MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday March 14, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to search- Note: This log is a segment of User:Badmachine/wikipedia-en-2011-05
May 05 00:00:21 * Leonard^Bloom is now known as Kafkaesque May 05 00:00:44 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en ("inthebut") May 05 00:06:01 <Sir48> Lyndon1504: If you are in edit mode, I don't think you can change sort order at the same time May 05 00:06:19 <Justin_Bieber> May 05 00:07:38 * MM|food has quit (Quit: MM|food) May 05 00:08:53 * MuZemike has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 00:09:06 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 05 00:11:40 * Justin_Bieber is now known as The_Thing May 05 00:15:46 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:19:29 * MacMed ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:19:32 * MacMed has quit (Changing host) May 05 00:19:32 * MacMed (~MacMed@Wikipedia/MacMed) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:20:01 * Steev43230 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:22:35 <Delta> why do people bitch about me not explaining things when I linked to a full description of my actions in the edit summary? May 05 00:22:53 <barts1a> People like to bitch about things. May 05 00:22:56 <Fluffernutter> possibly because they'd rather you use the talk page? May 05 00:23:06 <barts1a> ^ May 05 00:23:55 <Dragonfly6-7> Delta - 'cause they're dumbshits? May 05 00:24:24 <Delta> Dragonfly6-7: May 05 00:24:59 <Delta> they ask two questions that are literally almost identical to the essay I asked them to read multiple times May 05 00:25:24 * Sunderland06 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 00:28:13 <Dragonfly6-7> see previous answer May 05 00:29:45 * barts1a has quit (Quit: gmod time) May 05 00:29:54 * Lubaf ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:34:04 * MuZemike has quit (Ping timeout: 263 seconds) May 05 00:37:30 * Steev43230 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 00:42:09 * Thehelpfulone has quit (Quit: Bye! If you need any help poke me when I come back online or /msg memoserv send Thehelpfulone <message>) May 05 00:43:26 * Fluffernutter sighs May 05 00:44:00 <Fluffernutter> i hate pollen May 05 00:44:14 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:44:47 * Courcelles has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 00:45:00 <slakr> on a microscopic scale, it's like being screwed by a male flower--in your nose. May 05 00:45:20 <Gfoley4> O: May 05 00:45:39 <Fluffernutter> ...yes. I do not, in fact, like being screwed in the nose, by anyone/thing May 05 00:46:22 <slakr> Nature: Raping your nose, because you screwed her over.(tm) May 05 00:49:23 * Jeni has quit (Quit: I win!) May 05 00:49:50 * Fluffernutter didn't! May 05 00:49:58 <Fluffernutter> i mean sure i killed those spiders... May 05 00:50:03 <Fluffernutter> and trampled that grass... May 05 00:50:08 <Fluffernutter> BUT THOSE WERE SELF-DEFENSE May 05 00:50:13 <slakr> mmmmhmmm May 05 00:50:18 <slakr> and what about that house you live in? May 05 00:50:24 <Fluffernutter> <_< May 05 00:50:30 <slakr> did the space for that magically come from nowhere? and the building materials? May 05 00:50:40 <slakr> :P May 05 00:50:54 * Guerillero ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:50:55 <Fluffernutter> allow me to divert attention from myself by pointing out that twice, i asked ironholds to kill spiders for me, and twice, he was too much of a pussy to get near them May 05 00:51:03 * Guerillero has quit (Changing host) May 05 00:51:03 * Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:51:38 <ThrashOut> did you kill them for him? May 05 00:51:39 * Keegan has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 00:51:43 <Fluffernutter> one escaped me May 05 00:51:44 <Guerillero> why couldn't you kill them? May 05 00:51:45 <Fluffernutter> the other i killed May 05 00:52:00 <ThrashOut> so, there is a lose spider on your premises :O May 05 00:52:03 <Fluffernutter> i could, but i'm the freaking arachnophobic in this relationship, dammit. he claimed to be willing to squish! May 05 00:52:07 <slakr> it is, in part, true about nature raping your nose... in response to slashing down plant life, we're, in the long run, artificially selecting for high-pollen-output plants, as it'll be more advantageous for them to spread more seed a further distance. May 05 00:52:08 <BarkingFish> Fluffernutter: Home made flamethrower does the job. May 05 00:52:09 <ThrashOut> Make sure you sleep with your mouth closed May 05 00:52:22 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 00:52:28 <BarkingFish> One cigarette lighter + bottle of cheap aftershave = chargrilled arachnid May 05 00:52:39 <Fluffernutter> heh May 05 00:53:15 <Doc_glasgow> I have written an article on Kate Middleton's dog [[Otto Middleton]] May 05 00:53:30 <foks> Oh dear. May 05 00:53:34 <BarkingFish> I get the cheapo "£1.49 for a shedload" aftershave, and just nuke spiders with it. It's a spray on thing, so it works great. Just spray it through the lighter flame. May 05 00:53:39 <Fluffernutter> ...whut May 05 00:53:39 <Guerillero> wtf May 05 00:53:48 <Fluffernutter> bahaha May 05 00:54:04 <Fluffernutter> BarkingFish, see, i am not big on burning down my apartment May 05 00:54:07 <BarkingFish> You get like a 2 or 3ft long flame May 05 00:54:11 <BarkingFish> Nor am I. May 05 00:54:30 * dungodung|away is now known as dungodung May 05 00:54:35 <foks> Family: Prince William, Duke of Cambridge (husband) • Michael Middleton (father) • Carole Middleton (mother) • Pippa Middleton (sister) • James Middleton (brother) • Charles, Prince of Wales (father-in-law) • Diana, Princess of Wales (mother-in-law) • Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall (stepmother-in-law) • Prince Harry of Wales (brother-in-law) • Otto Middleton (dog) May 05 00:54:37 <BarkingFish> I just localise it, and only use it on surfaces that aren't gonna ignite on the briefest contact with a flame May 05 00:54:42 <derp> :o May 05 00:54:46 <BarkingFish> bathroom tiles, etc May 05 00:55:01 <derp> the Canadian Army has been called in Quebec May 05 00:55:06 <Fluffernutter> foks: are you betraying (is it genus?) May 05 00:55:22 <BarkingFish> for everything else, there's my splat. A 2ft length of wood with a square of double thickness upholstery leather nailed to it :) May 05 00:55:25 * Glass_Soul is now known as Glass_Uterus May 05 00:55:29 <foks> Fluffernutter, :D May 05 00:55:45 <Fluffernutter> ewww skunk May 05 00:55:47 <Fluffernutter> the fuck May 05 00:56:31 <foks> why has nobody speedied [[Otto Middleton]] yet ): May 05 00:56:34 * Fluffernutter did not know we had entire articles entirely about the wedding gowns of Princesses Kate and Diana May 05 00:56:37 <Fluffernutter> it's at AfD, foks May 05 00:56:38 <Dragonfly6-7> foks - 'cause it was created by Doc Glasgow May 05 00:56:54 <Dragonfly6-7> Fluffernutter - did you know that our article on [[Pippa Middleton]] has a section about her buttocks? May 05 00:57:09 <Gfoley4> o: May 05 00:57:15 <Fluffernutter> does not, Dragonfly6-7 May 05 00:57:47 <derp> hmm.. Ottava might come back on IRC. May 05 00:57:57 * Glass_Uterus is now known as Glass_Dong May 05 00:58:02 <Fluffernutter> derp, i thought he was staying awya until he finished his dissertation thingie May 05 00:58:12 <Peter-C> "But Sen. Lindsey Graham (R., S.C.) disagreed with Mr. Obama's decision. He said the purpose of sending U.S. forces into the compound, rather than bombing it from the air, had been to obtain proof of bin Laden's death" May 05 00:58:13 <Sir48> who writes Buckingham and asks politely to have the gowns donated to wikisource :) May 05 00:58:14 <Peter-C> NO May 05 00:58:20 * derp declares Peter-C a ☣☣BIOHAZARD!☣☣ May 05 00:58:26 * mquin has quit (Ping timeout: 612 seconds) May 05 00:58:30 <Peter-C> What is Sen. Graham smoking?! May 05 00:58:34 <Fluffernutter> your hair May 05 00:58:49 * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 00:58:52 <derp> his coon hair. May 05 00:58:58 * Glass_Dong is now known as Glass_Arm May 05 00:58:58 <Peter-C> The reason why we didn't bomb the compound is because all the evidence that said Osama was there was circumstancial May 05 00:59:30 <Peter-C> It would have REALLY sucked if we bombed a very protective family instead of getting Osama May 05 00:59:38 * Fluffernutter bombs Peter-C May 05 01:00:20 <Fluffernutter> Is Kate Middleton now titled Princess, or just Duchess, etc? May 05 01:00:43 <BarkingFish> She is Princess Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge May 05 01:00:56 <foks> Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge May 05 01:00:59 <foks> ye. May 05 01:01:06 <foks> +Princess but w/e May 05 01:01:17 <Fluffernutter> how come her article doesn't have "Princess" in the title? I mean, I'm assuming this was heavily discussed, i just don't feel like reading to find out May 05 01:01:31 * Od1n has quit (Quit: I like my women how I like my whiskey, 12 years old and mixed up with coke) May 05 01:01:42 <Dragonfly6-7> May 05 01:01:48 <Dragonfly6-7> Her fame is partially due to public admiration for her buttocks.[3][4][5] May 05 01:01:55 <foks> three whole references. May 05 01:01:57 <Fluffernutter> well, she does have a nice ass May 05 01:01:58 <foks> :D May 05 01:02:02 <Gfoley4> :D May 05 01:02:38 <Mitchazenia> :| May 05 01:02:44 <Fluffernutter> no? May 05 01:02:46 <Doc_glasgow> they are trying to delete my article, bloody deletionist vandals May 05 01:02:50 <Fluffernutter> hah May 05 01:02:56 <Gfoley4> ;o May 05 01:03:03 <Doc_glasgow> I have flagged it for rescue May 05 01:03:10 <slakr> what article? May 05 01:03:11 <Doc_glasgow> [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Otto Middleton]] May 05 01:03:12 <Mitchazenia> It suprises me a bit that Fluffernutter of all people said that May 05 01:03:14 <Fluffernutter> Otto May 05 01:03:18 * Fluffernutter grins May 05 01:03:22 <Mitchazenia> I'd expect that out of Peter May 05 01:03:25 <Fluffernutter> I like to scare people every now and then, Mitchazenia May 05 01:03:38 <slakr> who's otto middleton? May 05 01:03:42 <Fluffernutter> Kate's dog May 05 01:03:42 <slakr> a fucking dog? May 05 01:03:42 <Glass_Arm> BOO! May 05 01:03:45 <slakr> you're kidding me May 05 01:03:48 * Fluffernutter grins May 05 01:03:50 <Gfoley4> yay, Derrick Rose wins MVP May 05 01:03:52 <Glass_Arm> slakr: NOPE May 05 01:04:01 <foks> Scott, you really should know better May 05 01:04:03 <foks> sigh May 05 01:04:11 <Fluffernutter> who's scott? May 05 01:04:15 <slakr> Doc_glasgow: you can't seriously expect people to think that some princess's dog is encyclopedic. May 05 01:04:17 <Doc_glasgow> me May 05 01:04:26 <slakr> I mean May 05 01:04:29 <slakr> I think highly of my cat May 05 01:04:34 <Glass_Arm> slakr: Yes you can May 05 01:04:39 <foks> and rob as well oh for the love of fuck May 05 01:04:41 <Fluffernutter> my dog needs an article. he won races! May 05 01:04:49 <Gfoley4> rly? May 05 01:04:49 <Doc_glasgow> slakr: it has more coverage than her brother - but actually look, the dog has had a lot ofcoverage May 05 01:04:50 <slakr> but if some tools started worshipping it May 05 01:04:51 <Fluffernutter> rly May 05 01:05:00 <slakr> so what? nobody cares about the dog. May 05 01:05:12 <Gfoley4> Strong keep - IT is so super notable i am wetting myself - easily hurdles the grass cutting trivia of GNG minimal triavia level - keep keep I love it. Off2riorob (talk) 23:47, 4 May 2011 (UTC) lolwut May 05 01:05:18 * Glass_Arm inhales May 05 01:05:20 <slakr> :P May 05 01:05:22 * Glass_Arm exhales May 05 01:05:26 * Glass_Arm inhales May 05 01:05:29 <foks> (I THINK THEY'RE MAYBE TAKING THE PISS) May 05 01:05:29 <Fluffernutter> is James Middleton the one who has naked photos? May 05 01:05:29 * Glass_Arm exhales May 05 01:05:29 <slakr> Glass_Arm: enough. May 05 01:05:32 * Lubaf_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:05:34 <Gfoley4> ^ May 05 01:05:42 <foks> Just maybe. May 05 01:05:43 <slakr> you already did it before, too, and I ignored it. May 05 01:05:51 <Glass_Arm> I CAN'T JUST STOP BREATHING May 05 01:05:57 <slakr> yes, you can. May 05 01:05:57 <Fluffernutter> TRY May 05 01:06:07 <Fluffernutter> I have a pillow i can smother you with, if it helps May 05 01:06:08 * Glass_Arm holds breath May 05 01:06:12 * Glass_Arm dies May 05 01:06:18 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 01:06:22 * slakr rolls his eyes May 05 01:06:22 <Fluffernutter> that went well May 05 01:06:22 <Gfoley4> ;D May 05 01:06:26 <slakr> normally I have to kick them May 05 01:06:28 <slakr> that was easy. May 05 01:06:38 * Gfoley4 is now known as GF4|DerrickRose May 05 01:06:40 * slakr chuckles May 05 01:06:41 <Fluffernutter> who is he? May 05 01:06:45 <Peter-C> WTF May 05 01:06:45 <slakr> I forgot May 05 01:06:51 <slakr> I recognize the host, tho May 05 01:06:52 <GF4|DerrickRose> NBA MVP May 05 01:07:05 * Lubaf has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 01:07:11 <slakr> it's someone who's stirred up stuff before. May 05 01:07:12 * Glass_Arm ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:07:12 * Lubaf_ is now known as Lubaf May 05 01:07:18 <Fluffernutter> yeeeah May 05 01:07:19 <Peter-C> Aparently the Spaish *army* found a pirate boat and the pirates surrenered to the Royal Navy May 05 01:07:37 <slakr> I suppose if he keeps up, I can always get his phone service disconnected due to abuse. :P May 05 01:07:38 <Peter-C> I have no idea which is more suprising, Spain having an army or someone surrendering to the brits xD May 05 01:07:58 <Glass_Arm> Both May 05 01:07:59 <Peter-C> ^ May 05 01:08:11 * foks ignores the blatant racism May 05 01:08:11 <Fluffernutter> Peter-C: you've heard of the Armada, yes? May 05 01:08:11 * CKtravel_ is now known as CKtravel May 05 01:08:19 <foks> and complete ignorance, it seems May 05 01:08:21 * SudoGhost (~SudoGhost@wikipedia/SudoGhost) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:08:29 * Fluffernutter pets foks, offers him some Jack May 05 01:08:45 * isforinsects has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 01:08:45 <Glass_Arm> Fluffernutter: The epic failure May 05 01:08:46 <foks> thanks. May 05 01:09:12 <Peter-C> foks - >_> May 05 01:09:14 * Glass_Arm hits foks, offers him nothing May 05 01:09:17 <Peter-C> The US beat the lobster backs! May 05 01:09:18 <Fluffernutter> getting younger men drunk, one of my pleasures in life :P May 05 01:09:24 * DarkoNeko has quit (Quit: What I'm thinking, is it real ? What I'm feeling, is it real ? What I'm doing, it is real ?) May 05 01:09:29 * Glass_Arm shatters his glass arm May 05 01:09:41 <Glass_Arm> kinky May 05 01:09:43 * isforinsects (~isforinse@unaffiliated/isforinsects) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:09:45 <GF4|DerrickRose> Fluffernutter: what happens after you get them drunk? May 05 01:09:48 * foks punches Glass_Arm so hard they have to stick a toothbrush up their arse to clean their teeth. May 05 01:10:15 <Fluffernutter> GF4|DerrickRose: incriminating photographs May 05 01:10:19 <Glass_Arm> kinky May 05 01:10:32 <GF4|DerrickRose> Fluffernutter is a rebel May 05 01:10:37 <GF4|DerrickRose> ^_^ May 05 01:10:43 <Glass_Arm> ^_^ ^_^ ^_^ May 05 01:10:54 * Peter-C licks foks May 05 01:10:56 <Fluffernutter> ew May 05 01:10:59 * GF4|DerrickRose is now known as Derrick_Rose May 05 01:11:02 <Glass_Arm> wha- May 05 01:11:05 <Fluffernutter> hands off, Peter-C. he's mine :P May 05 01:11:05 <Glass_Arm> kinky May 05 01:11:22 <Glass_Arm> no? May 05 01:11:23 <Glass_Arm> ok May 05 01:11:26 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 01:11:37 <Fluffernutter> hm. i've never seen Die Hard May 05 01:11:44 <Fluffernutter> is this something i need to remedy? May 05 01:11:45 <Derrick_Rose> now /ban Glass_Arm!*@* May 05 01:12:12 <Derrick_Rose> Fluffernutter: yes May 05 01:12:15 <Derrick_Rose> do it now May 05 01:12:24 * Fluffernutter has also never seen Blade Runner May 05 01:14:14 * MauchoEagle has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.16/20110319135224]) May 05 01:16:56 <Guerillero> :o May 05 01:17:03 <Guerillero> its a classic May 05 01:17:13 * Lubaf has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 01:17:38 <Fluffernutter> everyone i tell about this reacts with horror May 05 01:17:46 <Fluffernutter> but no one's managed to show it to me yet May 05 01:18:05 <Fluffernutter> dammit i'm sick of wheezing May 05 01:18:11 * Headbomb|Laptop has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 01:20:06 * Headbomb|Laptop (~Headbomb@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:21:04 * boulevardier (~boulevard@wikipedia/boulevardier) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:21:06 <geniice> Blade Runner probably not important as it was because the aesthetic has been reused so widely May 05 01:21:16 <foks> I've not heard of it May 05 01:21:24 <Fluffernutter> i've read the article about the novel it's based on May 05 01:21:24 <geniice> May 05 01:21:27 <Fluffernutter> i figure that's partial credit May 05 01:21:38 <foks> unless that's that wesley snipes flick May 05 01:22:04 <geniice> do androids dream of electric sheep? I've read it but the dirrector didn't (well not the second half anyway) May 05 01:22:07 <Fluffernutter> [[Blade Runner]] May 05 01:22:20 <Fluffernutter> based on a Dick novel May 05 01:23:09 <Fluffernutter> ironholds was going to make me watch it last weekend but then we ran out of time. So presumably he will continue to despair of me. May 05 01:23:15 <geniice> do androids dream of electric sheep May 05 01:23:36 <geniice> heh bits of cyberpunk haven't aged too well May 05 01:23:42 <geniice> "The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel" May 05 01:23:45 <geniice> err blue? May 05 01:25:08 <Fluffernutter> old are you, geniice? May 05 01:25:23 <Fluffernutter> i mean, my tv tuned to a dead channel is still mottled grey May 05 01:25:28 <Fluffernutter> maybe it's different in europe? May 05 01:25:37 <geniice> quite old enough to have seen a lot of mottled grey TVs May 05 01:25:51 <geniice> but the next generation? not going to see much of that May 05 01:25:55 <Doc_glasgow> ah, I remember the days May 05 01:26:08 <Fluffernutter> is blue a thing now? May 05 01:26:10 * Guerillero feels very young May 05 01:26:15 <geniice> Fluffernutter digital TV yes May 05 01:26:21 <Fluffernutter> Guerillero: can you legally drink alcohol in the USA? May 05 01:26:26 <Guerillero> nope May 05 01:26:28 * Kwiki (4da646da@wikipedia/Kwiki) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:26:35 <Fluffernutter> then yeah, you're young :P May 05 01:26:51 <Doc_glasgow> what the US still has prohibition? May 05 01:26:58 * Kwiki (4da646da@wikipedia/Kwiki) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 01:27:01 <Fluffernutter> no, the US has a drinking age of 21 May 05 01:27:05 * Resfirestar has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 05 01:27:19 <Doc_glasgow> I thought you were inferring geniice was old enough to recall prohibition May 05 01:27:51 <Fluffernutter> *implying May 05 01:27:53 <Doc_glasgow> if we introduced a 21 year rule, most of the pubs round here would close May 05 01:27:56 <Fluffernutter> and no May 05 01:28:11 <derp> Ugh May 05 01:28:13 <geniice> <Doc_glasgow we clearly go to different trpes of pubs May 05 01:28:18 <derp> i have apps that i want to remove on my macbook pro but i can't May 05 01:28:26 <Doc_glasgow> geniice: I didn't say I went to them May 05 01:28:29 <Fluffernutter> suck to be you, derp May 05 01:28:36 <derp> iknowrite May 05 01:28:40 <Mono> derp: from the app store? May 05 01:28:43 <derp> yes May 05 01:28:47 <Mono> Hmm. May 05 01:28:47 <derp> VirtualDJ May 05 01:28:51 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:28:55 <derp> I tried AppZapper but it didn't work. May 05 01:29:21 <Mono> Have you tried a) looking in the App Store for a delete button b) Dragging it to the trash or c) Getting support from Apple May 05 01:29:22 <Mono> ? May 05 01:29:28 <derp> meh May 05 01:29:31 <derp> I'll just reformat May 05 01:29:31 <derp> :) May 05 01:29:34 <derp> fixes everything May 05 01:29:34 <derp> lol May 05 01:29:43 * Fluffernutter reformats derp May 05 01:29:43 <Mono> *just* reformat May 05 01:30:13 <Mono> derp: May 05 01:30:17 * Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:30:34 * wctaiwan ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:30:43 <derp> ty Mono à3 May 05 01:30:56 <Mono> that was my number b May 05 01:31:31 * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] May 05 01:31:37 <Mono> but derp, I don't think it will really matter if there's stuff scattered around May 05 01:31:43 <derp> yeah May 05 01:31:44 <derp> meh May 05 01:31:46 <derp> ty anyways May 05 01:32:55 <Fluffernutter> zomg snape is the bad guy May 05 01:33:21 * dwayne (~h4ck0r@wikimedia/Dwayne) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:34:10 <Peter-C> ZOMG FLUFFERNUTTER IS ACTUALLY A GIRL May 05 01:34:14 <Fluffernutter> ... May 05 01:34:36 <Fluffernutter> would you like me to put you in contact with ironholds, sweetie? he can verify whether I'm a girl or not... May 05 01:34:57 <Peter-C> Yes please :D May 05 01:35:16 <Fluffernutter> unfortunately he is not currently availalb May 05 01:35:22 <Fluffernutter> but i'll let him know you have questions May 05 01:36:17 <Guerillero> :o May 05 01:36:24 * Fluffernutter grins May 05 01:36:43 <Fluffernutter> actually i think he has his first final tomorrow May 05 01:36:52 <Fluffernutter> so you may not want to pester him for the next few weeks May 05 01:37:07 <Peter-C> :( May 05 01:37:38 <Fluffernutter> :D May 05 01:38:11 * Resfirestar (foobar@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:39:12 * derp downloads ubuntu. May 05 01:39:41 <Peter-C> s/ubuntu/porn May 05 01:39:57 <derp> stfu virgin boy. May 05 01:40:22 <Fluffernutter> heh May 05 01:40:41 <Guerillero> low blow May 05 01:40:54 <derp> very. May 05 01:41:03 <Fluffernutter> but it worked May 05 01:41:09 <derp> Isee that May 05 01:41:49 * Guerillero continues to jam to bright eyes May 05 01:42:41 * CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 01:43:46 * Ottre has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 01:43:55 * Seahorse has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 01:44:12 <geniice> and this is what I've been working on most of this evening May 05 01:44:14 <geniice> May 05 01:44:55 <Guerillero> wow May 05 01:45:00 * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:45:59 <geniice> problem is all I had to work from was a 6 inch to the mile OS map May 05 01:46:23 <geniice> going to use it to create a better version of May 05 01:47:59 * Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:48:54 * Herodotus has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 01:49:22 <Peter-C> Someone recomend me a good book on current events May 05 01:49:23 <Peter-C> NAOW May 05 01:49:49 <Dragonfly6-7> No. May 05 01:49:59 <Peter-C> Later? May 05 01:50:49 <Dragonfly6-7> Matybe May 05 01:50:53 <Dragonfly6-7> if you're good and patrol newpages. May 05 01:51:17 <Fluffernutter> no May 05 01:51:19 <geniice> Peter-C "flat earth news" May 05 01:52:19 <Fluffernutter> Peter-C: "Final Jeopardy" by Stephen Baker May 05 01:52:22 <Doc_glasgow> "Death of Osama bin Laden merchandising" how sick? May 05 01:52:26 <foks> [01:49] Peter-C Someone recomend me a good book on current events May 05 01:52:34 <foks> ^ a newspaper May 05 01:52:43 * Shirik has quit (Excess Flood) May 05 01:52:54 <geniice> Doc_glasgow why? there was massive amounts of death of nelson merchandising back in the day May 05 01:52:56 * Shirik (~mpdelbuon@WoWUIDev/WoWIStaff/Norganna/StatisticalEngineer/Shirik) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:53:09 <Doc_glasgow> oh, noes I have to vote today May 05 01:53:20 <Fluffernutter> in glasgow? May 05 01:53:24 <Doc_glasgow> geniice: I don't think it was celebrating his death May 05 01:53:29 <geniice> vote yes for AV because they don't want you to May 05 01:53:45 <foks> I have to voite today too. May 05 01:53:53 <foks> First time voiters represent May 05 01:53:56 <Fluffernutter> aw May 05 01:53:57 <foks> ... May 05 01:53:58 <Doc_glasgow> geniice: I intend to rank my preferences in order on the referendum May 05 01:53:58 <foks> vote May 05 01:53:59 * Fluffernutter pets the baby foks May 05 01:54:01 <foks> VOTE May 05 01:54:04 <foks> not i. May 05 01:54:06 <foks> ): May 05 01:54:09 <foks> Doc_glasgow, haha May 05 01:54:16 <foks> [ 1 ] Yes May 05 01:54:19 <foks> [ 2 ] No May 05 01:54:21 <foks> :D May 05 01:54:25 <geniice> 100% of troy prats what you to vote no on AV May 05 01:54:29 <geniice> tory May 05 01:54:45 <Doc_glasgow> Yes, I will put a 1 in the yes box and a 2 in the no, or perhaps the other order May 05 01:55:25 <foks> sweet May 05 01:55:28 * Zamorak has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 01:55:36 <Doc_glasgow> geniice: I live in Glasgow. 