MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Wednesday February 12, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to search--- Log opened Mon May 20 00:00:27 2013 --- Day changed Mon May 20 2013 00:00 * Jeske_Couriano swivels his Bori head. 00:00 < Jeske_Couriano> Not human, TASN. You should know this by now. :/ 00:00 < Jeske_Couriano> ((Read: I don't break character on IRC.)) 00:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> aw 00:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> human tails are still ew :p 00:03 < Jeske_Couriano> I much prefer a Bori reynard's tail. :P 00:03 < CensoredBiscuit> remember frienf the fifth pilliar.. ignore all rules 00:04 -!- AnonDiss [~AnonDiss@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:06 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> CensoredBiscuit so ignore itself 00:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hence dont ignore any rule 00:11 < CensoredBiscuit> ToAruShiroiNeko: blasphemy 00:12 < Revent> *rolls* 00:12 < Revent> [[WP:420]] 00:12 < Revent> The things you find from typos. :) 00:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I didnt know daleks had a concept of blasphemy 00:13 < CensoredBiscuit> are you saying im a dalek? 00:13 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure 00:15 < CensoredBiscuit> EXTERMINATE EXTERMINATE 00:15 -!- Bronze [~Mark@unaffiliated/bronze] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:15 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 00:18 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Colloquy for iPad -] 00:19 < CensoredBiscuit> you have to admit 00:19 < CensoredBiscuit> im never boring 00:20 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:20 < Revent> Apparently it's now wikispammer primetime in Mumbai *joy* 00:22 < CensoredBiscuit> Revent: Wikiterianism is the only religon that requires citation 00:27 -!- kriminologia [d9429d32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:29 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:29 < russavia> preved kriminologia 00:31 < kriminologia> russavia: dobriy den' (good day) 00:35 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:35 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Client Quit] 00:36 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:39 -!- kriminologia [d9429d32@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 00:43 -!- NorthBySouthBara [] has quit [Quit: NorthBySouthBara] 00:44 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:50 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:50 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:51 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 00:53 < Revent> Anyone want to randomly assess an article? 00:54 < Revent> It was 'unassessed'...I'm not good a 'real' assessments, but it's very good... 00:54 < Revent> 00:55 < Revent> I wouldn't be surprised if it's GA, tbh. 00:56 -!- Kinny [~Kinny@unaffiliated/kinny] has quit [] 00:58 -!- QuelqueChoseRose is now known as PinkAmpersand 01:00 -!- IShadowed_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:00 -!- IShadowed_ [] has quit [Changing host] 01:00 -!- IShadowed_ [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:00 -!- katsy [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:01 -!- katsy [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 01:03 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:04 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 01:05 -!- Kinny [~Kinny@unaffiliated/kinny] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:09 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 01:12 -!- Onaka [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:26 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:29 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:29 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:29 < SigmaWP> night 01:31 -!- edditer [~edditer@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:32 -!- Sarrus [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:32 -!- Sarrus [] has quit [Changing host] 01:32 -!- Sarrus [~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:32 < closedmouth> Revent: seems like the person who wrote it had a shaky grasp of english 01:32 < edditer> is there a #wikipedia-math? (an equivalent, because i didn't find this one.) 01:33 < closedmouth> > He could be captured by only being killed, or shot and bleeding, and being in a near-death condition, without a slightest possibility to resist. Anyway, even if have him captured, Khabarov said that he would treat Massoud, like if he was not his fierce enemy, but close ally, instead.[ 01:33 < closedmouth> edditer: no 01:34 < closedmouth> ##math maybe 01:34 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into] 01:35 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:35 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Client Quit] 01:37 < Revent> Ye (sorry, was in other chat for a sec) Yeah, really mostly skimmed it....thought it needed more of a look than I'm really good at. 01:38 < Revent> But....very developed for being completely 'unassessed', which it how it was 01:39 < Revent> I suspect it's a russiawiki translation 01:41 -!- edditer [~edditer@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:43 -!- Sarrus [~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:45 -!- LtNOWIS [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 01:48 -!- Sarrus [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:48 -!- Sarrus [] has quit [Changing host] 01:48 -!- Sarrus [~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:50 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:52 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:55 < Revent> Ok, can someone block this vandal? 02:03 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 02:06 -!- Fae is now known as Clinic 02:07 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:08 < Steven_Zhang> evening 02:08 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:08 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 02:08 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:18 < Qcoder00> Anyone seem iDM recently? 02:20 < mareklug> Improvised Destructive Mouse? 02:21 * moogsi slaps mareklug 02:21 < moogsi> stop being silly 02:21 -!- Olipro [~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 02:23 < Qcoder00> mareklug: I was trying to rack iDM down, because's he's one of my Wiki experts 02:23 < Qcoder00> on something 02:24 -!- edditer [~edditer@] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:24 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 02:24 < kondi> Qcoder00: he was here couple of days ago, haven't seen him after that 02:24 < Revent> Anyone here able to do AIV? 02:25 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:25 < kondi> why not mail him? 02:25 < mareklug> kondi he is too big to mail cheaply 02:25 < kondi> err 02:25 < kondi> well I meant email 02:26 < mareklug> oh, you want to attach him? Then he would be an attache 02:26 < moogsi> iDM has been here in the last week.. 02:26 < jubo2> It's looking like I'm going to have to kill the IceWeasel ( like FireFox but more libre over some iditiotic minor detail thing ) process .. it's not responding to UI calls 02:26 < edditer> i think it's time for wikipedia to add a new section to its articles on math (and not only math): prerequisites. and i would like to know your opinion on it. 02:27 < mareklug> jubo2 ot probably is call-screening your calls. 02:27 < jubo2> or is there another way then kll 02:27 < Qcoder00> edditer: What sortof section? 02:27 < jubo2> mareklug: ot ? 02:27 < mareklug> it 02:28 < edditer> Qcoder00: are you into math? 02:28 < Qcoder00> Not really 02:28 < Jasper_Deng> edditer: I do agree Wikipedia's math articles tend to be technical 02:29 * Jasper_Deng loves math 02:29 < Qcoder00> Japser_Deng: Well proofs are... 02:29 < Qcoder00> ;) 02:29 < Jasper_Deng> I mean, there are many topics where my knowledge of calculus comes in handy 02:29 < Jasper_Deng> like the extension of the factorial function to non-integers 02:29 < Qcoder00> And a lot of math articles do need 'technical' detail 02:29 < Jasper_Deng> ^^ 02:29 < edditer> something like "Prerequisites / here's a non-exhaustive list of topics that the reader is assumed to be familiar with before reading this" 02:30 < Qcoder00> Jasper_Deng: However, you shouldn't need a college degree to figure out how to render a torus... 02:30 < jubo2> I go kill 15 it... howzitgoez ..? 'ps -ax | grep Firefox' 'kill -15 PRID' 02:30 < Jasper_Deng> 's basic concept requires only mid-high-school math 02:30 < Jasper_Deng> edditer: I could support such an idea, but idk about other editors 02:31 -!- kondi is now known as karezi 02:31 < mareklug> jubo2 that will only search for a process that is killing PRID with flag -15 02:31 < Qcoder00> edditer: "This article deals with a topic for which knowledge of the following may be recomended: " - It's better as a lead/header box 02:31 < Jasper_Deng> the only possible issue is edit warring over what should be a prerequisite 02:31 < Qcoder00> Jasper_Deng: Can I PM you on something? 02:31 < Jasper_Deng> yes? 02:31 < Jasper_Deng> though I'm going off in a few min. 02:32 < jubo2> mareklug: I meant as 2 commands nat'lly 02:32 -!- Olipro [~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:32 < edditer> what i find exciting about this new editorial approach is that it would finally *begin* to address the "too technical" problem *without* affecting accuracy/completeness 02:32 < mareklug> jubo2 you want ps aux 02:33 < jubo2> killed it already 02:33 < jubo2> there is something leaking CPU power in it 02:34 < jubo2> looks like I need to reboot without first closing IceWeasel 02:34 < edditer> how can we get this going? does it take some voting or something? and what would be the most proper place to initiate this project (other than simply beginning to do it on my own, of course)? 02:36 < jubo2> I kill it again and reboot.. back in a moment 02:36 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 02:37 < edditer> Qcoder00: your style is better, but i "the reader is assumed to be familiar" is stronger, so you may use this one instead. 02:37 < PinkAmpersand> huh. just saw a 6-year-old editor make his first edits. 02:37 < PinkAmpersand> *in account age 02:37 < PinkAmpersand> not in human age 02:38 < edditer> Qcoder00: i == i think* 02:38 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 02:39 < Qcoder00> Is there are a template sandbox? 02:39 < Qcoder00> I want to try something 02:40 < PinkAmpersand> Qcoder00: 02:40 < edditer> Qcoder00: for the prerequisites suggestion? 02:40 < Qcoder00> Yeah 02:40 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:41 < Qcoder00> What's the template for an article space message box? 02:41 < Qcoder00> ambox? 02:42 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:46 < edditer> as i said on #math, a prerequisites tree (like a debian dependency tree) would be of great encyclopedic value itself 02:47 < edditer> actually many other technical articles would benefit from a prerequisites section 02:48 < Qcoder00> Somthing like that? 02:49 < edditer> yeah, that's good enough 02:49 < edditer> there's some bug 02:50 < edditer> well, an editing error: "This article Template sandbox, of a technical" 02:51 < Revent> Most of those templates use 'pagetitle', so they look broken when you look at the actual template. 02:52 < elkng> on that page it says: "Latest stable release 10.8.3 (March 14, 2013" and "Latest unstable release 10.8.3 (Seed 12D78) (March 12, 2013", but isnt it the same version number for both stable and unstable ? 02:52 < mareklug> the second one refers to the last, 13th beta releases. 02:52 < mareklug> release elkng 02:53 < mareklug> march 12 vs. march 14 02:53 < Revent> The 'seed' part refers to a cvs version 02:53 < mareklug> seed uniquely defines the release 02:54 < Qcoder00> edditter : Read the source code... 02:54 < Revent> the 'unstable' version of that 'version' probably is compiled with debugging code.... 02:54 < Qcoder00> I'm using {{PAGENAME}} which means the article name will auto subst when the template is used 02:54 < elkng> so full version number would be as "10.8.3 (Seed 12D78)" not just 10.8.3 02:54 < Revent> Yup. 02:54 < Qcoder00> It will need an admin to move the template somewhere appropriate though 02:55 < elkng> because in linux kernel's you always depend on those one number 02:55 < mareklug> Software OS X 10.8.3 (12D78) indeed. 02:55 < mareklug> but that is overkill, since there is only one official issue of 10.8.3 02:56 < Revent> Ye, only developers would care. 02:56 < Revent> All of 10.8.3 would be the same API. 02:57 < edditer> Qcoder00: where do we get their attention? i'm not familiar with wikipedia's administrative routes and leverage. 02:57 < Revent> TfC 02:58 < Revent> *for templates* 02:58 < edditer> i guess we could use #wikipedia-prerequisites channel to talk about it (i just provisionally created it) 02:58 < Qcoder00> edditer: Raise it on WP:VP 02:58 < Qcoder00> edditer: And unoffical channels are ## 02:58 < Qcoder00> ;) 02:58 < edditer> oh. i didn't know about this convention. 02:59 < mareklug> my iMac is now 4 years old, and I have the screen on minimal brightness, and it is still insanely bright. 02:59 < edditer> (i assume you meant it was a freenode convention) 02:59 -!- jubo2 [~jubo2@wikipedia/Juxo] has quit [Quit: Beams.] 03:00 < Revent> Ye, IIRC it's a freenode thing. 03:01 < Revent> It's a 'college' IRC, so it's 'organized' :) 03:01 -!- JoFo [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:01 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@] has quit [Changing host] 03:01 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:02 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:02 < Steven_Zhang> TheCavalry: Hey! 03:02 < TheCavalry> Hi! Am at work at the moment so can't really chat :P 03:03 < Steven_Zhang> bah 03:03 < Steven_Zhang> then why are you on IRC >_> 03:03 < Steven_Zhang> wow, i only have 2399 pages on my watchlist 03:04 < Peter-C> hey Steven_Zhang 03:04 < Steven_Zhang> ohai 03:05 < Steven_Zhang> stalk3r 03:05 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:05 < Peter-C> :p 03:08 < Revent> I really do, truly, love the hell out of this assessment gadget. 03:10 * mareklug just carefully color-calibrated his screen and feels well chroma-adjusted. 03:12 < moogsi> mareklug you probably have some undiagnosed colorblindness that you need to see your optician about 03:12 < mareklug> moogsi yes, it is brought about by eating too much sour cream with my white (point) potatos. 03:13 < mareklug> actually, for a guy, my color acuity is phenomenal 03:13 < moogsi> mmmmmm 03:13 < mareklug> would do with some correction for nearsightedness 03:13 < moogsi> potatoooooes 03:14 < Revent> Eat carrots. :) 03:14 < mareklug> moogsi what are some good food sources for magnesium? 03:14 < Revent> Seriously....they are good got your vision 03:14 < Revent> *for 03:14 < moogsi> mareklug: no idea 03:15 < moogsi> ask the interwebs 03:15 < mareklug> Revent might as well eat sweet potatos. the idea is to injest lots of beta carotene, so carrots is one source. 03:15 < mareklug> ingest * 03:15 < Revent> Ye....carrots are just the 'traditional' wy... 03:15 < mareklug> what people don't eat enough is onion. 03:16 < mareklug> the sulphuric compounds are indispensible 03:16 < Revent> *as far as submarine service, eating carrots for better night vision through the periscope* 03:17 < Qcoder00> The eating carrots for night vision is actually a myth.. 03:18 < Qcoder00> (Or at least that's what I've been told. It was a bit of clever thinking by the Ministry of Information in WWII to hid the effectiveness of UK radar) 03:18 < Revent> *shrugs* Supposedly, the actual effect is faster dark-adaptation. 03:19 < Revent> Dunno if it's 'medically' true. 03:19 < Revent> I know they really do feed the sub OOD's carrots. 03:21 -!- DanielB [~DanielB@wikimedia/Daniel] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:22 -!- matt_buck [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:23 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:23 -!- karezi is now known as kondi 03:23 -!- kondi [~kondi@] has quit [Changing host] 03:23 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:24 -!- mattbuck [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 03:24 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck 03:24 < edditer> Qcoder00: http// 03:26 < edditer> Qcoder00: does it look good enough? 03:26 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:27 < Qcoder00> For a WP post 03:27 < Qcoder00> yeah 03:27 < Steven_Zhang> why do americans pronounce "hyundai" as "hundye" 03:27 < Steven_Zhang> it's "highundai" 03:28 < Revent> *lols* Americans don't pronounce anything right. 03:28 -!- matt_buck [] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:28 -!- DanielB [~DanielB@wikimedia/Daniel] has quit [Quit: DanielB] 03:29 < mareklug> Steven_Zhang listen to it in, select english and press the speaker icon: yandey 03:29 -!- mattbuck [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 03:29 < Revent> _edditer Ye, with math it's too easy to be like a textbook, and not explain why people would possibly care. 03:29 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck 03:29 < Steven_Zhang> right 03:29 < Steven_Zhang> probably spoken by an american. 03:29 < Steven_Zhang> proves nothing :P 03:29 < moogsi> Steven_Zhang: it very much depends on on how it's marketed 03:30 < Revent> *snickers* 03:30 < Revent> 03:30 < moogsi> in the US it's hun day, in europe it's hyun dye 03:30 < Revent> Now /he/ was a king of fashion. 03:30 < mareklug> Steven_Zhang it's like "gyros" try ordering that around the world 03:31 < Steven_Zhang> bahaha 03:31 < Steven_Zhang> funny 03:31 < Steven_Zhang> saying english things in a foreign accent 03:31 -!- mattbuck [] has quit [Client Quit] 03:32 < mareklug> γυρος in Grrek 03:32 < mareklug> greek 03:33 < edditer> will you please show your support for my proposal http// ? 03:33 < Revent> *tbh, if my personal 'technical' peeve with WP was to get fixed? "Times New Roman" (cringe) 03:34 < Revent> It's about the crappiest looking font in the world. 03:34 < mareklug> Revent you realize it is the client that controls the type selection via style sheets 03:35 < Revent> Ye, I know....and the 'default' is Times New Roman, for 'compatability' 03:35 < Revent> And Times New Roman is horrible. 03:35 < mareklug> i see no time roman on my end. 03:36 < Revent> You are probably using a 'local' font selection. 03:36 < mareklug> not to my knowledge. I am using a mac though 03:36 < Revent> Yeah, you don't have the 'generic' pos tnr font then, you have a adobe one. 03:37 < Revent> Your TNR probably looks more like a Windows Garamond. 03:38 < mareklug> i don't even have serifs in wikipedia 03:38 < Revent> Yeah, you've got a local font picked then.... 03:40 < edditer> Qcoder00: could you please add a link to your template as a reply to my proposal? 03:40 < Qcoder00> Sure 03:41 < mareklug> Revent maybe Safari picks sane defaults, but it certainly does not advertise any: I just have the option "Never use font sizes smaller than 9" enabled and Style sheet: None selected 03:41 < russavia> !oversight 03:41 < moogsi> Times New Roman is a fine font... it often looks like complete crap on a screen, though 03:41 -!- PinkAmpersand is now known as QuelqueChoseRose 03:42 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving] 03:43 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:45 -!- misaka00251 [~misaka002@] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:47 < Revent> Yeah, it's not that the 'typeface' TNR is's that most 'os included' versions are total crap. 03:47 < moogsi> Revent: yup 03:47 < Revent> They don't kern worth a damn. 03:47 < moogsi> wctaiwan: hallo 03:47 < wctaiwan> hey. 03:48 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:54 < Steven_Zhang> hey wctaiwan 03:54 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:54 < Steven_Zhang> so you're gonna be in HK? 03:54 < wctaiwan> hi 03:54 < Revent> FWIW (as I've mentioned elsewhere) I usually look at WP with something like a 15 point font, and zoom to make it look 'normal'. It makes 'broken' layout things more apparent. 03:54 < wctaiwan> nope. 03:54 < Steven_Zhang> bah 03:54 < Steven_Zhang> where do you live again? 03:54 < Steven_Zhang> oh. 03:54 < Steven_Zhang> taiwan >_> 03:54 < wctaiwan> lol 03:54 < wctaiwan> it's okay :P happens a lot 03:54 < Steven_Zhang> wow, I'm retarded 03:54 < mareklug> Steven_Zhang yeah, he used to login in as wchongkong 03:54 < wctaiwan> and you'd have been right to ask a few years back, when I was living in SG / US. 03:55 < Steven_Zhang> :P 03:55 -!- misaka00251 [~misaka002@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 03:58 < moogsi> so wctaiwan... where are you from again? :P 03:58 -!- moogsi is now known as moogsi_uk 03:58 * wctaiwan eyeroll 03:58 < mareklug> moogsi_uk he is from chinese taipei 03:59 < russavia> lol mareklug 03:59 < wctaiwan> that's not a place. 03:59 < Revent> How 'politically correct' :) 03:59 < mareklug> it's a place and it's a flag 03:59 < wctaiwan> it's not a place 03:59 < wctaiwan> there's a flag (the Chinese Taipei team's flag at the olympics) generally associated with it, but it's not a place. 04:00 < mareklug> well, at least it has a po box to its name. 04:00 < Steven_Zhang> eh, well, i'm going to bed 04:00 < wctaiwan> night 04:00 < Revent> Ye, the 'real' name is something long and convoluted, iirc. 04:00 < mareklug> yeah, something about republics and something about china 04:00 < wctaiwan> the name every sane person uses is taiwan >.> 04:00 < Steven_Zhang> my day starts at 5am tomorrow. yay 04:00 < wctaiwan> early bird gets the worm or something 04:00 < moogsi_uk> I DO NOT RECOGNISE TAIWAN AS A STATE 04:01 < mareklug> moogsi_uk it is a state of mind 04:01 < wctaiwan> cool beans. anything else? 04:01 < moogsi_uk> mareklug: lol. 04:01 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: nigh nigh] 04:01 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:01 < Revent> *hmms* Actually, according to the article it's Republic of China now....I guess they finally did change it. 04:02 < mareklug> no, they were always that, since being a Japanese colony. 04:02 < Revent> I thought at one point the 'formal' name of the actual Nationalist govt was something else... 04:02 < wctaiwan> Revent: um, no. long story short, the Republic of China was established in 1911 on what is largely presently the People's Republic of China. The government of the former was defeated by the forces that founded the latter in 1949 and fled to Taiwan. 04:03 < wctaiwan> and has been here ever since. 04:03 < kelapstick> later steven 04:03 < mareklug> they even claim Outer Mongolia 04:03 < Revent> Right, I'm familiar with the history....I'm probably just remembering some odd detail wrong. 04:03 < wctaiwan> you don't sound like it >.> 04:04 < kelapstick> wctaiwan early bird gets the worm but the late mouse gets the cheese 04:04 < mareklug> late mouse -- isn't that a bit like an ex-parrot? 04:04 < wctaiwan> kelapstick: also the early worm gets eaten by the bird. 04:04 < kelapstick> who wants to eat worms anyway 04:04 < Revent> What I was referring to was my *vague* recall of news stories about the PRC threatening Taiwan over a possible name change. 04:04 -!- Moskau [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:04 -!- Moskau [] has quit [Changing host] 04:04 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:04 < kelapstick> mareklug: who claims outer mongolia? 04:04 < wctaiwan> yes, they don't want us to stop saying we're china. 04:04 < mareklug> fishes, birds, other worms, pigs, several species of small furry animals 04:05 < wctaiwan> kelapstick: The ROC has never formally relinquished its claims. 04:05 < mareklug> kelapstick wctaiwan and his government 04:05 * kelapstick looks around 04:06 < kelapstick> nope, nobody claiming right now 04:06 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:06 < kelapstick> let me know when you plan to reclaim, I will make sure I am out of town :) 04:07 < moogsi_uk> OUTER MONGOLIA IS MINE 04:08 < wctaiwan> it's not a realistic claim. Realistically we have full control over Taiwan and a few outlying islands. Rhetorically we claim Diaoyu / Senkaku Islands and some of the Spratley Islands (with military stationed on one or two of them, not so much the rest). Formally the territory of the ROC has never been altered since the constitution was promulgated, so we still claim Mongolia and stuff. 04:08 < wctaiwan> it's... silly. and I should work on my homework. 04:08 < wctaiwan> such is the wonderful life of an oddly peaceful and normal place. 04:08 < Revent> _wc But yeah, I'm quite aware that 'technically' the ROC is the 'legal' government of China (at least in the world of political theory) 04:09 < wctaiwan> um, no, it isn't. 'most everyone recognises that the PRC is the sole legal representative of the Chinese people. 04:10 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 04:10 < mareklug> and stuff. what other stuff do you claim? 04:10 < mareklug> do you claim tibet 04:10 < Revent> Yeah, I don't mean in the 'recognized' sense....I mean in the 'technical' sense of that the war never ended, so in a 'legalistic' sense the PRC is a province in rebellion...but yeah, nobody cares. 04:10 < wctaiwan> yes 04:11 < wctaiwan> mareklug: not sure how accurate that is but there you go 04:11 < mareklug> wctaiwan so, does Taiwan's governmetn claim the encroachments on India done by the PRC? 04:11 < Revent> If such things were actually decided in a court of law (they totally aren't) 04:12 < wctaiwan> I don't believe we have ever addressed the PRC's territorial disputes with neighbours. 04:13 < wctaiwan> aside from Diaoyu Islands etc. 04:13 < Revent> If you're talking about Kashmir, encroachment isn't really the right term....taking advantage of a neighbor's distraction in an ill-defined border area, maybe. :P 04:14 < wctaiwan> (oh wait, technically I should be saying Diaoyutai Islands. Got confused for a sec.) 04:14 < edditer> Qcoder00: you're linking to , which has no specific content 04:14 < wctaiwan> (fun stuff, that. Senkaku, Diaoyu, Diaoyutai.) 04:14 < Qcoder00> edditer :Oh 04:14 < Qcoder00> Might need an old id 04:14 < Qcoder00> :( 04:14 < Qcoder00> I tried 04:15 < Qcoder00> Now at 04:15 < Revent> 04:16 < russavia> mareklug -- i think i've now got COM:AVIATION mascot -- 04:16 < mareklug> that looks like a Polish PLZ construction 04:16 < wctaiwan> nope, arbitrary plane, according to artist. 04:16 < wctaiwan> or at least, not the plane she was actually using 04:17 < russavia> OMG wctaiwan!! how dare you on that subreddit :P 04:17 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:17 < wctaiwan> what? 04:17 < russavia> nvm 04:18 < Revent> _wc BTW, apparent what I was thinking of was the old "Nationalist Governement yada yada name from the 40s 04:18 < Revent> *apparently 04:18 < wctaiwan> yes, it's still called the Republic of China. 04:18 < russavia> Chinese Taipei does sound nicer 04:18 < wctaiwan> fun list of all the incarnations there 04:18 < wctaiwan> I can't vouch for their accuracy though 04:21 < Revent> You should just pick some random glyph and be "The island formerly known as the Republic of China" :P 04:22 < Revent> *totally being a smartass* 04:25 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 04:29 -!- krieger1970 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:30 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:31 -!- David_{sleep} [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:36 -!- armufox [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 04:38 -!- krieger1970 [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Silentium est aureum"] 04:40 -!- armufox [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:43 -!- edditer [~edditer@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 04:43 -!- edditer [~edditer@] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:49 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 04:51 < a930913> Ugh, who made a mess of the collapse box? :( 04:52 < moogsi_uk> what's wrong with FORMOSA 04:54 < Revent> Sounds too much like an alcoholic beverage. :) 04:56 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:56 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Changing host] 04:56 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:59 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ 05:05 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:05 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:19 -!- moogsi_uk is now known as mogd 05:19 -!- mogd is now known as mogs 05:23 < mogs> if someone offered me Formosa then I would drink it... 05:27 -!- Ironholds [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:27 -!- Ironholds is now known as Guest47299 05:27 -!- Guest47299 is now known as Ironholds 05:27 -!- Ironholds [] has quit [Changing host] 05:27 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:29 < mogs> sounds delicious... 05:31 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:44 -!- Clinic is now known as Fae 05:44 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:46 -!- ChrisGualtieri [~IceChat77@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:47 < ChrisGualtieri> Hi 05:53 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:57 -!- MrsHetfield [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:57 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 05:57 < Qcoder00> -Copyopaste? 