug: why do you need all those web browsers: "lynx,chrome,opera,firefox,safari" ? 10:51 < elkng> greedyness ? 10:51 < mareklug> testing for usability 10:51 < mareklug> elkng why do you presume inanities 10:51 -!- mariorz [uid490@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:52 < elkng> are they all free ? 10:52 < mareklug> yes, they are all free. 10:52 -!- Jasper_Deng_conn [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:53 < elkng> mareklug: you are not using pirated software arn't you ? 10:53 < mareklug> Logan_ 10:53 < mareklug> elkng these browsers seem pirated software to you? 10:53 < elkng> mareklug: there are not only browsers, there are bunch of other software on that desktop 10:54 < mareklug> elkng criminy! software on the desktop! be sure to call fbi. 10:55 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:55 -!- Jasper_Deng_conn is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 10:56 < elkng> mareklug: what is interesting about that 802-11ac gigabit wifi card ? 10:56 < mareklug> elkng do you know anything about 802.11 standards? 10:57 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:57 < elkng> I have 3 USB 802.11n wifi dongles and one 802.11n dlink access point 10:57 < mareklug> good for you. and what sort of connectivity do you get in real life? 10:58 < elkng> 2.5MB/s ? 10:58 < mareklug> on your local WiFi network? 10:58 -!- D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000 10:59 < elkng> when copying files from PC to android phone 10:59 < mareklug> android phone is permitted to be slow. what about other copying? 10:59 -!- Petraile [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 10:59 < Bsadowski1> mareklug: 10:59 < Bsadowski1> oh 11:00 < mareklug> yes I know Bsadowski1. It is still nice to have your own soft. 11:01 < mareklug> Bsadowski1 note the sad absence of any Safari, Omniweb, or for that matter, pre-4 Konqueror 11:02 < mareklug> on Windows 11:02 < Revent> Links is also missing 11:02 < mareklug> as is w3m or Elinks 11:02 < mareklug> or Lynx 2.7 11:03 < elkng> mareklug: no other copying, I tested speed between two USB wifi dongles dlink and tp-link undel linux, and they are stopped working after couple minutes of file transferr, speed was about 16Mbit/s, same between USB dongle and access point 11:03 < mareklug> there is one version of w3m on linux 11:03 < Revent> That's still show for local n. 11:03 < mareklug> elkng stopped working? that is not an acceptable event in one's home wifi lan 11:03 < Revent> *slow 11:03 < elkng> mareklug: also why do you have web browsers konqueror and links2 ? 11:04 < mareklug> because I have kde 11:04 -!- Koi|away is now known as Koi 11:04 < elkng> mareklug: that happened because I pushed data transfer too fast or because drivers was unstable 11:04 < mareklug> elkng sucks to be your network 11:04 < Revent> 'local n' should give you more like 35-40 at least. 11:05 < elkng> s/undel/under 11:05 < mareklug> elkng my Apple gear delivered yesterday (with the able assist of Comcast) a 3.40 Mbps UPLOAD to Mauritius. 11:05 < mareklug> that's in the middle of Indian Ocean 11:05 -!- paroneayea [~user@fsf/member/paroneayea] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:06 < mareklug> elking my routine downloads on WLAN are 55 Mbps 11:06 < mareklug> Wifi to to iMac 11:06 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:06 < Revent> FWIW if you turn up the 'broadcast power' on your access point you'll probably do better. 11:07 < mareklug> Revent it's at 100% using Airport Utility 5.6 11:07 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:07 < mareklug> Airport Utility 6.2 hides all the good conrols. 11:07 < Revent> *I mean elkng* 11:07 < elkng> I got those USB dongles for testing them on linux, I don't use wifi, only to copy files to phone sometimes 11:07 < mareklug> :) 11:07 < a930913> Some event happened today about the [[Xbox One]]? My vandalism senses are tingling. 11:07 < Prodego> It was announced 11:08 < Jeske_Couriano> Yes, it got revealed. 11:08 < Prodego> and that ended about 9 minutes ago 11:08 -!- Bradford is now known as BurritoEclair- 11:08 < mareklug> elkng then you really have no interest in 802.11ac hence your question about the link to the leak is irrelevant 11:08 < Jeske_Couriano> And /v/ has a thread comparing the reveal event to Hell's Kitchen US 11:08 < elkng> mareklug: "leak", is it something new and special hardware ? 11:09 < mareklug> yes, all the more special that it appears to have been manufactured as early as October 2012. 11:09 < mareklug> so it is a prototype 11:09 < a930913> Prodego: o/ 11:09 < mareklug> the actual production gear is likely to be unveiled in public at the developers' conference on June 4 in San Francisco 11:10 -!- BurritoEclair- is now known as Pote 11:10 < elkng> Prodego: is there a video of revealing of xbox ? 11:10 < Prodego> there was a stream 11:10 < Prodego> not sure if it has been uploaded yet 11:10 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:10 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ [] has quit [Changing host] 11:10 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:11 < Jeske_Couriano_> - NSFW, but no genitalia 11:12 < elkng> Prodego: and shouldn't it be revealed at E3 this summer ? 11:12 < Prodego> elkng: well I think they don't want to let PS4 get too far ahead 11:12 < Prodego> they are doing an event then too 11:13 < Prodego> plus this way they don't have to complete for media attention 11:13 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 11:13 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ is now known as Jeske_Couriano 11:15 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:16 -!- paroneayea [~user@fsf/member/paroneayea] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:22 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:26 < a930913> Bleh, block 11:27 < a930913> Any takers? 11:28 < a930913> !admin ^ 11:31 < Revent> Umm he's already done... 11:31 < Revent> About a minute and a half ago. 11:32 < Revent> (normally a AIV post is the way to go, btw) 11:34 < SerajewelKS> by the timestamps in my IRC client, a930913's last message was prior to the block being placed 11:34 < Revent> Yup....within a minute or so span... 11:36 -!- YuviPanda is now known as DissapointedPand 11:36 < a930913> Revent: I take urgent ones to IRC - this guy was spamming a large number of edits. 11:37 < Revent> Ye, I see that... not *objecting* to mentioning it here...I would. 11:38 < Revent> AIV is just more likely to get 'awake' people.... 11:39 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:40 < a930913> Revent: Depends on the time. Also, I started making a fuss here before the final warning and all that :p 11:42 < Revent> Yeah, sorry, not 'criticizing'....just trying to point out that AIV is a 'more standard' route (on-wiki history) 11:42 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:42 < Revent> It was 'mission success' pretty quick either way. :) 11:43 -!- MissGayle [~gyoung@wikimedia/gyoung] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:44 < Revent> More a matter of pointing out that *only* mentioning it here isn't 'tracable' histroy-wise. 11:44 < Revent> *history 11:45 < a930913> Revent: Even more of a reason for me :D 11:45 * a930913 goes back to coding and not revising like he should be. 11:45 < Revent> Gotcha....that's a perfectly valid point. :) 11:46 -!- DissapointedPand is now known as YuviPanda 11:46 -!- JZTech101 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:46 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium] 11:49 -!- YuviPanda is now known as BadPun 11:49 -!- ________________ [~wat@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:a2:2c2f:51a3:236f] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:49 < kondi> I may vomit 11:50 -!- BadPun is now known as YuviPanda 11:51 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:53 -!- ________________ is now known as |||||||||||||||| 11:55 -!- Qcoder00 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 11:55 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:55 -!- TheChance [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:58 -!- JoFo [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:00 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:00 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:01 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 12:01 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 12:01 -!- harej [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:01 -!- harej [~quassel@] has quit [Changing host] 12:01 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:01 -!- StevenW_ [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:03 -!- muahaha|gaman is now known as muahaha 12:05 -!- guillom is now known as basile 12:05 -!- Grashoofd [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:05 -!- YuviPanda is now known as zz_YuviPanda 12:17 -!- keyn [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:18 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:18 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has quit [Changing host] 12:18 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:20 < ||||||||||||||||> hi IShadowed 12:21 < IShadowed> hi 12:23 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 12:24 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ 12:24 -!- |||||||||||||||| [~wat@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:a2:2c2f:51a3:236f] has left #wikipedia-en [requested by QueenOfFrance (you should know better)] 12:24 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*@2001:0:5ef5:79fb:a2:2c2f:51a3:236f] by QueenOfFrance 12:24 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ 12:25 -!- Grashoofd [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.89-rdmsoft [XULRunner]] 12:26 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Carly] 12:38 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:39 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:41 -!- FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4 12:44 -!- Onaka [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:46 -!- Guest27498 [] has quit [Changing host] 12:46 -!- Guest27498 [Nascar1996@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:46 -!- Guest27498 is now known as nas 12:47 -!- nas is now known as Nascar1996 12:49 -!- shimgray [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:49 -!- shimgray [] has quit [Changing host] 12:49 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:51 < dtm_> hi. in a biography, nicknames can go in the opening summary statement, right? '''James Carter "Jimmy" Pankow''' 12:51 < dtm_> i would not have them in the infobox, persondata, etc, which is technical and literal 12:52 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia] 12:52 -!- Kotter [~soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:54 < QuelqueChoseRose> dtm_: yeah, but remember not to boldface the quotation marks 12:54 < QuelqueChoseRose> '''William Jefferson''' "'''Bill'''" '''Clinton''' 12:55 < Koi> that's stupid. 12:55 < Koi> so many ' around it :PP 12:56 < dtm_> QuelqueChoseRose: orly. thanks. 12:56 < Revent> *as a side note from -help... Nice when some random troll asks 'how do I call Satan' and there's a relevant article. :) 12:56 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:56 < dtm_> Revent: very nice. 12:56 < Revent> "Evocation" 12:57 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 12:59 -!- ragesoss [~quassel@wikimedia/ragesoss] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:59 < Revent> Actually, FWIW that article is missing a lot of references... :/.... Be amusing to actually cite some grimoires. 13:01 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:01 < dtm_> hehe 13:02 < Fox2k12> <-- LOL .. "it Hurts but kinda like it.. " *facepalm* 13:04 < Revent> Yeah....the M&M's commercials are starting to get a bit creepy more than funny. 13:04 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~] 13:04 -!- GingerGeek [] has quit [Quit: Bye!] 13:04 < Fox2k12> hehe... 13:04 < Fox2k12> I like it it's funny.. 13:05 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 13:05 < Revent> Like, talking candy, funny......disturbing cannibalism references...not so much. 13:05 < Fox2k12> he has a nice hairdo on 0:15 13:05 < Revent> I mean, it doesn't exactly make me want to /eat/ M&Ms... 13:05 < Fox2k12> oh geez... whats the issue with talking candy? 13:05 < a930913> What is this databse replication that requires secrecy? 13:05 -!- Moskau [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:05 -!- Moskau [] has quit [Changing host] 13:05 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:06 < Fox2k12> well then skip the skittles too... 13:06 -!- PeterSymonds [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:06 < Ironholds> a930913: secrecy? 13:06 -!- StevenW_ is now known as StevenW 13:06 < Revent> I like the commercials in general, they're just getting a bit much lately... 13:06 < Fox2k12> I guss thats intended... 13:06 < Fox2k12> guess...* 13:07 -!- ragesoss_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:07 -!- jorgeluis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Killiondude] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:07 < a930913> Ironholds: Just read on the technical pump, "It'll require an NDA for anyone with direct access to the replication and the servers must be located in the US." 13:07 < Fyre> hooly fuck 13:07 < Fyre> i'm in montreal and i finish in 20 minutes 13:07 < Kotter> 13:07 < Fyre> the whole subway is down 13:07 < Fox2k12> they just getting sassy.. Revent 13:08 < Revent> Ye....I just thing they're crossing the line to creepy...odd decision for a 'candy' ad. 13:08 < Revent> *think* 13:08 < jorgeluis> good afternoon, wikipedians 13:09 < Revent> o/ 13:09 < Fox2k12> hi jorgeluis 13:09 < Fox2k12> Revent well the 2012 commercial was also good... 13:10 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:10 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 13:10 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:10 < Revent> Yup... 13:10 -!- keyn [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:10 < Fox2k12> <-- Revent 13:10 < Fox2k12> :P 13:10 < Fox2k12> wiggle wiggle wiggle ya.. :P 13:10 < jorgeluis> 13:11 < Revent> Now that is funny as hell. 13:11 -!- ragesoss_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:11 < Fox2k12> yes it is... 13:12 < Revent> 13:12 < Revent> (note the age confirmed req) 13:12 -!- mabdul [~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:12 < Fox2k12> that link does not work... 13:12 < jorgeluis> you have to be logged in, i think 13:12 < Fox2k12> it's blocked her... 13:12 < jorgeluis> hah! 13:13 < Revent> Ye, it's an 'age confirmed' video... 13:13 < Fox2k12> here* 13:13 < Revent> 13:13 < Fox2k12> no its region blocled 13:13 < Fox2k12> blocked* 13:13 < Revent> <-- specifically 13:14 < Fox2k12> <-- Revent 13:14 < Revent> *lol* 13:14 < Revent> I'm sorry... 13:14 -!- ragesoss [~quassel@wikimedia/ragesoss] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 13:14 < Revent> "Billboard described it as "the most disturbing video of 2011". The magazine also described it as "the most frightening video of 2011".[4] Directed by Keith Schofield, the video features different people with human heads as their genitalia." 13:14 < Fox2k12> yeah i read that.. 13:15 < Fox2k12> so it's good that it's blocked... i don't need to see that 13:16 < Revent> 13:16 < Revent> (is non explicit discussion) 13:16 < Fox2k12> well that redirects me to 13:16 -!- GorillaWarfare [6c14245e@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 13:16 < Revent> It's just a text news story... 13:17 < Fox2k12> yeah 13:17 < Fox2k12> but it says you are from germany and forwards me to where your story is not available.. 13:18 < Fox2k12> is the internet not wonderfull.. with it's geo-location crap ? 13:18 < jorgeluis> use a vpn tunnel 13:18 < Fox2k12> i don't have one and not for a simple news article.. 13:18 -!- Huon [~shogunat@wikipedia/Huon] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:19 < Huon> !oversight 13:19 < jorgeluis> there are many websites that do it for you 13:19 < gde33> 13:19 -!- ragesoss [~quassel@wikimedia/ragesoss] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:20 < Revent> 13:20 < Fox2k12> well thanks... but it*s not that important... 13:21 < Revent> (shrugs) general knowledge... 13:21 < Revent> FWIW, one of those is a lot 'better' than a IRC cloak. 13:21 -!- jorgeluis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Killiondude] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 13:22 < gde33> Certainty is perfect knowledge that has total security from error, or the mental state of being without doubt (!) 13:24 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:25 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:25 -!- ragesoss [~quassel@wikimedia/ragesoss] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:27 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has quit [Quit: Soupir] 13:28 -!- ragesoss [~quassel@wikimedia/ragesoss] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:31 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Disconnected by services] 13:31 -!- Seahorse_ [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:31 -!- Seahorse_ is now known as Seahorse 13:33 -!- SoapX [~soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:35 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:35 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:35 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:36 -!- kelapstick [ca48f3e2@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Quit: heading back to Canada] 13:37 -!- Kotter [~soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 13:37 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:37 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@] has quit [Changing host] 13:37 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:37 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:37 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:38 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:40 < eeekster> "This file is in the public domain, because It's a single cover." 13:41 < mattbuck> bollocks 13:41 < mattbuck> delete it 13:41 < mattbuck> NOWWWW 13:41 < eeekster> I tagged it with F9 13:42 < eeekster> but I'm seeing a lot of PD claims like this now 13:42 < Koi> eeekster: wat is it link pls 13:42 < Swob> deleted 13:42 < Revent> Did you poke the uploader and tell them to read what PD actually is? 13:43 < Swob> hmm 13:43 < eeekster> 13:43 < Swob> it looks like deleted files still appear if you use the "true" URL 13:43 < mabdul> [[WP:IDIDNTHEARTHAT]] 13:43 < Koi> Swob: cause it takes them a while to get undone 13:43 < Koi> Swob: also, [[WP:BEANS]] pls no repeat that 13:44 < Koi> Swob: That picture is not deleted. 13:44 < Koi> oh nvm 13:44 < Koi> now it is 13:44 < russavia> all is not well in eurovision land -- love this shit -- it's funnier than polandball look at international relations 13:44 < Koi> WP caught up :P 13:44 < Swob> there were 2 versions of it, i deleted the small one first 13:44 < Swob> the small one maybe could have stayed as fair use 13:44 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:44 < Swob> but Im not really sure 13:45 < Koi> Swob: fair use is tupid. we should force artists to release things under CC-BY-SA 3.0 13:45 < mattbuck> I hate you 13:45 < Swob> the artists probably dont even have a choice 13:45 < mattbuck> you made me read something about eurovision 13:45 < Swob> everything is in the hands of the publisher 13:45 < Koi> Swob: block pls 13:45 < Swob> ok 13:46 < Swob> too late, Zzuuzz himself got there first 13:46 < Revent> 13:46 < Swob> he's on the ball today : ) 13:47 < Revent> *something like that might make a good template. 13:48 < NotASpy> Revent: but it's actually wrong. 13:48 < Revent> Hmm? 13:48 < Revent> It's relevant to copying content from there. 13:48 < Koi> lol 13:48 < Koi> Swob: ty 13:48 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 13:49 < NotASpy> Revent: but Apple doesn't actually own the album artwork, that's owned by record companies and recording artists. 13:49 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:49 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:49 < Revent> Right....but you are subject to their terms of use when you access the content from their servers..... 13:50 < IDoH> Hey guys 13:50 -!- Huon [~shogunat@wikipedia/Huon] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 13:50 < Revent> You're violating /their/ license to use it. 13:50 < IDoH> And Steven_Zhang, hi to you, too. 13:50 < Koi> SOMEONE IS BEING VIOLATED THATS ALL THAT MATTERS 13:50 < Swob> probably some rich guy 13:50 < IDoH> What are we talking about, Revent and Koi? 13:50 < Koi> the image of the album cover 13:51 < IDoH> Not sure what you're talking abou 13:51 < IDoH> about* 13:51 < Swob> i deleted a few album covers a minute ago 13:51 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.] 13:51 < Revent> My 'boilerplate' response to the uploader of the quote from Apple's Terms of Use. 13:51 < Swob> that were uploaded as public domain, which they obviously arent 13:51 < IDoH> Oh, I see. 13:51 < IDoH> Can't you relabel them as fair use? 13:51 < Swob> the small one probably 13:51 < eeekster> I see the false PD claim as the real issue. Otherwise cover could have been fair use. 13:51 < IDoH> Oh, excuse me? 13:52 < Revent> Where Apple says "Take images from this site and we will sue you" 13:52 < NotASpy> Revent: you're technically breaching copyright by copying their copyright statement though... 13:52 < IDoH> IRREPLACEABLE fair use. 13:52 < Swob> I dont know much about images 13:52 < Revent> NotASpy: *lol* 13:52 < Swob> I just tend to trust other people for the most part 13:52 < a930913> Bah, what's up with the labs? I'm flying blind atm :( 13:52 < Revent> You can 'fair use' an album cover, but not an 'image' of one sourced from iTunes. 13:53 < eeekster> labs? 13:53 < Swob> I see 13:53 < Swob> so basically if you physically own the CD you can scan it and say it's fair use. But you cant just download it from iTunes and call it fair use because it isnt your own work 13:53 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:53 < Ironholds> ...what? 13:53 < Revent> You have to 'fair use' from a publication of the copyright owner, legally. 13:53 < Ironholds> ... 13:53 < Ironholds> what? 13:53 < Koi> Ironholds: they're technically right. 13:54 < Koi> Fair use images can't be images from just anywhere, they must be from the copyright holder (i.e. their website or something) 13:54 < Revent> Swob: Yes...or even just go to the music store and snap a photo with your cellphone. 