MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to search--- Log opened Mon May 06 00:00:28 2013 00:07 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 00:10 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang] 00:16 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:17 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:17 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:18 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:24 < SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: anyway, hi 00:24 < Bradford> è_é 00:26 -!- nuenfly [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:27 -!- Bradford is now known as Pandashan 00:35 < Computron_> Snakker noen norske? 00:36 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:36 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang] 00:39 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:46 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:46 -!- jubo2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:46 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:] 00:46 < SigmaWP> night 00:47 -!- Jacnoc [~Joshua@2a00:7b80:3008:3::121b:cd4f] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 00:47 -!- Jacnoc [~Joshua@2a00:7b80:3008:3::121b:cd4f] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:49 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into] 00:54 -!- kelapstick|afk is now known as kelapstick 00:54 -!- coffinAAW [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:55 -!- coffinAAW [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 00:55 -!- coffinAAW [] has joined #wikipedia-en 00:56 -!- coffinAAW [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 00:56 -!- Nickinator [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:01 -!- Aranda56 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:03 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:03 -!- muahaha is now known as dew 01:03 -!- dew is now known as muahaha 01:10 -!- darsie [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:11 < dtm> what do you guys think of the fact that i made the career timeline into both a table and a graph?,_Jr.#Career 01:11 < dtm> <-------- h a r d c o r e 01:11 < dtm> does that look ok? 01:12 -!- muahaha [uid10984@gateway/web/] has left #wikipedia-en [] 01:14 < kelapstick> I like it 01:16 < darsie> hi 01:16 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 01:16 < darsie> How can I put an external image in an article (in a talk page actually)? 01:18 < tommorris> darsie: You can't. Images need to be uploaded to Wikipedia or Commons 01:18 < dtm> kelapstick: kthx. anyone else? 01:18 < dtm> can't hurt, huh? 01:18 < darsie> Hmm. So I just can print a link to it. 01:19 < dtm> i arranged them using {{col 01:30 -!- coffinAAW [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:30 -!- Jake_Wartenberg is now known as JW|Away 01:30 -!- coffinAAW [] has quit [Client Quit] 01:33 -!- muahaha [uid10984@gateway/web/] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:38 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|AFK 01:40 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 01:40 < dtm> it would seem that the wikignome tool has been buggy for me in chrome. disabling it made my <timeline> functionality work correctly apparently. 01:44 < dtm> the only downside to my arrangement of a table and a graph side by side, is that the graph isn't very readable on a phone. oh well! 01:45 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:51 -!- Ushau97 [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:53 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:55 -!- Aranda56 [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 01:56 -!- Aranda56 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:57 -!- southpark [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:57 -!- kellerkind71 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 01:58 -!- kellerkind71 [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 02:01 < Steven_Zhang> hi :P 02:03 < Pandashan> è_é 02:04 < Steven_Zhang> bah 02:04 < Steven_Zhang> all the NACs have been done 02:04 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:06 * tommorris reads AfD 02:06 < tommorris> "That which does not exist cannot be notable." 02:07 < tommorris> Right. Time to go on a deletion spree for religious figures and conspiracy theory articles. 02:10 -!- Steven_Zhang [~Steven_Zh@wikimedia/Steven-Zhang] has quit [Quit: Steven_Zhang] 02:11 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:19 -!- camerin [] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 02:20 -!- kondi [~konarak@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:23 < wctaiwan> false premise, when you put it like that 02:24 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:26 -!- camerin [] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:33 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has quit [Quit: You cannot logic someone out of an opinion they did not logic themselves into] 02:41 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:43 < mareklug> wc Working gun made with 3D printer 02:44 < mareklug> does not say if it survives the first shot. 02:48 < mareklug> "Following a test firing, documented by Forbes, in which a string was used to pull the trigger, Wilson now took the gun into his hands and successfully fired it. Neither him or the weapon suffered any visible damage (sans a cracked pin that used to hold the gun's barrel in place) on that occasion, but the gun did misfire and explode in one of the test firings." 02:48 -!- Fae [~Fae@wikipedia/Fae] has joined #wikipedia-en 02:49 < dtm> mareklug: what do you think of the fact that i made the career timeline into both a table and a graph, and side by side?,_Jr.#Career 02:49 < mareklug> dtm cleaarly you are now ready to 3-D print your first drum kit 02:49 < mareklug> very nice 02:50 < dtm> that's what i'm working toward 02:50 < dtm> however, i fear for the safety of all 02:50 < dtm> i need to know the graph's tensile strength rating, under load 02:52 < dtm> mareklug: but yes that is my goal, secondary only to 1) making you jealous 02:52 < mareklug> dtm oh I wanted to share this with you. I know you of all people will appreciate it: "Music for pieces of wood" - Steve Reich 02:53 < mareklug> you can only make me jelous by getting a kiss or an autograph or both from Avril Lavigne, or maybe a signed drum. 02:53 < dtm> hm. 02:53 < dtm> yes but i sense your *fear*, which is palpable. <3 02:53 < dtm> that's quite a delicate auxiliary sound 02:54 < dtm> that guy's pretty regular. i wonder if he's a Vulcan. 02:54 < dtm> that's totally what a Vulcan would do. 02:54 < dtm> bbl 03:05 -!- Fluff|sleep [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:09 -!- Fluff|away [~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 03:13 -!- Pandashan [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Quit: Adiós chongos, no me extrañen :D] 03:26 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:27 < mareklug> jubo2 time has come to install Debian 7, another Finnish town name 03:31 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has quit [Client Quit] 03:31 -!- Bjarki [~Thunderbi@wikipedia/Bjarki-S] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:35 < jubo2> mareklug: oh debian 7 is out.. 03:36 -!- southpark is now known as dirkfranke 03:36 < mareklug> indeed. i'll link ya to the live directory. it is multi-arch (32/64-bit in one) and you can have it as stable or stable+nonfree in 4 different desktops 03:36 < jubo2> mareklug: Porvoo 03:37 < mareklug> 03:37 < Peter-C> Windows 7 <3 03:37 < mareklug> already chose vaasa. I have pori, so the P letter was "taken" 03:38 < mareklug> of course, jubo2, we both name that Vaasa is a singularly Swedish name... 03:38 < jubo2> Vaasa is a proper city, university and everything.. 03:38 < mareklug> after the dynasty 03:39 < jubo2> mareklug: It's Vasa in Swedish and Vaasa in Finnish 03:39 < mareklug> and Waza in Polish, I think. We had a king. 03:40 < kondi> Debian 7 comes with xfce 4.8 :\ 03:40 < mareklug> three kings, in fact 03:40 < kondi> why not 4.10? :( 03:40 < mareklug>ładysław_IV_Waza 03:41 < mareklug> I compiled by hand 4.10 for 6.0.5/6 on even a 1998 Powerbook, not to mention my iMac vm guest, so I can teach you how to do it. 03:41 < mareklug> kondi ^ 03:42 < jubo2> mareklug: Do you happen to know if it is much of an hassle to upgrade from 6.0 ..? 03:42 < mareklug> probaby because of the fact that when it ws testing it had 4.8 03:43 < mareklug> i just downloaded 7 outright. in a vm it makes no sense. on a real physical hardware it might, but I warn you, all my previous attempts to upgrade from stable to testing in situ ended up in disasters and broken dependencies and systems that would not boot. 03:43 < jubo2> 'k 03:45 < kondi> mareklug: ah, well then I should get the iso first! 03:45 -!- Ushau97 is now known as Ushau97|away 03:46 < mareklug> it's a very easy installation -- select Install from the live boot menu directly(5th item) and watch it go. It is so simple as compared to many other distros. and no handholding such as look how strong your password is. 03:47 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has quit [Quit: Cheerio!] 03:47 < mareklug> kondi you have several choices 03:48 < mareklug> i went with stable+nonfree xfce 03:49 -!- Nickinator [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 03:50 < Peter-C> WTF 03:50 < Peter-C> Full Sail University is nterested in me 03:50 < Peter-C> What the heck is that? 03:51 -!- Ushau97|away [~Ushau97@wikimedia/Ushau97] has quit [Quit: Computer status SLEEP] 03:51 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en 03:54 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has quit [Client Quit] 03:55 -!- KTC [~KTC@wikipedia/KTC] has left #wikipedia-en ["Leaving"] 03:56 < mareklug> memoserv send TParis <-- maybe they will give you a pistol :) 04:00 -!- Nickinator [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:00 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:06 -!- kondi [~konarak@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving] 04:07 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:11 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|zZzZ 04:13 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has quit [Quit: Cheerio!] 04:13 -!- ragesoss_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:18 -!- ragesoss_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:21 -!- Captain-n00dle [~Cptn-n00d@wikipedia/Captain-n00dle] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:25 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:25 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@] has quit [Changing host] 04:25 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:28 -!- ragesoss [~quassel@wikimedia/ragesoss] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:28 -!- kondi [~konarak@wikimedia/kondicherry] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:29 < kondi> ubuntu has gone bonkers 04:30 < QueenOfFrance> it has? 04:31 < mareklug> QueenOfFrance how many edits to become an editor on de wiki? 04:32 < QueenOfFrance> no clue, I stay away from dewiki 04:32 -!- KP13 [~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:32 < mareklug> I thought you were German 04:33 < QueenOfFrance> No o_O 04:33 -!- KP13 [~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:33 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:33 < mareklug> Italian? 04:33 < QueenOfFrance> Yep :) 04:33 < mareklug> Grazie. 04:34 -!- Jasper_Deng_away [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:34 < JohnLewis> QueenOfFrance: QueenOfItaly would have been an easier title then :) 04:34 -!- XJR-9 [uid2977@pdpc/supporter/active/xjr-9] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:34 < QueenOfFrance> That would make no sense 04:35 -!- Cyde [~Cyde@wikipedia/Cyde] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 04:42 < mareklug> QueenOfFrance i asked on #wikipedia-de and I received :) 04:42 < QueenOfFrance> :) 04:43 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:44 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:47 -!- ikonia [~irc@unaffiliated/ikonia] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 04:47 -!- Krenair [~Krenair@wikimedia/Krenair] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 04:47 < wctaiwan> .. 04:47 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:50 -!- Krenair [~Krenair@] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:50 -!- Krenair [~Krenair@] has quit [Changing host] 04:50 -!- Krenair [~Krenair@wikimedia/Krenair] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:50 -!- Krenair [~Krenair@wikimedia/Krenair] has quit [Excess Flood] 04:50 -!- Krenair [~Krenair@wikimedia/Krenair] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:50 -!- Cyde [~Cyde@wikipedia/Cyde] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:51 -!- armufox [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 04:51 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:51 < mareklug> kondi jubo2 everything works like a charm right out of the box, networking, bidirectional clipboard, and it seems my host by name.local (I specified .local as the domain, to match the iMac) 04:53 < jubo2> nice. 04:53 < wctaiwan> "a number of countries have built jet-engine-powered trains. Sadly, they never took off. Fortunately, they never took off." 04:54 -!- armufox [] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:58 -!- qreb [~wat@2001:0:5ef5:79fd:3c53:2c68:51a2:6cfa] has joined #wikipedia-en 04:58 < kondi> I thought xfce was the default desktop environment but it seems that they went back to gnome 05:08 -!- MadPig [MadPig@unaffiliated/madpig] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:08 < MadPig> Is it "Well packed." or "Well packaged." when you are commenting on how well something was... packaged/packed? An order? 05:08 -!- TheChance [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:11 < mareklug> kondi there 4 four defaults 05:12 < mareklug> [05:47:45] <mareklug> kondi you have several choices 05:15 -!- YE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:15 < MadPig> Is it "Well packed." or "Well packaged." when you are commenting on how well something was... packaged/packed? An order? 05:15 -!- MadPig [MadPig@unaffiliated/madpig] has left #wikipedia-en [] 05:16 < wctaiwan> oh look, debian. 05:16 * wctaiwan likes debian 05:16 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:17 < kondi> hm 05:27 -!- qreb [~wat@2001:0:5ef5:79fd:3c53:2c68:51a2:6cfa] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:28 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:31 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 05:34 -!- jubo2 [] has quit [Quit: Beams.] 05:34 < mareklug> the only wrinkle I have run into is that the Virtualbox Guest Additions will not mount. albeit some form of it is already active, as the guest plays nice with the host (resizing of window, bi-directional-clipboard, shared folders mounted by default_ 05:35 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 05:36 < wctaiwan> I got it to work the last time I did it. Can't remember what I did, though 05:39 < mareklug> <-- the steps are weird, but they work. sigh. 05:39 < wctaiwan> well, so long as they work. 05:41 < mareklug> usually when you click on Devices > Install Guest Additions in the host's menus, it happens automagically, or at least the bloody iso is mounted. 05:42 -!- Moe_Epsilon [~David@wikimedia/Moe-Epsilon] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 05:49 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:53 < JohnLewis> Any Global Sysop or Stewards who wouldn't mind maybe looking into and blocking an account that is doing cross-wiki spam/vandalism? :) 05:53 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:53 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 05:54 -!- darsie [] has left #wikipedia-en ["Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is"] 05:55 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en 05:57 -!