100% of Labour party timeservers are urging me to vote no to AV May 05 01:55:53 <Doc_glasgow> because they all want to keep their safe seats May 05 01:56:08 <Doc_glasgow> and I say "screw em" May 05 01:56:30 <foks> :D May 05 01:56:30 <Fluffernutter> isn't that basically glaswegians' view of the world? May 05 01:56:39 <Doc_glasgow> so I will vote no, to please the tories and annoy labour May 05 01:56:42 <foks> I live in Aberdeen, where we're also Labour May 05 01:56:58 <foks> Well, Labour and SNP sort of mix into one ugly pot. May 05 01:56:59 <geniice> opinion polls say it's going to be a no vote May 05 01:57:08 <foks> It's bound to be no May 05 01:57:11 <Doc_glasgow> geniice: yup, May 05 01:57:13 <foks> old folk hate change May 05 01:57:16 <foks> simple May 05 01:57:26 <foks> Britain is mostly old folk May 05 01:57:31 <Doc_glasgow> It will be no, and the only consolation is that we shit on Clegg May 05 01:57:46 * Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 01:57:48 <foks> or stab him May 05 01:58:02 <geniice> foks so what you are saying is we should abolish the NHS then hold the vote again May 05 01:58:06 <Dragonfly6-7> Doc_glasgow - would you join #wikipedia-en-help, please. May 05 01:58:10 * foks is a strong Lib Dem fan but is seriously reconsidering May 05 01:58:17 <Doc_glasgow> Dragonfly6-7: no, I'd rather not May 05 01:58:26 * Fluffernutter is finally starting to get the hang of metric political parties May 05 01:58:43 <Guerillero> hehe May 05 01:58:54 <Doc_glasgow> foks: if we get PR, then we are all libdems in perpetuity. We just let Clegg pick the PM May 05 01:58:56 <foks> geniice, ? May 05 01:59:01 <Fluffernutter> Tories = Conservatives = rich white assholes; Labour = liberals = nice rich white assholes; libdem = green party = everyone hates you May 05 01:59:18 <foks> libdem does not = greens ahaha May 05 01:59:26 <Fluffernutter> i mean in the sense of everyone hating you May 05 01:59:28 <Fluffernutter> not in the sense of policy May 05 01:59:30 <Doc_glasgow> Labour are not rich white assholes here May 05 01:59:47 <foks> Labour are the tabloids of the Scottish government May 05 01:59:48 <Guerillero> all my friends were lib dems May 05 01:59:57 <foks> well May 05 01:59:58 <Guerillero> now they are not May 05 01:59:59 <Fluffernutter> Doc_glasgow: do you have any pols that aren't rich white men? really? May 05 01:59:59 <foks> Maybe SNP are May 05 02:00:11 <geniice> Fluffernutter labour are a bit of a mix May 05 02:00:17 <Doc_glasgow> Labour = Catholics, trade-union timeservers and people who hate education (because they don't have any) May 05 02:00:17 * Fluffernutter is sleeping with a libdem. I still don't really know what that means, though. May 05 02:00:30 * Herodotus (alliterate@unaffiliated/recognizance) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:00:40 <geniice> Fluffernutter Labour still have some old union people in their ranks May 05 02:00:43 * dwayne has quit (Quit: What you'll find is explosive, so hide your eyes.) May 05 02:00:44 <Doc_glasgow> Fluffernutter: stay away from Lembic Opic, really May 05 02:00:49 <Fluffernutter> Lem...what? May 05 02:01:00 <foks> hahahaha May 05 02:01:05 <foks> I love you, Doc_glasgow May 05 02:01:12 <geniice> Opic wants to run for london mayor. I think he'd fit right in May 05 02:01:17 <foks> not in the sexual way. May 05 02:01:19 <foks> of course. May 05 02:01:26 * foks is tired. May 05 02:01:36 <Herodotus> Not that there's anything wrong with that. May 05 02:01:42 <Fluffernutter> from liking men in nonsexual ways? May 05 02:01:48 <Fluffernutter> you shoudl try liking them in sexual ways May 05 02:01:51 <Fluffernutter> it's even more tirin May 05 02:01:52 <Fluffernutter> g May 05 02:01:57 <foks> :3 May 05 02:01:59 * Headbomb has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 02:02:10 <Doc_glasgow> oh, ffs, why do we always have to do that "not that I'm homophobic" bit May 05 02:02:12 * Fluffernutter trollfaces May 05 02:02:13 * mquin (~mquin@freenode/staff/mquin) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:02:20 <Fluffernutter> who did that, Doc_glasgow? May 05 02:02:28 <Fluffernutter> oh, foks did May 05 02:02:29 <Doc_glasgow> Herodotus Not that there's anything wrong with that. May 05 02:02:30 * Fluffernutter smirks May 05 02:02:34 <Fluffernutter> May 05 02:02:40 <Fluffernutter> foks != Herodotus. My apologies, foksy May 05 02:02:50 <Dragonfly6-7> Doc_glasgow - look, I can't torment the guy for you. May 05 02:02:51 <Herodotus> You're better off blaming him. May 05 02:03:12 <foks> whaaaa May 05 02:03:38 * Fluffernutter offers apologetic Reese's Pieces May 05 02:03:43 * Headbomb (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:04:02 * wctaiwan nicks said Pieces and wanders off May 05 02:04:09 <Fluffernutter> aw May 05 02:04:10 <Fluffernutter> that's rude May 05 02:04:13 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:04:18 <foks> Reese's what May 05 02:04:19 <foks> ); May 05 02:04:22 <Fluffernutter> ... May 05 02:04:30 * Avruch (~Avruch@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:04:30 <Fluffernutter> please tell me you have Reese's Pieces there May 05 02:04:32 * Avruch has quit (Changing host) May 05 02:04:32 * Avruch (~Avruch@wikimedia/Nathan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:04:39 <foks> Those things I keep getting pictures of? May 05 02:04:40 <foks> no May 05 02:04:43 * Mikemoral is now known as mikemoral|afk May 05 02:04:43 <foks> we don't. May 05 02:04:46 <Fluffernutter> DEAR GOD May 05 02:04:52 <Fluffernutter> [[Reese's Pieces]] May 05 02:04:54 * barts1a ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:04:54 * barts1a has quit (Changing host) May 05 02:04:54 * barts1a (~barts1a@wikipedia/barts1a) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:05:16 <barts1a> WP:USERNAME/WP:COI vio? May 05 02:05:17 <Fluffernutter> except mine are easter-themed and the size of cadbury mini-eggs May 05 02:05:43 <foks> Peanut butter?! May 05 02:05:46 <foks> ewwww May 05 02:05:57 <Doc_glasgow> Ha, I like this "This is the point when the USA realises that Osama made 7 horcruxes" May 05 02:06:04 <Dragonfly6-7> Doc_glasgow - okay, I've pointed him to AN/I May 05 02:06:49 * Headbomb|Laptop has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 05 02:06:59 <foks> Doc_glasgow, I prefer "It's amazing what the Americans can do when the PlayStation Network is down" May 05 02:07:10 <Doc_glasgow> ha May 05 02:07:22 <barts1a> LOL! That is good May 05 02:07:35 <Fluffernutter> is there a warning template for "misleading edit summary"? May 05 02:07:49 <barts1a> umm... I think so... May 05 02:07:51 <Doc_glasgow> foks: meanwhile in the UK, we were all too busy staring at Pippa Middleton's buttocks May 05 02:08:06 <foks> Obviously. May 05 02:08:18 <foks> And Otto Middleton. May 05 02:08:26 <Fluffernutter> fucking hell, i need a refill for my asthma inhaler May 05 02:08:29 * enhydra has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 05 02:08:47 <barts1a> it ALWAYS needs refilling at the WORST possible time! May 05 02:09:08 <Fluffernutter> mine just always needs refilling, period, because i use it so rarely May 05 02:09:12 <Fluffernutter> but this month has been hell May 05 02:09:23 <Doc_glasgow> Fluffernutter: ask your libdem, don't they believe in healthcare that's free and infinite May 05 02:09:29 <barts1a> it happens... I'm an ashmatic myself May 05 02:09:38 <Fluffernutter> Doc_glasgow: my libdem is not in contact atm May 05 02:09:49 <barts1a> Are you using a preventative inhaler such as Seritide? May 05 02:10:00 <barts1a> *Seretide May 05 02:10:23 * foks NP: "Kirov Factory" - Balto (October's Road, 0) May 05 02:10:30 * dungodung is now known as dungodung|sleep May 05 02:11:00 <Fluffernutter> [[albuterol]] for rescue, barts1a. [[Montelukast]] for maintenance. May 05 02:11:01 * Headbomb|Laptop (~Headbomb@Wikipedia/Headbomb) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:11:04 * Sir48 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 02:12:07 <Doc_glasgow> meh, I hear nicotine helps too May 05 02:12:20 <Fluffernutter> that seems unlikely May 05 02:12:33 <barts1a> ^ May 05 02:12:33 * enhydra ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:12:33 * enhydra has quit (Changing host) May 05 02:12:33 * enhydra (~kalan@wikimedia/Kalan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:12:35 <Doc_glasgow> so does a libdem manifesto commitment May 05 02:13:14 <barts1a> I use the same for rescue (It's called Ventolin here) and for maintenance May 05 02:13:20 <Fluffernutter> the only thing i know of nicotine being a good treatment for is ulcerative colitis. Other than that, it just gives you cancer May 05 02:13:33 * Doc_glasgow is trying to decide whether to vote Tory or George Galloway for the Scottish Parliament tomorrow May 05 02:13:49 <Fluffernutter> ah, i used that for a bit, barts1a, but it kept giving me thrush May 05 02:13:59 <barts1a> dang... May 05 02:14:52 <Dragonfly6-7> anyone *else* want to go on -en-help please May 05 02:14:57 <Fluffernutter> no May 05 02:15:25 <Dragonfly6-7> some guy is bitching about Doc_glasgow May 05 02:15:34 <barts1a> ugh... May 05 02:15:38 <Fluffernutter> people who didn't do it: me May 05 02:15:45 <barts1a> ^ May 05 02:15:49 <Doc_glasgow> Dragonfly6-7: ignore him, he's probably my brother in law May 05 02:15:53 <Fluffernutter> lol May 05 02:15:59 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 05 02:16:52 * la_pianista (~la_pianis@wikipedia/La-Pianista) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:17:07 <Fluffernutter> la_pianista May 05 02:17:09 <Fluffernutter> i love you@ May 05 02:17:11 * Fluffernutter hugs May 05 02:17:44 <wctaiwan> [[File:MandM_Times_Square.JPG]] creepy picture is creepy May 05 02:17:58 <Fluffernutter> he's watching you, wctaiwan May 05 02:18:25 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:18:36 <barts1a> M&M's ARE a popular candy May 05 02:18:42 * Fluffernutter nods May 05 02:18:46 <wctaiwan> they're pretty good. May 05 02:18:54 <barts1a> Very much so May 05 02:18:54 <Fluffernutter> there is a M&M (Hershey?) store in Times Square, i believe May 05 02:18:57 <wctaiwan> too sweet, but eh, what isn't May 05 02:19:06 <wctaiwan> that's the one Fluffernutter May 05 02:19:09 <wctaiwan> see file name :P May 05 02:19:14 * Fluffernutter nods May 05 02:19:19 * Fluffernutter avoids Times Square May 05 02:19:42 * Zamorak has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 02:19:44 <wctaiwan> also, M&M's are a Mars product, not Hershey's May 05 02:19:56 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:19:57 <Fluffernutter> yeah, that May 05 02:20:01 <wctaiwan> Hershey* May 05 02:20:57 * Doc_glasgow has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 02:20:58 * Peter-C licks his lover May 05 02:21:04 <Peter-C> s/lover/la_pianista May 05 02:21:06 <Peter-C> :D May 05 02:21:06 <la_pianista> Fluffernutter: May 05 02:21:08 <la_pianista> I love you May 05 02:21:15 * la_pianista hugs May 05 02:21:15 <la_pianista> Peter-C May 05 02:21:15 <la_pianista> I don't love you May 05 02:21:16 * la_pianista does not hug May 05 02:21:16 <Peter-C> D: May 05 02:21:16 <Fluffernutter> :D May 05 02:21:18 <wctaiwan> XD May 05 02:21:19 * Fluffernutter is loved more! May 05 02:21:21 <wctaiwan> XDDDDDD May 05 02:21:26 * barts1a chews on some Extra chewing gum May 05 02:21:27 * Fluffernutter offers la_pianista Reese's Pieces May 05 02:21:30 <wctaiwan> la_pianista: I laughed. Thanks. May 05 02:21:30 <Peter-C> wctaiwan loves me! May 05 02:21:32 <la_pianista> ! May 05 02:21:33 * la_pianista takes May 05 02:21:43 <wctaiwan> I do not. May 05 02:21:57 * Peter-C hugs wctaiwan May 05 02:21:57 * la_pianista pet pets wctaiwan May 05 02:22:01 <Fluffernutter> that's my girl May 05 02:22:08 * wctaiwan looks at Peter-C as if he is a freak May 05 02:22:09 * wctaiwan edges away May 05 02:22:12 <barts1a> Welcome to #wikipedia-en! May 05 02:22:46 <Fluffernutter> he is a freak. he's Peter-C. May 05 02:23:07 <Peter-C> :D May 05 02:23:14 * Peter-C steals all the towels May 05 02:23:15 <Peter-C> MINE May 05 02:23:30 * Fluffernutter has lots of towels May 05 02:23:46 <Fluffernutter> because i had lots of guests May 05 02:23:55 <Fluffernutter> but surprisingly few of them cleaned themselves May 05 02:24:10 <barts1a> TMI man... May 05 02:24:23 * Fluffernutter is not aman May 05 02:24:24 <Dragonfly6-7> Fluffernutter - did they use toilet paper? May 05 02:24:29 <Fluffernutter> Dragonfly6-7: yes, lots of that May 05 02:24:32 <Fluffernutter> just not so many towels May 05 02:24:35 <Derrick_Rose> did Ironholds clean his towels, Fluffernutter? May 05 02:24:41 <Fluffernutter> well, james_f brought his own towel May 05 02:25:00 * Zamorak (~Zamorak@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:25:00 * Zamorak has quit (Changing host) May 05 02:25:00 * Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:25:14 <Fluffernutter> Derrick_Rose: i don't have a washing machine. All his dirty towels are in my hamper waiting to be washed this weekend at my parents' house May 05 02:25:22 * Resfirestar has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 05 02:25:28 <Derrick_Rose> :( May 05 02:25:30 <Peter-C> Ironholds is a perv! :D May 05 02:26:05 <Fluffernutter> ...well i mean he is, but what do his towels have to do with that? May 05 02:26:21 <MuZemike> Aw, crap, the Bulls game is on. May 05 02:26:41 <MuZemike> Derrick_Rose: Get back on the court you lazy fucktard! May 05 02:26:46 <Derrick_Rose> :P May 05 02:26:47 * Peter-C licks la_pianista's face in fromt of Fluffernutter May 05 02:26:53 <Peter-C> Oh hey there Fluffernutter, didn't see you May 05 02:26:54 <Derrick_Rose> it's halftime May 05 02:26:56 * Fluffernutter tears out Peter-C's tongue May 05 02:27:00 * Peter-C licks la_pianista's nose May 05 02:27:06 <Fluffernutter> you get off my girl, bitch May 05 02:27:07 <la_pianista> 9.9 May 05 02:27:10 <Peter-C> O_O May 05 02:27:12 * zscout370 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia May 05 02:27:15 <Derrick_Rose> O_O May 05 02:27:31 <Prodego> alright now you guys are starting to annoy me May 05 02:27:31 <la_pianista> :3 May 05 02:27:45 <la_pianista> only starting? May 05 02:27:47 <Fluffernutter> heh May 05 02:27:55 * Fluffernutter watches Prodego rouse from his laze May 05 02:28:05 <slakr> shhh dad's home May 05 02:28:17 * slakr stares at Prodego in fear May 05 02:28:19 <Fluffernutter> awww, mom! May 05 02:29:13 * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|sleep May 05 02:29:19 <Peter-C> Fluff|sleep :D May 05 02:29:20 <Peter-C> GOOD May 05 02:29:25 <Peter-C> la_pianista - your moms gone! May 05 02:29:31 <Derrick_Rose> *mom;s May 05 02:29:32 * Peter-C eats la_pianista's eye May 05 02:29:32 <Fluff|sleep> dude, i'm going to be watching May 05 02:29:37 <Peter-C> O_O May 05 02:29:38 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:29:39 <Fluff|sleep> if i see you bother her, i'm coming for you May 05 02:29:45 <Peter-C> HOLY FUCK MRS PIANISTA May 05 02:29:45 <Derrick_Rose> O_O May 05 02:29:49 <Glass_Soul> Well May 05 02:29:57 <Glass_Soul> I joined at an awkward moment May 05 02:30:09 <wctaiwan> this is all very entertaining, but I must be going May 05 02:30:30 <la_pianista> o/ May 05 02:30:30 * MacMed has quit (Quit: MacMed) May 05 02:30:33 <Glass_Soul> and kinky? May 05 02:30:50 <wctaiwan> perhaps. May 05 02:30:52 <wctaiwan> o/ May 05 02:30:56 * wctaiwan has quit (Quit: wctaiwan) May 05 02:31:07 * Lyndon1504 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 02:31:39 * MRB[away] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 02:32:36 * p858snake|l has quit (Quit: User has quit this network.) May 05 02:35:15 * Schroeder_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:35:39 * Glass_Soul is now known as glass_someone May 05 02:37:38 * Seahorse has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 02:37:38 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 05 02:39:04 * TPS has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 02:39:46 * MacMed (~MacMed@Wikipedia/MacMed) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:42:05 <Peter-C> My friend is an idiot May 05 02:42:15 <Peter-C> She can have two guys, one for sex and one for mind and she won't do it May 05 02:42:18 <Peter-C> SHE IS AN IDIOT May 05 02:42:27 <Peter-C> MacMed - do you see my issue with that? May 05 02:42:30 <Peter-C> She doesn't >_> May 05 02:42:38 <Mitchazenia> :| May 05 02:42:38 * niekie has quit (Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.) May 05 02:42:48 <Mitchazenia> This is not Dr. Phil Peter May 05 02:43:14 * MJ94_ (~mj94@wikimedia/mj94) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:43:22 <MacMed> Peter-C: maybe she doesn't want people thinking she's a slut? :P May 05 02:43:25 * Neo has quit (Quit: Wait... what?!) May 05 02:43:29 * Zamorak has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 05 02:43:37 * Nextop (~Neo@unaffiliated/alpsinc) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:43:55 * Nextop is now known as Neo May 05 02:44:01 * MJ94_ has quit (Client Quit) May 05 02:44:25 * MJ94_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:44:32 * MJ94_ has quit (Changing host) May 05 02:44:32 * MJ94_ (~mj94@wikimedia/mj94) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:44:34 * Jeske_Couriano has quit (Quit: EEK! Yoshi! *flees*) May 05 02:44:51 * Derrick_Rose force snuggles Peter-C with la_pianista May 05 02:45:25 <Peter-C> MacMed - that is the best part about it May 05 02:45:28 <la_pianista> D: May 05 02:45:39 <Peter-C> One lives in my town, the other lives in a town 50 miles away May 05 02:45:51 <MacMed> do they know about each other? May 05 02:45:51 <Derrick_Rose> is the former you? :p May 05 02:46:16 * MJ94_ is now known as Fuze May 05 02:46:50 <Mono> Now I know why radio stations are failing May 05 02:47:12 <Mono> The slutty songs are getting to me. May 05 02:47:13 * foks has quit (Quit: %B*.banana%B *.split) May 05 02:48:42 * [DeltaQuad] is now known as DeltaQuad May 05 02:48:47 * FAdmArcher|away is now known as FAdmArcher May 05 02:48:54 <Mono> Ooh...advertising May 05 02:49:12 * Nieuclty (46b3a973@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:49:14 <barts1a> mmm.... adblock May 05 02:49:21 * mikemoral|afk is now known as mikemoral May 05 02:49:54 <Mono> barts1a: ON THE RADIO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? May 05 02:50:08 <barts1a> not on the radio... on the internet May 05 02:50:20 <barts1a> if it DID exist for radio and TV I would buy it May 05 02:50:52 <Mono> Radio adds are really annoying. May 05 02:51:02 <Mono> TV ads can be really good. May 05 02:51:15 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:51:16 * Guest18374 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:51:29 <Derrick_Rose> for some reason, there are no ads on the station that I listen to May 05 02:51:36 * Mono is now known as Mono[Radio] May 05 02:51:36 <Derrick_Rose> I stream it thru iTunes May 05 02:51:44 * Guest18374 has quit (Client Quit) May 05 02:51:45 <Mono[Radio]> ah May 05 02:51:51 <Mono[Radio]> lemme try that May 05 02:51:51 <Nieuclty> Mono and barts1a, watch [[Minority Report]] and see holographic 3D ads call you out by name. Until then, you haven't scraped the tip of the iceberg. May 05 02:52:18 * NA_0 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/notanonymous0) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:52:23 <barts1a> Mono[Radio] TV ads are usually made to be SHOUTING RIGHT INTO YOUR FACE! May 05 02:52:24 <NA_0> someone edited my userpage... May 05 02:52:29 <Mono[Radio]> Yeah. May 05 02:52:44 <barts1a> that alone discourages me from them May 05 02:53:11 <Nieuclty> So if that happens to me, and I'm able to interact with them like people, then I'll tell those ads how I feel about them. May 05 02:53:16 <barts1a> that AND they PURPOSLY reduce the dynamic range of ads making them APPEAR louder despite having the same decibal level May 05 02:53:35 * glass_someone is now known as Glass_Arm May 05 02:54:43 * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:55:51 * Krimpet (fran@wikimedia/Fran-Rogers) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:56:08 * Schroeder_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 02:56:23 * Zuzak (~chippy@wikimedia/Microchip08) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 02:56:31 * MC8 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 02:57:00 <Mono[Radio]> Come on, Apple. May 05 02:57:06 <Mono[Radio]> I want my iPad. Now. May 05 02:57:20 <barts1a> iPad 2 you mean? May 05 02:57:36 <Mono[Radio]> yeah May 05 02:57:41 * Mono[Radio] is now known as mono May 05 02:57:51 <mono> it's supposed to come the 13th May 05 02:58:26 <mono> they sent me the cover before the device; it's sitting next to me May 05 02:58:29 <barts1a> I like that they've finally put a dual-core proc into the damn thing May 05 02:58:42 <barts1a> well... the cover is clever too\ May 05 02:59:46 <mono> It works well with my fridge. May 05 02:59:52 <mono> But about nothing else. May 05 03:00:04 <geniice> !american May 05 03:00:17 <mono> geniice: ? May 05 03:00:28 <geniice> I need an american May 05 03:00:58 <mono> aye May 05 03:01:05 <matthewrbowker> geniice: Yes, American here. May 05 03:01:13 <geniice> matthewrbowker pm? May 05 03:01:23 <matthewrbowker> Sure. May 05 03:03:46 * Derrick_Rose is now known as Gfoley4 May 05 03:04:44 * AFK has quit (Excess Flood) May 05 03:04:51 * ctjf83 (32511d96@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:05:07 <ctjf83> no one responded on WP:HD, so...== Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 == Does this license [[:File:Blackhawk Hotel in Davenport, Iowa.jpg|like here]], allow for "commercial reuse with modification"? I'm wondering, cause I always look for images to use on a Google search, and the image linked in the last sentence, doesn't come up on a [ May 05 03:05:25 <Gfoley4> looking May 05 03:05:34 * Zamorak (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:05:37 <ctjf83> thanks May 05 03:05:48 * AFK (geekbounce@wikimedia/Joe-Gazz84) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:06:39 * Glass_Arm is now known as Pairofducks May 05 03:07:25 <Gfoley4> hm, I think May 05 03:07:37 <Gfoley4> it's CC-BY-SA after all May 05 03:07:39 * Ironholds (s@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:07:59 <Gfoley4> on another note, how is the flooding in Davenport/ the quad cities? May 05 03:08:05 <geniice> ctjf83 err yes thats what CC-BY-SA does May 05 03:08:35 <ctjf83> it's nearly gone here, thank goodness May 05 03:08:46 <ctjf83> so, y does it not come up on a google search? May 05 03:09:09 * Nieuclty has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 03:09:11 <Gfoley4> ask google May 05 03:09:13 <Gfoley4> idk May 05 03:09:25 * Pairofducks is now known as Glass_Arm May 05 03:09:38 <ctjf83> o, lol May 05 03:09:50 <ctjf83> is there a good program i can use to search for free files May 05 03:11:14 <Gfoley4> you can try flickr May 05 03:11:28 <Gfoley4> there a lot, er.. some, on there May 05 03:11:34 <geniice> ctjf83 try May 05 03:12:05 <ctjf83> ok, thanks guys/gals May 05 03:12:26 <Guerillero> CC has a search program May 05 03:12:37 <Guerillero> that finds creative commons images May 05 03:12:53 <Guerillero> that can be used commercially May 05 03:13:00 * nb_ (~nb@fedora/nb) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:13:27 <geniice> ctjf83 mostly though I take pics myself May 05 03:13:41 <Guerillero> May 05 03:13:43 <ctjf83> i do, if it is local, lol May 05 03:14:16 <geniice> ctjf83 or there is always the commons search engine May 05 03:14:44 <ctjf83> ok, i like all those, thanks May 05 03:15:00 * nb has quit (Quit: ZNC - May 05 03:15:02 * nb_ is now known as nb May 05 03:16:23 <slakr> lol the spammers/trojaners are getting desperate May 05 03:16:23 <ctjf83> Gfoley4, we are only 1 foot over flood stage, instead of nearly 6 May 05 03:16:26 <slakr> "Sir/Madam,we have logged your IP-address on more than 40 illegal Websites Important: Please answer our questions!The list of questions are attached." May 05 03:16:31 <slakr> sent from the "FBI" May 05 03:16:48 <slakr> naturally, the attached file is a zip, most likely with a trojan in it May 05 03:16:59 <Gfoley4> ctjf83: that's good May 05 03:17:06 <Gfoley4> I live an hour from the quad cities May 05 03:17:09 <barts1a> Ugh... the FBI scam is up there with the Nigerian fortune as the oldest in the book May 05 03:17:12 <ctjf83> very, pain in the ass to go anywhere downtown when it is hight May 05 03:17:16 <ctjf83> oh ya? cool! May 05 03:17:33 <slakr> "Running this trojan in linux is not supported." May 05 03:17:35 * IceCas ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:17:39 <slakr> damn. May 05 03:17:42 * BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted) May 05 03:18:01 <ctjf83> oh, B-burg, cool May 05 03:18:05 <ctjf83> *G burg May 05 03:18:06 <Prodego> running anything in linux is not supported May 05 03:18:07 <geniice> slakr see if you can get it to run under wine May 05 03:18:31 <geniice> Prodego mediawiki supports linux May 05 03:18:51 <Prodego> well technically PHP supports linux May 05 03:18:52 <slakr> heh May 05 03:19:13 <slakr> well I mean, I've got an xp vm that I exclusively use for testing sketchy things May 05 03:19:40 <slakr> it's actually fun to take a snapshot May 05 03:19:47 <slakr> then open trojans in a sandbox May 05 03:20:08 <slakr> then instead of spending time cleaning them like you'd ahve to do on a physical box May 05 03:20:21 <slakr> just revert the snapshot May 05 03:20:57 * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:21:34 <IceCas> quick offhand question. Does anybody know the name of the newspaper that has outrageously fake or hoaxy news stories/headlines? May 05 03:21:58 <slakr> fox news? May 05 03:22:01 <IceCas> I mean like "I WAS ABDUCTED BY ALIENS" or "BIGFOOT SPOTTED AT CALVERT COUNTY GOLF COURSE" May 05 03:22:11 * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:22:16 <IceCas> loll i knew someone would make a fox news joke May 05 03:22:17 <IceCas> lol May 05 03:22:17 <Ironholds> IceCas: National Inquirer, The Sun, take your pick May 05 03:22:20 <slakr> national inquirer May 05 03:22:20 <IceCas> but no May 05 03:22:22 <slakr> yep May 05 03:22:25 <IceCas> no no no May 05 03:22:29 <slakr> it varies by country May 05 03:22:38 <IceCas> it's a black and white newspaper in america usually found in supermarkets May 05 03:22:50 <slakr> the onion? May 05 03:22:53 <IceCas> i ran across the article once on Wikipedia but forgot the name I havent seen it in years May 05 03:22:55 <IceCas> nope May 05 03:23:01 <slakr> then no clue May 05 03:23:10 <slakr> it'd be a tabloid May 05 03:23:16 <IceCas> it was briefly mentioned or caricurtured in Men In Black May 05 03:23:19 <slakr> so you could try finding a list of tabloids May 05 03:23:23 <IceCas> tit's tabloid like May 05 03:23:47 <IceCas> it's* May 05 03:24:18 <Guerillero> world news weekly May 05 03:24:20 <IceCas> i'll see if i can find it under that and post it May 05 03:24:22 <IceCas> yes May 05 03:24:23 <IceCas> that is it May 05 03:24:27 <IceCas> im sure May 05 03:24:37 <IceCas> lemme check real quick tho May 05 03:24:37 <slakr> sweet May 05 03:24:42 <slakr> May 05 03:24:48 <slakr> May 05 03:24:53 <slakr> those will rattle off names May 05 03:24:59 <IceCas> Guerillero, that is spot on May 05 03:25:01 <IceCas> Thanks May 05 03:25:22 <IceCas> I was googling World News and Weekend News earlier May 05 03:26:01 <IceCas> May 05 03:26:02 * ctjf83 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 03:30:32 * Zamorak has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 05 03:33:52 * FAdmArcher has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110303194838]) May 05 03:34:03 * DeltaQuad is now known as [DQ|Sleep] May 05 03:35:13 * tommorris has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 05 03:37:59 * tommorris ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:37:59 * tommorris has quit (Changing host) May 05 03:37:59 * tommorris (~tommorris@wikimedia/Tom-Morris) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:40:54 * MacMed has quit (Quit: MacMed) May 05 03:42:26 * Transformer ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:42:30 <Gfoley4> WTF May 05 03:44:10 <MuZemike> Tell him he's welcome in the United States anytime. May 05 03:44:49 <Gfoley4> :) May 05 03:46:38 * Transformer ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 03:46:48 <geniice> Gfoley4 the bits of canda that understand this new fangled internet thing aparently really hate harper. May 05 03:47:16 <Gfoley4> I guess so May 05 03:51:27 * Noommos ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:51:27 * Noommos has quit (Changing host) May 05 03:51:27 * Noommos (~noom@wikipedia/Noommos) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:52:20 * derp has quit () May 05 03:55:00 * Brian_S (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:56:19 <Guerillero> lol May 05 03:57:30 * matthewrbowker has quit (Quit: Changing Computers...) May 05 03:57:46 * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 03:58:16 <geniice> Hilary Lloyd harnesses the moving image using video projections and film monitors. She combines the urban environment with small-scale human scenes such as waiters working in a cafe or, as in this case, details of the male anatomy. May 05 03:58:40 <geniice> or as it's better known the commons image upload feed May 05 03:58:48 <barts1a> LOL! May 05 03:58:52 * slakr rimshots May 05 03:59:21 <geniice> May 05 04:00:08 <geniice> hmm we should try entering the commons image upload feed someone May 05 04:00:10 <geniice> sometime May 05 04:00:34 <topaz> I object. [[commons:Special:NewFiles]] doesn't contain even one penis at the moment. May 05 04:00:48 <topaz> someone is bogarting the cock. May 05 04:01:50 * mikemoral is now known as mikemoral|afk May 05 04:01:57 <geniice> a phrase probably unique in human history May 05 04:02:48 <topaz> the night is young. May 05 04:07:09 * Fumika (~Zamorak@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 04:07:09 * Fumika has quit (Changing host) May 05 04:07:09 * Fumika (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 04:07:38 <geniice> oh dear. May 05 04:08:07 <Courcelles> Penis? No. Copyright violations? Several May 05 04:09:49 <Guerillero> thats an off thread May 05 04:09:53 <Guerillero> odd* May 05 04:11:52 <geniice> well thats AIDs denialism for you. They are very odd people May 05 04:12:21 <MuZemike> Don't get me started with that whack. May 05 04:12:39 <Guerillero> they debunked peer reviewed sources May 05 04:12:43 <Guerillero> lulz May 05 04:13:34 <MuZemike> See [[User:KBlott]] May 05 04:14:39 * SudoGhost has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 05 04:21:29 * la_pianista is now known as pianista|brb May 05 04:24:47 * pianista|brb is now known as la_pianista May 05 04:26:25 <geniice> and thats pretty much it May 05 04:26:58 <matthewrbowker> :( May 05 04:27:17 <Guerillero> wow May 05 04:27:39 <Guerillero> I have my great gradfather's medals May 05 04:28:27 <Guerillero> what becomes of the article when it reaches zero? May 05 04:29:14 <geniice> probably redirect to May 05 04:30:11 * Glass_Arm has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 04:32:57 * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 04:33:34 * IceCas has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 04:34:50 * methecooldude has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 05 04:36:30 <geniice> Guerillero it's been discussed on and off for years but eh unless someone does a sweep of british and colonial care homes and turns up some other veterans it looks like we may finaly have to face up to the issue May 05 04:36:47 <MuZemike> Oh, fuck the Lakers and your celebrity courtside. May 05 04:37:21 <geniice> okeeeey slight change of tone there May 05 04:37:31 <Guerillero> slight? May 05 04:38:57 <Guerillero> SarekOfVulcan has run into a nasty suprise May 05 04:39:26 <geniice> huh? May 05 04:40:31 <geniice> oh RFA May 05 04:40:35 <Guerillero> yes May 05 04:41:12 <geniice> not a fan of reconfirmations May 05 04:43:01 <Guerillero> There are beter uses of time May 05 04:44:49 * p858snake|l has quit (Quit: User has quit this network.) May 05 04:45:19 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: goodbye, {{BASEPAGENAME}}) May 05 04:45:42 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 04:47:39 <geniice> oh well I guess the cabal will have to rally round May 05 04:48:15 * sffreer (~cv99f@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 04:48:15 * sffreer has quit (K-Lined) May 05 04:50:38 * Gfoley4 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) May 05 04:51:57 * e09h3 (~dfhdgy@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 04:51:58 * e09h3 has quit (K-Lined) May 05 04:52:26 * geniice has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [SeaMonkey 2.0.14/20110420224920]) May 05 04:52:47 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 04:54:43 * Laura|Away is now known as LauraHale May 05 04:55:16 * boulevardier has quit (Quit: boulevardier) May 05 04:55:23 * erte4534 (~45354t@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 04:55:23 <erte4534> [*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. [*|+NOTICE+|*] erte4534 Fumika matthewrbowker Brian_S Noommos tommorris mys_721tx Courcelles nb Ironholds AFK Zuzak Krimpet NA_0 Fuze Neo MuZemike Falcorian la_pianista enhydra Headbomb|Laptop barts1a Avruch Headbomb mquin Herodotus Shirik May 05 04:55:23 <erte4534> [*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. [*|+NOTICE+|*] Tatsujin [devil] OlEnglish Prodego Anna_Frodesiak AntiSpamMeta Mitchazenia ffya bare|sleep Cobi thegoodcushion mindspillage alyxuk Andrevan [DQ|Sleep] Maximillion AlexZ_ kibble IShadowed_ eeekster zenner Timotheus_Canens Sch May 05 04:55:23 <erte4534> [*|+NOTICE+|*] STARTING JUNE 1ST FREENODE WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU CONNECT TO IT. UNLESS YOU ENABLE SASL YOU WILL BE UNABLE TO CONNECT TO FREENODE. PLEASE JOIN #FREENODE OR MSG A STAFFER FOR DETAILS. [*|+NOTICE+|*] Crimedog mattbuck werdan7 Brownout nicht RudyValencia AlertEye DARTHSIDIOUS2 dungodung|sleep ThrashOut issyl0 mareklug caracol Loki Hamlin heinrich5991 Gigs mrmist FastLizard4|zZzZ hurr MichealH Pilif12p Martinp23 Dave2 toma May 05 04:55:31 <Loki> !admin May 05 04:55:38 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Prodego May 05 04:55:40 * Prodego removes channel operator status from Prodego May 05 04:55:45 * erte4534 has quit (K-Lined) May 05 04:55:45 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Prodego May 05 04:55:49 <Loki> XD May 05 04:55:51 * Prodego sets mode +r #wikipedia-en May 05 04:55:51 * Prodego removes channel operator status from Prodego May 05 04:55:52 <Loki> kline May 05 04:55:58 <barts1a> holy shit... was that a service announcement? May 05 04:56:05 <matthewrbowker> Loki: It's the ops that deal with channel spam, not the admins. Just fyi... May 05 04:56:06 <Avruch> apparently not May 05 04:56:09 <Avruch> or he wouldn't be klined May 05 04:56:15 <Courcelles> What the hell? May 05 04:56:21 * Keegan (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Keegan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 04:56:22 <matthewrbowker> barts1a: No, Freenode would use an official means of communication. May 05 04:56:33 <MuZemike> I'm an admin, and I'm not an op. May 05 04:56:36 <Avruch> like an actual notice May 05 04:56:44 <Avruch> Prodego, how'd you kline with just op ;p May 05 04:56:57 <SpitfireWP> Avruch, someone else did. Or a bot. May 05 04:57:05 <Avruch> ah May 05 04:57:10 <Prodego> I'm just that awesome, clearly May 05 04:57:18 <SpitfireWP> Hi, by the way, Nathan. May 05 04:57:20 <Avruch> thought maybe Prodego had been promoted IRCop ;p May 05 04:57:25 <Avruch> hiya SpitfireWP ;-) May 05 04:57:26 <Loki> matthewrbowker: Figured all the admins were ops as well May 05 04:57:33 <SpitfireWP> Loki, nope. May 05 04:57:33 <Prodego> heh, no May 05 04:57:35 <matthewrbowker> Prodego just looks at the spam and it disappears. May 05 04:57:44 <barts1a> there is a seperate ! ops command May 05 04:57:46 <Ironholds> Loki: If that was true, I'd be an op May 05 04:57:52 <barts1a> EMERGENCY USE ONLY! May 05 04:57:57 <Ironholds> and since Peter-C is still here, we can assume that that is not the case May 05 04:58:21 <matthewrbowker> Ironholds: Good point. May 05 04:59:37 <Loki> barts1a: no need to yell. May 05 05:02:25 <Guerillero> Is this even allowed May 05 05:03:30 <barts1a> It's not offending anybody May 05 05:05:46 <Guerillero> true May 05 05:06:19 * ThrashOut is now known as thrashout May 05 05:06:55 * la_pianista has quit (Quit: <3) May 05 05:08:31 * OlEnglish has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 05 05:13:06 * OlEnglish (~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:14:14 * Hi878 (627ddd36@wikipedia/Hi878) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:14:21 * Hi878 (627ddd36@wikipedia/Hi878) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 05:14:50 * mindspillage has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 05 05:15:24 * mindspillage (~kat@wikimedia/KatWalsh/x-0001) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:17:49 * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:18:01 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:18:43 * Fumika has quit (Quit: bai) May 05 05:20:44 <Courcelles> Not only is it allowed, it's often the final state of NOTDICT violations that went away only with great difficulty. May 05 05:23:34 * OlEnglish has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 05 05:27:57 * OlEnglish (~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:29:44 * Guerillero has quit (Quit: night) May 05 05:30:48 * killiondude (~yes@wikimedia/Killiondude) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:32:34 * bare|sleep has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 05:33:06 <Ironholds> I have a kindle! Life sucks. May 05 05:33:29 <Ironholds> it's sods law that I get a kindle packed with free russian literature just before exam season May 05 05:34:01 <matthewrbowker> Is this website all right as a source? May 05 05:34:47 <barts1a> no. Anyone could register as an "artist" May 05 05:35:20 * NA_0 is now known as NA_0|away May 05 05:35:49 <matthewrbowker> barts1a: Thanks :) May 05 05:35:56 <barts1a> no worries May 05 05:36:18 <barts1a> but yeah; self-published sites like that are usually a no-go May 05 05:41:04 * mikemoral|afk is now known as mikemoral May 05 05:45:58 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Prodego May 05 05:46:01 * Prodego sets mode -r #wikipedia-en May 05 05:46:01 * Prodego removes channel operator status from Prodego May 05 05:49:52 * Meepsheep (~chatzilla@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:51:21 <matthewrbowker> Any admins/checkusers that can join us in #wikipedia-en-accounts for a minute? We may have a sock situation. May 05 05:51:42 <killiondude> MuZemike. May 05 05:52:09 <MuZemike> We have a sock on that channel? May 05 05:52:22 <matthewrbowker> No, in the account request system. May 05 05:53:13 <killiondude> There's a "geek" character on a show on tv right now with "Derp" written on his shirt May 05 05:54:16 * Withoutaname (~Withoutan@unaffiliated/withoutaname) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 05:54:54 <closedmouth> yay, IE9 is now a default update May 05 05:55:46 <Crimedog> Courcelles: One of your "1 voters" from last year is at REFUND. I was going to send him to your talk page but maybe you can take a look at it here May 05 05:55:48 <Crimedog> Wikipedia:Requests_for_undeletion#Robert_McCool May 05 05:56:05 <killiondude> I saw that IE9 supports border-radius May 05 06:01:21 * NA_0|away is now known as NA_0 May 05 06:05:00 * Lyrithya is now known as Athyria May 05 06:05:05 * Athyria has quit (Changing host) May 05 06:05:05 * Athyria (~root@unaffiliated/athyria) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:08:12 * ENGenki (46b3a973@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:16:29 * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] May 05 06:24:38 * boulevardier (~boulevard@wikipedia/boulevardier) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:25:15 * Bejinhan (~Bejinhan@wikipedia/Bejinhan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:28:05 * ENGenki is now known as LUUWDA May 05 06:34:26 * Suiseiseki has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) May 05 06:38:30 <killiondude> moop. May 05 06:38:38 * Suiseiseki (~desu@wikipedia/Antonio-Lopez) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:38:47 <Meepsheep> what is mooop? May 05 06:38:51 <Meepsheep> *moop May 05 06:40:41 * Hi878 (~Hi878@wikipedia/Hi878) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:41:16 * sonia (~sonara@wikipedia/sonia) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:45:51 * Hi878 (~Hi878@wikipedia/Hi878) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 06:47:06 * mys_721tx has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 05 06:47:12 * Dragonfly6-7 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 06:50:54 * guillom (~guillaume@wikimedia/guillom) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:51:57 <killiondude> Salut. May 05 06:54:15 * Bidgee ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:54:32 * Bidgee has quit (Changing host) May 05 06:54:32 * Bidgee (~bidgee-wi@wikimedia-commons/bidgee) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 06:58:51 * NA_0 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 07:02:11 * barts1a has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 05 07:04:19 * Prodego is now known as elapse May 05 07:04:32 <Anna_Frodesiak> I can't find the answer to this question: May 05 07:05:08 * Drule ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:05:08 <Anna_Frodesiak> In an AfD, can the initial reason stated at the top be refactored or modified after editors begin adding keeps or deletes? May 05 07:05:51 <killiondude> Sure. You might want to make it apparent that it is changed. May 05 07:05:51 <closedmouth> i'm sure it can be added to May 05 07:07:46 <Anna_Frodesiak> Fair enough. Thank you. May 05 07:07:55 <Courcelles> Yes, Anna... the nom can even be stricken entirely May 05 07:08:01 <closedmouth> use <s> May 05 07:08:21 <Courcelles> (If someone else has voted delete, it can't be closed as nom withdrawn, but the nominator can change their vote like any other user) May 05 07:08:23 * elapse has quit (Quit: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) May 05 07:09:06 <sonia> yeah, <s> is