13:54 < eeekster> doesn't look like the article the image was uploaded for actually meets [[WP:NSONG]] 13:54 < Koi> Wikipedia doesn't spend 10000 hours trying to check that. 13:54 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:54 < a930913> eeekster: 13:55 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE 13:55 < eeekster> thanks, a930913 13:56 < Revent> It's kinda like can cite them, but you can't /use/ content from there... 13:56 < Revent> Because of their terms of service... 13:56 < foks> you can't cite IMDB 13:56 < eeekster> you can site IMDB, just not as a reliable source 13:57 < Revent> ^^ eeekster My point 13:57 < eeekster> s/site/cite/ stupid fingers 13:57 < Revent> IMDB is good for things like 'lists of works' 13:58 < eeekster> is it enough to avoid a BLP PROD? 13:58 < Bsadowski1> 13:58 < Bsadowski1> :O 13:58 < Revent> No, it doesn't establish notability... 13:59 < Revent> 'database entries' never do 13:59 < NotASpy> imdb is fine for writers - film writer data is submitted/verified by the WGA. 14:00 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away 14:00 -!- JL|AWAY [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:00 < Swob> lol @ that comic 14:00 < Swob> i must have missed that one 14:00 < Swob> i try to read it every day 14:00 < eeekster> it also seems good sometimes for verifying an actor isn't notable ;) 14:01 -!- asdf1_ [58412d5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:01 < eeekster> 14:01 < asdf1_> Hello, does anybody knows how to report an user here? 14:01 < Bsadowski1> 14:01 < Bsadowski1> O_O 14:02 < Bsadowski1> ew 14:02 < eeekster> user of what? 14:03 < eeekster> "We demand that you update our Wiki entry to say "Private University" - our true classification - and stop labeling us a for-profit career college." 14:03 < asdf1_> From the regular Wikipedia 14:03 < Bsadowski1> 14:03 < eeekster> what's the issue? 14:03 < Bsadowski1> olol 14:03 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:04 < asdf1_> He created two fake accounts for insulting a nation 14:04 < NotASpy> asdf1_: yes. Provide a link to the user and one of the administrators in the channel will look at it. 14:05 < NotASpy> (as in completely forget they've asked you to do this and go look at videos on YouTube or Stephen Fry on the TV) 14:05 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:07 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Quit: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you] 14:07 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:07 -!- kondi is now known as konkondi 14:08 < Swob> yeah Im already on YouTube and intend to stay there for the next 5 hours 14:08 < Swob> Im three days behind on my subscriptions!! 14:08 < asdf1_> 14:08 < asdf1_> 14:08 < asdf1_> 14:08 < asdf1_> 14:10 -!- riodevil [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:10 < NotASpy> asdf1_: well, Maurice07 is blocked already. 14:10 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 14:10 < Swob> I dont see the problem 14:10 < NotASpy> and as Swob just says, there's nothing I can immediately see that's block worthy. 14:11 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:11 -!- riodevil [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 14:11 < konkondi> hello people 14:11 < Swob> how do you know those two accounts are teh same person? 14:11 < asdf1_> Its obviously 14:12 < asdf1_> He uses the "NoMegaliIdea" pic on his three accounts 14:12 < NotASpy> that's a userbox, anybody can use it anywhere. 14:13 < Swob> yeah I think that's just a Greek term from some political party. Ive heard it before 14:13 < Swob> somewhere 14:13 < asdf1_> The faked Greek is against North Cyprus, the Turks against the Republic Cyprus 14:13 < NotASpy> - on the basis people who use the same picture are sock puppets, I've got 1,700, all with advanced permissions. 14:15 -!- Mono is now known as Mono[Away] 14:15 < shimgray> NotASpy, quick, get the guns! 14:16 < NotASpy> shimgray: I can't, I'm too busy wrestling on a donkey... 14:17 < Swob> asdf, anyway, you can see at 14:17 < eeekster> on is better than with 14:17 < Swob> that he certainly didnt invent the term "Megali Idea" 14:17 < Swob> and there's no reason to believe those accounts are related based on that coincidence alone 14:18 < NotASpy> eeekster: you need this for context 14:19 < eeekster> wow 14:20 < shimgray> - it's not just two of them, either 14:21 < asdf1_> Is there a way to look, which IP was used? 14:22 -!- PeterSymonds [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:22 -!- PeterSymonds [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:22 < Koi> greenrosetta: PM me. 14:23 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds 14:23 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:23 < eeekster> asdf1_, that's only used when there's a good reason to suspect a sockpuppet 14:23 < NotASpy> asdf1_: there is. But they'll not undertake such an invasion of privacy on such a very, very tenuous basis as one image used on two accounts. 14:24 -!- PeterSymonds [~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds] has quit [Client Quit] 14:24 < Swob> you can start a sockpuppet investigation, yeah 14:24 < Swob> but I dont think itll turn up a connection 14:24 < eeekster> might not even get checkuser with the current level of evidence 14:25 < eeekster> asdf1_, what are the edits you find to be a problem? 14:27 -!- MissGayle is now known as zz_MissGayle 14:30 < asdf1_> Its the presence of the fake account. Its common in the Balkans to fake accounts and insulting other nations, but there is often no chance to report this in an effective way. 14:30 -!- Savage_CL [Jordan@] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:30 < Demiurge1000> It's due to the predominantly hilly terrain, I think. 14:31 < Swob> lol 14:31 < NotASpy> asdf1_: WP:SPI is where you want to be. 14:31 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 14:31 < Demiurge1000> Maybe he wants to be in FYROM but renamed something else! 14:32 < eeekster> it's also common in the Balkans to take umbrage where one shouldn't 14:33 < Koi> are any arbs on IRC? 14:33 < NotASpy> should be Koi 14:33 < Koi> Im missing them in the userlist then. 14:34 < Koi> NotASpy: any specific ones? 14:34 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK 14:36 < Steven_Zhang> morning 14:36 -!- Fijit [] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -] 14:36 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:37 < eeekster> afternoon 14:37 < asdf1_> Ok, thanks for the help 14:37 -!- asdf1_ [58412d5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 14:38 < eeekster> I'm seeing "Evidence: Will be provided on request." on a lot of image uploads these days. Is that something the wizard puts in? 14:38 < Koi> I hope not. 14:40 < eeekster> indeed 14:42 -!- zz_MissGayle is now known as MissGayle 14:42 < eeekster> anybody belive this is "self-made"? 14:43 < Koi> if anyone notices an arb get on ping me please. 14:44 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away 14:45 < mattbuck> stick an npd on it 14:45 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:46 < eeekster> NPD? 14:47 < Koi> mattbuck: 14:47 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 14:48 < eeekster> he has several versions of their logo uploaded 14:49 < mattbuck> tag as missing permission 14:49 < mattbuck> needing otrs verification 14:49 < eeekster> ok, that's what I thought you meant 14:56 -!- Deskana [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:56 -!- Deskana [] has quit [Changing host] 14:56 -!- Deskana [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:56 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:57 -!- PiRSquared [~area@wikipedia/PiRSquared17] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:57 -!- mabdul [~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium] 14:57 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:57 -!- Deskana is now known as Moskau 14:58 -!- konkondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving] 14:58 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 15:00 < Swob> moskau! 15:00 < Moskau> Hello. 15:01 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 15:01 < Swob> I associate that spelling of the name with only one thing ... a musical by Dschinghis Khan 15:01 -!- BobTheWikipedian [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:01 < Swob> hi Bob 15:01 < BobTheWikipedian> any english majors here? 15:01 < Swob> hows it going 15:01 < BobTheWikipedian> hi soap 15:01 < BobTheWikipedian> goin well thanks 15:01 < Swob> what are you going do this summer when school gets out? 15:02 < BobTheWikipedian> i am looking for an answer to that actually 15:02 < mareklug> BobTheWikipedian we3 upgraded all english majors to Comperative Lit majors. whatchu need 15:02 -!- Nascar1996 is now known as nas 15:02 < BobTheWikipedian> mareklug-- is there a name for a difference between a book and its film adaptation? 15:02 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 15:02 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:02 < eeekster> english majors have computer now? 15:02 < mareklug> yes, one is called a screenplay 15:02 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:02 < IDoH> BobTheWikipedian: It's called "Don't judge the book by it's movie". 15:03 < BobTheWikipedian> i mean the differences. like say in the book, bill gets shot, but in the movie, bill falls off a cliff 15:03 < Swob> y'all should enroll in spelling class before you start talking about literature 15:03 < mareklug> in fact it is not the "original screenplay" category at the Oscars; it is the other kind. 15:03 < BobTheWikipedian> is there a name for a difference like that? 15:03 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:03 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 15:03 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:03 < mareklug> yes, the name for that is taking fucking liberties. 15:03 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 15:04 < IDoH> BobTheWikipedian: Dramatic licens. 15:04 < IDoH> License* 15:04 < mareklug> but in all seriousness, that is how adapted screenplays work. 15:04 < BobTheWikipedian> is there a technical term for that particular element? 15:04 < IDoH> Just told you, BobTheWikipedian. 15:04 < IDoH> I think that's true, anyway. 15:04 < BobTheWikipedian> i'm writing a template for another wiki that will need a good name and i'm wondering what to call it 15:05 < NotASpy> could be described as a plot deviation or something technical sounding, if you wanted. 15:05 < BobTheWikipedian> users will be able to click a button that changes the text to the version they want to read 15:05 < Swob> whoa 15:05 < mareklug> you could say "plot divergence between the book authored by ___ and the adapted screenplay based on it, authored by _____" 15:05 < Swob> that sounds interesting 15:05 < BobTheWikipedian> {{difference|tv=bill falls off a cliff|comic|bill gets shot}} 15:05 < Swob> have you considered just calling it Template:Plot or something? 15:05 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:06 < Swob> or Template:Ending 15:06 < BobTheWikipedian> oops "comic=" 15:06 < Moskau> Swob: That's exactly what it's based on. I'm listening to it right now, as it happens. 15:06 < Swob> I know that wouldnt answer your question but at least it's easy to type 15:06 < BobTheWikipedian> well, it would change every part of the article that has the template around it 15:06 < Swob> Template:Resolution 15:07 < BobTheWikipedian> right now {{difference}} makes the most sense to me 15:07 < Swob> Template:Denouement (now there's a word I havent heard in years) 15:07 < mareklug> NotASpy Swob ToAruShiroiNeko 15:07 < BobTheWikipedian> just wondered if the difference had a technical name 15:07 < mareklug> BobTheWikipedian I gave you the whole sentence ^ 15:07 < BobTheWikipedian> ah divergence 15:07 < Swob> yeah I know 15:08 < BobTheWikipedian> that's a good one :) 15:08 < Swob> Divergence is good 15:08 < BobTheWikipedian> thanks mareklug :D 15:08 -!- PiRSquared [~area@wikipedia/PiRSquared17] has left #wikipedia-en [] 15:08 < mareklug> divergence is good, but convergence is even better. You are welcome Bob. One of these days this is gonna amount to a barnstar. 15:08 < BobTheWikipedian> haha 15:08 < Swob> I think you should show us this wiki someday 15:08 < NotASpy> mareklug: I miss cheapernet. 15:08 -!- dekiss [~math@] has quit [] 15:09 < mareklug> tell us of this cheapernet you speak of 15:09 < BobTheWikipedian> i'll show it to you as soon as i get the script implemented, sec 15:09 < NotASpy> mareklug: 10Base2 - old coax network. 15:10 < Swob> 15:10 < zuzak> is there any meaningful difference between l10n and i18n? 15:10 < eeekster> why would anybody miss 10Base2? 15:10 < BobTheWikipedian> 15:10 < BobTheWikipedian> there is a prototype 15:10 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:10 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:11 < NotASpy> eeekster: it was my first home network. 15:11 < eeekster> I remember being amazed at how it could lose nodes without good reason 15:11 < mareklug> I just discovered to my dismay that one of the 10 fish filets from Van de Kamps' is half the size of any other. I mean, you never get one twice as large or even just one and a half. They always gyp you. Should I write to the CEO and chew him or her out? 15:11 < BobTheWikipedian> obviously my prototype test was misformatted but hey it works at least :D 15:11 < eeekster> but at least it was faster than arcnet 15:12 < NotASpy> picked up an old Kyocera laser with a network card, that was very exciting at the time, printing to any printer without having to go sharing it under Windows. 15:12 < BobTheWikipedian> heh. fixed it. 15:13 < BobTheWikipedian> swob see the link i posted 15:13 < Swob> I cant believe coaxial cable still does anything 15:13 < NotASpy> took me the best part of 15 years to go back to a networked laser. Same size, about four times faster and with a built in duplexer. 15:13 < Swob> i mean its been around for like 100 years and people still use it to transmit high speed data?? 15:13 < Swob> that's like having a bicycle that goes 600 mph 15:13 < mareklug> NotASpy coax is the medium of my AppleTalk network that I still have running physically between my Mac IIci boxen and one hub that takes it, with normal ethernet jacks otherwise. But it runs this protocol over Ethernet. b/c you get ethernet DHCP on them macs 15:14 < NotASpy> it was probably, as eeekster remembers, about as reliable as a bike doing 600mph too though. 15:14 < Swob> marek I once got 11 fish filets in a box of 10 15:14 < eeekster> still a lot faster than a card reader 15:14 < mareklug> Swob you are a lucky son of a bitch. So anyway, do I raise a stink with the CEO? 15:14 < Swob> Im sure it was still more or less the correct amount when measured by weight. I think it even says "about 10" or "approx 10" for the contents 15:14 < eeekster> and by "card" I mean pieces of paper with holes 15:15 < Swob> BobTheWikipedian, thanks 15:15 < Swob> that's awesome, I didnt realize it was on wikia though 15:15 < NotASpy> mareklug: I never did AppleTalk - my old Macintosh with the one button mouse foxed me for a long time. 15:15 < BobTheWikipedian> haha yes it is 15:15 < Swob> that means ads and stuff 15:15 < BobTheWikipedian> and welcome to the new age where users can click a button to view the truth they want to read 15:16 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (] 15:16 < BobTheWikipedian> heh...i have no ads thanks to adblock plus 15:17 < Swob> yeah it's not the ads on wikia that bother me so much as the fact that the content space is only like 40% of my screen 15:17 < Swob> the "ads" for other wikia sites, for example 15:17 < BobTheWikipedian> heh yeah 15:18 < BobTheWikipedian> one nice part is you know that everyone's screen looks the same on that site 15:18 < BobTheWikipedian> but i agree 15:18 -!- bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:19 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:21 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 15:21 < mareklug> One of the 10 fillets is half the size of the others. Yes, there were exactly ten, not ten plus. I think that's wrong. If you send me an email, I will reply with a picture of it, but do it soon as I am about to finish baking them and just might eat it. 15:21 < mareklug> Respectfully, 15:21 < mareklug> Marek 15:22 < Swob> Users who are Skalenzahnen 15:22 < russavia> mareklug -- you know of 15:22 < Swob> lol did you actually complain to the company about that 15:22 < mareklug> i get it in the email russavia 15:22 < russavia> seen the front page? 15:22 < BobTheWikipedian> OUTING 15:23 < IDoH> What about the front page, russavia? 15:23 < mareklug> i did now. what am I to see? 15:23 < russavia> mareklug will be able to tell you -- see what all the top stories are about? 15:24 < russavia> grain and concrete? 15:24 < mareklug> oh, the fucking wheat / grain controversy. everything is about graik 15:24 < mareklug> grain 15:24 < BobTheWikipedian> bbl 15:24 < russavia> you know what it's about right? 15:24 < Swob> thats a serious newspaper? 15:24 < russavia> this is polish reddit 15:24 < Swob> oh ok 15:24 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:24 < Swob> fair enough 15:24 < mareklug> it is not a newspaper, it is one of those services that promotes stories based on liking.digging 15:25 < russavia> one of their mods had nude photos linked to them 15:25 < Swob> there's a woman with bare breasts standing in a field of wheat 15:25 < russavia> so they were tagged #corn 15:25 < russavia> they banned that so they started #grain 15:25 < russavia> banned that 15:25 < russavia> so now it's #concrete xD 15:26 < russavia> NSFW 15:26 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: hometime] 15:27 < Swob> Uwaga! 15:27 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:28 < mareklug> why do you have to be 18 (or promise that you are, anyway) to view picture of a naked lady, that in point of fact, will be most useful to ya, if you are still in the tender age of 13-17 15:28 < Swob> hes cute 15:28 < BlastHardcheese> because jesus 15:28 < Swob> *she's 15:28 < mareklug> she's Polish. the most bestest Plish are the cutest. 15:28 < Krenair> mareklug, you have to be 18? 15:29 < Swob> I did not know that "talia" meant "waist" in Polish 15:29 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:29 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has quit [Changing host] 15:29 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:29 < Swob> are there girls named Talia in Poland? 15:29 < mareklug> there is a blurb to that effect when you click on the above link, Krenair 15:29 < Krenair> ah 15:29 < mareklug> talia indeed does mean waist. 15:29 < russavia> just click TAK 15:29 < mareklug> it must come from Itallia, land of now waist (after certain age threshhold) 15:29 -!- lbenedix [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:30 < mareklug> takk means thanks in Icelandic, but tak means yes in Polish. 15:30 -!- Writ_Keeper [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:30 < mareklug> this has led to harmonious international Polish-Islandic cultural exchanges over the millenia. 15:31 < Swob> i think tak = thanks in some other languages too 15:31 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:31 < russavia> anyway, just wanted to prove a point 15:31 < Swob> nope, it's tack/takk, never tak 15:31 < mareklug> that picture could only be controversial in a complete West Buttfuck that Poland is. 15:32 < mareklug> she is delicious, and the photgraph is of FA grade. 15:32 < mareklug> the composition, the light, the frame. 15:32 < russavia> the point being is that i thought commons was bad....#wp-en is worse -- put a link to a pair of boobs and you all go clicking 15:32 < mareklug> russavia the point is that this is a controversy over at…. not that we are clicking 15:33 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.] 15:33 < russavia> marekluig, they don't care about wykop :P 15:33 < mareklug> russavia does she have a name? 15:33 < russavia> elfik32 15:33 < russavia> that's all i've got so far 15:34 < russavia> but i hear the Chinese Human Flesh Search Engine is working on putting boob to face to name as we speak 15:34 < mareklug> I am asking cuz I am saving the image and ece942c15a does not roll of hte tongue as easily as, say, Kasia. 15:34 < russavia> XAXAXAXAXA 15:34 < mareklug> elfik32 is the photographer. 15:35 < mareklug> Kasia.jpg it is 15:35 < mareklug> russavia see if you can get it on a free license in a decent resolution. we will then FA it. 15:35 < russavia> weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 15:35 < Swob> wykopedia 15:35 < russavia> you could use it as NFCC on a wykop article 15:36 < russavia> if you find one source which talks of the scandal 15:36 < russavia> but it can't be polish source - they aren't reliable ;) 15:37 < mattbuck> 15:39 < russavia> mareklug - weeeeeeeeeeee 15:39 -!- thineantiquepen [~thineanti@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 15:39 < Koi> Writ_Keeper is a fucktard, his real name is XXXXXXXXX and I'm going to harass him so he stops editing with an opinion I don't like. 15:39 < mareklug> the point is that Islam chooses cycki as well. so it is a false, erm, dichotomy. 15:40 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:40 < mareklug> Koi are you trying to get indefinited? 15:40 < Koi> That was something to prove a point to Writ_Keeper. 15:40 < Writ_Keeper> no, he's trying to prove a point 15:40 < Koi> He knows I didn't mean it. 15:40 < Koi> But people do that, and aren't indeffed :P 15:40 < Swob> oh Writ Keeper is here 15:40 < Koi> They go further actually, using actual real names. 15:40 < Writ_Keeper> unfortunately, it wouldn't have mattered if he *did* mean it, because I still don't give a shit 15:40 < Koi> And real life info. 15:40 < Koi> Writ_Keeper: Be strong! 15:41 -!- nuenfly [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 0.4.0] 15:41 < russavia> right, islam does cose cycki, they just don;t know how to display it properly 15:41 < Koi> but if I would get indeffed for that (I probably would) on IRC (which is NOT wikipedia), how are certain others not indeffed? 15:41 < Writ_Keeper> if you got indeffed for that, it would not be my doing 15:41 < Writ_Keeper> in any way 15:42 < Writ_Keeper> I can't speak for the entire admin corps, only myself 15:43 -!- JKL|lejos is now known as JKL1234- 15:46 -!- ihaveamac [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:46 -!