05:58 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (] 05:59 < ChrisGualtieri> Where to do I bring a dispute about editors trying to organize a deletion campaign for articles that can't make C class or contain a source? The editors want to purposely light a fire under editor's asses to get everything up to C or delete it. 06:00 -!- Wiki13 [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:01 < TheCavalry> Chris: Village Pump, I would think.... 06:01 < TheCavalry> ChrisGualtieri ^ 06:01 < ChrisGualtieri> Thanks, but which one? Policy or ideas? 06:01 < TheCavalry> Hmm. 06:02 < ChrisGualtieri> The editor in question has a strong personal grudge against me as well... so it is the definition of POINTy 06:02 < TheCavalry> Policy or Misc, I'd say - it might even be worth going to ANI to inform administrators about a concerted campaign to nominate articles for deletion 06:03 < ChrisGualtieri> It hasn't started yet, but I do understand that it is rather shocking. 06:04 < ChrisGualtieri> 'So heres my compromise. ill scale down the campaigne to stub-class. So start-class be spared. Which makes it even easier for us to upgrade these articles to at least start. However, a 6 month period to prove notability within the article. once proven and new sources added into the article, it may be upto C-class.' ~ Lucia Black 06:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri we had that with fiction related articles 06:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> where content was "redirectified" in mass quantities 06:05 < ChrisGualtieri> That's not good. 06:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tens of thousands of pages are redirects as a result 06:05 < ChrisGualtieri> After combing through Qworty's edits, he basically conducted wholesale axing of books as well. 06:05 -!- Sixsmith [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> maybe start a [[WP:Stubs are allowed]]? Too obvious? 06:07 < ChrisGualtieri> Is that a real policy, I can't find it in my search window 06:07 < ChrisGualtieri> I know it is true btw 06:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it isnt 06:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> maybe propose it I mean 06:08 < ChrisGualtieri> No.. stubs are allowed. 06:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yet another common sense policy 06:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I know that 06:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> clearly some people dont 06:08 < Qcoder00> Isn't Qworty on ANI for other reasons? 06:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> q search of it would reveal that 06:09 < wctaiwan> ChrisGualtieri: I don't think asking for at least one source is unreasonable. On the other hand, saying all stubs must go is unreasonable. 06:09 < Qcoder00> 06:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan I can provide sources just dont ask for 10,000 of them at the same time 06:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we dont need a spring cleaning of short articles especially if they arent copyvios or are on real people 06:10 < ChrisGualtieri> wctaiwan, a lot of RSes for the material is Japanese language only 06:10 < wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: WP:BURDEN, tbh. Redirection doesn't cause article history to become lost. You can restore it as soon as you find a source. That said, spring cleaning _is_ distasteful. 06:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> real people topic is problematic per PLB only 06:10 < wctaiwan> ChrisGualtieri: sure, japanese is fine.. 06:10 < ChrisGualtieri> And within 5 minutes I got RSes on both pages proded. 06:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan sure, I dont disagree 06:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but if you are going to mass redirectify them, I cannot handle thay 06:11 < ChrisGualtieri> wctaiwan: The actual argument raised said Japanese doesn't matter, it had to be 'notable in english'. 06:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is no deadline 06:11 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:11 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK 06:11 < wctaiwan> ChrisGualtieri: I'm fairly certain they're wrong 06:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri I have seen people state that wikipedia should be christian default 06:11 < wctaiwan> english sources are preferred, but they can't say japanese sources don't matter. 06:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan they are a mob they are always right on their heads 06:11 < wctaiwan> take it to a noticeboard, then. 06:11 < ChrisGualtieri> Yeah... well, this is the same person who has massive issues with BATTLE 06:12 < wctaiwan> if you can't come to an agreement with them. 06:12 < Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko: WIkipedia Christian? 06:12 < Qcoder00> ROFL 06:12 -!- carly [~kape@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:12 < Qcoder00> Wikipedia in places is downright atheiest 06:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I would suggest ani as well but dont get your hopes up 06:12 < wctaiwan> but "let me keep my entirely unsourced articles; there are too many to source all at once" is pretty shaky ground to stand on. 06:12 < carly> Hi 06:12 < carly> All 06:13 < ChrisGualtieri> wctaiwan: Some of the most notable series and works have not yet been worked on for months 06:13 * carly cries 06:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 that was the explanation I got when I asked why [[Wikipedia:Naming conventions (clergy)]] wasnt renamed to [[Wikipedia:Naming conventions (Christian clergy)]] 06:13 < ChrisGualtieri> wctaiwan: It is outright outlandish, because you can find RSes with a simple good faith search 06:13 < wctaiwan> WP:BURDEN.. 06:13 -!- mogs [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 06:13 < ChrisGualtieri> Wrong. 06:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan thjats not the purpose of wp:burden 06:14 < ChrisGualtieri> Anyone who puts it up for deletion should make a good faith effort to find and improve it prior to deletion 06:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan wikipedia editors are epxected to act in good faith 06:14 < wctaiwan> of course it is. You want to say something, you back it up with a source. You can't just create a bunch of articles and don't bother to source them because sources are easy _for others_ to find 06:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure you can 06:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats how wikipedia got most of its articles 06:14 < carly> Aaaaaaah 06:14 < ChrisGualtieri> Japanese Wiki doesn't require a source for every single thing either 06:15 < wctaiwan> I'm not saying mass redirecting is good--it's pointy. But if you want to write an article these days, having one good source is pretty basic. 06:15 < ChrisGualtieri> Enwiki may have higher standards for sourcing, but you know how link rot and such is 06:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan I know that 06:15 < wctaiwan> not every single thing--every single article. 06:15 < ChrisGualtieri> Many of these are from 200-2009 06:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but a newbie editor doesnt 06:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he wont contribute if he is greated by a hostile mass rediectifier 06:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if a simple google search reveals sources and you are nominating it for deletion you are abusing the system IMHO 06:15 < ChrisGualtieri> Agreed. 06:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a lot of dletion requests could be fixed in 5 seconds 06:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is no emergency 06:16 < wctaiwan> we're agreed that mass redirection is bad. But I know there are extreme inclusionists who have a mentality of letting others source their articles for them, and I don't think that's how you build a high quality encyclopedia. 06:16 < ChrisGualtieri> If anything deletion has to bare a higher scrunity then it does. Its not as if they are BLP either 06:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we can deal with stubs slowly 06:16 < wctaiwan> and I don't want to encourage that mindset. 06:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why not? 06:16 < ChrisGualtieri> Wikipedia is not finite in articles or scope, there is no limit to the number of articles we can have 06:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its been how wikipedia operated since it stated 06:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hard drives are cheap 06:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that was the motto 06:17 < wctaiwan> keep the readers in mind. They're reading the encyclopedia as you build it. There is no deadline, but you need to serve your readers better by providing the best you can give them the moment they click on an article. 06:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan I am a readier 06:17 < wctaiwan> and that means sources. 06:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and I find it annoying that I cant find information I need 06:17 < ChrisGualtieri> I disagree... many articles which even minor coverage serve me better then google 06:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> even if unsourced I welcome information 06:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> say on an anime character 06:17 < wctaiwan> but you can never know if they're correct. 06:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> where the source is the anime itself 06:18 < wctaiwan> because there's no damned source.. 06:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan I can watch the source material 06:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the video or book or whatever 06:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if the source is a book I cant immediately find it either 06:18 < ChrisGualtieri> Yeah, its not like their is this mass effort to hoax things and we block editors that do that on discovery 06:18 < ChrisGualtieri> BLP must be stricter, but anime and manga. Bah. 06:19 < wctaiwan> meh. Do what you want. I don't have to like it though. 06:19 < ChrisGualtieri> Since the industry imploded back in the USA and UK it has been harder to get RSes on that 06:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan I agree with your point that articles should have sources I also feel there is no deadline 06:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not forcing you to like it, all I am saying is mass redirectification is problematic 06:19 < ChrisGualtieri> Four of the sites from the publishers have gone under in 5 years to. 06:20 < wctaiwan> I agree with that part, ToAruShiroiNeko, but I also hate people who see article count as some kind of badge of honour. 06:20 -!- cosmiclark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:20 < ChrisGualtieri> I'm stuck using wayback and archived material for even simple information about who created it, interviews and even simple release data better found on Amazon. 06:20 < ChrisGualtieri> I don't think anyone is making that claim wctaiwan 06:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan these are almost entirely wirtten by one time editors 06:20 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 06:20 < wctaiwan> I'm not talking about this specific case. 06:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the people mass redirectifying have a kill count thoughj 06:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am talking about the orlder mass anime/manga/ficiton mass redirectificaiton 06:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> my experience with that was abismal 06:22 < Revent> FWIW, it can be really overboard....I've seen 'missing' missing encyclopedia articles because someone speedied em. 06:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan I am thinking we are at a general agrement such that counters are annoying 06:22 -!- MrsHetfield [] has quit [] 06:22 < Revent> Thinking 'no sources'. 06:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> article count, deletion count whatever 06:23 < ChrisGualtieri> Counters are stupid because they split people up like this. 06:23 < ChrisGualtieri> Even edit count doesn't matter to me and I got a huge number there. 06:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "I have over 9000 edits and thats more than everyone else, my ePenis is bigger!" 06:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ya... 06:24 < Qcoder00> I'm apparently one of the top 20 most active contributors 06:24 < carly> ... 06:24 < Qcoder00> but most of it's minor filespace edits 06:24 < carly> And? 06:25 < Qcoder00> So techncially most of my edits aren't actually building things 06:25 < ChrisGualtieri> I do a lot of maintaince and clean up of issues as well 06:26 < ChrisGualtieri> This type of work is not done by many people, like fixing typos, cleaning up external links, removing spam, fixing broken templates and mark up. 06:26 -!- cosmiclark [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Textual IRC Client:"] 06:26 < wctaiwan> I'm happy so long as people aren't creating crappy articles and expecting others to fix them for them. 06:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> most of my useful edits are to tmeplates 06:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan that will always happen by 1-artilcle editors 06:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> whom would be drawn to improve them over time 06:26 < ChrisGualtieri> No one is suggesting making crappy articles, but wholesale removal of them is disruptive. 06:26 < wctaiwan> I'll give them a free pass. 06:27 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Quit: User has quit this network.] 06:27 * ToAruShiroiNeko hugs the pass 06:27 < wctaiwan> what I mean are the people who keep yelling WP:BEFORE at every single AfD, flooding AfDs with shitty sources, expecting others to integrate them, and deriding nominators for not spending their time to fix crap. 06:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan redirectification doesnt go by afd 06:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you nominate 30,40 articles for redirectificaion, post it on a single talk page for a vote 06:29 < wctaiwan> neither abusive inclusionists nor abusive deletionists are good, ToAruShiroiNeko. 06:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wait for 2 weeks and boom thats a consensus if 2 more of your friends vote with you 06:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan sure 06:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we dont have abusive inclusion as much as deletion thougj 06:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont disagree that quality is important 06:29 < ChrisGualtieri> Even when things go to deletion, the mergers are rare 06:29 -!- Sixsmith [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 06:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri here I thought I was crazy all these years :Lp 06:31 < ChrisGualtieri> for what? 06:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> for stub remarks 06:33 < ChrisGualtieri> Lucia Black seems to be trolling as always... she even has her issues over at templates. 06:33 -!- Onaka [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:33 < ChrisGualtieri> 06:33 < ChrisGualtieri> Got to love that edit summary 06:33 < wctaiwan> you probably know this already but, it's a very good idea to avoid bring specific disputes to IRC. 06:33 < wctaiwan> bringing* 06:33 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:33 < carly> Hi TOS :) 06:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> seeking a general audience is bad? 06:34 < TOS> hey 06:34 < ChrisGualtieri> Sorry, but taking it to PUMP or ANI is probably my best bet at this point 06:34 < wctaiwan> ToAruShiroiNeko: opens you up to a wide array of smears. 06:34 < ChrisGualtieri> Probably PUMP 06:34 -!- Onaka [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:34 < carly> How are you TOS ? :) 06:34 < wctaiwan> yeah, on-wiki is generally better. 06:35 < TOS> I'm perfectly fine carly. Do I know u? 06:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TOS expired :p 06:35 * TOS slaps ToAruShiroiNeko around a bit with a large trout 06:35 < TOS> :P 06:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :D 06:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri sure, IRC is a good tool to gage if you are insane 06:36 < ChrisGualtieri> I guess. :o 06:36 < carly> TOS i am new here,i am here over one year ago only 06:36 < carly> ;) 06:36 * TOS decides that ToAruShiroiNeko is insane 06:36 < ChrisGualtieri> I'm still learning Japanese so I can't source all the articles 06:36 < TOS> carly Gotcha 06:36 < mareklug> wctaiwan your haswell dream machine, perhaps come June 4? 06:36 < carly> Hi ChrisGaltieri 06:36 < ChrisGualtieri> I really needed help pointing towards policy and such 06:36 < ChrisGualtieri> hi 06:36 < carly> TOS :) 06:37 < mareklug> carly how is your corazon today? 06:37 < wctaiwan> mareklug: well, this one I'm using right now will chug along for one more year at least, but it's possible. 06:37 < carly> Bad 06:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ChrisGualtieri probably also no ofline access to japanese magazines that cover some of those topics 06:37 < carly> Mareklug abre privado 06:37 < mareklug> wctaiwan an Air would be affordable. and if it comes with 802.11ac networking... 06:37 < wctaiwan> ChrisGualtieri: afaik, with regard to sources, the language / format don't matter. The quality / authoritativeness do. 06:37 -!- ragesoss_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:38 < carly> Hi ragesoss_ :) 06:38 < wctaiwan> mareklug: I don't think my dream machine would ever arrive, to be honest. That'd require them to go back to 16:10 and I don't think it's happening. 06:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wctaiwan there is a omg non-english crowd though 06:38 < TOS> carly Come join us at #wikipedia-en-help if you want 06:38 < mareklug> wctaiwan you can buy an external monitor for that 06:39 < mareklug> TOS you misspelled come to Calcutta and be my shopped for gf 06:39 < wctaiwan> they won't win out though. In all the discussions I can recall there has never been any consensus that lack of english sources -> deletion. 06:39 < wctaiwan> especially for a language as prominent as Japanese. 06:39 < jeremyb> who knows userspace deletion policy and can spare a couple mins? 06:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> well, they do from time to time irritate me 06:39 < Revent> That would, tbh, wipe out a lot of historical "english" authors that never wrote in english. 06:39 < TOS> mareklug I dont know how I make such bad spelling errors 06:40 * jeremyb goes to read CSD 06:40 < mareklug> TOS it is easy. you are not a native speaker. you hail from Bihar, right? 06:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> like the reyhanı bombing was reyhanli for a while 06:40 < wctaiwan> mareklug: i spel just fin! 06:40 < TOS> mareklug Nopes. 06:41 < mareklug> TOS West Bengal! 06:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its bad enough there is a real world event that information just washes over to be forgotten, but you have that distraction too 06:41 < TOS> mareklug Yes 06:41 < mareklug> TOS are you aware of Morrissey's song Bengali in Platforms? 06:41 < TOS> No 06:42 < mareklug> TOS here you go. it is a fine song 06:42 -!- Moskau [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:42 -!- Moskau [] has quit [Changing host] 06:42 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:43 < mareklug> wctaiwan you too ^^^ 06:43 < wctaiwan> I have to go. 06:43 < wctaiwan> bye 06:43 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e8d@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [] 06:43 < TOS> Me too 06:43 < TOS> Bye 06:43 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has left #wikipedia-en [] 06:44 < mareklug> aw. by music listening audience has evaporated. 06:44 < mareklug> my * 06:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm? 06:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> do you like Daft Punk 06:44 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko Bengali in Platforms by Morrissey 06:44 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko I have yet to her any Daft Punk 06:44 < mareklug> hear * 06:46 -!- Fluffernutter [~Fluffernu@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:46 -!- Fluffernutter [~Fluffernu@] has quit [Changing host] 06:46 -!- Fluffernutter [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:47 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o eir] by ChanServ 06:47 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-bo *!95c883c4@* eir] by eir 06:47 -!- Guest____ [~textual@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:48 < carly> Welcome Guest____ 06:48 < carly> :) 06:50 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 06:51 -!- Fleet|mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:51 -!- Fleet|mobile [] has quit [Changing host] 06:51 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:52 < closedmouth> mareklug: 06:53 -!- JohnLewis [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:53 < mareklug> closedmouth thank you. 06:53 -!- JohnLewis [] has quit [Changing host] 06:53 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:54 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko closedmouth what's with the distorting autotune? is this hip in 2qt 2013? 06:54 < mareklug> still hip * 06:56 -!- Guest____ [~textual@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 06:57 < closedmouth> it's from 2001 06:57 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:57 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host] 06:57 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:57 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko closedmouth ah. it is definitely not aging well. 06:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug hmm? 06:58 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko the Daft Punkc c. 2001 that closedmouth linked above 06:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am sure you heard around the world :) 06:58 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:59 < closedmouth> they're not my favourite music, but i do like the beat in "one more time" 06:59 < mareklug> closedmouth this little Canadian girl has interesting stuff 07:01 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:02 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:02 < Swob> hi phar 07:02 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 07:02 < mareklug> Swob that reminds me. Do you know Liz Phair? 07:02 < Swob> are you named after 07:02 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:02 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host] 07:02 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:02 < Pharos> yes 07:02 < Swob> never heard of her, no 07:02 < Swob> a singer? 07:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug: 07:03 < mareklug> Swob a Chicago singer no less 07:03 < Pharos> i'm named after enligtenment 07:04 < mareklug> "The song is listed at #5 on Pitchfork Media's top 500 songs of the 2000s,[3] and #33 on Rolling Stone's top 100 songs of the decade (2000–2009)[4] as well as #307 on Rolling Stone's amended "The 500 Greatest Songs of All Time" list in May 2010. It was voted by Mixmag readers as the greatest dance record of all time.[5]" this is laughable. I can think of any number of Dannie Minogue dance numbers that exceed this in every category. 07:04 < Swob> ok 07:04 < Fleet|mobile> Hi Swob 07:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if you want a review of it 07:04 < Revent> Liz Phair is fairly well known... 07:04 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 07:05 < mareklug> Swob closedmouth ToAruShiroiNeko some real music (also criticially acclaimed and entirely lowfi) "Fuck and Run", Liz Phair, album: Exile in Guyville 07:06 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:08 < mareklug> …and for good measure, from the same album, the opener, "6'1", but live: 07:09 -!- EgCarv [~EgCarv@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:10 < ChrisGualtieri> Sweet I managed to get lucky and find the studio for that PROD. >.> Its all in Japanese though, but I got the staff credits! 07:11 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"] 07:15 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:15 -!- EgCarv1 [~EgCarv@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:18 -!- EgCarv1 [~EgCarv@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:18 -!- EgCarv [~EgCarv@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:20 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:21 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has quit [Quit: Soupir] 07:21 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 07:23 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 07:25 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:32 -!- Sixsmith [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:38 -!- GorillaWarfare [6c14245e@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:39 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:39 -!- LtNOWIS [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:39 -!- LtNOWIS is now known as Guest41374 07:40 -!- Fluffernutter [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: back later] 07:42 -!- Guest____ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:44 < russavia> admin around to undelete this please - 07:46 < carly> Russavia I though you are an admin 07:46 < carly> Thought* 07:47 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:49 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en 07:49 < retsreklawts> russavia, looking 07:50 < GorillaWarfare> russavia: Done 07:50 < russavia> thanks can you do the talk page of this as well please 07:50 < retsreklawts> done talkpage :) 07:50 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 07:51 < russavia> thx kindly 07:51 < GorillaWarfare> Haha, teamwork 07:51 < retsreklawts> :D 07:51 -!- carly [~kape@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Rescue me!] 07:56 < Koi> russavia: hi hi hi hi hi 07:56 < TheDruId> o/ 07:57 -!- Guest41374 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:00 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed] 08:01 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:02 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:03 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:03 -!- MBisanz [] has quit [Changing host] 08:03 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:04 -!- JohnLewis [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:04 -!- JohnLewis [] has quit [Changing host] 08:04 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:04 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:07 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 08:08 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Quit: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you] 08:08 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:08 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:11 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:20 -!- NorthBySouthBara [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:27 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:27 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 08:27 -!- My76Strat [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:27 -!- My76Strat [] has quit [Changing host] 08:27 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:28 -!- gde33|2 [] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia] 08:29 -!- gde33 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:30 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:36 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:39 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:43 -!- TOS [TOS@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has quit [] 08:48 -!- kelapstick is now known as kelapstick|lunch 08:49 -!- NorthBySouthBara [] has quit [Quit: NorthBySouthBara] 08:49 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:49 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 08:49 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 08:54 -!- ChrisGualtieri [~IceChat77@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:02 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 09:02 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 09:03 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:04 -!- kelapstick|lunch is now known as kelapstick 09:04 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away 09:12 -!- Huon [~shogunat@wikipedia/Huon] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:12 -!- belugah [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:13 -!- belugah [] has quit [Client Quit] 09:28 -!- belugah [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:31 -!- Guest____ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:33 -!- belugah [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 09:34 -!