possibly the best idea, not modifying or refactoring original comment May 05 07:09:24 <sonia> for transparency's sake. May 05 07:10:55 <Anna_Frodesiak> Thank you. Just to let you know, I'm referring to the initial statement made by the nominator. May 05 07:11:09 * sonia nods May 05 07:11:12 * sonia is now known as sonia|dinner May 05 07:13:40 <LUUWDA> HEY! Who here drives a Bentley? May 05 07:13:52 <Anna_Frodesiak> What colour? May 05 07:13:52 <LUUWDA> To anyone familiar with it, is this ad real?: May 05 07:13:54 <Meepsheep> Me May 05 07:14:08 <LUUWDA> ##cars says it was. May 05 07:14:20 <Anna_Frodesiak> Am I getting towed???! May 05 07:14:24 <LUUWDA> So why doesn't [[Bentley]] have a ==Controversy== section that goes over this ad. May 05 07:14:32 <killiondude> Anna_Frodesiak: heh. May 05 07:14:48 * mikemoral has quit () May 05 07:15:16 <killiondude> LUUWDA: We only provide what third parties say and we also don't want "undue" weight in any specific section. May 05 07:15:33 <killiondude> So, in the scope of the entire Bentley history, do you think there should be a section devoted to this? May 05 07:15:38 <LUUWDA> And [[Snopes]] doesn't say a darn thing about it. May 05 07:15:40 <Meepsheep> I think so May 05 07:15:48 * Drule has quit (Quit: "This rivalry is among the greatest: the Yankees and Red Sox... Hekyll and Jekyll." - Walter Day) May 05 07:16:23 * LUUWDA still doesn't know if that ad was true or photoshopped. May 05 07:16:34 <killiondude> ah. May 05 07:16:36 <killiondude> Idk. May 05 07:16:48 <Meepsheep> I don't think it is photoshopped May 05 07:17:03 <LUUWDA> Meepsheep: There must be some article on WP that mentions it then. May 05 07:17:12 <Meepsheep> let me see May 05 07:17:13 <closedmouth> ignore meepsheep May 05 07:17:15 <LUUWDA> And would you back it up with a source removing all doubt? May 05 07:17:31 <Meepsheep> PM me May 05 07:18:34 <LUUWDA> no, post here. I don't want to see a shocksite. May 05 07:18:46 <Meepsheep> ??? May 05 07:19:16 <closedmouth> why would he need to PM you? May 05 07:19:25 <Meepsheep> so we can discuss this May 05 07:19:54 <killiondude> sounds legit guys May 05 07:20:10 <LUUWDA> to trick me? May 05 07:21:23 * ninjapancake (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Pschemp) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:22:15 * Drule ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:23:42 * Andrevan has quit () May 05 07:23:56 * Hedgehog456 (~Hedgehog4@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:26:09 * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:32:16 <Meepsheep> We have resolved the bentley issue May 05 07:32:43 <killiondude> amicably? May 05 07:32:51 <killiondude> what was the body count May 05 07:33:45 <Meepsheep> 0 May 05 07:34:18 <closedmouth> n May 05 07:35:10 * Porchcrop (~Porchcrop@wikipedia/Porchcrop) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:37:41 <Meepsheep> so, what else is happening on the glorious wikipedia? May 05 07:39:51 <killiondude> May 05 07:39:51 <TBloemink> not much I think May 05 07:39:52 <Meepsheep> this edit looks suspicious (diff | hist) . . Bobby Rondinelli; 06:37 . . (+3) . . (talk) May 05 07:39:52 <killiondude> tell me more May 05 07:39:52 <Meepsheep> well, it's an IP edit May 05 07:39:52 <Meepsheep> everyone knows IP's are always up to no good May 05 07:39:52 <closedmouth> that's true May 05 07:40:00 <killiondude> yes, i know May 05 07:40:00 <Meepsheep> look, another one! (diff | hist) . . PB&J Otter; 06:39 . . (+242) . . (talk) May 05 07:40:27 <closedmouth> you should report this to the wikimedia foundation May 05 07:40:36 <Meepsheep> and I will May 05 07:40:36 <killiondude> at the very least to the local authorities May 05 07:40:36 <closedmouth> IPs are making edits? May 05 07:40:42 <Meepsheep> but I must first read the article May 05 07:40:46 <closedmouth> outrageous May 05 07:40:48 <Meepsheep> because I think I remember this show May 05 07:41:22 <killiondude> If you are 15 that is likely. May 05 07:41:57 <Meepsheep> no, i just recognized the title May 05 07:43:02 <Meepsheep> yeah, so does the purple one count as a furry? May 05 07:43:50 * ScottSteiner has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 07:43:56 <closedmouth> it has fur May 05 07:44:00 * ScottSteiner ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:44:01 * ScottSteiner has quit (Changing host) May 05 07:44:01 * ScottSteiner (steiner@wikipedia/ScottSteiner) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:44:08 <Meepsheep> but do you get an exception for it? May 05 07:44:16 <Meepsheep> like crystal? May 05 07:44:17 * LUUWDA has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 07:44:47 <closedmouth> the hell are you talking about May 05 07:44:58 * Leonard^Bloom_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:45:21 * Kafkaesque has quit (Disconnected by services) May 05 07:45:26 <Meepsheep> starfox May 05 07:45:27 * Leonard^Bloom_ is now known as Kafkaesque May 05 07:45:30 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:45:40 * Kafkaesque has quit (Changing host) May 05 07:45:41 * Kafkaesque (~Justin@wikipedia/LeonardBloom) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:45:58 * closedmouth has quit (Quit: brb) May 05 07:47:56 * sonia|dinner is now known as sonia May 05 07:48:19 <Meepsheep> wait May 05 07:48:29 <Meepsheep> why is wikipedia using wikia as a source? May 05 07:48:44 <Ironholds> it is?! May 05 07:48:51 <Meepsheep> yep May 05 07:48:56 <sonia> ... May 05 07:49:07 <Meepsheep> this is like the blind leading the blind May 05 07:49:14 <Ironholds> that's the second stupidest thing I've seen today May 05 07:49:21 * Leonard^Bloom_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:49:42 <sonia> Ironholds: the first being? May 05 07:50:44 <Ironholds> how much I'd have to pay to get a hooker willing to look at me and not scream May 05 07:50:54 * Keegan has quit (Quit: Easy, tiger.) May 05 07:51:59 <Meepsheep> Why? Do you look like this May 05 07:52:16 * Kafkaesque has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 07:52:33 <Ironholds> actually, Jimbo gets massive amounts of pussy thrown his way May 05 07:52:37 * Hedgehog456 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 07:53:15 <Meepsheep> and then he leaves them via TOW May 05 07:53:26 <Ironholds> but no - imagine an unholy combination of Che Guevara, Duane Dibbley and an active warzone, with none of the associated gentility and pleasantness May 05 07:53:57 <Meepsheep> so you look like this May 05 07:55:16 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 07:55:54 <sonia> Ironholds: you look fine, shut up kthx May 05 07:56:39 <Meepsheep> you don't know what he looks like May 05 07:56:39 <Ironholds> Meepsheep: bigger nose and more hair May 05 07:57:01 <Meepsheep> ok May 05 07:57:11 <Meepsheep> so now we know what he looks like May 05 07:57:18 * Irish_Eddy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 07:58:02 <killiondude> the more you know May 05 07:58:11 <sonia> Meepsheep: I do, as a matter of fact May 05 07:59:10 <Meepsheep> Ironholds, with that description I must ask, are you among the wikipedia stoners? May 05 07:59:48 * closedmouth has quit (Client Quit) May 05 07:59:58 <Ironholds> Meepsheep: the wikipedia stoners? May 05 08:00:08 * Irish_Eddy ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:00:10 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:00:22 <Meepsheep> stoners that have nothing better to do than edit wikipedia and get high May 05 08:00:29 <Ironholds> I have only ever edited under the influence of sexy women May 05 08:00:36 <Ironholds> and never under the influence of drugs May 05 08:00:47 <Ironholds> (and no - I'm just finishing off my law degree. In like, 3 hours, actually) May 05 08:01:07 <Meepsheep> So you have never used illegal drugs? May 05 08:01:25 <Meepsheep> And you are not in the ranks of HighInBC and Bongwarrior? May 05 08:01:32 <Ironholds> I have used prescription medication, which is technically illegal in some circumstances May 05 08:01:34 <Ironholds> but that's it May 05 08:02:06 <Meepsheep> So you have abused prescription medication? May 05 08:02:15 <Ironholds> I never abused it! May 05 08:02:21 <Ironholds> look at the way it was dressed! It was asking for it. May 05 08:02:22 * closedmouth has quit (Client Quit) May 05 08:02:35 <killiondude> sbm May 05 08:02:44 <Ironholds> sbm? May 05 08:03:23 <killiondude> May 05 08:03:45 <killiondude> TheMoreYouKnow™ May 05 08:03:53 <Ironholds> oh god, you're on urban dictionary? May 05 08:03:54 <Ironholds> sadact May 05 08:03:57 <Meepsheep> so wikipedia users make vanity entries on UD May 05 08:04:25 <killiondude> so irc users postulate random absurdities May 05 08:04:31 * closedmouth ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:04:32 * closedmouth has quit (Changing host) May 05 08:04:33 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:04:43 <killiondude> #shocking May 05 08:05:05 <Meepsheep> I'm just saying May 05 08:05:13 <killiondude> and I wasn't? May 05 08:05:15 <Meepsheep> that is in fact a vanity entry May 05 08:05:18 <killiondude> How existential. May 05 08:05:23 <Meepsheep> which is discouraged on TOW May 05 08:05:31 <Meepsheep> but of course that is UD May 05 08:05:37 <Meepsheep> which also discourages those May 05 08:05:48 <Ironholds> OMG, TLA May 05 08:06:05 * Bejinhan (~Bejinhan@wikipedia/Bejinhan) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 08:06:15 <killiondude> IKR May 05 08:07:39 * p858snake|l has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 08:07:59 <Meepsheep> btw Ironholds, is it okay if I quote you? May 05 08:08:05 * p858snake|l (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:08:10 <Ironholds> where and in what context? May 05 08:08:19 <Meepsheep> here May 05 08:08:52 <Ironholds> naw, I'm good May 05 08:08:57 <Ironholds> I really don't need him to hate me right now May 05 08:09:05 <Meepsheep> Jimbo? May 05 08:09:11 <killiondude> we are on a three strike system with Meepsheep in #wikipedia-en now May 05 08:09:13 <killiondude> that was strike one May 05 08:09:18 * Irish_Eddy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 08:09:23 <Ironholds> killiondude: three strikes? really? May 05 08:09:27 <Meepsheep> why did I get a strike? May 05 08:09:29 <killiondude> well, May 05 08:09:30 <Ironholds> he's just quoted me without permission May 05 08:09:32 <killiondude> I was going to clarify May 05 08:09:41 <killiondude> the next strike can count as 2 AND 3 May 05 08:09:46 <Ironholds> works for me May 05 08:09:58 <Meepsheep> but why was that last one a strike? May 05 08:10:08 <Ironholds> Meepsheep: because I applied for a job at the WMF and even though his role is merely titular (emphasis on "tit") I could do with not pissing everyone off May 05 08:10:13 <killiondude> You posted a log publicly before asking permission. May 05 08:10:17 <Meepsheep> and why am i on this system in the first place? May 05 08:10:29 * closedmouth has quit (Quit: brb) May 05 08:11:06 <Ironholds> Meepsheep: good question May 05 08:11:20 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:11:23 <Meepsheep> killiondude, why am i on a three strike system? May 05 08:11:41 <killiondude> I was waiting for an Ironholds answer. May 05 08:11:44 <killiondude> Is one not forthcoming? May 05 08:12:25 <Ironholds> killiondude: about what? May 05 08:12:33 <Ironholds> oh, you want me to rip him a new one? May 05 08:12:55 <killiondude> well I thought that's where you were heading! May 05 08:12:59 <killiondude> But you seem to be in a good mood. May 05 08:13:00 <Ironholds> oh, sure May 05 08:13:01 <Ironholds> hang on May 05 08:13:05 * Ironholds scratches head, thinks a bit May 05 08:13:11 * PainDolor1 (~Administr@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:13:25 <Meepsheep> so this is all because i published that quote? May 05 08:14:29 <Ironholds> okay, Meepsheep, you're on this system because *ahem* "you're a lifeless, soulless, dickless, witless, spineless individual who makes up for his own lack of social life or integrity by treating the ridicule of others as the first port of call in correspondence, thereby ensuring that you remain a corpulent unwanted cancer on the scrotum of humanity" May 05 08:14:43 <Ironholds> killiondude, good enough? I'm not really with it today - I've spent the last 48 hours happy. May 05 08:14:49 <Ironholds> I think it's just jetlag and sleep deprivation May 05 08:15:30 <killiondude> Oh, did you just get back? May 05 08:15:36 <Meepsheep> can i have permission to publish that quote? May 05 08:15:37 <killiondude> How long did you stay in the US? O_O May 05 08:16:12 <Ironholds> killiondude: two weeks May 05 08:16:23 <killiondude> that's a considerable amount of time May 05 08:16:28 <Ironholds> I then went from westchester to JFK to London to Northampton in one burst May 05 08:16:34 <Ironholds> which took about 30 hours May 05 08:16:43 <Ironholds> and so my sleep cycle is knackered May 05 08:17:02 <Meepsheep> Ironholds, you didn't answer my question May 05 08:17:15 <LauraHale> Ironholds: Feel your pain. May 05 08:17:20 * LauraHale huggles Ironholds May 05 08:17:30 <Meepsheep> I need a huggle May 05 08:17:36 * ninjapancake has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 05 08:17:45 * sonia huggles LauraHale huggling Ironholds May 05 08:17:46 * Kingpin13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:17:55 <killiondude> if you need a huggle you don't really need one May 05 08:18:14 <killiondude> it's like attention May 05 08:19:13 <Meepsheep> but isn't attention necessary for a healthy life? May 05 08:19:26 * PainDolor1 (~Administr@ has left #wikipedia-en May 05 08:19:30 <Meepsheep> even the occasional unneeded attention? May 05 08:19:31 <sonia> aye, but those who seek it most are those who have enough May 05 08:19:35 <Ironholds> and yet you spend all your time getting attention for a clearly unhealthy life. curious. May 05 08:19:38 <Ironholds> sonia: eh, depends May 05 08:19:50 <sonia> Ironholds: huge generalization, obv May 05 08:19:58 * Gigs- has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 08:19:59 <sonia> based on the likes of people like my sister May 05 08:20:08 <Ironholds> I'm sure your sister is lovely May 05 08:20:15 <Meepsheep> She hot? May 05 08:20:16 <sonia> she's gorgeous May 05 08:20:25 <sonia> and very articulate May 05 08:20:28 <sonia> which is the problem :p May 05 08:20:39 <Meepsheep> But is she hot? May 05 08:21:22 <Ironholds> Meepsheep: if she is, she'd never be interested in you May 05 08:21:33 <Meepsheep> most likely not May 05 08:21:43 * MRB[away] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 08:21:44 * Irish_Eddy ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:21:58 <Meepsheep> but I am simply trying to inquire if she is immensely physically attractive = May 05 08:22:08 <Meepsheep> disregard that "=" May 05 08:22:19 <killiondude> done May 05 08:22:30 <Meepsheep> done with what? May 05 08:22:34 <Ironholds> I hate the ICC May 05 08:22:37 <closedmouth> your mother May 05 08:22:40 <killiondude> I disregarded it. May 05 08:22:41 <Ironholds> why do they have to be so useless May 05 08:23:00 * Gigs- (~Gigs@pdpc/supporter/28for7/gigs) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:23:15 <sonia> well, I'm her sister; if I found her irresistibly sexy there might be a slight problem May 05 08:23:21 <sonia> especially since she's straight May 05 08:23:33 <Meepsheep> sonia, but would I find her attractive? May 05 08:23:43 <Herodotus> We've been asking that of closedmouth for a while. Both the hot question and the useless one. May 05 08:23:58 <Ironholds> Meepsheep: different strokes for different folks. Sonia can't exactly define someone via your beliefs. May 05 08:24:17 <sonia> you probably hook up with toothless hookers, Meepsheep, so I don't think she's your type May 05 08:24:20 <closedmouth> May 05 08:24:39 <Ironholds> sonia: that's mean! May 05 08:24:42 <Ironholds> hookers have standards too May 05 08:24:48 <Meepsheep> sonia, if that is true, then I would find her very attractive May 05 08:24:54 <Meepsheep> compared to hookers May 05 08:25:08 <Ironholds> oh NEAT! May 05 08:25:10 <Ironholds> :D May 05 08:25:13 <Ironholds> look at today's FA May 05 08:25:25 <sonia> heh May 05 08:25:40 <Ironholds> I wrote that in 4 days, got it to GA before it hit DYK May 05 08:25:49 <Meepsheep> well, meepsheep signing off May 05 08:25:49 <Ironholds> and then FA 5 days later May 05 08:25:51 * Meepsheep has quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 05 08:26:08 <Ironholds> start-drafting-to-FA-class in 17 days ent bad May 05 08:26:16 <killiondude> May 05 08:26:18 <killiondude> May 05 08:26:21 <killiondude> I hate my settings. May 05 08:27:02 * LauraHale huggles sonia May 05 08:27:49 * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:28:02 * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] May 05 08:30:55 <sonia> :) May 05 08:31:26 <Ironholds> everyone gets huggles but me May 05 08:31:29 * Ironholds pulls out his harmonica May 05 08:32:33 <LauraHale> mIRC, unlike chatzilla, doesn't put all references to me handily where I can find them. May 05 08:32:37 * sonia snorgles the Ironholds May 05 08:33:27 * gde33|2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:33:40 * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:34:15 <Ironholds> what is a snorgle? May 05 08:34:26 * gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 259 seconds) May 05 08:34:33 <killiondude> a pokemon May 05 08:35:57 * closedmouth has quit (Quit: brb) May 05 08:36:09 <sonia> Ironholds: it's a mildly aggressive snuggle May 05 08:36:16 <Ironholds> why aggressive? May 05 08:36:20 * gde33 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:36:23 <Ironholds> what have I ever done to you but give you legal advice? :( May 05 08:36:53 <sonia> because you seemed like the kind of person to appreciate slightly violent snuggling May 05 08:38:32 <Ironholds>'ve been talking to my ex, haven't you? ;p May 05 08:39:16 * sonia neither confirms nor denies this. May 05 08:39:34 * gde33|2 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 08:40:00 <Ironholds> well, if you have, tell her she's a bitch and I hope she gets cat AIDS May 05 08:41:16 <Ironholds> and if you have not, avoid her May 05 08:41:24 <Ironholds> she's a despicable human being, and that's ME saying that May 05 08:43:10 * QuinnBee ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:43:10 * QuinnBee has quit (Client Quit) May 05 08:43:31 * sonia backs away slowly. May 05 08:44:18 * gde33 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 08:45:41 <Ironholds> sonia: what? May 05 08:46:37 <Ironholds> sonia: we dated for five years, from the age of 15. High-school sweethearts, as it were. Then I found out she'd spent those five years cheating on me, lying to me, being jealous of my female friends without ever telling me anything, the whole kit and kaboodle. And I was the one left fucked up. I think I'm fairly justified to wish harm upon her. May 05 08:46:47 <sonia> May 05 08:47:38 <Ironholds> and when I say "lying to me" May 05 08:47:58 <Ironholds> I mean "when things went bad, she assured me that we'd try our best to fix stuff, then spent 5 months planning how to dump me without saying a word" May 05 08:48:25 <Ironholds> it finally came to a head when we were out on a date one day and I went "things are getting better, right?" and she turned to me and went "yup. You know I'm still dumping you, right?" May 05 08:48:29 <sonia> that... really sucks. May 05 08:48:44 <Ironholds> tiny bit May 05 08:48:59 <Ironholds> suprisingly enough, the list of people I trust in the world numbers 3 May 05 08:49:12 <Ironholds> and the list of people I respect, 7. She kinda screwed me over. May 05 08:51:33 * Irish_Eddy_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 08:52:01 <Ironholds> but hey, water under the bridge May 05 08:52:07 * Irish_Eddy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 08:54:13 * Hydriz (~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:01:04 * Ironholds has quit (Quit: university!) May 05 09:02:27 * Hydriz has quit (Excess Flood) May 05 09:02:36 * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:03:44 * Hydriz (~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:06:00 * PM|AFK (Pmlinedite@wikimedia/pmlineditor) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:09:05 * Irish_Eddy_ has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 09:12:28 * Bidgee1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:12:48 * mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:12:53 * Bidgee has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 09:13:12 * Quentinv57 (~Quentin@wikimedia/Quentinv57) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:13:51 * Bidgee1 is now known as Bidgee May 05 09:13:55 * Bidgee has quit (Changing host) May 05 09:13:55 * Bidgee (~bidgee-wi@wikimedia-commons/bidgee) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:16:09 * Sir48 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:16:09 * Sir48 has quit (Changing host) May 05 09:16:09 * Sir48 (~Thyge@wikipedia/Sir48) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:16:11 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 09:29:57 * killiondude has quit (Quit: goo dday) May 05 09:30:58 * TBloemink has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 09:43:41 * LauraHale is now known as Laura|Away May 05 09:45:48 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:47:07 * mabdul is now known as mabdul|afk May 05 09:47:30 * mabdul|afk is now known as mabdul May 05 09:52:04 * gde33 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 09:56:44 * mrmist is now known as to May 05 09:56:50 * to is now known as mrmist May 05 10:02:47 * mabdul is now known as mabdul|afk May 05 10:10:18 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 10:11:57 * dungodung|sleep is now known as dungodung May 05 10:15:22 * mabdul|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 10:18:36 <Pesky> Good grief! All this activity in …… silence ……. lol! May 05 10:19:22 * SonicAD ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 10:20:24 * sonia hugs Pesky. May 05 10:20:59 * Pesky does manic wolfly greeting, furry paws around neck, face-wash, waggy tail, etc. May 05 10:21:20 <sonia> yaay :) May 05 10:21:33 * Pesky is possibly most overtly-friendly wold in all of creation May 05 10:21:39 <Pesky> wolf May 05 10:21:50 * SonicAD_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 10:22:02 * Pesky is also su[pposed