- ihaveamac [] has quit [Changing host] 15:46 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:48 < mareklug> Swob 15:48 * mareklug makes #wikipedia-en his reddit 15:48 < NotASpy> fuckity fuckity fuck. It's not looking like a good week. 15:48 < russavia> mareklug -- 15:48 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 15:49 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 15:50 < Swob> how do you get the dl. in the dtropbox link? 15:50 < mareklug> NotASpy the old musicians are dropping from cancers 15:50 < NotASpy> cigarettes, alcohol and asbestos syringes presumably. 15:51 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:51 < russavia> just surprised keith richard is still alive 15:51 < mareklug> NotASpy not your asbestos in municipal water supply and particular emissions in the air? 15:51 < mareklug> or lou reed 15:51 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:51 < Swob> asbestos is good for you 15:52 < NotASpy> more likely. I'd expect a lot of recording studios were pretty unhealthy places before the drink, fags and drugs were taken into account. 15:52 < mareklug> careful with them fags 15:52 < Swob> God hates 'em 15:52 < mareklug> it's a mixed up world, except for Lola 15:53 < IDoH> Lola. Lo lo lo lola. 15:53 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:53 < NotASpy> ah now - do you have Coca-Cola or Cherry Cola in your version ? 15:53 < mareklug> heeee. i have an excuse to link to it. just a sec. 15:54 < mareklug> 15:54 < IDoH> Cherry cola, of course. 15:55 < mareklug> IDoH was the original lyric "coca-cola"? 15:56 < NotASpy> 15:56 < IDoH> Not sure, mareklug. 15:57 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away 15:58 < NotASpy> the story I've heard is that the pre release acetate went to the BBC, who refused to play it as it endorsed Coca-Cola (they ban advertising on the BBC and used to be really strict about it). Ray had to fly back from New York where he was touring, record the vocals, remix it, and head back to the states. 15:58 -!- Mono [47e2360b@wikimedia/mono] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:59 < mareklug> NotASpy so they were forced to change it. shame. 15:59 < NotASpy> I think so, but I don't know if it's one of those stories that has become somewhat embellished over the years. 15:59 < mareklug> 15:59 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:00 < mareklug> 16:00 < mareklug> The original song recorded in stereo had the word "Coca-Cola" in the lyrics, but because of BBC Radio's policy against product placement, Ray was forced to make a six thousand mile round-trip flight from New York to London—interrupting the band's American tour—to change those words to the generic "cherry cola" for the single release.[4] 16:01 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has quit [Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )] 16:01 * foks dislikes that song 16:01 < mareklug> foks you disgust me. 16:01 < foks> hahaha 16:01 < foks> god forbid people have differing tastes, hey 16:02 < mareklug> you don't have tastes per se, you are musically contrarian for the fuck of it, and to the negative. 16:02 < mareklug> it's not like you like Justin Bieber or anything, you just diss a lot of good stuff for no reason. 16:03 < foks> I just said I disliked it. 16:03 < bazinga> hey foks :-) 16:03 < IDoH> You have to realize that I don't like some of "your" music, too, mareklug. 16:03 < mareklug> of course, it goes without saying. but foks goes out of his way to diss even musicians he LIKED. 16:04 < foks> Like who? 16:04 < mareklug> Marina and the Diamonds 16:04 < foks> Yeah, they sound decent on record though 16:05 < mareklug> her left boob and her right one, together? I hope she does not autotune them. 16:06 < NotASpy> just for reference, it's Coca Cola on the album version, which appears on the brilliantly titled 'Lola Versus Powerman And The Moneygoround, Part One' 16:06 < IDoH> people are contradictory like that. They sound okay on record, but live, they sound horrible. 16:07 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:08 < Swob> looooooooool 16:09 < Swob> couldnt they have just bleeped out the "coca" or something 16:09 < russavia> -- she would be indef banned from WP that much I do know 16:09 < Swob> like they did with Pink's "theyll be kissing my [bleep]" and every other such case 16:09 -!- Mkdw [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:09 -!- Mkdw [] has quit [Changing host] 16:09 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:10 -!- Mono [47e2360b@wikimedia/mono] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:10 < Swob> imagine the phone conversation though. "Hey, this is the BBC. We heard you say 'Coca-cola' last night. We need you to get on a plane and fly out here immediately." 16:11 < Swob> If convicted, she would face up to 15 years in prison and be required to register as a sex offender. 16:11 < Swob> Her girlfriend’s parents reported Kate to police. 16:11 < IDoH> Because they're jerks, swob. 16:12 < russavia> 16:12 < Swob> so basically the other girl's parents discovered their daughter was turning into a lesbian and wanted to punish her by putting her grirlfriend in jail for 15 years 16:12 < russavia> yep her girlfriends parents -- they didn't like it that they were in a lesbian relationship 16:12 < mareklug> IDoH Marina and the Diamonds is fantastic live, and that is not why foks is dissing her. He would not if he saw her, but she only came up as north as Dundee. 16:13 < IDoH> So, foks is trying to piss you off, mareklug. 16:13 < foks> I'm pretty sure she was at T in the Park 16:13 < foks> Marek is very easy to piss off ;) 16:14 < Koi> I saw the word "marek" 16:14 < NotASpy> you mean she never appeared at the Beach Ballroom, mareklug ? 16:15 < NotASpy> what sort of tour misses out the Beach Ballroom, honestly. 16:15 < Swob> "There's a big maturity difference between them," he said. "You're talking the difference between a senior in high school and a freshman in high school. That's what the law is designed to protect." 16:16 < mareklug> NotASpy for all I know she must have, but foks was out of town 16:16 < Swob> Indian River county detectives reportedly recorded a phone call between the two high school students to develop grounds for an arrest. In the call, Kaitlyn told the girl she loved her, the station reports. 16:16 < Swob> the HORROR 16:16 < Swob> "I love you" 16:16 < foks> NotASpy, usually the Music Hall/AECC these days. 16:17 < NotASpy> yeah, I know. 16:17 < foks> But it doesn't matter, mareklug likes her, so you can't say a single bad word about her. 16:17 < NotASpy> only been in the beach ballroom once, when it was still Grampian TV and they were doing a kids toy appeal thingy at Christmas. 16:18 < mareklug> foks yes you can, and I do, but you went out of your way to pave her with asphalt for life. 16:18 < foks> heh 16:19 < foks> NotASpy, man. 16:19 < foks> I've never been. 16:19 < foks> Last time I was at the Music Hall was for Interpol. 16:19 < foks> AECC, Franz Ferdinand. 16:20 < foks> Lemon Tree, I was actually playing there. Supported Public Service Broadcasting. 16:20 < NotASpy> never done the AECC. Really looking forward to The Hydro opening, be nice to have a proper music venue somewhere in Scotland. 16:20 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:20 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:20 < foks> Aye! 16:20 < foks> Oran Mor is apparently lovely. 16:20 < IDoH> Hey Bradford. 16:21 < foks> Same with King Tuts. 16:21 < Bradford> hi 16:21 < foks> But less "lovely" and more "ace". 16:21 < mareklug> foks NotASpy lol "I once played to seven people in Aberdeen but things have got better, says music newcomer Marina Diamandis" 16:21 < mareklug> that's teh title. 16:21 < mareklug> see, foks, you loser. you missed her when she was cool and a nobody. 16:21 < mareklug> like you. 16:22 < IDoH> Careful, mareklug. Don't insult foks. 16:22 < NotASpy> she must have been enormously awful for only seven people to see her in a university city like Aberdeen. 16:22 < mareklug> NotASpy admittedly, her first efforts as evidenced on the Eps she put out early are a bit thin 16:23 < mareklug> IDoH hey, I said he was cool and a nobody. read carefully. 16:23 < mareklug> as it is true 16:23 < foks> mareklug just called me cool! 16:23 < NotASpy> I just can't get past the fact she shares a name with the worst car Britain ever exported. 16:23 -!- SoapX [~soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 16:24 < foks> Also, Lucy Rose (you like her, mareklug?) played here recently 16:24 < Swob> not the first thing Id thinbk of 16:24 < mareklug> NotASpy Marina is an ancient name not privy to a fucken fucking fuck British vehicle 16:24 < foks> I imagine more than seven people went to that one 16:24 < Swob> i assumed the car was the Diamond 16:24 < Swob> it's Marina? 16:24 < NotASpy> Swob: oh yes. 16:24 < foks> I think so 16:25 < foks> Before my time, clearly 16:25 < mareklug> foks is not Lucy Rose the musician you told me about long time ago? 16:25 < Swob> still not the first thing I'd think of. To me marina means shipyard 16:25 < mareklug> marina a a yaht mooring place, not a shipyard 16:25 < foks> I don't think "marina" is a word used much in Scotland 16:26 < foks> mostly because we haven't any yachts 16:26 < mareklug> for that matter, in Wales, where she hails from. 16:26 < foks> also mareklug I dunno 16:26 < Swob> to me shipyard means a place where boats are kept 16:26 < mareklug> foks isn't she from Aberdeen originally? If not it is a different musician a bit sort of lookalike 16:26 < foks> Oh, that's a lookalie 16:26 < foks> * like 16:27 < foks> I told you about the Aberdonian musician 16:27 < foks> I think 16:27 < foks> with the odd voice 16:27 < mareklug> right, i remember that/her 16:27 < mareklug> Lucy's is somewhat odd 16:27 < BobTheWikipedian> back 16:28 < Bradford> ._. 16:29 < NotASpy> right, I'm off. 16:29 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:32 < Bradford> Carly-: :-) 16:32 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:32 -!- killerSJF [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:32 < IDoH> Hey Carly 16:32 -!- killerSJF [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:32 < Carly-> HELLO. 16:32 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:32 < Carly-> :) 16:33 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:35 -!- osxdude [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:35 -!- osxdude [] has quit [Changing host] 16:35 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:37 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:37 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:38 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 16:40 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:40 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 16:40 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:41 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:41 < mareklug> qué triste que la conversación muere, tan pronto como entra en el canal de Carly. lo terriblemente triste ... 16:41 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:42 < IDoH> Conversations die naturally sometimes, mareklug. 16:42 < Koi> mareklug: XD 16:42 < eeekster> I don't think so: 16:42 < mareklug> yes they do. but i like funning the juvenile 16:42 < mareklug> funning hte flames of the juvenile 16:42 < mareklug> IDoH so, ready for more neat musik? 16:42 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:43 < IDoH> Sure 16:43 < Son_Gohan> 16:43 -!- Cauthon [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:43 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:44 < mareklug> is that your self-pix, SuicidalZerg, or just a random avatar? 16:44 -!- nas is now known as goaway 16:44 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:44 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@] has quit [Changing host] 16:44 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:45 < mareklug> IDoH Gryphon. 16:45 < Swob> lol pretty sure Zerg doesnt look like that 16:45 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Client Quit] 16:45 < Swob> unless he got himself quite a tan out in the Utah sun 16:45 < mareklug> dunno. did not want to prejudice the answer. who knows what the exposure to sun does to you in Utah. 16:45 < mareklug> like minds 16:46 < IDoH> Oh, I like this song. 16:46 < Son_Gohan> mareklug: It's just a random avatar 16:46 < IDoH> But why would someone name themselves "Low IQ"? 16:46 < Son_Gohan> It's computer-generated, in case you can't tell :p 16:47 < mareklug> wctaiwan loves Gryphon. He famously says it is the only music I recommended to him that he adores. Just like Swob does about Hey's "Do rycerzy, do szlachty, do mieszczan" 16:47 < Swob> yeah 16:47 < IDoH> I suppose I have a more eclectic taste than Swob and wctaiwan. 16:47 < IDoH> Thanks to LaunchCAST, actually 16:47 < Swob> customers've been giving me compliments on the music I play at work lately 16:47 < mareklug> Swob but you should hear the full album and then decide if you don't like more of Kasia Nosowska and friends 16:49 -!- goaway is now known as Nascar1996 16:50 < BobTheWikipedian> anyone know how to include a header within a template? 16:50 < IDoH> mareklug: Is it all instrumental? 16:51 < Swob> bob: maybe. i take it you tried the obvious way already and it didnt work? 16:51 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:51 < Swob> I know that SPI had a problem with that for a while but it works now 16:51 < BobTheWikipedian> yeah, check out the comic version of 16:51 -!- JohnChrysostom [uid7832@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:51 -!- JohnChrysostom [uid7832@gateway/web/] has quit [Changing host] 16:51 -!- JohnChrysostom [uid7832@wikipedia/JohnChrysostom] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:52 < Swob> hmm, none of the buttons are working for me 16:52 < BobTheWikipedian> just hit comic and scroll down until you see the messed up header 16:52 -!- JohnChrysostom_ [uid7832@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:53 < BobTheWikipedian> level 3 header 16:53 < Swob> oh, it does work, it just doesnt let you know that anything's changed 16:53 < BobTheWikipedian> right 16:53 < BobTheWikipedian> i need to work on making it look nice yet 16:53 < Swob> might want to color the ubttons or something if possible to show which of the three is active 16:53 < BobTheWikipedian> just working on making sure it works right now 16:53 < Swob> and yeah, that's the problem I remember seeing with SPI's 16:54 < Swob> basically when you archived a case it would archive with an ugly ==== Username ==== at the top, not wikified or anything 16:54 < Swob> and no one knew how to fix it 16:54 < BobTheWikipedian> lol 16:54 < Swob> the solution was found but it was apparrntly a lot more complicated than one would think 16:54 < BobTheWikipedian> what template was it? 16:55 < Swob> I dont know. I think everything is substed so there's no easy way to track down the original 16:55 -!- muskrat [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:56 < Swob> actually, maybe it's not substed 16:56 < Swob> 16:57 < Swob> seems to be the template that was causing problems with old SPI's 16:57 < Swob> and the same template for some reason works perfectly well on new SPI's 16:57 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: :-D] 16:58 < mareklug> IDoH this one is I can link to a youtube of a reissue of this album and one another which has singing, uploaded as one file. 16:58 < IDoH> Oh, I see 17:00 < JohnChrysostom> Mareklug is still active? How long have you been Wikiped'ing non-stop? The last time I was active was nearly two years ago. 17:00 < Swob> yeah seriously cant help 17:00 < Swob> hey JohnChrysostom 17:00 < Swob> not seen you around lately 17:00 < Swob> but surely it hasnt been two years? 17:00 < JohnChrysostom> Hey... did you change your handle? 17:00 -!- nas [nas@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:00 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom I have been on with breaks for health since 2005, some time as an ip before that 17:00 < Swob> werent you editing four months ago or something? 17:00 < IDoH> Swob is Soapx, JohnChrysostom. 17:00 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:01 < JohnChrysostom> I've edited lightly non-stop for years, but not editing to the point of going on IRC! 17:01 < JohnChrysostom> Wikipedia is too busy for life 17:01 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 17:01 < JohnChrysostom> Or is that the other way around? 17:01 < IDoH> Have you seen me around, JohnChrysostom? 17:01 < Swob> ok 17:01 < IDoH> I'm I dream of horses. 17:02 * Bsadowski1 is now playing: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up (80s, 80s, 80s! - SKY.FM - Hear your classic favorites right here! ( 17:02 < JohnChrysostom> Not that I remember :-| 17:02 < Bsadowski1> damn you 17:02 < Bsadowski1> rickrolling me 17:02 < IDoH> Oh, okay. 17:02 < Bsadowski1> xD 17:02 < IDoH> I tend to vandal fight a lo 17:02 < IDoH> *lot 17:03 -!- Bradford is now known as Pote 17:03 < JohnChrysostom> My definition of "contributing" that I just put together is "going on talkpages to argue" 17:03 < IDoH> Er? Why? 17:03 < JohnChrysostom> So, when I'm not actively "contributing", I tend to not see people 17:03 < IDoH> I do the opposite. 17:03 < JohnChrysostom> Otherwise, I'm just fixing articles or rewriting or adding non-controversial stuff 17:04 < JohnChrysostom> Probably 70% of my edits in the past year have been grammar or wikilinks, etc. 17:04 < IDoH> Yeah, I sometimes do that, too. 17:04 < JohnChrysostom> I can't stand horribly-written articles, it puts the entire WP in a bad light 17:04 < IDoH> Yeah, it does 17:05 < JohnChrysostom> I used to write/contribute heavily, with the inevitable consequence that I was arguing four hours a day in RfCs, ANI, RFP, etc. 17:05 < IDoH> Content contributions? 17:05 < JohnChrysostom> the "bureaucratic" side of wikipedia 17:05 < IDoH> Yeah, that tends to bring dramaz 17:05 < Swob> ANI is stressful 17:05 < IDoH> Yeah 17:05 < JohnChrysostom> Content, yeah <- edits almost solely in religion and theology 17:05 < JohnChrysostom> That might explain a bit 17:05 < IDoH> Oooh, yeah 17:06 < JohnChrysostom> I eventually "gave up" and went to doing other stuff 17:06 -!- Ks0stm [~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:06 < JohnChrysostom> on WP, that is 17:06 < IDoH> Yeah 17:06 < mareklug> 17:07 < mareklug> reported by MIT, but work done at Caltech 17:09 < JohnChrysostom> if true, cool 17:10 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:10 < JohnChrysostom> but what are one-time pads even used for today, in most cryptography? 17:11 < Revent> A lot... 17:11 -!- Nascar1996 is now known as zz_Nascar1996 17:11 < Prodego> Well not a lot in the grand scheme of things 17:11 < mareklug> 17:11 < Prodego> they are impractical, but perfectly secure 17:11 < Revent> Everything the government does that's Secret or higher. 17:11 < Revent> (like diplomatic comms) 17:11 < Prodego> Revent: that isn't true 17:11 < Hahc21> hey guys 17:12 < mareklug> by the way, a major caveat. all this falls down like a house of cards come quantum computing. 17:12 < mareklug> none of this crypto stuff stands up. 17:12 < Prodego> mareklug: one time pads will still be perfectly secure 17:12 < Revent> Prodego: The 'cds' they distribute to embassies and such are OTPs of deep space radio noise... 17:12 < Swob> never heard of 'one time pads' 17:12 < Swob> oh, the names they think of for new inventions 17:13 < Prodego> Revent: I'm not saying that nothing is secured that way, but most definitely everything isn't 17:13 < JohnChrysostom> one time pads will, but who or what actually uses them 17:13 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:13 < JohnChrysostom> (one-time pads are incredibly ancient, I believe, nearly as old as the transposition cipher) 17:13 < Revent> Well, ok, 'everything' was vague....but high level secure commas are 'supposed' to move that way. 17:14 < Revent> They are ancient, but the only unbreakable method. 17:14 < Prodego> yep, yep 17:14 < JohnChrysostom> but nigh unusable even with computers too 17:14 < Prodego> Well using them is the easy part 17:14 < JohnChrysostom> think of the "security-usability" continuum with respect to OTP crypto 17:14 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:14 < Revent> The 'logistics' can suck, tho. 17:14 < Prodego> distributing the pad is the hard part 17:15 < JohnChrysostom> that's part of what makes them "hard to use", in a general sense 17:15 < Revent> There have been 'disposable' OTP encryption devices made...pen drive type thing, toss when empty. 17:15 < JohnChrysostom> Even government and corporate users rarely want to put up with more than a password, or maybe 2 factor authentication, IME 17:16 < bazinga> I AM ON GOOGLE STREETVIEW 17:16 < bazinga> my life goal has been achieved 17:16 < Carly-> -_- 17:16 * bazinga gave the car the finga 17:16 < Carly-> Wow? 17:17 < mareklug> bazinga you mean your own ugly face? 17:17 < JohnChrysostom> very impractical, still... even for archiving... maybe useful for the highest-of-the-high-security crypto dealing with one-time communications, like... espionage? 17:17 < Revent> 17:17 < JohnChrysostom> that's just about all I can think of, that (from film and fictional depictions) that might require or put up with that level of crypto 17:17 < mareklug> Prodego sure. digitally, right? else courier carry paper 17:18 < Revent> That's really what it's used for, and 'diplomatic intel' type stuff. 17:18 < JohnChrysostom> now, if there's a computer that could break ANYTHING easily, people would have to use OTP out of necessity 17:18 < Prodego> mareklug: you could do it with paper if you wanted, but digitially lets you send much more 17:18 < Prodego> so practically yes 17:18 < a930913> Vandalism is done by Americans at work, and a bit at hom after work: 17:18 < a930913> s/hom/home/ 17:18 < mareklug> Prodego I was saying, that digital transmission is cannon fodder for QC 17:18 < bazinga> Revent: that's hilarious 17:19 < JohnChrysostom> mareklug: for when they actually have quantum computers... 17:19 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom they already do. 17:19 < JohnChrysostom> qubits have been "ten years away" for fifty years. 17:19 < mareklug> they already publicly disclose NASA getting a 15 million one. 17:19 < JohnChrysostom> again, "usable" quantum computers 17:19 < Revent> bazinga: There are a number of versions with different amounts of 'censorship' 17:20 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:20 -!- Izhidez [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:20 -!