MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Wednesday February 19, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchSession Start: Tue Nov 15 14:30:32 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[14:30] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[14:30] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[14:30] * Set by derp! on Sun Oct 23 20:29:19 [14:30] #wikipedia-en url is �15[14:34] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �08[14:37] * derp huggles Fluffernutter tightly. [14:37] <Fluffernutter> ohai �15[14:37] * harej (~chatzilla@wikipedia/MessedRocker) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�) �15[14:37] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�) �03[14:39] * Pesky ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[14:39] * Pesky ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[14:39] * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[14:39] * derp scans Pesky's IP �15[14:41] * rr0AWAY (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia�) �03[14:44] * swarfega is now known as swarfega|away �15[14:44] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[14:46] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[14:49] * Sven_Manguard (~~Perhaps@wikipedia/Sven-Manguard) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�) �03[14:49] * Pesky is now known as Pesky|afk �15[14:51] * the_wub ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�) �15[14:51] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) �03[14:51] * BewareofDoug is now known as Doug|afk �03[14:54] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[14:55] * swarfega|away is now known as swarfega �03[14:55] * Headbomb_ (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[14:57] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) �03[14:57] * Headbomb_ is now known as Headbomb �15[14:58] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: What doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later.�) �03[15:00] * BAllen (5e02a8ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [15:00] <BAllen> hi everyone [15:00] <BAllen> I come in peace, even though I don't have a great track record on wiki.... [15:00] <BAllen> can an admin please help me with a request? �06[15:00] * PeterSymonds signals a ceasefire. [15:01] <Fluffernutter> anyone who starts with "I come in peace" generally wants to kill and eat the people they're approaching [15:01] <BAllen> lol [15:01] <BAllen> no [15:01] <BAllen> I want to extract an image I uploaded ages ago [15:01] <Pharos> that's what Neil Armstrong said [15:01] <BAllen> but which was ultimately deleted [15:01] <BAllen> I can't find it anywhere [15:01] <BAllen> but need it [15:02] <BAllen> (not for anything related to wiki I might add) �15[15:02] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) �03[15:02] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ has joined #wikipedia-en [15:03] <geniice> whats the image? �03[15:03] * Eta-theta (4b0182f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:04] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:04] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:04] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:04] <Eta-theta> ^^^ [15:04] <PeterSymonds> Yes we don't care. [15:04] <BAllen> Image:Pimp.jpg [15:05] <Eta-theta> thank you for letting me know [15:05] <PeterSymonds> You're welcome. [15:05] <BAllen> as uploaded by user:Boris Allen around Feb '07 [15:05] <Eta-theta> It was deleted [15:05] <BAllen> yup [15:06] <BAllen> is there nothing available still? [15:06] <Eta-theta> 13:26, 2 March 2007 Jimfbleak (talk | contribs) deleted "File:Pimp.jpg" (nn) [15:06] <BAllen> or do you not keep images that long? [15:06] <Eta-theta> still no Pimp.jpg [15:07] <BAllen> oh well [15:07] <BAllen> thanks for you help anyway �08[15:07] <derp> BAllen [15:07] <Kingpin13> BAllen, I can see the image. �08[15:07] <derp> was it this one �08[15:07] <derp> [15:07] <Kingpin13> derp++ [15:07] <Kingpin13> Heh. [15:07] <BAllen> hahaha [15:07] <BAllen> lol [15:07] <Kingpin13> BAllen, pm me your email. [15:07] <BAllen> not quite :P �08[15:08] <derp> When you said pimp.jpg, i tought the pimp painting :P �03[15:08] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en [15:08] <Eta-theta> Oh, ducreux �03[15:08] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:10] * Eta-theta is now known as eta-brb �03[15:11] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has left #wikipedia-en �03[15:14] * eta-brb is now known as Eta-theta �15[15:17] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�) �03[15:21] * Crazynas (~IceChat7@wikipedia/crazynas) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:23] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) �15[15:23] * Johannes_WMDE (~jr@wikimedia/Johannes-Rohr) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) �03[15:24] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:24] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:24] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[15:24] * DQ|away is now known as DeltaQuad �15[15:24] * Johannes_WMDE_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) �03[15:26] * DeltaQuad is now known as DQ|sleepzzz �03[15:31] * PhancyPhysicist is now known as PhancyPhysic|AFK �03[15:31] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:32] * BAllen (5e02a8ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�) [15:34] <Eta-theta> Why is no one talking..? �03[15:35] * Seddon (~chatzilla@Wikimedia/Seddon) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:35] <petan> blah �15[15:35] * Excirial (~Excirial@wikipedia/Excirial) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�) [15:35] <Eta-theta> hallb [15:35] <Eta-theta> halb* [15:35] <petan> halb? [15:35] <petan> oh, halb! [15:36] <Eta-theta> halb! [15:36] <petan> Eta-theta: if you want people to talk, give us some topic? [15:36] <quanticle> blahalb [15:36] <petan> but, this halb is also good for start, as I see [15:37] <Eta-theta> Have any of you seen a G10 on Wikipedia lately? �03[15:37] * Johannes_WMDE ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:37] * Johannes_WMDE ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:37] * Johannes_WMDE (~jr@wikimedia/Johannes-Rohr) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:38] * mabdul (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [15:39] <Eta-theta> Um... hello... have any of you seen a G10 on wikipedia lately? ( [15:39] <Eta-theta> Oops [15:40] <Eta-theta> [15:40] <petan> I think "halb" had better responses... [15:40] <petan> or more at least �15[15:41] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�) [15:41] <Eta-theta> Welll have you seen a G10 on Wikipedia lately? [15:41] <petan> no �03[15:42] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:42] * guillom (~guillaume@wikimedia/guillom) Quit (Quit: Quitte�) [15:43] <Eta-theta> You speak Czech? �15[15:43] * Johannes_WMDE (~jr@wikimedia/Johannes-Rohr) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) �15[15:43] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [15:43] <Eta-theta> I haven't met anyone who does �03[15:44] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has left #wikipedia-en [15:44] <Olipro> try the polevka [15:44] <petan> Eta-theta: yes [15:44] <petan> you probably never visited our country then [15:44] <Eta-theta> Olipro! I haven't seen you on Wikipedia [15:45] <Eta-theta> petan: No, my parents have [15:45] <Eta-theta> They say it's nice [15:45] <Olipro> I'm an occasional editor [15:45] <petan> oh, really? [15:45] <Eta-theta> petan: Yes [15:45] <petan> what year it was [15:45] <Olipro> I've never been to Czechia, but we do get Kozel here :D [15:45] <petan> Czechia? what is that :P [15:46] <Olipro> my bastardisation of Czech Republic [15:46] <petan> aha [15:46] <Eta-theta> aha... palindrome �03[15:46] * LL2|JedIRC ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:46] * LL2|JedIRC ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:46] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:46] <petan> Kozel isn't bad, my friend works for them [15:46] <Olipro> is he the guy who takes care of the Velkopopovicky village goat? :D [15:46] <petan> nah �03[15:46] * Johannes_WMDE ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:46] * Johannes_WMDE ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[15:46] * Johannes_WMDE (~jr@wikimedia/Johannes-Rohr) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:46] <petan> :) [15:47] <Eta-theta> I have no idea what you guys are talking about [15:47] <Olipro> they got Brian Blessed to do one of their adverts [15:47] <Eta-theta> What time is it in Czechia? [15:47] <petan> Eta-theta: [15:47] <Eta-theta> Hahahahaha [15:47] <Olipro> it's GMT+1 [15:47] <Olipro> here we are: [15:48] <Eta-theta> "We"? [15:48] <Olipro> it's a turn of phrase [15:48] <Olipro> is English not your first language? �15[15:49] * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) Quit [15:49] <Eta-theta> Nope [15:49] <Olipro> well there you go, you've learned something new [15:49] <Eta-theta> My family is part-Native American �15[15:50] * Timotheus_Canens (~tcanens@wikipedia/Tim-Song) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[15:51] * Timotheus_Canens (~tcanens@wikipedia/Tim-Song) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:51] <Eta-theta> Hey, I just learned you can use {{#babel:...