to be working on de-clutting mother's kitchen …… May 05 10:22:08 <Pesky> cluttERing May 05 10:22:19 <sonia> Pesky: saw a young woman walking a dog down the road today, looks a lot like a miniature wolf, do you know what breed that might be? May 05 10:22:35 <Pesky> Most likely something like a malamute cross-bred May 05 10:22:54 <Pesky> I wanted to cross my GSD-type bitch with a malamute or husky, to get pseudo-wolves May 05 10:23:04 <Pesky> … but she had to be spayed May 05 10:23:55 <Pesky> Sonia: May 05 10:23:58 <Theo10011> I imagine Huskys are a handful. May 05 10:24:06 <sonia> awwwwwww May 05 10:24:08 * sonia wants one May 05 10:24:18 * sonia is sadly allergic May 05 10:24:50 <Pesky> Sonia: you can get desensitised - apparently works pretty well May 05 10:25:11 <Pesky> Theo10011: Huskies are OK, but they have to have some real /work/ to do; and their recall is not the best! May 05 10:25:47 <Pesky> A real working Husky is tremendously loyal, but you really do have to be a strong pack-leader or you lose their respect May 05 10:26:11 * Pesky has to go back to clearing kitchen now …. back in a bit May 05 10:26:15 <sonia> :) May 05 10:26:36 * IShadowed_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 10:36:21 * CKtravel ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 10:40:52 * Chris_G (~chris@wikipedia/Chris-G) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 10:45:30 * MindstormsKid has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 05 10:51:20 * Porchcrop has quit () May 05 10:59:22 * Courcelles has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 11:00:38 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 05 11:00:57 * Brian_S has quit (Quit: sleep) May 05 11:01:21 * Cassie ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:01:21 * Cassie has quit (Changing host) May 05 11:01:21 * Cassie (~dan@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:04:15 * HuckFinn ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:05:24 * fahadsadah has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 11:05:55 * AFK has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 11:05:59 * Neo has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 11:07:49 * mabdul|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:08:01 * fahadsadah (fahad@unaffiliated/fahadsadah) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:08:38 * Neo (~Neo@unaffiliated/alpsinc) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:13:48 * AFK- (geekbounce@2a02:40:40:79:c0ff::ee) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:14:09 * MuZemike has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 11:14:27 <sonia> anyone have access to back-copies of the Guardian, from c. 1995? May 05 11:15:36 * SuchALife (715ba631@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:15:49 <SuchALife> hello May 05 11:16:43 * SuchALife has quit (Client Quit) May 05 11:18:35 * Fenix2 (~juboxor@wikipedia/Juxo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:19:01 * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:28:38 * Od1n ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:33:31 * sonia has quit (Quit: goodnight.) May 05 11:34:56 * HuckFinn has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 11:37:53 * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:38:32 * Quentinv57 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 11:38:47 <Qcoder00> Is it possible to get a list of page that use {{Non-free use rationale}} directly? May 05 11:39:07 <Qcoder00> The what links here for the template seems to include pages using various higher level fur May 05 11:39:15 <Qcoder00> as well as the direct entires May 05 11:47:43 * Quentinv57 (~Quentin@wikimedia/Quentinv57) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:49:09 * mys_721tx has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 11:51:31 * mys_721tx (~mys_721tx@wikipedia/mys-721tx) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:52:07 * Delta has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 05 11:52:16 * Mike5 (Mike5@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:53:32 * DarkoNeko (~darkoneko@wikipedia/darkoneko) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:54:20 * Snowolf_ (~Snowolf@wikimedia/Snowolf) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:55:20 * Logan_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 11:56:13 * Snowolf has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 11:56:32 * Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 11:57:38 * Tanvir (~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:00:47 * dungodung is now known as dungodung|away May 05 12:04:40 * Hydriz has quit (Quit: Hydriz) May 05 12:06:23 <Pesky> Qcoder00: I reckon everyone's either asleep of doesn't know the answer - I fall into the latter category :o) May 05 12:06:32 <Pesky> or May 05 12:06:48 <Qcoder00> Good Morning May 05 12:06:58 * Qcoder00 curtsies May 05 12:07:00 <Qcoder00> ;) May 05 12:07:02 <Pesky> �Just turned noon here May 05 12:07:26 <Qcoder00> So it did May 05 12:07:28 <Qcoder00> Sorry May 05 12:07:30 <Qcoder00> :( May 05 12:07:41 <Pesky> No probs - still feels like morning, anyway May 05 12:08:27 <Pesky> I have to try and rescue a baby tree … the water doesn;t deem to be getting into the root ball. Poor tree! May 05 12:09:13 <Pesky> So I shall plunge a fork into the root ball …… May 05 12:09:26 <Pesky> … and leave it slow-soaking for a while May 05 12:10:19 * IceCas ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:10:28 * FAdmArcher (~StarFleet@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:13:43 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:17:55 * methecooldude ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:17:56 * methecooldude has quit (Changing host) May 05 12:17:56 * methecooldude (~methecool@wikipedia/methecooldude) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:18:43 * Fenix2 has quit (Quit: freenode) May 05 12:19:08 * [devil] is now known as Barras May 05 12:19:19 * mabdul|afk has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 12:21:02 * MuZemike has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 05 12:24:51 * Withoutaname has quit (Quit: QUICK! Look up! You'll see the word gullible.) May 05 12:30:40 * mabdul|afk ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:30:45 * Logan_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 12:31:15 * Mitchazenia has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 12:32:23 * Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:35:54 * IceCas has quit (Quit: Handle Me by Robyn) May 05 12:36:46 * Mitchazenia ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:43:00 <Anna_Frodesiak> can an AfD nominator make multiple comments (i don't mean responses to comments) among the keep/delete rows? May 05 12:44:22 * Tatsujin has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 12:45:12 * Tatsujin ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:54:22 * mabdul|afk is now known as mabdul May 05 12:54:36 <mabdul> jea, you can May 05 12:58:43 * Glass_Soul (~pocketirc@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:59:02 * SpitfireWP_ (~Spitfire@wikipedia/spitfire) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 12:59:20 * KP13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:01:18 * Theo10011 has quit (Quit: ~~~~) May 05 13:01:19 * SpitfireWP has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 13:02:47 * Kingpin13 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 05 13:03:09 * KP13 has quit (Client Quit) May 05 13:07:25 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to FAdmArcher May 05 13:07:32 * FAdmArcher sets ban on *!*@ May 05 13:07:32 * FAdmArcher removes channel operator status from FAdmArcher May 05 13:07:39 * Glass_Soul is now known as Glass_Arm May 05 13:10:35 * Laura|Away has quit (Quit: wiki wiki wiki wack!) May 05 13:14:22 * [DQ|Sleep] is now known as [DQ|school] May 05 13:14:34 * Glass_Arm is now known as Glass_Heart May 05 13:15:33 * FAdmArcher is now known as FAdmArcher|away May 05 13:16:33 * Glass_Heart has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 13:16:43 * BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:19:40 * BarkingFish has quit (Client Quit) May 05 13:19:56 * BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:23:19 * SpitfireWP_ is now known as SpitfireWP May 05 13:23:48 * Logan_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 13:37:26 * FAdmArcher|away has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110303194838]) May 05 13:40:54 * Avruch has quit (Quit: Leaving) May 05 13:41:41 * Grzechooo ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:42:42 * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:43:48 * Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:44:16 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 05 13:45:08 * RR ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:45:23 * ErrantX ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:45:28 * RR is now known as Guest59462 May 05 13:46:36 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:49:18 * Herodotus has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 13:50:28 * Od1n has quit (Quit: I like my women how I like my whiskey, 12 years old and mixed up with coke) May 05 13:51:53 * SirShill (54374391@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 13:54:22 * BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted) May 05 13:57:17 <SirShill> Hello. I need to ask advice on another editor. I'm feeling harassed by him. It seems to me that this editor is following my edits, just to mark anything I've done with afd. This editor is convinced I am someone else, he vents it to me and on discussion pages. I've also noted that he accuses other users of being the same person. What can I do? May 05 13:58:20 <Qcoder00> Tell them to calm down? May 05 13:58:32 <Qcoder00> But I'm assuming you've already tried that May 05 13:58:39 <SirShill> I did that in Feb. He keeps coming back like a boomerang :) May 05 14:02:55 <SirShill> Can I ask someone to checkuser me? Would that help maybe? It's getting very annoying. I mainly hang around design subjects where I can help, but if everything I do is reverted just because it's me doing it then it seems pointless to put the effort in. May 05 14:03:53 <Qcoder00> You can request a checkuser to prove you are not the user they claim you are . May 05 14:04:27 <SirShill> Great. I thought only admins could do that. May 05 14:05:58 <SirShill> Thanks Qcoder00 May 05 14:06:28 * SirShill has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 14:06:36 <Qcoder00> Well you have to request an admin to make the request on your behalf but.... May 05 14:06:58 * Irish_Eddy ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:07:14 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:08:14 * albel727 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 14:08:42 <closedmouth> uh, no, you can't do that May 05 14:08:50 * Ironholds (s@wikipedia/Ironholds) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:08:51 <closedmouth> we don't use checkuser to prove innocence May 05 14:11:14 * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:13:17 <Qcoder00> Oh :( May 05 14:13:20 <Qcoder00> Sorry May 05 14:13:35 <Ironholds> Qcoder00: mainly because it's...improbable. May 05 14:14:01 <Qcoder00> SirShill: Perhaps you should encourage the person that keeps reverting you to explain why? May 05 14:14:10 <Ironholds> think of checkuser as rolling a set of dice. You can put probabiity on certain results, but you can't ever rule *out* any May 05 14:14:23 <Irish_Eddy> goed, ik ga weer onderduiken op #cvn-wp-en en #wikipedia-en May 05 14:15:32 <Qcoder00> Irish_Eddy: So , how goes the day> May 05 14:15:33 <Qcoder00> ? May 05 14:15:59 <Irish_Eddy> nat too bad May 05 14:17:19 * Hedgehog456 (~Hedgehog4@wikipedia/Hedgy456) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:22:29 <Qcoder00> Where in the Republic are you? May 05 14:22:50 <Qcoder00> Because I was wondering if anyone had taken pictures of peat working railways... May 05 14:22:52 <Qcoder00> ? May 05 14:23:38 * MRB[away] has quit (Quit: Going out of internet range.) May 05 14:23:41 <Anna_Frodesiak> mabdul: thanks May 05 14:25:35 * Pesky wakes from snooze ... May 05 14:25:50 <Pesky> … thinks: should be mowing the lawn! May 05 14:26:07 <mabdul> you're welcome May 05 14:26:32 * z33k (~the@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:26:32 * z33k has quit (Changing host) May 05 14:26:32 * z33k (~the@wikipedia/z33k) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:30:26 * Pesky hugs Hedgehog456 May 05 14:30:36 <Hedgehog456> Hi May 05 14:30:42 * Hedgehog456 huggles Pesky tightly May 05 14:30:56 * Delta (~Delta@unaffiliated/betacommand) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:31:19 <Theo10011> Good luck OlEnglish, I have no idea what she wants. May 05 14:31:41 <OlEnglish> i'm trying.. May 05 14:31:42 <Irish_Eddy> County Clare May 05 14:32:33 <Irish_Eddy> loads of peat around here, but no trains. May 05 14:33:19 <Irish_Eddy> But I do have a picture of peat eroding away by the see! May 05 14:33:50 <Pesky> Irish_Eddy: you must get some really good peat-bog / wetland plants out there May 05 14:36:07 * albel727 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 14:36:09 <Irish_Eddy> nothing to complain indeed :-) May 05 14:38:58 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:38:58 * Gfoley4 has quit (Changing host) May 05 14:38:58 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:39:41 * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:41:40 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 14:43:38 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:47:41 * albel727 has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 14:48:05 * Chris_G has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 14:52:23 * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:54:28 * The_Thing has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )) May 05 14:57:08 * [RO][IS][RDS]dag (dag@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 14:57:31 * [RO][IS][RDS]dag slaps [RO][IS][RDS]dag around a bit with a large trout May 05 14:58:14 * [RO][IS][RDS]dag (dag@ has left #wikipedia-en May 05 14:58:17 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 15:00:00 * Fenix2 (~juboxor@wikipedia/Juxo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:00:15 * Delta has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 05 15:00:28 * matthewrbowker (cf6da326@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:01:41 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.) May 05 15:03:10 <Fenix2> May 05 15:04:11 * Garnig has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 15:04:18 * foks has quit (Quit: %B*.banana%B *.split) May 05 15:04:41 * Garnig (betacomman@unaffiliated/garnig) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:06:22 * Falcorian has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 15:09:10 * matthewrbowker hears crickets. May 05 15:10:00 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:10:52 * p858snake|l has quit (Quit: User has quit this network.) May 05 15:11:08 * Olivier_Bommel (~Teddybeer@wikipedia/olivier-bommel) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:11:14 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:11:45 * Theo10011_ (~Theo10011@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:11:54 * Hydriz (~Hydriz@wikimedia/Hydriz) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:11:55 <Fenix2> *tshirp tshirp tshirp* May 05 15:13:46 * Olivier_Bommel (~Teddybeer@wikipedia/olivier-bommel) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 15:14:33 * closedmouth literally hears crickets May 05 15:14:49 <closedmouth> they're very annoying May 05 15:14:59 * thegoodcushion has quit (Quit: Have a great day everyone! :D) May 05 15:15:23 <Fenix2> *tshirp tshirp tshirp* May 05 15:17:11 <Fenix2> Kerry live. Impressive speech. watch. nao. May 05 15:17:47 <Fenix2> Kerry is chairman ? how wai? May 05 15:18:07 <Theo10011> Kerry who? May 05 15:18:12 <Fenix2> John Kerry May 05 15:18:16 <Fenix2> Sen. John Kerry May 05 15:18:22 <Fenix2> anyways.. it ended already May 05 15:18:44 <Fenix2> Theo10011: The democratic runner in the 2004 elections May 05 15:18:52 <Theo10011> meh May 05 15:19:03 <closedmouth> the flip-flopper May 05 15:19:09 <Theo10011> He hasn't given an impressive speech...........ever. May 05 15:19:26 <Fenix2> Back in 2004 I said in #wikipedia that "Clinton 2008" and look it happened May 05 15:20:01 <closedmouth> it sure did May 05 15:20:39 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:20:39 * Gfoley4 has quit (Changing host) May 05 15:20:39 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:20:54 <Fenix2> now I say in 2014 Obama has 2 years to implement his changes/improvements with the majority of both houses in Democrat control mmm May 05 15:20:58 * Herodotus (alliterate@unaffiliated/recognizance) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:21:02 <Fenix2> Obama wins 2012 May 05 15:21:08 <Fenix2> Democrats win 2014 May 05 15:21:20 <Fenix2> == two years to do his thing May 05 15:21:43 <Fenix2> Obama wins is certain May 05 15:22:03 <Ironholds> Fenix2, we don't care what you think May 05 15:22:07 <Fenix2> Democrats winning in the mid-seasonals not so certain May 05 15:22:30 <Fenix2> Ironholds: what do you think about them americans kill Osama dead ? May 05 15:22:45 <closedmouth> they sure did May 05 15:22:48 * pakaran (~pakaran@wikipedia/pakaran) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:22:52 <pakaran> !oversight May 05 15:22:58 <Ironholds> Fenix2: I think engaging with you is a waste of time May 05 15:23:12 <Fenix2> Does it invoke anything in your hollow, fragile being ? May 05 15:23:35 * albel727 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium May 05 15:23:43 <Theo10011_> hehe May 05 15:23:51 <Fenix2> I mean you're not invulnerable but you usually over cynicize all and every thing Ironholds but inside there's a real human heart May 05 15:24:45 * Theo10011 has quit (Disconnected by services) May 05 15:24:51 <Ironholds> Fenix2: I'm perfectly aware of my personality May 05 15:25:06 * Theo10011_ is now known as Theo10011 May 05 15:25:38 * Theo10011 has quit (Changing host) May 05 15:25:38 * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:25:41 <Ironholds> and no - it involves the fact that you're a drugged-up, mentally unstable soapboxer with poor english-language skills, the common sense of a lemming and all the charisma and sound judgment of a sackful of aborted monkey foetuses. May 05 15:25:58 <Fenix2> hehehe P-; May 05 15:25:58 <Ironholds> who constantly, endlessly talks, regardless of how often he's told to shut up. May 05 15:26:29 <Ironholds> and that's why I'm not engaging with you. Because the day I find you to be a human being worth paying attention to is the day I shove a gun in my mouth and spray a cobain rainbow over the nearest hard surface. May 05 15:26:41 <Hedgehog456> harsh. May 05 15:26:49 <Hedgehog456> very harsh. May 05 15:27:11 <Hedgehog456> in fact, so harsh that... May 05 15:27:20 * Hedgehog456 removes brand new trout from case May 05 15:27:24 * Hedgehog456 eats it May 05 15:27:24 <Herodotus> The re-use of grave plots in Germany is very common. You or your family rent the plot for a period of 20 to 25 years (the time period varies from state to state). When this time period is up, church or civil authorities approach your family or next of kin concerning a rental renewal. If you have no next of kin, they can’t be found or your relatives elect not to renew the rental, the May 05 15:27:24 <Herodotus> plot is reallocated and re-used. May 05 15:28:11 * Prodego (Prodego@wikipedia/Prodego) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:28:17 <topaz> that's why we need to go to composting. May 05 15:28:26 <Hedgehog456> hmm, why did that sound relevant? May 05 15:29:25 <Herodotus> topaz: Yes, apparently they were on the recycling bandwagon before it was cool. May 05 15:30:35 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:34:32 <Qcoder00> - Honestly May 05 15:34:52 <Qcoder00> Why is it some people get so annoyed when asked for sourcing? May 05 15:35:10 <Qcoder00> If it's a notable image, the sourcing should be easy to find for the uploader May 05 15:36:06 * matthewrbowker has quit (Quit: Darn Homework...) May 05 15:37:01 * Gfoley4 has quit (Quit: AFK.) May 05 15:37:34 <Fenix2> Ironholds: you're elitist, cynicicst and considered a depressant May 05 15:37:48 * Drule has quit (Quit: "This rivalry is among the greatest: the Yankees and Red Sox... Hekyll and Jekyll." - Walter Day) May 05 15:38:44 <Fenix2> I aim to educate when I edit the 'pedia, not confuse the reader May 05 15:39:01 <Fenix2> I'm proper and just and having an another G&T May 05 15:39:10 <MuZemike> Awww, but he had such great references... May 05 15:41:42 * Barras is now known as Barras[busy] May 05 15:43:39 * Drule ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:52:51 * PM|AFK is now known as [Pmlineditor] May 05 15:57:11 * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 15:58:35 * Fluff|sleep is now known as Fluffernutter May 05 16:00:20 * MuZemike has quit (Quit: It's a sad thing that your adventures have ended here!!) May 05 16:00:26 * Dragonfly6-7 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:00:33 * wctaiwan ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:04:28 * boulevardier has quit (Quit: boulevardier) May 05 16:05:25 * Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 16:05:45 * Haggerlicious (c6a81be0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:06:51 * CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 16:07:13 <Haggerlicious> He.llo May 05 16:08:23 <Hedgehog456> Bon.jour May 05 16:08:52 * fanboy22 (~opera@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:09:37 <Fenix2> hola May 05 16:11:45 * [DQ|school] is now known as DQ|in-out May 05 16:12:40 * Haggerlicious has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 16:12:57 * Qcoder00 has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox]) May 05 16:13:35 <Fluffernutter> probably best not to talk to people named Hagger[anything], guys May 05 16:14:02 * fanboy22 has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) May 05 16:14:10 <Dragonfly6-7> ever May 05 16:14:14 <[Pmlineditor]> ./nick Pmhagger May 05 16:14:40 <[Pmlineditor]> Also, I hate getting pinged by random things :\ May 