- Izhidez is now known as Guest55804 17:21 < Pote> ._. 17:21 -!- Guest55804 [] has quit [Client Quit] 17:21 < JohnChrysostom> mareklug: after a quick google, it appears I was wrong 17:21 < JohnChrysostom> and "usable" qcs have indeed been developed 17:21 < JohnChrysostom> I'm far behind the times on my engineeringstoff 17:21 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom we don't know to what practical uses NSA has already put this stuff to. 17:22 < Prodego> mareklug: you cannot decrypt something that isn't encrypted 17:22 < Revent> *hehs* NSA is a unique definition of 'practical'. 17:22 < Prodego> mareklug: so QC will not help you with a OTP 17:22 < JohnChrysostom> still, as long as it's not mainstream (64-bits mainstream), there's little most people would care, I think 17:22 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:22 -!- clara [~usuario@] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:23 < JohnChrysostom> it's theoretically (and quasi-philosophically) interesting nevertheless 17:23 < Prodego> mareklug: all a one time pad is is to take a big array of random numbers and XOR it with your data 17:23 < Prodego> mareklug: there is no way to recover the message except to know the random numbers (which are what are on the pad) 17:23 < clara> hello 17:23 < Prodego> clara: hi 17:24 < Carly-> Hey clara 17:24 < clara> alguien habla español 17:24 < Carly-> Si 17:24 < Carly-> Aqui 17:24 < Prodego> mareklug: so if you steal the pad, you can decrypt the message 17:24 < clara> aaaaa y de donde son 17:24 < mareklug> clara NADIE HABLA español aqui. solamente portuguese. 17:24 < Carly-> Que pasa clara 17:24 < clara> aaaaaaaaaaa 17:25 < Carly-> Heh 17:25 < Carly-> Clara yo soy de Chile 17:25 < Pote> XD 17:25 < clara> ooo llaveo 17:25 < Pote> clara: soy de venezuela :D 17:25 < mareklug> begin the spanish teenagers misbehaving hour 17:25 < clara> yo tanbien 17:25 < Pote> clara: enserio 17:25 < mareklug> there is only spanish soy on the channel. and I thought spanish was rice. 17:25 < clara> de que parte de venezuela 17:25 < Pote> :-? 17:25 < Pote> caracas 17:25 < Pote> :D 17:25 < Carly-> Clara yo.vivoen Chile 17:26 < clara> yo de lara 17:26 < Carly-> Y pote es mi bro 17:26 < Carly-> Xd 17:26 < clara> aaaaaaaaa 17:26 < mareklug> clara te gusta Chávez? 17:26 < clara> ok 17:26 < Pote> XD 17:26 < clara> a mi tanbien 17:26 < Carly-> Yo de Santiago 17:26 < Pote> clara: amas a chavez? 17:26 < clara> aaaaaaaaa 17:26 < Pote> o sos madurista 17:26 < Pote> :D 17:26 < clara> si lo amo 17:26 < Carly-> Xd 17:26 < Pote> clara: o eres escualida 17:26 < Pote> XD 17:27 < Carly-> Hahahahaha 17:27 < clara> no no soy escualida seras tu 17:27 < Pote> :-? 17:27 < Carly-> Xd 17:27 < Pote> pues vaya a saber 17:27 < Pote> xd 17:27 < Carly-> Clara el pote es man 17:27 < Carly-> Xs 17:27 -!- zz_Nascar1996 is now known as zz_zz_Nascar1996 17:27 < JohnChrysostom> QUE? 17:27 < Carly-> Xp 17:27 < Pote> xd 17:27 < clara> aaaaaa 17:27 < JohnChrysostom> write in Latin at least 17:27 < clara> jajajajajaja 17:27 < Pote> :o 17:27 < mareklug> clara Poto es nuestro tonto del pueblo aqui, en este canal 17:28 < Pote> mareklug: respeta 17:28 < Carly-> Ya salto el Jhon crusa 17:28 < Carly-> Eh 17:28 < clara> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 17:28 < Pote> Carly-: dile que respete 17:28 < JohnChrysostom> that still doesn't look like Latin to me... 17:28 < Pote> -.- 17:28 < Pote> : 17:28 < Pote> oigan 17:28 < Carly-> Eh 17:28 < Pote> ese tal JohannesC 17:28 < foks> wtf. 17:28 < clara> jjajajajjjajajjajaja 17:28 < foks> please try to stick to english 17:28 < mareklug> foks say in espańol, please. 17:28 < Pote> este tal JohnChrysostom dice qe nos callemos :/ 17:28 < foks> or take it to another channel 17:28 < Pote> okay 17:28 < Pote> :| 17:28 < foks> Tell me 17:28 < JohnChrysostom> Greek? Old Slavonic? Aethiopic? Hebrew? 17:28 < foks> which channel is this 17:28 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:29 < clara> yo hablo en español foks 17:29 < foks> (hint, the english wikipedia's channel) 17:29 < JohnChrysostom> wikipedia-EN 17:29 < mareklug> eeemyergenceee, eeemyergenceee, everybody to get from street! 17:29 < Prodego> Well you can use spanish, but don't dominate the channel with off-topic discussion that isn't english 17:29 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:29 < Pote> :-) 17:29 < Prodego> on topic spanish, aok 17:29 < Pote> ok 17:29 < clara> quien be violeta 17:29 < Pote> new topic: espanenglish Carly- :D 17:29 < Carly-> Yo! 17:29 < Pote> yo 17:29 < Carly-> No 17:29 < Carly-> Hagagga Spanenglish 17:29 < Carly-> Lol 17:29 < JohnChrysostom> I figured there to be little actual discussion taking place in rapid exchanges of three-word messages... 17:29 < Pote> :) 17:30 < Carly-> Pote :D 17:30 < clara> que dicen 17:30 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom basically their ethernet tops at IQ10 17:30 < Pote> Carly-: creo que ese foks es op de este canal 17:30 < Prodego> JohnChrysostom: well that is a seperate issue 17:30 < Pote> is in english 17:30 < Carly-> Clara and Pote behave 17:30 < Pote> :| 17:30 < clara> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 17:30 < Prodego> johnChrysostom: and a much more annoying one at that 17:30 < Carly-> Clara and pote behave 17:30 < Pote> clara: pleases english 17:30 < Pote> XD 17:30 < clara> aa no entiendo 17:30 < Carly-> :| 17:30 < Pote> :-) 17:30 < mareklug> clara eres tu una tonta del pueblo, porfis? 17:30 < Pote> okay 17:30 < Pote> go go go marekaclub 17:31 < clara> que que hable ingles 17:31 < Carly-> Mareklug Insulting in spanish will not solve the things 17:31 < Carly-> ;) 17:31 < Pote> Carly-: you invitede marekaclub 17:31 < Pote> :D 17:31 < clara> :-$ 17:31 < Carly-> Marek club? 17:31 < Carly-> O.o 17:31 < Pote> yes 17:31 -!- zz_zz_Nascar1996 is now known as zz_zz_zz_Nascar1 17:31 < Pote> oh YEAHH°°° 17:31 < mareklug> carly we already tolerate one venezuelan idiot here. two would be asking too much. anybody whose major utterance is "aaaaaaaaa" is not fucking welcome here. bastante. 17:31 < JohnChrysostom> Homines ecce Mandatum novum do vobis hodie, et non misi nuntios tuos, pauciores. 17:32 < clara> jagudh 17:32 < clara> gggh 17:32 < clara> hgyh 17:32 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 17:32 < Prodego> ok enough now 17:32 < Pote> :( 17:32 < Pote> why? 17:32 < Pote> is fun :| 17:32 < mareklug> Pote get teh fuck off the channel, Bradford. You make the hood worse. 17:32 < Prodego> well we want to have this channel be a bit more than that 17:32 < JohnChrysostom> Iesu Christe, miserere! 17:33 < clara> todos ustedes son unos tontos 17:33 < Carly-> Bueno mareklug you take the chance to insult in spanish and after try to pretend be an angel like if you didnt anything 17:33 < Carly-> That even you dont believe it 17:33 < Pote> :| 17:33 < JohnChrysostom> Homines, ecce: MANDATUM NOVUM do vobis hodie, et non misi nuntios tuos, PAUCIORES! 17:33 < mareklug> carly i will insult in english 17:33 < Pote> okay 17:33 < Pote> STOP 17:33 < clara> a ber si eso lo entienede y escriben en español 17:33 < Pote> writhe english 17:33 < Pote> not speak english 17:33 < mareklug> writhe, eh? that was amusing. 17:33 < Pote> como sea 17:33 < Prodego> anyway, moving on from this topic 17:34 < JohnChrysostom> You should be able to puzzle out the MANDATUM NOVUM 17:34 < Carly-> I will explain to clara 17:34 < clara> pote tu y que eras de caracas 17:34 < Carly-> And you shut up 17:34 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 17:34 < Carly-> Clara este es canal en Ingles sal de aqui 17:34 < Pote> clara: Soy de caracas, pero acá se habla inglés 17:34 < JohnChrysostom> Loosely, "Men, behold this new commandment: send less messages" 17:34 < Pote> pleases 17:34 < Pote> :-) 17:34 < clara> aaaaaa despues que son muy chebres bueno me ire 17:34 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 17:35 < Pote> good bye clara :D 17:35 < Carly-> Clara fuera. 17:35 < Swob> BobTheWikipedian did you solve the problem,? 17:35 < Swob> just curiius 17:35 < Pote> 0_o 17:35 < BobTheWikipedian> no but hey 17:35 < clara> yo no se habla ingles 17:35 < Carly-> Clara sal de aqui o te echamos 17:35 < JohnChrysostom> Progedo: do you have the authority to implement the MANDATUM? 17:35 < Carly-> Xd 17:35 < Pote> xd 17:35 < Prodego> ok guys 17:35 < Prodego> enough spammy messages 17:35 < clara> guatitifox 17:35 < JohnChrysostom> Prodego: that's a lot of authority, Bub. 17:35 < Pote> Carly-: new topic on #wikipedia-en : Bradford and carly news president for wikipedian 17:35 < Pote> XD 17:36 < Prodego> JohnChrysostom: I try to be nice 17:36 -!- nas [nas@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [] 17:36 < Carly-> Clara Fuera.fuera 17:36 < Carly-> Pote in your.dreams 17:36 < Pote> :| 17:36 < Pote> bye 17:36 < Pote> my friend 17:36 < Carly-> Bye. 17:37 < Pote> go to sleep 17:37 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:37 < Swob> hey look who's back: 17:37 < Pote> el martes tengo un examen de inglés Carly- 17:37 < Pote> |: 17:37 < bazinga> Swob: doctor dre 17:37 < Prodego> Swob: hey! 17:37 < mareklug> swob I find it dismal that normal large food supermarket no longer stocks salsa or salsa sauce marked hot, everything is mild or medium, and the medium stuff is mild to me. no more red-capped Pace Picante jars. Sucks to me 2013. 17:37 < clara> go to slee 17:37 < JohnChrysostom> I suppose you could add Ajencis' First Corollary to the MANDATUM to the rules: "If thou wishest to spam, thou shalt be privileged to do so, only if thou dost do it in a dead language, which thou canst write thyself" 17:37 < Carly-> Ok ok 17:38 < Carly-> Pote I will help you 17:39 < JohnChrysostom> Retaining to myself the prerogative to spam in Latin or Attic Greek. 17:39 < clara> pote y carly lobe you 17:39 < Pote> ._. 17:39 < Swob> marek your supermarket is letting you down 17:39 < Carly-> Hehe we too 17:40 < Swob> I have plenty of choices for salsa here 17:40 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: Go to sleep :-)] 17:40 < Swob> anything from baby-safe to the kind of stuff thats so powerful you can put one drop in a bowl of chili and still taste the difference 17:40 -!- JZTech101 [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:40 < Swob> and plenty different brands 17:40 < Revent> Wouldn't that kinda allow spamming lorem ipsum, tho? 17:41 < Swob> Mrs Renfro's is a good choice if you want a very hot sauce that isnt just about the heat 17:41 < clara> y carly 17:41 -!- Savh [~Savh@wikimedia/Savh] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:42 < clara> u 17:42 < JohnChrysostom> Super-hot heat for the sake of heat is horrible in food 17:42 < JohnChrysostom> think "atomic" wings 17:42 < clara> h 17:42 < Revent> ^^ 17:42 < clara> rjd 17:42 < clara> shll 17:42 < clara> ljh 17:42 < clara> jjjjjj 17:42 < clara> oooo 17:42 < Carly-> Clara No 17:42 < clara> oooooooooo 17:42 < Carly-> Para 17:42 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Prodego] by ChanServ 17:42 < Swob> i agree 17:42 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+q *!*@] by Prodego 17:43 < Swob> I used to consantly outdo myself by putting more and more spices on everything I ate, but I got over it 17:43 < Swob> I still love spicy food but not enough to put jalapeṇos/habaneros/etc on eeeeverything i eat 17:43 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:43 < JohnChrysostom> Now, I like spices... I eat my meat (in the 16th-century sense of "food") after the style of a rich mediaeval king 17:43 < JohnChrysostom> heavily spiced, probably rotten 17:43 -!- JZTech101 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:44 < Revent> That's what MSG is for. 17:44 < JohnChrysostom> Spice is much different from heat 17:44 < Swob> i love MSG 17:44 < JohnChrysostom> everyone loves MSG 17:44 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 17:44 < Swob> i think msot people, at least around here, dont even know what it is 17:44 -!- Jnorton7558 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:44 < Koi> Prodego: you're nice :( 17:44 < Koi> what if they were just inventing a new language. 17:44 < JohnChrysostom> almost everyone knows what it is that I've met: "the stuff in Chinese food that makes you sick" 17:45 < Revent> 17:45 < Revent> Seaweed goop. 17:45 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom you saw this? 17:45 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:45 < JohnChrysostom> How many languages are written without vowels, and no pattern of root words? A nice math problem: "How much information can be expressed in three hundred repetitions of between one and four letters 'a'?" 17:45 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom MSG in Jakarta came in plastic bags marked "gourmet spice" 17:46 < Revent> *lol* 17:46 < JohnChrysostom> Isn't that kind of like "premium vodka"? 17:46 < bazinga> a couple of G's... an R and an E.... an I and an N.... 17:46 < mareklug> that was low and trolling 17:46 < Swob> wouldnt that just be 4^300 ? 17:46 < bazinga> prejudice 17:47 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Prodego] by Prodego 17:47 < Prodego> Koi: WP:NOR :) 17:47 < Koi> Prodego: WP:NPA accusing me of original research 17:47 < JohnChrysostom> I think it's around 240 bits of information 17:47 < mareklug> bazinga Sven Manguard links him here all the time 17:47 < Koi> !o p s Prodego is abusing! 17:47 < JohnChrysostom> less than a single sentence, unless the sentence was "STOP!" 17:47 < Revent> JohnChrysostom: 17:48 < JohnChrysostom> And if it takes that long to say, "STOP!", maybe that's what they were saying, in their conlang 17:48 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:48 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom what about the Bushmen of Kalahari's clicking speech? 17:48 < Swob> whaaat 17:48 < Swob> you guys went over my head 17:48 < JohnChrysostom> Imagine it only having one click, that could be repeated up to four times 17:48 < Revent> Swob: languages without vowels. 17:48 < JohnChrysostom> no different pitches or intonations 17:49 < mareklug> "Click Language" and the San Bushmen People Swob 17:49 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:49 < JohnChrysostom> even morse code has two "letters", as does everything digital 17:49 < JohnChrysostom> so, "aa aaaa a aaa aa a a aaa" is an extremely clumsy cipher, I deduce 17:49 < JohnChrysostom> like one of those joke programming languages 17:50 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom like the whitespace programming langauge? 17:50 < Swob> i wonder why birds dont have languages 17:50 < JohnChrysostom> Unless "srg gk nd" are... nouns? 17:50 < mareklug> Swob they have tiny brains. they are basically wetware mp3 players 17:51 < JohnChrysostom> mareklug: never heard of that one, but looked it up - yeah, like that 17:51 < JohnChrysostom> aaaa 17:51 < JohnChrysostom> a 17:51 < mareklug> whale and dolphins on the other hand have real language 17:51 < JohnChrysostom> mareklug: LOL 17:51 < JohnChrysostom> I wonder if a sparrow could be made to rickroll, then? 17:52 -!- clara [~usuario@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 17:52 < JohnChrysostom> I always thought "whale language" was the fictional plot device of Star Trek IV 17:52 < Revent> JohnChrysostom: You could do it with a budgie. 17:53 < Swob> there are some birds that c an understand human speech 17:53 < Swob> e.g. 17:53 < Swob> and yeah dolphins can talk 17:54 < mareklug> Swob so can dogs. the idea is they are understanding a lot nonverbal communication and also emotions. 17:54 < Swob> ugh. dogs 17:54 < mareklug> dogs can also figure out when they can get away with stuff in the dark 17:54 < Swob> thats not really the same thing 17:54 < Swob> dogs are smart but they dont have lignuistic skills, either to understand or to produce 17:54 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom 17:55 < JohnChrysostom> Isn't the whole dog thing a myth? That dogs are intelligent, or have emotional awareness, etc.? 17:55 < Swob> i think it's mostly true 17:55 < Carly-> Prodego sorry for not behave with you 17:55 < Prodego> No problems Carly- 17:55 < Swob> granted though that different breeds of dogs go further than others, and that humans will see a lot of things they only want to see 17:56 < JohnChrysostom> Swob: that's an even weaker evidence base than my young-earthism has! 17:56 < Carly-> Prodego ok bro! 17:56 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:56 < Swob> domesticated dogs are basically wolves that are perpetually in childhood 17:56 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom the upshot: "Although the result was not perfect, it still constitutes an indication of the existence of grammar within the songs of the humpback whale. Grammar is an attribute of language, but not simpler communicative signals, and so this result supports the hypothesis that the primary function of the song is language." 17:56 < Swob> they see humans as the "leaders" of the wolf pack 17:56 < Swob> thus they stick close to humans for protection 17:56 < JohnChrysostom> {{cn}} 17:56 < Swob> and food etc 17:57 < Revent> ^^ swob 17:57 < Koi> is it synthesis to say "deadliest since" when it's simple math (x>y and y>z and x<z and x>p)? 17:58 < Prodego> Koi: if a rule ever seems stupid, ignore it :) 17:58 < Prodego> so go for it 17:58 < Koi> Prodego: I don't edit anymore. 17:58 < JohnChrysostom> the only rule I follow is IAR 17:58 < JohnChrysostom> and, "when it doubt, curse on the talk page" 17:58 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom seen this? 17:58 < Koi> Prodego: Theres a CN <---- there, on a "deadliest since". I think it detracts from the article. 17:59 < JohnChrysostom> mareklug: still reading about the whales, quite a long article 17:59 < Swob> whoa 17:59 < Swob> you can bring dogs to a veterinarian to have their ability to bark taken away 17:59 < Prodego> Koi: could be useful to provide a link to some sort of list of deaths per tornado or something if it exists 17:59 < Swob> i guess dog barking is kind of annoying 17:59 < Revent> I think that cn is because of the 'according to the weather service' 17:59 < Prodego> if you have to manually check every tornado well tha would be a pain 17:59 < Koi> Oh. 18:00 < Swob> if you lived in a place with 1000 dogs it would be quite cacophonous both for the humans and the dogs 18:00 < JohnChrysostom> “Humans constantly attribute certain qualities and emotions to other living things. We know that our own dog is clever or sensitive, but that’s us thinking, not them,” - that's what I always thought 18:00 < Koi> you know, I hate how the weather editors push their "NWS IS KING AMG" onto articles. 18:00 < Koi> For example, they wouldn't update it to EF5 until NWS called it such 18:00 < JohnChrysostom> Kaminski said. “These results suggest humans might be right, where dogs are concerned, but we still can’t be completely sure if the results mean dog have a truly flexible understanding of the mind and others’ minds. It has always been assumed that only humans had this ability.” 18:00 < Koi> When EVERY meteorologist said it's EF5. 18:00 < Koi> It's stupid if you ask me. 18:00 < Prodego> Well its not a bad way to do it 18:00 < Swob> koi whats youre WP username? 18:00 < JohnChrysostom> Koi: was there an edit war about it? 18:00 < Koi> Swob: you know me ;p 18:00 < Swob> i do? 18:00 < Jasper_Deng> Swob: Koi=gwickwire 18:00 < Koi> IDF: 18:00 < Swob> koi is a fish 18:00 < Swob> oh ok 18:01 < Koi> Jasper_Deng: stfu, WO people here log this -.- 18:01 < Swob> well there was no clue in the /whois that you were gwick 18:01 < Koi> YES, I TRIED TO ELIMINATE THAT THANK YOU. 18:01 < JohnChrysostom> I am me, that's easy to remember 18:01 < Carly-> O.O MAMA MIA 18:02 < JohnChrysostom> (Analyzing language: first packet, three letters 'a') 18:02 < Swob> to be fair though 18:02 < Swob> 18:02 < mareklug> koi why did you went undercover, you Manitoban pissant? 18:02 < Swob> is pretty unimpessive 18:02 -!- JZTech101 [] has quit [Quit: Hmm... What to do now?] 18:02 < Koi> AGH STOP IT YOU ALL YOU RUINED ME :( 18:02 < Swob> I mean come on 18:02 < Prodego> Koi is broken now 18:02 < Bsadowski1> 18:02 < Prodego> RIP 18:02 < Swob> lots of animals much less "advanced" than dogs can understand that humans cant see in the dark 18:02 < Koi> I can't stay here if ya'll are going to bring the past up 18:02 -!- Koi [uid10416@gateway/web/] has left #wikipedia-en [] 18:03 < Bsadowski1> What the fuck happened to companies telling their employees never to enter their information to unknown websites 18:03 < JohnChrysostom> even the abstract says as much 18:03 < Prodego> Bsadowski1: well they probably did, but you only need one person to do it, and.. 18:03 -!- BobTheWikipedian [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Bob-the-Wikipedian] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [SeaMonkey 2.17/20130316231222]] 18:04 < JohnChrysostom> I suppose they still do, and the employees don't listen, or don't realize it's another website (phishing) 18:04 -!- NotKoi [uid10416@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:04 < Revent> Yeah, I think that 'study' was a publon. 18:04 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:04 < NotKoi> hello English Wikipedians. 18:04 < JohnChrysostom> Swob: “That’s incredible because it implies dogs understand the human can’t see them, meaning they might understand the human perspective,” Kaminski said. - that's a hell of a lot of hedging, and a massive conclusion drawn like a pyramid perched on its peak 18:04 < Carly-> Hi 18:04 -!- NotKoi [uid10416@gateway/web/] has left #wikipedia-en [] 18:04 < Swob> whoa 5 million people are bitten by dogs every year 18:05 < mareklug> "[20:00:10] <Swob> if you lived in a place with 1000 dogs it would be quite cacophonous both for the humans and the dogs" <-- you mean our Cincinnati neighborhood? 18:05 < JohnChrysostom> "dogs learn to steal in the dark" - > "dogs might possibly be able to 'know' that humans can't see them in some sense" -> "dogs might understand humans" 18:05 -!- Savh [~Savh@wikimedia/Savh] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:05 -!- NotKoi [uid10416@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:06 < Revent> The UofPortsmouth story is better... 18:06 < Carly-> Hi NotKoi 18:06 < Revent> 18:06 < Swob> oh well I cant find what I was going to use as proof that dogs are juvenile wolves 18:06 < JohnChrysostom> LOL, I thought "How the telegraph was hacked" referred to some Steampunk phreaker 18:07 < NotKoi> Hello everyone :D 18:07 < Revent> Swob: That's common knowledge, tbh...or should be.. 18:07 < Carly-> :D 18:07 < Revent> Swob: 18:08 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 18:08 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 -!