- Predator [7c28f404@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:35 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:35 < Revent> *waves* the 'social' version. :) 09:35 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:35 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host] 09:35 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:36 < Predator> ok i get ya. So are you a female? 09:36 < Revent> Nope.... 09:37 < Revent> I'm just wierd. 09:37 < Predator> Are there any females who roam around in wiki chats? 09:37 < Revent> Yes. 09:37 < TheDruId> Some, but not this kid. 09:37 < Jetro> at least one 09:37 < Jetro> Carly punch! 09:37 * Jetro hides 09:37 < Predator> carly rae jepsen? 09:37 < Predator> what/ 09:37 < Predator> omg 09:38 < Predator> like really? 09:38 < Revent> I'm aware of a couple, but you don't really 'talk about' people personally unless they do (gender and such) 09:38 < Revent> As far as a 'wp' thing... 09:39 < Revent> (there are people who would get in trouble for editing 'honestly') 09:39 < Predator> What are you guys anyway? Like full time volunteers? or do you have jobs and a like real life with girlfriends and stuff etc etc 09:40 -!- JohannesC [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:40 < TheDruId> Retired and volunteer as the availability presents itself. 09:40 < Huon> Predator, we're volunteers, but that doesn't keep us from having a real life 09:40 -!- JohnLewis_ [~johnlewis@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:40 -!- JohnLewis_ [~johnlewis@] has quit [Changing host] 09:40 -!- JohnLewis_ [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:40 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:40 < Revent> A lot of the people 'in' these irc channels are extremely afk. 09:40 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 09:41 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Disconnected by services] 09:41 < Carly> Whats up with me 09:41 -!- JohnLewis_ is now known as JohnLewis 09:41 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:41 < Carly> Predator hi? 09:41 < Revent> You're a girl, apparently. 09:41 < Carly> Jetro PUNCH? :D 09:41 * Jetro is hiding, can't find me! 09:41 < Predator> The DruiD: Don't tell me your a old dude.Like a war veteran or somethin like that.Since when did old people become technologically efficient? 09:42 < Predator> Oh hi carly... i was well you know talkin about wiki gals..LoL 09:42 < Revent> *lols* Just what do you consider old? I /am/ a war vet. 09:42 -!- albel727 [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 09:43 < Revent> I've also been using the net since before there was a web, so.... 09:43 < TheDruId> Predator, I don't know about old; I retired 6 years ago, but I was young for it. 09:43 -!- albel727 [~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:43 < Revent> "On the Internet, noone know's you're a dog" 09:43 < Predator> Man you guys are awesome.Are you guys all from the same place? 09:44 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw] 09:44 < marktraceur> s/guys/people/ 09:44 < Revent> Or, the funnier version.... "The Internet, where men are men, women are men, and kids are FBI agents." 09:44 < marktraceur> g 09:44 < Predator> Carly: Hey hi, Are you the only female over here? 09:44 < GorillaWarfare> Predator: No 09:44 < GorillaWarfare> Though some of us don't like to reveal our genders 09:45 < GorillaWarfare> And some people don't much appreciate being asked 09:45 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:45 < Revent> *points at what he said earlier* I told you, I might be kidding, but I'm not. 09:46 < Predator> So i guess this is bad place to get a bit of fame and also for dating huh ...? 09:46 < TheDruId> I'll take 'middle-aged'. 09:46 < Predator> *Lol...* 09:46 < GorillaWarfare> Predator: Er, no, typically not 09:46 < Revent> *lols....well.. 09:46 < marktraceur> Predator: This is an IRC channel for discussing which is, last I checked, not a dating site 09:46 < marktraceur> (maybe I'm using it wrong) 09:47 < Revent> marktraceur: You forgot the 'horny' userbox. 09:47 < Carly> Predator the real female one,then yesp 09:47 < GorillaWarfare> Revent: I try to at every possible chance 09:47 < Carly> Haha xd 09:47 < Predator> Hey marktraceur : No i don't you.But your name intrigues me....are you efficient at parkour? 09:47 * Carly laughs 09:47 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:47 < marktraceur> Predator: I play at it sometimes, but I'm in a bit of a break at the moment 09:47 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:48 < marktraceur> i.e. "work is busy and I'm tired when I leave, so Parkour doesn't happen" 09:48 < TheDruId> Well, I don't know how User:Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry and User:Panyd met, but they ended up married... 09:48 < Predator> ....ahaa i knew it.Man i wanna try backflips ,crawl on buildings,and windows.But i'm kinda fat man...this sucks 09:49 < marktraceur> Predator: A) Backflips generally aren't very efficient, so they aren't usually considered a part of Parkour; B) Parkour can be practised by anyone, since the only real rule is "find the best way to get places" 09:49 -!- Gue______ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:50 < Revent> Usually the whole exercise and getting in shape thing comes first. If nothing else, landing on your skull hurts less when skinny. 09:50 < GorillaWarfare> TheDruId: There are plenty of Wikipedians in relationships, but if you come here looking for a relationship, your chances are probably slim. 09:50 < Predator> I know dude.I get fired up when i see all this crazy shit on youtube that people do.I know this one guy ryan doyle.He's freakin awesome.Although i'm afraid and nervous to break my bones 09:51 < Revent> *for some reason that read in the... "you have chosen....poorly" voice 09:51 < TheDruId> Well, it's not a bad place to start, as a community of idealists who should all be committed, commitment issues aside... 09:51 < Revent> ^^gorilla 09:51 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 09:51 -!- Gue______ is now known as anjunabeats 09:52 < Revent> BTW, the book every Wikipedian should read....sec. 09:52 < Predator> Ok since you said it The Druid: i'm gonna try this ..... Hey CARLY: Are you single? 09:52 < Carly> LOL 09:52 < Revent> 09:53 < Carly> Predator is in serious? 09:53 < Pote> ._. 09:53 < Revent> ^^ outstanding book, quite relevant in a way to any wikigeek 09:53 < GorillaWarfare> Predator: I would... not suggest that 09:54 < Revent> (the committed comment is what brought that up) 09:54 -!- notconfusing_ [~notconfus@] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:54 < TheDruId> You realise that referred to mental instability and confinement in an institution? 09:54 < Predator> Carly : If you honestly tell me your age ,i might consider to be.Who knows i might even make a proposal.But i have feeling that your already reserved.And well there's don't do that vibe from others ya know 09:54 * kelapstick should be commited 09:55 < Fluffernutter> ...what the hell 09:55 < Carly> What Predator 09:55 < Revent> Thedruld (ye, was brought the /book/ I mentioned's about a committed madman) 09:55 < Fluffernutter> Predator, do not use this channel for picking up dates. Do not ask other users their ages or locations. If you continue to do so, I will remove you. 09:56 < Fluffernutter> Carly, do not give out that information. 09:56 < marktraceur> ++Fluffernutter 09:56 < Carly> I didn't 09:56 < Carly> Fluffernutter ;) 09:57 < notconfusing_> Can anyone direct me to where I can find the source of Special:Booksources 09:57 < notconfusing_> or how it can be updated? 09:57 < Revent> Predator, for your information, as an old 'net dinosoaur'...the point I was trying to get across....if someone doesn't 'front' themselves as of a gender, you ignore it....and if they do, you don't assume it's real. 09:57 < Predator> Ok fine buddy .Flutternutter: Where'd you pop up from suddenly.I didn't notice you there.Well i didn't force her too.i respect her choice as a woman. 09:57 < marktraceur> Predator: On the topic of Parkour: The most efficient way to introduce yourself to the enwiki community did not include "hit on people in the IRC channel" 09:58 < Fluffernutter> Predator: my point is that in this channel, it's not appropriate to even ask things like that. It doesn't matter whether the other person accepts or not. 09:58 < Predator> i am not trying to hit on anybody.I just thought i'd try out commitment as mentioned by the Druid: literally 09:58 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 09:58 -!- tttb [] has joined #wikipedia-en 09:59 < Revent> As I said, "The Internet, where men are men, yada yada" 09:59 < Carly> Xd 09:59 < Carly> What is yada yads 09:59 < Carly> Lol 09:59 < Predator> I thought this IRC channel was different from the ones you find on darknet 10:00 < Revent> yada yada? It's....not really slang, skat, almost.... 10:00 < Predator> It is kind of creepy 10:00 < Revent> verbal lorem ipsum 10:00 < Carly> Predator here on Freenode we have a lot of channel 10:00 < GorillaWarfare> Predator: It's for discussion of the English Wikipedia. There is social discussion here, but asking for personal information crosses a line. 10:01 < Carly> You can always join in #defocus Predator 10:01 < TheDruId> 10:01 < Revent> Nice.... 10:01 < Carly> Our social channel 10:01 -!- TB|Away is now known as TBloemink 10:01 < Predator> i get that ...gorilla warfare.Copy and clear.... 10:01 -!- anjunabeats [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:01 < Revent> (affectionately, of course) 10:02 < Predator> Carly: what's that? 10:02 < Revent> Some of my favorite wiki moments are... "Really, THAT has an article?" 10:02 < Carly> Predator #defocus is a social channel 10:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Is it true that NASA will host the next wikimania on the ISS? 10:03 < GorillaWarfare> ToAruShiroiNeko: Yes, it's been confirmed 10:03 < Predator> Ummm , how do i goto that channel? I mean i don't see a link 10:03 < Revent> type /join #defocus 10:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare how will they get the wikipe-tan cosplayers up there though? 10:03 < Carly> Predator you can join by /join #defocus 10:04 < TheDruId> Screen shots. 10:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> #refocus ? 10:04 < Predator> Can i ask personal info there? 10:04 < Predator> on defocus? 10:04 < Carly> But even there you should behave or will be banned or quieted Predator 10:04 < Carly> No. 10:04 < Predator> Oh man.... 10:04 < Predator> sad 10:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> personal info? why? 10:05 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:05 < Predator> what's the point of being social then... 10:05 < Revent> Predator? 10:05 < Carly> Or maybe 10:05 < TheDruId> The nick doesn't help, there, either... 10:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Predator to socialise 10:05 < Revent> This is *freenode* 10:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> personal info given over IRC is no longer personal 10:05 < Carly> If someone dont feel annoyed by your question...but pm maybe 10:05 < Revent> It's by a college computer lab. 10:05 -!- DJMalik [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:05 < Predator> how do i pm you? 10:06 < DJMalik> ._. 10:06 < Revent> It's not like the irc networks with porn fileservers. 10:06 -!- Ironholds [~Ironholds@wikipedia/Ironholds] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:06 -!- DJMalik is now known as Bradford 10:06 < Carly> Predator I can answer you questions related with Freenode network and help you to use the chat 10:06 < GorillaWarfare> Predator: Please stop asking for personal information. 10:07 < Carly> Or always can join #freenode anyway 10:07 < Bradford> Carly: fea 10:07 < Revent> Carly: oh you're a net op? 10:07 < TheDruId> Ironholds, o/ 10:07 < Ironholds> hey, TheDruId 10:07 < QueenOfFrance> Revent: no. 10:07 < TheDruId> Misread the thread on Jimbo's page and thought /you/ had gotten blocked... 10:07 < Predator> it's kinda complicated to even PM over here.I didn't ask a personal question Gorilla,why you goin all gorilla on me now ? 10:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare is NOT going gorilla on you 10:08 < GorillaWarfare> Predator: I am skeptical of people who join this channel who appear to have the sole intent of learning personal information about others, particularly females. 10:08 < TheDruId> Took me a moment to read my way clear. 10:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare only goes warfare on the likes of you 10:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare no females on the internet right? 10:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ;) 10:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Predator we are all actually ugly FBI dudes 10:09 < GorillaWarfare> That's what they tell me. 10:09 < QueenOfFrance> GorillaWarfare: it's amazing how many PMs of that sort I get 10:09 < TheDruId> Predator, and WHAAOE, 10:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> QueenOfFrance why? you arent even a princess! 10:09 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:09 < QueenOfFrance> I once had somebody PM me saying "I want to be your slave" or something on those lines 10:09 < QueenOfFrance> ToAruShiroiNeko: people seem to think that I'm a woman 10:09 < Predator> Well Gorilla: i can honestly tell you am a nice guy.I wouldn't wanna hurt anybody's feelings.That being said my intention not to go after females.Am not a virtual rapist....LoL 10:09 < GorillaWarfare> QueenOfFrance: Gender-ambiguous usernames have their benefits. 10:09 < GorillaWarfare> Says the guy using the nick "Predator". 10:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> QueenOfFrance you are a woman. Just in an alternate reality. 10:10 < QueenOfFrance> GorillaWarfare: obviously means that he's a drone 10:10 < marktraceur> GorillaWarfare: The intent is obviously for us to catch him 10:10 * GorillaWarfare looks around for Chris Hansen and the cameras 10:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> virtual rapists exist? 10:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> must be like virtual therapists 10:10 < QueenOfFrance> ToAruShiroiNeko: could be, could be, but I hope I am not on IRC in said alternate reality 10:10 < TheDruId> They're virtually everywhere. 10:10 -!- SudoGhost [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:10 -!- SudoGhost [] has quit [Changing host] 10:10 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> QueenOfFrance you are and you are the queen of france where napoleon won 10:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you rule all of the world 10:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> excluding florida 10:11 < Carly> Revent No,but I am usually helping in freenode channels 10:11 < QueenOfFrance> ToAruShiroiNeko: :o wouldn't that make me empress of the french rather than quene of france? :D 10:11 < Carly> Or helping in pm 10:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> QueenOfFrance empire of what? 10:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you have no actual power like elizabeth II 10:11 < QueenOfFrance> ToAruShiroiNeko: well Napoleon was Emperor Of the French rather than King of France 10:11 < TheDruId> was overshadowed by Napolean. 10:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont know, its alternate history dont expect it to be factually acurate :p 10:12 < QueenOfFrance> Even Luis Philippe was King of the French rather than King of France, iirc 10:12 < QueenOfFrance> ToAruShiroiNeko: lame 10:12 < QueenOfFrance> :P 10:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> aw :D 10:12 < Predator> I know.I chose this name on purpose.This kinda safer..obviously if put my name as don't take it literally.But i just proved that am not afraid to use this name and am a normal guy 10:12 < QueenOfFrance> ... 10:12 < Bradford> ._. 10:12 < addihockey10> Ermahgerd 10:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> french royalty are too french 10:12 < addihockey10> It's booting 10:12 < addihockey10> ERMAHGERD 10:12 < GorillaWarfare> addihockey10: Hm? 10:13 < addihockey10> I took apart my laptop last night 10:13 < Revent> Predator: Um really, you proved you're a normal guy? 10:13 < addihockey10> To clean the fan 10:13 < addihockey10> And i didn't know how to put it back together 10:13 < addihockey10> But i guess it works 10:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Predator is a normal guy 10:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as normal as a Predator gets 10:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> possibly he is against aliens 10:14 < Revent> Half the point is that for all any of us know you're a siamese twin midget from Nepal, and noone cares. 10:14 < Predator> I think so i did.Hey carly you said earlier : If someone don't feel annoyed by my question.I can pm you and you'll answer it do i pm you? 10:14 < GorillaWarfare> addihockey10: 10:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure pm me all you like 10:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dont expect much out of it 10:14 -!- notconfusing_ [~notconfus@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 10:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dont pm me too hard though I am fragile 10:15 < Carly> Predator I am not available to answer questions such like that 10:15 < GorillaWarfare> ... 10:15 < Carly> I am busy atm too,sorry 10:16 < Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: please simmer down. 10:16 < Predator> <ToAruShiroiNeko> : Am not stupid.I know what you mean you perv. To the rest :Are you guys computer nerds? From top universities around the world? 10:16 < Revent> Hey Predator? 10:16 < Predator> Revent : what 's that? 10:16 < Revent> a link.... 10:16 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:17 < Revent> for you. 10:17 < Revent> to answer your question. 10:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you do? 10:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> pm is private message 10:17 < AlmostGrad> revent, what happened to the ips you reported yesterday? 10:17 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ 10:17 -!- Predator [7c28f404@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [requested by QueenOfFrance (Inappropriate behavior, no interest in the English Wikipedia, really shouldn't be in here for good reasons.)] 10:17 < Revent> *lol* 10:17 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [+b *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] by QueenOfFrance 10:17 < AlmostGrad> can't see it there anymore 10:17 -!- mode/#wikipedia-en [-o QueenOfFrance] by ChanServ 10:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> aw 10:17 < Revent> That page expired... 10:18 < Revent> Go look at the revision history on SubEx. 10:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he was just begining to be amusing in a horrible way :p 10:18 < TheDruId> Do you consider Yonsei University a top university? 10:18 < AlmostGrad> it was never attended to? 10:18 < Revent> Srsly. Like, right now. *heh* 10:18 < AlmostGrad> the vandalism was never addressed? 10:18 < Revent> the talk page, in particular. 10:18 < Revent> *go look at the revision history* 10:19 < AlmostGrad> i did, he doxed someone, i reported it. what does the history say> 10:19 < addihockey10> O 10:19 < addihockey10> GorillaWarfare: that was amazing 10:19 < GorillaWarfare> addihockey10: Right? 10:19 < Revent> Um, if you'll look you'll see they did a rollback on everyone of those socks. 10:19 < Bradford> o.o 10:19 < addihockey10> Except I forgot to put the optical drive back in 10:19 < Bradford> Carly: porque lo echaron 10:19 < addihockey10> Well 10:20 < Revent> All those vandalism edits are deleted from the edit history 10:20 < addihockey10> I was too lazy to take apart what I had already done so far 10:20 < AlmostGrad> no they didn't 10:20 < QueenOfFrance> Bradford: can you please tell me what channel you're in? 10:20 < Revent> *if they missed some, it's in the works* 10:20 < Carly> Bradford why do you care? 10:20 < Carly> Gossip. 10:20 < Bradford> QueenOfFrance: okay sorry 10:21 < Bradford> :| 10:21 < AlmostGrad> i still see the vandalism posts. the new section "a fresh perspective" was created by one of the vandals 10:21 < Revent> Wait, wth, its back now? 10:22 < Revent> Prob something to do with being able to see the ips or something (shrugs) 10:22 < AlmostGrad> the posts from 08:37 to 09:56 were all done by vandals 10:22 < a930913> Should I post about an epic bot idea on the technical pump, or is there a better place to put it? 10:22 < Revent> I know it was being taken care of... 10:23 < Carly> Bradford Lol 10:24 < AlmostGrad> Outing doesn't seem like a big deal then? He simultaneously outed someone on WP and reddit. When they did that previously, they continued editing as usual and were not penalized in any way. 10:24 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:24 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has quit [Changing host] 10:24 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:24 < AlmostGrad> the personal info was removed but the ip continued editing 10:24 < Revent> reddit is a totally different thing from here.... 10:24 < AlmostGrad> i know 10:24 < AlmostGrad> that's just auxiliary info 10:25 < GorillaWarfare> a930913: Or just write it and ask for approval :P 10:25 < AlmostGrad> that they also outed her on reddit 10:25 < AlmostGrad> but i'm talking about WP 10:25 < AlmostGrad> done it twice on WP 10:26 < a930913> GorillaWarfare: Not that kind of a bot, it's a idea /for/ bots :) 10:26 < GorillaWarfare> What's the idea, OOC? 10:26 < Revent> (shrugs) tbh, partly it's a matter of how big a deal was/wasn't made 10:26 < Revent> *about it I mean* 10:27 -!- keyn [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:27 -!- mattbuck [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:27 < Fluffernutter> AlmostGrad: has anyone pointed you to how to request Oversight attention to outing concerns, yet? [[Wikipedia:Oversight/FAQ]] tells you all about it 10:27 < a930913> GorillaWarfare: A cleanup service for bots to use. 10:28 -!- notconfusing_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:28 < AlmostGrad> No I know you have to report it to an admin 10:28 < AlmostGrad> !link 10:28 < Fluffernutter> no linkbot here, but it's 10:29 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:30 -!- Gu_______ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:31 < Carly> Hey CensoredBiscuit :) 10:31 < CensoredBiscuit> hey Carly 10:31 < Carly> :D 10:31 < edditer> will you please express your opinion on the suggestion? 10:32 < edditer> we've talked about it on this channel 10:32 < GorillaWarfare> AlmostGrad: It's typically better to just go ahead and talk to an oversighter, instead of going to an admin. 10:32 -!- Gu_______ [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 10:33 -!- Wiki13 is now known as Wiki13|afk 10:35 < AlmostGrad> okay, thanks GorillaWarfare 10:35 < AlmostGrad> it's happening repeatedly so might as well know the shortest path 10:35 < GorillaWarfare> Anytime 10:35 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 10:36 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:37 < Maple__> Herp. 10:38 < addihockey10> Derp 10:38 < AlmostGrad> i heard lot of people add it to their watchlist if it is discussed in this chatroom, so it would be good if lot of people watched this: 10:39 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 10:39 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:39 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:39 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@] has quit [Changing host] 10:39 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:43 -!- IShadowed_ is now known as IShadowed 10:45 -!- Mezelf14 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Mezelf14] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 10:45 -!- Clinteger [c@unaffiliated/clinteger] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 10:48 < CensoredBiscuit> feeling better Carly? 10:48 < TheDruId> AlmostGrad, could someone combine refs 3 & 12? 10:49 < Carly> CensoredBiscuit better while I can,in some minutes the hell will start again 10:49 < Carly> But thank you. 10:51 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:52 -!- TC|raiding [] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:52 -!- TC|raiding is now known as Timotheus_Canens 10:52 -!- lookingfor [~bsp@] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:52 < AlmostGrad> I can't edit the page anymore, it has full protection now, TheDruid. The refs are in bad shape and need to be written up properly. If it helps, this revision of the Streisand Effect article has many of the refs properly written up: 10:52 -!- Timotheus_Canens [] has quit [Changing host] 10:52 -!- Timotheus_Canens [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Tim-Song] has joined #wikipedia-en 10:52 < lookingfor> anyone can help me with a short text in english ?- english is not my first language.... 10:52 -!- Timotheus_Canens [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Tim-Song] has quit [Client Quit] 10:52 < AlmostGrad> i gtg but leave a msg on my talk page/email if you need anything 10:54 < TheDruId> lookingfor, do you have a linkable draft? 10:56 < Revent> kk 10:58 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 10:59 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 11:02 -!- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 11:02 < Carly> Lol 11:03 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 11:04 -!- Mdann52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:07 < MJ94> addihockey10: 11:08 < addihockey10> MJ94 lol 11:08 < addihockey10> I want watermelon soap now 11:09 < MJ94> NOPE I WAS WRONG THIS IS A COMMERCIAL FOR FRUUUIT 11:09 < GorillaWarfare> o/ MJ94 11:10 < MJ94> hello GorillaWarfare ! 11:10 < MJ94> 11:12 < GorillaWarfare> I'm at work 11:12 < Maple__> Who here wants some cookies? 11:13 < Pharos> i want real cookies 11:13 < Mdann52> That pinged me for some reason.... 11:13 -!- Mdann52 is now known as Cookies52 11:13 < Cookies52> Ha 11:14 < TheDruId> Cookies52, thanks, now I'm hungry. 11:14 < mareklug> Pharos you just reminded me of a musical composition by Annette Peakock from her X-Dreams album: "Real and Defined Androgens" 11:14 * addihockey10 boots 11:14 < addihockey10> Work pl0x 11:14 < kelapstick> cookes? That's a good idea 11:14 < Cookies52> ? 11:15 * Maple__ sudo rm -rf /'s addihockey10's computer 11:15 < kelapstick> having cookies even... 11:15 -!- YE|AFK [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:15 * Maple__ laughs evilly 11:15 < mareklug> Pharos 11:17 < SudoGhost> Did something just happen on Wikipedia with the gadgets and js, or is it just me? 11:17 < Cookies52> Nope 11:18 < Cookies52> Someone just moaned about it in -help 11:18 -!- t3nj1n [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:18 < SudoGhost> Okay. Not a big deal, just wanted to make sure it wasn't on my end. 11:19 < Cookies52> Nope 11:19 -!- shimgray [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:19 -!- shimgray [] has quit [Changing host] 11:19 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:19 < D_> Is jav- oh, I see 11:20 < GorillaWarfare> What's happening? 11:20 < Pharos> we have a cookie gap 11:21 < mareklug> as well as a cookie credibility gap 11:21 < TheDruId> As long as there is no salt mine gap. 11:21 < Pharos> i have been promised cookies too many times to take such things lightly 11:22 < Cookies52> Why did I set cookies to ping me..... 11:22 < Pharos> the only thing i can promise now is free tacos and beer 11:22 < mareklug> I expected that to end more like: I have been promised cookied too many times to take such things with any credulity 11:22 < kelapstick> where do we sign up for the free tacos and beer? 11:22 < Carly> Lol 11:23 * Carly brings Hot Dogs 11:23 < mareklug> kelapstick I believe the requirement involves travel to Brooklyn 11:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GorillaWarfare so where would we stay on the ISS/ 11:23 < Pharos> it's in manhattan tonight 11:23 -!- notconfusing_ [] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 11:23 < Pharos> special taco deal 11:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I get clustrophobic so I will make sure they keep the windows open 11:23 < SudoGhost> kelapstick: Use Taco to stop unwanted cookies. 11:23 -!- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH [~nnscript@wikipedia/The-Thing-That-Should-Not-Be] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:23 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:24 < SudoGhost> :::::::This is the last time I'm going to ask you: if you truly believe that I am doing these things, then take it to [[WP:ANI]]. Otherwise, your own behavior is destroying any credibility for those claims. Take it to [[WP:ANI]], or drop it. 11:24 < SudoGhost> :::::::As for the content: such a quote, if quotes were needed, would be wonderful for a "controvery" or "reception" section to address the displeasure at this individual being "Mandarin", since that quote is not about the actor, it's about controversy surrounding the character. When almost all of a section is quotes they stop becoming "supporting quotes" and become [[WP:QUOTEFARM|the content itself]], and that's not okay. - ~~~~ 11:24 < mareklug> set your browser to accept tacos from third parties 11:24 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 11:24 < kelapstick> hmmm, unfortunately I won't be able to make Manhattan... 11:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug third party tacos sounds like an invitation to disaster 11:24 < GorillaWarfare> ToAruShiroiNeko: Wherever Chris Hadfield is. I want to hang out with him. 11:25 < foks> He's presumably in Canada now. 11:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Canadian astronaut? 11:25 -!- SudoGhost [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:25 -!- SudoGhost [] has quit [Changing host] 11:25 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:25 < foks> He is. 11:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he is in russia I believe 11:25 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko speaking of third parties: "And what costume shall the poor girl wear / To all tomorrow's parties" 11:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he entered russia without a visa 11:25 < GorillaWarfare> [[Chris Hadfield]] 11:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I heard the russian millitary aprihended him 11:26 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko wasn't he launched from Kazachstan? 11:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes 11:26 -!- Huon [~shogunat@wikipedia/Huon] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 11:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which isnt russia 11:26 < foks> Kazakhstan 11:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you shouldnt enter countries without going through customs first right :) 11:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Chris Hadfield is an illegal immigrant :p 11:27 < mareklug> foks 11:27 < Pharos> i don't believe the polish have a say in the matter 11:27 < mareklug> it's a matter of transliteration, which is always arbitrary between cyrilic and roman 11:27 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:27 < Pharos> no, there is ALWAYS a right answer 11:28 < mareklug> Pharos there are 100s of thousands of Poles in Kazachstan 11:28 < foks> poor poles 11:28 < mareklug> theye got there thanks to uncle stalin 11:28 < foks> all the money is in the UK and the conservatory-building business 11:28 < addihockey10> Hey foka 11:28 < addihockey10> Foks 11:28 < Pharos> aren't they all in ireland now? 11:28 < foks> one in every ten people in my city are polish 11:28 < mareklug> Pharos those are different Poles. 11:29 < foks> apparently 11:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug stalin would have been a great travel agent 11:29 < mareklug> Pharos you know the drill: for Jews there are O and S Jews. For Poles likewise 11:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he moved more people than all travel agents in the world combined 11:29 < CensoredBiscuit> is twinkle down? 11:29 < Pharos> the Poles in K can get Polish citizensip, no? 11:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos what about 50% poles? 11:30 < Pharos> a think all the german there left 11:30 < mareklug> as a matter of fact, if you are a child of a Polish citizen you automagically are a Polish citizen 11:30 < mareklug> so lots of kazachs are Poles for that reason alone 11:30 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 11:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug by law? thats cool! 11:30 < mareklug> by Polish law 11:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> most couontries arent so welcoming these days 11:30 < Pharos> can i be a pole? 11:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I for example am not considered south african :( 11:31 < Pharos> i think we left before the polish state 11:31 < mareklug> sure, you just have to be really good in a sport we care about, and the President will make you a pole ine 3 minutes. 11:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why 3 minutes? 11:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> does he have to chant a spell? 11:32 < Pharos> he likes to make a pretty dignature 11:32 < Pharos> *signature 11:32 < mareklug> there is certain red tape latency even for the president of Republic of Poland 11:32 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:32 * ToAruShiroiNeko imagines polish president witha wizard hat chanting some magics 11:32 < IDoH> Hey 11:32 < Pharos> i demand to be a pole! 11:32 * TheDruId casts his own spells. 11:32 < mareklug> we already have various fruitcakes running to be prime minster, so reality is not far from that vision 11:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH I was dreaming about you dreaming about horses 11:33 < IDoH> Really, ToAruShiroiNeko. 11:33 < IDoH> ? 11:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> of course not 11:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am not that creepy 11:33 < mareklug> IDoH he is not that meta 11:33 < IDoH> LOL 11:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> :D 11:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> IDoH I was dreaming about mareklug dreaming you dreaming about horses 11:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> honestly 11:34 < IDoH> Doubt it 11:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> he is THAT meta :p 11:34 < Pharos> i was dreaming about you dreaming about that 11:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos this isnt a dream? 11:34 < Pharos> it was kind of a boring dream 11:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if so can you make me have over 9000 dollars? 11:35 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Carly] 11:35 < Pharos> i suggest you sell your soul. that should get you the collateral for a $9k loan. 11:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm? 11:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont have a soul 11:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was a tax deductavle donation to wikipedia 11:36 < mareklug> Pharos who buys used souls nowadays anyway 11:36 < Pharos> well, I'm not saying you have a $10,000 soul 11:36 < Pharos> but maybe $300 11:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was a discussion with jimbo actually 11:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> here 11:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oh 2006? 11:37 < mareklug> Pharos if ToAruShiroiNeko were to be selling his soul on Ebay, he would have to use the Not working/for parts category 11:37 < TheDruId> Me, too. 11:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm 11:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no 11:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I would have sold it on real estate 11:37 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:37 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko you are just using fancy words to say you would sell it on a bridge 11:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I actually think I would rent it 11:39 < mareklug> Speaking of Kazachstan, this woman is Uzbek, and she is very good 11:39 < mareklug> 11:41 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 11:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Scores of people were killed across Syria Monday as the fighting took another dangerous turn with rebels targeting Hezbollah locations in Lebanon. 11:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what the? 11:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> assad isnt big enough of a problem? 11:42 < Pharos> well, hezb is fighting for assad 11:42 -!- ragesoss_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:42 < Bradford> ._. 11:42 < Pharos> more and more directly 11:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Hezbollah is only fighting for the sake of it 11:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they would fight pebbles if they ran out of people 11:42 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 11:42 < Pharos> this is not untrue 11:43 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko they eat the government soldiers alive. talk about cannon fodder. 11:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think they kill first 11:44 < Pharos> a decent cannibal waits till they're dead first 11:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> someone without a heart is dead 11:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos not true, zombies dont wait for that 11:44 < a930913> mareklug: Cannon fodder would be using the soldiers as cannon fodder ;) 11:44 -!- JZTech101 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:44 -!- 20WACGM5G [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:44 -!- 20WACGM5G [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:44 < Pharos> zombies aren't decent 11:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they are decently horrible 11:44 < mareklug> a930913 that is too canonical a usage for me. 11:44 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:44 -!- JZTech101 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:45 < Pharos> they lack the milk of human kindness 11:45 -!- JZTech101 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:45 < mareklug> even crop milk of flamingo kindness 11:45 -!- Cookies52 [~androirc@wikipedia/Mdann52] has quit [Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( )] 11:45 < a930913> But will Hamas use their long range missiles to fire /over/ Israel and into Syria? 11:45 < Pharos> no 11:45 < mareklug> a930913 you need lessons in geography 11:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 they dont have such a range 11:46 * AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH 11:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hamas only operates from gaza 11:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people confuse PRA with hamas 11:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> gaza is the source of most of the problems in israel 11:46 < Fluffernutter> Thing, change the nick plz? 11:46 < Pharos> hezbollah has bigger and better missiles and is much closer 11:46 -!- Ucucha [8cf70017@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:46 < mareklug> no Hamas missile fell any further North than ssouthern suburbs of Tel Aviv-Jaffe 11:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos hezbollah is overrated 11:47 < a930913> mareklug: ToAruShiroiNeko: That's why I said /over/ ;) 11:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> their logo has an ak47, blah 11:47 -!- Fijit [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:47 < Pharos> so does mozambique i think 11:47 < mareklug> a930913 they would need to subcontract with some capable Air Force to carry these missiles for them. 11:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> cool terrorists use lasers in their logos 11:47 -!- GingerGeek [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug I can suggest FedEx to them 11:47 < Pharos> i would be surprised if any terrorist was that cool 11:47 < a930913> mareklug: Iran? :p 11:48 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 11:48 < mareklug> a930913 Iran does not have a capable air force to even defend Iran. please don't make cruel hoaxes. 11:48 -!- Jayflux1 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:48 < Pharos> unless you count Anonymous types 11:50 < a930913> mareklug: The fun part about Hamas's missile range being pathetically small, is that when their missile falls short and kills people in Gaza, Israel gets the blame. 11:50 < Pharos> i'm starting a new terrorist outfit 11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 israel is at fualt though 11:50 < Pharos> Evil Violent Insurgency League 11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they dont send their citizens into gaza to be hit by the missles 11:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the nerve! 11:50 < mareklug> Hamas missiles is a sport, not a science. It is basically a hobbist cottage industry. These teenagers would be programmers and hackers in US. 11:50 < Pharos> this one will have lasers in the logo 11:50 < TheDruId> I want to be the leader of an anarchist movement... 11:51 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 11:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug umm hackers dont build missles :p 11:51 < Revent> *chuckles* needs more redundancy and camelcase. :) 11:51 * a930913 trouts TheDruId. 11:51 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko sure they do 11:51 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko hackers hack. missiles, refrigerator fans, model railroads. 11:51 < TheDruId> I want to fill a ppol with dry ice, so I can swim without getting wet. 11:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oh in that sense 11:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yes 11:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but they dont build them 11:51 < Revent> Like....EVil violent Insurgency league of eviL 11:51 < TheDruId> Sorry, *pool 11:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hackers should hack other hackers one day 11:52 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko come on. lots of hackers build rockets. they are rocket hackers. 11:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ok ok 11:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there is one guy with a company for it 11:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> spacex 11:52 -!- AlmostGrad [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 11:52 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:52 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: #opisrael? Where the hackers tried to hack Israel and got hacked themselves? :p 11:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont see why people dont complain about his rockets :p 11:53 < Revent> mareklug: 11:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 israel is regularly hacked just like any government 11:53 < mareklug> for every spacex company there are literally hundreds of small time anonymous rocket hackers. the ones in Gaza just put a finer point on it. 11:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug so gaza could be worlds leading space industry? ;D 11:53 < mareklug> indeed. very talented talent. 11:53 < a930913> ToAruShiroiNeko: Yeah, but this was funny, because lots of people said they were going to hack Israel, and it was big news, but they failed pathetically and it backfired :D 11:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 these kiddies tend to hack websites and stuff 11:54 < Pharos> noone has hacked Tuvalu successfully yet 11:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> real hackers steal intelligence and no one knows about it 11:54 < a930913> mareklug: They're just making sugar candy rockets though. 11:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos many .tv domains were hacked 11:54 < Pharos> oh man! 11:54 < Pharos> there goes the perfect record 11:54 < Revent> None were in Tuvalu, tho :) 11:54 < Pharos> good point 11:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tuvalu doesnt even hosts its websites probably 11:55 < mareklug> Pharos tuvalu may soon become an ex-parrot. the sea level is rising and tuvalu is kinda low country. 11:55 -!- SapiensIngentis [a2c0d2c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:55 < Revent> Last I heard they were like a single T1. 11:55 < Pharos> they'll be ok 11:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tuvalu may be the first nation to leave the UN permanantly then 11:55 < Pharos> they can conquer someplace else 11:55 < mareklug> another low country 11:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos probably gaza 11:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what could possibly go wrong with this plan? 11:56 < Pharos> good idea 11:56 < mareklug> at least Tuvalu has a working internatioinal airport 11:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug yes landing through downtown 11:56 < Pharos> they used to have "sea peoples" 11:56 < Pharos> who actually lived in gaza, many of them 11:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mermen? 11:56 < mareklug> 11:57 < Pharos> no, weird pirate barbarians of 1200 bc 11:57 < Revent> *hrms* highest elevation 15'1".... 11:57 < Pharos> who menaced the eastern mediterranean and caused a dark age 11:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think pirates caused it 11:57 < mareklug> Pharos "The airport resides at an elevation of 9 feet (3 m) above mean sea level. It has one runway which is 1,524 metres (5,000 ft) in length.[1]" 11:57 < mareklug> I was not joking about the ex-parrot thing. 3 meters is not a lot of headroom for one's country. 11:57 < Revent> 15' is probably a tree or something. :P 11:57 < TheDruId> Until a lighthouse was built which put them out of business. 11:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> pirates only cause golden ages 11:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if its on One Piece it must be true 11:58 < Pharos> we have some spare islands around 11:58 < Revent> "highest point: unnamed location" 11:58 < Pharos> the USA could lend them one 11:58 < Revent> The biggest hill in the country wasn't worth naming 11:59 < Pharos> the "country" has a population smaller than my high school did 11:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Pharos not much of a high school then 11:59 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:59 < mareklug> "funafuti" is a fun name to say. It should be more popular. 12:00 < Pharos> i think the high school was like 3,000 12:00 < Revent> Yet.....there is a "Geography of Tuvalu" article... 12:00 -!- DivT [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> whats the code for it mareklug? 12:00 < Revent> With 38 references, even... 12:00 < Pharos> not extraordinarily large even 12:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> FUT? 12:00 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko FUN 12:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> fun? that sounds like an airport I dont want to go :p 12:00 < mareklug> and NGFU 12:00 -!- TAP|away is now known as thineantiquepen 12:00 < mareklug> not greatly fucked up 12:01 < Pharos> if you like tis topic than i can rant on this: 12:01 < Pharos> the micronation articles kind of suck 12:01 < mareklug> with a runway of 1500 m you could land a 737 there and make it take off. 12:02 < Pharos> they take the concept way too seriously 12:02 < Pharos> and without context 12:02 < Revent> ^^ 12:02 < Pharos> probably because most of the editors in that subject are micronational "founders" 12:03 < Revent> This is the runway that's 'fun' to land at. 12:03 < Pharos> which is a fine enough hobby in itself 12:03 < mareklug> it has exactly one connection, to Suva, capital of Fiji. From Fiji you can get anywhere, though, in 3 hops or less. 12:03 < Pharos> you can't get from Fiji to Pitcairn 12:03 < mareklug> does Pitcairn have an airport? 12:04 < Pharos> nope 12:04 < Pharos> you have to take the ship from peru to new zealand 12:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug fiji-tokyo direct line, make it happen! 12:04 < Fluffernutter> pitcairn has a cove that only local pilots can get a small boat through, basically. if I recall correctly. 12:04 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Carly] 12:04 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 12:05 < mareklug> "Pitcairn Island does not have an airport or seaport;[38] the islanders rely on longboats to ferry people and goods between ship and shore through Bounty Bay. The island has one small harbour and launch ramp that is used to dock and load long-boats. Because it is small and the water is shallow, only small-craft can fit.[45]" 12:05 < Pharos> yes, the small boats meet and trade with the peru-NZ ships every 6 months i think 12:05 < mareklug> well, that does not count. 12:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why not use hovercrafts? 12:05 * Fluffernutter pats herself on the back for regurgitating the article so well from memory 12:05 < Revent> Cause sweat is free... 12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fluffernutter dont be, its normal for you 12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> <3 12:06 < mareklug> if they ever get an airport while Tuvalu's is still above the sea level, it will then join the ranks of all the places where one can get from Fiji in 3 hops or less. 12:06 < Pharos> Fluffernutter: Pitcairn was a big topic at the last Free Culture NYC meeting :P 12:06 < Fluffernutter> ToAruShiroiNeko: if only i could remember useful things as efficiently as i remember useless ones 12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug as in an aircraft carrier? 12:06 < TheDruId> I don't see any connections from Fiji to Alpha Centauri.... 12:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Alpha Centauri? 12:06 < Pharos> i was frankly astonished by how many ppl there were equally obsessed with it for no particular reason :P 12:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Alpha Centauri, 1171 NE Ulysses Dr, Bend, OR 12:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId why do you want to go to orlando? 12:07 < mareklug> indeed. Beta Centauri is far more interesting. And Proxima Centauri is much closer. 12:07 * TheDruId does /not/ want to go to Orlando. 12:08 < mareklug> OR is not ORLANDO 12:08 < mareklug> and neither is Iowa Ohio 12:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> oregon? 12:08 < mareklug> by the way, Shirik is from Bend 12:09 -!- Ks0stm [~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 12:09 < mareklug> we can send him to take a picture of this Ulysses Dr 12:09 < IShadowed> no? 12:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think its the road 12:10 < Revent> Actually, it's an ugly greenish house. :P 12:10 < Revent> 1171 NE Ulysses, I mean. 12:10 < mareklug> thank heaven for little google earths 12:10 < Revent> I mean, ewww. 12:10 < Revent> Nothing personal, but...what a color. 12:10 < mareklug> hey, it's bend. 12:10 < mareklug> Bend, I mean 12:11 < Revent> Point....the house I grew up in was taupe 12:11 < TheDruId> I like Idaho, but the greenery is replaced by brownery for many months of the year. 12:13 -!- TBloemink is now known as TB|Away 12:13 -!- TheCavalry [~Chase@wikipedia/Chase-me-ladies-Im-the-Cavalry] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:14 < Revent> *ahems* Speaking of google earth.... 12:14 -!- SapiensIngentis [a2c0d2c3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:14 < Revent> The underage might want to avert their eyes.... :) (it's not that bad) 12:14 < Revent> 12:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId: 12:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it has 2 garrages 12:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> one for the car, other for the spacecraft 12:16 < TheDruId> O.o 12:17 -!- Guest41374 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:20 -!- Guest41374 is now known as LtNOWIS2 12:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug and yes 12:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I have been to iowa too 12:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> checked old emails 12:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was a new york to des monies flight with a connection to lansing 12:26 < mareklug> des monies is a fabulous typo for the capital city of Iowa, considering the abundance of insurance company hq there 12:27 < Maple__> \ 12:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> that may explain the weird stop 12:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> She was a sickly four year old, struggling with health problems. The Syrian civil war drove her family into a refugee camp but with the help of relief organizations, an Israeli hospital has given her vital heart surgery. 12:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so israelis dont eat syrian hearts? 12:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> go figure 12:27 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 12:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> must be a syrian delicacy 12:28 < mareklug> revenge is a dish best served cold, they say 12:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> in syria haearts are served warm 12:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as fresh as it gets 12:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> so syrian soldiers are heartless 12:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> because rebels keep eating them? 12:29 -!- GorillaWarfare [6c14245e@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 12:30 < Revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: That was tasteless. :P 12:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> most human hearts are 12:30 < Revent> I'd have guessed porky. 12:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> more people would have liked anime otherwise 12:31 -!- TB|Away [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.] 12:31 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko oh look, even Indiana University has a petaflops computer 12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Big Red II? 12:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what a lame name 12:31 < Pharos> my little sister has a petaflops computer 12:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> iSuperCompute would have been my pick 12:32 < mareklug> your little sister probably has access to legoktm's computer 12:32 < Revent> *lol* do people actually think that display wall is the computer? 12:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I thought legoktm used an abacus to chat online? 12:33 < mareklug> Big Red is a moniker popular in them Hoosier parts. Also, in Oklahoma. 12:33 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:33 < TheDruId> Not since he got superpowers. 12:33 < Revent> *hint Expensive high-performance supercomputers don't have big rfi-producing fluorescent lights on the front. 12:34 < mareklug> Revent it appears to be the cabinets for the thing, yes. 12:34 < mareklug> 12:34 < Pharos> yes they do 12:34 < Pharos> that makes them even more expensive 12:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or the spacecraft to point accurately, at least three reaction wheels are needed, corresponding to the three dimensions (up-down, north-south, east-west). 12:35 < Revent> Ok, yeah, in the better didn't even look like they were conditioned cabinets. 12:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what ahorrible article 12:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> kepler has no east-west 12:35 < mareklug> Revent actually the Connection Machine did have all kinds of blinking lights in color, which made it fun to visit Los Alamos 12:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or north south 12:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its in space 12:36 < TheDruId> Just retook the political compass test; still a radical libertarian. 12:36 < Revent> Really? like bit lights? 12:36 < Pharos> i'm still a radical conformist 12:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> congress should pass a law requiring super computers to have a futuristic LED dashboard 12:36 < TheDruId> Whoso would be a man must be a non-conformist. 12:37 < Revent> *honestly, that photo does look like the cabinets 'parked' in a open room, tho.. 12:37 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko does this mean it is free license? read the thing 12:37 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:37 < mareklug> Revent they probably have plans for expansion or wfitting other crap in that airconditioned space 12:37 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no 12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> doesnt allow comercial use explicitly 12:38 < Revent> Ye, prob...just...not the 'aura' of the normal pics like that I see. 12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> also doesnt allow derivatives explicitly 12:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or free distribution 12:38 < Revent> If you know what I mean. 12:38 < mareklug> Revent 12:39 < Revent> Yes, bit lights. :) 12:39 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko but it looked that all they wanted was attribution and not tying IU to any claims. 12:39 < Revent> * I know that's not the 'real' name... 12:40 < elkng> if it says that 3% of the population are psychopaths, can you imagine how many articles on the wikipedia was written by psychopaths ? 12:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> sure, but wikipedia needs these issues properly mentioned otherwise we assume the contrary 12:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you cant assume anything with copyrights unless explicity stated 12:40 < Pharos> supercomputers should be in the shape of megafauna 12:40 < Pharos> it makes sense 12:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they may add this detail if emailed maybe 12:41 < Revent> The *default assumption* anywhere is that everything is copyrighted....that's the 'legal' way it works. 12:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> not really 12:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its the safe route 12:41 < Pharos> copyright is theft 12:42 < Revent> In the US? Any 'work' is automatically copyrighted unless you specifically release it. 12:42 < Revent> You con't have to 'register' or claim it or anything. 