05 16:15:07 <Fluffernutter> maybe set your pinger to not ping you on random things? May 05 16:16:51 <closedmouth> that was derp May 05 16:16:59 <closedmouth> zalgo May 05 16:17:11 <Fluffernutter> might have been. might not have been. May 05 16:17:11 * Bidgee has quit () May 05 16:17:21 <closedmouth> no, it was May 05 16:17:43 <closedmouth> montreal IP May 05 16:18:22 * ScottSteiner has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 16:18:40 * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:18:57 * ScottSteiner (steiner@wikipedia/ScottSteiner) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:19:48 * nenolod has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 16:20:17 * werdan7 has quit (Ping timeout: 612 seconds) May 05 16:22:31 * OdaMari ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:24:03 * nenolod (~nenolod@atheme/member/ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:25:18 * Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 16:25:39 <Logan_> Ironholds: you there? May 05 16:25:45 <Ironholds> maybe May 05 16:25:54 <Logan_> I'm thinking of RFC/U'ing a sysop May 05 16:26:07 <Logan_> May 05 16:26:19 <Ironholds> why? May 05 16:26:32 <Logan_> He has deleted multiple articles under A7 when they made a claim of importance/significance, and, when people question him, he just says, "Take it to deletion review." May 05 16:26:54 <Ironholds> .. May 05 16:26:59 <Ironholds> okay, give me 20 minutes to get food May 05 16:27:07 <Ironholds> and then I will use my Epic Contacts to get the WMF to shout at him May 05 16:27:13 <Logan_> heh May 05 16:27:14 <Ironholds> okay? :p May 05 16:27:22 * closedmouth has quit (Quit: brb) May 05 16:27:29 <Dragonfly6-7> well, hm May 05 16:27:30 <Dragonfly6-7> which ones? May 05 16:27:33 <Dragonfly6-7> which articles? May 05 16:28:06 <Dragonfly6-7> that "Mob Fandango" thing is "not yet notable" May 05 16:28:09 <Fluffernutter> "I am uninterested in having discussions about CSD'd items. Take it to deletion review." May 05 16:28:14 <Fluffernutter> awesome May 05 16:28:21 * pakaran is now known as pak-away May 05 16:29:09 <Fluffernutter> what bug is up the admincorps's ass this week? May 05 16:29:28 <topaz> wow man. May 05 16:29:53 <Logan_> Dragonfly6-7: ... May 05 16:30:15 <Hedgehog456> Fluffernutter: a large, poisonous hornet May 05 16:30:51 <Logan_> Ironholds: yes, sure May 05 16:30:59 <Logan_> better than an RFC/U? May 05 16:31:29 <Fluffernutter> yes, by all means let's do this in an opaque manner rather than a transparent one. surely that's best practice. May 05 16:31:34 * Fluffernutter snorts May 05 16:31:45 <Logan_> oh, he responded to my decline May 05 16:31:51 <Logan_> "Thanks. - UtherSRG (talk) 15:26, 5 May 2011 (UTC)" May 05 16:31:54 <Logan_> how nice May 05 16:32:20 <Logan_> the exact attitude that I would expect from a sysop /s May 05 16:32:25 <Dragonfly6-7> when I delete an article and someone complains, I do try to explain to them May 05 16:32:37 <Logan_> Dragonfly6-7: that's good May 05 16:33:01 <Logan_> Fluffernutter: haha May 05 16:33:13 <Dragonfly6-7> sometimes the explanation is along the lines of "fuck you, I thought I blocked you for that garbage" May 05 16:33:21 <Dragonfly6-7> but I do try to explain. May 05 16:33:51 <Ironholds> all of you batten down May 05 16:33:54 * Logan_ sheds non-sysop tears May 05 16:33:55 <Ironholds> I'm going to the chinese takeaway May 05 16:33:59 <Ironholds> and then he shall be in trouble May 05 16:34:09 <Ironholds> actually, fuck it, I'll poke my Sekret Contactz now May 05 16:34:38 * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:34:40 <Logan_> that's the spirit :P May 05 16:35:35 <Fluffernutter> seriously, this can't just be handled in an open manner...why? May 05 16:35:40 * CKtravel ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:35:49 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: short sighted, you are May 05 16:35:53 <Ironholds> Logan_: much better May 05 16:36:06 <Fluffernutter> Ironholds: you know how i feel about your behind-the-scenes wrangling May 05 16:36:06 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: it will be handled in an open manner May 05 16:36:19 <Logan_> Ironholds: how so? May 05 16:36:26 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter; it's not behind the scenes. If the WMF person feels there is a problem, he will talk to them - in a personal, not professional, capacity. May 05 16:36:46 <Ironholds> Logan_: RFC/Us with no record of formal dispute resolution beforehand piss everyone off and quickly get shelved May 05 16:36:58 <Fluffernutter> Ironholds: and the reason we need to get thw WMF to swoop down about this, rather than just using regular dispute resolution? May 05 16:37:10 <Hedgehog456> ^ May 05 16:37:12 <Logan_> ^ May 05 16:37:14 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: again, it's not the WMF, it's a person who happens to work for them May 05 16:37:24 <Ironholds> and off the top of my head, "because regular dispute resolution is broken" May 05 16:37:25 <Hedgehog456> WMF is bad for you when not taken in moderation. May 05 16:37:30 * Snowolf_ has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 05 16:37:50 <Logan_> I opposed SarekOfVulcan's re-RfA :P May 05 16:37:54 <Fluffernutter> To the man with a hammer, everything looks like a nail. We don't need to bring the foundation in every time someone's an idiot, even if you do have them on speed dial. May 05 16:38:03 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: again, not the foundation May 05 16:38:12 <Ironholds> an admin in their personal capacity who happens to work for the foundation May 05 16:38:18 <Ironholds> and you're massively missing the point May 05 16:38:32 <Logan_> Ironholds: I'm surprised that you haven't opposed HJ Mitchell's :P May 05 16:38:43 <Ironholds> Logan_: based on off-wiki evidence? I'd get thumped in the face May 05 16:38:44 * nenolod has quit (Quit: leaving) May 05 16:38:47 <Logan_> I believe you said that you disliked him in the past May 05 16:38:52 <Ironholds> although I might post an awkward question May 05 16:38:52 <Hedgehog456> "Sekret Contactz" So much for fairness and transparency. May 05 16:38:59 <Fluffernutter> no, i'm really not. you're saying that DR doesn't work, so you're going to short-circuit it with the zomgspeshulperson, because hey, you can May 05 16:39:03 <Ironholds> Hedgehog456: I will poke him, he will do everything aboveboard May 05 16:39:10 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: I more meant the hammer, nail analogy May 05 16:39:17 <Logan_> the TenPoundHammer? May 05 16:39:34 <Ironholds> flipping off newbies and acting like a dick is, cumulatively, a nail-class problem May 05 16:39:41 <Ironholds> Logan_: no, I like HJ May 05 16:39:45 <Ironholds> I just don't trust him May 05 16:39:49 <Logan_> ah May 05 16:39:49 <Fluffernutter> Ironholds: you're claiming that you don't think you're using your foundation contacts way more than you need to, just because you have them? May 05 16:40:08 <Hedgehog456> Logan_: The TenPoundHammer drives the Nail into the WillyOnWheels :D May 05 16:40:09 <Dragonfly6-7> I'll talk to him May 05 16:40:16 <Logan_> Hedgehog456: omai :P May 05 16:40:28 <Logan_> Dragonfly6-7: on his talk page, por favor May 05 16:40:31 <Logan_> I'd like to see his response May 05 16:40:32 <Hedgehog456> Must have been painful for ol' Willy May 05 16:40:33 <Dragonfly6-7> yes May 05 16:40:42 <Logan_> probably just "Thanks" May 05 16:40:46 <ErrantX> From the looks of it the Dorman article wouldn't have survived an AFD (meh...) but it wasn't A7 material May 05 16:40:51 <ErrantX> by a long stretch May 05 16:40:58 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: I'm claiming that in this situation, the foundation should be in the loop, that he's not acting *as* a foundation contact, and that everything other than me sending him an email going "hey, look at this" is transparent May 05 16:40:59 <Logan_> ErrantX: but of course May 05 16:41:16 <Logan_> ErrantX: but articles lacking notability and not necessarily importance/significance do not belong in [[CAT:CSD]] May 05 16:41:17 <Ironholds> and if you think that sending someone an email isn't as transparent as on-wiki practise you haven't been around for ong enough May 05 16:41:54 <wctaiwan> Ironholds: But one can argue that the only reason the person in question would listen to your contact and not say, you yourself, is because they, ah, happen to work at WMF. May 05 16:41:57 * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 16:42:01 <Fluffernutter> ok, and why is this event important enough to need the foundation in the loop? May 05 16:42:17 <ErrantX> Logan, am agreeing :) May 05 16:42:24 <Fluffernutter> because it involves CSD and thus, potentially, newbs? May 05 16:42:36 <wctaiwan> If they choose to talk to the person personally, as you think they might, it's not going to be out in the open. May 05 16:42:38 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: because it definitely involves CSD? May 05 16:42:42 <Ironholds> wctaiwan: it always is, deary May 05 16:42:47 <Ironholds> a message dropped on their talkpage May 05 16:43:25 <Fluffernutter> so anything that involves CSD now needs foundation involvement? May 05 16:43:29 <Logan_> ErrantX: right :) May 05 16:43:58 <Logan_> Fluffernutter: should I respond to him with "You're welcome." ? May 05 16:44:04 <Logan_> :P May 05 16:44:12 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: not at all, but keeping the foundation in the loop of admins-who-may-be-a-problem is always advantageous May 05 16:44:16 <Ironholds> as said, it's a cumulative nail problem May 05 16:44:44 * Theo10011_ (~Theo@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:44:56 <Fluffernutter> Logan_: Well if you left it up to me, I'd say that you should respond, "Ok, thanks for clarifying your position. I have opened an RfC on you [here]." But apparently these days we just wag our willies and call the foundation, instead. May 05 16:45:23 <Logan_> ffs May 05 16:45:35 <Logan_> he deleted an article that he previously deleted as a speedy with the G4 criterion May 05 16:45:40 <Logan_> does he know anything about CSD? May 05 16:45:45 <wctaiwan> Ironholds: if the sole purpose is to keep the foundation in the loop, why not just RfC and also contact that sekrit contact of yours? May 05 16:46:28 <Ironholds> wctaiwan: because as said, RfC is a dead end May 05 16:46:36 <Ironholds> scroll up ;p May 05 16:46:54 <Ironholds> I'll probably just handle it myself when I get back from the shops May 05 16:47:18 <Ironholds> which will be further away the more you people keep distracting me with interesting conversation ;p May 05 16:47:19 <OlEnglish> logan: who? May 05 16:47:34 <Logan_> OlEnglish: May 05 16:47:49 <Logan_> i.e. the subject of this entire discussion :P May 05 16:49:19 * Cobi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 16:49:33 <Ironholds> Logan_: dropping him a note. Where's the G4 page? May 05 16:50:03 <Logan_> Ironholds: May 05 16:51:42 * Cobi (~Cobi@2002:1828:88fb:0:aede:48ff:febe:ef03) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:53:07 <Fluffernutter> ugh it's freezing in here May 05 16:53:22 <Ironholds> ta, Logan_ May 05 16:53:27 <Ironholds> Fluffernutter: cue frigid joke May 05 16:53:32 <Fluffernutter> fuck off May 05 16:53:33 <Logan_> Ironholds: np May 05 16:53:46 <Logan_> I just think that such things shouldn't go unnoticed May 05 16:53:53 <Dragonfly6-7> Left him a message May 05 16:54:18 * albel727 has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 05 16:54:26 <Logan_> Dragonfly6-7: he responded quite uncivilly May 05 16:54:35 <Logan_> "Generally, yes" May 05 16:54:43 <Logan_> I haven't seen him be nice to a person asking about a deletion once May 05 16:56:39 * Anna_Frodesiak has quit () May 05 16:56:49 * albel727 (~albel727@unaffiliated/albel727) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:57:09 * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:57:26 * Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Changing host) May 05 16:57:26 * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 16:57:29 * Hydriz has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 16:57:37 * mys_721tx has quit (Quit: mys_721tx) May 05 16:58:00 <Dragonfly6-7> ah wait May 05 16:58:01 <Dragonfly6-7> he said May 05 16:58:09 <Dragonfly6-7> "Generally, yes, BUT i was aware that this particular user was already uncivil" May 05 16:59:39 * Theo10011_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 17:01:00 * Despatche has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 05 17:04:46 * Anna_Frodesiak has quit () May 05 17:04:47 <Logan_> Ironholds: ha, he deleted your comment May 05 17:06:32 * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:07:28 * Doc_glasgow (~chatzilla@wikimedia/Doc-glasgow) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:07:31 * Pilif12p has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) May 05 17:08:15 * DQ|in-out is now known as [DQ|BRB] May 05 17:08:21 * nenolod (~nenolod@atheme/member/ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:10:59 * Anna_Frodesiak has quit (Changing host) May 05 17:11:00 * Anna_Frodesiak (Anna_Frode@wikipedia/Anna-Frodesiak) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:13:02 * dungodung|away is now known as dungodung May 05 17:13:23 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 05 17:14:01 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:14:10 * Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:15:03 * Drule has quit (Quit: "This rivalry is among the greatest: the Yankees and Red Sox... Hekyll and Jekyll." - Walter Day) May 05 17:19:42 * Thehelpfulone (~Helper@wikimedia/Thehelpfulone) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:23:53 * [DQ|BRB] is now known as DeltaQuad May 05 17:25:31 * duggthe (duggthe@unaffiliated/duggthe) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:26:02 <duggthe> May 05 17:26:07 <duggthe> That is one bigass building. May 05 17:26:54 <Dragonfly6-7> a big Ass-Building, yes May 05 17:27:15 * Fluffernutter takes Dragonfly6-7's hyphen, beats him with it May 05 17:27:49 <wctaiwan> O_o May 05 17:27:53 <wctaiwan> what violence, oh my May 05 17:28:01 <Fluffernutter> i'm a violent sort of person May 05 17:28:38 <wctaiwan> May 05 17:29:15 * Logan_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 17:29:59 * Fluffernutter beats wctaiwan with Dragonfly6-7's hyphen May 05 17:30:16 <wctaiwan> ow ow ow it hurts stop stop ow no please stop ow OW May 05 17:30:19 <wctaiwan> >_> May 05 17:30:22 * Fluffernutter stops May 05 17:30:27 <wctaiwan> Thank you. May 05 17:30:34 <Fluffernutter> i have popcorn May 05 17:30:57 <wctaiwan> usually when you mention a snack item, I steal it. Noticed the pattern yet? :P May 05 17:31:12 <Fluffernutter> popcorn has magic powers May 05 17:31:46 * Doh5678 (5ec0b7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:32:04 <wctaiwan> Dragonfly6-7: your talk page contains some rather comedic treasure. May 05 17:32:40 * duggthe (duggthe@unaffiliated/duggthe) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 17:32:46 <Fluffernutter> anyone speak italian beyond the few words that I do? May 05 17:34:41 * SpitfireWP has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 05 17:35:04 <Dragonfly6-7> wctaiwan - quite a lot, yes May 05 17:35:52 * SpitfireWP (~Spitfire@wikipedia/spitfire) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:35:53 * Despatche ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:35:57 * Doc_glasgow has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 17:36:21 * wctaiwan has quit (Quit: wctaiwan) May 05 17:38:16 * z33k has quit () May 05 17:38:40 * Monty845 (~Monty@wikipedia/Monty845) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:39:31 * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:40:50 * Theo10011_ (~Theo@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:41:00 * Theo10011_ is now known as Theo10011 May 05 17:41:50 * Theo10011 has quit (Changing host) May 05 17:41:50 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:45:56 <Tatsujin> has been hacked , change your password kids. May 05 17:46:05 <Fluffernutter> WHT May 05 17:46:15 <Fluffernutter> link? May 05 17:49:08 <Fluffernutter> it's not asking me to change my password; just can't communicate with server May 05 17:49:54 * Jayflux ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:51:24 * Athyria is now known as Lyrithya May 05 17:51:29 * Lyrithya is now known as Athyria May 05 17:54:11 <Tatsujin> May 05 17:58:44 * Jeske_Couriano ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 17:58:44 * Jeske_Couriano has quit (Changing host) May 05 17:58:44 * Jeske_Couriano (~Jeske_Cou@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:01:13 * Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:02:27 <Ironholds> I return May 05 18:02:55 * Jeske_Couriano welcomes Ironholds by doing absolutely nothing but laying on the couch May 05 18:03:06 <Douche> and now go away Ironholds. May 05 18:03:30 <Fluffernutter> popcorn's gone, Ironholds. You missed out. May 05 18:03:55 <Douche> Fluffernutter: <3 May 05 18:03:58 <Douche> i went to the toy shop May 05 18:03:59 <Douche> :P May 05 18:04:00 <Fluffernutter> Douche <3 May 05 18:04:07 <Douche> and it wasn't a sex toy :P May 05 18:04:27 <Douche> I bought a Airzooka :P May 05 18:04:35 * tommorris has supplies of microwave popcorn May 05 18:04:37 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 18:04:49 <tommorris> although it is buttery rather than salty May 05 18:05:45 * tommorris should probably go vote May 05 18:05:56 <Ironholds> tommorris: don't bother May 05 18:05:58 <Ironholds> we're going to lose. horribly. May 05 18:06:06 <Ironholds> (if we lose by one vote, feel free to punch me) May 05 18:06:18 <tommorris> yeah, but I want to tell the tories to fuck off May 05 18:06:24 <tommorris> at a local level May 05 18:06:35 <Douche> Ironholds: you're voting yes or what May 05 18:06:36 <Douche> :) May 05 18:06:55 <tommorris> a teacher at my old school is running as a tory May 05 18:06:55 * rr0 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 18:06:57 * Jeske_Couriano is glad he's apart from British politics May 05 18:07:02 * Grzechooo has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )) May 05 18:07:19 <tommorris> goddamn, they all suck May 05 18:07:22 <Douche> Ah ok May 05 18:07:43 * tommorris will be voting yes to AV May 05 18:07:46 <tommorris> because May 05 18:07:52 * tommorris is not a mouth-breathing moron May 05 18:07:59 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:08:20 * Douche wonders if he should change the status of a federal political party that lost its political party status to "political movement" May 05 18:08:27 <Guerillero> what is the big deal about AV May 05 18:08:43 <tommorris> it sucks less than FPTP May 05 18:08:47 <Guerillero> what party? May 05 18:08:52 <Jeske_Couriano> Asshole May 05 18:08:56 <tommorris> but it has the distinct downside of not letting the tories win May 05 18:09:02 * Douche has quit (Quit: Douche) May 05 18:09:05 <tommorris> and so must be opposed May 05 18:09:24 <tommorris> basically the no2av campaign's argument works something like this: May 05 18:09:45 <tommorris> You, the voter, are a fucking moron. You are too stupid to be able to work out how to write 1, 2, 3 next to names rather than putting an X. May 05 18:09:51 <tommorris> To protect you from your own stupidity, vote No. May 05 18:10:12 <Ironholds> tommorris: amusingly if the no campaign wins, they will have kinda proven their point about the voters being incredibly stupid May 05 18:10:25 <tommorris> yep May 05 18:10:39 <tommorris> the other arguments: May 05 18:10:48 <tommorris> Vote no to AV because it'll annoy the Liberal Democrats. May 05 18:10:56 * Doh5678 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 18:11:02 <tommorris> And, hey, some cricketers think AV is a bad idea. May 05 18:11:06 <tommorris> That's basically it. May 05 18:11:12 <Guerillero> the lib dems had good intentions May 05 18:11:19 <Ironholds> you forgot "vote no, because it turns out referendums cost money" May 05 18:11:26 <tommorris> Oh, and a few extravagant lies and logical fallacies May 05 18:11:28 <Ironholds> which is great until you realise that, uhm. the referendum's kinda already happening May 05 18:11:38 <tommorris> did you see Tim Gowers' take on that? May 05 18:11:41 <Ironholds> voting no will not alter the cost. It'll just make the cost POINTLESS May 05 18:11:42 <Ironholds> no? May 05 18:12:18 <tommorris> "imagine that a group of friends want to go to the cinema. Some people want to see Avatar, which is the film showing in a single-screen cinema just round the corner. But others are not so sure, so they suggest catching a bus to a large multiplex cinema where there are three films that look promising, one of which is Avatar. This plan is agreed upon, and when they are at the multiplex a discussion ensues about which film to watch. The Avata May 05 18:12:49 <Dragonfly6-7> the problem with this metaphor is that people don't need to see the same film May 05 18:13:17 <Jeske_Couriano> Did I service this alright? May 05 18:14:22 <Ironholds> Dragonfly6-7: fine, better example May 05 18:14:44 <Ironholds> as to why FPTP is wrong May 05 18:15:01 <Ironholds> there are 9 of you. 1 goes to the shops. 