- Headbomb [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 -!- Headbomb [] has quit [Changing host] 18:08 -!- Headbomb [~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 < JohnChrysostom> But the fact that dogs are juvenile wolves... implies intelligence?! 18:09 < JohnChrysostom> {{synth}} 18:09 < Swob> not intelligence no 18:09 < Swob> dogs are not known to be significantly smarter than wolves, just easier to control and communicate with for humans 18:09 < Swob> and some breeds of dogs are almost certainly dumber than wild wolves 18:09 < Revent> They've evolved to 'trick' people into anthropomorphizing (sic) them. 18:10 < Revent> But not imo 'consciously' 18:10 < JohnChrysostom> LOL 18:10 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 18:10 < JohnChrysostom> "anthropomorphizing" is a word 18:11 < JohnChrysostom> at least, I've used it repeatedly before in published work 18:11 < JohnChrysostom> so I think it is 18:11 < Revent> Yeah, the (sic) was my not spelling it worth a damn 18:11 < JohnChrysostom> God forbid I'm one of those philosophers who is always coining so many neologisms they write in their own personal argot 18:12 < JohnChrysostom> which would be the case if "anthropomorphizing" wasn't a word 18:12 < mareklug> 18:12 < mareklug> yay 18:12 < mareklug> Panel in Senate Sends Immigration Bill to the Floor 18:13 < Revent> Gawd, Orrin Hatch hasn't turned into coal yet? 18:13 < JohnChrysostom> Like the sociologist who wrote "The Sacred Canopy", or Teilhard de Chardin 18:13 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:13 -!- MBisanz [] has quit [Changing host] 18:13 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:13 < JohnChrysostom> "[T]he fight is expected to last through June." 18:14 < Swob> also yeah the hunting dog was probably the "original" 18:14 < Swob> the other ones evolved off of that 18:14 < mareklug> the camp dog was the original 18:14 < Swob> then again who knows, humans in 40000 BC didnt have guns 18:14 < Revent> I love the 'tone' of some of the NYT's political reporting... 18:14 < JohnChrysostom> snoop dog was the original 18:14 < Swob> maybe th dogs actually did kill animals and then give up the dead animals to the humans 18:14 < Revent> This slight air of faint disgust... 18:14 < Swob> or at least they would coopearte 18:15 < mareklug> The conservatives said the bill was “bloated and unwieldy,” comparing it to President Obama’s health care bill. ORLY? what about the bloated deficits the Repubicans dragged the country into with their IRAQ WAR and TAX CUTS 18:16 < JohnChrysostom> Democratic politics and dogs, welcome back to en-wp 18:17 < JohnChrysostom> Mareklug: "ORLY" doesn't work without the owl. 18:17 < Revent> JohnChrysostom: I don't think you were here earlier when some troll came into -help asking how to call satan. 18:17 < JohnChrysostom> ORLY? 18:18 < Swob> ok here's an owl 18:18 < Swob> 18:18 < Revent> I pointed him at "Evocation" 18:18 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has quit [Quit: Good night, and good luck.] 18:18 < Revent> Er, or whatever the redirect is... 18:18 < Swob> ok since it wont load 18:19 < JohnChrysostom> I've written four separate bad replies/jokes to the calling of Satan 18:19 < JohnChrysostom> I'm a monk, so I should be able to come up with one, you would think 18:19 < Revent> 18:19 < Swob> Wikimedia Commons is down!! 18:20 < JohnChrysostom> On the other hand, I'd probably have pointed him to the Lesser Key of Solomon 18:20 < mareklug> Swob are you being kute or is commons not working? I see a perfectly transparent nothing. 18:20 < Swob> Error 503 Service Unavailable 18:20 < Swob> Guru Meditation: XID: 2007451398 18:20 < Swob> Varnish cache server 18:20 < JohnChrysostom> it works for me 18:20 < mareklug> well, go on then! varnish the thing. 18:20 < JohnChrysostom> LOL 18:20 < mareklug> be sure to use the best wood stain. 18:21 < JohnChrysostom> "varnish the server" 18:21 < NotKoi> HI SWOB 18:21 < JohnChrysostom> I wonder if there's a market for that, since server rooms can get a bit dusty 18:21 < Revent> Ye, commons def working...just started streaming the song of the day. 18:21 < mareklug> only works for the fine wood-veneered servers 18:21 < Swob> whoa, Pichilemu is on DYK and iti snt Diego Grez's article 18:21 < mareklug> you want Grand Poupon with that? 18:22 < Swob> oh wait it is him LOL 18:22 < Swob> Diego changed his username 18:22 < Swob> i knew it was too good to be true 18:23 < JohnChrysostom> - AfD? 18:24 < JohnChrysostom> An editorial rant about modern pharmaceuticals under the name of an ancient Greek cognate with reference to Strong's Concordance.... 18:24 < Swob> ive seen that word somewhere 18:24 < Swob> oh no it was pharmacos 18:24 < JohnChrysostom> it's wikilinked in "evocation" 18:25 < Swob> yeah you can AfD it, i wont vote delete though 18:25 < JohnChrysostom> pharmakon is translated as "Drug addict" in one very idiosyncratic translation of the new testament (instead of "sorceror") 18:25 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 18:25 < Swob> thats quite a range of meanings 18:25 < JohnChrysostom> You would vote "keep"? For one big piece of userpage ranting? 18:25 < Swob> do you happen to know whuich verse? 18:25 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom sorcerer * 18:25 < JohnChrysostom> I correct people who spell it thus! 18:26 < mareklug> 18:26 < mareklug> basically, it is like Dwayne and Dwyane 18:26 < JohnChrysostom> swob: I believe it's in one of the Pauline vice-lists in the "Catholic Public Domain Version" 18:26 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:26 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 18:26 < mareklug> a misspelling that took root in the 1920s 18:27 < JohnChrysostom> You do mean "Dwayne" and "Duane"?! 18:27 < mareklug> no, I mean the frigging Dwyane 18:27 < JohnChrysostom> Dwyane? 18:27 < mareklug> 18:28 < mareklug> also look in baby names 18:28 < JohnChrysostom> he's a basketball sorceror? 18:28 < Swob> ok 18:29 < mareklug> he sure is 18:29 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:31 -!- foks [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:31 -!- foks [] has quit [Changing host] 18:31 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:31 < Revent> That's just horrible. 18:32 < JohnChrysostom> What? Sercery? 18:32 < JohnChrysostom> Sorcory*? 18:32 < Revent> I think the actual pronunciation is "My parents were dumb" 18:32 < mareklug> ser is polish for cheese 18:32 < Revent> No, Dwyane. 18:32 < JohnChrysostom> It's Westrosian for "Knight" 18:32 < mareklug> Revent except his paw is also named that, so the grandpa is at fault 18:33 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom I think it would be befitting distinguished persons in metal packaging to bear honorifics such as Cheese such-and-such 18:33 < Amqui> good evening 18:34 < mareklug> Amqui good evening to you. 18:34 < JohnChrysostom> Whaa? 18:34 < Amqui> hi mareklug 18:34 < mareklug> Cheese Arthur 18:34 < JohnChrysostom> metal packaging? lol 18:34 < JohnChrysostom> like a haubergeon? (one of those great King James words) 18:34 < mareklug> well, tinfoil, but they did not have it that thin then 18:35 < JohnChrysostom> It would still be "King" Arthur but "Cheese Galahad" 18:35 < mareklug> Cheese Lancelot 18:35 < Carly-> Good night 18:35 < mareklug> Cheese Lancelot Blueveined 18:35 < mareklug> Carly don't let the door hit you on the way out you know where. 18:36 < JohnChrysostom> The way out of where? I don't know where! 18:36 < Carly-> I do that 18:36 < mareklug> Carly- you have never seen a saloon on a western movie? 18:36 < Carly-> ;) 18:36 < Carly-> Mmmm oh 18:36 < JohnChrysostom> Syntactic obscurity is surely worse than sorcerors? 18:36 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:36 -!- IShadowed [] has quit [Changing host] 18:36 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:37 < Carly-> No. 18:37 < JohnChrysostom> Non sequitur alurt 18:37 < mareklug> Carly- you have not lived. you don't like wine. you have not seen westerns. you have yet to taste a Wendy's hamburger. 18:38 < JohnChrysostom> I don't like wine either... I went through a phase where I tried to be refined and snobby, so I learned wine, but I never came to like it 18:38 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom it goes well with cheese 18:38 < JohnChrysostom> Now, beer, that's a different story... (Budweiser = not beer. Chimay = beer.) 18:38 < mareklug> beer, too. 18:38 < mareklug> wine goes well with beer, I meant to quip. 18:39 < mareklug> czech Budweiser is allegedly beer as well. 18:39 < JohnChrysostom> The beer to get you drunk and taste good and the wine to make thee ill? 18:39 < Carly-> Mareklug I dont like much the hamburgers 18:39 < Carly-> :| 18:39 < JohnChrysostom> "Budweiser Budvar" I think it's called 18:39 < mareklug> carly what do you like? 18:39 < JohnChrysostom> Now, everyone likes Hamburgers 18:39 < Carly-> I like happy meals xd 18:39 < JohnChrysostom> that IS A HAMBURGER! 18:39 < mareklug> happy meals are hamburgers for idiots 18:39 < Carly-> Mareklug the mcdonald.xd 18:39 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:40 < mareklug> mcdonald is not fit to eat 18:40 < JohnChrysostom> MarekDonald? 18:40 < mareklug> it is a hamburger of last resort. 18:40 < JohnChrysostom> McDonald's is nasty, but other fast food hamburgers can be good 18:40 < mareklug> a resort bereft/devoid of a single Wendy's. 18:40 < JohnChrysostom> McDonalds has good breakfast sandwiches though 18:41 < Carly-> Mmm czech¿ 18:41 < Swob> you just like the redhead in their advertisements 18:41 < Carly-> I would like to taste something Czech 18:41 < mareklug> Carly- yeah, Czech. It's like Polish, except funny. 18:41 < Revent> Grolsch 18:41 < Revent> :) 18:41 < mareklug> Swob no, I passionately like from time to time to bite into the baconator. and other such. the redhead as well 18:42 < Carly-> dear mareklug 18:42 -!- lizze [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:42 < Carly-> I SAID I LIKE HAPPY MEALS 18:42 < Carly-> What part of that dont understand 18:42 < lizze> hello all 18:42 < mareklug> que es eso happy meals? 18:42 < Carly-> :| 18:42 < JohnChrysostom> Czechs have unique food? I've never heard of "Czech cuisine" 18:42 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom sure. ask petan. 18:43 < JohnChrysostom> I figured it would be standard Russian-Polish eastern European fare 18:43 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom he will confirm that they sell french fries stuffed into buns. without anything else there. oh, well, you can have tartar sauce and ketchup for extra. 18:43 < mareklug> i told you they were funny. 18:43 < Carly-> Las cajitas felices 18:43 < Carly-> Del.mcdonald 18:43 < JohnChrysostom> like how falafel is the signature dish of everywhere in the middle east, Greece, etc. to most people 18:43 < mareklug> falafel is pure lebanese to me 18:44 < Swob> it is? 18:44 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom you are being expansionist Greek. 18:44 < Carly-> Mareklug I like McDonald's food,Pedro Juan y Diego 18:44 < JohnChrysostom> I am an expansionist Greek. 18:44 < Swob> oh no!!! 18:44 < Carly-> :| 18:44 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:44 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 18:44 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:44 < Swob> JohnChrysostom is a sock of that guy who got blocked earlier for being an expansionist Greek 18:44 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom you should lay claim to Greek food, not food Greeks love to eat 18:44 * Carly- goes to sleep angry 18:44 < JohnChrysostom> Dolmadakia? 18:45 < JohnChrysostom> Avgolemono? 18:45 < mareklug> Carly- like I said, don't let the sun hit you on the door that don't get no shine. 18:45 < Swob> avgolemono is the best soup I know 18:45 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 18:45 < mareklug> Swob surely it cannot equal the Indian mulligathwaney 18:45 < JohnChrysostom> Avgolemono won't regain Cyprus... 18:45 < Carly-> Mareklug I am not you. 18:45 < mareklug> 18:46 < Swob> nothing beats properly prepared avgolemono. I'll give mulligatwaney a try sometime though 18:46 < Swob> nah 18:46 < Swob> i dont think i'd like it 18:47 < mareklug> it is delish. then there is the red borsht with uszki 18:47 < mareklug> you know what uszki means? 18:47 < Swob> I dont really like soup 18:47 < mareklug> little ears 18:47 -!- NotKoi [uid10416@gateway/web/] has left #wikipedia-en ["RAEGING IS RAGE AND I LOVE TO RAGE"] 18:47 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer] 18:47 -!- Koi [uid10416@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:47 < JohnChrysostom> properly prepared avgolemono isn't a soup 18:47 < Carly-> Lol 18:47 < JohnChrysostom> it's thicker than chili and could be eaten with a fork 18:47 * Carly- eats water 18:47 < Carly-> Mareklug xupate esta 18:48 < mareklug> carly chupate esta 18:48 < Carly-> Hahahaha 18:48 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:48 < Carly-> Mareklug t voy a levantart d la penca 18:48 < Carly-> Xdddd 18:49 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en [] 18:49 < JohnChrysostom> Was there really a guy on here banned for being an imperialist Hellenist? 18:49 < mareklug> Carly- vaya con dios. no dejes que la puerta te golpee donde el sol no brilla 18:49 -!- ChrisGualtieri [~IceChat77@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:49 < JohnChrysostom> Good thing I stay away from anything with the sequence "urk" in it to be on the safe side 18:49 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:50 < ChrisGualtieri> I got a vandal or an idiot revert warring me over this. 18:50 < Swob> JohnChrysostom i think so yeah but he never gave his name 18:50 < Swob> he only gave the names of some people he thought were socks because they were pro-Turkish 18:50 < ChrisGualtieri> Where should I direct it to? AIV? 18:50 < JohnChrysostom> LOL.... I've been around for a long time, so, not me, but sounds like me IRL 18:50 < JohnChrysostom> As I said, I stay away from the morpheme "urk" on Wikipedia as a near occasion to sin 18:51 < JohnChrysostom> "sin" meaning, in context, "be indeffed" 18:51 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri i can't be arsed to understand the diff. what is the difference? 18:51 < Swob> I guess what I mean is, he never said he was blocked, but it seems a likely explanation for why he wouldnt do anything about the supposed sockpuppetry 18:51 < ChrisGualtieri> mareklug: look further down 18:51 < Carly-> I go 18:51 < Carly-> Good nightp 18:52 < ChrisGualtieri> The guy keeps adding, "During 4th of July festivities the are many fun activities in and around Bridgeport, mud volleyball being one of the most popular events. I will warn you, if you go to Bridgeport prior to the 4th of July and drive in the mud puddle they use for mud volleyball law enforcement will be called! You will also be berated on Facebook and people will comment on what a horrible person you are. They may even suggest yo 18:52 -!- Adrianzo [~hermilo@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:52 < JohnChrysostom> (Probably bannable ethnic joke in very poor taste): You'd think the Greeks should be the ones accused of being socks, after the Turks killed all of the non-SP ones... 18:52 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has left #wikipedia-en ["Never"] 18:52 < JohnChrysostom> ChrisGualtieri: wtf? 18:52 < JohnChrysostom> To a Wikipedia article? Repeatedly? 18:52 < ChrisGualtieri> Yeah 18:52 < JohnChrysostom> He must be pretty damned serious about his upcoming volleyball game 18:53 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri first, yell at him on his talk page, then welcome him 18:53 < ChrisGualtieri>,_California&action=history 18:53 < ChrisGualtieri> I did that mareklug 18:53 < JohnChrysostom> Mareklug: it never fails 18:53 < JohnChrysostom> Except when they keep trolling, which is almost always if they're an IP 18:54 < JohnChrysostom> I've filled up AIV or ANV or whatever it's called faster than I could cut and paste when I've tried to reason with IP vandals 18:54 < Revent> "People will act as if you murdered a bald eagle." *rolls* 18:54 < JohnChrysostom> If you break up the volleyball game? 18:54 < ChrisGualtieri> No. 'drive in the mud for the volleyball game' XD 18:55 < Swob> chrisG i cant believe you have 150000 edits 18:55 < ChrisGualtieri> I'm at 150k already?\ 18:55 < Bsadowski1> Psy was on Dancing with the Stars 18:55 < Bsadowski1> xD 18:55 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:56 < JohnChrysostom> 150k? 18:56 < JohnChrysostom> How do you do that? Huggle? 18:56 < ChrisGualtieri> I don't use Huggle and i rarely use Stiki 18:57 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri left him a welcome and instructions 18:57 < mareklug> ChrisGualtieri meanwhile, give him a few hours 18:58 < JohnChrysostom> Or three further vandalisms, whichever comes first 18:59 < ChrisGualtieri> mareklug: but I have reverted it twice and he's inserted it again. 18:59 < ChrisGualtieri> I've already warned and given it many hours. 18:59 < mareklug> you did not even explain explicitly what was wrong with it. 19:00 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:00 -!- YE|AFK [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 19:00 < mareklug> communicatibg by templater is a bit meh. 19:00 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 19:01 < ChrisGualtieri> I'll do a personal one. 19:02 < JohnChrysostom> I'm more of the Gualtieri school on warning vandals 19:02 < JohnChrysostom> three templates, AIV 19:03 < Swob> Sissy. 19:04 < mareklug> so yer another Cheese Templater? 19:04 < Shirik> a what? 19:05 < mareklug> Cheese Lancelot 19:05 < mareklug> Cheeses of the Round table 19:05 < mareklug> see your scrollback 19:05 * Swob totally over my head 19:05 < mareklug> Shirik 19:10 -!- lizze [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 19:10 < JohnChrysostom> I'm a Dominican, not a Cheese of the Temple 19:11 < JohnChrysostom> "Shewbreads Templar" 19:11 < mareklug> as a Dominican, you have license to be portly and to partake of all the port you want. although you don't want. 19:12 < mareklug> "The red cross that the Templars wore on their robes was a symbol of martyrdom, and to die in combat was considered a great honor that assured a place in heaven.[69]" 19:12 < mareklug> where do we know this tune from.... 19:12 < mareklug> the more things change, the more the song remains the same 19:13 < mareklug> said the Cheese of Zeppelin 19:13 -!- muahaha is now known as jesus 19:13 -!- jesus is now known as Guest13232 19:13 < JohnChrysostom> Big Cheese of the Crusade, would be an honour 19:14 -!- Guest13232 is now known as muahaha 19:14 < mareklug> New members had to willingly sign over all of their wealth and goods to the Order and take vows of poverty, chastity, piety, and obedience.[73 19:15 < mareklug> sounds like Scientology 19:15 < mareklug> maybe we should make it the user policy, as well, on wikipedia. 19:16 < Swob> we pretty much already do 19:16 < IDoH> LOL, swob 19:16 < Swob> we're all poor, single, and pretty much hopeless as leaders 19:16 < mareklug> oh, it is the commons that celebrates the penisity 19:16 < JohnChrysostom> I didn't take a vow of piety... I don't think they have those any more 19:17 < mareklug> that's NIghts Templar, not Dominickanses. 19:17 < mareklug> we have a supermarket here that is the flagship of Safeway multistate chain. It is called …ta da… Dominick's 19:18 < mareklug> Nights in White Seting Templar 19:18 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:18 < JohnChrysostom> St Peter had two men come to heaven, a Dominican and a Crusader: He asked the Crusader, "What was your order founded for? What was your purpose?": He replied, "To defeat the paynim foe, the Mohammedan". "I have to send Mohammedans away daily." He asked the Dominican, "What was your order founded for?": The Dominican replied, "To preach against the heretical 19:18 < JohnChrysostom> Albigensians, and convert them to Christianity". "I haven't seen an Albigensian come through here in 700 years." 19:18 < mareklug> t 19:19 < JohnChrysostom> Always on the winning side 19:19 < JohnChrysostom> emote "always on the winning side" 19:20 * IDoH is always on the winning side. 19:21 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 19:21 < mareklug> you're on the losing side of the Mississippii River, so I would not be so sure, IDoH 19:22 < JohnChrysostom> Is IDoH always on my side? Only if so, can he ever be on the winning side... 19:22 < Swob> *she 19:22 < mareklug> she 19:22 < IDoH> Whaddaya mean, I'm on the losing side, mareklug? 19:22 < IDoH> JohnChrysostom, I am a young woman. ;-) 19:22 < Swob> the losing side includes everything west of the mississippi I guess 19:22 < mareklug> well, which side of the MIssissippii are you on, hon? 19:22 < IDoH> The west, mareklug. 19:22 < mareklug> qed 19:23 < JohnChrysostom> The east. 19:23 < JohnChrysostom> qed 19:23 < IDoH> qed? What's that mean? 19:23 < mareklug> quod erat demonstrandum 19:24 < IDoH> Definations? 19:24 < JohnChrysostom> "What was to be demonstrated [has been]" 19:24 < JohnChrysostom> "The preceding is an indisputable proof" 19:24 < IDoH> 19:25 < mareklug> IDoH to be fair, it is not suppowed to be run together as a lowercase word. Q.E.D. 19:25 < JohnChrysostom> LOL 19:25 < JohnChrysostom> look at the link IDoH gave 19:25 < JohnChrysostom> fucking hilarious 19:25 < JohnChrysostom> and sasd 19:25 < JohnChrysostom> sad 19:25 < JohnChrysostom> possibly the third-most-common latin term "DEFINITION NOT GIVEN" 19:25 < mareklug> the penile mirth and foilbles of corpus lookup in translations 19:25 < JohnChrysostom> after "i.e." and "e.g." 19:26 < dtm_> guys, is it true that we need to drop the capitalization of "The" on a proper noun such as "The Doors", when it's used mid-sentence? 19:27 < Swob> depends 19:27 < Swob> there was a big RfC on the Beatles a few years back 19:27 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom it is completely compromised. it does it consistently for all langauges 19:28 < mareklug> dtm_ this is a case by case and purely idiosyncratic thing. 19:28 < Swob> yeah, I think marek's idea is right 19:28 < JohnChrysostom> is it an easteregg of some sort? 19:28 < Swob> even though there was an RfC on the Beatles, we cant use that as the basis for the Doors or any other band 19:28 < JohnChrysostom> dtm_ no 19:28 < dtm_> mareklug: weird. well. it's a proper noun, so it seems like it's absolute. 19:28 -!