-4}} �15[15:51] * Johannes_WMDE (~jr@wikimedia/Johannes-Rohr) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) �03[15:51] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:52] * Barras (~Barras@wikimedia/barras) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[15:53] * AsH3 (~Barras@wikimedia/barras) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[15:54] * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) Quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by apple�) �03[15:55] * LauraHale is now known as Laura|Brekky [15:55] <Pharos> do you know a Native American language? [15:55] <Eta-theta> Well, I used it so unfrequently I an knowing less and less [15:55] <Eta-theta> am* [15:56] <Pharos> that's still prety good [15:56] <Pharos> you could be the Jimbo of that language's Wikipedia �03[15:56] * bep (~britishen@reddit/operator/bep) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:57] <Eta-theta> Well, perhaps [15:57] <Eta-theta> Let me see if there is one [15:57] <Pharos> it wouldn't take a lot to make a ig impact probably [15:57] <Pharos> *big �03[15:58] * Fear (~Fear@unaffiliated/fear) has joined #wikipedia-en [15:58] <Eta-theta> �15[15:59] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) [16:00] <Eta-theta> on that wiki [16:00] <Eta-theta> Hey there are no administrators �03[16:00] * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en [16:00] <Pharos> here's your chance! [16:00] <Eta-theta> yep [16:01] <Eta-theta> It seems there are no bureaucrats again �15[16:01] * Fluffernutter (Fluffernut@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit (Quit: homeward�) �15[16:01] * Fear (~Fear@unaffiliated/fear) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) [16:02] <Eta-theta> So I can't talk to a bureaucrat �03[16:02] * diegogrez (~diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:03] <Eta-theta> So I guess I cannot become an administrator [16:03] <PeterSymonds> Not by talking to a bureaucrat. [16:03] <PeterSymonds> Unless they're up for a good ol' bribe. [16:03] <Steven_Zhang> Hehe [16:04] <Steven_Zhang> If there are no admins there [16:04] <Steven_Zhang> Or no crats [16:04] <Steven_Zhang> There's probably a shitload of vandalism [16:04] <Steven_Zhang> Or it's dead [16:04] <Eta-theta> No, no loads of vandalism [16:04] <Pharos> it looks a bit alive [16:04] <Eta-theta> But the main page is protected :D [16:04] <Steven_Zhang> Heh...well peter is a steward... [16:04] <petan> main page is protected as default excepting special wmf projects... [16:05] <Pharos> it's not thriving, but some things are happening [16:05] <PeterSymonds> No it isn't, petan. [16:05] <petan> I mean, on wikipedias? or am I mistaken? [16:05] <Pharos> peter, crat this guy! [16:05] <Steven_Zhang> O rly? [16:05] <petan> I never seen a wikipedia where Main Page wasn't protected [16:05] <Steven_Zhang> I feel weird opposing AGK [16:05] <PeterSymonds> Anything you say, Pharos. [16:05] <petan> it seems to me as part of deployment? but maybe I am wrong [16:06] <Eta-theta> Crat who? Me? [16:06] <Steven_Zhang> Lol ask PeterSymonds [16:06] <Steven_Zhang> He can make anyone an admin [16:06] <Steven_Zhang> Technically he can make anyone a steward [16:06] <Pharos> yup, you've been drafted [16:06] <Steven_Zhang> Heb [16:06] <Eta-theta> Pharos: Crat who? [16:06] <Steven_Zhang> Heh �15[16:06] * JeffAndroIrc (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[16:06] * JeffAndroIrc (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:07] <Eta-theta> Oh, crat me> [16:07] <Pharos> Crat you! [16:07] <Eta-theta> ? [16:07] <petan> Steven_Zhang: technicaly I can walk to you and unplug your pc from wall socket [16:07] <Eta-theta> Cool [16:07] <Steven_Zhang> Technically no, as I'm using an iPad [16:07] <Steven_Zhang> Fail [16:07] <petan> right ;) [16:07] <Eta-theta> ^^^^ [16:07] <petan> you got me [16:08] <Eta-theta> ;) [16:09] <Eta-theta> go ahead, crat me [16:09] <Eta-theta> on �03[16:10] * Theo10011_a (~Theo10011@ has joined #wikipedia-en [16:10] <Eta-theta> PeterSymonds: ping [16:10] <PeterSymonds> Hello. [16:10] <Eta-theta> above [16:11] <Eta-theta> there are no admins nor crats on chywiki, and i know the language [16:11] <Eta-theta> (PeterSymonds) [16:11] <PeterSymonds> Okay. [16:12] <PeterSymonds> Well, you need to open a local request for temporary adminship, on a community page there. [16:12] <Steven_Zhang> Heh.. [16:12] <Steven_Zhang> What is chy [16:12] <PeterSymonds> And if they vote for you after a week, you can post to Meta asking for the tool. �15[16:12] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �03[16:12] * Theo10011_a is now known as Theo10011 [16:12] <Eta-theta> ? �15[16:12] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:12] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:13] <Eta-theta> deleted [16:13] <PeterSymonds> Community portal will do. [16:14] <Eta-theta> The wiki is part-dead �03[16:14] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:14] <Eta-theta> I'll just do it tomorrow [16:14] <PeterSymonds> Of course you will. [16:14] <Eta-theta> What, I must leave �15[16:15] * Eta-theta (4b0182f9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit [16:15] <LL2|JedIRC> Petan: you call yourself a mediawiki dev? [16:15] <petan> oh, I call myself Peter [16:16] <LL2|JedIRC> I swear the main page is NOT protected by default on mediawiki [16:16] <petan> but yes, I am listed on [16:16] <petan> maybe not... �06[16:16] * LL2|JedIRC removes petan from that list [16:16] <petan> but I said: wikipedias have Main Page protected [16:17] <petan> isn't wikipedia [16:17] <PeterSymonds> Usually. [16:18] <bep> Is there… [16:18] <bep> a cat [16:18] <bep> on wikipedia [16:18] <petan> yes �15[16:19] * JeffAndroIrc (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [16:19] <petan> �03[16:19] * JeffAndroIrc (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:19] <geniice> yay up to 6 people running for arbcom �03[16:19] * mabdul (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:19] <tommorris> ooh, geniice is runnin? [16:20] <Ironholds> tommorris, what are your plans tomorrow? [16:20] <geniice> tommorris should terrify a few more people into running [16:20] <tommorris> Ironholds: 11:30-13:00, seminar. [16:20] <Ironholds> tommorris: dang. [16:20] <tommorris> why? [16:20] <Ironholds> want to meet up for lunch and coats? [16:20] <LL2|JedIRC> BOO! [16:20] <LL2|JedIRC> HUGGLE SUX [16:20] <LL2|JedIRC> Twinkle ftw �03[16:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir �03[16:20] * eir sets mode: -bo *!*@ eir [16:20] <LL2|JedIRC> :P �15[16:21] * FT2 (~FT2@wikipedia/ft2) Quit [16:21] <tommorris> Ironholds: sure. my plans involve Kensington first, then possibly Russell Square [16:21] <tommorris> Ironholds: 2011111510021998 - be amused at rageman. [16:22] <Ironholds> tommorris: cool,I'll give you a text [16:22] <petan> LL2|JedIRC: maybe if you told me why it suck we could fix that �06[16:22] * tommorris reminds people that his DYK is on the homepage at the moment. �03[16:22] * FT2 (~FT2@wikipedia/ft2) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:22] <LL2|JedIRC> Petan: question [16:22] <pingveno> Does "the Mountain states" only refer to the Rock Mountains? Or are there other ranges? [16:22] <petan> eh [16:23] <LL2|JedIRC> How many birthdays does the average man have? [16:23] <petan> LL2|JedIRC: you ask me? [16:23] <petan> I though it would be huggle related [16:23] <LL2|JedIRC> Petan: I was jk about huggle [16:23] <petan> * thought [16:23] <pingveno> LL2|JedIRC: 1. [16:23] <pingveno> LL2|JedIRC: er [16:23] <LL2|JedIRC> Petan: try answering �15[16:23] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [16:23] <petan> depends on definition, my english is poor, everybody knows [16:24] <petan> if birth day is day of birth, that probably one [16:24] <Ironholds> tommorris: fucking. genius. [16:24] <LL2|JedIRC> Pingveno: correct. When is that birthday? [16:24] <Ironholds> tommorris, you know any good coffee places in central london? �15[16:24] * niekie (~niek@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [16:24] <LL2|JedIRC> Petan: its one, but not likee that [16:24] <LL2|JedIRC> They only have one birthday DAY [16:25] <LL2|JedIRC> It is always the same, unless its one of those days that on