- Bronze [~Mark@unaffiliated/bronze] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:04 < QueenOfFrance> JohnLewis: wrong channel to find a steward, but I think it's been got already 06:06 < JohnLewis> QueenOfFrance: I just realised I had it in the wrong channel. 06:06 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:08 -!- Guest34310 [uid7833@gateway/web/] has quit [Changing host] 06:08 -!- Guest34310 [uid7833@wikimedia/tbloemink] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:09 -!- Guest34310 is now known as TB|Cloud 06:09 -!- YE is now known as YE|AFK 06:09 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:19 -!- lukas|away is now known as lukas23 06:20 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 06:21 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (] 06:21 -!- sDrewthedoff [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:22 -!- sDrewthedoff [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en [] 06:26 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:29 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 06:32 -!- XJR-9 [uid2977@pdpc/supporter/active/xjr-9] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:41 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:41 -!- Nickinator [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 06:41 -!- Nickinator [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:42 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 06:42 -!- greenrosetta [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:42 -!- greenrosetta [] has quit [Changing host] 06:42 -!- greenrosetta [~greenrose@unaffiliated/greenrosetta] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:46 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@nat/ibm/x-qrqmchtyqapzosgn] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:46 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@nat/ibm/x-qrqmchtyqapzosgn] has quit [Changing host] 06:46 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:47 -!- ItzExor [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 06:48 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has quit [Read error: Connection timed out] 06:48 -!- Nickinator [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 06:50 -!- Mr-ex777 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:50 < mareklug> i thought there is a command line linux/unix utility for showing an image file in X from the command line? 06:51 -!- bjelleklang [~chris@wikipedia/Bjelleklang] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 06:52 -!- ItzExor [~exor@] has joined #wikipedia-en 06:53 < mareklug> it's display, but you have install image-magick --- Log closed Mon May 06 07:04:03 2013 --- Log opened Mon May 06 11:59:21 2013 11:59 -!- anomynous [~nick@] has joined #wikipedia-en 11:59 -!- Irssi: #wikipedia-en: Total of 211 nicks [1 ops, 0 halfops, 0 voices, 210 normal] 11:59 -!- Irssi: Join to #wikipedia-en was synced in 1 secs 11:59 < SoapX> seriously 12:00 < SoapX> they probably just called it Times Roman up tio that point though 12:01 < Pharos> Times Punic! 12:01 -!- krieger1970 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:01 -!- Maple__ is now known as sid|2147483647 12:01 -!- krieger1970 [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 12:02 -!- sid|2147483647 is now known as Maple__ 12:02 < Sarcasm> does this need revdel? 12:03 < Sarcasm> The emails, I mean 12:03 -!- Sir48 [~LTL@wikipedia/Sir48] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:04 < SoapX> i thought hotmail just went offline 12:04 < SoapX> they probably are forwarding emails or something 12:04 < TheLordOfTime> SoapX: hotmail turned into 12:04 < TheLordOfTime> i think they kept the domain though 12:05 < SoapX> yeah, itd be pretty bad planning to just bounce every hotmail address to nowhere 12:06 < TheLordOfTime> SoapX: they did this when was what hotmail became 12:07 < TheLordOfTime> addresses were still processed (but you couldn't register new hotmail.coms) 12:07 < TheLordOfTime> they probably did the same here 12:08 < SoapX> wait really? 12:08 < SoapX> you mean has been "down" for years already? in the sense that you couldnt get a new hotmail address? 12:08 -!- lukas|away is now known as lukas23 12:09 < SoapX> i dont think that needs revdel, btw 12:09 < SoapX> there's nothing attachged to it 12:09 < TheLordOfTime> SoapX: they changed the "no new addresses" recently 12:09 < TheLordOfTime> a little before the switch 12:09 < TheLordOfTime> NO CLUE whether that's still the case 12:10 -!- TheChance [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:11 < moogsi> SoapX: Time Roman is a related but different font 12:11 < moogsi> *Times 12:11 < legoktm> SoapX: 12:11 < SoapX> oh what let me guess 12:11 < legoktm> someone got 12:11 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:12 < SoapX> yeah 12:12 < SoapX> gates, ballmer, etc 12:12 < SoapX> but no obama 12:13 < SoapX> and there's a blog featuring emails from the fake Ballmer account 12:15 -!- Nosher [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:15 -!- zz_nas is now known as nas 12:16 -!- Nosher [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 12:16 < legoktm> 12:20 < darev> n8 12:20 -!- darev [] has quit [] 12:21 < RhesusMinus> SoapX: Why do you keep making that retarded joke about "Times Old Roman"? 12:21 < RhesusMinus> Did you even look at the article? 12:21 < RhesusMinus> Times New Roman is not "new" in any way. 12:21 < RhesusMinus> It's just a variation name of Times Roman. 12:22 < RhesusMinus> I am asking what the magazine The Times used before 1930 when it got the new font. 12:22 < SoapX> that was my serious answer 12:22 < moogsi> RhesusMinus: can't actually find anything but i suspect the answer is in 12:22 < moogsi> and its supplement 12:22 < moogsi> he writes about all the typefaces ever used by The Times 12:22 < RhesusMinus> I have to order that book? 12:22 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:22 < moogsi> not necessarily 12:23 < Jetro> fuck 12:23 < Jetro> Windows found out it wasn't genuine :| 12:24 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: I'm the greatest pirate-hunter in the world! AUYYEAHHH] 12:24 < moogsi> you might find something online but all the sources i can fins say he criticized the typography of the times in "an essay" in 1929 (no title), and he was commissioned to redesign it, and the memorandum was everything he thought about the problem 12:24 < moogsi> and Times New Roman was the result 12:25 < moogsi> this is just googling, not proper research or anything 12:30 -!- muahaha is now known as Sherlock_ 12:30 < moogsi> Jetro: Genuine Microsoft Product Squad has been despatched, you've got about 20 minutes until they break your door down 12:30 < Jetro> oh dear ohdear oh dear 12:30 < moogsi> put your hard drive in the microwave and make a break for the border 12:31 < Jetro> :D 12:31 < Jetro> baby let's make a run for the border 12:32 < Jetro> I've got a hunger only tacos can stop 12:35 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (] 12:38 -!- Jetro [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:39 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:40 -!- AaronBale [] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:41 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:44 -!- Extreme7 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:45 -!- Extreme7 [] has quit [Client Quit] 12:53 -!- Sherlock_ is now known as muahaha 12:57 -!- Guest87593 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 12:58 -!- kondi [~kondi@wikimedia/kondicherry] has quit [Quit: leaving] 12:58 -!- ToBeFree [~tobefree@unaffiliated/tobefree] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:00 -!- sdamashek|away [~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:01 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:01 < russavia> jetro -- did you see depression month last month? this is real depressing -- 13:03 -!- nas is now known as swag1996 13:03 -!- Maryana is now known as brb 13:03 -!- swag1996 is now known as swagnas 13:03 -!- brb is now known as Maryana_brb 13:03 -!- muahaha is now known as Luther_ 13:03 -!- Maple__ is now known as swaggytree 13:04 -!- swaggytree is now known as swagple 13:04 -!- swagple is now known as Maple__ 13:05 -!- Luther_ is now known as Mario___ 13:06 -!- Maple__ is now known as swagple 13:06 < mareklug> SoapX do read the bloody article. The type, a kind of Roman serif, was comissioned for The Times. It did not exist before then, there were similar typefaces. 13:06 < RhesusMinus> Times [New ]Roman looks very classic, though. 1930s feels too late. But I suppose the one used prior to it was very similar. 13:06 < mareklug> 13:07 < Jetro> oh russavia what the fuck :( 13:07 -!- Mario___ is now known as new_muahaha 13:07 < Jetro> mareklug: Do not swear like that in front of me 13:07 < mareklug> Roman type can be seen on edifices of buildings dating from classic Roman Empire, so.... 13:07 < Jetro> Saying that word of the name of the worst font in the universe 13:08 < mareklug> Jetro there are worse fonts tahn Times Roman, 13:08 < Jetro> No there isn't 13:08 < mareklug> for example Comic Sans 13:08 < Jetro> Not even Comic Sans 13:08 < Jetro> no 13:08 < Jetro> :D 13:09 < Jetro> Because it isn't used nearly enough like fucking Times 13:09 < Jetro> Also Comic sans is good for.. wait for it, comics 13:09 < Jetro> It's just used wrong 13:09 < Jetro> Luckily Calibri has come 13:09 < mareklug> ther are other Roman typefaces. You can use Garamond if you are classy 13:09 < QueenOfFrance> comic sanse is just wrong, not used wrong 13:09 < QueenOfFrance> *comic sans 13:10 < Jetro> mareklug, sure, I have nothing against that type of fonts, just Times... yesh 13:10 < Jetro> QueenOfFrance: No. Go back to your throne 13:10 < QueenOfFrance> Verdana forever! 13:10 < SoapX> 13:11 < Jetro> Verdana is so BIG 13:11 < TBloemink> Wingdings, QueenOfFrance 13:11 < Jetro> And looks ugly with anything above 10px imo 13:11 < Jetro> Eurostile <3 13:11 < QueenOfFrance> Yeah, I don't actually use Verdana, I use arial 13:11 < QueenOfFrance> But I rather like the look and clarity of it 13:11 < Jetro> But Helvetica is much nicer than Arial 13:11 < SoapX> Palatino Linotype is my favorite serif font and Eurostile is my favorite sans serif 13:11 < Jetro> Arial is like the kid that sings just a bit off 13:11 < QueenOfFrance> Jetro: isn't helvetica a bit wider? 13:11 < Jetro> SoapX: Good taste, man 13:11 < mareklug> Jetro I would say Eurostile is a far more disgusting invention and far less useful than Times Roman. 13:11 < sam> Arial is just a badly done copy of Helvetica 13:11 < Jetro> No they are like exactly the same... except for some curves that Arial had to change 13:11 -!- Aranda56 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:12 < Jetro> Windows even often interpretes Helvetica as Arial, for some weird reason 13:12 < sam> 13:12 < Jetro> interprets*? 13:12 < Jetro> I dunno 13:12 < mareklug> Jetro if you knew font design, you would know that Arial is ugly and Helvetica is beautiful. Compare the lowercase a at large magnification. 13:12 < Jetro> mareklug but you don't use Eurostile for everything, and no, you're wrong :D 13:12 < Jetro> Yeah I know the differences 13:12 -!- Aranda56 [] has quit [Changing host] 13:12 -!- Aranda56 [~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:12 < Jetro> But they are minor if you don't look closely 13:12 < Jetro> And one isn't wider 13:13 < Jetro> Trust me, I don't hate Arial just cause it's hip 13:13 < mareklug> it was DESIGNED not to be FUCKING WIDER, so how can it be WIDER? 13:13 < Jetro> wth 13:13 < Jetro> I'm saying it's not wider 13:13 < Jetro> I never said it was 13:13 < QueenOfFrance> Jetro: I think mareklug is meaning to be yelling at me, not you 13:13 < Jetro> yeah but 13:14 < d_> Looks like I walked into a conversation about typefaces 13:14 < mareklug> Arial was designed as a poor man's substitution of Helvetica. Or rather, a rich corporation's substituion, to avoid licensing. Microsoft. 13:14 < Jetro> _TAKE A CHILL PILL_ 13:14 < d_> Always a topic with many strong opinions voiced 13:14 -!- new_muahaha is now known as muahaha 13:14 < Jetro> d_ you did indeed 13:14 < QueenOfFrance> mareklug: Jetro is in full agreement with you about helvetica's superiority... 13:14 < Jetro> <3 13:14 < mareklug> good for Jetro 13:14 < QueenOfFrance> He was specifically correcting me about my mistaken assumption that helvetica was wider 13:15 < Jetro> It's like Microsoft cloned a child, and then had to make it badder somehow 13:15 < Jetro> Yeah sure 13:15 < Jetro> just did not get the sudden rage outburst 13:15 < mareklug> Jetro if I had more Norwegian smoked fish in my diet, I would be calmer. It is your own fault for not sending me any yet. 13:16 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:16 < Jetro> Sorry, I don't know where to get it 13:16 < Jetro> :() 13:16 -!- Maryana_brb is now known as Maryana 13:16 < mareklug> downtown, turn left, go to the port. 13:16 < Jetro> oh 13:16 < Jetro> you might be right 13:16 < Jetro> but then again 13:16 < Jetro> bother 13:17 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:18 < QueenOfFrance> I've looked at Eurostile, looks really beautiful :o 13:18 < Jetro> It's like retro 13:18 < Jetro> 10 years ago Donald Duck magazines started using a wide Eurostile font, so I tweaked it myself and tried to copy it 13:18 < mareklug> QueenOfFrance Jetro 13:18 < Jetro> But of course there is already a wide Eurostile out there 13:19 < Jetro> But the funny thing is fonts are subjective anyway :D 13:19 -!- Shirik [~mpdelbuon@WoWUIDev/WoWIStaff/Norganna/StatisticalEngineer/Shirik] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 13:19 < russavia> comic sans all the way! 13:19 < Jetro> Fuck you 13:19 < d_> Partly 13:20 < QueenOfFrance> Comic Sanse is the only thing that reaaaally annoyes me 13:20 < d_> If you use comic sans for body text, a lot of people will find it difficult to read 13:20 < d_> that's not subjective 13:20 < russavia> we should make comic sans the default font for teh wiki 13:20 < Jetro> Oh, if they aren't free I'm not interested 13:20 < russavia> in fact, we should make its use compulsory 13:20 < a930913> I'm told that Comic Sans differentiates between 1, I and L. 13:20 < d_> At least for the [edit] links 13:20 < Jetro> d_: Sure, readability and such, but like aestethics-wise or whatever it's called 13:20 < d_> So that people notice them 13:20 < QueenOfFrance> russavia: we should reinstate your arbcom ban, this time for font heresy 13:21 < tommorris> so, we should make it so that comic-sans-only is an alternative to blocking. 13:21 < QueenOfFrance> Wow 13:21 < QueenOfFrance> that's a good idea 13:21 < QueenOfFrance> something like bright green 13:21 < QueenOfFrance> comic sans 13:21 < QueenOfFrance> I think that's not allowed in the US tho, "cruel and unusual punishment" 13:21 < QueenOfFrance> etc 13:21 < a930913> No way to enforce it though ;) 13:22 < Jetro> Yeah, bright green Comic Sans, PHAT, on white background 13:22 < Jetro> Anyone who's not into it we just put a WP:DISTURB on 13:22 < d_> Write a flash applet for rendering the entirety of wikipedia 13:22 < d_> force comic sans 13:22 < d_> done 13:22 < russavia> i shall start an RFC on my return in a week's time 13:23 < mareklug> here is a bombshell 13:23 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 13:23 < QueenOfFrance> mareklug: really? 13:23 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:23 < Jetro> I like Analog 13:23 -!- Shirik [~mpdelbuon@WoWUIDev/WoWIStaff/Norganna/StatisticalEngineer/Shirik] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:23 < QueenOfFrance> that seems... a bold and risky move 13:23 -!- Sky2042 [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:24 -!- TBloemink [~TB@wikimedia/tbloemink] has quit [Quit: So flee youthful passions and pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace, along with those who call on the Operator from a pure heart.] 13:24 < d_> But... the cloud is the future, maaaan 13:24 < mareklug> they must not be selling, and they probably think PCs/Macs are going down. But what about the professionals? 