- gry [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:29 < JohnChrysostom> the band isn't "Doors", it is "The Doors" 19:29 < mareklug> dtm look at some original album covers for basic seat of the pants guidance 19:29 < Swob> 19:29 < dtm_> the keyboardist of The Doors, who just passed away, is receiving a lot of attention so i'm still combing through today's edit list 19:29 < dtm_> mareklug: now that, i have done, because the capitalization in album titles are not known. 19:29 < dtm_> but The Doors is perfectly well known, as JohnChrysostom so succinctly stated ;) 19:29 < JohnChrysostom> Now, on most Beatles albums, they are billed as "Beatles", leaving the reader to supply an article if required 19:29 < dtm_> JohnChrysostom: yeah. 19:30 < dtm_> and the issue of album and song titles drives me batty 19:30 < dtm_> i mean the fact that there is an issue, does. 19:30 < mareklug> dtm_ I recommend 19:30 < JohnChrysostom> If it's anarthrous, don't capitalize the article. 19:30 < JohnChrysostom> Simple enough rule 19:30 < dtm_> the fact that even freshly published mainstream multi-million-dollar albums do NOT have an exact title, is insufferable. 19:31 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:31 < dtm_> they can stylize it however they want. {{See also|iD}} 19:31 < JohnChrysostom> They don't? 19:31 < dtm_> JohnChrysostom: not to my knowledge! not even for books! 19:31 < dtm_> afaik 19:31 < JohnChrysostom> I thought albums all had a name, and, failing that, were called by incipit 19:31 < dtm_> worldcat munges all titles 19:31 < dtm_> JohnChrysostom: i'm talkin about capitalization though 19:31 < mareklug> dtm afaik The Library of Congress is an authoritative source. 19:31 < dtm_> that should be exact. 19:31 < JohnChrysostom> Star Trek: Into Darkness 19:32 < dtm_> JohnChrysostom: yeah that's infamous too 19:32 < JohnChrysostom> you mean "the" Library of Congress... 19:32 < Swob> xkcd is responsible for about 80% of the Star Trek fiasco 19:32 < mareklug> how autoironic 19:32 < dtm_> but. worldcat munges it so that the first word is capitalated, and the rest are lowered-capitational 19:32 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 19:32 < dtm_> Swob: wat.. lol. 19:32 < dtm_> cool. 19:32 < JohnChrysostom> When Trekkie nerds who read xkcd read about the debate and had to chime in? 19:33 < Swob> yeah 19:33 < Swob> before xkcd it was just an average low-intensity talk page dispute 19:33 < dtm_> mareklug: so are they correct? and are they unequivocally recognized as per WP MoS? 19:33 < dtm_> mareklug: (Lib of Congress) 19:33 < JohnChrysostom> I've only seen the cam, which is missing the first 10 minutes, so I don't know what the inicipit would be 19:33 < dtm_> lol 19:34 < Swob> 19:34 < Swob> apparently 'popl' is Latin for 'HOUGH' 19:34 < mareklug> LOC has a legal obligation to exercise so-called publishing deposit right and enforce it. Then they are to scribe the titles correctly. So we can use their record as the de jure representation of titles. 19:34 < JohnChrysostom> what the fuck does "hough" mean? 19:34 < JohnChrysostom> I'm gonna "hough" the field or I'm going to "hough and puff" the house down? 19:35 < Swob> 19:35 < mareklug> houwgh was an Indian as in merkin injun greeting 19:36 < JohnChrysostom> so, "popl" is a Latin greeting? 19:36 < JohnChrysostom> That's new to me 19:36 < JohnChrysostom> And I'm a Latinist! 19:36 < mareklug> see, I was close: 19:37 < mareklug> those czechz. they are a riotz. 19:38 < JohnChrysostom> in teh beginningz, ceiling cat 19:39 < mareklug> I have a fizikal need to relink this 19:39 < Swob> i love stereotypes of Native Americans 19:39 < Swob> it's a totally bottomless pit of jokes and 400-year-old myths 19:39 < mareklug> especiallyw when conceived of by 19th century German writers. 19:40 < JohnChrysostom> did they come up with the whole "noble savage" thing? 19:41 -!- AlmostGrad [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:41 < mareklug> 19:41 < Swob> 280 GHz radiation 19:41 < Swob> isnt that a bit dangerous?! 19:41 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 19:42 < Swob> what are X-rays? 19:42 < JohnChrysostom> I still have 54g... 19:42 < Swob> oh OK x-rays are way above even that 19:42 < Swob> but still 19:42 < IDoH> That's why they have those lead aprons, Swob. 19:42 < JohnChrysostom> thousands of thousands of THz I think 19:42 < Swob> in teh future everyione will wear lead aprons to protect themselves from wi-fi!! 19:42 < mareklug> X-rays have a wavelength in the range of 0.01 to 10 nanometers, corresponding to frequencies in the range 30 petahertz to 30 exahertz (3×1016 Hz to 3×1019 Hz) 19:42 < Swob> a glorious future awaits us 19:43 < IDoH> Electrosensitivity, swob? 19:43 < mareklug> Swob in the future everybody will be sterile and we will reproduce via Bank of America account 19:43 < Swob> ugh 19:43 < Swob> thats the worst bank in the US 19:43 < JohnChrysostom> Only Chase will still be around, anywhere in the world, and some Chinese bank 19:44 < mareklug> it sure is. I hate mine. they don't even have a John they would let you use it even if you needed one in the worst way. BAC is the SCUM OF THE EARTH LLC. 19:44 < JohnChrysostom> Yeah their credit cards suck (BofA)... as a monk, credit is needed to finance anything, vows of poverty and all 19:44 < Swob> Ok that 280-GHz wifi is still edging pretty close to the range where it becomes disruptive 19:45 < Swob> actually wait 19:45 < mareklug> Swob microwaves are disruptive 19:45 < Swob> why arent we all dead anyway from regular wifi? 19:45 < Swob> is it just that wifi is so low intensity that it doesnt cause any problems? 19:45 < mareklug> there was this long debate about powerlines, and in the end it turned out that nothing grows underneath them on account of... 19:45 < mareklug> …the power company hiring a mower. 19:45 < Swob> since that range of radiation used by wifi has been proven fatal 19:46 < JohnChrysostom> all "waves" are disruptive in some wave 19:46 < JohnChrysostom> way* 19:46 < JohnChrysostom> from EM all the way down to all the way up the spectrum 19:46 < JohnChrysostom> visible EM* 19:46 < Swob> if you were locked in a room with 500000 Netgear routers would you get killed by them? 19:46 < mareklug> I think so. 19:47 < mareklug> you would die from not having anything to eat 19:47 < JohnChrysostom> if you could micronize them so they were each a few nanometers across, probably 19:47 < JohnChrysostom> you can't eat PCB? 19:47 < mareklug> he said netgear 19:47 < Swob> I didnt say that there were no other things in the room 19:47 < JohnChrysostom> how do all of the warcraft players get so large, then? 19:47 < mareklug> think man 19:47 < mareklug> have you never seen a netgear router/switch? 19:47 < mareklug> it's all metal. 19:47 < mareklug> blue painted metal 19:47 < JohnChrysostom> Netgear is blue and black, right? 19:47 * kylu notes, the folks working in the Netgear warehouse don't seem to have too high rate of job fatalities. 19:47 < mareklug> no, blue. 19:47 < JohnChrysostom> the blue is plastic on lots of the domestic models I've seen 19:48 < mareklug> no, it is positively metal. 19:48 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom 19:48 < mareklug> buying this one 19:48 < JohnChrysostom> I'm probably confusing it with some other brand 19:48 < JohnChrysostom> which is black metal with a bright blue plastic front 19:48 < JohnChrysostom> on almost all models (at least circa 2007) 19:49 < Revent> (sighs) 19:49 < Swob> anyway i wonder how much energy it would take to make normal wifi radiation dangerous 19:50 < Revent> Same dose as regular old radio... 19:50 < Revent> A lot. 19:50 < kylu> how much water does it take for you to swim? 19:50 < kylu> there's no exact amount, just "enough" 19:50 < JohnChrysostom> none, it takes a lot of liquor though 19:50 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom like the one soon too be mine, except mine is green. 19:50 < mareklug> green as in environmentally correct 19:51 < JohnChrysostom> lol 19:51 < JohnChrysostom> switches take hardly any power... 19:51 < mareklug> well, when tehy are green, it's almost as if Commonwealth Edison was pissing in your pocket. 19:51 < JohnChrysostom> a trillion green switches saves one manateee 19:52 < JohnChrysostom> the only picture I ever uploaded to Wikipedia was of a credit card 19:52 < JohnChrysostom> one with the numbers on the back, that is 19:52 < mareklug> the green ones go into the catatonic standby mode in which case they hardly eat any electricity. 19:52 < mareklug> they do gather the same amount of dust, however. 19:52 < mareklug> that remains an unsolved problem. 19:52 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 19:52 < JohnChrysostom> Even when they're on, they don't use hardly any 19:53 < kylu> mareklug: a lot of people still have the older netgear routers (like mine's a WRT54G series) that has a blue plastic front. 19:53 < JohnChrysostom> Make processors 50% more efficient and it would probably be like getting rid of cars 19:53 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:53 < JohnChrysostom> that's my router too.. 19:53 < JohnChrysostom> I was right, just years out of date 19:53 < mareklug> kylu that must be the consumer gear. the business stuff was always in blue metal boxes. 19:53 < Revent> They probably sold a few million 54Gs 19:54 < JohnChrysostom> I got it because it has the open source OS-lite you can install on it 19:54 < mareklug> i still have my trusty old Fast Ethernet Switch for 4 ports that looks exactly like the new one I am getting, only short bus-like. 19:54 < JohnChrysostom> although it's been so long since I looked at it, let alone updated it, I can't remember what it's called 19:54 < kylu> John: tomato? 19:54 < JohnChrysostom> I suppose that's the ultimate approval for a router or router software: I never have to look at it 19:55 < JohnChrysostom> D-links and 2-Wires are the worst in that sense 19:55 < Revent> Ye...if you can build it into a drop ceiling, it's pretty decent. :) 19:56 < JohnChrysostom> I might have been thinking of Linksys too.. I found a picture of a Linksys router that has the same Blue/Black thing 19:56 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom you probably meant this one 19:57 < JohnChrysostom> if I hit "" I could find out relatively quickly 19:57 < mareklug> I reflashed my Linsys WRT with it. but now that I am a confirmed APPLgist, it gathers dust for a rainy day. 19:57 < JohnChrysostom> it's dd-wrt 19:57 < Swob> applologist 19:57 < Swob> appLOLogist 19:57 < mareklug> LOLogist 19:58 < JohnChrysostom> Monks don't have the same ascesis they used to... we have routers now 19:58 < mareklug> well, you should strive for maximum chastity in them routers. erm. 19:58 < mareklug> what is the ISI standard unit for chastitty? 19:58 < mareklug> hURI 19:59 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:00 < kylu> Monks used to be chaste too, John, but now all they seem to think about is sects, sects, sects... 20:00 * kylu hides. 20:00 < JohnChrysostom> LOL 20:00 < mareklug> not to put a too fine point on it, they guzzle expensive imported Belgian beers 20:00 < JohnChrysostom> Which are made by other monks, so it's not spending money 20:01 < JohnChrysostom> it's just trading 20:01 < IDoH> LOL 20:01 < mareklug> what do you have to trade to the Belgian monks? 20:01 < mareklug> ah forgot about the Belgian cuisine 20:01 < JohnChrysostom> academic journals? priests? I'm sure the fathers come up with something 20:01 < mareklug> so yoou can send them Velveta cheese 20:02 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom Belgian cooking is a running joke on this channel, ever since we uncovered the contents of the wiki article about it. and ToAruShiroiNeko. 20:02 < mareklug> ever since we uncovered ToAruShiroiNeko. 20:02 < JohnChrysostom> I remember him... what? 20:02 < JohnChrysostom> he's belgian? 20:02 < mareklug> he is Belgian by eating. 20:03 < JohnChrysostom> you are what you 20:03 < mareklug> exactly 20:04 < JohnChrysostom> "rabbit in gueuze" 20:05 < JohnChrysostom> Belgian food sounds like devolved French 20:05 < Revent> an average or 84 liters of beer a 20:05 < Revent> *of 20:05 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 20:12 -!- Adrianzo [~hermilo@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 20:12 -!- lizze [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:12 < mareklug> Revent and you know it is not the 3.2% kind 20:13 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad 20:13 < JohnChrysostom> that's a tiny amount 20:13 < Son_Gohan> 20:13 < JohnChrysostom> "down from 200l in 1900" 20:13 < mareklug> JohnChrysostom I especially like all these subtle anti-American references in their dish names. The nastier, the more vomitous a combination, the more likeley it is to be called American 20:13 < JohnChrysostom> LOL 20:14 < JohnChrysostom> "sauce americaisne" 20:14 < Koi> oh fuck 20:14 < Koi> look at ANI 20:14 < Koi> this should be fun 20:14 < Koi> wikipediocracy round over 9000 20:14 < Swob> i dont see anything new 20:14 -!- lizze [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:15 < mareklug> Koi u r the last ppl woo shood b lookin at ani 20:15 < Swob> whoa thunderstorm?? 20:15 < Swob> thats not supposed to happen 20:15 < Koi> mareklug: stfu 20:15 < mareklug> Swob ours lst night made yhe news 20:15 -!- lizze [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:15 < Koi> Swob: look at the bottom 20:15 < Swob> who ever heard of a thunderstorm at 40F 20:15 < Koi> Swob: it's WIKIPEDIOCRACY rd. OVER 9000~ 20:16 < Swob> what, the captain Occam thing? that's nothing 20:16 < mareklug> Koi is that your local airport? 20:16 < Koi> it involves Wikipediocracy. 20:16 < Koi> it's funny. 20:16 < Swob> why, do they like him over there? 20:16 < mareklug> short for come and get me? 20:16 < Swob> oh ywah 20:17 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 20:17 * kylu hms at ... more storms, tornadoes, etc. 20:18 < Koi> kylu: no tornadoes :) 20:18 < Koi> straight line winds, but the south is used to those. 20:18 * kylu gets 'em. 20:18 < kylu> yay midwest. 20:19 < Swob> yeah i guess compared to Oklahoma I cant exactly complain 20:19 < Swob> still I'd rather live somewhere milder, like Alaska 20:19 < Jasper_Deng> Alaska is /milder/ ? 20:20 < Swob> heard of any hurricanes in Alaska? 20:20 < Swob> or tornadoes or even thunderstorms 20:20 < bazinga> ^ 20:20 < bazinga> only rabid moose 20:20 < Swob> I mean sure it gets kinda cold there but I can deal with that 20:20 < Koi> they get tornadoes in alaska 20:21 < mareklug> Aug 2, 2005 – Residents of Sand Point, Alaska, witnessed a tornado last week. Town elders say it's a first-time occurrence for their remote northern location. 20:22 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:22 < mareklug> Koi, there is probable, andt then there is unlikely 20:22 < Koi> mareklug: uh, that's one town 20:23 * kylu sees them every year. 20:24 < kylu> haven't seen any closer than about a mile away, but they're still quite visible when it's this flat. 20:24 < mareklug> Koi tornado requires specific conditons to arise. the jet stream can do oopsies now and then, but basically the OKC people have it coming to them every season in many repeat servings. Alaska? Not so much. 20:24 -!- gry [~gry@freenode/staff/gry] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:24 < Koi> mareklug: my laoooo 20:24 -!- AlmostGrad is now known as Firefly67 20:24 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:25 < Swob> the worst town right now is Moore, Oklahoma 20:25 < Swob> they've had two of the ten worst tornadoes in recorded history directly hit them 20:25 < Swob> if tornadoes werent deadly itd be hilarious 20:26 < mareklug> after the 3rd one, maybe they will relocate 20:27 < kylu> and go where? there's not really anyplace on Earth that's "safe" 20:28 < harej> the mid-atlantic is pretty safe. we're spared from most storms 20:28 < harej> hurricanes are relatively rare, we don't have earthquakes or tornadoes... 20:28 < mareklug> kylu i would suggest making a statistical map and choose a county slightly less blessed. 20:28 < Susan> kylu! 20:29 * kylu ! 20:29 < Susan> kylu: Good to see you. :-) 20:29 < Swob> there are some places that have no real life-threatening weather events 20:29 < kylu> hiya. :) 20:29 < Swob> most of Europe is pretty safe 20:29 < mareklug> harej only has georetown basketball, which always collapses in the NCAAs. 20:29 < mareklug> g 20:30 -!- lizze [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:30 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 20:32 < Swob> ok the storm is mostly over now 20:32 -!- jorgeluis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Killiondude] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:33 -!- Swob is now known as {soap|bed} 20:37 < jorgeluis> Good evening, wikipedians. 20:37 < IDoH> Good evening. :-) 20:37 < mareklug> jorgeluis evening, good. beer? not so much. 20:39 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 20:42 < Koi> Jasper_Deng: I need to talk to you. 20:42 * Jasper_Deng has to setup a VPS atm 20:42 < Koi> grr 20:43 < Koi> pmed 20:45 < ihaveamac> Template:Keep_local was nominated for deletion 20:45 < ihaveamac> the template that says an image from commons must exist locally 20:46 < ihaveamac> 20:46 * Jasper_Deng got no PM from Koi 20:46 < jorgeluis> yes 20:46 < Koi> Jasper_Deng: am i on ignore >:( 20:46 < Jasper_Deng> no 20:46 < Jasper_Deng> otherwise I wouldn't see you at all, Koi 20:46 < Koi> u sure you aren't on server side +g? 20:46 < jorgeluis> likely. 20:47 < Jasper_Deng> I'm not 20:47 * Koi tries again 20:47 < Jasper_Deng> my mode is +RZi 20:47 < Koi> sent again 20:48 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:48 < Koi> Jasper_Deng: did you get it now 20:53 -!- Firefly67 [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has left #wikipedia-en [] 20:53 -!- xgoo [~xgoo@] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:54 < Koi> quick 20:54 < Koi> what's the page on when sources say different things 20:55 < jorgeluis> what 20:55 < Koi> what's the policy on when two reliable sources say different things? 20:55 < jorgeluis> report what both say? 20:56 < jorgeluis> 20:56 < Revent> "When reliable sources disagree, present what the various sources say, give each side its due weight, and maintain a neutral point of view." 20:56 < Revent> It's in verifiability 20:56 < BlastHardcheese> edit war with everyone who tries to change the article 20:56 < SigmaWP> Koi: X says that blah. Y's research showed otherwise, stating that blah. 20:56 < SigmaWP> Something generic like that 20:56 < Koi> BlastHardcheese++ 20:56 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:56 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 20:56 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:56 < jorgeluis> i like BHC's idea. 20:56 < jorgeluis> hi hare j. 20:57 < Revent> Z said they're both drooling idiots, and so on... :) 20:57 < Koi> Now, Government versus news media. 20:57 < Koi> Is government automatically more reliable? 20:57 < jorgeluis> no 20:57 -!- TAWX14 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:57 < Koi> imo, they are not, especially when ALL of the news media says something completely different. 20:57 -!- Cyclonebiskit [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:57 < Koi> 10:57:13 PM <Koi> Now, Government versus news media. 20:57 < Koi> 10:57:18 PM <Koi> Is government automatically more reliable? 20:57 < Koi> 10:57:29 PM <jorgeluis> no 20:57 < Koi> TAP|away: Cyclonebiskit ^^^^ 20:57 < SigmaWP> Koi: Only if it's run by the Glorious leader 20:58 < {soap|bed}> all the weather people are here today 20:58 < SigmaWP> juliancolton: hello 20:58 < TAWX14> Don't make the question so vague. 20:58 < YE> I've been in here all day 20:58 < Revent> TBH, govt is probably less reliable. 20:58 < Koi> So, now, if all of the degreed, certified meteorologists on TWC, KFOR, and etc. are saying something is one thing, and the NWS (govt) is saying "preliminary something else", we should go with the majority of the equally reliable sources rihgt? 20:58 < mareklug> Koi I would trust NASA or the Congressional Budget Office over Bill O'FuckenReilly 20:58 < YE> I am in here every day 20:58 < YE> just never talk 20:58 < TAWX14> National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA - government ) or news 20:58 < TAWX14> which is more reliable? 20:58 < mareklug> NOAA 20:58 < TAWX14> exactly. 20:58 < Koi> TAWX14: They already said, they are equally reliable. 20:59 < YE> NOAA in most cases 20:59 < Koi> YE: You can't input, this is FOR you not for you to input. 20:59 < TAWX14> Your whole argument was that you shouldn't go with what's official, you should go with what the majority is saying. 20:59 < YE> ??? 20:59 < Koi> NOAA is just someone who hires people who are equally certified as TWC meteorologists. 20:59 < Cyclonebiskit> The NWS maintains the ratings of tornadoes, they have job positions specifically for the documentation and classification of them 20:59 < Revent> Given the data all comes from the same's just a matter of NWS checking boxes before they say anything. 20:59 < Koi> so, why should we not take the majority of the two? 20:59 < Koi> Okay can we all just give me a moment to frame this completely? 21:00 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 1 second] 21:01 < Koi> TWC, KFOR, otehr news (CNN etc) have said that a tornado is a EF# tornado from their degrees, experience, and survey. The NWS, who has equally certified employees, not MORE certified, thus not MORE reliable, has given a PRELIMINARY rating of EF(different#). Thus, we take the MAJORITY of the EQUALLY reliable sources, and then say "The NWS has not finished 21:01 < Koi> it's survey, but preliminarily says this is at least EF#" 21:01 < YE> " NOAA is just someone who hires people who are equally certified as TWC meteorologists." big no 21:01 < YE> they are not equally certified employes by any means 21:01 < Koi> YE: Big yes, actually, some TWC meteorologists have more experience in the field than do NWS meteorologists. You are just going all high and mighty because they're gov't. 21:01 < YE> Koi: N 21:02 < YE> *No 21:02 < Koi> YE: Oh really? Tell me how two people with degrees from the same school who view the same radar, look at the same weather for the same time aren't equal? 21:02 -!- xgoo [~xgoo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:02 < {soap|bed}> The Weather Channel is a news organization, theyre not on par with NOAA 21:02 < Koi> is it because one has the NWS name behind him? That's bullshit. 