certain years may not be there [16:25] <pingveno> LL2|JedIRC: It depends on what you mean by 'day'. Do you mean day of the year? Or birthdate? [16:25] <PeterSymonds> LL2|JedIRC, well, we rarely understand you; and remember that petan is not a native speaker! [16:25] <LL2|JedIRC> Really? Never knew that [16:25] <pingveno> So yeah, what does Mountain states refer to? [16:26] <LL2|JedIRC> your mom �06[16:26] * LL2|JedIRC runs [16:26] <LL2|JedIRC> Ok, I'll stop [16:26] <Seddon> LL2|JedIRC: she is the grand canyon �03[16:26] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:26] <petan> pingveno: there is a wikipedia article on that? [16:26] <LL2|JedIRC> (no I won't :P) [16:27] <LL2|JedIRC> Seddon: yes, but so is yours and mine :P [16:27] <LL2|JedIRC> The grand canyon is made up of mothers [16:27] <pingveno> petan: Banner Health [16:27] <LL2|JedIRC> No wonder it is so grand �03[16:27] * niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:28] <Seddon> LL2|JedIRC: your is know as Valles Marineris �15[16:28] * Steven_Zhang (~Steven_Zh@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Colloquy for iPad -�) [16:28] <LL2|JedIRC> :P �15[16:29] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �03[16:29] * Peter-C (~Peter-C@wikimedia/Peter.C) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:29] <Peter-C> Pharos [16:29] <tommorris> Ironholds: can't think of any [16:30] <Ironholds> darn [16:30] <Ironholds> ta anyway [16:30] <Qcoder00> Evening all [16:30] <quanticle> Hello Ironholds [16:31] <Ironholds> quanticle, BABY [16:31] <Ironholds> how goes? [16:31] <quanticle> Goes well �15[16:32] * niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[16:33] * niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[16:33] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[16:34] * derp huggles Logan_ tightly. �06[16:34] * Logan_ huggles derp. �03[16:35] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:35] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:35] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:36] <geniice> yay most of the socks listed at are mine �03[16:37] * Fluffernutter (~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:37] * M132T003C ( Quit (Quit: ~ Trillian Astra - ~�) �03[16:38] * AsH3 is now known as Barras �03[16:38] * Pesky|afk is now known as Pesky �03[16:39] * Johannes_WMDE_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en [16:40] <Seddon> Ironholds: you seen this video before? �15[16:41] * niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[16:42] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:42] <Ironholds> Seddon: I linked it on facebook, bitch [16:42] <Seddon> Ironholds: fuck you bitch :P I didnt see so I am still vaguely cultured :P �03[16:43] * niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:44] <Ironholds> Seddon: switch the l for an n and we can agree [16:45] <Seddon> *sigh* �15[16:45] * PhancyPhysic|AFK ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) �03[16:46] * Queen (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:46] * niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[16:46] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en [16:46] <Fluffernutter> surely there is a marriage proposal forthcoming, that's how it always works in romcoms �03[16:46] * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has left #wikipedia-en [16:47] <Ironholds> who's marrying who? [16:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> who is marry? [16:49] <geniice> I think Fluffernutter is marrying Ironholds and Seddon. How she got a license to officiate we will never know [16:49] <Fluffernutter> internet-ordination! [16:49] <Ironholds> I'm taken in that department, thanks [16:50] <Ironholds> plus, Seddon's just too ugly for me - and anyone who's seen my face can verify that's almost an achievement [16:50] <tommorris> Aww, a big fat Wikipedia gay wedding? That's lovely. [16:50] <Ironholds> tommorris: no, no, Seddon and me, not Seddon and you �03[16:51] * TParis ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[16:51] * TParis ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[16:51] * TParis (~TParis@wikipedia/TParis) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:51] <bep> Seddon is Icelandic for big busty woman [16:51] <bep> Ironholds is Russian for Iron Holding Penis �03[16:51] * niekie (quasselcor@CAcert/Assurer/niekie) has joined #wikipedia-en [16:51] <TParis> Hi guys. Doesnt anyone in here know a bit about the brain, moods, and how hormones play a factor? �06[16:51] * Seddon is most definitely male [16:51] <TParis> Does* �15[16:52] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [16:52] <Fluffernutter> Seddon, you know the rules. Pics or it didn't happen. [16:52] <Seddon> Fluffernutter: be careful, ill interpret that as an invitation :P [16:53] <Fluffernutter> heh [16:53] <tommorris> There *is* an Android uploader for Commons now. I'm waiting for the first dick pic. [16:53] <tommorris> We won't know it is truly working until someone drops their pants and snaps it. [16:53] <geniice> TParis no. Emotions are for the weak [16:54] <Ironholds> Seddon: I dunno, your eyes say male, your massive hooters say otherwise [16:54] <tommorris> Of course, iPhone users can just put their pics directly onto [16:54] <geniice> tommorris only about 0.01% of commons pics are dicks. I think cat photos are more commons [16:55] <TParis> geniice: Of course, that's why I seek information. I have no direct experience with it. [16:56] <Fluffernutter> there are still far too many dicks on commons [16:56] <Fluffernutter> and i mean that in all senses [17:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> geniice Fluffernutter has oversight privs [17:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so she can grant any kind of document right? [17:00] <Fluffernutter> what's that got to do with anything? [17:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> doesnt that give you same powers as the british queen? �03[17:00] * Ollabarac|away (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:00] * Ollabarac|away (~chatzilla@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:00] * Ollabarac|away (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Jcaraballo) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:00] <geniice> ToAruShiroiNeko sure you are not thinking of stewards? �06[17:00] * Queen was pinged [17:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> those are uber-queen privs �06[17:00] * tommorris sure has a short temper when it comes to idiots. �06[17:01] * ToAruShiroiNeko is fortunately not an idiot but instead a moron �06[17:01] * ToAruShiroiNeko is spared [17:02] <bep> the Queen has more powers �03[17:02] * Queen is now known as Ty [17:02] <bep> she doesn't need to follow the law �08[17:03] * derp farts. [17:03] <bep> she doesn't need to fart, derp [17:03] <bep> all her waste gases are piped directly through the current prime minister �15[17:03] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [17:03] <bep> but she's been outsourcing to canada recently �08[17:03] <derp> don't forget upper class adultery too. [17:04] <bep> some theorise her majesty is made of the finest neutronium-diamondium alloys �08[17:04] <derp> diamondium? [17:04] <bep> yes, not your cheap diamondillium [17:04] <bep> wernstrom �08[17:04] <derp> :P [17:04] <Fluffernutter> oversight only gives me th epower to make you disappear, not grant anyone rights �06[17:05] * tommorris is, in general, opposed to the monarchy. But I'd rather have Her Maj than her fucking idiot son. So "Long Live The Queen"! �03[17:05] * derp is now known as Farnsworth_ �08[17:05] <Farnsworth_> good news everyone �08[17:05] <Farnsworth_> I bet you read that in his voice �08[17:05] <Farnsworth_> :P [17:06] <tommorris> You've created a rocket that runs purely on Santorum? �08[17:06] <Farnsworth_> yes [17:06] <tommorris> GAYS OF THE WORLD: Buttsex for freedom! [17:06] <TParis> Why just gays? Hetrosexuals are banned from buttsecks? [17:06] <bep> tommorris: hokay �03[17:06] * yann__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en [17:06] <TParis> That's discrimination. [17:07] <tommorris> TParis: in American Conservative land, only teh gays do the buttsex. [17:07] <tommorris> It is part of a worldwide conspiracy to enforce man-on-dog marriage on everyone. [17:07] <bep> Santorum is disgusting [17:07] <TParis> :( [17:07] <Fluffernutter> TParis has a point [17:08] <bep> if you had proper hygeine it wouldn't bloody happen [17:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no he has two points, one above the other [17:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> tommorris prince charles is the oldest prince right? �15[17:11] * yann__ ( Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat�) [17:12] <tommorris> ToAruShiroiNeko: not sure. [17:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oldest crown prince I mean [17:15] <ToAruShiroiNeko> does he wear a crown? �15[17:15] * Ironholds (~bob@wikipedia/Ironholds) Quit (Quit: connection reset by peerage�) �03[17:17] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:17] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) [17:17] <Pesky> ToAruShiroiNeko: "Crown Prince" means "heir to the throne" �03[17:17] * Ks0stm (~Ks0stm@wikipedia/Ks0stm) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:17] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:17] <Pesky> Full crowna are for reigning monarchs (on the whole) [17:18] <Pesky> Lesser orders can / sometimes do wear coronets �03[17:21] * Magog_the_Ogre ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:21] * Magog_the_Ogre ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:21] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:23] * RudyValencia (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) Quit (Quit: My IRC client doesn't advertise in /quit messages.