13:24 < d_> How else will adobe compete with instagram and its plethora of filters 13:24 < RhesusMinus> "23 Of the most beautiful typeface designs released last month" <- That must be the least exciting headline I've ever read. 13:25 -!- moogsi [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:25 -!- moogsi [] has quit [Changing host] 13:25 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:25 < RhesusMinus> It's like "Event participated in by some". 13:25 < RhesusMinus> Not the 23 best typefaces. Just 23 of the best... of last month? 13:25 < mareklug> RhesusMinus you prefer headlies about LiLo and whoever having the next catfight? 13:25 -!- JL|AWAY is now known as JohnLewis 13:25 < Jetro> Haha 13:25 < Jetro> Didn't notice that until now, good point 13:25 < QueenOfFrance> the thing with these stupid cloud things is that they stop working when you don't have internet 13:26 < QueenOfFrance> which is not as uncommon as they think 13:26 < mareklug> very good point. and some high-security environments don't want any net. 13:26 < RhesusMinus> Not to mention you sign away 100% of the control and privacy. 13:26 < RhesusMinus> Not having Internet connection is NOT the main point. 13:26 < d_> On the plus side, you get to pay someone for software as a service instead of having it locally for yourself 13:26 < QueenOfFrance> I will kill the next person on ITN/C that doesn't read the bloody article >.< 13:27 < RhesusMinus> The Adobe keynote earlier today was a crapfest of buzzwords. 13:27 < RhesusMinus> "BLABLABLA CLOUD BLABLABLA SOCIAL BLABLABLA COLLABORATE BLABLABLA WE'RE EXCITED TO BLABLABLA" 13:27 < RhesusMinus> I didn't get one second of footage from the new Premiere Pro. 13:27 < mareklug> Jetro here is something for you. go buy yourself a disk first. 13:27 < RhesusMinus> The only thing I wanted to see. 13:28 -!- Maryana_ [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:28 < QueenOfFrance> RhesusMinus: the TL;DR is "We want your money and we found a way to charge you moneys forever" 13:28 -!- Carly|away [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:29 < d_> I'm sure Photoshop will still be on every torrent tracker out there 13:29 < Jetro> Hey, mareklug, I have quite a few of them google fonts 13:29 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 13:29 -!- Maryana_ is now known as Maryana 13:29 < Jetro> or fonts put on google or whatever 13:30 < moogsi> they could change the Google logo, it's ugly as hell 13:30 < Jetro> Google knows hsit about design anyway 13:30 < moogsi> OR, they can never ever change it ever cos it's got too much brand recognition 13:31 < Jetro> Funny thing is, 10 years ago, every goddamn company changed their logo to give it a glass and glossy sparkle 13:31 < Jetro> Now, everyone reverts to their old one 13:31 < Jetro> Like Coca Cola, Burger King etc. 13:31 < Jetro> They all had to have that reflection glossy shit before 13:31 < Carly|away> O.O 13:31 < Jetro> Carly|away :D 13:33 < Carly|away> Jetro hi 13:33 < mareklug> Jetro but the Monotype fonts should be ok 13:33 < Jetro> For what? 13:33 < Jetro> Carly punch punch punch 13:33 < moogsi> well they changed the chrome logo from that weird glassy blob to something more flat 13:33 < mareklug> for designing books and brochures and websites 13:33 < moogsi> that was a tiny step in the right direction 13:33 < Carly|away> Jetro :| 13:33 < Carly|away> :D 13:34 -!- Maryana_ [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:34 < Jetro> moogsi: Ah, good find 13:34 < Carly|away> Jetro go to punch your mom 13:34 < Carly|away> :D 13:35 < moogsi> Kellogg's did a promotion last year where they changed their packaging to the ones from 50 years ago, and it was really striking how much better they looked 13:35 < Jetro> yes 13:35 < Jetro> And so did Coke 13:35 < Jetro> Coca Cola 13:35 -!- guillom is now known as basile 13:35 < Jetro> I thought they wouldn't do that since it looked old-fashioned 13:36 < Jetro> but I guess not 13:36 -!- lukas23 is now known as lukas|away 13:36 < moogsi> and i'm not usually one to say "things used to be better" but the Rice Krispies box especially made your eyes want to vomit, the old one was 1000x improvement 13:36 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 13:36 -!- Maryana_ is now known as Maryana 13:37 -!- FunPika [~FunPika@wikipedia/FunPika] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 13:39 -!- Carly|away [~androirc@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 13:39 < moogsi> i don't think Coke looks hugely different now compared to 50 years ago, especially if you get the glass bottles 13:39 -!- Carly|Away [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:39 < Jetro> No exactly 13:39 < Carly|Away> Eeh 13:39 < Carly|Away> Jetro punchhhh 13:44 -!- Demiurge1000 [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:46 -!- swagple is now known as Maple__ 13:49 -!- Guerillero [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:51 -!- lukas|away is now known as lukas23 13:52 -!- Mitchazenia [] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:52 -!- YE|AFK is now known as YE 13:54 -!- Mitchazenia [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 13:54 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:56 -!- elkng [~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:56 -!- pion is now known as pion| 13:56 -!- pion| [uid10416@wikipedia/gwickwire] has left #wikipedia-en [] 13:57 -!- gwickwire [uid10416@wikipedia/gwickwire] has joined #wikipedia-en 13:57 -!- AlertEye [~ertyle@unaffiliated/ertyle] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:59 -!- Maple__ is now known as sid|3 13:59 -!- sid|3 is now known as sid|2 13:59 -!- sid|2 [znc@trivialand/genius/maple] has quit [Disconnected by services] 14:00 -!- peachey|laptop__ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:02 -!- AlertEye [~ertyle@unaffiliated/ertyle] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:02 -!- Carly|Away [~androirc@] has left #wikipedia-en ["AndroIRC"] 14:05 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 14:05 -!- peachey|laptop__ [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 14:05 -!- AlertEye [~ertyle@unaffiliated/ertyle] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:05 < legoktm> 14:06 -!- JW|Away [~root@] has quit [Changing host] 14:06 -!- JW|Away [~root@wikipedia/jake-wartenberg] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:09 -!- muahaha is now known as Rorscarch 14:09 -!- Guerillero is now known as Guerillero|food 14:11 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:11 -!- AlertEye [~ertyle@unaffiliated/ertyle] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:12 < mareklug> legoktm basically, putting more teeth into the Ombudsmen. :) 14:12 -!- Rorscarch is now known as V_ 14:12 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|meeting 14:15 -!- sdamashek|away [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:16 -!- RhesusMinus [RhesusMinu@unaffiliated/rhesusminus] has left #wikipedia-en [] 14:16 -!- sdamashek|away is now known as sdamashek 14:16 -!- sdamashek [] has quit [Changing host] 14:16 -!- sdamashek [~Vacation9@wikipedia/Vacation9] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:16 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|away 14:18 -!- FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4 14:23 -!- V_ is now known as Decker 14:24 -!- Maple__ [Maple@trivialand/genius/maple] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:25 -!- p858snake|l [~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:25 -!- Sir48 [~LTL@wikipedia/Sir48] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:28 -!- Decker is now known as muaha 14:28 -!- muaha is now known as muahaha 14:30 -!- Sir48 [~LTL@wikipedia/Sir48] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:31 -!- Izawayz is now known as Izaroundz 14:33 -!- sdamashek|away is now known as sdamashek 14:33 -!- Fluffernutter [Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter] has quit [Quit: hometime] 14:34 -!- Titoxd [~Titoxd@wikipedia/Titoxd] has quit [Quit: Computer has gone to sleep.] 14:37 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 14:37 -!- Izaroundz is now known as Izeatz 14:41 -!- Warhound is now known as Chillhound 14:42 -!- IH|meeting is now known as Ironholds 14:42 -!- Sky2042 is now known as Sky2042_afk 14:45 -!- Chillhound is now known as Deskana 14:47 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 14:48 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 14:48 -!- Qcoder00 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:49 < Qcoder00> Question 14:49 < Qcoder00> : Is the scor extension enabled at enwiki? 14:49 < Qcoder00> *Score 14:49 < SoapX> doubt it 14:51 < QueenOfFrance> Qcoder00: that's what is for :) 14:51 < QueenOfFrance> and I don't see any such extension listed 14:51 < Qcoder00> So how come it works in my sandbox? 14:51 < Qcoder00> XD 14:51 < Qcoder00> This is BIG Bang stuff 14:52 < a930913> How can I query for all edits of a given user on a given page? 14:52 -!- Betacommand [~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 14:52 -!- tttb [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 14:53 < QueenOfFrance> a930913: I think there's some ts tool for this 14:53 < Qcoder00> And as it's seemingly possible to convert MID-> OGG on the fly... 14:53 < QueenOfFrance> but who knows which it is 14:53 < QueenOfFrance> Qcoder00: why would one do that 14:54 < SoapX> a930913 yeah just use the tool 14:54 < Qcoder00> Because if it's OGG you can play it in a browser, if it's MIDI you can't 14:54 -!- D___ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 14:54 < SoapX> ive never had any troubler getting MIDI to play in a browser 14:54 < QueenOfFrance> Qcoder00: uh? you can play mid in a browser.... 14:54 < SoapX> in fact it's kind of annoying when a webpage loads it automatically but that seems to be pretty rare these days, unlike say 10 yrs ago 14:54 < a930913> What/who's the tool? 14:54 < Qcoder00> SoapX, I can't natively in Firefoc 14:54 < QueenOfFrance> I'm pretty sure .mid is much better supposed than .ogg 14:55 -!- d_ [] has quit [Disconnected by services] 14:55 -!- D___ is now known as d_ 14:55 < SoapX> a930913: on any article history page there shoudl be a link that says "User edits" 14:57 < Qcoder00> SoapX: Whenever I click a MIDI link in Firefox it doesn't playback, it downloads (usally into Quicktime) rathe then being embeded 14:57 < Qcoder00> The OGG Player embeds EVERY time... 14:57 < Qcoder00> (And it should be possible to get a consistent Instrument set) 14:57 < QueenOfFrance> that simply depends on what your setup is 14:57 < QueenOfFrance> what you're using to handle the files, etc 14:58 -!- Guerillero|food [~Gueriller@wikipedia/Guerillero] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 14:59 < SoapX> tell quicktime to quit it then 14:59 < SoapX> give control back to the browser 14:59 -!- Qcoder00 [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 14:59 -!- sdamashek is now known as sd|dinner 14:59 < Jetro> QUicktime hahahah 15:00 < Jetro> Does anyone use that shit 15:00 -!- IShadowed [~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:00 < SoapX> thats like using Photoshop to open up a 16x16 icon 15:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX and use the stamp tool? 15:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> can people tell if you photoshop a 16x16? 15:02 < a930913> SoapX: Ah, got them. Thanks. Now to parse :) 15:04 -!- MBisanz [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:04 -!- MBisanz [] has quit [Changing host] 15:04 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:04 < SoapX> <---0--- see if you can playu the MIDI in that page 15:04 < SoapX> if not, time to get a better browser 15:05 < SoapX> anything less than 20 years old should be fine 15:05 < jorm> So, this is happening: 15:06 < SoapX> ah they want the domain name 15:07 < SoapX> who owns I see your name there, is it you or are you just hosting content there? 15:07 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:07 < SoapX> ah yeah I see 15:08 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:08 < SoapX> theyre pulling a Nissan 15:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jorm Mike Godwin is your attorney? 15:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> dear lord 15:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> would nazis be mentioned? 15:09 < jorm> In this instance, yes. 15:09 < jorm> I own 15:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> nice 15:09 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you should invoke godwins law <3 15:09 < mareklug> jorm don't lose any sleep over it. 15:10 < SoapX> this might actually be a tough case 15:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no? 15:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> trademarks dont work that way 15:10 < SoapX> it's more or less the exact same thing that Nissan is arguing to get access to 15:10 < jorm> This is not a tough case. This is someone trying to bully me. 15:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you cannot take over a site through trademarks alone 15:10 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:10 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jorm you can sue them for the emotional damage 15:11 < mareklug> well, how old is this if it predates the existence of NIssan (which I doubt), we would have an analogy here. jorm's website predates the Russians 15:11 < SoapX> it makes me wish I had registered something like that a long time ago when I was just getting into the Internet 15:11 < SoapX> it does 15:11 < SoapX> was registwered in 1994 or so 15:11 < SoapX> Nissan the car company is older, but wasnt selling anything in the US as Nissan at the time 15:11 < mareklug> and NIssan the automaker was not arround in 1994? I think it was. 15:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX I can have a company named Nissan that sells somehting unrelated to cars 15:12 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 15:12 < QueenOfFrance> SoapX: oh dear that guy's website is horrible 15:12 < mareklug> you just can't have a restaurant called Olympic, or they hang you by the balls. :) :) 15:13 < QueenOfFrance> I support Nissan's claim to take over that domain based on the fact that the website's design is incredibly annoying. 15:13 < SoapX> Uzi Nissan sold cars at one point 15:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 15:13 < mareklug> 15:13 < mareklug> 15:13 < SoapX> Uzi Nissan is like 80 years old now, he probably isnt really maintaining the website 15:14 < mareklug> Founded December 26, 1933 15:14 < mareklug> SoapX "From 1993 to 2002, Nissan partnered with Ford to market the Mercury Villager and the Nissan Quest." that alone predates the 1994 mark you said applied to the squater. 15:14 -!- kelapstick [ca83e93b@wikipedia/Kelapstick] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:14 < foks> Boxing Day, heh 15:15 < SoapX> i think theyre basically waiting for him to die in the hopes that the family business will give up and just sell the .com for $1 million or something 15:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> jorm pm 15:15 < foks> jorm has owned since I was two years old. 15:15 < SoapX> Uzi Nissan appparently also owns 15:16 < SoapX> ok so he was born in 1951, not as old as I thoguht 15:16 < SoapX> i cant read Hebrew' 15:16 < Jetro> Omfg that webpage looks so modern 15:16 < SoapX> maybe the 1951 is not his birth 15:17 < mareklug> SoapX I completely forgot about Datsun. That car was around for decades before "The company formed a U.S. subsidiary, Nissan Motor Corporation U.S.A., in 1959, headed by Yutaka Katayama. Nissan continued to improve their sedans with the latest technological advancements and chic Italianate styling in sporty cars such as the Datsun Fairlady roadsters, the race-winning 411 series, the Datsun 510 and the world-class Datsun 240Z, 15:17 < mareklug> and by 1970, they had become one of the world's largest exporters of automobiles." 