21:02 < YE> one had a bachers, another has a master 21:02 < Koi> {soap|bed}: a news organization *that employs meteorologists with the same (or more) degrees and the same (or more) experience than NWS employees* 21:03 < Koi> YE: you're pulling shit out of your butt right now, there are MANY TWC meteorologists with DOCTORATE degrees. 21:03 < Koi> two of which classified this as an EF5. 21:03 < YE> It was a general statement 21:03 < {soap|bed}> yeah but they have a tendency to sensationalize everything to make it more interesting for the general public 21:03 < YE> NOAA is officially in charge of weather in the US 21:03 < Koi> YE: And as a GENERAL statement, you should say that the TWC meteorologist with a doctorate degree is more reliable than someone with just a masters. 21:03 < Koi> YE: The US, not Wikipedia. 21:03 < Koi> YE: There are MANY times we don't follow officials. 21:04 < Cyclonebiskit> Sure they may have similar reliability, but it's that the meteorologists at the NWS are specifically trained to analyze tornado damage and apply appropriate ratings. They spend hours detailing what took place and applying that to the damage scales created by the meteorological community whereas TWC and other news agencies briefly look at what took place and throw a quick guess as to what the... 21:04 < BlastHardcheese> CNN reporting the tornado had winds fifteen times the speed of light 21:04 < Cyclonebiskit> ...rating may be 21:04 < Koi> Case in point, french secret service trying to modify Wikipedia with their info. 21:04 < Koi> BlastHardcheese: stop trolling 21:04 < BlastHardcheese> said the pot to the kettle 21:04 < YE> what CB said 21:04 < Revent> I think that the people who actually 'compile' all the official data would be the best source, since the rating of a tornado isn't really a matter of opinion. 21:04 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: But the thing is, TWC meteorologists actually go to the scene too. People are trained in meteorology school to do that, not just at the NWS. 21:04 < Cyclonebiskit> Their job is not to look at the damage and assess it 21:04 < Koi> I guarantee you the decision to call this an EF5 was not made lightly by people. 21:04 < Cyclonebiskit> it's to report from the scene 21:04 < YE> Listen to CB 21:05 < YE> He is sorta entering the field 21:05 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: So you're telling me that because my dad is an Agriculture Statistician and I'm not, but if I do research on Ag Stats for a long time, I'm not reliable? 21:05 < Cyclonebiskit> KFOR's decision was made live, and they've been known to over-hype tornadoes (one of the media outlets used in your argument) 21:05 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: Live /vs/ not live makes no difference. 21:05 < Cyclonebiskit> it does 21:06 < YE> of course it does 21:06 < Koi> It's EQUALLY reliable sources making equally reliable claims 21:06 < Koi> or by YE's degree analogy, sometimes MORE reliable sources. 21:06 < Cyclonebiskit> when the information is taken after detailed analysis it's far more credible than that of an off-hand guess based on a few pictures 21:06 < YE> I think more ppl in NOAA have PHD's than TWC 21:06 < {soap|bed}> why is this even up for debate anyway> 21:06 < Revent> It's 'off the cuff' statements vs the actual data, that takes more time. 21:06 < Koi> YE: Not true actually. 21:06 < {soap|bed}> didnt all of the news sources go with EF5 in the end? 21:06 < Cyclonebiskit> {soap|bed}} because Koi is being obnoxious 21:06 < Koi> YE: Very few NOAA people (except for high ups who don't actually forcast shit) have doctorates. 21:07 < Revent> Yeah, it's drama about being 'fast' about the article. 21:07 < {soap|bed}> ok 21:07 < YE> Koi: No 21:07 < Koi> {soap|bed}: They're saying that a MORE qualified (in terms of degree) and MORE experienced MANY PEOPLE should be trusted less than someone LESS qualified and LESS experienced because they're not "government approved" 21:07 < Cyclonebiskit> wait 21:07 < Revent> Koi Not really... 21:07 < TAWX14> it's the NWS's job to rate tornadoes, not the medias. 21:08 < Koi> YE: Yes, actually. Some of the office leads do, but aside from them, the forecast and suvey meteorologists don't have doctorates most times. Most times they're just masters. 21:08 < Koi> TAWX14: Says you. 21:08 < BlastHardcheese> we should make it illegal to contradict the government, problem solved 21:08 < Koi> BlastHardcheese: Stfu. 21:08 < Cyclonebiskit> how the hell are news anchors more qualified than trained meteorologists? 21:08 < Revent> The media (even TWC) ovly covers the event as it's happenning, is the difference. 21:08 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: Better degrees, longer experience, more training. 21:08 < Cyclonebiskit> bullshit 21:08 < Cyclonebiskit> total and utter bullshit 21:08 < YE> They don't have any of those three 21:08 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: True actually, the survey team didn't have anyone with more than a masters on it. 21:08 -!- Firefly67 [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:08 < Cyclonebiskit> I'm in college studying meteorology right now 21:08 < {soap|bed}> Cyclonebiskit: cool 21:09 < {soap|bed}> good luck 21:09 < Firefly67> Hi can someone tell me if I am cloaked 21:09 < Revent> NWS has the /job/ of compiling all the reports...that's why their ratings are 'official' 21:09 < {soap|bed}> its not an easy degree 21:09 < Cyclonebiskit> there's a major difference between the media and science side 21:09 < YE> I think we have a consensus here 21:09 < jorgeluis> Firefly67: you are indeed 21:09 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: So you're telling me that someone with 30+ years of experience, a doctorate degree, and has been doing this for over 30 years is LESS experienced than someone with 5 years experience, a masters, and only a few times of surveying it in their CWA? 21:09 < Firefly67> What do I show up as? 21:09 < YE> this is getting to WP:LAME 21:09 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: They're the SAME DEGREES 21:09 < jorgeluis> -->| Firefly67 (~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67) has joined #wikipedia-en 21:09 < Cyclonebiskit> they're not the same degrees 21:10 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: YES THEY ARE. 21:10 < Koi> There is no "media meteorology" degree. 21:10 < Cyclonebiskit> no, there are focuses with the degree that differ 21:10 < Firefly67> Oh ouch that's not how I wanted it to appear, but thanks jorgeluis 21:10 < Koi> It is a "Masters of Meteorological Science" 21:10 -!- Firefly67 [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 21:10 < Koi> or a "Doctorate of Meteorological Science" 21:10 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: Focuses are just that, focuses. The DEGREE and QUALIFICATION they get is the same. 21:10 -!- Firefly67 [~Firefly67@unaffiliated/firefly67] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:10 < {soap|bed}> wb firefly 21:10 < Firefly67> Now what do I appear as? 21:10 < Koi> That's like saying "I got a Masters of Biology but I focused in zooology so I'm not qualified to be a biologist, even though I have a biology degree" 21:11 < {soap|bed}> * Firefly67 (~Firefly67@unaffiliated/firefly67) has joined #wikipedia-en 21:11 < Firefly67> thanks soap|bed 21:11 < YE> they training are nowhere near the same 21:11 < YE> *their 21:11 < jorgeluis> /clear 21:11 < Firefly67> ok, thanks, that is what i want to be 21:11 < Koi> YE: You're right. TWC employs some that have over 30 years of experience. 21:11 < Firefly67> Can I know what I appear as without asking someone? 21:11 < Koi> Firefly67: type /whois yournick 21:11 < {soap|bed}> yah 21:11 < {soap|bed}> what koi said 21:12 < Firefly67> Thanks Koi. It says I am safely in Rennes, France 21:12 < Koi> Basically, from a source standpoint, when EVERY meteorologist non-NWS is saying something different, they're a HELL OF A LOT more reliable than the NWS. 21:12 < TAWX14> no. 21:12 < Koi> Firefly67: that's ust the server you are connecting from 21:12 < Koi> TAWX14: yes actally. 21:12 < TAWX14> actually n 21:12 < jorgeluis> that's just what network you're connecting to on freenode's end 21:12 < TAWX14> o 21:12 < Koi> Because I've already told you how there are tons of non-NWS meeorologists MORE qualified than NWS onws. 21:12 < Koi> strictly from education and experience. 21:12 < Firefly67> yes, so anonymous, right? 21:12 < Cyclonebiskit> can you provide proof? 21:12 < {soap|bed}> this discussion is hilarious 21:12 < YE> What soap said 21:12 < Firefly67> What is the discussion about? 21:13 < TAWX14> I give up with you. I'm going to bed. 21:13 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: That a doctorate is higher than a masters? If you can't know that you need to drop out of school. 21:13 < Cyclonebiskit> .... 21:13 < Koi> let's ask Guerillero 21:13 < Cyclonebiskit> no dumbass, proof of their degrees 21:13 < Koi> Doctorate > masters 21:13 < jorgeluis> be image makers not image breakers 21:13 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: Look at the NWS staff bios 21:13 < Revent> Firefly67: It's a bit pedantic at this point. 21:13 < Koi> and the TWC staff bios. 21:13 < Guerillero> why me? 21:13 < Koi> Guerillero: you're experienced. 21:13 < jorgeluis> in the ways of the secular flesh. 21:13 < TAWX14> Firefly67, whether a tornado rating from non-government/official meteorologists should be added to the article if there's more consensus among those as opposed to the government rating (ex. NOAA) 21:13 < YE> NOAA is offical 21:14 < Koi> Guerillero: should someone with a doctorate degree, 30+ years of experience doing MORE surveys than someone with a masters, 5 years of experience doing only a few. Which trusts more 21:14 < TAWX14> For example, yesterday the NWS said preliminary EF4 while most meteorologists were saying EF5 21:14 < Firefly67> Maybe an "Also See" section? 21:14 < TAWX14> Koi believes the article should state EF5 because there's more consensus among the [non-official] meteorologists 21:14 < Koi> Guerillero: they claim that because the GOVERNMENT says it's OFFICIAL, it must be king and all high and mighty and cant be wrong amg 21:14 -!- xgoo [~xgoo@] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:14 < Revent> Koi You're being melodramatic. 21:14 -!- xgoo is now known as Guest97355 21:14 < BlastHardcheese> the government is covering up that the tornadoes were created by HAARP, wake up sheeple 21:14 < Koi> No, I'm really not. 21:15 < Koi> BlastHardcheese: stop the fucking trolling. 21:15 < BlastHardcheese> Koi: Fuck you 21:15 < Cyclonebiskit> at the moment it's a retarded argument because it's now rated EF5 by the NWS....but it's the reasoning behind Koi's argument that's bothersome 21:15 < Koi> BlastHardcheese: we are having a serious discussion here, and you troll all over the place. 21:15 < Guerillero> What does the NWS say? 21:15 < TAWX14> EF5 now. 21:15 < Firefly67> Is this something about WP? Or just general discussion? 21:15 < jorgeluis> Koi: SERIOUS DISCUSSIONS INCLUDE ALL CAPS, RIGHT? 21:15 < jorgeluis> I MEAN. 21:15 < Guerillero> I would go with the NWS 21:15 < Koi> Guerillero: NWS says preliminary EF4 while EVERY other meteorologist with MORE training and MORE years of experience is saying EF5 21:15 < Cyclonebiskit> Koi 21:15 < Firefly67> Because it doesn't matter as long as you have sources, right? 21:15 < Cyclonebiskit> it's rated EF5 by NWS Norman 21:15 -!- Kotter [~soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:16 < Koi> Guerillero: But why? Because someone with MORE degree, MORE experience, and MORE surveys said something else. 21:16 < BlastHardcheese> IT'S NOT TRUE UNLESS IT'S CAPS LOCK 21:16 < YE> WE ARE GOING IN CIRCLES HERE 21:16 < Cyclonebiskit> where the hell have you been? 21:16 < Cyclonebiskit> is that what this was about? 21:16 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:] 21:16 < Guerillero> capslock is cruse control for cool 21:16 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: I'm talking about the time this would've been discussed... 21:16 < Guerillero> anyways 21:16 < YE> Guys 21:16 < Firefly67> Is this about a WP article? 21:16 < YE> we need to knock it off 21:16 -!- SudoGhost [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:16 -!- SudoGhost [] has quit [Changing host] 21:16 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:16 < Koi> Guerillero: seriously, just because it's the govt or "official" does not mean it is more reliable or more important. 21:16 < jorgeluis> BlastHardcheese: You are a gem in a sea of coal balls. Never change. 21:16 < YE> I am a longtime hurricane editor 21:16 < TAWX14> ...yes it does. 21:16 < YE> and I do not take crap from anyone 21:17 < Koi> YE: So what, you are not somoene with a doctorate degree in meteorology, meaning your opinion means nothing more than mine. 21:17 < Cyclonebiskit> Okay, so lets see. Lets take away the National Weather Service 21:17 < Revent> Firefly67: It's about adding the 'early' assessments as they come in, instead of waiting, yes. 21:17 < Cyclonebiskit> that leaves no warning system for severe weather across the country 21:17 < Koi> YE: I don't accept that you're saying that someone with less experience, less degree, and less times doing this is more reliable than someone else. 21:17 < TAWX14> So if Katrina was a Category 2 hurricane at 8:00 am on August 26 and the news meteorologists say it was at Category 4 at the same time, we should say it's a Category 4 because that's the "consensus" 21:17 < TAWX14> makes perfect sense. 21:17 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: Wearen't talking about warning systemms. 21:17 < Guerillero> The NWS has many PhD meteorologists 21:17 < Cyclonebiskit> I'm talking about their credibility 21:17 -!- {soap|bed} [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed] 21:17 < YE> *facepalm* 21:17 < Cyclonebiskit> they are the crux of weather warnings in the country 21:17 < Guerillero> and yes YE 21:18 < Koi> Guerillero: Not as many at the NWS norman office making this as TWC and others do. 21:18 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: Credible is an opinion. 21:18 < Firefly67> Isn't there an objective method of determining hurricane severity? Why are people disagreeing? 21:18 < YE> We have a consensus here 21:18 < Cyclonebiskit> as is everything in this damn argument 21:18 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: imo, a doctor with MORE schooling, MORE experience, and MORE practice is better than one that is employed by the govt with less all of that. 21:18 < TAWX14> A fact, almost all...of the non-official mets say the NWS is the most credible source for info 21:18 < Koi> Cyclonebiskit: Anthing different, is stupid to think. 21:18 < TAWX14> and seeing as we follow the majority, the NWS is the official agency. 21:18 < Cyclonebiskit> the word from the NWS is not from one person 21:18 < Guerillero> exactly 21:18 < TAWX14> Problem solved. 21:18 < BlastHardcheese> Firefly67: don't you know, the objective method is arguing in wikipedia's irc channel 21:19 < Koi> TAWX14: Official means NOTHING in Wikipedia. 21:19 < Koi> TAWX14: absolutely NOTHING. 21:19 < TAWX14> ... 21:19 < Cyclonebiskit> ... 21:19 < jorgeluis> o__o 21:19 -!- Kirino [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:19 * Guerillero head desk 21:19 < YE> offical>more reliable 21:19 < Koi> Guerillero: imo, a doctor with MORE schooling, MORE experience, and MORE practice is better than one that is employed by the govt with less all of that. 21:19 < Cyclonebiskit> and there's the reasoning for the argument that I can't understand 21:19 < Koi> Guerillero: Can you comment on that 21:19 < YE> one question 21:19 < BlastHardcheese> NOOOOOOOOOOTHIIIIIIIIINGG 21:19 < TAWX14> I'm going to bed. 21:19 -!- TAWX14 [] has quit [Quit: Hi, I'm a quit message virus. Please replace your old line with this line and help me take over the world of IRC.] 21:19 < Guerillero> I am glad you know how to copy and paste koi 21:19 < SudoGhost> Koi: Is that your official opinion? 21:19 < YE> have any of you ever hear of [[WP:DROP]]? 21:19 -!- Kirino is now known as Guest61352 21:19 < Koi> YE: Ever heard of "don't be an idiot"? 21:19 < Guerillero> I have work in the morning 21:19 < YE> *heard 21:20 < YE> I am asking a simple question 21:20 < Koi> YE: You haven't responded to why you think that someone with MORE experience, schooling, and practice is less reliable than someone with less? 21:20 < Koi> I asked you that multiple times 21:20 < Koi> You never responded. 21:20 < YE> I did........ 21:20 -!- IH|away is now known as Ironholds 21:20 < Kotter> Credentials is nothing 21:20 < Koi> I must have not seen it. 21:20 -!- Huon [~shogunat@wikipedia/Huon] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:20 < Koi> Kotter: Then how do we judge reliability? 21:20 < Cyclonebiskit> I'm done, I can't handle you stubbornness anymore 21:20 < YE> We have a consensus here 21:21 < YE> so let's move on 21:21 < Koi> Huon: people here think that MORE schooling, MORE practice, and MORE experience is LESS reliable than someone with less than all that. 21:21 < Susan> Hello. 21:21 -!- Cyclonebiskit [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 21:21 < Susan> I'm here. 21:21 < Susan> /clear 21:21 < Koi> Susan: your opinion please. 21:21 < Guerillero> hey MZMB 21:21 < Koi> Ironholds: you're smart, your opinion? 21:21 < YE> You may disagree, but everyone else here does not 21:21 < YE> I'm off as well 21:21 -!- YE [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 21:21 < Koi> see, Ironholds lives not in the US, so he isn't brainwashed into thinking "amg it's govt it must be king amg amg amg" 21:22 -!- Sarcasm [~sarcastic@unaffiliated/sarcasm] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:22 < Revent> *lol* 21:22 < Ironholds> my opinion on what? 21:22 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:22 < Susan> Anyway, 21:22 < Koi> What I hate is that nobody there ever provided a reason someone with MORE schooling, experience, and practice in the field is LESS reliable than somone with less. 21:22 < Koi> Ironholds: ^^ 21:22 * Ironholds raises eyebrow 21:22 < BlastHardcheese> everything the government says is by definition wrong, for example they say AIDS is caused by HIV when we know it's really a jewish plot to poison people with vaccines 21:22 < Koi> Ironholds: NWS vs more schooling, more years of experience, and more times practicing it meteorologists. 21:22 < Ironholds> BlastHardcheese: no, that's SARS. 21:23 < BlastHardcheese> oh crap right, sorry, I always mix those up 21:23 < Revent> (the guy who's sued the US govt....twice....agrees with using NWS data, btw) I don't think I'm brainwashed 21:23 < Ironholds> AIDS is our plot to justify our massive network of big pharma contacts 21:23 < Huon> NWS? 21:23 < Ironholds> god, get it right. 21:23 < mareklug> Koi as a notorious Manitoban, you are known to have secessionist, anti-government, militia, pro-gun sympathies. 21:23 < Koi> Ironholds: Some people are of the idea that because it's the NWS, a government organization that is "amg official", it MUST be more reliable. 21:23 -!- Guest97355 [~xgoo@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:23 < Susan> Get it right, get it tight. 21:23 < Ironholds> Koi: when the alternative is....? 21:23 < Kotter> Lol 21:23 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Susan] by ChanServ 21:23 < Koi> Ironholds: non-NWS meteorologists with HIGHER degrees, MORE experience (years), and MORE times practicing this in real life. 21:23 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+rgis] by Susan 21:23 <@Susan> Oh dear. 21:24 < Revent> NWS = National Weather Service 21:24 < jorgeluis> you're so hiiiigh high above me 21:24 <@Susan> That isn't what I wanted! 21:24 < jorgeluis> you're so lovely. 21:24 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+m] by Susan 21:24 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-m] by Susan 21:24 < jorgeluis> like cleopatra joan of arc 21:24 < Koi> Susan: stop it. 21:24 < mareklug> Susan! You look preggers. 21:24 <@Susan> Koi: Make me! 21:24 < Koi> Ironholds: your opinion on it all? 21:24 < Koi> Susan: I will abuse the stalkword 21:24 <@Susan> !op 21:24 < jorgeluis> Aphrodite 21:24 <@Susan> No means no. 21:24 < Prodego> you forgot how good Susan is at abuse, you won't be able to outabuse her 21:25 < Koi> Ironholds: Anything? maybe? :( 21:25 < jorgeluis> Prodego! 21:25 < Steven_Zhang> what? 21:25 < mareklug> him 21:25 <@Susan> I think I broke the channel modes. 21:25 < Guerillero> an op using the op stalkword ins interesting 21:25 < Koi> I used to be an op :P 21:25 < Prodego> hello killiondude 21:25 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-rgis] by Susan 21:25 < Ironholds> Koi: well, I'd probably go for non-NWS, assuming it's not a lunatic. 21:25 < Koi> ! ops susan broke the channel 21:25 < Prodego> koi: arrow to the knee? 21:25 < Steven_Zhang> >_ 21:25 < Koi> Ironholds: THANK JESUS 21:25 < Ironholds> I mean, David Icke was a reputable historian for a very long time. 21:25 < Koi> Ironholds: SOMEONE SENSIBLE 21:25 < Kotter> Susangoes rouge 21:25 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-t] by Susan 21:25 < Koi> Ironholds: It's like saying Jay Carney is more reliable on terms of a florida election than the Florida Clerk of Elections. 21:25 <@Susan> I can't remember what n and j are. 21:26 <@Susan> Or c. 21:26 < Koi> because Jay Carney is the "official spokesperson" 21:26 < Koi> Susan: c is colors. 21:26 <@Susan> Who knows. 21:26 < jorgeluis> c is charitwo 21:26 < Ironholds> well, given the 2001 election, I'd agree with that, actually 21:26 < Koi> big C is no CTCP 21:26 < Prodego> n is no external 21:26 < Ironholds> possibly a poor example to use ;p 21:26 < jorgeluis> we all know what the "n" word is 21:26 < Koi> Ironholds: -.- it was a bad example. 21:26 < Prodego> j is a problem 21:26 < Prodego> j is join throttling 21:26 < Kotter> Silly 21:26 < Koi> Ironholds: but seriously, these people think less training experience and education is more reliable because it's government. 21:26 < Prodego> so careful not to unset that because then you have to remember the numbers :) 21:26 <@Susan> Ah, seems mlock prevents me from removing c. 21:26 < Koi> and they do that on EVERY weather article. 21:26 < Guerillero> because the NWS isn't one person 21:27 < Koi> !ops we need another op opped to accountabiity for susan :) 21:27 < Koi> Guerillero: It's becasue nor is all these other meteorologists. 21:27 <@Susan> So many ops. 21:27 < jorgeluis> prodego is here, no need to fear 21:27 < Logan_> Koi: Please don't misuse that. 21:27 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Susan] by ChanServ 21:27 < jorgeluis> Logan_: Behave, please. 