12:42 < Revent> *don't 12:42 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:42 -!- Fradeb2000 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:42 < Revent> Even trivial things, technically. 12:42 < Qcoder00> Much as registration would solve problems with orphan works 12:42 < Revent> Ye... 12:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent load the page before talking 12:43 < TheDruId> All of my work fell under public domain instantly, as product of the federal government. 12:43 < Fradeb2000> hallo 12:43 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas 12:43 < Revent> Pardon, TASN? Load what page? 12:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah 12:43 < Pharos> is it appropriate for radica;l libertarians to be federal employees? 12:44 < Qcoder00> Copyright reform also needs to establish a 'common responsible party' for massive collobratively contributed work 12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we were discussing a text written on a page, weather it counts as free 12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 12:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think it is enough 12:44 < Revent> I'd be more than happy to point you at the Copyright Office FAQ where they discuss registration. 12:44 < Revent> (and the lack of needing it) 12:44 < Qcoder00> I.E For a MASSIVE work like Wikipedia, copyright needs to recognise the right of the WMF to act as though it were the copyright holder , as it's the representitive body of the entire Wikimedia community 12:45 < Revent> Yup...and you explicitly release anything you write on WP. 12:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WMF can barely represent a snail 12:45 < Qcoder00> (in that respect the WMF isn't different from a collecting society) 12:45 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas 12:45 -!- juliancolton [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Juliancolton] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:45 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:45 < Fradeb2000> do we know a wisecrack? 12:45 < Revent> The 'release' it right at the top of the edit window. 12:45 < Revent> *is 12:46 < Qcoder00> Having that in copyright law would let the WMF 'torture' violators :) 12:46 < Qcoder00> XD 12:46 < Qcoder00> possibly by getting someone to "talk" at them for ever 12:46 < TheDruId> Qcoder00, it already blocks, bans, and labels them trolls. 12:46 < Qcoder00> This isn't about violator ON wikipedia... 12:47 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: why? 12:47 < Qcoder00> It's about rip-off leechers 12:47 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: DMCA takendowns exist 12:47 < Qcoder00> True 12:47 < Ironholds> if someone does not obey them, they can be forced against the ISP instead, who will promptly yank their hosting 12:47 < Ironholds> I know this, because I've done it, as a volunteer. 12:47 -!- Onaka [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 12:47 < Qcoder00> On behalf of content that wasn't yours but was nominally WMF hosted? 12:48 < Ironholds> no, but if you see content that isn't yours you can bring it to the attention of whoever it is. 12:48 < Ironholds> it's called a history page. 12:48 < Revent> BTW, "Your work is under copyright protection the moment it is created and fixed in a tangible form that it is perceptible either directly or with the aid of a machine or device. " 12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WICKED (Wikipedia Incentive Copyrights Knowledge Exceptions Delusions) act act 12:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 something like that? 12:48 < Qcoder00> Something liek that 12:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> actual title may be different 12:49 < Qcoder00> Ironholds: I was trying to argue that the WMF should be able to persue violaters of 'any' honestly licensed content on a WMF project.. 12:49 -!- lookingfor [~bsp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 12:50 < Qcoder00> even if the content isn't directly WMF created... 12:50 < Qcoder00> Hence my comment about collecting societies 12:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Congress Respons on Wikipedia (CROW) 12:51 < Revent> *FWIW TASN, I just realize that 'the page' you were talking about copyright on was the 'same' page as the supercomputer convo....slow today I guess. 12:51 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: are you kidding me? we can't do that unless we take on, either solely or jointly, copyrights and responsibilities. 12:51 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:51 < Ironholds> and I doubt we have any issue in that role. 12:52 < Qcoder00> Currently contributors own their contributions... 12:52 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:52 < Ironholds> correct. 12:52 < Qcoder00> but license as GFDL.. 12:52 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:52 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@] has quit [Changing host] 12:52 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:52 < Qcoder00> or CC-BY-SA etc... 12:52 < Ironholds> yes. 12:52 -!- LtNOWIS2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 12:52 < Qcoder00> However, to issue a takedown, requires that the copyright holder files it... 12:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent tis ok :) 12:53 < mareklug> Ironholds ToAruShiroiNeko Qcoder00 12:53 < Qcoder00> I am saying that WMF should be allowed to act collectively on behalf of the wntire community 12:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you were just telling me things I enforce already :p 12:53 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: and I am saying we shouldn't and won't. 12:53 < Ironholds> why does the community licensing have any impact on who can file takedowns/ 12:53 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:53 < Revent> Ye, caught that it wasn't a 'general' statement...eventually. 12:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug looks good 12:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you need to run that trhough OTRS probably 12:54 < Qcoder00> A single Wikipedia contributor does not necessarily have the funds to take on some violators... 12:54 < Qcoder00> A larger body like the WMF might 12:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 we have people like newyorkbard 12:54 < Qcoder00> especially it got a lot of complaints 12:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *brad 12:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> whom wouldnt wory about lawyer fees 12:54 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: DMCA takedowns do not require money. 12:54 < Qcoder00> Iornholds: I can understand your (and thusly the WMF view) 12:55 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko not neccesarily. if they slap a cc license info on the page and if I converted them on doing it by habit from now on, we win. 12:55 < Ironholds> yes, they can be appealed or rejected. 12:55 < Ironholds> I've yet to see this happen 12:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug sure 12:55 < Qcoder00> Iornholds : OK OK 12:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but I would run it through OTRS anyways in case they decide to change the license :p 12:55 < Qcoder00> It started out as a comment that Copyright reform needed to consider who owned massively contributed works... 12:55 < Koi> Anyone in OKC here? 12:55 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: the individual contributors. 12:56 < Koi> probably should take cover in Moore/Norman/southern OKC 12:56 < Ironholds> simple. And reasonable. 12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 copyright reform would need ice cream 12:56 < Koi> Tornado in OKC on the ground :) 12:56 < NotASpy> I'm in favour of ice cream, ToAruShiroiNeko, what size of ice cream cone are you buying me ? 12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi edit protect OKC 12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy I am not 12:56 < Koi> O.o 12:56 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: wat? 12:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a government subsidiary 12:57 < Koi> that is going to be a bad tornado people... in OKC take cover. 12:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi edit protect so tornado doesnt damage it 12:57 < Qcoder00> Ironholds: Indeed it is reasonable, but it is my view that certain large collab projects should have the ability to act on a 'per community' basis as holder of the collab work, as well as the individual contributors... 12:57 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: stfu :P 12:57 < Qcoder00> In the case of Commons images this would be the WMF 12:57 < edditer> Qcoder00: i'm afraid i still didn't understand why your template can't be accessed from 12:57 < Qcoder00> (or maybe chapters) 12:57 -!- GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away] 12:58 -!- GingerGeek[Away] [] has quit [Quit: Bye!] 12:58 < Qcoder00> edditer: I updated the link earlier... 12:58 -!- JoFo [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 12:58 < Qcoder00> It should be readable 12:58 < Koi> large tornado with power flashes heading for Moore/Norman OK south of OKC. 12:59 < Qcoder00> Some collab projects require a copyright assignment, I think GNU does... 12:59 < Qcoder00> Precisely so that the 'project'can act on behalf of it's membership 12:59 < Qcoder00> I am not saying this is something the WMF should do though 12:59 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: okay. that's your view. they can have that ability. 12:59 < Ironholds> there is no legal change required for that to be possible. 13:00 < Qcoder00> I might raise this somwehere appropriate... 13:00 < Qcoder00> Village Pump maybe? 13:00 < NotASpy> what's the proposal Qcoder00 ? 13:00 < Qcoder00> It's more a disscusion 13:01 -!- ocut [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:01 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: we're not going to do it, ergo it's probably not business for wikipedia. 13:01 < edditer> Qcoder00: oh, thank you 13:01 < Ironholds> but again; such a mechanism exists 13:01 < Ironholds> it's called /licensing/ 13:01 < Qcoder00> Can the WMF directly issue a takedown for content that's licensed to Wikipedia? 13:02 < Qcoder00> (even though it's NOT nominally the author) 13:02 < NotASpy> ah yes, I see. 13:02 < Qcoder00> That's my point 13:02 < NotASpy> Qcoder00: little content is licenced TO Wikipedia though. 13:02 -!- Jayflux1 [] has quit [Changing host] 13:02 -!- Jayflux1 [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:02 -!- Jayflux1 is now known as Jayflux 13:03 < Ironholds> Qcoder00: no. no we cannot. 13:03 < Ironholds> us doing so /would not require a legal change/ 13:03 < Koi> THIS IS A TORNADO EMERGENCY FOR MOORE AND SOUTH OKLAHOMA CITY. 13:03 < NotASpy> none of the stuff I release under a CC-BY-SA licence is explicitly licenced to WMF. 13:03 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas 13:03 < Ironholds> I want to make that clear; the existing legal infrastructure makes that possible. 13:03 < Koi> O.o why did that go in caps. 13:03 * Koi slaps client. 13:03 < Ironholds> what would need to change is our license. that's all. 13:04 < Ironholds> NotASpy: this is deliberate 13:04 -!- Sarrus [~Sarrus@wikipedia/Sarrus] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:04 -!- keyn [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi no tornados here in brussles 13:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its too boring even for tornados 13:04 * NotASpy saw a Tornado today. 13:05 < Koi> 13:05 < Koi> this is bad... 13:05 * a930913 wonders if CBNG is down. 13:05 < Qcoder00> Ironholds: Thank you 13:06 < a930913> 21:04 -!- CBNGRelay [~CBNGRelay@] has quit [Client exited] 13:06 < Qcoder00> My next question, What changes would be needed so that the WMF can persue violations of Wikipedia content independently? 13:07 < Qcoder00> And importantly would those changes gain community support? 13:07 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:07 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:07 < TheDruId> Why would they need to? There's no profit motive. 13:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi that sucks! 13:08 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: This is the Moore 1999 tornado all over again. 13:08 < Qcoder00> TheDruid: Do you like the idea of leechers making money on unattributed Wikipedia content? 13:09 < Qcoder00> (OK I think I am getting into straw men territory here) 13:09 < Qcoder00> Ironholds: Thanks 13:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why do people live there Koi? 13:09 < TheDruId> Qcoder00, unattributed, no, but they're free to with attributed, so a simple request and reminder should be fine. 13:09 < Koi> Because idk But srsly. 13:09 < Koi> This is just... Pray for anyone there.... 13:09 -!- armufox1 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:11 -!- armufox [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:11 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:11 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:12 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:12 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host] 13:12 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:13 < Fyre> Holy fuck, 2 hours waiting times at the canadian customs! 13:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fyre dont complain, enjoy the maple syrup 13:13 < TheDruId> other news, Justin Bieber wants to be taken seriously. ?!Seriously? 13:13 < Fyre> ToAruShiroiNeko: i have a magical card that will cut that time to 30 seconds sort :) 13:14 < harej> Fyre, if you're taking Amtrak that's normal 13:14 < Fyre> harej: nope, by car. 13:14 < mareklug> Fyre as long as the canadian police does not taser you, you have no worries 13:14 < Fyre> good idea :} 13:15 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mmm 13:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tasers? 13:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> canadians use tasers? 13:15 < Fyre> i'm just filling on food and then i'll take the NEXUS lane :) 13:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dont anyone surrender with the promise of maple syrup? 13:15 < Bradford> ._. 13:15 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNekoński_Taser_incident 13:16 < Fyre> see this :) 13:16 -!- Solarra [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:16 -!- Solarra [] has quit [Changing host] 13:16 -!- Solarra [~Solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> He was tasered five times[4] by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) at the Vancouver International Airport in Richmond, British Columbia. 13:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why is the mounted police in the airport?! 13:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wouldnt they have to unmount? 13:17 < mareklug> like American Cheese, it is an oxymoron 13:17 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving] 13:17 < Fyre> ToAruShiroiNeko: in a international airport, it's considered federal territory 13:17 < kelapstick> they park their horses outside 13:17 < BlastHardcheese> they were mounted on scooters obviously 13:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fyre sure but how do you get a horse inside an airport? 13:17 -!- Sixsmith [41af89e1@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 13:17 -!- guillom is now known as basile 13:17 < BlastHardcheese> carefully 13:17 < Fyre> fold it. 13:17 < mareklug> they were mounted on their giant pricks of tasers, obviously 13:18 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko they make ponies just for airport duty 13:18 < mareklug> they are called duty-free ponies 13:18 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:18 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> DFPs? 13:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> cool! 13:18 < BlastHardcheese> hehheh you said doody 13:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I would have went with MapLe Ponies 13:19 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 13:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mareklug mile and a quarter wide debris? 13:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 1.25 miles? 13:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 2 kilometers? 13:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi why the fuck anyone live there? 13:21 < Koi> This is bad... 13:21 < Fyre> this just in 13:21 < Koi> Seriously, idgas what religion you are, pray to WHOMEVER that they're okay. 13:21 -!- Fijit [] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 -] 13:21 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:21 < Koi> 1+ mile wide wedge tornado EF4-5 strength heading RIGHT for Moore OK. 13:21 < Fyre> national weather services issue a rare tornado emergency for Oklahoma City 13:22 < Koi> Rain/debris-wrapped large wedge tornado. 13:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Fyre just in time to be incompetent? 13:22 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Never look where you come from , but where you're going.] 13:22 < Koi> 2mi wide debris ball. 13:22 < Koi> crossing the interstate right now. 13:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its crossing i35? 13:23 < Koi> holy shit that's bad. 13:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 2 kilometers 13:23 < Koi> yes... turn to TWC 13:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am 13:23 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: its 2 MILES wide now. 13:23 < Koi> not 2 KM 13:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 2.25 miles?! 13:23 < Koi> yeah, this sucks. 13:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 3.6 kilometers? 13:23 < Koi> NWS in Norman is hunkered down most likely. 13:23 < NotASpy> oh dear, the Americans don't like their tornados being measured in metric, do they, ToAruShiroiNeko 13:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi it sucks indeed 13:24 < Koi> NotASpy: lol. 13:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> NotASpy I only understand metric 13:24 < Koi> "...THIS IS A TORNADO EMERGENCY FOR MOORE AND SOUTH OKLAHOMA CITY..." 13:24 < Koi> That thing is fucking huge. 13:24 < Koi> That looks like a MOUNTAIN, not a tornado. 13:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I dont think people get their warnings from here 13:24 < Koi> I'm almost in tears... this sucks horribly.. 13:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi just help with recovery 13:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why do they not cut the power? 13:24 < Koi> I may do such.... 13:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> seriously 13:25 < Koi> Because then people can't get information! 13:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> do they enjoy fires? 13:25 < NotASpy> better with one of these. 13:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> radios work without power 13:25 < Koi> a ton of people get their info from internet streaming or TV 13:25 -!- David_Stevenson [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:25 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: Weather radios do. Others, not really... 13:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi the neighbourhood the tornado is passing through shouldnt have power IMHO 13:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they probably cant cut power selectively though 13:26 < Koi> They NEED to have the power to allow anyone NOT in a shelter to get into one after getting the info. 13:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi more people may die due to fires maybe :/ 13:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I suppose fires arent an issue with tornados 13:26 < TheDruId> They also risk disconnecting power to those on medical systems which rely on it. 13:27 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: Not really... 13:27 < Koi> TheDruId: ++ 13:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> TheDruId the power will die either way. 13:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> underground powerlines is a solution though 13:27 < Solarra> ToAruShiroiNeko: hai :-) 13:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> o hai Solarra 13:27 < TheDruId> ToAruShiroiNeko, If you're psychic, sure. 13:28 < Qcoder00> 2 mile wide debris ball from a Tornado? 13:28 < Qcoder00> WhoaH! 13:29 < Qcoder00> Any news links? 13:29 < Koi> 35 looks like shit right now. 13:29 < Koi> Qcoder00: 13:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> pilot isnt having a good day Koi 13:29 < Koi> still have tons of power flashes.... 13:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> shouldnt he hide his adress :p 13:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> proposed lake is having a makeover 13:30 < Koi> they lost the pilot's signal. 13:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moore high school is no more 13:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi happens in wireless transmissions 13:30 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: could you be a little more respectful? and that is getting EVEN bigger now. 13:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I am not joking 13:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I cant imagine the destruction 13:31 < Koi> It is going to be horrible. 13:31 < Koi> EF5.... in all honesty it's unlikely to be less. 13:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> It is horrible aleady 13:31 < Koi> Tornado is getting tighter (i.e. faster) 13:32 < Qcoder00> Anyone know who the NPR affiliate in the region is? 13:32 < Koi> "So big it doesn't look like a tornado" 13:33 < Qcoder00> KGOU has live coverage 13:34 < Koi> KFOR does too. 13:34 -!- Wiki13|afk [~Wiki13@wikimedia/Wiki13] has quit [Quit: While there's life, there's hope.] 13:34 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:34 < Koi> KFOR is the best weather coverage in OKC 13:34 < Koi> tornado looks to be narrower but faster. 13:35 < TheDruId> KOSU, KGOU, KCSC according to NPR website. 13:35 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: ITN this now. 13:35 < Koi> TheDruId: NPR sux0rz doe :( 13:35 < Koi> for weatehr at least. 13:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I can't 13:35 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: porque no? 13:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its not even on cnn yet 13:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no one would approve it just yet 13:36 < Koi> it's roping out. 13:36 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: Its hell all over CNN 13:36 < Koi> tornado roping out. It's over for now. 13:36 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 13:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> not seeing it 13:37 < BlastHardcheese> did anyone white die yet, otherwise it's not news 13:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you are getting local news 13:38 < Koi> 13:38 < Koi> BlastHardcheese: I guarantee you people died. 13:38 < Koi> 13:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I dont see it, you get local news 13:38 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: No I don't,, I'm not in OKC or anywhere near... 13:38 < Qcoder00> KGOU saying some large hailstones possible in some areas. 13:38 < Koi> look at the homepage ToAruShiroiNeko 13:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am 13:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> all I see is syria 13:39 < Koi> nobody careas if it's on the Intenational version. 13:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> your home page and mine are different 13:39 < Koi> CNN's international version doesn't cover US things. 13:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> koi it does if important enough 13:39 < Koi> only if obama is involved though. 13:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> not really 13:40 < Koi> It's cnn, their bias is horrible. 13:40 < mareklug> Koi as opposed to whose reporting? 13:40 < Koi> mareklug: idk, everyones bias is horrible. 13:41 < kelapstick> it's not on CNN front page international but is on 13:41 < Koi> kelapstick is what i told them! 13:41 < kelapstick> yes but you didn't like to the US edition 13:41 < Koi> I did too.. 13:41 < Koi> 13:42 < kelapstick> not your first link 13:42 < TheDruId> I rely on the BBC for impartial coverage about events in the US. 13:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I dont care, ITN people will probably complain 13:42 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: let them complain, and ell them they're heartless bastards. 13:43 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> koi they do this regularly 13:43 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has quit [Quit: heatherw] 13:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 20 pakistanis getting summary executions? not notable enough 13:43 < Koi> Do you SEE the images, i35 is totaled with cars. 13:43 < kelapstick> TheDruId 13:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I see it but I dont count 13:44 < Koi> oh my god. 13:44 < Koi> hundreds of houses literally gone. 13:44 < Koi> literally. GONE. completely. 13:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which is probably why the tornado died so quickly? 13:45 < Koi> er, no? 13:45 < Koi> Tornadoes are not impacted by debris? 13:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> friction must have an impact in slowing it down I'd imagine :/ 13:45 < Koi> Nope. 13:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it costs energy to shred a house 13:46 < Koi> Tornadoes are impacted by shear in the upper atmosphere, that's how they're formed, etc, not by debris. 13:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm 13:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I sppose 13:46 < Koi> oh my....... that high school is gone. literally whole BLOCKS are gone. 13:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I told you 13:47 < BlastHardcheese> boom goes the dynamite 13:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> BlastHardcheese shut the fuck up for once? 13:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you dont always have to troll 13:48 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko++ 13:48 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:49 -!- AaronBale [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 13:50 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:51 -!- AaronBale [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:51 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:53 < TheDruId> Tornados are impacted by debris, but the effect is negligible compared to the amount of energy involved, like with most natural disasters. 13:55 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has quit [Changing host] 13:55 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> on a semi related note 13:55 < ToAruShiroiNeko> whenever I see a tornado video I think of jupiter 13:56 < Koi> TheDruId: lrn to spl tornadoEs pls 13:56 -!- thineantiquepen is now known as TAP|away 13:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> exactly fire 13:56 -!- lookingfor [~bsp@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:56 < TheDruId> no E. 13:57 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: that's a gas fire, that'd happen with ANYTHING. 13:57 < Koi> that happens with EARTHQUAKES for petes sake... 13:57 < TheDruId> this was hoaxing in Wikipedia recently. 13:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi sure 13:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why is it allowed on a tornado zone? 13:58 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: tornadoes happen everywhere... Italy, Germany, China, etc. even. 13:58 < TheDruId> 13:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi no 13:58 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: Yes, actually. 13:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> not like the US 13:58 < Koi> They do. 13:59 < Koi> There have been EF3-5 tornadoes in almost everywhere on Earth. 13:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I never seen a tornado in italy 13:59 < Koi> They happen. 13:59 < Lnmow> 14:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I never heard of a 2km wide tornado over anywhere but the US 14:01 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@2602:306:cdc9:2150:ea92:a4ff:fef4:46ff] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:01 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@2602:306:cdc9:2150:ea92:a4ff:fef4:46ff] has quit [Changing host] 14:01 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:01 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: They happen. 14:01 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [] 14:01 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they dont do the same damage 14:02 < Koi> ... 14:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there are mountains and stuff in the way 14:02 < Koi> They do though. 14:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I havent heard of it in a lifetime 14:03 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 14:03 < ToAruShiroiNeko> nothing that powerful 14:03 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [Client Quit] 14:03 < edditer> Qcoder00: in the syntax you used, what generates the string "this article"? 14:04 < Qcoder00> {{PAGENAME}} 14:04 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:04 < Qcoder00> I'm using ambox 14:04 < Bradford> ._. 14:04 < edditer> Qcoder00: i thought that one showed the page name only, not the *literal* "this article" 14:04 < edditer> (preceding the title) 14:04 < Qcoder00> "This article" is generated by ambox 14:04 < Qcoder00> :) 14:04 < edditer> oh 14:04 < edditer> let me check that out 14:04 < Qcoder00> Sorry got confused 14:06 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:06 -!- lookingfor [~bsp@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 14:06 < edditer> i'm not much into templates; so your template uses another template :) 14:06 < Koi> "AT 355 PM CDT...A TORNADO WAS LOCATED NEAR AVANT...MOVING NORTHEAST AT 45 MPH. INDICATIONS ARE THIS COULD BECOME A LARGE TORNADO! THIS IS A LIFE THREATENING SITUATION!" happening again for north of tulsa.. 14:06 -!- Ks0stm [~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:08 < a930913> Stop talking about tornadoes, I want to see most of the Conservatives move to UKIP. :D 14:08 < Koi> a930913: This is -en, not -en-noweathernerds 14:08 < NotASpy> I trust Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt are bout. 14:09 < NotASpy> a930913: I want to see most of the Conservatives fuck off to another planet. 14:09 < TheDruId> Ha! The diagnosis lingered through the second-half of the 50th century... 14:09 < Ironholds> NotASpy: we tried that; none of the other bodies would have them 14:10 -!- mattbuck [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:10 < TheDruId> 14:11 < NotASpy> Ironholds: I bet a fair few choked on their British Porridge this morning - leaving the EU will make you poor and ruin your business - that's head exploding stuff for the swivel eyed loons. 14:11 < Ironholds> NotASpy: I won't miss any of em ;p 14:11 -!- YE|AFK [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:11 -!- Lnmow [~Miranda@unaffiliated/lnmow] has quit [Quit: Soupir] 14:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people really hide in closets? 14:13 < BlastHardcheese> haven't you heard of "being in the closet" 14:14 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:15 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:15 < NotASpy> ToAruShiroiNeko: how else would you get to Narnia. Idiot. 14:15 < TheDruId> Wherever in the structure is most internal, such as the space my water heater is in. 14:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if the roof is gone what differene does it make? 14:17 < Koi> "AT 408 PM CDT...A LARGE AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TORNADO WAS LOCATED NEAR VERA...MOVING NORTHEAST AT 20 MPH. THIS LIFE THREATENING TORNADO IS CAPABLE OF EXTREME DAMAGE! A LARGE AND EXTREMELY DANGEROUS TORNADO IS ON THE GROUND! THIS IS A LIFE THREATENING SITUATION!" <--- North of Tulsa, happening again. 14:17 < Ironholds> Koi: love of god, caps lock is /not/ cruise control for awesome 14:17 < Ironholds> to steal an excellent line 14:17 < Koi> Ironholds: it's not me. 14:18 < Koi> Ironholds: blame the NWS.. 14:18 < Koi> 14:18 < Ironholds> really? someone else comes by your machine and pastes it into your IRC client? 14:18 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:18 < Matthew_> Ironholds: NWS always does caps, they're just that awesome :P 14:18 < Ironholds> or do you mean "I manually retrieve the information and paste it in this channel after several people ask me not to and can't be arsed to type it out in a less disruptive way" 14:18 < Koi> Ironholds: erm, I don't reember being asked to stop using caps when it's not even me but ok. 14:19 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi you can use ms word to fix it 14:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> just a thought 14:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> also there is little reason to report it here 14:19 < Koi> so you'd rather me spend 10000 minutes fixing it than just paste it? 14:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 226 people on channel are mostly not even in the US 14:20 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> koi it would take you 5-10 seocnd at most 14:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> with 3-4 additional clicks 14:20 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: im not magicly fast. 14:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jacktown? 14:21 < a930913> Koi: Make a bot to report to ##weather-usa 14:21 < Koi> is that a channel? 14:22 < Matthew_> Channel doesn't exist 14:22 * Koi made it :P 14:22 < a930913> That's because you're not in it ;) 14:22 < Koi> who can make a bot to read a RSS feed and report it. 14:22 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:22 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ [] has quit [Changing host] 14:22 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:23 < a930913> Koi: Google can. 14:23 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I can but I am rather busy 14:23 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:23 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: I'd think it wouldn't be too hard : 14:23 < Koi> :( 14:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I am temted to create a bot for weather and earthquakes 14:24 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 14:24 -!- Jayflux1 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:24 -!- Bradford is now known as Pote 14:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi I am busy with other tasks 14:24 < NotASpy> Koi: copy and paste into something like Word that lets you change all the text to lower case, then delete it and don't bother pasting it in here. 14:24 -!- Jeske_Couriano_ is now known as Jeske_Couriano 14:24 < Koi> ToAruShiroiNeko: ok 14:24 < Koi> NotASpy: futoo 14:24 -!- mattbuck [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:25 < Koi> here's a CAP feed if anyone likes bots :) 14:25 < NotASpy> Koi: I don't want the weather in Japan any more than I want the weather from Oklahoma. 14:25 < a930913> Koi: If you make a script that prints to stdout, I can throw it onto my irccat. 14:25 < NotASpy> if it's not covered vaguely by the shipping forecast, I don't really give more than a passing toss. 14:25 < Koi> hmmph 14:25 < Koi> I cant script. 14:25 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE 14:25 < Koi> a930913: 14:26 < Koi> <--- theres a CAP feed. 14:26 < Koi> *ATOM feed sorry 14:27 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:27 < a930913> Koi: That does it all for you, what do you need me for? 14:27 < Koi> Running it? I don't know how to run that :P 14:27 < NotASpy> Start > Run >, of course. 14:28 < a930913> Koi: Just run "rss2irc" 14:28 < Koi> a930913: I'm on cloud. 14:28 < Koi> oh. 14:28 < Koi> i think I get this. 14:29 < a930913> Koi: Is that a euphamism for high? 14:29 < Koi> a930913: lolno 14:30 < Koi> a930913: er, I can't run that. 14:30 < Koi> do I have to download something? 14:30 < Koi> can't someone do it for me :( 14:30 * Koi is stupid :( 14:30 < a930913> Koi: Downloading rss2irc would probably be useful. 14:30 < Koi> a930913: grrr I'll give you a strawberry if you do it for me 14:30 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:31 < Koi> but make the channel ##nws-feed 14:31 -!- Pote [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:31 < a930913> Koi: Make me an account. 14:31 < a930913> Koi: So I can SSH in. 14:31 < Koi> Koi: on IRC? 14:31 < Koi> an account where? 14:32 < a930913> Koi: Wherever you want to run the bot. 14:32 < Koi> a930913: I don't have a server. 14:32 < Koi> I thought YOU did. 14:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a930913 he isnt that computer litterate to set up an SSH :p 14:32 < Koi> I'm really not... 14:32 < a930913> Koi: Well what computer are you using now? 14:32 < Koi> windows 7 dell XPS 13 14:33 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas 14:33 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:33 < Koi> I can ping Flizzy when he gets back. 14:34 -!- Matthew_ [~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Quit: Catch y'all later!] 14:34 -!- Pote is now known as Bradford 14:35 < NotASpy> Koi: what languages can you code in ? 14:35 -!- Bradford [] has quit [Changing host] 14:35 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi seems like death count will be very high 14:35 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:35 -!- Bradford is now known as Pote 14:35 < Koi> NotASpy: English and not anything computery. 14:35 -!- tttb [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 14:35 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:35 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: bai] 14:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi a lot of 3rd graders are being "pulled out" 14:37 < Koi> I realize that. 14:37 < TheDruId> On my way out. See you all some other day. :D 14:37 < NotASpy> tara 14:39 -!- TheDruId [4aeff6fa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has left #wikipedia-en [] 14:42 -!- heatherw [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:42 -!- heatherw [] has quit [Changing host] 14:42 -!- heatherw [~hwalls@wikimedia/heatherawalls] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:42 < a930913> Well, I can't find a windoze friendly rss-irc bot. 14:43 -!- DivT [] has quit [Quit: - nbs-irc 2.39 - -] 14:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 75 people kids possibly dead? 14:44 < Carly> I was watching some news of Syris 14:44 < Carly> Syria :( 14:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> this is in the US 14:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> tornado destorys and elementary school 14:45 < David_Stevenson> !admin please protect 14:45 < SerajewelKS> looking 14:45 < Carly> I am worried about the Tornado,but mainly in.Syria 14:45 < Carly> The war :( 14:45 < David_Stevenson> -_- 14:46 < SerajewelKS> David_Stevenson: it looks like one user and two IPs, can those just be blocked? 14:47 < NotASpy> David_Stevenson: no chance, no edits in 8 hours. 14:47 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:47 < SerajewelKS> the bulk of the vandalism is this: 14:48 < SerajewelKS> he only received one automated warning, whoever reverted the vandalism did not do a good job warning him 14:48 < SerajewelKS> but if it starts back up it will probably be from this one IP 14:48 -!- tttb [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:48 < SerajewelKS> protection is not necessary 14:48 < Peter-C> Sweet 14:49 < Peter-C> Someone parked in the middle of the main street in my town 14:49 < Peter-C> And left 14:49 < Carly> Lol 14:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Peter-C thats cool 14:50 < Koi> Who's a Checkuser on enwp that wants to check a block? 14:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> half should be towed north other half south 14:50 < David_Stevenson> um, no, there was unwanted edits coming from,,, Silvea12,,, and Krakheadmgee 14:50 < David_Stevenson> all since May 19 14:50 < Carly> Yes even thee is people that eat cakes and hot dogs in the middle of a class 14:50 < Carly> Xd 14:50 < Carly> There* 14:51 < Koi> !checkuser is that a stalkword? #wikipedia-en-help block review pls 14:52 < NotASpy> David_Stevenson: I've put pending changes on, see if that keeps the vandals away. 14:52 -!- Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk 14:52 -!- t3nj1n [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:53 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:54 < Koi> !checkuser pls help 14:55 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas 14:55 < Koi> someone 14:55 < Koi> !checkuser 14:56 < NotASpy> Koi: nobody stalks that any more. 14:56 -!- Maple__ [Maple@trivialand/genius/maple] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"] 14:56 < JohnLewis> Koi: You'll have to contact a checkuser. 14:57 -!- Celebi [gwickwire@unaffiliated/celebi] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:57 < Celebi> !checkuser pls #wikipedia-en-help 15:00 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Koi bodies probably showered into that lake 15:03 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:04 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:04 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:04 -!- Dcoetzee|2 [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:06 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (] 15:06 -!- Celebi [gwickwire@unaffiliated/celebi] has left #wikipedia-en [] 15:07 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium] 15:08 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:08 -!- lukas|away [uid7848@wikipedia/Lukas23] has quit [Quit: Connection closed for inactivity] 15:09 < Qcoder00> Speaking of tornadoes, Which Wikipedia article? 15:09 < Qcoder00> Or does WP:TOOSOON Apply? 15:09 -!- David_Stevenson is now known as Moe_Epsilon 15:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 I think there is info out there but its not reliable 15:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a parents phone call is not a reliable source 15:11 -!- Solarra_ [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:12 -!- gruz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:14 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:14 -!- snail [~yeatesst@] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:15 -!- Jayflux1 [] has quit [Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )] 15:16 -!- Moskau [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:18 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:18 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@] has quit [Changing host] 15:18 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:20 * AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH eats a burger with a 1/3 pound patty, a chicken breast, 2 thick strips of bacon, pastrami, and 3 kinds of cheese. 15:20 < Carly> Hahaga xd 15:20 * Carly laughs 15:22 < foks> "patty" 15:22 < foks> lol 15:22 -!- Fae is now known as Faesleep 15:22 < Carly> Hi foks :D 15:23 -!- Solarra_ [~solarra@wikipedia/Solarra] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 15:23 < foks> hi 15:26 < thedj> wow, that tornado in moore.... 15:27 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Lots of tornadoes 15:27 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> 15:27 < edditer> Qcoder00: still there? 15:27 < Carly> Haha 15:27 < Qcoder00> Yes 15:27 < thedj> yup, but that moore looks like it might have been quite deadly 15:27 < edditer> Qcoder00: what do you think about this ? 15:28 < Qcoder00> Support on Wheels! 15:28 < thedj> hit the hospital head on, and a school. 15:28 < Carly> Oh :( 15:28 < edditer> Qcoder00: i don't know how these projects work, but it seems reasonable to assume that we need to get some editors to subscribe to it :) 15:29 < Qcoder00> Of course 15:31 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:31 -!- JKL|lejos is now known as JKL1234- 15:32 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:33 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:33 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Wow, that tornado... 15:33 < AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH> Is that specific tornado still being tracked? 15:33 < Ironholds> Thing, stop playing silly buggers. 15:34 -!- snail [~yeatesst@] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:35 -!- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH is now known as SuicidalZerg 15:35 < Carly> Hahahaha 15:35 -!- Censored_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:35 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:35 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:37 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:37 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 15:37 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:37 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:37 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:38 < edditer> anybody that wants to support the prerequisites initiative, please subscribe here: 15:38 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:38 < edditer> i hope this does not qualify as spam :) 15:38 -!- Matthew_ [d0ba761a@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:39 -!- Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter 15:39 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 15:41 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:41 -!- Censored_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:42 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:45 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:45 < thedj> wow, journo reporting she's been helping for 1,5 hour at a site. pulled out 4 bodies at that effort. 15:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah 15:50 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:50 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@] has quit [Changing host] 15:50 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:52 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:02 -!- mau911 [bd8a9998@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:02 < mau911> hi 16:02 < mau911> is this the wikipedia english channel? 16:02 -!- mau911 [bd8a9998@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Client Quit] 16:02 < Carly> No I guess 16:02 < Carly> Xd 16:04 -!- Writ_Keeper [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:05 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:05 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@] has quit [Changing host] 16:05 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:09 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 16:09 < NotASpy> Carly: don't do that again. 16:10 -!- Hazard-SJ is now known as Hazard-Away 16:10 < Carly> NotASpy what the hell you mean? 16:10 < Carly> I didn't anything 16:10 -!- D1000|Away is now known as Demiurge1000 16:10 < NotASpy> when a user asks if this is the Wikipedia English channel "No I guess" is not the correct response. 16:10 < Matthew_> NotASpy: Ummm... said user left :/ 16:11 < Carly> Exactly 16:11 < Carly> Open your eyes or are you blind? 16:11 < Carly> :| 16:11 < NotASpy> Matthew_: possibly because the first person said "No I guess". 16:11 < Matthew_> NotASpy: No, they left before Carly said anything. 16:12 < Carly> I said that after he left 16:12 < NotASpy> showing you said that before he left with me. 16:12 < Carly> NotASpy No 16:12 < Matthew_> No, not for me. 16:13 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:13 < NotASpy> fair enough. 16:13 < Carly> :| 16:13 < Carly> This peoplw is blind 16:13 * Carly runs away 16:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Tornado is ITNable 16:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> if it isnt already 16:18 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:18 -!- Matthew__ [d0ba761a@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:19 -!- Matthew_ [d0ba761a@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:19 -!- ChrisGualtieri [~IceChat77@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:20 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:21 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas 16:22 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:23 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:24 -!- Matthew__ is now known as Matthew_ 16:29 -!- jakr [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:29 -!- jakr [] has quit [Changing host] 16:29 -!- jakr [~jake@unaffiliated/jakr] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:30 -!- Matthew_ [d0ba761a@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:31 -!- Matthew_ [d0ba761a@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:32 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 2 dozen 3rd graders maybe killed 16:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or more 16:32 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:32 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:36 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:36 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:37 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:37 < ChrisGualtieri> ToAruShiroiNeko pm 16:42 * mattbuck waits for that to become an NRA talking point 16:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mattbuck what? 16:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> projectiles were involved 16:46 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:46 < mattbuck> "tornadoes kill children so why doesn't the government stop tornadoes instead of taking our guns?" 16:46 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas 16:46 < RingtailedFox> rofl 16:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the NRA isnt that heartless I hope 16:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> because I would strangle pierre if he stated that 16:48 < BlastHardcheese> nuke the tornadoes 16:48 -!- PCChris_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:49 < mattbuck> ToAruShiroiNeko, have you not listened to anything they've ever said? 16:49 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:49 < mattbuck> I mean, that is a good policy for life, but still... 16:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I have 16:51 -!- shimgray [~andrew@wikimedia/Shimgray] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:52 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 16:53 -!- Hazard-Away is now known as Hazard-SJ 16:53 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 16:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 7+20-30 children possibly killed 16:55 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:55 -!- RingtailedFox [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 16:55 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:57 < mattbuck> -3 16:59 < Carly-> *<[:-) 16:59 < Carly-> Happy Birthday! 16:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no 16:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 7 confirmed 16:59 -!- jakr [~jake@unaffiliated/jakr] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 20-30 more possibly 16:59 < nas> Anyone here with a Flickr account? 16:59 < nas> Flickr Pro* 16:59 < NotASpy> nas: yes. 17:00 < NotASpy> subscripted to 14th May 2014 on a 2 year recurring sub. 17:00 < nas> Should I still keep it (It expires in September) with the terabyte of storage? 17:00 -!- Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away 17:00 < nas> / Should I renew it? 17:00 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@wikipedia/fox2k11] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:00 < NotASpy> if I understand it correctly, if you renew on or before the due date, you get unlimited storage, unlimited uploads and no ads. 17:01 < nas> Yes 17:01 < nas> That's when you were limited to 200 photos. 17:01 < nas> Now you have a terabyte. 17:01 < nas> But I hate ads. 17:01 < nas> so 17:01 < NotASpy> but you only get 300mb upload per month. 17:01 < Carly-> Oh is the Tornado? 17:01 < Carly-> That sad :( 17:01 < Carly-> Yes 17:01 < Carly-> No 17:02 < NotASpy> it'll take you 30 years to upload to the 1TB limit. 17:02 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:02 -!- Matthew_ [d0ba761a@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:03 < nas> OMG 17:03 < nas> NotASpy: "Flickr Pro is no longer available for purchase, but many of the Pro-only features are now part of free Flickr accounts." 17:04 < nas> Flickr messed this up 17:04 < nas> Shitz 17:07 < mareklug> nas a TB of storage on a real harddrive is now 60 dollars, so... 17:07 < nas> When we had unlimited 17:07 < nas> -.- 17:08 < foks> Holy shit, Jose Mourinho is 1/9 to go to Chelsea 17:08 < foks> 1/9! 17:08 < nas> This makes me want to cry 17:08 < foks> crikey 17:08 * Carly- hugs nas 17:08 < Carly-> BOYS DONT.CRY 17:08 < foks> well they do 17:09 < nas> I said it makes me want to cry. 17:09 < nas> I didn't say I was 17:09 < nas> :p 17:09 < Carly-> Foks the gay ones 17:09 < nas> wtf 17:09 -!- GorillaWarfare is now known as GW|Away 17:09 < Ironholds> Carly-: No, many boys (and men) cry, sexuality is redundant in that. 17:09 < nas> Carly-: Let me tell you, if a relative dies, I will cry. 17:10 < nas> I did when my aunt died in December. 17:10 < Carly-> Nah Is pretty to see a guy crying 17:10 < Carly-> So loving 17:10 < Carly-> Tender 17:10 < Carly-> Xd 17:10 < Carly-> IronHolds just kidding 17:10 < nas> I made it all the way until when we were closing her casket at the funeral. 17:10 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Quit: Carly-] 17:10 < nas> before I started 17:10 < nas> so emotional… still 17:11 < Ironholds> I will resist the urge to make an insensitive joke. 17:11 < nas> Please don't.. 17:11 < nas> but 17:11 < nas> Should I cancel my Pro subscription? 17:11 < nas> Now? 17:11 < mareklug> Ironholds you like Morrissey? 17:11 < nas> Or wait until it expires 17:12 < Ironholds> mareklug: strictly-speaking for me to make that insensitive joke I'd have to be his parent. 17:12 < mareklug> nascar1996's or Morrissey's? 17:12 < Ironholds> Morrisey 17:12 < Ironholds> nas is not an insensitive joke 17:13 < mareklug> nas are you a sensitive joke? 17:14 < mareklug> Steven Patrick Morrissey (born 22 May 1959), known as Morrissey, is an English singer and lyricist. 17:14 < mareklug> he is younger than me 17:14 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:14 < nas> oh jesus christ 17:14 < mattbuck> the current f1 champion, the TRIPLE champion, is younger than me >_< 17:14 < mareklug> many things have been said of Morrissey, but being Jesus Christ is not one of them, I don't think 17:15 < mattbuck> also "I like his music"? 17:16 < nas> mattbuck: Is everyone younger than you? :p 17:16 < mareklug> Morrissey - Everyday is like Sunday 17:16 < mattbuck> morrissey isn't 17:16 < mareklug> such a sensitiv voice 17:16 -!- Izhidez [~DeltaQuad@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:17 -!- StevenW is now known as StevenW-afk 17:17 < mareklug> nas Morrissey being younger than me caught my commenting eye since the year is the same. 17:18 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:18 < mareklug> also 22 is my favorite number 17:18 < mareklug> and it is May. 17:18 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:19 < mareklug> and his birthday is 2 days from now. 17:19 -!- Pote is now known as Simon_ 17:20 -!- Ucucha [8cf70017@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:20 < mareklug> Morrissey - "Hairdresser on fire" from the same fine album, Bona drag 17:20 -!- Simon_ is now known as Pote 17:20 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:21 -!- enhydra [kalan@wikimedia/Kalan] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 17:21 -!- Pote is now known as Bradford 17:21 -!- enhydra [kalan@2001:ba8:1f1:f011::1337] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:21 -!- enhydra [kalan@2001:ba8:1f1:f011::1337] has quit [Changing host] 17:21 -!- enhydra [kalan@wikimedia/Kalan] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:23 -!- zuzak [~zu@pdpc/supporter/professional/zuzak] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:23 -!- Bradford is now known as Pote 17:24 < NotASpy> nas: Flickr update. Pro accounts will continue to be offered, but only to existing Pro users, at the moment it'll only be for recurring subscribers, but apparently they're opening up recurring subscription to non recurring Pro subscribers so they keep Pro after the August changeover date. 17:24 < nas> Oh, then I don't have to worry about it, as I'm a Pro user, and it doesn't expire until September. 17:24 < NotASpy> this gives you the benefits of No Ads and Doublr for $24.99 and $44.99 per year/per 2 years. 17:24 < mareklug> and I played this already today for our channeli Bengali, TOS, Morrissey - Bengali in platforms 17:25 < addihockey10> After cleaning out my fan... 17:25 < addihockey10> My computer is 50C cooler. 17:25 < mareklug> addihockey10 did someone clean your clock? 17:25 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:25 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 17:26 -!- RD [~Ryan@wikimedia/Rjd0060] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:26 < NotASpy> nas: but that's only from the staff members on the forum - it might not be totally accurate. It looks like Yahoo are trying to turn Flickr into a photo based social network. 17:26 < mareklug> addihockey10 stuff and nonsense. a real windows overclucker hardcore doodz would have installed turbo water cooling 17:28 < mareklug> NotASpy a poor bargain, if you axed me. 69.98 USD already today buys a 2TB drive. You don't need to subsidized Flickr with that money. 17:30 < NotASpy> 2TB on new Flickr will set you back $499.99 per year. 17:30 < NotASpy> yes, that's $499.99 17:30 < mareklug> it's premature to store 2TB in the cloud, economically speaking. If you have to you have to, but YOU don't have to. 17:30 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:31 -!- Zuzak [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:31 -!- Zuzak [] has quit [Changing host] 17:31 -!- Zuzak [~zu@pdpc/supporter/professional/zuzak] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:32 < NotASpy> there are people out there with 2TB of photos on Flickr though. 