15:17 < SoapX> ah yeah it is 1951 15:18 < SoapX> well anyway Uzi Nissan has pretty much won 15:18 < MBisanz> how do I right justify my edit tab? 15:19 -!- Rastrojo [~Rastrojo@unaffiliated/rastrojo] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:20 -!- sDrewth [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:20 -!- sDrewth [] has quit [Changing host] 15:20 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:20 -!- sDrewth [~billinghu@wikisource/billinghurst] has left #wikipedia-en [] 15:21 -!- KimiNewt [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 15:24 < mareklug> meh. the way back machine conks out for me around june 1997, and I had internet presence at this address for several years earlier: 15:26 < mareklug> MBisanz I thought ther eis a preference that governs where the edit LINK lies on the page, hugging the section title or flush with the margin, but the edit TAB? 15:26 < d_> I don't think there is a preference 15:26 < d_> WMF handed down a decree that [edit] links have to be against section titles 15:26 < legoktm> lemme find it 15:26 < d_> You can override it with custom CSS 15:27 -!- TParis [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:27 -!- TParis [] has quit [Changing host] 15:27 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:27 < MBisanz> oh well, i fixed it 15:27 < legoktm> MBisanz: 15:27 < MBisanz> yeah thanks legoktm 15:27 < legoktm> .ltr .mw-editsection { 15:27 < legoktm> float: right; 15:27 < legoktm> } 15:27 < legoktm> np :) 15:27 < legoktm> my internet is so slow right now :/ 15:28 < mareklug> MBisanz on pl wiki they did make it in to a gadget pref: Przesuń linki [ edytuj ] przy sekcjach w lewo. 15:28 < MBisanz> ahh 15:29 -!- Jetro [] has quit [Quit: Going offline, see ya! (] 15:29 < mareklug> d_ why do Poles make gadgets, and en wiki suffers from edicts? :) 15:30 < d_> Well, it's apparently meant to go into effect on all Wikipedias 15:30 < d_> They've done usability research and that's what they came up with 15:30 -!- IDoH [~IDoH@wikipedia/I-dream-of-horses] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:30 < foks> It's been in effect on a lot of wikipedias for years now 15:31 < IDoH> Hey guys. 15:31 < IDoH> What is, foks? 15:31 < mareklug> d_ I see. as of May 8. I wonder if this will bork the pl gadget. 15:31 < foks> The Edit link being moved, isoh 15:31 < foks> * idoh 15:31 < d_> at the very least it'll render it redundant 15:31 < IDoH> The edit link being moved where, foks? 15:31 < moogsi> i dunno, it's probably well-founded... it'll just be a case of "they changed it now it sucks" for a lot of people though 15:32 < foks> Next to headings 15:32 < mareklug> d_ you meant, permanently switched on. the way it works now, it offers a choice. ) 15:32 < foks> moogsi, like everything onwiki 15:32 < d_> I don't mind, but I overrode it since it'd mean having to get used to it 15:33 < d_> Although I did get used to "edit source," so I guess I'm not too old of a dog 15:33 -!- TParis_ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:33 -!- TParis_ [] has quit [Changing host] 15:33 -!- TParis_ [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:33 < mareklug> i like it hugging the section title. it also means less problems with pictures in layouts. 15:33 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:33 < IDoH> I don't notice much of a difference. 15:33 < d_> Well, it makes it more noticeable and makes people click it more 15:33 < d_> According to scientific research 15:33 < d_> Which makes it true 15:33 < foks> I don't really care where it is 15:34 < mareklug> the problem with it at margin is that it caued unsighly bunching of edit links due to known div bug. 15:34 < MJ94> I dream of mareklug. 15:34 < mareklug> MJ94 this is not healthy. you should dream of IDoH 15:34 < mareklug> then it would be a chain dream 15:34 < MJ94> BUT THAT'S LIKE INCEPTION 15:35 < IDoH> LOL 15:35 < MJ94> A DREAM IN A DREAM 15:35 < MJ94> mareklug: you beat me to the punchline :( 15:35 < mareklug> I am faster. taht is why I win the gunslingings 15:36 * MJ94 slaps mareklug around a bit with a large trout 15:36 < MJ94> haha! 15:36 * mareklug calmly takes the trout, debones it, cooks it and eats it, and then methodically sticks the bones into MJ94's... 15:37 < MJ94> into my nose?!?! 15:37 < mareklug> I will leave you guessing. It is more unsettling that way. 15:38 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 15:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> MJ94 so 15:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> would you mind if I pm? 15:38 -!- Izeatz is now known as Izaroundz 15:38 < MJ94> ToAruShiroiNeko: feel free 15:39 < MJ94> mareklug: I am unnaturally unsettled by you to begin with. 15:39 < mareklug> do you need a settlement? 15:40 < mareklug> does it have to be incorporated? 15:41 < MJ94> ToAruShiroiNeko: You gonna PM me? 15:41 < MJ94> mareklug: mystery incorporated. 15:44 -!- Maple__ is now known as sid|4 15:44 -!- sid|4 is now known as Maple__ 15:44 -!- Bazinga [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:44 -!- Bazinga [] has quit [Changing host] 15:44 -!- Bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:44 -!- AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH is now known as SuicidalZErg 15:44 -!- SuicidalZErg is now known as SuicidalZerg 15:44 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 15:49 -!- TParis__ [] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:49 -!- TParis__ [] has quit [Changing host] 15:49 -!- TParis__ [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has joined #wikipedia-en 15:49 -!- TParis_ [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:49 < mareklug> it's amazing how much faster Time Machine backs up over FireWire 800 than even 243 Mbps Wi-Fi. Can't wait for the 802.11ac to get here. 15:50 -!- TParis__ is now known as TParis 15:55 < MJ94> mareklug: We have the best client ever. 16:03 -!- ihaveamac [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:03 -!- ihaveamac [] has quit [Changing host] 16:03 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:03 < SoapX> 16:03 < SoapX> what is this? 16:03 < SoapX> someone is saying that with the new Echo interface, you can get a notification when someone types a link to your userpage? 16:04 < Bazinga> SoapX: yes 16:04 < Bazinga> that happens/ 16:05 < a930913> SoapX: {{replyto}} 16:05 < a930913> No more {{talkback}} 16:05 < SoapX> oh it has to be a template 16:06 < d_> Why does it start with an "@" 16:06 < d_> Goddammit, twitter, you ruin everything 16:06 < SoapX> so not every time someone types a link to your name will trigger the notification 16:06 < legoktm> SoapX: no anytime a link is made and signed, you get notified 16:06 < legoktm> so 16:06 < legoktm> [[User:Soap]] ~~~~ is the bare minimum 16:06 < SoapX> how does the bot know whether it comes from a template? 16:06 < kelapstick> no it doesn't have to be a template, just a wikilink, using {{user}} doesn't work 16:06 -!- JW|Away is now known as Jake_Wartenberg 16:06 < SoapX> ok 16:06 < kelapstick> haven't tried the replyto though 16:06 < SoapX> im curious how it works even so 16:07 < SoapX> is there some code in there that tells the MediaWiki software to send a message? 16:07 -!- HectorAE [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:07 < legoktm> it checks that a link was added that points to your user page 16:07 < legoktm> which triggers the notification 16:07 < SoapX> The comment must be signed and belong to a section in order for the notification to work.| 16:07 < d_> Does it work in any namespace? 16:08 -!- Jamesofur is now known as Jamesofur|away 16:08 < SoapX> Im guessing this has something to do with LiquidThreads/Flow, where in someone replying to someone else will automatically type out the name of the person theyre replying to 16:08 < kelapstick> I think just user talk, maybe on talk pages too 16:08 < legoktm> d_: i *think* its only all talk namespaces + project 16:08 < HectorAE> If someone adds more than one link to your page in one edit, does that trigger multiple notifications? 16:08 < SoapX> but for now, it can be replicated by just typing the name manually or using a {{replyto}} template 16:08 < legoktm> HectorAE: no 16:08 < legoktm> SoapX: basically yes. 16:08 < a930913> Two questions. 16:09 < a930913> Why can't I access wikipedia via https? 16:09 < a930913> And is wikipedia under a vandalism attack? 16:09 -!- fighter88 [~snowdream@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:09 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:09 -!- fighter88 [~snowdream@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:10 < mareklug> a930913 I can. 16:10 < kuzetsa> a930913: I just tested, and works for me 16:11 < legoktm> wfm 16:11 < kuzetsa> vandalism... hmm 16:11 -!- JohnLewis [~johnlewis@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:11 < mareklug> a930913 see if you can access via a proxy 16:11 < kuzetsa> somehow my brain auto-substituted / correted that as "DoS" 16:11 < mareklug> a930913 see if you can access anything via https 16:12 < a930913> Https google works. 16:12 < Krenair> a930913, what happens when you try to access via https? 16:12 < moogsi> it's not a Vandal attack, it's a Visigoth attack, and you're a racist 16:13 < moogsi> and i 16:13 < Krenair> <SoapX> how does the bot know whether it comes from a template? 16:13 < Krenair> Um what? Echo is not a bot. 16:13 < moogsi> am not even slightly funny :( 16:13 < Krenair> Echo runs directly as an extension of MediaWiki 16:13 * moogsi crawls into a hole and thinks about his life 16:14 -!- moogsi is now known as moogsi|warren 16:14 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 16:15 < SoapX> well whatever you want to call the program that reads every diff 16:15 < SoapX> i understand it's not a literal bot with an account name and everything but the functionality is similar 16:15 < Krenair> Echo doesn't really tell MediaWiki to send a message (although it does use MW's user emailing class) 16:16 -!- fighter88 [~snowdream@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:16 < Krenair> It implements a notification system itself 16:16 -!- fighter88 [~snowdream@] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:17 -!- irksome [95f12a81@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:17 < d_> Right, but Echo also incorporates the code that checks for mentions when stuff is posted, right? 16:17 < irksome> when did section editing links move from the far right hand side to next to the section header? 16:17 < d_> Today? 16:17 < irksome> is there any way to change it back? 16:18 < d_> 16:18 < Krenair> Echo registers some functions which get called when stuff is edited, yes. 16:18 < Krenair> That's called the hook system 16:19 -!- Susan [sex@wikipedia/MZMcBride] has quit [Excess Flood] 16:19 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:20 < Krenair> When these functions get called it looks through the provided information for mentions 16:20 < SoapX> ok 16:22 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:22 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:22 -!- Susan [sex@wikipedia/MZMcBride] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:26 -!- Jayflux [~jay_knows@unaffiliated/jayflux] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 16:26 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:28 -!- Maple__ is now known as herpy`doves 16:29 -!- irksome [95f12a81@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:30 < legoktm> a930913: [06:24:28 PM] <LeslieCarr> hey, possible issue with esams ssl 16:31 < Krenair> a930913, hello? Can you get a traceroute to wikipedia please? 16:31 < MBisanz> StevenW: While I'm opposed to Echo, I don't really care about the edit section link moving. However, in the general case, something like the Federal Register might be useful to the WMF. 16:31 < Krenair> Opposed to Echo? 16:32 < MBisanz> Like, one document, mailed (talkpaged) monthly to users that lays out what changes are being proposed, why, why they are a net positive, what they'll look like, and when, for example. 16:32 < TParis> Mbisanz: I dont know if we can be friends if you don't like echo. 16:32 < MBisanz> Krenair: it's functionally invisible to new users. 16:32 < d_> There's the tech report 16:32 < Krenair> MBisanz, wat? 16:32 < Krenair> Invisible? 16:32 < MBisanz> d_: right, but that doesn't lay out the why or why better part. 16:32 < d_> But that is somewhat broader in scope than just the changes that directly affect users 16:32 < StevenW> yeah there's a comprehensive engineering report every month 16:33 < MBisanz> StevenW: an engineering report isn't what i'm talking about 16:33 < StevenW> Speaking of advertising stuff like this: is it just me or has there not been a Signpost tech section for a couple weeks? 16:33 -!- AndyBotwin [~RandyNewm@unaffiliated/andybotwin] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:33 < MBisanz> i'm talking more about a justification type thing 16:34 < MBisanz> like "we thought X could be a problem, we researched it and found that Y won't be a problem because of Z." 16:34 < MBisanz> then when people like risker say "move it back." 16:34 -!- HectorAE [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 16:34 < MBisanz> you can be all "our release showed that 5% of people were more likely to click it." 16:34 < MBisanz> which might be buried in the egineering report 16:34 < StevenW> Coordinating one document is the trick for that. There are many teams making changes that people might object to, not to mention volunteer developers. 16:34 < MBisanz> but it could be standardized 16:34 < StevenW> The section edit change, for instance, was patched by a volunteer. 16:35 < MBisanz> oh i knwo the difficulties of big organizations, it's just an idea 16:35 < MBisanz> i'm in a federal agency right now and i'm in the bureau of economics 16:35 < MBisanz> so i'm learning all about how to justify policy changes 16:35 < Krenair> Federal agency justifies policy changes after they've been made? 16:35 < TParis> MBisanz: The most important talent you can have in the federal government is learning to 'justify' 16:36 < MBisanz> Krenair: both before and after 16:37 < MBisanz> TParis: I know that. I managed to expand a license application from 18 pages to 214 by supplementing with white paper attachments. 16:37 -!- muahaha is now known as also 16:39 < SoapX> thats a lot 16:39 < SoapX> i didnt know you worked for the Fed 16:39 < a930913> Krenair: PM it? 16:40 < Krenair> a930913, can you put it on pastebin? 16:40 -!- also is now known as the 16:40 -!- the is now known as Guest28293 16:41 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 16:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 16:42 < Bazinga> SoapX: can you help 16:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> what kind of a moron would attack a referee over a game? 16:42 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 16:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> its a GAME! 16:42 < d_> Hey, some people riot over sports 16:42 -!- Guest28293 is now known as I 16:43 < a930913> Krenair: 16:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they dont attack the referee though 16:43 < SoapX> hi 16:43 < a930913> It occured to me. The first notice a vandal will get about vandalising, is a block. 16:44 < a930913> They won't be getting the orange banner, nor an echo notify. 16:44 -!- BewareofDoug [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:44 < Krenair> Why won't they be getting an echo notification? 16:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we should send in SWAT to those who vandalise 16:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Special Wikipedia Admin Team 16:45 < d_> Hold them at gunpoint on the floor of their bedroom at 3am while they're in their underwear 16:45 < a930913> Krenair: I read that only registered users get notifications. 16:45 < d_> and yell "DID YOU ADD THE WORD 'boner' TO THE ARTICLE ON THE ARAB-ISRAELI CONFLICT?" 16:45 < ToAruShiroiNeko> d_ they dont get the dignity of wearing underwear 16:46 < Shirik> I volunteer for SWAT 16:46 -!