21:27 < Koi> I THOUGHT I PUT A SPACE THERE :( 21:27 < Koi> SORRY :( 21:27 < Susan> Gawd. 21:27 < Koi> MY SPACEBAR HATES ME 21:27 < Susan> It's not alone! 21:27 < Prodego> Susan no one has ever accused the channel of being well run 21:27 * Logan_ hugs jorgeluis. 21:27 < Koi> Logan_: sorry <3 21:27 < Susan> Prodego: ikr 21:28 < BlastHardcheese> you also unlocked the topic, meaning anyone can change it 21:28 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 21:28 < Logan_> Koi: I forgive you. 21:28 < jorgeluis> It's always amused me how many lurkers this channel has vs. how little value. 21:28 < Prodego> BlastHardcheese: we will survive 21:28 < Koi> Guerillero: You're saying the NWS isn't one person, but their Norman office only has about 8 people in it at any one time. None of the ones who made the decision for the preliminary rating had more than masters. 21:28 -!- ChrisGualtieri [~IceChat77@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:28 < jorgeluis> BlastHardcheese: Back in my day that was a feature! 21:28 < Koi> Guerillero: However, some with doctorates, who'd been doing this with EVERY tornado for the past 30 YEARS, say it's different. thus, thyer're more reliable. 21:28 < Guerillero> we could wait a few hours for the real rating 21:28 < Susan> /clear 21:29 < Susan> I just keep doing that. 21:29 < jorgeluis> beef, it's what's for dinner 21:29 < Koi> Susan: can i mess with the topic once? 21:29 < Koi> Susan: pls? 21:29 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away 21:29 < Kotter> Koi this is wp.credentials don't matter 21:29 < Koi> Kotter: But then without the credentials, who's more reliable. 21:29 < Susan> Koi: It's editable by all! 21:30 -!- Kotter changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: tornado chat 21:30 < Koi> Susan: will you kill me? 21:30 < jorgeluis> well, 21:30 -!- Guerillero is now known as Guer|Sleep 21:30 -!- Koi changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: WP:This_Is_Where_Those_With_More_Training_More_Experience_And_Higher_Degrees_Are_More_Reliable_Than_Those_With_Less_But_Are_In_Some_Ways_Technically_Official 21:30 -!- Susan changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: /topic 21:30 < Koi> grr 21:31 -!- Koi changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: 11:30:47 PM Susan set the topic: /topic 21:31 < David_Stevenson> ... 21:31 < mareklug> !ops 21:31 < Koi> topic ception 21:31 < Koi> mareklug: :( 21:31 < jorgeluis> Hi, op here. 21:31 < mareklug> boot the fucker for vandalizing topic 21:31 < Logan_> mareklug: Behave, please. 21:31 < Koi> Susan: can you fix it pls? 21:31 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o jorgeluis] by ChanServ 21:31 <@jorgeluis> WHAT IS THE ISSUE. 21:31 < Koi> jorgeluis: SUSAN ABOOZED IT 21:31 < mareklug> Logan_ I did not vandalize the topic 21:31 -!- Susan changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: Welcome. 21:31 < Logan_> mareklug: You vandalized my soul. 21:31 -!- David_Stevenson changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: 21:31 -!- Koi changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: susan is abooz cabooz pls 21:31 < David_Stevenson> jesus 21:31 < Koi> DAMMIT 21:31 <@jorgeluis> I like "Welcome" 21:31 < David_Stevenson> |: 21:31 < mareklug> Logan_ drive my soul, know that song? 21:31 < Koi> Y U DO IT BEFORE ME 21:31 < Susan> Heh. 21:31 <@jorgeluis> It's short and simple. 21:32 -!- ChanServ changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: 21:32 < Koi> leave it as now. 21:32 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Logan_] by ChanServ 21:32 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+t] by Logan_ 21:32 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Logan_] by ChanServ 21:32 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o jorgeluis] by ChanServ 21:32 < Koi> susan is abooz cabooz pls 21:32 < Kotter> The topicused to be open 21:32 < jorgeluis> juliancolton is present. 21:32 < Susan> I noticed that! 21:32 < Logan_> Now it is not. 21:32 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o Susan] by ChanServ 21:32 < SudoGhost> Kotter: I'm guessing this is why it isn't now. 21:32 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-t] by Susan 21:32 < David_Stevenson> ... 21:32 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o jorgeluis] by Susan 21:32 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o Susan] by ChanServ 21:32 < jorgeluis> Logan is an abuseful op. 21:32 < Susan> So much abuse. 21:32 < jorgeluis> Is there a venue where we can discuss this topic? 21:32 < Kotter> It was this plus the gnaa trolls 21:32 -!- Koi changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: | Please don't abuse each other. 21:33 < Prodego> Koi likes to push boundaries 21:33 < Koi> per the #wikipedia-en-helpers topic 21:33 < Koi> Prodego: says the person that unilaterally fucks wolfgame 21:33 < Susan> /wp wolfgame 21:33 < jorgeluis> Just the tip. 21:33 < mareklug> wat. on the other hand, self-abuse is encouraged? 21:33 < jorgeluis> Well, 21:33 < Logan_> Only when killiondude is performing it. 21:33 -!- Koi changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: | 11:33:20 PM <mareklug> wat. on the other hand, self-abuse is encouraged? 21:33 < Susan> Who's killiondude? 21:33 < jorgeluis> ^ 21:34 < Koi> can we please leave that in the topic? 21:34 < Koi> to embarass mareklug? 21:34 < Logan_> No public logging. 21:34 < mareklug> koi you realize that you quoted me without permission. 21:34 < Susan> No public flogging. 21:34 < jorgeluis> Just don't mention it and prod ego won't see. 21:34 < Koi> mareklug: it was in the channel :P 21:34 < jorgeluis> PUBLIC FLOGGING! 21:34 < mareklug> Logan_ I think he is abusing. 21:34 < Prodego> jorgeluis: Prodego is very chill today 21:34 -!- Logan_ is now known as log 21:34 < Koi> mareklug: i think ur self abusing 21:34 < Prodego> in general actually 21:34 < Susan> This channel is the worstttttt. 21:35 < mareklug> Koi I think you are a fuck fuck fucker, gwickwire 21:35 < Susan> Prodego: Discovered weed? 21:35 -!- Koi changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: | 11:33:20 PM <mareklug> wat. susan dont be abuse cabooze. 21:35 < log> Koi: Enough, please. 21:35 < Susan> Koi: Cut it out. 21:35 * SudoGhost facepalms 21:35 < Koi> ok. 21:35 * Koi stops :) 21:35 < David_Stevenson> <.< 21:35 < Susan> /clear 21:35 < jorgeluis> If I were an abuseful op I wouldn't have ops anymore. 21:35 < Koi> but its not a quote now so it's not public logging, i solved the problem. 21:35 < bazinga> is anyone else having trouble with the log in? 21:35 < jorgeluis> I JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT WE SAW IN GWICKWIRE. 21:35 < mareklug> now you have manufactured a quote and ascribed it to me. that can't stand. 21:35 < Koi> jorgeluis: I'm wondering if that's why I lost my ops xD 21:35 < log> So much clever. 21:36 < jorgeluis> Koi: RIP. 21:36 < Koi> jorgeluis: did you vote to deop me :( 21:36 < jorgeluis> I wasn't aware. 21:36 < Koi> yeah, SOMEONE (hint, they're an OBC member and a CU on enwp and a really nice person) took them away :( 21:36 -!- Susan changed the topic of #wikipedia-en to: English Wikipedia | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Need a chanop? Ask here or in #wikimedia-ops | For urgent admin help, say !admin <request>; for revdel, /join #wikipedia-en-revdel | No public logging | Cloak requests: 21:36 < jorgeluis> The cabal has spoken. Extinguish your flame and leave the island. 21:36 < Susan> Heh. 21:36 * log fondles Susan. 21:36 < David_Stevenson> o_O 21:36 < Koi> jorgeluis: but the cabal was on person, i want ops back :( i was good op 21:36 * Koi Fondas Susan 21:36 < Prodego> protip: its a lot closer to that jorgeluis description than the voting 21:37 * David_Stevenson hides the booze from this channel 21:37 < jorgeluis> hah. 21:37 < jorgeluis> Is log a jew? 21:37 < Koi> yes. 21:37 < Koi> he is. 21:37 < Koi> hence why he voted to deops me :( 21:37 < jorgeluis> I just realize he has the stereotypical jewish features. 21:37 < Susan> log: Gay. 21:37 < Koi> I didn't even have ops in an important channel! 21:37 < Koi> it was only in -en-help... 21:37 < jorgeluis> *realized 21:38 < Koi> where I was a good helper... 21:38 < Koi> jorgeluis: gimme ops bakc :( 21:38 < log> So much racism. 21:38 < Susan> I have to pee. 21:38 < Koi> Susan: get a ornl 21:39 < jorgeluis> I don't think I have +f or w/e 21:39 < jorgeluis> THOUGH I DID TRY. 21:39 < Koi> jorgeluis: is ok, -en-help you do right? 21:39 * Koi checks list. 21:39 < jorgeluis> That's what i was talking about. 21:39 < jorgeluis> I think we decided there are 4 +F/f people there 21:39 < Guer|Sleep> I think you have proven why you don't have +o 21:40 < Koi> Guer|Sleep: When I'm in -en-help I'm actually professional :( 21:40 < log> Aren't we all? 21:40 < Koi> Guer|Sleep: Look at the ASM logs (if you have access) where I opped. I was nothing BUT professional. 21:40 < Koi> I'm like Susan, when I was needed, I was there and professional. When not, I was unprofessional. 21:40 < Koi> log: u have ops everywhere so stfu 21:40 < jorgeluis> log in 21:41 < Susan> /clear 21:41 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:41 -!- IShadowed [] has quit [Changing host] 21:41 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:41 -!- IShadowed_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:41 -!- IShadowed_ [] has quit [Changing host] 21:41 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:41 < Susan> Hi IShadowed_. 21:41 < jorgeluis> hi 21:41 < log> I am very oppy. 21:41 < log> For no apparent reason. 21:41 < Guer|Sleep> Remember the fact that you are "retired" 21:41 < log> PeterSymonds loves me, or something. 21:41 < Koi> jorgeluis: I don't have ops on my cloak anymore. 21:41 < jorgeluis> PeterSymonds is the best. 21:41 < Koi> Guer|Sleep: meh, IRC != wikipedia. 21:41 < bazinga> koi who are you 21:42 < Koi> I used to have ops in -en-help if that helps you find out. 21:42 < bazinga> that doesn't 21:42 < jorgeluis> now he's in hiding 21:42 < bazinga> because i am no longer in -en-help 21:42 < jorgeluis> and complaining 21:42 < jorgeluis> and sometimes shouting 21:42 < Koi> jorgeluis: I'm not in hiding, and I'm only complaining because I miss being able to kill derp :( 21:42 < Koi> even though I love derp. 21:42 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Client Quit] 21:42 < bazinga> oh wait 21:42 < Koi> derp is a nice person when you talk to him. 21:42 -!- IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed 21:42 < bazinga> are you that guy who logged in on someone elses account 21:42 < Koi> bazinga: maybe. 21:42 < bazinga> ouch 21:43 < jorgeluis> no, that is Steven_Zhang. 21:43 < Prodego> Steve whatever 21:43 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:43 < Koi> lol. 21:43 < Steven_Zhang> -_- 21:43 < jorgeluis> NO STEVEN YOU MAY NOT HAVE MY PASSWORD. 21:43 < Koi> actually, that's me ya'll :P 21:43 < Koi> Steven_Zhang: you're still ops in here right? 21:43 < bazinga> jorgeluis: actually, he asked for mine 21:43 < jorgeluis> Stranger danger 21:43 < Steven_Zhang> Indeed, I am an op here. 21:43 < Koi> Steven_Zhang: GRRR. 21:43 < Koi> Steven_Zhang: I just honestly don't get it :( 21:43 < Prodego> What that story tells us is run by sociopaths who have no idea what they are doing 21:44 < jorgeluis> Koi: 21:44 < Prodego> is that Wikipedia* 21:44 < Susan> Prodego is twasted. 21:44 < Steven_Zhang> Does it matter? 21:44 < David_Stevenson> Prodego: pretty much 21:44 < Steven_Zhang> I mean, right now, does it matter? 21:44 < jorgeluis> Steven_Zhang: You are a part of Wikipedia's history! 21:44 < jorgeluis> Embrace it. 21:44 < Koi> Steven_Zhang: I'm glad you're open about it. 21:44 < bazinga> Steven_Zhang: what were you thinking when you logged onto a steward's account 21:44 -!- topaz [~twp@wikipedia/twp] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 21:45 < Steven_Zhang> He wasn't a steward back then... 21:45 < bazinga> didn't that strike you as abusive? 21:45 < Koi> I'm not glad that I get a totally different response when it was ONE edit that I made. 21:45 < Susan> Heh. 21:45 < Prodego> that is the second part of my argument, by the way 21:45 -!- Cauthon [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 21:45 < Steven_Zhang> How did this conversation start? 21:45 < bazinga> I hope you received disciplinary action from the grammar school. 21:45 < bazinga> 21:45 < Koi> seriously doe, I think I should get my bits back on wiki. 21:45 < jorgeluis> Now, now. No condescension. Only tasteful ridicule. 21:45 < Kotter> Lol 21:45 < Steven_Zhang> [[Peter Symonds]] 21:46 < Steven_Zhang> who is Koi? 21:46 < Susan> I have to pee. 21:46 < log> A fish. 21:46 < jorgeluis> a blip on the wp timeline 21:46 < jorgeluis> Susan: Relieve yourself wherever you're at. It's cathardic. 21:46 < bazinga> a waste of pixels 21:46 < jorgeluis> cathartic 21:46 < Kotter> Susan get to the bathroom already before you spill all over 21:46 < Susan> MASTECTOMY. 21:46 < mareklug> Steven_Zhang Koi is a misspelling for gwickwire, the worst kind of Manitoban 21:47 < Firefly67> catheters are no fun, my nurse friend tells me 21:47 < Steven_Zhang> ah 21:47 < Koi> Steven_Zhang: Yeah, basically you round two no offense. 21:47 < bazinga> koi: your talking is wasting my bytes 21:47 < bazinga> stop wasting bytes. 21:47 < Steven_Zhang> Yeah. 21:47 < jorgeluis> byt byt byt 21:47 * Susan NP: "How We Do (Party)" by Rita Ora from "ORA" 21:47 < Koi> Steven_Zhang: Except with you you're all back and live and well and nobody gives a shit :/ 21:47 < Prodego> It ends up being a non-trivial amounts of bytes 21:47 < bazinga> Susan: this is how we do it (this is how we do it) 21:47 < bazinga> sha-la-la-la-la-la-la 21:47 < Steven_Zhang> well, it happened 4 and a half years ago :P 21:47 < bazinga> (this is how we do it0 21:47 < jorgeluis> so i put my hands up they're playin my song 21:48 < bazinga> and Steven_Zhang flies away 21:48 < Koi> Steven_Zhang: but iirc, none of you were forced to leave by the person finding out. 21:48 < Steven_Zhang> Well, no, I was banned :P 21:48 < Koi> it was brought up on AN(/I), but nobody was forced to do anything. 21:48 < Koi> you were? 21:48 < Koi> oh. 21:48 < Koi> oops. 21:48 < jorgeluis> Stevie is cute. 21:48 < Koi> well neither of the two admins were. 21:48 < bazinga> koi: do your research 21:48 < Koi> iirc 21:48 < Steven_Zhang> that's a pretty clear cut forcing out :P 21:48 < Guer|Sleep> there bits were polled 21:48 < Guer|Sleep> pulled* 21:48 < Koi> Guer|Sleep: *resigned 21:48 < jorgeluis> their 21:48 < Steven_Zhang> well, they resigned 21:49 < Steven_Zhang> but they'd have been desyopped anyways 21:49 < Koi> Guer|Sleep: go to sleep ur gramr zuks 21:49 < bazinga> mhm 21:49 < jorgeluis> PeterSymonds is the best. 21:49 < Steven_Zhang> Yeah. 21:49 < bazinga> koi: stop wasting pixels/bytes 21:49 < bazinga> i have better use for them 21:49 < Koi> He is. 21:49 < jorgeluis> /clear 21:49 < Steven_Zhang> even now I enter a yearly cycle 21:49 < Koi> Steven_Zhang: give me your ops here >:) 21:49 < Steven_Zhang> i'm halfway through the latest cycle 21:49 < bazinga> Steven_Zhang: have you washed your socks in this cycle? 21:49 < jorgeluis> Steven_Zhang is on his cycle. 21:49 < bazinga> I mean, you must've found out how to keep them from being dirty 21:50 < Steven_Zhang> you doofus 21:50 < Steven_Zhang> my yearly cycle is: edit heaps, people suggest i RFA, edit more, chicken out, edit less 21:50 < Prodego> The trick is to have your RfA in 2006 21:50 < Prodego> makes it a lot easier 21:50 < Steven_Zhang> heh, yeah 21:50 < jorgeluis> Prodego: even 2009! 21:51 < David_Stevenson> >_> 21:51 < Guer|Sleep> I rfaed in 2011 21:51 < bazinga> Steven_Zhang: or just use petersymonds password and add the bits from the steward interface 21:51 < mareklug> Steven_Zhang you should take it upon yourself to vet Anna_Frodesiak. She recently declined her RfA solely on the grounds that she does not believe anyone has looked at her edits. 21:51 < Koi> GOODNIGHT ALL 21:51 < log> Buenos nachos. 21:52 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:52 < jorgeluis> CAPS LOCK 21:53 < bazinga> TIM MINCHIN 21:53 < bazinga> jorgeluis: 21:53 < Steven_Zhang> bazinga: >_> 21:53 < Steven_Zhang> mareklug: I'm not very good at that 21:54 * Steven_Zhang is playing FF13-2 21:54 < Huon> a930913, I expect to get a note from your bot in about 5 minutes 21:54 < Steven_Zhang> trying to find some fat sheep 21:54 < mareklug> it's jsut time invested. basic digging. anyway, I thought you would want another admin in the Pacific region, one that speaks Chinese to boot. 21:55 -!- IShadowed [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:55 -!- IShadowed [] has quit [Changing host] 21:55 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:55 < SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang should learn Chinese 21:56 < jorgeluis> well, 21:56 < a930913> Huon: For a FP? :) 21:57 -!- Guer|Sleep is now known as Victorium 21:57 < Huon> a930913, yes, because {{election table}} serves as opening bracket for a table 21:57 -!- Victorium [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Quit: Sleep time] 21:58 < a930913> Huon: Heh :) 21:59 -!- Kotter [~soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 21:59 < bazinga> only a ninja can sneak up on another ninka 21:59 -!- David_Stevenson is now known as Moe_Epsilon 21:59 -!- Writ_Keeper [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 22:00 < a930913> Huon: I don't think it bit ;) 22:01 < Huon> funny, I wonder why not 22:01 < Huon> I did modify brackets, and unpaired brackets remain 22:01 < a930913> Huon: Diff? 22:01 < Huon>,_2013&diff=prev&oldid=556215967 22:02 < Huon> there's still two surplus "}", according to what the bot told the previous editor on that page 22:02 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4 22:02 < Huon> maybe the bot is smart enough to realize that addind a "{" can't have caused that 22:03 < a930913> Huon: You didn't modify any brackets there. 22:03 < a930913> Wait, you did. 22:04 < Huon> ok, so much the better, I don't mind not being notified of a false positive 22:04 < a930913> Huon: Yeah, you fixed the mismatch within the diff. 22:05 < a930913> Heck it's even clever enough that I could probably make it thank you for that edit when the feature comes :) 22:05 < Huon> no need to do that :-) 22:05 -!- jorgeluis [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Killiondude] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:05 < a930913> Why not? That'd be awesome :D 22:05 < Huon> just saw the user who caused that wondering about it on your talk page 22:06 < Revent> *sighs* 22:06 < Huon> I get enough notifications as-is, having a bot cause more for non-essential stuff would be rather tiresome, imo 22:07 < Revent> For some reason, the MILHIST guys include comments inside their 'cut-n-paste' templates, and it breaks the rating tool. 22:08 * a930913 wonders if the notifications is a vector for a DoS. 22:08 < Huon> if you have set your preferences to be emailed, you could probably be spammed 22:09 < Huon> I used to link usernames; I've tried to stop now in order not to always notify everybody I mention in passing 22:09 < a930913> Huon: {{noping}} 22:10 < Moe_Epsilon> Someone goes down your contributions list and starts reverting pingpingpingpingpingping 22:14 < Prodego> hmmm, that sounds fun 22:14 -!- Firefly67 [~Firefly67@unaffiliated/firefly67] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:15 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:16 -!- basile is now known as guillom 22:17 < bazinga> what's the instrument like a guitar that you play flat on your lap 22:17 < mareklug> steel guitar 22:18 < mareklug> 22:19 < mareklug> so, like, bazinga, does it matter if I play an instrument? :/ 22:20 < mareklug> and y'all thought she was just a buxom blonde country singer girl 22:22 < Revent> 22:28 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:28 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:28 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 22:35 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 22:36 -!- zz_YuviPanda is now known as YuviPanda 22:44 -!- Huon [~shogunat@wikipedia/Huon] has quit [Quit: Bye!] 22:47 -!- JKL1234- is now known as JKL|lejos 22:54 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:02 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into] 23:05 < Prodego> Oh this gets me every time 23:05 < Prodego> 23:08 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:09 < MJ94> I think my lack of aleep is getting to me 23:09 < MJ94> sleep* 23:09 < MJ94> I sat in the wikipedia channel wondering why people were speaking Spanish until I realized I was in -es. 23:09 < bazinga> mj94: heh 23:10 < MJ94> mmmmbop 23:10 < mareklug> 3 hours ago it was here, too. 23:11 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:11 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:13 -!- p858snake|l_ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:16 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:17 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:18 -!- peachey|laptop__ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:20 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:20 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@] has quit [Changing host] 23:20 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:22 -!- p858snake|l_ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:32 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 23:33 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:34 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:42 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:46 -!- SQL [ae6503c4@wikipedia/SQL] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:49 -!- MrFish2 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:50 -!- Bsadowski1 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 23:51 -!- Prodego [~Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego] has quit [Quit: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia] 23:52 -!- MrFish2 is now known as Bsadowski1 23:52 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:53 -!- MrFish2 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:55 -!- Bsadowski1 is now known as Guest68754 23:55 -!- MrFish2 is now known as Bsadowski1 23:56 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:56 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:57 -!- Guest68754 [~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:59 -!- log [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] --- Log closed Wed May 22 00:00:42 2013