�) �03[17:23] * RudyValencia (me@unaffiliated/rudyvalencia) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:24] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[17:24] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:26] * photoz (photoz@unaffiliated/photoz) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:27] <photoz> <-- "Audiograbber is able to rip CD’s" �03[17:27] * slon02 (6c102366@wikipedia/slon02) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:27] <photoz> Fix typo? [17:27] <slon02> [17:28] <slon02> that's not really vandalism, is it? �15[17:28] * Ty (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) Quit (Quit: We are Wikipedia, we are legion, here, have some wikilove, come help us edit?�) �15[17:28] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[17:31] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:32] * quanticle is now known as quanticle|away �03[17:36] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has joined #wikipedia-en [17:36] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> . �15[17:36] * JeffAndroIrc (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�) �03[17:38] * Laura|Brekky is now known as LauraHale �03[17:39] * etatheta (48b1ef89@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en [17:40] <etatheta> Anyone good with design? [17:40] <etatheta> My talkpage design isn't working. [17:40] <petan> talk page design? [17:40] <etatheta> [17:41] <petan> that's is very... talkpage [17:41] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> etatheta [17:41] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I can't navigate. :( [17:41] <etatheta> What do you mean? [17:42] <petan> etatheta: it renders exactly what it should [17:42] <etatheta> The text under section headers is normal [17:42] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> the format is shit. [17:42] <petan> etatheta: I mean it does what you told it to do, not what you wanted it to do [17:42] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> no offense [17:42] <petan> etatheta: I don't know what you wanted though [17:42] <etatheta> I don't understand what I'm doing wrong �15[17:42] * Johannes_WMDE_ ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [17:43] <etatheta> User:Η-θ/l is my design [17:43] <petan> I can try to fix it, but you will receive notice that you got a message [17:43] <etatheta> Ok, thank you [17:43] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> etatheta, why redirect your user page? [17:44] <petan> but I still don't know what you want it to look like, probably not like a regular talk page [17:44] <TParis> Are there any photography pro's in here? [17:44] <etatheta> It's more convienient to have it all in one page �03[17:44] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:44] <etatheta> TParis: I take photos. Amateur, though [17:44] <TParis> Do you know much about photography techniques? [17:44] <etatheta> Petan: [17:45] <petan> also if you include subpages, keep them in same space [17:45] <etatheta> TParis: Not really [17:45] <TParis> My wife is a professional photographer, but I doubt she wants to work on a Wikipedia article. I might bug her later, but I figured I might see if there are already Wikipedia editors out there who are professional photographers. [17:45] <petan> etatheta: btw purpose of talk page is to talk there, not to make it fancy... [17:46] <etatheta> [[User:Fox]] [17:46] <etatheta> Rainbow-Dash-EN: What browser do you have that makes the format bad? �03[17:47] * Magog_the_Ogre ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[17:47] * Magog_the_Ogre ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[17:47] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:47] <photoz> <-- "Audiograbber is able to rip CD’s" [17:47] <photoz> Fix typo? [17:47] <etatheta> Photoz: What typo [17:47] <photoz> <-- "Audiograbber is able to rip CD’s" [17:47] <petan> etatheta: I will move userboxes to right? [17:48] <etatheta> petan: They are already on the right [17:48] <petan> no [17:48] <petan> they are nowhere now [17:48] <etatheta> in chrome [17:48] <etatheta> oh [17:48] <etatheta> you're editing it [17:48] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> I have Opera. [17:48] <etatheta> yes, on the right [17:48] <tommorris> !ops photoz needz WP:COMPETENCE [17:48] <etatheta> Rainbow-Dash-EN: I used to have Opera. Everything looked amazing [17:48] <petan> :o [17:48] <petan> photoz? [17:49] <slakr> ? [17:49] <slakr> that's not an op issue [17:49] <etatheta> ?? [17:49] <etatheta> No, no it isn't [17:49] <slakr> at best, it's an admin issue [17:49] <rowan> That is not an op issue, slakr is right. [17:49] <photoz> Huh? [17:49] <slakr> and even that's pushing it [17:49] <etatheta> It's an admin issue, not an op issue [17:49] <photoz> tommorris: ? [17:49] <rowan> tommorris: stop pinging me unnecessarily, god damn it. [17:49] <SpitfireWP> tommorris, please don't do that... �15[17:49] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) [17:49] <photoz> What is an admin issue? [17:49] <rowan> SpitfireWP: Leave the *rage* to me. :D �06[17:50] * tommorris apologises. [17:50] <petan> omg, guys I think it's already clear, stop beating him... ;) [17:50] <photoz> <-- "Audiograbber is able to rip CD’s" <-- Will somebody fix this typo already? �06[17:50] * SpitfireWP leaves it to the pros [17:50] <photoz> (I don't have an account.) �15[17:50] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�) [17:50] <etatheta> Photoz: What typo? [17:51] <photoz> "CD's" �03[17:51] * HaeB (~HaeB@wikipedia/HochaufeinemBaum) has joined #wikipedia-en [17:51] <petan> etatheta: is this what you wanted? [17:51] <etatheta> Oh, you want it to be CDs. [17:51] <Crazynas> photoz: it's not protected... �15[17:51] * joke-away ( Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [17:52] <etatheta> Petan: Sorry for anything, but I would like to keep the userboxes in the green box [17:52] <Logan_> photoz: Fixed. [17:52] <petan> right [17:52] <etatheta> petan: �06[17:52] * Logan_ summarily trouts tommorris. [17:52] <etatheta> I am going to query you [17:52] <petan> huh �15[17:53] * pm27 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [17:53] <photoz> Cool. �03[17:54] * DQ|sleepzzz is now known as DQ|away �03[17:56] * photoz (photoz@unaffiliated/photoz) has left #wikipedia-en �03[17:56] * Queen (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[17:58] * Lubaf ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:00] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[18:00] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:00] <Lubaf> Kim Kardashian: Bitch, or Utter bitch? [18:00] <Mitchazenia> Both works �03[18:00] * JeffAndroIrcAFK3 (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[18:00] Clones detected from wikipedia/Jeff-G.:�8 JeffAndroIrcAFK JeffAndroIrcAFK3 [18:01] <etatheta> okay: petan had to leave, so I need someone else to help me with my userpage/talkpage. [18:01] <etatheta> And it's free! �03[18:01] * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:03] <etatheta> Please, pretty please with a cherry on top? [18:04] <etatheta> Just pm me �15[18:04] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[18:04] * SigmaWP (~coalball@wikipedia/Lowercase-Sigma) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:04] <etatheta> Sigma! [18:05] <SigmaWP> etatheta: Hi :D [18:05] <etatheta> So I needed help but nobody would help me. [18:06] <etatheta> It is with my userpage/talkpage, it's kinda been malfunctioning [18:07] <etatheta> Would you care to help? [18:07] <etatheta> (SigmaWP) �15[18:07] * mikaey (~mikaey@Wikipedia/Mikaey) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �15[18:08] * JeffAndroIrcAFK3 (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) [18:08] <etatheta> So