- Fluff|sleep is now known as Fluff|away 16:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "Drop the keyboard!" "On you knees!" 16:46 < Bazinga> oh god... 16:47 < Bazinga> they're already 3D printing guns 16:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> "You are in my spot sir!" 16:47 < MBisanz> SoapX: for another 2 weeks 16:47 < Krenair> a930913, they still get the OBOD though 16:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Bazinga nothing new 16:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> printed guns dont fire well though 16:47 < d_> Need to figure out how to 3D print with metal alloys 16:47 < d_> at home 16:47 < SoapX> orange bar was better 16:47 < Krenair> One of the checks done before hiding the bar is '$user->isLoggedIn()' 16:47 -!- Demiurge1000 is now known as D1000|Away 16:47 < a930913> Krenair: They do? I read contrary. 16:47 < Krenair> If they're logged out it's shown 16:47 < Krenair> ... Read the code 16:47 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people should 3d print other people 16:48 < Shirik> ^ 16:48 < Krenair> It's abortNewMessagesAlert in Hooks.php 16:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they are woprking on printable organs 16:48 < SoapX> in other words, the orange bar code is still lurking in the CSS 16:48 < d_> Yeah, right. Imagine you run out of red blood cells cartridge and the whole job won't go through 16:48 < SoapX> its just disab;led 16:48 < a930913> Krenair: So why the high defcon? :p 16:48 * kelapstick kicks Excel 16:48 -!- Rastrojo [~Rastrojo@unaffiliated/rastrojo] has quit [Quit: ESPANHA UMA E NÃO CINQUENTA E UMA] 16:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> d_ they are using adult stem cells to print bone tissue 16:48 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats the idea 16:49 < Krenair> a930913, ? 16:49 < Pharos> hi Wiknickers 16:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> with a Cat scan they can see the vein configutation of your body and print a missing limb in the future for example 16:49 < ToAruShiroiNeko> or a new heart 16:49 < d_> Hm 16:50 < d_> Now I'm wondering about the implications of this for the consumption of human meat 16:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats also in the works 16:50 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 16:50 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:51 < a930913> Krenair: I'm detecting unusually high vandalism. 16:51 -!- Carly|Away [~androirc@] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:53 * Aranda56 sends Gfoley4 to #wikipedia-en-sports 16:53 -!- Carly|Away [~androirc@] has left #wikipedia-en ["AndroIRC"] 16:53 < moogsi|warren> first person to print a working 3D printer using a 3D printer wins 16:53 < Bazinga> moogsi|warren: been done 16:54 < moogsi|warren> aw:( 16:54 < d_> Wasn't there a device that could replicate itself? 16:54 < TParis> Yeah, the replicators on Stargate SG-1 :D 16:54 < moogsi|warren> i bet it was more like "print all the parts and then put them together, and then add the parts that you couldn't actually print" 16:54 -!- I is now known as muahaha 16:54 < d_> Well, the concept has been around before that 16:54 < d_> I meant in reality, though 16:55 < moogsi|warren> either: someone is able to print all of the parts and put them together to make another printer, or extra super bonus for a printer which prints another printers which immediately works 16:56 < Krenair> a930913, fyi this HTTPS issue is being looked into in #wikimedia-tech at the moment 16:56 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi|warren its not a serious feat aside from the electronics 16:56 < moogsi|warren> including the electronics 16:56 < moogsi|warren> NO CHEATING 16:56 < d_> It'd increase the complexity of the printer, I imagine 16:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> d_ it would be a second printer 16:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> circuit boards tend to be printed by machines these days 16:57 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:57 < d_> No, I mean, if you printer everything aside from electronics 16:57 < a930913> Krenair: Ta. I'm not particularly bothered, I was just raising the issue for investigation. 16:57 < d_> er, if you printed 16:57 < ToAruShiroiNeko> problem with printing electronics is the cost 16:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> your laptop motherboard has layers 16:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 16:58 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 3D Printing Merges With Printed Electronics 16:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi|warren so it can be done 16:59 -!- Superfreak [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has joined #wikipedia-en 16:59 -!- Deskana [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:59 < moogsi|warren> give it another 50 years 16:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 50 years? 16:59 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they have done it! 17:00 < d_> I'd very much like to be able to recreate the CPU of my phone on a 3D printer in 50 years 17:00 < d_> But I'm not so sure I'll be able to 17:00 -!- Superfreak is now known as Deskana 17:00 < ToAruShiroiNeko> d_ unless you suck at pressing buttons 17:01 < moogsi|warren> when someone makes a complex integrated circuit using a 3D printer.... 17:01 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi|warren thats been done for over 2 decades 17:02 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 17:02 < SoapX> youll be alive 50 yrs from now?? 17:02 < moogsi|warren> photolithography is not 3D printing 17:02 < Shirik> I hope to be alive 50 years from now 17:02 < d_> Yes, I'll print myself new kidneys 17:02 < moogsi|warren> it is printing in a sense.. 17:02 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Disconnected by services] 17:02 < a930913> moogsi|warren: People even call lasercutting printing ;) 17:03 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:03 -!- Vito [~quassel@unaffiliated/vito] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:03 < Shirik> aren't PCBs effectively the opposite of printing? 17:04 < moogsi|warren> what i mean is, you can't make even a barely functional IC with a 3D printer because the resolution is nowhere near high enough 17:04 < d_> UPCBs? 17:04 < Shirik> it's like as if you feed a black piece of paper into a printer, and it removes all of the black except the parts you want black 17:04 < moogsi|warren> using a different technique doesn't count 17:04 < Shirik> that's how you make a PCB 17:04 < Shirik> you start with the whole thing covered, and then you remove all of the copper you don't want 17:04 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Shirik its not additive you mean? 17:04 < SoapX> tnirp 17:04 < a930913> Shirik: You print the mask, then you etch it. 17:04 -!- Reedy [~quassel@wikimedia/] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:05 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:05 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I think they se the laser to print the copper or some other conductor on to the circuit board 17:05 < moogsi|warren> it's like saying "i can make a computer entirely out of cake" 17:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you can 17:06 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but it will be eaten 17:06 < moogsi|warren> (except the processor, hard drive, motherboard...) 17:06 < moogsi|warren> i'm hungry :( 17:06 -!- moogsi|warren is now known as moogsi 17:06 -!- Sir48 [~LTL@wikipedia/Sir48] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:06 < d_> Well, can you make an AND gate from cake? 17:07 < d_> and a NOT gate, I guess 17:07 < Cncmaster> Well my parents got a lovely letter from the IRS. 17:07 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Cncmaster a decleration of love? 17:07 < Cncmaster> Now they face $15k in fines over one paper. 17:08 -!- evilgohan2 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:08 < ToAruShiroiNeko> love cots money clearly 17:08 < moogsi> sue, countersue and sue? 17:08 < moogsi> then sue 17:08 < moogsi> i don't know how to deal with the IRS 17:08 < Cncmaster> Internal Raping Service 17:08 < moogsi> :\ 17:09 < Cncmaster> We had the Boston Tea Party over unfair taxation, and now there's this shit. 17:09 < moogsi> fortunately i never have to, in fact i plan to move to Sealand and pay no-one any tax 17:09 < moogsi> YEAH FUCK THE BRITISH AND THEIR DUMB TAXES 17:09 < d_> Are you planning on conquering it? 17:10 < Cncmaster> They said they're contesting it. 17:10 < moogsi> actually, if the US had anything like european levels of tax on gasoline then there would be an instant revolution 17:10 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 17:11 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:11 < Cncmaster> Try to contest the fine is like trying to take candy from a baby. 17:11 < Cncmaster> Trying* 17:11 < moogsi> i tried to say "gas" then but i couldn't 17:11 -!- evilgohan2 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:11 < ToAruShiroiNeko> nah IRS is clearly the Iner-Raical-Steam 17:11 < moogsi> YOU DO NOT PUT GAS IN A CAR IT IS CLEARLY A LIQUID 17:11 < SoapX> i thought gasoline was a gas until i was 18 or so 17:12 < moogsi> :) 17:12 < SoapX> because i mean you can smell it in the air right? 17:12 < SoapX> it made perfect sense 17:12 < Cncmaster> According to what I heard, the IRS waited 3 years for the fine to reach maximum before notifying my dad. 17:12 < moogsi> well SOME of it is gas :) 17:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi it is actually a gas depending on the situation 17:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> just remove the atmosphere 17:12 < ToAruShiroiNeko> earth was hit by a GRB btw 17:13 < Cncmaster> They'll only spend one month however coughing $15k up out of them. 17:13 < moogsi> i like to find myself in situation with atmosphere 17:13 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:13 < Cncmaster> So they can pay interest to the Chinese. 17:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> umm no 17:13 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats not how the national debt works 17:13 < moogsi> generally speaking 17:13 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:14 < Cncmaster> Or one of the 90 countries we owe money to. 17:14 -!- Reedy [~quassel@] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:14 -!- Reedy [~quassel@] has quit [Changing host] 17:14 -!- Reedy [~quassel@wikimedia/] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:14 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Changing host] 17:14 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:14 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the national debt is paid for services already bought by the government such as infrastructure and healthcare 17:14 < moogsi> ToAruShiroiNeko: rubbish, i didn't feel any gamma rays 17:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> debt clocks dont represent reality 17:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 17:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was visible with the naked eye I think 17:15 < moogsi> NO, NATIONAL DEBT IS JUST LIKE PERSONAL DEBT 17:15 < moogsi> THE UNITED STATES IS A FAT MAN WHO NEEDS TO BUCK HIS IDEAS UP 17:15 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi really no. 17:16 < moogsi> haha 17:16 < Pharos> national debt is just like a debt of honour 17:16 < moogsi> please don't waste any time explaining to me, i know 17:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> US doesnt qualify to be a fat man 17:16 < SoapX> so wait, that means we all got baked if we were outside today? 17:16 < Pharos> US is a walrus 17:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> you get me wrong I object to your fat man statement 17:16 < d_> I'm sure there's a guy somewhere in Washington doing double-entry bookkeeping in a large book 17:16 < d_> for the whole of the US 17:16 < Pharos> everyone knows that 17:16 < ToAruShiroiNeko> no fam man borrows trillions of dollars 17:16 < moogsi> d_: lol 17:16 -!- NotASpy [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Heligoland] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:16 < SoapX> i guess it did feel unusually sunny today 17:17 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX no its harmless 17:17 < Cncmaster> The money could also go to Obama"let's give free health care to all the undocumented immigrants"Care. 17:17 < SoapX> but gamma rays can cause skin cancer 17:17 < Amqui> I love Gamma ray 17:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> a gamma ray burst would eradicate all life on earth 17:18 < Cncmaster> *sarcastic voice* I love our government. 17:18 < moogsi> Cncmaster: let's not get all political in here 17:18 < Amqui> 17:18 < SoapX> there's probably a few dozen sci-fi novels by now about gamma ray bursts 17:18 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was millions of light years away 17:19 < Cncmaster> Sorry. Whenever it came to politics I was like my grandparents. 17:19 < SoapX> the WP article suggests deep seas would offer a safe haven for even the strongest gamma ray bursts 17:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX not too many, it is a new phenomenon 17:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX actually no 17:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> because without the atmosphere the oceans would quickly boil 17:19 < SoapX> thus, all land life dies, but humans could hide out in an expensive underground bomb-shelter type of thing, or in the ocean if they can get air down there 17:19 -!- herpy`doves is now known as Maple__ 17:19 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX water cannot exist in liquid form in a vacume 17:20 < Amqui> SoapX there is Oxygen in the water 17:20 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 17:20 < moogsi> wow ok so a strong enough GRB could blast the atmosphere away, not heard that one before 17:20 < SoapX> i think we should invest less money in space exploration and more in making the oceans safe for humans to live in 17:20 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi all GRBs can do that 17:21 < Amqui> SoapX the space is more explored than the deep sea 17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it is a matter of how far it is 17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 100 light years 17:21 < moogsi> good job there isn't anything close enough 17:21 < SoapX> there's probably a few dozen novels about humans living under the ocean too 17:21 < SoapX> not to escape gamma rays, but just because there's lots of room there 17:21 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi there is 17:21 < moogsi> do tell 17:22 < Amqui> SoapX that being said humans on another planet would also escape a grb 17:22 < SoapX> maybe like 5% of the people live on the land where life is sweet, and the other 95% are in the water living indoors and eating nothing but fish and never seeing the sun 17:22 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 17:22 -!- ikonia [~irc@unaffiliated/ikonia] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 17:22 < Cncmaster> There might be GRB heading straight for us right now for all we know. 17:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Cncmaster it travels at ~ speed of light so yeah 17:23 < Amqui> Cncmaster what :O I'm not going to work tomorrow then 17:23 < ToAruShiroiNeko> they are undetectable 17:23 < SoapX> 17:23 < SoapX> Heavy, rotating stars like the ones that cause gamma ray bursts exist in our part of the Galaxy, too. At least one is about to go pop: Eta Carinae, a beautiful, but dying star system in the southern constellation known as the Keyhole. Gladly, the burst won't hit us directly, since the axis of Eta Carinae is pointed away from us. But any day, we could stumble upon a dying star that IS 17:23 < SoapX> aimed at us. 17:23 < Cncmaster> You wouldn't even know when it happens. You would be vaporized or burnt to a crisp. 