17:32 < mareklug> RIP 17:33 * NotASpy nods 17:33 -!- Acanthite [~Inkhorn@] has quit [] 17:34 < NotASpy> I had LA Woman in my hand today, should have stuck it in the CD player in the car. 17:35 < Koi> me gusta anos grandes y no puedo mentir. 17:35 < Koi> mis otros hermanos no pueden tambien. 17:35 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has quit [Quit: Don't be fatuous, Jeffrey.] 17:35 < Koi> porque cuando una mujer entra con un circulo en tus ojos. 17:36 < Koi> estas SPRUNG. 17:36 -!- gruz [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:37 -!- LtNOWIS2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:39 -!- Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx 17:40 -!- nas is now known as zz_nas 17:40 < mareklug> well, ray Manzarek is famous of course for the Doors, but to me he will be the guy who produced X from Los Angeles and 17:41 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 17:43 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 17:44 -!- StevenW-afk is now known as StevenW 17:47 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:48 -!- tttb [] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:50 -!- Nascar1996 [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:50 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:51 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:51 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away 17:52 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:52 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has quit [Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client] 17:53 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:54 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 17:54 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:57 -!- Carly- [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:58 -!- koishi [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:00 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:01 -!- ProfessorFluffyk [629d1846@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:01 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:02 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:02 -!- FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4 18:03 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko addihockey10 wctaiwan found me a high resolution picture of the Water/Glass Villa to go with my desktop beautification project 18:05 -!- ProfessorFluffyk [629d1846@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Client Quit] 18:06 -!- russavia [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:06 -!- russavia [] has quit [Changing host] 18:06 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:07 < mareklug> Dreamliner flies again with United flight 18:07 -!- Cauthon [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:08 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 18:08 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:09 -!- JZTech101 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 18:12 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:13 -!- GW|Away is now known as GorillaWarfare 18:14 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:15 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:15 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 18:15 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:16 * Carly dances Gangnam.Style 18:16 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:17 < mareklug> carly like the fat korean or the pretty lady? 18:18 < Carly> Mmmn like the pretty lady 18:18 < SuicidalZerg> Who wants to see my crazy-ass TV setup as drawn in Cisco's packet tracer? :p 18:18 < Carly> Well I am dancing with my little brother 18:18 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:18 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 18:19 < IDoH> Little brothers and sisters are fun. 18:19 < Carly> :p 18:19 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:19 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg I was hoping for something drawn in Illustrator or Inkscape 18:19 < Carly> Yes 18:19 -!- Mike_H is now known as Guest7647 18:19 < SuicidalZerg> 18:19 < SuicidalZerg> lol 18:19 -!- Guest7647 is now known as Mike_H 18:20 < Carly> Eh Sexy Lady Mareklug xd 18:20 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:20 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:20 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has quit [Changing host] 18:20 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:22 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg so what is this Cloud-PT thing, physically 18:22 < mareklug> Carly you know me well enough, it's all sexy ladies with me. that and blue cheese. 18:22 -!- Izhidez [~DeltaQuad@wikipedia/DeltaQuad] has quit [Quit: Break time] 18:23 < SuicidalZerg> It's apparently a representation of a cloud as a single device :p 18:23 < SuicidalZerg> In reality it was the only thing that I could put a coax module in to connect a TV to :p 18:24 < Carly> Mareklug who sexy ladies do you have 18:24 < Carly> Lol 18:24 < Carly> No one? 18:24 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg I am a little concerned with all these physical coax splitters on your system. that won't degrade the internet? 18:24 -!- Adrianzo [~hermilo@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:24 < SuicidalZerg> It's a TV setup 18:24 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:25 -!- Koi is now known as NotAFish 18:25 < SuicidalZerg> it's all video signals :p 18:25 < mareklug> so what is your reading 18:25 -!- NotAFish is now known as Koi 18:26 < mareklug> Carly you my sexiest lady 18:26 < SuicidalZerg> It would be "404 server not found" :p 18:26 < mareklug> 18:26 < SuicidalZerg> Because it's not connected to the internet at all, except for my main PC :p 18:26 < Carly> Mareklug me? Nah I already have owner 18:26 < Carly> Xd 18:26 < mareklug> ah 18:27 < Carly> Eh 18:27 -!- PCChris_ [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:27 < mareklug> Carly I only require read and write guest provileges 18:27 < mareklug> privileges * 18:27 < SuicidalZerg> I figured packet tracer would be the easiest way to make a diagram because I've used it before :p 18:27 < Carly> Marekluh such like? 18:27 < Carly> Mareklug 18:28 < IDoH> mareklug, I knew you weren't asking me, but my ping is unusually good. :-) [URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] 18:28 < SuicidalZerg> My speed is 22.16/4.52, btw :p 18:28 < IDoH> 18:29 -!- Adrianzo [~hermilo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 18:29 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg and ping? IDoH your ping, as you use far away servers, will never be as small as that of someone like me who uses a nearby one. 18:29 < IDoH> Ah, I see. 18:29 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:29 * Carly sighs 18:29 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:29 < SuicidalZerg> 17ms 18:29 < mareklug> IDoH if you don't do gaming on your laptop, 62 ping won't be very noticable anyway 18:29 -!- smtchahal [~smtchahal@wikipedia/smtchahal] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:30 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:30 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@] has quit [Changing host] 18:30 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:30 < IDoH> Sometimes, I play runescape. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. 18:30 -!- Qcoder00 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 18:30 < SuicidalZerg> My ping to Southeast Asia is 261ms... 18:31 < SuicidalZerg> No wonder I lag so bad when I play SC2 in that region :p 18:32 < SuicidalZerg> It's like *move command*. "Ok. You can move now. Today. This year. There's something attacking you. You're about to die." *starts moving, then dies half a second later* 18:32 < mareklug> sometimes the pings are as low a 8 18:34 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:35 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:35 < mareklug> Swob hi soap 18:36 -!- GabrielF [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:36 -!- GabrielF [] has quit [Changing host] 18:36 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:36 < SuicidalZerg> My ping to the closest server to the point halfway across the planet is 380 ms 18:36 < Swob> cool 18:36 < SuicidalZerg> And I get 0.25 mb/s O_o 18:36 -!- Halfsack [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:37 -!- Halfsack [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 18:38 < GabrielF> if an admin has a second, I just made a request in the rev del channel 18:39 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 18:40 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg what point is that 18:41 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:41 < mareklug> Swob wctaiwan found me a high resolution picture of the Water/Glass Villa to go with my desktop beautification project 18:42 < SuicidalZerg> In the middle of the Indian Ocean :p 18:42 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg Reunion? I am asking as I wish to test it for moi 18:43 < SuicidalZerg> It's a point to the east of the Madagascar Island 18:43 < mareklug> that sounds like Reunion 18:44 < SuicidalZerg> Port Louis 18:44 < mareklug> Port Louis is the capital of Reunion 18:45 < SuicidalZerg> And apparently it is Reunion 18:46 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:47 < mareklug> we probably slashdotted their entire communication link with the civilized world, as I got a ping of 682 ms and it has not started on the download, flashing "Connecting 18:47 < mareklug> " 18:47 < SuicidalZerg> LOL 18:47 < russavia> port louis is mauritius mareklug 18:47 < russavia> saint-denis is reunion 18:48 < mareklug> so it is. 18:48 < Swob> behold! the infallible mareklug has made an error of geography 18:48 < russavia> i know this from all the pr0n i've uploaded lately 18:48 < mareklug> the two are like 100 miles apart 18:49 < Swob> how far apart are Iowa and Ohio ? : ) 18:49 < mareklug> they have good pr0n? is it jets or turboprops? 18:49 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 18:49 < mareklug> Swob both Reunion and Mauritius are one district of France 18:50 < Swob> naw dont be silly, France is in Europe. Youre pulling my leg 18:50 < Swob> next youll be telling me France has land in South America or something 18:51 < mareklug> well, to the extent that Mauritius is an independent cuntry, I am 18:51 < SuicidalZerg> Penises 18:51 < Swob> there's an "o" in country 18:51 < mareklug> Swob but not in cuntry. "The islands of Mauritius, Rodrigues and the French department of Réunion 170 km (110 mi) form part of the Mascarene Islands. " 18:52 < mareklug> see, says "French department" as clear as day. 18:52 < mareklug> do the Mascarena, Soap, and shut up about Iowa and Ohio. 18:53 < russavia> dafuq -- mauritius is part of france? my god mareklug 18:53 < foks> lots of places are part of france 18:53 < mareklug> russavia i was pulling his leg 18:53 < foks> Reunion is in the EU! :O 18:53 < russavia> pull his something else ;) 18:53 < foks> is crazy 18:53 < mareklug> indeed it is 18:54 < russavia> mayotte...there's an interesting place i wouldn't mind heading to -- judging from photos i've uploaded 18:54 < mareklug> for tax and immigration purposes, you might as well set up your Frenchness on Réunion. 18:55 < Carly> Alegria maxarena 18:57 < mareklug> soap since you like meteo talk "Between 15 and 16 March 1952, Cilaos at the centre of Réunion received 1,869.9 millimetres (73.62 in) of rainfall. This is the greatest 24-hour precipitation total ever recorded on earth. Another part of the island holds the record for most rainfall in 72 hours, 3,929 millimetres (154.7 in) at Commerson's Crater in March 2007 from Cyclone Gamede. Commerson also holds the record for most rainfall over all periods 18:57 < mareklug> ranging from 4 to 15 days from a storm in 1980." 18:58 < Swob> yeah thats pretty deep 18:58 -!- Nascar1996 is now known as nas 18:58 < mareklug> I wonder if they lost all the soil in that one 18:59 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 18:59 < Swob> i would like to visit the tropics someday during a mega-storm just to see what it's like 18:59 < SigmaWP> 18:59 < Swob> the closest I've come is being in southern Florida during a thunderstorm at night 18:59 < SigmaWP> Cruelty 19:00 < GabrielF> sometimes you've got to roll the hard six 19:01 -!- Adrianzo [~hermilo@] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:01 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:01 -!- osxdude [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:01 -!- osxdude [] has quit [Changing host] 19:01 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:02 < mareklug> Swob I was in Jakarta during the monsoon. It was lush. 19:03 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:03 -!- MBisanz [] has quit [Changing host] 19:03 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:03 < Swob> I dont even see how people can go outside when it's raining that hard for so long 19:04 < mareklug> think of the poor lemurs 19:05 < Swob> think of the humans who had to live in India 100000 years ago with no shelter from the monsoon 19:05 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:06 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:06 -!- Chat8366 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:06 < Chat8366> Hi 19:06 < Swob> well, maybe 50000 years ago depending on how you define humans. But homo erectus probably wasnt much hardier 19:06 < mareklug> 100k years ago they weren't very human or Indian for that matter 19:06 < mareklug> I bet they still had funny accents. 19:06 -!- Chat8366 [] has quit [Client Quit] 19:08 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:08 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:09 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg you sure you did not actually connect to the other server on the island that Speedtest/Ookla has in its network? The Rose-Hill one? I hot a ping of only 399 for it and 1.4 Mbps download and 3.32 Mbps UPLOAD, which is better upload than all you turkeys on this channel. 19:09 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 19:09 < harej> 10 years ago we had steve jobs johnny cash and bob hope 19:09 < SuicidalZerg> I tried both 19:10 < SuicidalZerg> They both get dismal speeds 19:10 < mareklug> now we only have Madonna and Paul McCartney 19:10 < mareklug> SuicidalZerg you have to admit, a 3.32 Mbps upload from Chicago Comcast to Mauritius is phenomenal. 19:11 < Swob> Jobs, Cash, and Hope 19:11 < GabrielF> a 3.32Mbps upload from Comcast to freakin' Google is pretty phenomenal 19:11 < mareklug> GabrielF I get almost 11 Mpbs uploads anywhere now. 19:11 < mareklug> from Chicago Comacast 19:11 -!- phuzion [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 19:11 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Client Quit] 19:12 -!- Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk 19:12 < GabrielF> yeah I have to admit the speeds have been satisfactory, its just that the uptime and customer service and pricing are horrible 19:12 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:13 < mareklug> well, with enough song and dance, I got me a 29.29 for my Blast tier for 6 months, an d 20 dollars more for 6 more after that, then regular. By that time there will be other deals and other technologies in place 19:13 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 19:13 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: Connection savagely beaten to death by peer] 19:13 -!- phuzion [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:13 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:13 < GabrielF> is that with or without TV? 19:14 < mareklug> that is with tv, but my tv is mere digital starter package of which I pay nothing (well, my condo association fees pay for it) 19:14 < mareklug> if I wanted HD, I would have to fork out 8.99 a month. 19:15 -!- osxdude [~osxdude@unaffiliated/osxdude] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:15 < mareklug> so my comcast bill really does fit under 30. 19:15 < GabrielF> I also have the digital starter (I think that's what its called - its basically just the local channels) and its the same price for just Internet as it is for Internet + digital starter and they call me once every couple weeks trying to get me to upgrade 19:15 < Swob> of course 19:15 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Quit: Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't after you] 19:15 < Swob> i mean who could possibly be happy with less than 200 TV channels? 19:15 < Swob> Clearly you jsut havent come to your senses 19:15 < mareklug> GabrielF digital starter has espn/espn2/bbc america, so it is not just local channels and dross. 19:16 < GabrielF> I don't remember what the plan is called then 19:16 < mareklug> Swob senator McCain, bless his soul, has a bill in the Senate that would force cable companies to offer a la carte pricing and make it possible to pick single channels. 19:16 < mareklug> GabrielF probably economy basic 19:16 < GabrielF> I saw that, I'll have to take back all the nasty things I've said about him 19:17 < GabrielF> unfortunately, Obama picked a telco lobbyist as FCC chair :) 19:17 < GabrielF> :( 19:17 < GabrielF> I mean 19:17 < mareklug> Swob no one but the cable companies wants 200 channels of trash tv. 19:17 < mareklug> it's like getting your email with mandatory spam 19:18 < Swob> that exists 19:18 < mareklug> i estimate I would want to subscribe to maybe 17 channels at most. 19:19 < GabrielF> ESPN is insanely expensive for cable companies - its a huge chunk of your monthly bill so if you don't watch sports you're subsidizing people who do 19:19 < mareklug> espn is indispensible for college basketball, and all major international soccer events like Euro or World Cup. 19:19 -!- Wizardman [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/wizardman] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:19 < Swob> i remember getting a lot of spam in the early days of email even though I hadnt put my email address anywhere public 19:20 < mareklug> microsoft and google have worked diligently to cut down on spam and spam botnets 19:20 < GabrielF> you can use plus additions to see who is giving out your email 19:21 < GabrielF> if you have gmail and you sign up for a website, give your email as 19:21 < GabrielF> it will still go to you 19:21 < mareklug> i get far more random spam on my Apple email (.me/.icloud/.mac) then on googlemail. none on and 19:21 < GabrielF> and then if you get email from spammers to that address you'll know who sold you out 19:21 < Swob> you got a Canadian email address? 19:21 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 19:22 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 19:22 < mareklug> the only nearly all spam (and in prodigious quanties) email address I have is the venerable which no longer physically exists. It was published for 17 years on my webpage and in the contact meta headers for so no wonder. 19:23 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:23 < Swob> yeah Ive had that too 19:23 < mareklug> but I still get real signal in that box, so I keep it. 19:24 < Wizardman> ironically, my uni mail gets a huge amount of spam, up there with yahoo. gmail gets very little. 19:24 < Swob> in the late 90s people started sending out brute-force spam figuring that even if only 1 in 10000 emails sent to a random username at each domain actually made it, at least they had that 1 hit 19:24 < mareklug> Swob that has been drastically curtailed by mail relay filtering 19:24 < mareklug> and spam blacklisting 19:25 < Swob> maybe 19:25 < Swob> theres still some su[per-annoying spam that gets past all of that though 19:25 < mareklug> really, there is something like only 20% of spam coursing through the veins of the internet as compared to just 5 years ago. 19:25 < Swob> awesome 19:25 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 19:25 < mareklug> it's getting better 19:26 < GabrielF> but how will people get their Bulgarian pharmaceuticals? 19:26 < Swob> im still getting an average of 12 spams a day from an unblockable sender 19:26 < mareklug> no one is selling penis stuff anymore 19:27 < Swob> whoa i just got something from eBay 19:27 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:27 < Swob> eBay's canvassing for votes 19:27 < Swob> As an online shopper, you may be negatively affected by sales tax legislation currently being considered in the U.S. Congress. I want to let you know about the bill and give you a quick, easy way to make sure your voice is heard before the House of Representatives votes. 19:27 < mareklug> Swob I have become an Ebay fiend 19:28 < mareklug> I am afraid the congresscritters will vote for it anyway 19:28 < Swob> 'parently the new bill requires anyone using eBay to pay a tax, because theyre a "small business" 19:28 < Wizardman> Something that makes them money? Hmm, i wonder how they'll vote. 19:28 < mareklug> states want it 19:28 < mareklug> people don't 19:29 < Swob> yeah I think Im on eBay's side on this one 19:29 < BlastHardcheese> why, shouldn't they be proud to pay taxes 19:29 < Swob> granted I havent read it in anywhere near depth 19:31 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 19:32 -!- Bradford is now known as Pote 19:33 < mareklug> bradford (Pote) you misspelled "poto" 19:35 < Pote> ok 19:35 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 19:35 -!- bazinga [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:35 -!- bazinga [] has quit [Changing host] 19:35 -!- bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:36 -!- Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx 19:37 -!- Wizardman [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/wizardman] has left #wikipedia-en [] 19:38 -!- smtchahal [~smtchahal@wikipedia/smtchahal] has left #wikipedia-en [] 19:39 < Swob> marek youre not entirely right 19:39 < Swob> Gain in size and win your lover's favor <---- just arrived as a spam email to me 19:40 < Swob> it seems to have suddenly switched from 100% stock/trading spam to 100% male-enhancement spam on May 18 19:40 < IDoH> LOL 19:40 < IDoH> I've been getting those since I was eleven, Swob. 19:41 < IDoH> And I'm a woman 19:42 < Swob> and I cant just block it since it comes from a different host every time. Probably all fake 19:42 < IDoH> Yeah 19:43 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:43 < Swob> even better is when they fake the date too to be something way off in teh future 19:43 < IDoH> LOL 19:43 < Swob> ive got an email that was supposedly sent on Dec 28 2013 19:43 < IDoH> Uh? Ha ha! 19:43 < Swob> which if I dont delete it will be perpetually at the top of the list because it's the "newest" email in my mailbox 19:43 -!- nas [~Nascar199@wikipedia/Nascar1996] has quit [Quit: Bye everyone] 19:43 < mareklug> Swob clearly they think my micropenis is beyond treatment, and they opted me out. Just like having bad credit, I guess. 19:43 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 19:45 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has quit [Quit: sleep] 19:46 < Swob> i like your self deprecating humor 19:47 < Carly> Mareklug good night dog 19:47 < Carly> :) 19:49 < mareklug> Carly sweet dreams, bitch 19:49 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:50 < Carly> Thank you bb 19:50 < Carly> Dreams with your worse nightmare mareklug 19:50 < mareklug> which is my worse nightmare? At least it is not my worst nightmare. 19:51 < Carly> Mine either 19:51 < IDoH> LOL 19:51 < IShadowed> I am your worst nightmare 19:51 < Carly> Do you know why I woke up crying? Because I dreamed with you 19:52 < Carly> Dirty dog. 19:52 < mareklug> Carly see? IShadowed is alredy my worst nightmarek. 19:53 < Carly> Mareklug dont try to be nice with me,it not works 19:53 < mareklug> Carly all your blueberry are belong to us. 19:53 < IDoH> Mmm. Bluebarries. 19:54 < Carly> You'll be fat soon 19:54 < Carly> Like another one that I know mareklug 19:54 < mareklug> Swob I discovered that my neighborhood supermarket chain store has Srirachas sauce which ordinarily requires a visit to a Vietnamese market. The world is getting more cosmopolitan. 19:54 < mareklug> 19:54 < Swob> I think I can get that in a regular supermarket here 19:54 < mareklug> and at 4.99 for 32 oz bottle, that's pretty ok 19:55 < GabrielF> I used to live on top of an asian supermarket 19:55 < GabrielF> it was pretty sweet 19:55 < IDoH> mareklug: The local "Lucky Asian" supermarket has Sriracha sauce, too. 19:55 < mareklug> they just organized the furrigner foodz in an out of the way segment of the floorplan so it was hidden from my shopping pleasure 19:55 < mareklug> IDoH it goes without saying. 19:55 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:55 -!- Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk 19:55 < mareklug> IDoH the notable thing is that you can now get it in Safeway's of the world. 19:56 < mareklug> at least in my hood. 19:56 < IDoH> Ah, I see. 19:56 < mareklug> Carly I am already soon fat. in fact Soon Fat is my Korean Worrior name. 19:57 < Carly> Mareklug that is bad 19:58 < mareklug> so whenever I worry Korean style, I sign my name Soon Fat 19:59 -!- mareklug is now known as SoonFat 19:59 < SoonFat> and like all Koreans, my first adopted name is Kim 19:59 < Pote> Carly: dile a los de wikimeda que me dejen entrar 19:59 -!- SoonFat is now known as KimSoonFat 19:59 < Pote> |: 19:59 -!- KimSoonFat is now known as mareklug 20:00 < Carly> TRIPLE MEGA ULTRA SUPER HELLLLO 20:00 -!- Firefly67 [~AlmostGra@unaffiliated/firefly67] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:00 < Carly> Xd 20:01 < mareklug> Swob so… when you can buy a tub of Sriracha and 2.99 vandekemp's breaded whole fish fillets in one joint, and then enjoy the two together, life is pretty sweet. 20:01 < Pote> -___- 20:01 < Carly> Hagaga 20:01 < Carly> Ooh si 20:01 < Carly> Ooooh yeah siii oh 20:01 < Pote> ._. 20:01 < Carly> Pote oh shiii 20:01 < Pote> wtf 20:02 < Carly> Xd 20:02 < Pote> .-. 20:02 < Carly> '-' 20:02 < Carly> "-" 20:03 < Pote> Carly: #venezuela-social 20:03 < Pote> :-) 20:03 < mareklug> hey, Poto -- try #venezuela-anit-social 20:03 < Pote> Carly: que es poto? 20:03 < Pote> XD 20:04 -!- closedmouth [mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:05 < Carly> Mareklug why you were born so marakin? 20:05 < mareklug> marakin is the best, girl. 20:06 < Carly> LOL 20:07 < Pote> .__. 20:07 < Carly> Mareklug t pagan por chismoso? 20:08 < Pote> XD 20:09 < Carly> Mareklug #news-by-Marie-the-gossip 20:09 < Carly> Xd 20:09 < Carly> Marek* 20:09 < Pote> Mareka 20:09 < mareklug> Carly I am pagan poetry, but I am going to heaven, since jesus saved me despite my best intentions when I was a child and could not do anything about it. 20:10 -!- Pote is now known as Bolsa 20:10 -!- Swob [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed] 20:10 < Carly> Marek where is your news channel? 20:10 -!- Bolsa is now known as Pote 20:10 < Carly> I thought it was the 20:12 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 1 second] 20:12 -!- YE is now known as YE}AFK 20:13 < mareklug> Carly tell bradford he misspelled his nickname. Should be Poto 20:14 -!- Yetanotherx|afk is now known as Yetanotherx 20:15 < Carly> Mareklug if I dont want to tell bradford that? 20:15 -!- JKL1234- is now known as JKL|lejos 20:15 < mareklug> Carly tell him anyway. you need to make sure el analfabeta learns to spell in Spanish solamente 20:16 < Carly> Mareklug when a girl says no,if is no 20:16 < Carly> It is* 20:16 < mareklug> Carly, you don't remember this, but when a girl was little, her parents forcefed her pap baby food even though she said no. life is cruel this way. 20:18 < Carly> Mareklug the pap food is for you 20:18 < Carly> For being bobo 20:19 < BlastHardcheese> pap smear? 20:19 < mareklug> Carly ámame menos, comprendeme más. 20:19 < mareklug> BlastHardcheese that bit comes a bit later in a girls pap life 20:20 < Carly> Mareklug who loves you? 20:20 < mareklug> BlastHardcheese but certainly, I bet there was pap smearing out the wazoo and screaming and crying with all that Gerber mayhem in the high chair. 20:20 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:20 < Carly> I think even your mom dont 20:20 < mareklug> Carly Swob loves me 20:20 < Pote> Carly: é_è 20:21 < mareklug> carr es muerto 20:21 < Carly> Mareklug okay... 20:21 < mareklug> carly 20:21 < Carly> Single old man 20:21 < Carly> Mareklug 20:21 < mareklug> Carly that is still better than a single young woman 20:21 < Carly> Mareklug old and alone? 20:22 < mareklug> what young and alone (and alienated, not to mention, fucking alienating) 20:22 < Carly> Nah! 20:22 < Carly> Ok baby 20:22 < Carly> Keep talking to your dog (if you have one) 20:22 < Carly> Mareklug ;) 20:23 < mareklug> Carly my dog is in Santiago and is going to sleep. 20:23 < Carly> He travelled from U.S¿ 20:24 < mareklug> it's a bitch, not a he. 20:24 < Carly> Wow 20:24 < Carly> So silly as his owner then 20:25 < Carly> Mareklug sure... 20:25 < Carly> Mareklug first fall the owner and after the dog 20:25 < Carly> Darling 20:25 < mareklug> just be careful out there, Carly. It's a dog-eat-dog world. And that's without the Koreans taking out a big piece of the pie. 20:25 < Carly> Okay 20:28 < SudoGhost> o_O 20:28 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:28 -!