no one would care to help me? [18:08] <etatheta> :( [18:09] <TParis> Whats the problem with your userpage? �03[18:09] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:09] <etatheta> I will PM you �15[18:12] * mabdul (~mabdul@wikipedia/mabdul) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�) �03[18:12] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has left #wikipedia-en �15[18:12] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [18:13] <Olipro> so, is the donation-begging sitenotice using a rubbishy image of Jimbo in the hopes of achieving the "we're impoverished" look [18:13] <Olipro> last time around the photo editing was much more professional [18:14] <geniice> Olipro dson't worry we have Brandon "two shirts" Harris [18:14] <Olipro> bahaha [18:14] <Olipro> jorm to the rescue [18:14] <etatheta> ? [18:15] <etatheta> Olipro: [18:15] <etatheta> Are you good with design? [18:16] <etatheta> Olipro: ping [18:16] <Olipro> etatheta: I don't think it's down to lack of talent [18:16] <Olipro> if you look at the WMF page for all designed banners [18:16] <etatheta> bahahahaha [18:17] <Olipro> then there are more professional looking ones [18:17] <etatheta> Really [18:17] <Olipro> �03[18:17] * Farnsworth_ is now known as derp �03[18:17] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:17] <etatheta> bahahahahha [18:18] <etatheta> Olipro: Would you care to help with something? [18:18] <Olipro> what are you offering? [18:19] <etatheta> something [18:19] <etatheta> i will pm you �03[18:20] * mys_721tx_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:20] * mys_721tx_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[18:20] * mys_721tx_ (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:20] * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[18:20] * mys_721tx_ is now known as mys_721tx Session Close: Tue Nov 15 18:20:19 2011 Session Start: Tue Nov 15 18:20:19 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �11[18:20] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Nov 15 18:22:40 2011 Session Start: Tue Nov 15 18:43:07 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[18:43] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[18:43] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[18:43] * Set by derp! on Sun Oct 23 20:29:19 [18:43] #wikipedia-en url is [18:43] <kylu> ain't censored, talk pages even less so. �03[18:43] * Queen (~Ty@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:44] <SigmaWP> derp: :D �08[18:44] <derp> SigmaWP :D [18:44] <etatheta> SigmaWP, derp, :D: �08[18:45] <derp> etatheta <3< [18:45] <etatheta> derp :): �08[18:45] <derp> :D �03[18:45] * etatheta is now known as Eta-theta �03[18:46] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:46] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[18:46] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:46] <Eta-theta> Aw man [18:46] <Eta-theta> No cloak yet [18:47] <JeffAndroIrcAFK> eta �03[18:47] * Addihockey10 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[18:47] * Addihockey10 ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[18:47] * Addihockey10 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Addihockey10) has joined #wikipedia-en [18:47] <Eta-theta> yeeees [18:48] <Eta-theta> What [18:48] <JeffAndroIrcAFK> Eta-theta: what did you ask for in s cloak? [18:48] <Eta-theta> "in s cloak"? �03[18:48] * JeffAndroIrcAFK is now known as JeffAndroIrc [18:48] <JeffAndroIrc> a cloak [18:48] <Eta-theta> What are you asking? [18:49] <Eta-theta> Why did I ask for one? [18:49] <JeffAndroIrc> what cloak do you want? [18:49] <Eta-theta> An IRC cloak [18:49] <Eta-theta> I had requested it �03[18:49] * Mufka (~irc@unaffiliated/mufka) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[18:49] <derp> same. [18:50] <Eta-theta> ~phargl@wikimedia/Η-θ [18:50] <Eta-theta> derrrrrr[p] [18:50] <SigmaWP> Eta-theta: You're not allowed to have non-ascii characters in cloaks [18:50] <SigmaWP> That's why I created User:Lowercase Sigma [18:51] <Eta-theta> Oh [18:51] <Eta-theta> And my name has NO ascii characters [18:51] <Eta-theta> (well except the dash) [18:51] <Eta-theta> [[User:Eta-theta]] redirects to my name [18:51] <JeffAndroIrc> I created user:Jeff-g-dot [18:52] <Eta-theta> Jeff: What is your username? �15[18:52] * Maryana (~justdandy@ Quit (Quit: AFK�) [18:52] <JeffAndroIrc> JeffG. [18:53] <Eta-theta> Ah [18:53] <JeffAndroIrc> Jeff G. [18:53] <Eta-theta> Ah �15[18:53] * Jab843 ( Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �06[18:53] * JeffAndroIrc curses his touch keyboard. [18:54] <Eta-theta> How come [[User:Jeff g.]] doesn't redirect to your name? �08[18:55] -> *HenryTrollins* bingo, found the problem :) �15[18:55] -> [JeffAndroIrc] VERSION �08[18:55] * derp exploits JeffAndroIrc's IRC client. �06[18:56] * Eta-theta exists [18:56] <JeffAndroIrc> I'll work on that. �15[18:56] * Lubaf ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�) �15[18:56] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [18:56] <Eta-theta> I wonder why you can't use ascii characters in cloaks? �03[18:57] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[18:57] * Dmcdevit ( has joined #wikipedia-en [18:57] <JeffAndroIrc> IRC is still somewhat ASCII-centric [18:58] <Eta-theta> Aah �03[19:00] * Jab843 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:01] <Eta-theta> Alright gang, I must leave, I'll see you about this time tomorrow [19:02] <SigmaWP> Bye �15[19:02] * Eta-theta (48b1ef89@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: use my talkpage�) �15[19:03] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �15[19:03] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �15[19:04] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +o eir �03[19:05] * eir sets mode: -qbo *!*@ *!*@ eir �03[19:07] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:11] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:13] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:15] * Resfirestar (~sam@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:16] * diegogrez (~diegogrez@wikimedia/Diego-Grez) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[19:16] * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:16] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:16] * IShadowed ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:16] * IShadowed (~IShadowed@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:17] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [19:17] <Theo10011> foks!? �15[19:17] * PeterSymonds (~Peter@wikimedia/PeterSymonds) Quit (Quit: Leaving�) �03[19:18] * Lcsrns (~Lucas@wikipedia/Lcsrns) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:19] * Barras is now known as Barras[away] �03[19:20] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:20] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:20] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:20] * dungodung is now known as dungodung|away [19:23] <Pilif12p> HEY I HAVE AN IDEA �15[19:23] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) [19:23] <Fluffernutter> no [19:24] <Pilif12p> We should close the english wikipedia because of the protect ip bill [19:24] <PiRSquared17> ? [19:24] <Pilif12p> </italianwp> [19:24] <Jab843> um.... [19:24] <Jab843> what �15[19:25] * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�) [19:25] <Pilif12p> you didn't hear about the italian wikipedia closing for a few days? [19:25] <Jab843> um no [19:25] <SigmaWP> It never closed. [19:25] <PiRSquared17> Really? [19:25] <SigmaWP> Willy just put wheels on the pages, and redirected them all to the green screen. [19:25] <Pilif12p> [19:25] <SigmaWP> AGAIN? �03[19:26] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:26] <Pilif12p> more than a month ago... [19:26] <SigmaWP> Oh, that's old �06[19:26] * SigmaWP smells COI [19:27] <Pilif12p> ??? [19:27] <SigmaWP> You'll find out. [19:28] <Jab843> aww well the italians... �15[19:30] * Spidey665 (18de52d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�) �03[19:30] * Laura|Naps is now known as LauraHale [19:31] <jorm> this is fun: [19:31] <jorm> if you size the browser down to about 640 it kicks into mobile mode. [19:31] <SigmaWP> Ooh [19:32] <SigmaWP> jorm: Oh yeah, do you plan to allow anon edits on mobile mode on phones? [19:32] <jorm> when we get to mobile editing, that's a question we'll ask, but i expect that it will follow the project's guidelines. �03[19:32] * Lcsrns (~Lucas@wikipedia/Lcsrns) has left #wikipedia-en ("Saliendo"�) [19:32] <jorm> i love how athena went from "concept" to "working prototype" inside of a week. �03[19:33] * alyxuk ( has joined #wikipedia-en [19:33] <alyxuk> Whats the link for the statistics about my account, number of edits specifically? [19:33] <alyxuk> account MissAlyx �15[19:34] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [19:34] <SigmaWP> !editcountitis [19:34] <SigmaWP> Whoops wrong stalk �06[19:34] * alyxuk makes puzzled look at SigmaWP [19:35] <SigmaWP> :| �03[19:39] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:42] * Spidey665 (18de52d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:43] * Crazynas (~IceChat7@wikipedia/crazynas) Quit (Quit: IceChat - Its what Cool People use�) [19:45] <Jab843> anyone with expierence in editing articles that has had to deal with citation issues avilalbe? �15[19:47] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) �15[19:48] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[19:48] * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[19:49] * OffToHades (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:49] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �15[19:49] * Fluffernutter (~Fluffernu@wikipedia/Fluffernutter) Quit �03[19:50] * OffToHades is now known as BarkingFish �03[19:50] * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter �03[19:53] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[19:53] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[19:53] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) has joined #wikipedia-en [19:55] <Betacommand> Jab843: what kind of issues? �15[19:55] * Jayflux ( Quit (Quit: (� ::� NoNameScript 4.22 ::� www.�� )��) [19:55] <Betacommand> alyxuk: whats your username? [19:57] <Jab843> M Betacommand: Sigma helped [19:57] <Jab843> it was a citation question [19:57] <Betacommand> Jab843: I saw �06[19:57] * SigmaWP feels useful now :D [19:57] <Jab843> M Betacomand: bah [19:57] <Jab843> damn [19:57] <Jab843> how do i get mesage to work [19:58] <Jab843> m �15[19:58] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�) [19:58] <Jab843> M [19:58] <SigmaWP> Jab843: /msg name? [19:58] <Jab843> did that work? [19:58] <SigmaWP> Yes [19:58] <SigmaWP> Jab843: Just type half the person's name and then hit "tab" [19:58] <SigmaWP> For instance, typing jab and then tab produces Jab843 [19:59] <Jab843> Jab843, well i got that [19:59] <Jab843> it was just the private mesages [19:59] <SigmaWP> oh [19:59] <Jab843> its like terminal with commands �06[19:59] * SigmaWP seeks someone wise [20:00] <SigmaWP> Fluffernutter: Ah, you'll do [20:00] <SigmaWP> PM? [20:00] <Fluffernutter> uh [20:00] <Fluffernutter> i'm typing over a large bowl of sou atm [20:00] <Fluffernutter> +p [20:00] <SigmaWP> OH [20:00] <SigmaWP> OK �15[20:00] * BarkingFish (~BarkingIn@openglobe/BarkingFish) Quit (Quit: What doesn't kill you, will probably have another go later.�) �06[20:00] * SigmaWP meant to say "oh", but caps lock was on >_> [20:01] <PiRSquared17> Is "The patient" a character in Dexter's Labratory? [20:01] <PiRSquared17> [20:01] <Pilif12p> heeeeeey [20:02] <Pilif12p> are there by chance any programmers who would like to help rewriting an IRC bot in Python? [20:02] <PiRSquared17> I guess... [20:03] <PiRSquared17> *re* - writing? [20:03] <SigmaWP> Pilif12p: *** [ GOOGLE ]: Top google result for "irc python bot": [20:04] <PiRSquared17> Any idea on the Dexter's Lab question? [20:04] <Pilif12p> PiRSquared17: no offense to DQ|away but the code is pretty ugly, and I think he's been meaning to make it a bit more portable, (I know he's going to kill me for asking for help without asking him!) but imo starting from scratch would be easier [20:05] <PiRSquared17> Well... they force you to indent :p [20:06] <Pilif12p> PiRSquared17: ? [20:06] <PiRSquared17> ... [20:07] <SigmaWP> PiRSquared17: Pilif12p has been knocked on the head one too many times. Whenever you say something to him, you have to include as much context as possible [20:07] <SigmaWP> Otherwise you get a blank stare. [20:07] <Pilif12p> yes [20:07] <PiRSquared17> Python makes you indent before statements, such as in for loops. [20:08] <Pilif12p> oh [20:08] <Pilif12p> yeah [20:08] <Pilif12p> thats easier than curly brackets [20:08] <PiRSquared17> In general, whitespace is not significant, mainly at the far left of a line [20:08] <PiRSquared17> context enough ? :p [20:08] <Pilif12p> yes! [20:08] <Pilif12p> bbl noms �15[20:11] * JeffAndroIrc (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) �15[20:12] * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�) [20:13] <HaeB> [20:13] <SigmaWP> Yay �15[20:14] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�) [20:14] <Jab843> great [20:14] <Jab843> so we write our what senators? [20:15] <SigmaWP> ITWP all over again [20:15] <Jab843> ITWP? �03[20:15] * Hazard-SJ (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:19] <HaeB> there is a discussion at , but the foundation is leaving that decision to the community �03[20:19] * raindrift (~Adium@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:19] * raindrift (~Adium@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:19] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:19] * swarfega is now known as swarfega|away [20:20] <SigmaWP> For fucks sake [20:20] <geniice> so should we block the senate or something? [20:20] <SigmaWP> I will NOT survive if I can't see my watchlist for a whole day [20:21] <Jab843> um how do we comment in village pump? [20:21] <PiRSquared17> Is "The patient" a character in Dexter's Labratory? [20:21] <PiRSquared17> �03[20:21] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:22] * YE|Away ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:22] <YE|Away> hi [20:22] <SigmaWP> YE|Away: i can't immediately think of any names involving YE [20:22] <SigmaWP> Who are you? �03[20:22] * YE|Away is now known as YE [20:23] <YE> [20:23] <SigmaWP> Ah [20:23] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> Sigma is into Korean pop music. [20:23] <SigmaWP> Rainbow-Dash-EN: You're into behaving. Take the hint. [20:23] <Rainbow-Dash-EN> At least I have a little bit more culture . �03[20:24] * Netalarm (~Netalarm@TechEssentials/Netalarm) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:25] * harej (~chatzilla@wikipedia/MessedRocker) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:28] * the_metalgamer (~the_metal@ Quit (Quit: Verlassend�) [20:30] <DarkoNeko> zzz =_= �15[20:30] * DarkoNeko (~udontcare@wikipedia/darkoneko) Quit (Quit: Saigo no mori kara saisho no kouya he hakobarete yuku~�) �03[20:30] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@ has joined #wikipedia-en �15[20:30] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@ Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:30] * LL2|JedIRC (~LikeLaker@wikipedia/LikeLakers2) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[20:32] * SigmaWP hugs harej �06[20:32] * SigmaWP hugs Netalarm �06[20:32] * SigmaWP hugs LL2|JedIRC �06[20:32] * SigmaWP hugs ChanServ �03[20:33] * Aranda56 ( has joined #wikipedia-en [20:33] <YE> XD �15[20:33] * Aranda56 ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[20:33] * Aranda56 (~chatzilla@wikimedia/secret) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[20:33] * SigmaWP hugs Aranda �06[20:33] * SigmaWP hugs Ye [20:33] <Aranda56> bleh I'm in my office :( �15[20:33] * Spidey665 (18de52d8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Quit: Page closed�) �15[20:34] * alyxuk ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) [20:34] <Aranda56> taking care of my boss 3 dogs while they went to the Jay-Z Kanye West concert, which i went yesterday :p [20:35] <Aranda56> overtime pay :D :p [20:37] <PiRSquared17> Any idea on the Dexter's Lab question?? �03[20:38] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:39] * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has left #wikipedia-en �03[20:43] * alyxuk ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:46] * Gfoley4 (~Gfoley4@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:47] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has left #wikipedia-en �03[20:48] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[20:48] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has left #wikipedia-en �15[20:52] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) [20:55] <SigmaWP> Fluffernutter: Has your bowl of soup been drained yet? [20:55] <Fluffernutter> yes, yes, what can i do for you �03[20:56] * Steven_Zhang (cb235285@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en [20:56] <Steven_Zhang> ohai [20:56] <SigmaWP> Steven_Zhang: Hi [20:56] <Steven_Zhang> got hagger? �06[20:56] * SigmaWP searches his pockets [20:57] <Steven_Zhang> Silly arbcom �15[20:58] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�) �03[20:59] * Snowolf (snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:00] <Steven_Zhang> hi Snowolf [21:00] <Steven_Zhang> send a memo to Doug|afk [21:00] <Steven_Zhang> he wants to speak to you �03[21:00] * Steven_Zhang is now known as SteveAwat [21:00] <Snowolf> I know �03[21:01] * SteveAwat is now known as SteveAway [21:01] <SteveAway> ah okay [21:01] <Snowolf> That's why I logged :) [21:01] <SigmaWP> Usually it's said as "Send a memo to Doug ASAP" [21:01] <SigmaWP> Oh well [21:01] <geniice> most photographed bits of london: �03[21:01] * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away [21:01] <geniice> �03[21:05] * photoz (photoz@unaffiliated/photoz) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:05] <photoz> "The kelson or keelson is the member which, particularly in a wooden vessel, lies parallel with its keel but above the transverse members such as timbers, frames or in a larger vessel, floors." <-- Is the "member" a human being or some kind of plank?!?!?!?! �06[21:05] * Aranda56 burns the channel �06[21:07] * Hazard-SJ thinks he will leave this channel 4 now. [21:07] <Hazard-SJ> (4 = for) [21:09] <Peter-C> I love people [21:09] <Peter-C> Someone was hit an killed by a car [21:09] <photoz> Anyone? �15[21:09] * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [21:09] <Peter-C> Since I do EMS they just assumed I was the first one to know and have all the facts [21:09] <Peter-C> Either I a) go to every EMS call or b) people think EMTs like to talk about their dead patients.... �15[21:11] * PiRSquared17 (~PiRSquare@wikipedia/PiRSquared17) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds�) [21:12] <photoz> "The kelson or keelson is the member which, particularly in a wooden vessel, lies parallel with its keel but above the transverse members such as timbers, frames or in a larger vessel, floors." <-- Is the "member" a human being or some kind of plank?!?!?!?! [21:13] <Pharos> some kind of plank �03[21:13] * quanticle|away is now known as quanticle [21:14] <Pharos> it's "member" in the sense of appendage �15[21:14] * Courcelles (~Courcelle@wikipedia/courcelles) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 8.0/20111104165243]�) �03[21:15] * Sceptre (~sceptre@2a01:388:201:3500:90b3:1c8f:be55:91e8) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:15] * Sceptre (~sceptre@2a01:388:201:3500:90b3:1c8f:be55:91e8) Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:15] * Sceptre (~sceptre@unaffiliated/sceptre) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:15] * Hazard-SJ (~Hazard-SJ@wikimedia/Hazard-SJ) Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:15] * Hazard-SJ (~Hazard-SJ@TestWiki/Manager/Hazard-SJ) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[21:17] * Peter-C eats Hazard-SJ �06[21:18] * Hazard-SJ is swallowed by Peter-C �03[21:20] * raindrift ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:20] * raindrift ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:20] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:20] * Mufka (~irc@unaffiliated/mufka) Quit (Quit: I go now.�) [21:21] <Aranda56> hmm what's the odds of this surviving AFD? [21:22] <SigmaWP> Less than zero [21:22] <YE> low [21:22] <YE> per WP:NOT [21:22] <quanticle> Peter-C: The real question is, *were* you the first one on the scene? [21:23] <Aranda56> SigmaWP YE let's play the AFD game :D [21:23] <Aranda56> afd the article i linked above :D �15[21:23] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) Quit (Client Quit�) [21:23] <YE> I won't [21:23] <YE> already have one open [21:24] <YE> and a dramatic one indeed �15[21:24] * Seddon (~chatzilla@Wikimedia/Seddon) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�) [21:24] <Peter-C> quanticle - nope �03[21:24] * erikhaugen ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:24] * erikhaugen ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:24] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:24] <Peter-C> I hardly ever go to EMS calls [21:25] <Aranda56> this is probably worse..... [21:25] <Peter-C> Aranda56 - Jesus Christ �15[21:26] * barebone (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �03[21:26] * Seddon (~chatzilla@Wikimedia/Seddon) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:27] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:27] * JeffAndroIrcAFK (~Jeff_G_do@wikipedia/Jeff-G.) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:27] <photoz> Hmm... [21:28] <SigmaWP> Seddon: how come your cloak has a capital W? [21:28] <Seddon> SigmaWP: its how I requested it [21:28] <SigmaWP> You can do that? [21:28] <SigmaWP> !link WP:CLOAK [21:29] <SigmaWP> Wait �03[21:29] * photoz (photoz@unaffiliated/photoz) has left #wikipedia-en �03[21:29] * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:30] <Aranda56> yea that's an easy AFD :p �15[21:31] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �03[21:31] * raindrift ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:31] * raindrift ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:31] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:36] * Bsadowski1 (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[21:37] * SigmaWP kicks Bsadowski1 [21:40] <Gfoley4> Peter-C: I thought you'd enjoy this �15[21:41] * raindrift (~Adium@wikimedia/raindrift) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�) �03[21:41] * BasketOfPuppies (~BasketOfP@wikipedia/Basket-of-Puppies) has joined #wikipedia-en �06[21:41] * Hazard-SJ parts, because he has too many tabs open. �03[21:42] * Hazard-SJ (~Hazard-SJ@TestWiki/Manager/Hazard-SJ) has left #wikipedia-en ("Per above"�) [21:42] <Peter-C> Gfoley4 - lulwut [21:42] <Gfoley4> :D [21:42] <SigmaWP> BasketOfPuppies: Hello �08[21:43] * derp hugs BasketOfPuppies �15[21:43] * SteveAway (cb235285@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Page closed�) �15[21:43] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �03[21:43] * Betacommand_ (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en �15[21:43] * closedmouth (mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �03[21:43] * Betacommand_ is now known as Betacommand �15[21:43] * Beria (~Beria@wikimedia/Beria) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�) [21:44] <SigmaWP> derp: :D �08[21:44] <derp> SigmaWP <3 [21:44] <LauraHale> is fun. [21:45] <LauraHale> Two people asking for speedy decisions. �06[21:45] * BasketOfPuppies huggles SigmaWP and derp and gives them puppies �06[21:45] * LauraHale huggles derp. �03[21:45] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has left #wikipedia-en [21:45] <SigmaWP> I !vote for'''speedy no consensus'''and '''speedy relist'' �15[21:45] * Betacommand (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) Quit (Disconnected by services�) �08[21:45] * derp huggles LauraHale tightly. �03[21:45] * Betacommand_ (~Betacomma@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:45] * Betacommand_ is now known as Betacommand �08[21:46] <derp> yay �08[21:46] <derp> puppies �06[21:46] * LauraHale supports SigmaWP because WP:SHITSNGIGGLES �06[21:46] * LauraHale pat pats derp [21:46] <SigmaWP> :D �06[21:46] * SigmaWP hugs LauraHale �15[21:46] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �06[21:46] * LauraHale huggles SigmaWP [21:47] <LauraHale> In the ArbCom elections, I now vote SigmaWP for grand pooh ba of ArbCom and all that is Wikipedia for his wisdom. :D [21:47] <SigmaWP> :D [21:48] <Snowolf> I vote Kmweber for head of all Wikipedia and WMF. �08[21:48] <derp> yes �15[21:49] * TDJACR (~TDJACR@unaffiliated/tdjacr) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out�) [21:50] <LauraHale> No, I vote fluffernut for those positions, because I am sexist. [21:50] <SigmaWP> Improved technology increases expectations. [21:51] <YE> XD [21:52] <LauraHale> More attractive women in fundraising adverts means more lesbian contributors and more straight male contributors. Wikipedia needs more of those. �15[21:52] * MBisanz (~MBisanz@wikipedia/MBisanz) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds�) [21:52] <LauraHale> So let's improve technology by improving our user base. :D �15[21:52] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�) �06[21:52] * LauraHale hides under the carpet �03[21:52] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:53] <Aranda56> let's play RFA reform :D �08[21:53] <derp> hide the deadly black tarantula [21:53] <BasketOfPuppies> rfa reform? unpossible! �03[21:53] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( has joined #wikipedia-en [21:53] <Aranda56> RFA reform only for non adminstrators :D [21:53] <BasketOfPuppies> had I gone for a third RfA I would have asked the community to apply the standards that was to the early admins �03[21:53] * p858snake|l_ (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[21:53] Clones detected from unaffiliated/p858snake:�8 p858snake|l p858snake|l_ �03[21:54] * Steven_Zhang (cb235285@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:54] <Aranda56> which is hey you got 200 edits, ok pass :P [21:54] <Steven_Zhang> Bah. [21:54] <Steven_Zhang> Any arbs online? �15[21:54] * Steven_Zhang (cb235285@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Client