17:24 < Cncmaster> instantly 17:24 < SoapX> there could be a medium-strength burst that kills only some life 17:24 < SoapX> comparable to an asteroid impact 17:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WR 104 is ponting towards us 17:24 < SoapX> humans could survive by going underground but the plants and everything would probbaly die 17:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 17:24 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX how would you know to go underground? 17:25 < BlastHardcheese> bacteria will continue to not give a fuck, as they have for 4 billion years 17:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the moment it hits you have no atmospehre 17:25 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the intense ratiation would essentially cook one side of the planet 17:25 < Amqui> hummm cooked planet 17:25 < Amqui> miam 17:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the other side would have massive gusts of wind if the GRB didnt manage to completely blow away the atmosphere 17:26 < SoapX> . The energetic gamma rays will grind up the molecules our atmosphere is made of into separate molecules of nitrogen and oxygen. These atoms in turn will mop up the ozone layer, leaving us exposed to the deadly UV radiation from the Sun. <--- that doesnt sound so bad 17:26 < SoapX> its just like a day at the beach : ) 17:26 < moogsi> very interesting :) 17:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> there are three known threats from space 17:26 < Amqui> aliens 17:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GRBs are the most dealdy but also most unlikely 17:26 < moogsi> aliens obv 17:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> I'd worry more about CMEs 17:26 < moogsi> damn 17:26 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Coronal Mass Ejections 17:27 < Amqui> moogsi the man is faster than the monkey :P 17:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> which can potentoally fry all electronics planet-wide 17:27 * moogsi flings poop at Amqui 17:27 < Amqui> lol 17:27 < ToAruShiroiNeko> estimates put recovery at ~10 years without power & gas 17:27 < moogsi> during which time EVERYBODY DIES 17:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats no tv, radio, internet, convinience stores (or stores of any kind), no plumbing for 10 years 17:28 < SoapX> wow so many sci fi novels 17:28 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> an lastly asteorids 17:28 < SoapX> anyway Im sure we could live without electricity, except for the poor people in hospitals who literally do NEED it 17:28 < SoapX> the rest of us will just be .... inconvenience 17:29 -!- lukas23 is now known as lukas|away 17:29 < SoapX> after all most people in the Third World dont have electricitiy, not in their homes anyway 17:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX the estimate is 1/3rd of the planet to die 17:29 < Amqui> SoapX what are you talking about 17:29 < moogsi> well not everybody... the weird thing is that if it happened now it might save more lives than it ends... if you are the kind of person who believes there is a tipping point at which anthrogenic climate change causes a massive extinction event 17:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> as food production would halt 17:29 < Amqui> a lot of people died from no electricity 17:29 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:30 < Amqui> in 2008 or something like that 17:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Third World countries do count on electricity even if they dont use it directly 17:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the food they eat relies on it 17:30 < moogsi> reset the population, save the environment, hope everyone doesn't fuck it up next time... 17:30 -!- swagnas is now known as zz_swagnas 17:30 < Amqui> I mean 1998 17:30 < moogsi> against hope 17:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 1998 was when canada was it by a smaller CME 17:30 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 17:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi you have no radio or any kind of communication 17:30 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and its entirely preventable 17:30 < Amqui> no electricity in big cities during winter = people freezing to death 17:31 -!- jorm [~bharris@wikimedia/jorm] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:31 < moogsi> yeah i know. if you can see it coming and switch everything off 17:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> people would starve before surviging to winter 17:31 < Amqui> lol you dumb 17:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi exactly 17:31 < Amqui> there is food roaming around 17:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui no gasoline or pumps 17:31 < Amqui> only people in cities that don't no how to survive ;) 17:31 < moogsi> i don't want to think about it... i like not starving 17:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> existing food supply would quickly run out 17:31 < moogsi> it's the best 17:31 < SoapX> dude 17:31 < SoapX> fireplaces 17:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> exactly, people in cities 17:32 < Amqui> when it happened in 1998, we filled trucks to go help people in the cities 17:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX burning what? you dont have gasoline or cars 17:32 < Amqui> they are too dumb to help themselves lol 17:32 < SoapX> there was a month or so when a huge part of southern Quebec was knocked off the electricity grid, and almost nobody died 17:32 < SoapX> they were prepared 17:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui a global CME means there will be no truchs anywhere on the planet 17:32 < SoapX> )and yes it was winter) 17:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *trucks 17:32 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:32 < moogsi> ToAruShiroiNeko: give up :P 17:33 < SoapX> amqui you live in quebec right? 17:33 < Amqui> yes, old trucks wihtout electronics in the back of the yard would work with a bit of fixing 17:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX the problem is having no power anywhere 17:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui no gasoline is the problem 17:33 < BlastHardcheese> well they're french, who cares what happens to them 17:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> pumps dont work 17:33 < Amqui> SoapX I was in Northern New Brunswick at the time, same thing 17:33 < SoapX> ok 17:33 < moogsi> everyone else: LOADS OF PEOPLE WOULD DIE, IT'S REALLY OBVIOUS 17:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi dont taze me bro 17:33 < Amqui> ToAruShiroiNeko depends how long it is 17:33 < moogsi> :D 17:33 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 10 years 17:34 < Amqui> all farms have fuel tanks that you can use without electronic pumps 17:34 < Amqui> oh 10 years different story lol 17:34 < ToAruShiroiNeko> and the famrs dont know why electricity died as radio is non-existant, no satelites either 17:34 < SoapX> i mean im not saying that for all of Earth to lose electicity would be no problem. Just that it probably wouldnt kill 2500000000 people 17:35 < moogsi> disagree 17:35 < Amqui> humanity survived how many billions of years without electricity lol 17:35 -!- ikonia [~irc@unaffiliated/ikonia] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:35 < SoapX> besides, we'd surely have warning signs 17:35 < Amqui> lol ok not billions :P 17:35 < ToAruShiroiNeko> SoapX 1/3rd of the earths population wouldnt be alive today had it not been for the haber nitrogen fixation 17:35 < moogsi> humanity consisting of a few hundred million people... 17:35 < BlastHardcheese> and the population was 1% of what it is now 17:35 < moogsi> if 100 million 17:35 < SoapX> we're still talking about the gamma ray thing, right? 17:36 < moogsi> nop 17:36 < BlastHardcheese> we're talking about BEES 17:36 < moogsi> OMG KILLER BEES 17:36 < Amqui> I lived without electricity for months in a row, no problem 17:36 < SoapX> bees are pathetic 17:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> haber nitrogen fixation is a ww1 era invention and was discovered entirely by accident 17:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> haber was trying to find ways to build bombs for germans and later developing chemical weapons 17:36 < Amqui> "no food" that's when your only food source is the grocery stores 17:36 < ToAruShiroiNeko> mustard gas is his invention 17:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui even i your farm has weath you have no way of getting it to the mill 17:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> unless you have a medieval level tech 17:37 < Amqui> ToAruShiroiNeko I'm not talking about farm 17:37 -!- zz_swagnas is now known as nas 17:37 < moogsi> he's going full man of the woods 17:37 < Amqui> forest, lakes, rives are full of wildlife 17:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> humanity wont end due toa CME 17:37 < moogsi> squirrel for lunch AGAIN? 17:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but technology would suffer big time 17:38 < Amqui> I ate squirrels before 17:38 < Amqui> they are a food source 17:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui its a problem if squirrels eat you 17:38 < Amqui> lol 17:38 < moogsi> not much meat on one but yes they are edible if you can catch them 17:38 < Amqui> easy to catch 17:38 < ToAruShiroiNeko> lasers! 17:38 < Amqui> just set couple traps 17:38 < moogsi> just watch out for those millions upon millions of people exiting the cities and trying to do the same thing 17:38 < Amqui> you can trap rabbits, squirrels without spending much energy 17:38 < moogsi> you might find the forest isn't as plentiful as you think 17:39 < a930913> **** 17:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> space may become inaccesable to humans for a while due to a CME as all satelites may die 17:39 < Amqui> moogsi I did 3 weeks straight in the woods without bringing food 17:39 < a930913> I'm having a nose bleed and it looks like I've killed someone here. 17:39 < Amqui> to practice it 17:39 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:39 < Amqui> that was winter 17:39 < Amqui> summer I mean 17:39 < Amqui> I did a week and half in the winter to train that too 17:39 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Amqui you were probably alone though 17:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> imagine sharing that resource with 1000 people 17:40 < Amqui> lol 17:40 < Amqui> than the man hunt begins :P 17:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> ie people doe 17:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> *die 17:40 < Amqui> only the weak 17:40 < moogsi> Amqui: well, if you have to kill and eat people, so be it, I guess 17:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> moogsi if you want to be creeped out 17:40 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 17:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> thats two stars orbiting each other 17:41 < moogsi> ToAruShiroiNeko: nice, love it 17:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> the tail is a product of the solar wind 17:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> when those two stars meet there will be a GRB 17:41 < ToAruShiroiNeko> because it is a spiral we know it is pointing towards us 17:41 -!- [1]GorillaWarfar [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:41 < Amqui> I'm not afraid, most people won't be able to hunt to start with 17:41 -!- GorillaWarfare is now known as Guest52385 17:41 < moogsi> so one of them might be a neutron star or something? 17:41 < Amqui> how would they get that far if there is no gas 17:42 -!- [1]GorillaWarfar is now known as GorillaWarfare 17:42 < moogsi> the invisible one? i wasn't really paying attention 17:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it is a neutron star 17:42 -!- GorillaWarfare [] has quit [Changing host] 17:42 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:42 < Amqui> most people can walk farther than their parking spots 17:42 < Amqui> can't** 17:42 -!- nas is now known as Nascar1996 17:42 -!- ikonia [~irc@unaffiliated/ikonia] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 17:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Some optical measurements indicate that WR 104's rotational axis is aligned within 16° of Earth.[4] This could have potential implications to the effects of WR 104's eventual hypernova, since these explosions often produce jets from their rotational poles. It is possible that WR 104 may even produce a gamma-ray burst, though it is not possible to predict with certainty at this time.[3] 17:42 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Newer spectroscopic data suggest that WR 104's rotational axis is more likely angled 30–40° from Earth.[5][6] 17:43 < moogsi> boooo 17:43 < moogsi> although there is one that we haven't spotted that's pointed directly at us :P 17:43 < ToAruShiroiNeko> but all those measurements can be off or the gamma ray burst can have weird effects on the orbit of the stars so that they can point at us 17:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> James Webb Space telescope will find all of those 17:44 -!- Guest52385 [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 17:44 < ToAruShiroiNeko> WR104 may not be impending doom for us but it is a good reminder that space exploration is vital for our survival 17:45 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 17:45 < SoapX> oh look the new notification system is here 17:45 < SoapX> it's a giant red rectangle 17:45 < SoapX> looks like a soap bar 17:46 < SoapX> and even so, it took me a full hour to notice it apparerntly? 17:46 < SoapX> since the thing Im being notified of happened an hour ago 17:46 < SoapX> and Ive been browsing Wikipedia for at least some of that time 17:46 < ToAruShiroiNeko> we need a notification bar notifying you that there is a notification 17:47 < Amqui> lol 17:48 < SoapX> i think that's essentially what theyve done 17:48 < SoapX> since the [1] square is also still there 17:49 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:49 < SoapX> so they have a bigger one pointing to the smaller one 17:49 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:50 < SoapX> in a sense you could say that the designers have taken a page out of my book since I was using a blood-red "bar of doom" instead of orange all along 17:52 -!- Deskana [~chatzilla@wikipedia/deskana] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:53 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 17:53 < SoapX> hm 17:53 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:53 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 17:53 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:53 < moogsi> i hate it when people leave me messages... the doomier the better imo 17:54 < SoapX> i cant find the wikipedia article about Omega, as in the constant that defines whether the universe is going to expand forever 17:54 < SoapX> do we not have one about omega itself? 17:54 < SoapX> it should at least be linked somewhere 17:54 < SoapX> it's [[density parameter]] i guess 17:55 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 17:56 < SoapX> ΩΩΩΩ 17:56 < SoapX> ΩΩΩΩ 17:56 < SoapX> just checking to make sure that really was omega 17:57 < SoapX> i think there's a lookalike character somewhere in Unicode that looks like omega but isnt 17:58 -!- Carly [~androirc@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:58 -!- gForcer [] has joined #wikipedia-en 17:59 < Carly> hi 17:59 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:00 < moogsi> SoapX: "ohm sign" has a separate codepoint but it's the same glyph in most fonts 18:01 -!- Fleet|mobile [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:01 -!- Fleet|mobile [] has quit [Changing host] 18:01 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:02 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:02 -!