- anona [] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:28 < IDoH> aaand Carly is going to bed. 20:28 < mareklug> what are we going to do for idle triffles now? 20:28 < IDoH> LOL 20:28 < mareklug> the channel is at a loss... 20:28 < mareklug> soy infeliz 20:29 < mareklug> and corn infeliz, to boot 20:30 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:30 < Moe_Epsilon> someone semi-protect or PC1 protect 20:30 < Moe_Epsilon> getting bombarded 20:31 -!- ty [~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 20:31 -!- YE}AFK is now known as YE 20:32 < Pote> Moe_Epsilon: hi :D 20:32 < Moe_Epsilon> hello Bradford.. 20:32 < Pote> :-) 20:32 < Pote> Moe_Epsilon: mi nick is pote 20:32 < Pote> no bradford 20:32 < IDoH> Pote is bradford, Moe_Epsilon. 20:32 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:32 < Moe_Epsilon> well I knew that 20:32 < Pote> xD 20:32 < Pote> :o 20:34 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad 20:34 -!- JKL|lejos is now known as JKL1234- 20:34 < mareklug> Moe_Epsilon he misspelled Poto 20:34 < Moe_Epsilon> ahh 20:35 < mareklug> RESPETA 20:35 < mareklug> BASTA 20:35 < mareklug> STOP 20:35 < mareklug> O_O 20:35 < IDoH> Imitating Carly, mareklug? 20:35 < IDoH> Oh, she's back 20:35 < mareklug> I think I ran through 50% of his lexicon right there 20:36 -!- Firefly67 is now known as AlmostGrad 20:36 < Pote> ._. 20:37 < mareklug> IDoH she is not back. that is her ircloud listening post, as she is morbidly curious about afterhours 20:38 < IDoH> Heh 20:38 < Carly> Mareklug yes I see the logs 20:39 < Carly> And it is your problem? 20:39 -!- anona [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:39 < mareklug> Carly I have many problems, but you are not at the periphery of any of them, sad to say 20:40 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [~Anna_Frod@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:40 < Carly> So what? 20:40 < Carly> Mareklug please...bitch 20:40 < mareklug> no bitch-pleasing after hours. bitch sleep now. dormir! schnella! 20:41 < Anna_Frodesiak> can i pm an admin for a sec please? 20:41 < Anna_Frodesiak> non-controversial stuff 20:41 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak Bsadowski1 is always awake and he is more than a feeling, erm, admin 20:42 < Anna_Frodesiak> Bsadowski1: are you up? 20:42 < AlmostGrad> QueenOfFrance is an admin too 20:43 < Jasper_Deng> rschen7754 is an admin 20:43 < Anna_Frodesiak> QueenOfFrance: are you up? 20:43 < Shirik> Anna_Frodesiak: what do you want? 20:43 < Jasper_Deng> (he's on IRC, but not this chan) 20:43 < AlmostGrad> go to #wikipedia-en-help 20:43 < AlmostGrad> that is the help channel 20:43 < Anna_Frodesiak> 20:43 < Anna_Frodesiak> i want to decline 20:43 < Shirik> ok 20:43 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak aw. you'd sail. 20:43 < Anna_Frodesiak> can i enter that at "Candidate, please indicate acceptance of the nomination here:" 20:44 < Shirik> please do so just so I know it's you, and then I'll delete it 20:45 < Shirik> of course, I would advise leaving a message for him on why you declined, too :) 20:45 < Anna_Frodesiak> it's a couple of sentences 20:45 < Anna_Frodesiak> saying thanks, need more time etc 20:45 < mareklug> 60,000 edits and plenty of experience. 20:45 < Anna_Frodesiak> but is that the place to decline as well as accept? 20:46 < Shirik> I only want you to decline there so that I know it's not someone else on IRC with your name 20:46 < Shirik> then I'll end up deleting the RFA 20:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> oh 20:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> ok but that's the right place to decline, right? 20:46 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 20:46 < Shirik> yup 20:46 < Anna_Frodesiak> ok thanks 20:47 -!- Moe_Epsilon is now known as David_{sleep} 20:47 < Anna_Frodesiak> 20:47 < Anna_Frodesiak> done 20:47 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:47 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak seriously, we need an admin in the China time zone 20:48 < Shirik> also ^ that 20:48 < mareklug> not to mention an en wiki admin who is fluent in chinese 20:48 < Anna_Frodesiak> it's also that i'm not sure anyone has really dug into my contribs 20:48 -!- Carly [~carly@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has left #wikipedia-en ["Never"] 20:48 < Anna_Frodesiak> i'm not so fluent 20:49 < Anna_Frodesiak> i struggle 20:49 < mareklug> you are more fluent than the threshhold of need 20:49 -!- Mkdw [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:49 -!- Mkdw [] has quit [Changing host] 20:49 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:49 < Koi> Anna_Frodesiak: wo shi piaoliang zhongguo laladui. 20:49 < mareklug> youmomma 20:49 < Anna_Frodesiak> hahaha 20:49 < Anna_Frodesiak> ni hao 20:49 < Anna_Frodesiak> ni zai nar? 20:49 < AlmostGrad> there was just now someone on the help channel asking for a hindi admin. I am sure knowing a foreign language is a huge plus. 20:50 < Koi> Anna_Frodesiak: I said I'm a beautiful Chinese cheering squad :D 20:50 < mareklug> we will have Yuvi_Panda an admin any week now. meanwhile, there are just no Chinese speaker prospects. Do reconsider for the good of the project, etcetera. 20:50 < AlmostGrad> Anna, is it that you don't have time to be a admin or is it that you don't feel confident? 20:50 < Anna_Frodesiak> i didn't know laladui 20:51 < Anna_Frodesiak> it's that i'm not confident that anyone has looked into my contribs enough 20:51 < Koi> Anna_Frodesiak: :P 20:51 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak take a chance on them. we also need more women admins. 20:51 < Anna_Frodesiak> even the nom said "I have read that her content ..." in the nomination 20:51 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:52 < AlmostGrad> I just looked at some of your contribs, they seem good. I mean I don't know a whole lot of zoology, but your writing style is good and professional. 20:52 -!- Adrianzo [~hermilo@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 20:52 < Anna_Frodesiak> there's more than that. i've made plenty of mistakes 20:53 < AlmostGrad> Also admin is an administrative job, not an editing job I believe. 20:53 < Anna_Frodesiak> i recently uploaded two non-free images that clearly fail 20:53 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak your article output is also fine. you have no hate issues. you did not vandalize Conservatocrepopedia or whatever. Your username is not a greek glyph. 20:53 < mareklug> meed I go on 20:53 < mareklug> mead, even. 20:53 < Anna_Frodesiak> :) 20:53 < Anna_Frodesiak> i could go for some mead right now 20:53 < AlmostGrad> Anna you are suffering from the typical female [[impostor syndrome]]. 20:53 < AlmostGrad> !link 20:54 < Anna_Frodesiak> :) 20:54 < Anna_Frodesiak> my sister always says that 20:54 < AlmostGrad> 20:54 < mareklug> AlmostGrad we have no link bot we have no bots that speak here period 20:54 < Anna_Frodesiak> i know all about that. 20:54 < AlmostGrad> Yeah I would love to be an admin and you are turning it down 20:54 < Anna_Frodesiak> we find ourselves in some position of trust suddenly asking how we got there and why people trust us 20:55 < AlmostGrad> I mean only so that I could edit one particular protected page 20:55 < AlmostGrad> But Anna you have to take a leap of faith sometimes 20:55 < Anna_Frodesiak> really, this is all about a nominator or reviewer really digging before offering support 20:55 -!- David_{sleep} is now known as Not_Here 20:55 < AlmostGrad> If you can't do it you can always resign 20:55 < Anna_Frodesiak> i dont want an RfA where everyone digs up dirt and opposes 20:56 < Anna_Frodesiak> i want the dirt exposed beforehand so we all know if i'm fit 20:56 < AlmostGrad> I don't think *anyone* looks through 60,000 posts 20:56 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak you will have a legoktm type RfA. 3 opposes, 4 abstains, 149 supports 20:56 < Anna_Frodesiak> of course, but it's selective digging 20:56 < AlmostGrad> You are not running for President Anna 20:56 < AlmostGrad> No one will try to find an illegitimate child 20:56 < Anna_Frodesiak> yes put it's a highly politicized process 20:57 < AlmostGrad> what is a legoktm type RfA? 20:57 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak what do you miss most form US? 20:57 < Anna_Frodesiak> US? 20:57 < mareklug> or Canada 20:57 < AlmostGrad> Anna do you live in China now? 20:58 < Anna_Frodesiak> i miss smoked meat sandwiches, lobster, snowboarding, souvlaki, no rubbish everywhere 20:58 < Anna_Frodesiak> peace and quiet... the list is endless 20:58 < mareklug> you can't get souvlaki there? 20:58 < Anna_Frodesiak> not in haikou 20:59 < AlmostGrad> What do you do in China, Anna? 20:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> i can't say 20:59 < AlmostGrad> OK 20:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> my identity is top secret 20:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> actually i'm a truck driver from new jersey who sings like michael jackson 20:59 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak do you miss anything that can be mailed? fresh grilled vegetables are kinda hard to do. 20:59 < AlmostGrad> On Wikipedia? 20:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> :) 20:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> :) 20:59 < Anna_Frodesiak> no thanks. 21:00 < Anna_Frodesiak> that's very sweet of you to say, though 21:00 < AlmostGrad> OK, on Wikipedia you are secret? 21:00 < AlmostGrad> I am too, so I understand. 21:01 < Anna_Frodesiak> i basically never like self ID on computers 21:01 < Anna_Frodesiak> no facebook no linkedin etc 21:01 < Anna_Frodesiak> i stay off the grid 21:01 < AlmostGrad> ok 21:01 < mareklug> except for billions and billions of wiki edits 21:02 < AlmostGrad> mareklug who is legoktm? There was an edit war on the article I am trying to contribute to and someone accused him of being a sockpuppet. 21:02 < Anna_Frodesiak> yes, except for that 21:02 < Jasper_Deng> AlmostGrad: he's an admin 21:02 < Jasper_Deng> who almost certainly isn't a sock 21:02 < mareklug> AlmostGrad that was a lame accusation. legoktm is a fine upstanding citizen and a scholar. and now a wiki admin. 21:02 < AlmostGrad> Oh OK, that is why it was so ridiculous 21:02 < Anna_Frodesiak> anyway, i would be happy to RfA if I could find someone who would take the time to dig and check and then give a thumbs up 21:03 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:03 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 21:03 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:03 < mareklug> Anna_Frodesiak if that is what it takes, sign me up. Although I have yet to brook the pages of RfA on en wiki with my contribution. 21:03 < mareklug> any contribution. 21:03 * IDoH has also yet to be nominated for RfA, surprisingly enough. 21:04 < mareklug> IDoH as well you may be. although as sure as eggs is eggs, you not living in the chinese pacific time zone makes you less compelling than Anna_Frodesiak 21:05 -!- Yetanotherx is now known as Yetanotherx|afk 21:05 < mareklug> basically, there is a blind window between when closedmouth is awake and the rest of the world and that is where Anna_Frodesiak would come in nicely 21:05 < IDoH> True, but I'd be institutionalized pretty damn quickly if I went to China 21:05 < IDoH> BRB 21:06 < AlmostGrad> Why is it so hard to find Chinese editors? 21:06 < AlmostGrad> Is it hard to find the ones who are awake China time, or is it hard to find ones who know Mandarin? 21:07 < Jasper_Deng> Internet censorship there 21:07 < AlmostGrad> Oh yeah. Is Wikipedia allowed there? 21:07 < Jasper_Deng> plus, over there, WP has competition 21:07 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:07 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:07 < AlmostGrad> I know facebook and youtube areb't. 21:07 < mareklug> teh Chinese are enterprising people. If you are really good at English, you are unlikely to spend time Wikipedia editing. 21:07 < AlmostGrad> competition from whom? 21:08 < AlmostGrad> They are very hardworking, true 21:08 < Jasper_Deng> another encyclopedia 21:08 < AlmostGrad> ok 21:09 < BlastHardcheese> the problem is you edit one chinese article and a half-hour later you want to edit another one 21:09 < AlmostGrad> There are 3000 Chinese international students at my school, any of them could provide Chinese WP support. Is it too hard to find a few within the US? 21:09 -!- Pote [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 21:09 < AlmostGrad> Why BlastHardcheese? 21:10 < dtm_> guys, is it improper to have italicized section titles? i dont know if they're an implicit part of the organization of the film, like an implicit chapter. 21:11 < mareklug> AlmostGrad when I was a grad student, I had to decline the offer from himself to translate his book from Polish to English, which would have assured me of notability if not immortality, not to ommit Lem's own immortal happiness, but grad studies just don't afford the kind of time you are talking about 21:13 < dtm_> mareklug: did anybody ever translate it? if not, you must. 21:13 < AlmostGrad> True 21:14 < mareklug> dtm remains untranslated to English 21:14 < CensoredBiscuit> dtm_: can I tell you what Jimbo can do in your life? 21:18 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:18 < dtm_> :-o 21:18 < dtm_> now i may never know. BUT HOW WILL I EVER KNOW??!?! 21:18 < dtm_> mareklug: how about my previous question, sir? 21:18 < dtm_> about italics 21:19 < mareklug> dtm in wiki articles, yo never do. 21:20 < mareklug> I would refactor that, sans italics: single section Chapter and then make what you have there be subsections 21:20 < mareklug> Chapters * 21:23 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 21:27 -!- YE [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:28 < mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko maybe use IBM Watson 21:30 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 21:31 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:31 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:36 < dtm_> mareklug: okay. 21:37 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:38 < dtm_> mareklug: btw i just edited the initial summary paragraph of for readability, who's another celebrity of Polish descent. he just passed away. 21:38 < mareklug> indeed he did 21:39 * IDoH is back 21:39 < dtm_> shouldn't it say something more like this? -> Ray Manzarek (born Raymond Daniel Manczarek, Jr., February 12, 1939 – May 20, 2013), .... 21:39 < dtm_> ? 21:39 < dtm_> IDoH: hi 21:40 -!- Cauthon [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 21.0/20130511120803]] 21:40 < Koi> !admin need someone to block IPs making legal threats/harassment/doxing against editors. 21:40 < Writ_Keeper> hoo? 21:42 < dtm_> < mareklug> I would refactor that, sans italics: single section Chapter and then make what you have there be subsections <--- ok well i don't know if those are literally chapters though. are they implicit chapters? and Story definitely isn't a chapter. shouldn't it be called Plot? 21:42 < dtm_> i think all the movie-based articles i've ever seen, call it Plot 21:42 < mareklug> call it Plot 21:43 < mareklug> but if those are proper names, I would go with Chapters 21:43 < dtm_> okay i dont know if they are. maybe i should just post comments in Talk. 21:44 -!- GabrielF [~GabrielF@wikipedia/GabrielF] has quit [Quit: GabrielF] 21:44 < dtm_> i know nothing of the movie, excpet that i just watched a statement byPatrick Stewart, saying that he was embarassed to be in it. 21:44 < dtm_> what to do? 21:44 < dtm_> i'll rename it to Plot for sure, but maybe for all i know, the movie does have the words "Prologue" and "Epilogue" on the screen 21:45 < dtm_> ^_^ 21:46 -!- My76Strat [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:46 -!- My76Strat [] has quit [Changing host] 21:46 -!- My76Strat [~chatzilla@wikipedia/My76Strat] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:47 < dtm_> oh well i committed the changes along with suggestions in the changelog 21:47 < Bsadowski1> 21:47 < Bsadowski1> :O 21:47 < Koi> !oversight 21:48 -!- Writ_Keeper [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Writ-Keeper] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 21:50 < Koi> Anyone? 21:50 < IDoH> Koi, wait five to ten minutes then go to Request for Oversight 21:50 < Koi> i know. 21:54 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 21:54 -!- Theo10011 [~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:56 -!- ChrisGualtieri [~IceChat77@wikipedia/ChrisGualtieri] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:59 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:59 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@] has quit [Changing host] 21:59 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:00 -!- Koi is now known as Koi|away 22:04 < bazinga> 22:04 -!- Revent [ad15dd3@gateway/web/cgi-irc/] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:05 < Revent> o/ peeps. 22:07 -!- Onaka [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:10 -!- CensoredBiscuit [~CensoredB@unaffiliated/censoredbiscuit] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:14 < Revent> So....what other random changes in the last 12 hours? 22:15 -!- Philon [~Philon@unaffiliated/philon] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:18 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:22 -!- matt_buck [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:22 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 22:22 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away 22:23 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:24 -!- mattbuck [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:25 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 22:25 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:25 < Bsadowski1> 91 killed now in the Oklahoma tornado. 22:25 -!- matt_buck is now known as mattbuck 22:26 * Jasper_Deng wonders if Bsadowski1 is doing radio transcriptions again 22:26 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:26 < Jasper_Deng> (if so, point me to the chan) 22:26 < Bsadowski1> Jasper_Deng: 22:26 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:26 < Bsadowski1> Oh, that was only for that event, Jasper_Deng. 22:26 < Bsadowski1> That was quite the intense day. 22:26 < Bsadowski1> :| 22:27 < Bsadowski1> I stayed up 25 hours bro. 22:27 < Bsadowski1> I'm just glad it is over. 22:30 -!- Patar_knight [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Patar-knight] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:31 -!- Philon [~Philon@unaffiliated/philon] has left #wikipedia-en [] 22:31 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4 22:32 -!- southpark [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Bsadowski1 it has only begun 22:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you have over 200 dead horses among other things 22:40 < Bsadowski1> Oh, Jasper_Deng: "Oklahoma Medical Examiner's Office told to expect about 40 more bodies. As of now, official death toll remains at 51. " from CNN 22:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Bsadowski1 yes 22:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 51 is an amazing number 22:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it seems like practically everyone had built storm shelters 22:41 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [] 22:43 < Revent> In OKC? Hell yeah. 22:44 < Revent> It's like living in a tornado magnet.. 22:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its not like (similar) it is exactly that 22:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> nothing to full fledged miles wide huricane in 1 hour? 22:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> wtf!? 22:45 < Revent> (grew up maybe...200 miles upwind) 22:45 < Revent> 40 mph winds pretty much all day, every day. 22:46 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 22:47 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they have a town named clinton 22:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no wonder why it sucks :p 22:47 < Bradford> Logan_: hi :-) 22:47 < Revent> And the right conditions out in that country, it can go from crystal clear windy day to towering supercells in half an hour eays. 22:47 < Revent> *easy 22:48 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:48 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why do people live there 22:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> why not move to florida? 22:50 < Theo10011> heh 22:50 < BlastHardcheese> because that would involve living in florida 22:50 < Revent> Well, having lived both places? Humidity and flying roaches kinda suck. 22:50 < Theo10011> florida has a hurricane season. I think. 22:50 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:50 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@] has quit [Changing host] 22:50 -!- Fox2k12 [yogi@wikipedia/fox2k11] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:51 < Revent> And in central floride you get a big storm about 11:15 every morning all summer. 22:51 < Revent> *Florida 22:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 oh right 22:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> another death trap 22:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm 22:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> california has earth wuakes 22:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *quakes 22:51 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think americans should just move back to europe for safety reasons :p 22:51 -!- JKL1234- is now known as JKL|lejos 22:52 < Theo10011> I think they are better. It's been a while since Cali got a bad earthquake? 22:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 thats exactly the problem 22:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> longer the time the bigger stress buildup 22:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> safest place tends to be a year after a major earthquake 22:52 < Theo10011> Need to relieve the earth's stress. 22:52 < ToAruShiroiNeko> unless its indonesia 22:53 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:53 < Theo10011> What about the east coast? 22:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 they should just olive oil the cracks :p 22:53 < Theo10011> ohh ya Sandy 22:53 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium] 22:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Theo10011 also hit by huricanes and storms? 22:53 < Theo10011> Ya 22:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> maine seems safe 22:53 < Theo10011> Let's just move to canada! 22:53 < Theo10011> Mooses and all 22:53 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they have narcotics rampant there 22:53 < Revent> Eww....4 months of isolation tho. 22:53 < Bsadowski1> Mooses :D 22:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and they abolished the penny :p 22:54 < Theo10011> :P 22:54 < Theo10011> SO, cold and isolation vs. natural disasters and civilization 22:54 < Theo10011> seems like a fair trade :P 22:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> canada has civilization 22:54 < ToAruShiroiNeko> just a narcotic driven one 22:55 < Revent> Yup... 22:55 < BlastHardcheese> driven by maple syurp 22:55 < BlastHardcheese> and tim horton's 22:55 < Theo10011> So, high fructose syrup and cheap prescription meds 22:55 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> obama to deploy US millitary to shove free health care on peoples throats 22:56 < Revent> (is actually looking for the 18 tractor-trailer buried grow room link( 22:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or so republicans believe 22:56 < Revent> It was in Canada... 22:56 < Theo10011> oh canadaaaaaa! 22:56 < Theo10011> feeling proud already :P 22:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Revent do you think my tractor is sexy? 22:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Oh! Canada? Ah! 22:57 < Theo10011> *eh 22:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Eh? 22:57 < Theo10011> We use only eh in canada. 22:57 < Theo10011> eh 22:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I know 22:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> eh doesnt sound sexy 22:58 < Theo10011> that's so much better eh, I like that eh. eh oh eh ah 22:58 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:] 22:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> cant imagine canadian sex then 22:58 < Revent> 22:58 < Revent> About 3:50.... 22:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think I want to know Theo10011 :p 22:59 < Theo10011> I'm told canadian sex looks like American sex, just with more elk and moose 22:59 < Theo10011> and the only sound they are allowed to make is eh 23:00 < Theo10011> that's tennessee Revent 23:00 < Revent> Ye....just amusing. 23:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and maple syrup instead of lube? 23:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> do canadians use maple syrup instead of gasoline? 23:03 < bazinga> yes 23:03 < Revent> 23:03 < SigmaWP> Maple syrup instead of cum 23:04 < Revent> That was the 'canada' one. 23:04 < bazinga> SigmaWP: ice condoms 23:04 < bazinga> Revent: hahaha 23:04 < bazinga> Jasper_Deng: more grow ops, how about that 23:05 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 23:06 -!- Titoxd_ [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:07 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit [] 23:12 < Revent> enwiki needs a net radio station (lol) 23:12 < Revent> "Tunes to edit by" 23:12 < Jasper_Deng> that was actually proposed once 23:12 < bazinga> fuck you 23:12 < bazinga> (ooh ooh ooh!) 23:12 < Revent> *blinks* Wow, raw nerve... 23:12 < bazinga> Jasper_Deng: you are NOT the dj. i'm sorry. 23:13 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 23:14 < SuicidalZerg> At least 20 children dead from that tornado 23:15 < Revent> :( 23:15 < Revent> Yeah, F4 is pretty serious. 23:15 -!- GingerGeek [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:15 -!- GingerGeek_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:16 < Revent> That's on the 'tornado says"No, fuck your silly storm shelter"' level. 23:16 -!- GingerGeek_ [] has quit [Client Quit] 23:16 -!- GingerGeek [] has quit [Client Quit] 23:17 < Revent> (lots of strom shelters are /really/ bad) 23:17 < Revent> *storm 23:17 -!- GingerGeek [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:18 < Bsadowski1> 23:18 < Bsadowski1> lol 23:18 < Bsadowski1> what 23:18 < Revent> The case of the ones out in the texas panhandle that floated out of their holes during the thunderstorm a few years back being the example. 23:18 < Bsadowski1> NSFW ^ 23:18 < Bsadowski1> kids, do not click pls 23:18 < Revent> *rolls* 23:19 < Revent> Yeah, eHarmony tries to be 'classy. 23:19 < bazinga> Bsadowski1: something similar happened to me once 23:19 < bazinga> i signed my friend up on christian mingle 23:19 < Bsadowski1> what 23:19 < bazinga> he got a bunch of fat people requesting him, and he had a really offensive profile 23:21 < Revent> *wows* My target backlog actually went 'down' overnight. (yay) 23:22 -!- Mike_H [~quassel@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:24 < SuicidalZerg> 23:25 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:27 -!- Anna_Frodesiak [~Anna_Frod@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak] has quit [Quit: Kinda hot in these rhinos] 23:30 < Bsadowski1> 23:30 < Bsadowski1> :o 23:31 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:31 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:31 < Revent> Heh. 23:33 < bazinga> honestly, anyone who uses siri/google now looks like an idiot 23:33 < bazinga> typing is usually much faster 23:33 < Revent> (lols) and of course 23:35 < Revent> as is... 23:35 < Revent> *in 23:35 < Theo10011> Google Now is horrible though, it's only voice search. No personality/assistant like Siri. :S 23:36 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:39 -!- GingerGeek is now known as GingerGeek[Away] 23:40 < Revent> *hrms* Anyone else notice that 'javascript' gadgets hide now if you click off of them? 23:40 < Revent> (I mean disappear, but are still 'there' filled out in the background) It's new behavior for me... 23:41 -!- GingerGeek[Away] [] has quit [Quit: Bye!] 23:41 -!- SudoGhost [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:41 -!- SudoGhost [] has quit [Changing host] 23:41 -!- SudoGhost [~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:41 < mareklug> eHarmony has no sense of crude humor 23:41 -!- spyro [~shentino@gentoo/contributor/shentino] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:46 < Revent> (chuckles) Oh, I'm sure the people who /work/ there are quite amused. :) 23:47 < Revent> Their office bulletin board is probably... 'interesting'. 23:48 -!- vastuniverse_ [~IceChat9@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 23:50 -!- thedj [~pjotr@unaffiliated/thedj] has quit [Quit: leaving] 23:54 < SudoGhost> If someone just straight-up removes a section from a BLP article despite the fact that it's completely verifable and sourced, that's covered under "Illegitamate blanking" in [[WP:VANDTYPES]] and is exempt from 3RR, right? --- Log closed Tue May 21 00:00:22 2013