Quit�) [21:55] <BasketOfPuppies> [21:55] <BasketOfPuppies> I think the standard applied to G-Man is entirely appropriate �03[21:55] * Logan__ ( has joined #wikipedia-en �03[21:56] * Logan__ is now known as Guest84675 �03[21:56] * peachey|laptop__ (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[21:56] Clones detected from unaffiliated/p858snake:�8 p858snake|l p858snake|l_ peachey|laptop__ [21:56] <harej> More user pages should look like mine. �15[21:56] * erikhaugen (~erikhauge@wikipedia/ErikHaugen) Quit (Quit: erikhaugen�) [21:56] <BasketOfPuppies> a picture of a quaint road on a cloudy day? [21:56] <Addihockey10> harej: Like mine? [21:57] <Aranda56> BasketOfPuppies yea :D [21:57] <Aranda56> let's go back to those standards :P [21:57] <harej> Your user page has so much perfenander on it. Mine is simpler. �15[21:57] * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) [21:57] <BasketOfPuppies> Aranda56, :D [21:57] <SigmaWP> Mine is informative [21:57] <BasketOfPuppies> or, maybe THIS rfa should be the community standard �15[21:58] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) �15[21:59] * p858snake|l_ (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) [21:59] <Addihockey10> BasketOfPuppies: /me agrees. [21:59] <BasketOfPuppies> [21:59] <BasketOfPuppies> this is just epic [21:59] <BasketOfPuppies> look how complicated and inane things have become �03[21:59] * Guest84675 is now known as Logan_ �06[21:59] * SigmaWP agrees �15[21:59] * Logan_ ( Quit (Changing host�) �03[21:59] * Logan_ (~Logan@wikimedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en [21:59] <BasketOfPuppies> adminship is an act of congress, whereas before it was a simple request [22:00] <SigmaWP> He didn't even sign his post [22:00] <Addihockey10> Bsadowski1: [22:00] <Addihockey10> BasketOfPuppies: [22:00] <Addihockey10> sorry brian_s [22:01] <BasketOfPuppies> Addihockey10, that's interesting [22:01] <BasketOfPuppies> admins with dates unknown of their promotion [22:01] <BasketOfPuppies> these days that would be impossible [22:01] <Addihockey10> [22:01] <YE> why can't they check their logs? [22:02] <Addihockey10> Ye: Logs didn't exist genius. [22:02] <Addihockey10> lol [22:02] <YE> k [22:02] <BasketOfPuppies> wow, jimbo's rfa �08[22:02] * derp hugs YE �08[22:03] * derp hugs BasketOfPuppies �08[22:03] * derp hugs Addihockey10 �08[22:03] * derp hugs harej �06[22:03] * BasketOfPuppies gives derp a puppy from the basket �08[22:03] <derp> moar! [22:03] <BasketOfPuppies> "I accept the nomination, with the gratitude of the condemned man grateful the executioner has sharpened his blade. -- Finlay McWalter 12:52, 21 Dec 2003 (UTC)" [22:03] <BasketOfPuppies> lolz �08[22:03] <derp> for the love of satan, moar puppies! Session Close: Tue Nov 15 22:04:07 2011 Session Start: Tue Nov 15 22:04:07 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en [22:04] SpamTunes stopped. �11[22:04] * Disconnected Session Close: Tue Nov 15 22:04:30 2011 Session Start: Tue Nov 15 22:06:09 2011 Session Ident: #wikipedia-en �03[22:06] * Now talking in #wikipedia-en �03[22:06] * Topic is 'English Wikipedia: | Status: Up ( | Channel guidelines: | Channel operator: Ask in #wikimedia-ops or say !ops followed by the request | For urgent admin help, say !admin followed by the request | No public logging | Cloak requests:�' �03[22:06] * Set by derp! on Sun Oct 23 20:29:19 [22:06] #wikipedia-en url is �12[22:06] -ChanServ- [#wikipedia-fr] Canal en UTF-8. La diffusion publique de journaux de ce canal est interdite. Merci de lire et de contribuer à la bonne humeur du canal. Bonne journée ! [22:06] <SigmaWP> lol: :D �06[22:07] * BasketOfPuppies takes a bow �15[22:07] * oona (okraisan@wikipedia/Mysid) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds�) �08[22:10] <lol> SigmaWP :D �15[22:11] * AntiSpamMeta (~MetaBot@AntiSpamMeta/.) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�) �03[22:11] * lol is now known as derp [22:12] <LL2|JedIRC> Shit its der [22:12] <LL2|JedIRC> *derp [22:12] <LL2|JedIRC> EVERYBODY DUCK THE TROLLFACES! �08[22:12] <derp> well, tomorrow, i cannot borrow BIXI's :( [22:12] <Mitchazenia> ... [22:13] <LL2|JedIRC> :P �08[22:13] <derp> they're all being locked at midnight [22:14] <SigmaWP> Wait [22:14] <SigmaWP> If the American Censorship thing does go through [22:14] <SigmaWP> Doesn't this mean 3+1chan is also going to be destroyed? �08[22:14] <derp> SigmaWP, TOR :) �08[22:14] <derp> TOR will be heavily used :P [22:14] <harej> - [22:14] <SigmaWP> Aw [22:14] <SigmaWP> Damn you TOR! [22:14] <LL2|JedIRC> SigmaWP: don't try to avoid saying 4chan [22:14] <harej> Tor is already heavily used, for things far worse than 4chan. �08[22:14] <derp> i agree... �15[22:14] * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) Quit (Quit:�) [22:14] <SigmaWP> harej: But 4chan doesn't have TorNodeBot �08[22:15] <derp> SigmaWP, 4chan has TOR blocked [22:15] <LL2|JedIRC> Probably does [22:15] <Addihockey10> derp: No it doesn't �08[22:15] <derp> Addihockey10, accessing 4chan on TOR is kinda hard �15[22:15] * PhancyPhysicist ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�) �08[22:15] <derp> a lot of IP's are blocked. [22:15] <Addihockey10> derp: It's all blocked for CP [22:15] <Addihockey10> yeha �08[22:16] <derp> Still, there's freenet and I2P �03[22:17] * PhancyPhysicist ( has joined #wikipedia-en �15[22:18] * BasketOfPuppies (~BasketOfP@wikipedia/Basket-of-Puppies) Quit (Quit: fourscore and seven years ago our forefather came to this planet...oops, better watch my big hat!�) �06[22:19] * Aranda56 burns communism :D �03[22:20] * Steven_Zhang (cb235285@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en �15[22:20] * Steven_Zhang (cb235285@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Changing host�) �03[22:20] * Steven_Zhang (cb235285@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) has joined #wikipedia-en �08[22:20] * derp hugs Stelpa �08[22:20] * derp hugs Steven_Zhang [22:20] <Aranda56> boo no reply from Sigma �06[22:20] * SigmaWP throws an axe at Aranda [22:20] <SigmaWP> 56 [22:21] <Steven_Zhang> i think I am pissing off arbcom >_> [22:21] <Logan_> derp: tabfail again? :P �08[22:21] <derp> yep [22:21] <Logan_> Poor Stelpa. [22:21] <Aranda56> Steven_Zhang wanna pay convince people to run :D [22:21] <Logan_> Steven_Zhang: What, are you accessing admins' accounts again? ;) [22:22] <Steven_Zhang> lol, no I'm airing my objections to their proposed decision on Abortion �08[22:22] * derp gives Aranda56 some tim hortons [22:23] <Aranda56> derp bleh i tried it when i was in NYC, it's as bad as dunkin donuts �15[22:23] * Rainbow-Dash-EN ( Quit (Quit: Rainbow-Dash-EN�) �08[22:23] <derp> Aranda56, then go to Canada �08[22:23] <derp> :P �08[22:23] <derp> it's better over there [22:24] <Addihockey10> derp: OVERRATED SHIT �15[22:25] * clone1018 ( Quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.�) �08[22:25] <derp> Addihockey10, for morning sandwiches on the go, i'd prefer tim's �15[22:25] * Steven_Zhang (cb235285@Wikipedia/Steven-Zhang) Quit (Quit: Page closed�) �03[22:25] * clone1018 ( has joined #wikipedia-en �08[22:26] <derp> their breakfeast sandwiches on a english muffin contains 35% less fat than mcdo's [22:27] <Addihockey10> derp: Well what do you expect. McDonalds is shit too. �03[22:27] * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en [22:28] <Addihockey10> I like subway, Quizno's, Mr. Sub, Pita Pit etc. etc. �08[22:28] <derp> plus, they can replace shitty cheddar with swiss :D �15[22:29] * YE ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds�) [22:29] <Aranda56> i like only one subway sandwich �08[22:31] <derp> me too �08[22:31] <derp> i prefer a hearty salad �15[22:32] * Sceptre (~sceptre@unaffiliated/sceptre) Quit (Quit: There's a battle outside and it is ragin'. It'll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls for the times they are a-changin'�) [22:33] <eeekster> Decline reason: [22:33] <eeekster> No [22:33] <eeekster> [22:34] <mattbuck> just like to say.... [22:34] <mattbuck> [22:34] <mattbuck> that really took a LOT of work [22:34] <mattbuck> if only I'd put that much effort into my phd... [22:34] <Logan_> mattbuck: your edit summary... :P �03[22:34] * YE ( has joined #wikipedia-en [22:34] <mattbuck> yeah [22:35] <mattbuck> it felt good to finish [22:35] <Logan_> looks really nice �03[22:35] * JeffG|AFK is now known as Jeff_G [22:35] <mattbuck> thanks :) [22:36] <mattbuck> biggest map I've ever done [22:36] <LauraHale> Anyone good at templates? [22:36] <Logan_> good timing [22:36] <mattbuck> now, to recount the stations [22:38] <Gfoley4> yay, railroads [22:38] <Mitchazenia> :D �08[22:38] <derp> yay! �08[22:38] <derp> Gfoley4 is all excited now. [22:38] <Gfoley4> English, but better than nothing! �08[22:39] <derp> ni ni <3 Session Close: Tue Nov 15 22:39:18 2011