- Jeske_Couriano [] has quit [Changing host] 18:02 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:02 < SoapX> thats what it is, yeah 18:03 < moogsi> HI CARLY 18:03 < moogsi> seeing as no-one said hi 18:04 < Carly> moogsi I dont care if someone says Hi or No,but thank you 18:04 < Carly> how are you moogsi :) 18:05 < moogsi> i am very well thank you, i trust that likewise the day finds you well 18:06 < Carly> aaah? 18:06 < Carly> ok 18:06 < moogsi> I HOPE YOU ARE ALSO FINE 18:06 < Carly> moogsi I am glad of you 18:06 < Carly> :) 18:06 < moogsi> :) 18:07 < Carly> OK and NO SCREAM 18:07 < Carly> :) 18:07 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:07 < moogsi> i can't help it, i like caps 18:08 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad 18:08 -!- Pancetta [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:09 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 18:09 < Carly> moogsi me too and also like this face :| 18:09 < Carly> xdddd 18:09 < Carly> hi pancetta 18:09 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 18:10 < Peter-C> question 18:10 < Peter-C> Legal = 18:10 < Peter-C> right? 18:10 < Peter-C> *wikimedia 18:10 -!- Pancetta [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:11 < Krenair> Uh... I thought it was 18:11 < Fleet|mobile> Hi SoapX 18:11 < SoapX> hi 18:11 < Peter-C> yea, my bad 18:11 < moogsi> yus 18:12 < Ironholds> Peter-C: the latter, yes. 18:13 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:13 < Peter-C> Boom, just sent them an email which included a Rory pun 18:13 < Ironholds> you know Rory has a son, right? 18:13 < Peter-C> !? 18:14 < Ironholds> Sue got given a tiny stuffed tiger a few months ago, and ran over to legal and plonked it on Rory's back and ran off going "he's yours now!" 18:14 -!- ikonia [~irc@unaffiliated/ikonia] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:14 < Peter-C> lolol 18:14 < Ironholds> I went out drinkin' with one of our lawyers when I was in town in March and we were riffing on possible names to give him. 18:14 < Peter-C> For those who do not know - 18:14 < Ironholds> and kept striking out. And I went "y'know it'll hit us as soon as we leave this place, right?" 18:15 < Ironholds> Went out for a cigarette. Immediately slammed myself back through the doors, screamed "PERCY!" and ran out again. 18:15 < Peter-C> lol 18:15 < Ironholds> (anyone who doesn't get it - purrrcy) 18:17 < Ironholds> He's not a lawyer, but we have a bring-your-kid-to-work programme, and Roary is his paw. That's the tail he keeps spinning, anyway. 18:17 < Ironholds> (we love our wordplay on 6th. The worse the better!) 18:18 < Peter-C> D'awh 18:23 -!- gForcer [] has quit [] 18:24 < moogsi> heh. homophones. 18:26 < moogsi> omg that tiger is terrifying 18:26 < moogsi> i mean, as they should be, but... i was expecting something cuddlier 18:27 -!- sd|dinner is now known as sdamashek 18:27 < foks> "I cannot give legal advice because I am not licensed to practice law. I am also a stuffed toy animal without human intelligence." 18:27 < foks> heh 18:27 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:27 < moogsi> but how... 18:28 < moogsi> how did he write all that? 18:28 < russavia> -- isn't Eric Barbour permabanned? 18:28 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:28 < ToAruShiroiNeko> foks I alwasy suspected that you were a cuddle toy 18:28 < russavia> and another -- 18:29 * ToAruShiroiNeko files an RFCI (requests for cuddle-toy investigation) 18:29 < Cncmaster> I just came across a WP fork that doesn't seem to know what the GFDL is 18:29 < Ironholds> oh? 18:29 < ToAruShiroiNeko> GFDL, land of sand home of spice 18:30 -!- mikemoral [~chatzilla@wikimedia/mikemoral] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:30 < Cncmaster> It isn't already listed either. 18:30 < Cncmaster> god, this is going to be fun. 18:31 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:31 < ToAruShiroiNeko> how ironic 18:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> 11 September 2000 was the date the NSU executed one of their victims 18:32 < ToAruShiroiNeko> it was their first attack 18:32 -!- JoFo [] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 18:33 < Cncmaster> My uncle would have had a 1/3 chance of piloting one of the hijacked flights. 18:33 < Carly> cool 18:34 < Cncmaster> His wife had just had their daughter on the 7th, so he was off. 18:34 < Carly> mmm 18:35 < Cncmaster> He also found out later that he flew some of the terrorists on one of the flights a week before during their "dry run." 18:37 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 18:37 < ToAruShiroiNeko> Cncmaster this was a year before 9/11 18:38 < Cncmaster> I know what you're talking about, I'm talking about the year when it happened. 18:39 -!- Nascar1996 is now known as zz_Nascar1996 18:40 -!- koishi [] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 18:40 -!- PinkAmpersand [uid7952@wikidata/PinkAmpersand] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:41 -!- AzaToth [~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:43 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has quit [Quit: kaldari] 18:45 < LtNOWIS> Some sweet TFAs lately 18:45 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:45 < LtNOWIS> in terms of breadth of coverage, overall importance, etc. 18:46 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Client Quit] 18:47 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:47 < Maple__> ditto 18:48 -!- Hahc21 [~Hahc21@wikipedia/Hahc21] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:48 -!- Sky2042_afk [~Sky2042@wikipedia/Izno] has quit [Quit: good night and good luck] 18:49 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_away 18:49 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4 18:50 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 18:51 -!- Maryana [~Maryana@wikipedia/Accedie] has quit [Quit: Maryana] 18:52 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:58 -!- Magog_the_Ogre [~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre] has joined #wikipedia-en 18:59 < Carly> hiiiii magog_the_ogre 19:00 < Carly> :-D 19:00 < Magog_the_Ogre> hello carly 19:00 < Magog_the_Ogre> how are you tonight?! 19:00 < Carly> fineeeeee 19:00 < Carly> and you 19:00 < IDoH> Haven't seen you in a while, Carly. 19:01 < Carly> Idoh that is fine 19:01 < IDoH> Have you been around? 19:01 < IDoH> And is CerebrumBot a bot? 19:01 < IDoH> Or a person pretending to be a bot? 19:02 < Carly> Idoh I am always on IRC 19:02 < IDoH> Er, I doubt that. 19:02 < Carly> but I dont find any needing to join here every day 19:02 < IDoH> True 19:02 < Carly> ;-) 19:02 < Carly> how are you? idoh 19:02 < IDoH> I'm all right, Carly. you/ 19:03 < Carly> me too 19:03 < Carly> idoh thnx 19:03 < IDoH> :-) 19:04 < Carly> ? 19:04 < Carly> ;-) 19:05 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:07 -!- Cncmaster [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Cncmaster] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 19:10 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 19:12 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:12 < LtNOWIS> notifications, eh? 19:13 -!- Jasper_Deng_away is now known as Jasper_Deng 19:13 < wctaiwan> would it be possible to temporarily make it so that when logging in, the system checks the password hash against both username and username~enwiki after the SUL change thingy? 19:14 < wctaiwan> otherwise I think we might end up getting a lot of confused users. 19:14 < wctaiwan> or indeed, bake such a change into WMF wikis permanently 19:14 -!- nonsenseferret [~nonsensef@wikipedia/nonsenseferret] has quit [Quit: away] 19:14 < wctaiwan> for people who go inactive and then come back 19:14 < moogsi> surely someone has thought of that 19:14 < wctaiwan> I hope so. 19:15 < wctaiwan> because no amount of prior notification is going to eliminate the confusion entirely 19:16 < Ironholds> wctaiwan: ask James_F 19:16 < James_F> wctaiwan: We're doing that, yes. 19:17 -!- foks [~sup@wikipedia/fox] has quit [Quit: zzzzz] 19:17 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:17 < James_F> wctaiwan: Especially for users who do not have an e-mail address set. :-( 19:17 < James_F> wctaiwan: Hopefully Ironholds's team are going to work on that soon. 19:18 < Ironholds> What are they meant to be doing? 19:23 < wctaiwan> Ironholds: I did consider whether to highlight you :P; James_F: great. 19:24 < James_F> Ironholds: Convincing people to set a confirmed e-mail. 19:24 < James_F> Ironholds: So they can take full advantage of Notifications, Flow and other goodies you're building. 19:25 < Ironholds> ah 19:26 < moogsi> does this mean i can send threatening messages across wikis? 19:26 -!- hexmode [~hexmode-f@wikimedia/MarkAHershberger] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:27 < moogsi> for example i can send a message from Commons to any wikipedia saying "i will delete all your phones for no reason without warning muauahahahahaa i'm evil" 19:27 < moogsi> phones? 19:27 < moogsi> files 19:27 < wctaiwan> I'll delete your phones! 19:27 < moogsi> although deleting phones sounds evil as well 19:27 < mareklug> all your phone are belong to us 19:27 < wctaiwan> f'yeah. 19:27 -!- hexmode [~hexmode-f@wikimedia/MarkAHershberger] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:28 < moogsi> still can't talk and type at the same time :( 19:28 < mareklug> can you talk on the phone and type at the same time? 19:28 < moogsi> not at any decent speed 19:29 < moogsi> also i start typing what the other person is saying in the middle of a sentence 19:29 < mareklug> then htere is no future for you in the spiffy telemarketing or IT support industries 19:29 < moogsi> OH NO 19:29 < SoapX> i talk to myself when Im typing 19:29 < SoapX> I dont know why 19:29 < mareklug> but you can say "have you tried turning it off and on?!" 19:29 < SoapX> I dont talk to myself in any other setting, but when UIm typing I cant help but speak out the words Im writing as I write them 19:29 < moogsi> yesh :D 19:29 < mareklug> SoapX it is clearly a need-based activity 19:30 < SoapX> only in private though 19:30 < moogsi> i'm already tech support for my immediate family, so 19:30 -!- russavia [~russavia@wikimedia/Russavia] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 19:30 < mareklug> moogsi I am too. Which is why I do not seek employment in it. I get too livid and shouting when I try to handle my family's IT needs, deplorable that they are. 19:31 < wctaiwan> :( 19:31 < wctaiwan> I'm a huge fan of Fireworks. 19:31 -!- harej [] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:31 -!- harej [] has quit [Changing host] 19:31 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:31 < wctaiwan> it's effectively a lossless vector editor on a bitmap grid 19:32 < wctaiwan> perfect for the sorts of things I need to do. 19:32 < mareklug> wctaiwan the bigger story of the day on that front, wctaiwan, is that they have killed Creative Suite and will only offer cloud-based ripoff 19:32 < wctaiwan> yeah, I saw that. 19:32 < wctaiwan> but tbh... never really used Photoshop. Not going to miss it 19:33 < mareklug> but zillions of people have used PageMaker, In Design, Illustrator to good professional or semi-professional effect. 19:33 < wctaiwan> right. 19:34 < mareklug> I wonder what places like Defense Mapping Agency will do. Stash copies of the software forever? They won't want to net-connect to Adobe's cloud to do their maps. 19:35 -!- Falcorian [~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 19:35 -!- Seahorse [~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 19:35 < Bradford> hi 19:38 < mareklug> wctaiwan look, Bradford is speaking in English for the very first tiempo 19:39 < Bradford> -.- 19:39 -!- Carly [~androirc@pdpc/supporter/student/carly] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:41 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:42 < mareklug> Bradford hoy es el primer día del resto de tu vida. 19:43 < Bradford> -____________- 19:43 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has joined #wikipedia-en 19:43 < wctaiwan> marek: anglais s'il vous plait :p 19:44 < mareklug> what is it you wanted plaited? 19:46 -!- GorillaWarfare [~GorillaWa@wikipedia/GorillaWarfare] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> <- Nine out of ten l33t h4x0rz prefer it] 19:46 < mareklug> wctaiwan I talk to Bradford in Spanish, and Bradford responds in graphic emoticons of Mayan faces 19:46 < wctaiwan> heh 19:47 < Bradford> mm 19:47 < Bradford> :p 19:48 < wctaiwan> "With Creative Cloud you’re allowed to install the software on up to TWO of your computers. Just like you are able to do with the Creative Suite applications. However, unlike Creative Suite, Creative Cloud allows you to download and install either the Mac or Windows versions for each computer." 19:48 < wctaiwan> ^ mareklug. one of the minor benefits, I guess 19:49 < mareklug> we should send them brownies for that beneficent adjustment to their licencing. 19:49 < ihaveamac> "Some accounts will soon be renamed due to a technical change." 19:50 < mareklug> yes. and you shall be heretofore known as YXaviera 19:50 < ihaveamac> hehe 19:50 < ihaveamac> my name is unique enough to not be renamed 19:50 < ihaveamac> 19:50 < ihaveamac> as no one else uses it on wikimedia 19:51 < mareklug> what about Mareklug? surely that is unique as a pickle in a cherry tart? 19:51 < wctaiwan> hopefully not as vile. 19:51 < SuicidalZerg> 19:51 < ihaveamac> I'm guessing accounts that are not attached to a global account 19:52 < SuicidalZerg> looooooooooooooooooooooooooooool, all the Star Trek references in the filing 19:52 < ihaveamac> yet there is one with the name 19:52 < mareklug> Mareklug is, in the words of The Smiths' Morrisey, absolutely vile. Why, just today I got banned on a cretin forum for "bad tones." 19:52 < wctaiwan> no wonder you call it "cretin forum" ;-) 19:52 -!- Bradford is now known as Burritoeclair 19:54 -!- Burritoeclair is now known as Bradford 19:54 < mareklug> imagine, someone ran into a buzzsaw trying to install Google Chrome from repository on Debian 7. And the advice given was go wipe out your system and use a different partition scheme, because you ran out of space. I rather briskly pointed out that the advice was incompetent, and that a simple simlink from /opt to /home/opt would do. But the merit of my advice was overlooked, yet not the "bad tones." 19:56 < wctaiwan> SuicidalZerg: he has a bright future as a writer for TV >.> 19:56 < Bradford> venezuelan 19:56 -!- sdamashek is now known as sdamashek|sleep 19:59 < mareklug> wctaiwan you might appreciate this old Audrey Hepburn-related classic, rendered by the ex-leader of The Smiths, Mr Morrissey 20:01 -!- Bradford is now known as muahaha- 20:01 < wctaiwan> well now I know what that song is called 20:01 < mareklug> happy to improve your lot that much. :) 20:01 < wctaiwan> it's not very good singing though--I think it's slightly off key at points? 20:02 < wctaiwan> granted, not the easiest song in terms of range. 20:02 < mareklug> you can compare to the standard reference, Andy Williams' studio version 20:03 -!- muahaha- is now known as Bradford 20:03 < wctaiwan> they should have turned down the echo.. 20:03 < mareklug> it was the 1962s... 20:05 -!- PinkAmpersand is now known as Pink|away 20:05 < mareklug> wctaiwan you might like this pared down version best: 20:06 < mareklug> The Honey Trees - Moon River (The LoFi Sessions) 20:06 < wctaiwan> nice interpretation. 20:10 < mareklug>,_bands_and_songwriters/A–H#Hon.E2.80.93Hoz no wiki article yet, requested. 20:10 < wctaiwan> "Note he concluded that Prenda's model was to demand settlement "a sum calculated to be just below the cost of a bare-bones defense." In footnote 5, explaining the amount of sanctions he imposed, he says "This punitive portion is calculated to be just below the cost of an effective appeal."" 20:11 -!- Bazinga [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 20:13 -!- FastLizard4 is now known as FastLizard4|iPad 20:13 < mareklug> wctaiwan this may interest you, as a music geek. wish dtm was here, it is just for him Henry Mancini - Moon River (Drum Cover) 20:15 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 20:17 -!- BewareofDoug [~Doug__@wikipedia/Doug] has quit [Quit: BewareofDoug] 20:17 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:17 -!- Magog_the_Ogre [~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:21 -!- Pharos [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:22 -!- Pharos [] has quit [Changing host] 20:22 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:24 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 20:32 -!- Dcoetzee [kvirc@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 20:33 -!- mikemoral [~chatzilla@wikimedia/mikemoral] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:37 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:38 -!- James_F|Away is now known as James_F 20:41 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:41 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@] has quit [Changing host] 20:41 -!- kaldari [~kaldari@wikimedia/kaldari] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:43 -!- Ks0stm [~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:44 < addihockey10> Twinkles are back everyone! 20:44 -!- Dcoetzee [~Dcoetzee@wikimedia/Dcoetzee] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:44 < addihockey10> Plant reopens this summer 20:44 -!- SoapX is now known as {soap|bed} 20:45 < mareklug> addihockey10 fuck twinkies. I want my ding dongs. 20:45 -!- SigmaWP [~coalball@Wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:45 < closedmouth> twinkles? 20:45 < addihockey10> Twinkies 20:45 < mareklug> closedmouth surely you have encountered twinkie in pop american culture such as road movies 20:45 < ty> Hey SigmaWP 20:46 < SigmaWP> hi ty 20:46 < mareklug> closedmouth if not… 20:47 < mareklug> twinkie frankly sucks donkey kongs (another brand of minicake). This is muuuuuuuuuch tastier, especially frozen: 20:47 -!- mikemoral [~chatzilla@wikimedia/mikemoral] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:47 < addihockey10> Mareklug do you suck on frozen ding dongs 20:47 < mareklug> no I BITE tehm 20:48 < addihockey10> Kinky. 20:48 < mareklug> they are not all that solid 20:48 < mareklug> airy dough will not freeze too solid 20:48 < addihockey10> Flaccid singsong? 20:48 < addihockey10> Dingdong 20:50 < mareklug> apparently KIng Dons to you canucks 20:51 -!- moogsi [~moogsi@wikimedia/moogsi] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 20:52 -!- Gfoley4 [~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4] has quit [Quit: !] 20:53 < Pharos> mareklug: wiknic! 20:53 -!- Fleetflame [] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:53 -!- Fleetflame [] has quit [Changing host] 20:53 -!- Fleetflame [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:53 -!- Fleetflame [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Excess Flood] 20:53 < mareklug> nooooooo 20:53 -!- Fleetflame [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:53 -!- Fleetflame [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Excess Flood] 20:54 < Pharos> wiknic needs YOU 20:54 < wctaiwan> mareklug: hostess brands had the worst brand names ever 20:54 < wctaiwan> hohos and ding dongs 20:54 < wctaiwan> seriously. 20:54 < mareklug> like hell it does. I am no fun at all male gatherings. 20:55 < Pharos> then invite women dammit! 20:55 < wctaiwan> this channel's all-male most of the time :p 20:55 < Pharos> it's not supposed to be all-male 20:55 < addihockey10> Mareklug brings the hohos 20:55 < mareklug> wctaiwan i do well with the ladies here. IShadowed calles me a whore (like she does everybody) 20:56 < mareklug> Pharos it is not supposed to be, but pictures from Washington Park of last year reveal the sad truth. 20:56 < Pharos> mareklug: if you host the wiknic, i will get you the wikiladies 20:56 < Pharos> i have an emergency supply 20:56 -!- Fleet|mobile [~timmeh@unaffiliated/fleetflame] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 20:57 -!- ty [ty@wikia/vstf/TyA] has quit [Quit: wat] 20:57 < mareklug> this sounds like snake oil selling. if you have this supply, why aren't the wikiladies organizing the shindig? 20:57 < mareklug> at least there would be potato salad 20:57 < wctaiwan> full of delicious e. coli. 20:57 < Pharos> wikilady-organizers are more difficult 20:58 < Pharos> but they could do potato salad i guess 20:58 < mareklug> wctaiwan myth. i eat deli salads and I have built a tolerance, obviously. It is like being Xican and drinkign water. 20:58 < {soap|bed}> Xican? 20:58 < harej> wikihumantrafficking is a very underground industry 20:58 < mareklug> Mexican 20:58 < {soap|bed}> unusual appreviation 20:58 < mareklug> yes, it is done in sewers 20:59 < harej> as are most things on the wiki black market 20:59 < Pharos> we can invite the librarians 20:59 -!- TOS [75c2542f@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has joined #wikipedia-en 20:59 < Pharos> they're a nice gender complement 20:59 < TOS> Hello? 20:59 < mareklug> the librarinas, you mean. they are wikiladies, no? who dey? 20:59 < Pharos> they are wikiladies in spirit! 21:00 < mareklug> oh no. we've awakened the Calcutta Lady Shopper 21:00 < Pharos> you could totally just invite the local librarians and they would come 21:00 < TOS> mareklug: Not true! 21:00 < Pharos> or some of them anywat 21:00 -!- {soap|bed} [~Soap@wikipedia/soap] has quit [Quit: bed] 21:00 < TOS> mareklug: Calcutta is not really a necessity ;) 21:00 < mareklug> TOS are you insisting you are still asleep? 21:01 < TOS> mareklug: No. But that might be a possibility. Let me check! 21:01 < Pharos> mareklug: seriously, i will find you female attendees 21:01 * TOS pinches himself 21:01 < Pharos> at least two! 21:01 < Pharos> if you start the page 21:01 < TOS> mareklug: Nopes. Still awake. 21:01 < Pharos> but i can't start the page myself 21:01 < Pharos> chicago is a strategic WALRUS priority 21:02 < Pharos> strategic i tell you! 21:02 < TOS> I have a question here 21:03 < Pharos> ? 21:03 < TOS> There is a proposal at VP [] which has 14 supports, 1 "mixed feeling" no opposes 21:03 < TOS> But it will likely be archived (again) today 21:03 < Pharos> since i voted for it, there is consensus! 21:04 -!- StevenW [~StevenW@wikimedia/steven-walling] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:04 < TOS> Who closes it, and how many more votes are required for it to be closed? 21:04 < Pharos> the one concern i have is, is it easily actionable? 21:04 < Pharos> is there an weasy way to identify and unblock all those IPs? 21:05 < TOS> I think there might be, if we have a bot 21:05 < TOS> The only problem will be reviewing them - Which ones should remain as indef-blocks 21:06 < Pharos> are you the driving force behind this proposal? 21:06 < TOS> If your question is "Are you TheOriginalSoni", then yes 21:07 < Pharos> your next step is to create a project page for the review of old rangeblocks of this type, i guess 21:07 < Pharos> and link to it from the thread 21:08 < wctaiwan> Pharos: I think they're saying it needs to be closed first. 21:08 < Pharos> well, create it anyway, at least it won't get archived 21:08 < Pharos> give uninvolved admins a better chance to look at how it would work 21:08 < SigmaWP> wctaiwan: hi 21:09 < wctaiwan> hello 21:09 < TOS> I think asking at VPT for the technical aspects of this proposal might be good idea 21:10 < wctaiwan> bbl 21:10 -!- wctaiwan [8c701e84@wikipedia/wctaiwan] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 21:10 < Pharos> if your specific goal is not getting archived though, at least make a new comment ;) 21:11 < TOS> Will do :P 21:11 < Pharos> this does sound complicated enough that if it's implemented it would probably need a new project page, imho 21:16 < TOS> Yes 21:16 < TOS> Is this an appropriate notice for watchlist? 21:17 < Pharos> so you might create a draft version of the project page 21:17 < TOS> (Linking this page, that is) 21:17 < TOS> Pharos: Will want someone with technical knowhow to chime in before I try it 21:18 < Pharos> indiegogo probably isn't appropriate for watchlist 21:18 < Pharos> VP and mailing lists would make sense i guess 21:21 < TOS> mailing lists? 21:22 < Pharos> actually, lready on mailing lists 21:22 < Pharos> 21:26 -!- Aranda56 [~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret] has quit [Quit: peace] 21:28 -!- Jeske_Couriano [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.90 [Firefox 20.0.1/20130409194949]] 21:29 -!- FastLizard4|iPad is now known as FastLizard4 21:29 -!- tucoxn [~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:33 -!- Malvolio [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:35 -!- Malvolio [] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:36 -!- YE [] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 21:37 -!- Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:40 -!- harej [~quassel@wikipedia/MessedRocker] has quit [Quit: - Chat comfortably. Anywhere.] 21:40 -!- Logan_ [~Logan@ubuntu/member/logan] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 21:41 -!- Pharos [~chatzilla@wikimedia/Pharos] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:47 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 21:49 < tucoxn> is there anybody around who has access to LexisNexis or something similar for newspaper articles? 21:49 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 21:50 -!- James_F is now known as James_F|Away 21:50 -!- Doug_Weller [~Doug_Well@wikipedia/Dougweller] has joined #wikipedia-en 21:52 -!- mikemoral [~chatzilla@wikimedia/mikemoral] has quit [Quit: Good night.] 21:55 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 21:58 < SigmaWP> 21:58 < SigmaWP> Someone delete that 21:58 < SigmaWP> I don't know why 22:00 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:00 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 22:00 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:01 < ihaveamac> are there articles that have more issues 22:01 < ihaveamac> 22:01 -!- M132T003C [~MTC@wikimedia/MTC] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:02 -!- ihaveamac [~ihaveamac@unaffiliated/ihaveamac] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:02 -!- LtNOWIS [] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:06 -!- muahaha is now known as muahaha|AFK 22:11 -!- Guerillero [c092e293@wikipedia/Guerillero] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:11 -!- larrysangersbaby [47f694af@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:13 -!- Jake_Wartenberg [~root@wikipedia/jake-wartenberg] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 22:13 -!- Jake_Wartenberg [~root@] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:13 -!- Jake_Wartenberg is now known as Guest39320 22:15 -!- techman224 [~techman22@Wikimedia/Techman224] has quit [Quit: Textual IRC Client:] 22:17 -!- Bradford is now known as Pandashan|Cloud 22:20 -!- Ironholds is now known as IH|away 22:21 < larrysangersbaby> someone start some chat please 22:22 < tucoxn> hello larry 22:22 < larrysangersbaby>'s a topic: give me your percentage estimate: how many are logging the chat, despite the wiki rule disallowing it. (except how can there be a wiki rule when this is not an official channel?) 22:22 -!- JCDon12 [] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:23 < tucoxn> 15% 22:23 < tucoxn> what do you think? 22:24 < TOS> ? 22:24 < TOS> 5, I'll say 22:26 < Guerillero> I wonder if there is an op in here 22:26 < JCDon12> licklicklicklicklick 22:26 -!- JCDon12 [] has left #wikipedia-en [] 22:26 < larrysangersbaby> ARE YOU HIKING, GUER? 22:26 < Guerillero> le sigh 22:27 < Guerillero> !op 22:27 < larrysangersbaby> how's school, babe? 22:27 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:31 -!- Hazard-SJ [~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ] has quit [Quit: Ping timeout: 1 second] 22:32 -!- Guerillero [c092e293@wikipedia/Guerillero] has left #wikipedia-en [] 22:35 < legoktm> !ops ^ 22:35 < addihockey10> Why 22:35 < addihockey10> I am not a bad person 22:35 < IDoH> larrysangersbaby. 22:35 < addihockey10> Oh. Lol 22:42 -!- tucoxn [~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:44 -!- tucoxn [~tucoxn@countervandalism/tucoxn] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:45 -!- Matthew_ [~matthew_@wikipedia/matthewrbowker] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:46 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 22:51 -!- larrysangersbaby [47f694af@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 22:54 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en 22:55 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 22:56 -!- Bronze [~Mark@unaffiliated/bronze] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 22:58 < addihockey10> What's a website that has HQ music downloads (free ofcl 22:59 < closedmouth> ofcl? 23:00 < addihockey10> Ofc) 23:00 < addihockey10> Didn't hold l long enough 23:00 < closedmouth> like, copyright-free, or illegal downloads? 23:00 -!- TOS [75c2542f@wikipedia/TheOriginalSoni] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 23:00 < addihockey10> Illegal. 23:01 < addihockey10> I suppose. 23:01 < IDoH> heh heh 23:01 -!- TParis [~TParis@wikipedia/TParis] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 23:01 < closedmouth> not many good ones outside private torrent trackers 23:01 < addihockey10> Ok. 23:02 < addihockey10> I was lazy and settled with 128kbps :P 23:02 < closedmouth> gross 23:02 < closedmouth> are you able to maintain a good ratio? 23:02 < addihockey10> I'm listening to some good ones now. 23:02 < addihockey10> Ratio? 23:02 < closedmouth> never mind 23:03 < closedmouth> if you don't even know what that is... 23:04 < addihockey10> I might. I'm tired. 23:04 < closedmouth> you had your chance 23:06 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:08 -!- xD [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:08 -!- xD is now known as Guest82087 23:08 -!- Mkdw [~Mkdw@wikipedia/mkdw] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:09 -!- Pandashan|Cloud [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 23:09 -!- Guest82087 is now known as DJMalik 23:09 -!- DJMalik [] has quit [Changing host] 23:09 -!- DJMalik [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:10 -!- mindspillage [] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:10 -!- mindspillage [] has quit [Changing host] 23:10 -!- mindspillage [~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:10 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:11 -!- Bradford [kvirc@unaffiliated/bradford] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds] 23:11 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:13 -!- DJMalik is now known as Bradford 23:13 -!- muahaha|AFK is now known as muahaha 23:17 -!- Guest39320 [~root@] has quit [Changing host] 23:17 -!- Guest39320 [~root@wikipedia/jake-wartenberg] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:18 -!- Guest39320 is now known as JW|Away 23:19 -!- MBisanz [~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:23 -!- Dainomite [~Dainomite@] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:23 -!- Dainomite [~Dainomite@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:35 -!- Dainomite [616a51f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:41 -!- Jasper_Deng is now known as Jasper_Deng_busy 23:42 -!- addihockey10 [~addihocke@wikimedia/Addihockey10] has quit [Quit: Bye] 23:43 -!- Dainomite [616a51f4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:43 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 23:46 -!- mareklug [~mareklug@wikipedia/mareklug] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:52 -!- Neukoln [~chatzilla@wikipedia/Neukoln] has joined #wikipedia-en 23:56 -!- Elduen [~elduen@unaffiliated/andorin] has quit [Quit: I'm the greatest pirate-hunter in the world! AUYYEAHHH] 23:57 -!- rr0 [~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0] has joined #wikipedia-en --- Log closed Tue May 07 00:00:28 2013