2 of you vote to buy smarties, 2 of you vote to buy skittles, 2 vote to buy chocolate bars, 3 vote to make you all eat big bags of shit May 05 18:15:14 <Ironholds> 6 of you are anti-shit, but hey! Enjoy your faecal chundering May 05 18:15:48 <Ironholds> om nom nom poo May 05 18:16:35 <Guerillero> ok then... May 05 18:17:04 <Fluffernutter> .. May 05 18:17:13 <Ironholds> and that's why AV is broken May 05 18:17:25 <Dragonfly6-7> I remember seeing that there's a mathematical proof of all possible electoral systems being broken May 05 18:17:25 <Ironholds> because big bags of shit scream WE HAVE A DEMOCRATIC MANDATE and force themselves down our throats May 05 18:17:30 <Dragonfly6-7> or something like that May 05 18:17:36 <Ironholds> Dragonfly6-7: of course, fool May 05 18:17:41 <Ironholds> but some are more broken than others May 05 18:17:51 <Ironholds> personally I think my voting system is perfect May 05 18:17:59 <Dragonfly6-7> You get the vote. May 05 18:18:02 <Dragonfly6-7> and that's it. May 05 18:18:03 <Dragonfly6-7> yes? May 05 18:18:05 <Theo10011> Its all shits and giggles until Ironholds shows up. May 05 18:18:06 <Ironholds> correct May 05 18:18:11 <Dragonfly6-7> that's the Vetinari system May 05 18:18:13 <Ironholds> stable government, 100 percent of votes taken into account May 05 18:18:16 <Dragonfly6-7> "One Man, One Vote. I am the One Man." May 05 18:18:41 <Jeske_Couriano> "Bill of Rights? Who needs a Bill of Rights?! I'm Bill, and I'm right!" May 05 18:20:57 <Dragonfly6-7> okay, fuckit. I've just restored [[Jason Dormon]]. May 05 18:21:12 * [Pmlineditor] has quit (Quit: Interesting quit message goes here) May 05 18:22:57 * OdaMari ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 18:23:45 <tommorris> I'd vote for any electoral reform more likely to make parties like [[Church of the Militant Elvis Party]]. May 05 18:23:59 <Jeske_Couriano> Dragonfly) Bum deletion? May 05 18:26:19 <tommorris> wow, the Monster Raving Looney Party actually got seats on a town council in Ashburton, Devon May 05 18:26:29 * Doh5678 (5ec0b7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:28:02 <Guerillero> why the hell do people vote for [[Church of the Militant Elvis Party]] ? May 05 18:28:45 <Dragonfly6-7> Jeske_Couriano - read it. May 05 18:29:29 <Jeske_Couriano> One sec, busy at [[WT:User page]] dealing with flack over the N0rp MfD a month or two back May 05 18:32:10 <Jeske_Couriano> ...That's one of the better sourced articles I've seen as of late. May 05 18:33:27 <Dragonfly6-7> Jeske_Couriano - although, check the earliest versions May 05 18:33:51 * KimiNewt ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:33:56 <Jeske_Couriano> Sheesh May 05 18:40:18 * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:41:03 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 18:42:29 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 05 18:42:57 * Athyria is now known as Lyrithya May 05 18:42:59 * Lyrithya has quit (Changing host) May 05 18:43:00 * Lyrithya (~root@uncyclopedia/Lyrithya) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:43:17 * Lyrithya is now known as Athyria May 05 18:43:22 * Athyria has quit (Changing host) May 05 18:43:22 * Athyria (~root@unaffiliated/athyria) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:49:16 * rr0 (kvirc@wikipedia/ruslik0) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:49:36 * mabdul has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 18:54:37 * DeltaQuad is now known as [DQ|brb] May 05 18:55:21 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 18:57:10 * Pesky has quit (Quit: Pesky is afk) May 05 18:58:01 * tommorris finally goes to vote May 05 18:58:32 * Fluffernutter gives tommorris a cookie to eat when he returns May 05 19:01:46 * mabdul (~mabdul@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:03:42 * nobody1 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:03:46 <Fluffernutter> ooh, rerun of the SG-1 pilot May 05 19:04:50 * Neo has quit (Excess Flood) May 05 19:05:17 <nobody1> hi, there is a big infobox in a (little) article. It is always open. How can I "hide" the infobox? May 05 19:06:11 * Neo (~Neo@unaffiliated/alpsinc) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:06:23 <nobody1> !ops hi, there is a big infobox in a (little) article. It is always open. How can I "hide" the infobox? May 05 19:09:14 <Guerillero> umm May 05 19:11:02 <StevenW> Hiding infoboxes is not really built into them May 05 19:18:58 * derp (~omg@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:19:24 * Doh5678_ (5ec0b7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:19:27 * Doh5678_ has quit (Client Quit) May 05 19:19:39 * mabdul has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 05 19:20:20 * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|ping May 05 19:21:10 * Doh5678 has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds) May 05 19:21:11 * Doh5678_ (5ec0b7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:21:19 * Doh5678_ is now known as Doh5678 May 05 19:21:40 * Fluff|ping has quit (Quit: reboot) May 05 19:23:14 * derp tacklehugs Hedgehog456 May 05 19:23:21 * Hedgehog456 huggles derp tightly May 05 19:23:38 <Hedgehog456> I have an online community to nurture and love! May 05 19:24:01 <derp> :o May 05 19:24:57 * BarkingFish (~thor@wikipedia/BarkingFish) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:25:24 <Hedgehog456> I would like to invite you all to... May 05 19:25:33 * Hedgehog456 unveils curtain May 05 19:25:35 * Hedgehog456 gasps May 05 19:25:41 <Hedgehog456> It has been stolen! May 05 19:25:46 <Hedgehog456> :P May 05 19:25:55 * Hedgehog456 dials 999-SCOOBY-999 May 05 19:27:19 <BarkingFish> the Mystery machine turns up. Shaggy is heading on 70, Fred's a skeleton, Scooby got put down last month and Velma and Daphne look like a pair of washed up madame's. May 05 19:28:37 <Hedgehog456> Urgh, wrong era! May 05 19:28:44 * Hedgehog456 dials 555-SCOOBY-555 May 05 19:29:23 <Hedgehog456> :D May 05 19:29:34 <Hedgehog456> I LOL'ed at that May 05 19:29:34 * CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 19:30:16 * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:31:47 * Fluff|sleep (Fluffy@wikipedia/Chaoticfluffy) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:31:59 * Fluff|sleep is now known as Fluffernutter May 05 19:32:18 * Pilif12p (~Pilif12p@firefox/community/pilif12p) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:32:39 * Fenix2 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 19:33:21 * molliug (~guillaume@wikimedia/guillom) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:34:37 * derp humps Fluffernutter May 05 19:34:41 <Fluffernutter> ewww May 05 19:34:50 * Fluffernutter throws derp against the wall May 05 19:34:53 * derp is at work :P May 05 19:35:31 * Fluffernutter couldn't get herself out of bed this morning and is working from home May 05 19:36:09 * guillom has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 05 19:37:01 * Hedgehog456 wants to invite everyone to his website May 05 19:39:03 <Hedgehog456> Anyone listening? May 05 19:39:19 <Hedgehog456> Anyone there? May 05 19:39:50 <Dragonfly6-7> Blah May 05 19:39:56 <Dragonfly6-7> your website is bad and you are bad May 05 19:40:16 <Hedgehog456> ;( May 05 19:40:25 <Hedgehog456> You haven't even seen it yet May 05 19:40:41 * Pesky ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:40:41 * Pesky has quit (Changing host) May 05 19:40:42 * Pesky (~Pesky@wikipedia/ThatPeskyCommoner) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:40:55 <Hedgehog456> Pesky: ! May 05 19:40:59 <Hedgehog456> Wait a sec May 05 19:41:05 * Hedgehog456 huggles Pesky tightly May 05 19:42:13 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 05 19:42:15 * Hedgehog456 defenestrates Dragonfly6-7 May 05 19:44:26 * Kingpin13 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:44:26 * Kingpin13 has quit (Changing host) May 05 19:44:26 * Kingpin13 (~Kingpin13@Wikipedia/Kingpin13) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:46:04 * nenolod has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 19:46:40 * BarkingFish has quit (Quit: *.Fish *.Filleted) May 05 19:48:19 * nenolod (~nenolod@atheme/member/ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:50:10 * Doh5678 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 19:52:11 * StevenW has quit (Quit: Bye!) May 05 19:53:23 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:55:28 * geniice (~chatzilla@wikipedia/geniice) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:56:17 <geniice> salutations and raise a glass of Mead to wikipedia May 05 19:57:39 <Dragonfly6-7> 404 May 05 19:57:41 <Dragonfly6-7> Mead not found May 05 19:57:43 * ZT ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:58:10 <Hedgehog456> 403 May 05 19:58:14 * ZT has quit (Changing host) May 05 19:58:14 * ZT (~pjeterper@unaffiliated/zt) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:58:24 <Hedgehog456> It's MY wine cellar! May 05 19:59:16 <Dragonfly6-7> it's your own fault for having a cask of Amontillado and a wheelbarrow full of bricks May 05 19:59:21 * Fluffernutter calls Hedgehog456's parents to see if they know he's boozing May 05 19:59:24 <Fluffernutter> lol Dragonfly6-7 May 05 19:59:38 <Hedgehog456> I don't drink May 05 19:59:47 * mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 19:59:58 <Hedgehog456> I just sell it to politicians May 05 20:00:15 <Hedgehog456> Joking :P May 05 20:02:19 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:03:17 * LauraHale (~chatzilla@wikipedia/LauraHale) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:04:51 <ZT> [[Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/James William Middleton]] aka Return of Wikipedia. Apparently the deletes are slowly becoming more and more and the usual fanboyism has been reduced to comments like "Keep he'll be notable in the future" May 05 20:06:17 * Guest59462 has quit (Quit: Leaving...) May 05 20:06:37 <ZT> Dragonfly6-7: could you delete [[Hard Time for Hardcore Porn]]? May 05 20:06:52 <Dragonfly6-7> .......... awww? May 05 20:07:01 <Dragonfly6-7> it's SO WONDERFULLY NOTABLE! May 05 20:07:25 * Od1n ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:07:38 <Dragonfly6-7> oh wait, that's not what I thought it was May 05 20:07:39 <Dragonfly6-7> yeah May 05 20:08:20 * Logan_ (~Logan_@wikipedia/Logan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:08:37 <Dragonfly6-7> Gone. May 05 20:09:10 <Hedgehog456> Publish it to Deletionpedia. May 05 20:09:13 <Hedgehog456> :P May 05 20:10:24 <Guerillero> lol May 05 20:10:44 <Logan_> Ironholds: how did it go? May 05 20:11:46 <ZT> [[Parallel Backbone]] why do we have a tag that allows essays about class projects to remain undeleted? May 05 20:12:38 <Dragonfly6-7> We don't. May 05 20:12:42 <Dragonfly6-7> wait, let me check May 05 20:13:13 <Dragonfly6-7> okay May 05 20:13:14 <ZT> [[Template:New user article LSU]] May 05 20:13:31 <Dragonfly6-7> leave her a message explaining that you've moved it into her userspace May 05 20:13:32 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 20:13:33 <Dragonfly6-7> with no redirect May 05 20:14:16 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:14:46 <Jeske_Couriano> "[Jon309] I confess this account is also mine. So you can tag the account to Random account 39949472." May 05 20:14:57 <Jeske_Couriano> Just appeared in #wikipedia-en-help May 05 20:14:59 <geniice> zee problem is royalty is one area where notability is inherited May 05 20:15:21 <ZT> James Middleton isn't even a member of the royal family May 05 20:15:25 <tommorris> "Notability isn't inherited!" May 05 20:15:29 <tommorris> "Oh yes it is!" May 05 20:15:37 * tommorris has voted May 05 20:15:52 <Dragonfly6-7> Jeske_Couriano - could be someone fucking around May 05 20:15:55 * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:16:35 <geniice> tommorris indeed so have I. Yes to AV because I always vote for the losing side May 05 20:17:06 <tommorris> there were only two candidates in my area running for district council. May 05 20:17:10 <tommorris> finally a race where FPTP works! May 05 20:17:28 * tommorris voted yes to AV and for the Labour candidate rather than Conservative May 05 20:17:38 * foks (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:18:14 <geniice> we had three candidates. I have no idea what any of them stood for and don't greatly care May 05 20:19:01 <ZT> [[Bao Qi]] simply unacceptable* the user is too bored to even write half a sentence so he asks from the community to translate his article May 05 20:19:02 * tommorris doesn't vote for Tories on principle so simply expressed them as a second preference by not putting an 'X' next to the Tory's name May 05 20:19:11 <foks> boom May 05 20:19:18 * foks is now known as foks|vaek May 05 20:19:45 <foks|vaek> Wait, England had their council elections yes? May 05 20:19:50 <tommorris> yes May 05 20:19:54 <foks|vaek> We had our MSP elections May 05 20:19:58 <foks|vaek> My first ever vote May 05 20:19:59 <Guerillero> Is Choyoo????hí:Seb az86556's post sarcasm? May 05 20:20:00 <foks|vaek> :3 May 05 20:20:52 <Dragonfly6-7> ZT - well, honestly, there's fuck-all that can be written about such a five-year-old child. May 05 20:21:03 <Dragonfly6-7> I made it into a redirect May 05 20:22:36 * CKtravel ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:23:17 * StevenW (~swalling@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:23:18 * StevenW has quit (Changing host) May 05 20:23:18 * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:23:26 <tommorris> oh man, "the level of debate on the alternative vote has been about the same level as you have with your dog when training it to shit outside" - John Oliver May 05 20:23:52 <foks|vaek> hahahaha May 05 20:23:56 * Doh5678 (5ec0b7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:24:47 * rr0 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia May 05 20:24:50 <tommorris> "the debate has been scummier than an ill-attended pond" - John Oliver May 05 20:27:17 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds) May 05 20:27:56 * foks|vaek is now known as foks May 05 20:29:36 <Dragonfly6-7> hello, Doh5678 May 05 20:29:53 <geniice> we had a debate? May 05 20:29:55 * mabdul has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia May 05 20:30:04 <geniice> hitler would have opposed AV May 05 20:30:27 <geniice> stalin always spoke fondly of the FPTP system May 05 20:30:42 <tommorris> didn't you see Cameron's "AV isn't British!" posters. That qualifies as debate, even from an Eton boy. May 05 20:30:46 <geniice> Mao was more terrified of AV than anything else May 05 20:31:20 * z33k (~the@wikipedia/z33k) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:31:26 <geniice> North korea uses the FPTP system (true actualy) May 05 20:31:49 <geniice> tommorris no I didn't see them May 05 20:32:01 <tommorris> the winning argument is: the Conservative Party used a form of AV to select Cameron, so he could campaign against AV. Fail. May 05 20:32:37 * Doh5678 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 20:32:53 <geniice> the wikimedia foundation regards AV as too symplustic May 05 20:33:07 <geniice> simplistic May 05 20:33:26 <tommorris> AfD and RfA uses a form of deliberative democracy, which is actually preferable in some ways May 05 20:33:46 <geniice> it doesn't scale May 05 20:33:55 <geniice> no when we hold actualy elections we tend to use the Schulze method May 05 20:34:01 <geniice> at foundation level May 05 20:34:06 <Dragonfly6-7> geniice - North Korea uses the "First Past The Post Gets Shot" system May 05 20:34:25 <geniice> Dragonfly6-7 there are three political parties in north korea May 05 20:34:35 <tommorris> ooh, havent heard of the Schulze method May 05 20:34:37 <geniice> May 05 20:34:39 <tommorris> it uses directed graphs! yay! May 05 20:34:56 <geniice> err it's how we elect board memebers May 05 20:35:20 * tommorris goes and explains graph theory to the No2AVers, watches their brains explode and frees Britain from the tyranny of idiots. May 05 20:36:03 <geniice> wikipedia even has voting method nerds May 05 20:36:19 * Olipro_ (~Olipro@uncyclopedia/pdpc.21for7.olipro) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:36:27 * Olipro has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 20:36:27 * Olipro_ is now known as Olipro May 05 20:36:55 <geniice> on an intellectual level I can understand the appeal of trying to find the perfect voting system but I'm going to leave the heavy lifting to other people May 05 20:37:04 * Dragonfly6-7 squints May 05 20:37:06 <Dragonfly6-7> I could have sworn you said "the heavy killing" May 05 20:37:17 <Dragonfly6-7> geniice - re: political parties in north korea: May 05 20:37:20 <Dragonfly6-7> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA May 05 20:37:48 <geniice> hey we have articles on them May 05 20:38:49 <Dragonfly6-7> o minor political parties exist but are legally bound to accept the ruling role of the WPK.[3] Elections occur only in single-candidate races where the candidate has been selected by the WPK beforehand May 05 20:39:01 <geniice> May 05 20:39:36 * molliug has quit (Quit: All this has happened before, and all this will happen again.) May 05 20:39:42 <geniice> May 05 20:40:19 <Dragonfly6-7> It conducts no activities except for those directed by the government and takes no independent positions on any political matters May 05 20:40:23 <Dragonfly6-7> the party remains under the control of the Workers Party of Korea.[2] May 05 20:40:36 <geniice> indeed May 05 20:40:50 <geniice> and yet we have 13 articles on elections in north korea May 05 20:41:11 * Nascar1996 (4a244411@wikinews/nascar1996) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:41:27 <Dragonfly6-7> well, yes. They do have a parliament. May 05 20:41:32 <geniice> most blatent abuse of Infobox Election ever,_2009 May 05 20:42:24 * nobody1 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 20:43:03 <alyxuk> hahaha May 05 20:43:06 <alyxuk> thats so good, geniice May 05 20:43:17 * ctjf83 (32511d96@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:44:01 <ctjf83> where is the page about not putting awards won by people in the lead? May 05 20:44:08 <ZT> as if there is a Korean Social Democratic Party... May 05 20:44:17 <Logan_> Fluffernutter: that sysop is in a lot of fecal matter, for the lack of a better euphemism May 05 20:44:42 <alyxuk> i find it bizarre they actually bother having an election.. May 05 20:44:49 <Fluffernutter> what, because Philippe descended? May 05 20:45:24 <Fluffernutter> philippe doesn't have any actual power over him unless he wants to get hissownself in shit May 05 20:45:24 <Logan_> yeah May 05 20:45:52 <Logan_> also, Ponyo attacked him for an A7 May 05 20:46:15 <Logan_> same with SarekOfVulcan May 05 20:46:40 * ctjf83 has quit (Client Quit) May 05 20:49:43 <tommorris> what the fuck is going on at RfA? May 05 20:50:12 * Fluffernutter looks May 05 20:50:21 <Fluffernutter> I see the same two RFAs that have been up all wek May 05 20:50:24 * DespatcheOW (981a3603@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:50:24 <tommorris> SarekOfVulcan and HJ Mitchell re-running May 05 20:50:29 <tommorris> I hadn't looked for a while May 05 20:50:31 <Fluffernutter> recomfirmation RFAs May 05 20:50:34 <Fluffernutter> they happen May 05 20:51:05 <tommorris> meh. I should probably vote for HJ. Every interaction I've had with him has been positive. May 05 20:51:14 <Fluffernutter> hm, the pendulum has swung against SoV since last time i checked the page May 05 20:51:33 <tommorris> heh. one of the neutrals on HJ's: May 05 20:51:40 <tommorris> "Redirect to User talk:HJ Mitchell." May 05 20:51:49 <Guerillero> SOV is getting burnt May 05 20:52:29 <Fluffernutter> i'm finding it interesting to see the "cowboy admin" attitude actually getting smacked fown May 05 20:52:30 <Fluffernutter> *down May 05 20:53:22 <Guerillero> thats the term I used... May 05 20:53:24 <LauraHale> tommorris: The dash thing? May 05 20:53:56 <foks> "blocking editors I perceived (occasionally inaccurately) as disruptiv" May 05 20:53:57 <LauraHale> The vote appeared to be "Figure it out dudes as this will be awful if you really push for it." May 05 20:53:58 <foks> +e May 05 20:54:21 <Fluffernutter> i am actually kind of encouraged by this. *If* more admins would do reconfirmations *and* the voters could largely stay neutral regarding "waah he's a poopyhead"...reconfirmations could work May 05 20:54:41 * FAdmArcher|away (~StarFleet@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:54:57 <LauraHale> Oh, RfA is not request for arbitrtation. May 05 20:55:14 <LauraHale> Blah. So confused. May 05 20:55:15 <tommorris> that makes sense May 05 20:55:29 <tommorris> sorry, I was thinking: there's an admin being reconfirmed for issues related to dashes?! ;-) May 05 20:55:36 <Fluffernutter> heh May 05 20:55:58 * TBloemink (~TBloemink@wikimedia/tbloemink) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 20:56:37 <tommorris> hmm, not sure what I think about reconfirmations May 05 20:56:53 <tommorris> a better process for desysopping or a formalisation of reconfirmation might be better May 05 20:57:07 * ffya has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 20:57:13 <Fluffernutter> there are a lot of ways they could go wrong. I'm pleasantly surprised that so far, these mostly haven't May 05 20:57:50 <geniice> Fluffernutter however I have no plans on doing a reconfirmation this size of hell starting to sell bulk shipments of liquid helium May 05 20:58:23 <Fluffernutter> geniice: and that's why reconfirmations haven't "taken" so far May 05 20:59:02 <Fluffernutter> a combination of (perfectly valid) "admins who take correct, controversial action will get stomped," and (less valid) "nuh-UH, you can't make me!" May 05 21:00:19 * ffya (~apscott@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:01:46 * Guerillero (~hka555@wikipedia/Guerillero) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 21:01:56 * [DQ|brb] is now known as DeltaQuad May 05 21:02:09 <geniice> oh it's not the big controversial action. It's the nitpicking to death May 05 21:02:36 <geniice> although I have to say there is nothing like running as a former admin to make sure no one looks at your edit history too closely May 05 21:03:15 <derp> Okay May 05 21:03:15 <derp> work is done! May 05 21:03:16 <derp> yay! May 05 21:04:11 <derp> Commute time <3 May 05 21:04:13 * derp has quit () May 05 21:05:08 * Pesky has quit (Quit: hibernating!) May 05 21:05:18 * Theo10011 (~Theo@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:05:33 * StevenW has quit (Quit: Bye!) May 05 21:05:58 * StevenW (~swalling@wikimedia/steven-walling) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:06:20 * z33k has quit () May 05 21:07:53 * pak-away is now known as Pakaran May 05 21:08:34 * Brian_S (~dabtd@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:08:49 * FT2 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 21:09:11 * FT2 (~FT2@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:09:12 * FT2 has quit (Changing host) May 05 21:09:12 * FT2 (~FT2@wikipedia/ft2) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:09:37 * FAdmArcher|away has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0/20110303194838]) May 05 21:11:42 * Ottre has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 21:12:09 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:12:14 * Glass_Soul is now known as Glass_Arm May 05 21:12:17 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 21:13:14 * Gfoley4 (~gordonfol@wikipedia/Gfoley4) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:13:55 * Cassie has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 21:14:08 * Theo10011_ (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:14:29 * Cassie ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:14:31 * Cassie has quit (Changing host) May 05 21:14:31 * Cassie (~dan@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:15:08 * ZT has quit () May 05 21:15:25 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 21:15:26 * Theo10011_ is now known as Theo10011 May 05 21:16:47 <Fluffernutter> Logan_: hee, did you see his replies just now? May 05 21:17:03 * Logan_ looks May 05 21:17:12 * Ottre ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:17:36 <Logan_> what an asshole May 05 21:17:59 <Fluffernutter> this isn't going to end well, but at least it will provide amusement for those of us watching from the sidelines May 05 21:18:05 * Nascar1996 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 21:18:07 <Logan_> ffs May 05 21:18:21 <Logan_> somebody asked him about an A7, and he said, "Please read the notability guides." May 05 21:18:26 <Logan_> he's an idiot. seriously. May 05 21:18:33 <DespatcheOW> wha May 05 21:18:40 <foks> ? May 05 21:18:45 <thrashout> My fav wiki rule is "ignore all rules" <3 May 05 21:18:53 <DespatcheOW> ^ May 05 21:19:08 * Cassie has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 21:19:14 * Qcoder00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:19:16 <Fluffernutter> people whose favorite rule is IAR seem to end up in hot water fairly often May 05 21:19:27 <foks> my fav wiki rule is "overlink" lol May 05 21:19:33 * Qcoder00 is now known as Guest67428 May 05 21:19:33 <thrashout> lol Fluffernutter, very true :"> May 05 21:19:38 <Guest67428> Why is it some people have an 'attitutde PROBLEM' when it comes to image sourcing - May 05 21:19:43 <Guest67428> Image has no source May 05 21:19:45 <Logan_> Fluffernutter: I think his favorite rule is IAC May 05 21:19:47 <Guest67428> Gets tagged May 05 21:19:50 <Logan_> "Ignore all civility" May 05 21:19:53 <Fluffernutter> heh May 05 21:19:56 <Guest67428> User that tagged it gets called a retard May 05 21:20:14 <DespatcheOW> what May 05 21:20:14 <Guest67428> for Folloeing policy May 05 21:20:18 <Guest67428> *for following polocy May 05 21:20:19 <Fluffernutter> Logan_: he has a point that he's not being actively abusive to other editors. He's just agressively not getting it. May 05 21:20:21 <Guest67428> *policy May 05 21:20:27 <Fluffernutter> Giano? Is that you? May 05 21:20:42 <Guest67428> It's me Sfan00_IMG May 05 21:20:45 <Logan_> Guest67428: that really shouldn't have been a no source May 05 21:20:49 <Logan_> plus, identify May 05 21:21:04 <Guest67428> LOgan_: Read the file description page May 05 21:21:08 <Guest67428> It did not have a source May 05 21:21:11 * Logan_ already did May 05 21:21:23 <Logan_> it's a 120-year-old photograph May 05 21:21:30 * Guest67428 is now known as Qcoder00 May 05 21:21:31 <thrashout> reductio ad hitlerum May 05 21:21:34 <Logan_> it doesn't really need a source May 05 21:21:34 <thrashout> :)) May 05 21:21:45 <foks> I always picture Giano as Jabba the Hut May 05 21:21:49 <Logan_> heh May 05 21:21:50 <thrashout> heh May 05 21:21:53 * LjL (~ljl@unaffiliated/ljl) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:21:59 * Qcoder00 is now known as Guest43191 May 05 21:22:03 <Guest43191> Logan_: So it's acceptable to have unsourced images merleey because they are obviously PD by age? May 05 21:22:03 <foks> only compounds this May 05 21:22:05 * Osama_Win_Laden ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:22:20 <Osama_Win_Laden> ALALALALALALALALALALALALA May 05 21:22:24 <Logan_> !ops May 05 21:22:26 * Osama_Win_Laden explodes May 05 21:22:39 * Guest43191 is now known as Qcoder00 May 05 21:22:41 <Fluffernutter> ooookay then May 05 21:22:41 <foks> Is that not Glass_Arm etc May 05 21:22:43 * Qcoder00 has quit (Changing host) May 05 21:22:43 * Qcoder00 (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/qcoder00) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:22:51 <Osama_Win_Laden> Of course itzs glass arm May 05 21:22:54 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to kibble May 05 21:22:55 * kibble sets mode +q #wikipedia-en *!* May 05 21:22:55 * ChanServ removes channel operator status from kibble May 05 21:22:56 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to slakr May 05 21:22:57 * Giano (cdf5bd97@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:22:59 * slakr removes channel operator status from slakr May 05 21:22:59 * slakr removes voice from slakr May 05 21:23:05 <Fluffernutter> ffs May 05 21:23:07 * kibble is too fast for slakr. May 05 21:23:07 <Qcoder00> Logan: OK So you think ALL old PD images should not be tagged as no source? May 05 21:23:08 * slakr was pwned May 05 21:23:10 <Logan_> kibble: danke May 05 21:23:13 <TBloemink> lol kibble, how did you do that so fast? May 05 21:23:13 <kibble> np May 05 21:23:22 * Fluffernutter pwns slakr May 05 21:23:22 <kibble> TBloemink, script. :-) May 05 21:23:23 <Qcoder00> Logan_: Just so that it's clear? May 05 21:23:24 * Giano is now known as Guest51511 May 05 21:23:27 <TBloemink> ah, mirc May 05 21:23:28 <TBloemink> ? May 05 21:23:29 * Osama_Win_Laden ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 21:23:34 <DespatcheOW> merk May 05 21:23:41 <DespatcheOW> gonna just pronounce it like that from now on May 05 21:23:46 <kibble> TBloemink, nope, xchat. May 05 21:23:48 <Logan_> Qcoder00: why would I want all old PD images tagged as no source? that completely goes against what I just said May 05 21:23:51 <DespatcheOW> yes! May 05 21:23:54 <DespatcheOW> a blow for xchat May 05 21:23:55 * CKtravel has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds) May 05 21:23:59 <Narodnik> [[Special:Contributions/Guest005]] ...ok then. May 05 21:24:01 <Fluffernutter> does anyone actually say "em-I-R-C," Despatche? May 05 21:24:08 <DespatcheOW> uh May 05 21:24:10 <DespatcheOW> lots of people May 05 21:24:15 <Fluffernutter> hum. that seems like a waste of speech energy May 05 21:24:16 <Qcoder00> Logan_: Read what I actually said May 05 21:24:16 <topaz> I do, but I try not to say it at all May 05 21:24:19 * Guest51511 is now known as Giano_II May 05 21:24:21 <kibble> Fluffernutter, I say it like em-I-R-C. May 05 21:24:24 <Logan_> "OK So you think ALL old PD images should not be tagged as no source?" May 05 21:24:32 <DespatcheOW> of course it'd be better to just say "ecks-chat" but no May 05 21:24:32 <Logan_> wait, damn May 05 21:24:38 <Logan_> double-negative fail May 05 21:24:38 <slakr> "merk" May 05 21:24:39 <Fluffernutter> kibble:'s so much less effort to say "mirc" May 05 21:24:45 <topaz> my father insists on pronouncing "URL" as "earl". makes me twitch uncontrollably. May 05 21:24:52 <slakr> like one of the lesser known irc clients, pirch ("perk") May 05 21:25:03 <thrashout> lol May 05 21:25:11 <kibble> I also hate "aim" instead of "A-I-M". May 05 21:25:11 <DespatcheOW> never heard of that May 05 21:25:17 * TenPoundHammer ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:25:17 * TenPoundHammer has quit (Changing host) May 05 21:25:17 * TenPoundHammer (~bobbypeac@unaffiliated/tenpoundhammer) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:25:18 <Krimpet> Eye are ess ess eye. May 05 21:25:18 <Logan_> Qcoder00: not when they're obviously PD May 05 21:25:21 <Fluffernutter> kibble: i can agree with that one. It's definitely a-i-m. May 05 21:25:22 <Giano_II> hello May 05 21:25:24 <DespatcheOW> never thought of earl, always thought of aim May 05 21:25:24 <Giano_II> I am Giano May 05 21:25:25 <TenPoundHammer> anyone wanna take a look at an AFD for me? May 05 21:25:29 <slakr> but yeah, I call it "em eye arrr see" depending on the mood :P May 05 21:25:40 <Qcoder00> But without the sourcing how can you be sure they are PD? May 05 21:25:45 <DespatcheOW> aim is just subconcious, and it might have even been intended May 05 21:25:49 <DespatcheOW> sorry :S May 05 21:25:52 <TenPoundHammer> anyone wanna take a look at an AFD for me? I think the nominator is assuming bad faith. May 05 21:25:59 <TenPoundHammer> May 05 21:26:01 * Giano_II has quit (Client Quit) May 05 21:26:11 <Krimpet> And the proper term is AOL® Instant Messenger℠. May 05 21:26:16 <Qcoder00> I also get annoyed when people can't even seem to comprimise by adding a simple Source= Old photogrpah - true sourcing unknown May 05 21:26:18 <TenPoundHammer> Anyone? Hello? May 05 21:26:18 <Headbomb|Laptop> PSA: J-Pop and K-Pop are blights on humanity May 05 21:26:33 <Krimpet> Not ™, mind you; ℠. May 05 21:26:38 <TenPoundHammer> LISTEN TO ME DAMN IT. May 05 21:26:41 <foks> Why hasn't Off2riorob been indef'd yet May 05 21:26:45 * jean65001 (58a164b8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:26:52 <jean65001> hello May 05 21:26:56 <Qcoder00> It wouldn't be a problem is Commons wasn't so pedantic.... May 05 21:26:56 <Fluffernutter> Krimpet: how do you pronounce ® ? May 05 21:26:57 <slakr> TenPoundHammer: if people don't want to respond to canvasses, then leave them alone :P May 05 21:26:58 <Qcoder00> *if May 05 21:27:05 <jean65001> !admin May 05 21:27:08 <Gfoley4> Fluffernutter: R May 05 21:27:10 <Thehelpfulone> jean65001: hi? May 05 21:27:12 <slakr> jean65001: ? May 05 21:27:13 <Gfoley4> jean65001: ? May 05 21:27:20 <jean65001> need help May 05 21:27:23 <Thehelpfulone> what with? May 05 21:27:27 <jean65001> my ip is blosked May 05 21:27:29 <Krimpet> Fluffernutter, "Registered Trademark," of course. May 05 21:27:30 <StevenW> TenPoundHammer: I'd say it's probably going to be kept, so no need to talk about whether it's made in bad faith or not May 05 21:27:31 <foks> Elaboration would be nice May 05 21:27:34 <jean65001> blocked May 05 21:27:37 * MuZemike (~MuZemike@wikimedia/MuZemike) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:27:40 <jean65001> but i have create an account May 05 21:27:50 <DespatcheOW> what is going on here anymore May 05 21:28:07 <Logan_> jean65001: congrats? May 05 21:28:09 <slakr> May 05 21:28:10 <foks> i am 12 and what is this May 05 21:28:13 <slakr> it appears to be a tor exit node. May 05 21:28:18 <Qcoder00> Logan_:: Compromise - May 05 21:28:25 <jean65001> yes May 05 21:28:29 <jean65001> i had tor before May 05 21:28:34 <jean65001> but i had stopped May 05 21:28:39 <KimiNewt> you "had" her? May 05 21:28:44 <jean65001> and now i have an account May 05 21:28:48 <jean65001> wiki May 05 21:28:53 <slakr> the best thing is to contact the blocking admin May 05 21:28:55 <slakr> May 05 21:28:59 <Logan_> jean65001: again, what is your point? May 05 21:29:06 <jean65001> but the problem is that is not connect May 05 21:29:11 <jean65001> he is afk May 05 21:29:19 <jean65001> yesterday a french admin has unblock me May 05 21:29:28 <jean65001> but only for fr wiki not for en wiki May 05 21:29:33 <Qcoder00> Logan_: Also if a long term contributor can;t cope with a simple sourcing request.... May 05 21:29:46 <Qcoder00> .. It make me wonder about other things on the project :( May 05 21:29:48 <Logan_> Qcoder00: DTTR May 05 21:30:12 <Qcoder00> The regulars should know better ;) May 05 21:30:12 <Gfoley4> nou May 05 21:30:13 * Theo10011 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 21:30:18 <Qcoder00> But point considered May 05 21:30:21 <Logan_> Gfoley4: your mom May 05 21:30:28 <Fluffernutter> i feel the love May 05 21:30:34 * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:30:40 <Logan_> Fluffernutter: always May 05 21:30:42 <Thehelpfulone> are you sure you were unblocked on fr wiki? May 05 21:30:53 <Thehelpfulone> -> doesn't seem to be unblocked? May 05 21:30:53 <jean65001> logan? May 05 21:30:58 <Logan_> jean65001? May 05 21:31:02 <jean65001> you are admin? May 05 21:31:04 <Logan_> I wish May 05 21:31:16 <Gfoley4> jean65001: there are many in the room, yes May 05 21:31:16 <jean65001> who is admin here??? May 05 21:31:17 <Qcoder00> - Tagging this as no source - GOT a source added :) May 05 21:31:28 <jean65001> i need an admin May 05 21:31:37 <Logan_> jean65001: /join #wikipedia-en-unblock May 05 21:31:38 <Gfoley4> *sigh* May 05 21:31:43 <Logan_> that is the channel for unblocking requests May 05 21:31:56 <Krimpet> He needs a steward. It's a global block. May 05 21:32:07 <jean65001> ok but i dont know hot to make it?? for join? May 05 21:32:16 * FAdmArcher|away (~StarFleet@wikipedia/DeltaQuad) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:32:23 <Fluffernutter> hm. Should I put on clothes and go to Burger King, put on clothes and go to McDonalds, or stay in my pajamas and continue to whine about having no food? May 05 21:32:31 <TenPoundHammer> heh May 05 21:33:09 <Logan_> jean65001: click #wikipedia-en-unblock May 05 21:33:24 <TenPoundHammer> Foks: Posted to ANI. May 05 21:33:24 <Gfoley4> jean65001: is ther May 05 21:33:29 <Gfoley4> e May 05 21:33:32 <Qcoder00> Anyone here read Cyrillic script? May 05 21:33:36 <TenPoundHammer> no May 05 21:33:48 <Fluffernutter> no May 05 21:33:53 <Qcoder00> - It might help resolve the sourcing on another image? May 05 21:33:59 <Logan_> TenPoundHammer: omai May 05 21:34:38 <TenPoundHammer> foks,poke May 05 21:34:39 <Logan_> for some reason I thought that Off2riorob already had his AfD privileges revoked May 05 21:34:57 * FAdmArcher|away is now known as FAdmArcher May 05 21:35:28 <foks> TenPoundHammer, what? May 05 21:35:33 <foks> I heard you the first time May 05 21:35:34 <foks> :P May 05 21:35:41 <DespatcheOW> Fluffernutter: today I'm going to ignore the third option and flip a coin for the other two, haha May 05 21:36:10 <Fluffernutter> Despatche: Oh, or I could put on clothes and go to Wendy's. My life is very difficult, with these decisions. May 05 21:36:40 <DespatcheOW> some sort of :V spam goes here May 05 21:36:47 <TenPoundHammer> we need a wendy's around here. May 05 21:36:58 <geniice> Fluffernutter you could eat something other than fast food May 05 21:37:01 <Qcoder00> Logan_: OK May 05 21:37:09 <Fluffernutter> geniice: i haven't got the energy to make anything for myself May 05 21:37:11 <Qcoder00> I've left a compromise wording and a {{bsr}} May 05 21:37:22 * zscout370 has quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia May 05 21:37:23 <Logan_> how does {{bsr}} apply there? May 05 21:37:28 <Qcoder00> Do you want me to start checking other no-source images for a simmilar situation? May 05 21:37:32 <Logan_> it doesn't link to anything May 05 21:37:55 <Qcoder00> Logan_: If you know of a tag that suggests the image needs better sourcing that isn't BSR , please suggest it? May 05 21:37:57 <geniice> Fluffernutter ah so Pot Noodle time May 05 21:38:04 <Fluffernutter> got none of that, geniice May 05 21:38:10 <Fluffernutter> I have some frozen leftovers but i don't want them May 05 21:38:19 <Logan_> Qcoder00: meh May 05 21:38:26 <geniice> well no they don't sell it in the US May 05 21:38:48 * TBloemink has quit (Quit: ZzzzzZzzzZZzzz) May 05 21:38:57 <Qcoder00> Logan_: Can I speak to you in PM? May 05 21:39:00 <Fluffernutter> geniice: well, i was assuming you meant ramen and/or cup of noodles, which as i understand it are the american analog May 05 21:39:01 <Qcoder00> I need some help May 05 21:39:09 <Logan_> Qcoder00: sure May 05 21:39:10 <geniice> pretty much May 05 21:39:13 * jean65001 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 21:39:17 <Qcoder00> Logan_: OK May 05 21:39:49 <Fluffernutter> i guess i could make hamburger helper. But really i want crappy meat, fake bacon, and greasy fries May 05 21:40:56 * MuZemike went to Jersey Mike's Subs for the first time today May 05 21:41:04 <Gfoley4> McDonalds is your place then, Fluffernutter =) May 05 21:41:13 <geniice> ah time to hit the local chippy May 05 21:41:36 <Fluffernutter> for some reason i want burger king instead May 05 21:41:42 <Fluffernutter> which, i never eat burger king May 05 21:42:26 <DespatcheOW> that's a good situation May 05 21:43:00 <geniice> hmm poor tom morris. Such a lonely twitter hashtag!/search?q=%23yes2schulzemethod May 05 21:43:05 <Fluffernutter> Ironholds made me eat there a few times while he was here, though, and it seems to have grown on me May 05 21:43:06 * AlertEye has quit (Quit: ZNC - May 05 21:44:16 <DespatcheOW> slightly related: #wp-en, tell me about you and mello yello May 05 21:44:22 * AlertEye (~ertyle@unaffiliated/ertyle) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:44:22 <tommorris> geniice: heheh May 05 21:44:43 <Jeske_Couriano> DespatcheOW) I'm Ooey Blooey May 05 21:45:02 <tommorris> to be fair, I'm only in favour of the Schulze method because it'd be funny to watch tabloid readers brains asplode when they try to understand directed graphs May 05 21:45:21 <MuZemike> Let my friend Ernest P. Worrell tell you about Mello Yello: May 05 21:45:28 <MuZemike> *late friend May 05 21:45:47 <geniice> tommorris in fairness most wikipedians don't understand it either May 05 21:45:57 * tommorris stays on the scene, gets up, feels like being a sex machine May 05 21:46:00 <TenPoundHammer> Jeske_Couriano, you're what? May 05 21:46:01 <MuZemike> ArbCom election again? May 05 21:46:17 <Logan_> MuZemike: really? May 05 21:46:18 <Logan_> awesome May 05 21:46:22 <geniice> MuZemike no. We use the Schulze for board elections May 05 21:46:30 <MuZemike> Oh, that's right May 05 21:47:11 <MuZemike> Hell, us "wiki-peons" can't even understand what "consensus" means half the time, let alone "majority vote" or "Schulze method". May 05 21:47:32 <tommorris> It's simple. Consensus means you agree with me. May 05 21:47:47 <Gfoley4> :| May 05 21:48:04 <tommorris> I'm watching the interview with James Brown drunk on TV May 05 21:48:07 <MuZemike> *sigh* May 05 21:48:17 <MuZemike> Not classy May 05 21:48:29 <geniice> May 05 21:48:30 <MuZemike> [[User:Bobak]] OTOH, does it right May 05 21:49:33 <MuZemike> And if people can't (or in some cases won't) understand something, that is equivalent to a black box. May 05 21:49:34 * Ironholds has quit () May 05 21:49:48 <DespatcheOW> e.g. EA Black Box May 05 21:49:51 <DespatcheOW> err May 05 21:50:06 <MuZemike> May 05 21:51:03 <MuZemike> lol, May 05 21:51:36 <MuZemike> Ah, here we go, "teh block": May 05 21:52:27 * foks|dobl (~joseph@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:52:32 <Pakaran> at some point, i'd be tempted to make a phone call or email to the school principal, identifying myself as a "senior administrator", and pointing out some of what their students have been doing on wikipedia May 05 21:52:34 <Qcoder00> Anyone have a Car combination tool to hand? May 05 21:52:49 <tommorris> Pakaran: I've done that before. It's quite amusing. May 05 21:53:19 <Pakaran> tommorris, did you get a reply? May 05 21:53:21 * foks has quit (Disconnected by services) May 05 21:53:22 <tommorris> I phoned May 05 21:53:23 * foks|dobl is now known as foks May 05 21:53:23 <tommorris> so yes May 05 21:53:41 <Pakaran> what did they say? May 05 21:53:53 <tommorris> result: a vandal got a telling off from the school principle for some vandalism which got revdelled May 05 21:54:02 <Pakaran> nice May 05 21:54:11 <tommorris> principal rather May 05 21:54:48 * CKtravel ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:54:51 * MuZemike knows a few school principals May 05 21:54:53 <topaz> well, or possibly he was blowing smoke up your ass. :-) May 05 21:55:12 <TenPoundHammer> odd place to blow smoke May 05 21:55:30 <topaz> is it sunshine that gets blown up one's ass? I always get this wrong. May 05 21:55:47 <Fluffernutter> sunshine is hard to blow May 05 21:56:02 <DespatcheOW> this may be why I try not to edit wikipedia at school... May 05 21:56:03 * Tatsujin has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer) May 05 21:56:03 <MuZemike> Stupid Cubs fans: May 05 21:56:21 <Pakaran> [[tobacco smoke enema]] May 05 21:56:29 <Pakaran> it was an actual victorian medical treatment May 05 21:56:45 <Pakaran> apparently the stimulant effect could in some cases awaken people who fainted May 05 21:57:07 <TenPoundHammer> o.o May 05 21:57:14 <TenPoundHammer> and they stopped because people were getting ass cancer May 05 21:57:17 <Fluffernutter> haha May 05 21:57:19 * zscout370 (~zscout370@wikipedia/Zscout370) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:57:20 <DespatcheOW> hahaha May 05 21:57:22 <tommorris> wha? May 05 21:57:44 <Qcoder00> tommorris: May 05 21:57:48 <Qcoder00> Can I ask a question? May 05 21:58:06 <Qcoder00> Why is it some users get annoyed by a simple notification that an image is unsourced? May 05 21:58:25 <Qcoder00> May 05 21:58:38 <Logan_> you asked that alread May 05 21:58:40 <Logan_> y May 05 21:58:46 <Qcoder00> I am getting some nasty comments for following what I thought was policy May 05 21:58:48 <DespatcheOW> it should be obvious May 05 21:59:00 * tommorris is too busy to answer as he's watching videos of cracked out people on YouTube May 05 21:59:06 <TenPoundHammer> and I've got some dumbass who thinks that there's no way an artist can be notable unless they charted. May 05 21:59:19 * Fluffernutter takes away tommorris's crack May 05 21:59:19 <Qcoder00> If it's no policy that old image should not be tagged even if they lack a source, then please so say May 05 21:59:23 <Qcoder00> *now May 05 21:59:36 <Qcoder00> So I can start looking through what's tagged and detagging appropriately May 05 21:59:39 * Resfirestar ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:59:39 * Resfirestar has quit (Changing host) May 05 21:59:39 * Resfirestar (foobar@wikipedia/Res2216firestar) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 21:59:41 <DespatcheOW> is it actually policy, though May 05 21:59:42 <Qcoder00> en-masse May 05 21:59:44 <DespatcheOW> I've not read it all May 05 21:59:44 <MuZemike> Speaking of cracked out: May 05 21:59:47 <DespatcheOW> can you point it out May 05 21:59:59 <DespatcheOW> perhaps there's a specific clause for PD images somewhere May 05 22:00:08 <Qcoder00> DespatcheOW: My understanding was that ALL images, even ones tagged as PD needed to have a source May 05 22:00:18 <DespatcheOW> policy link? May 05 22:00:38 <MuZemike> It needs to be verified that it's PD at least. May 05 22:00:41 * TenPoundHammer (~bobbypeac@unaffiliated/tenpoundhammer) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:00:53 <Qcoder00> DespatcheOW: May 05 22:00:56 <Qcoder00> for starters May 05 22:01:03 <MuZemike> If so, why is it not on Commons? May 05 22:01:08 * Fluffernutter is now known as Fluff|away May 05 22:01:14 <Qcoder00> MuZemike: It was tagged as KeepLocal May 05 22:01:24 <geniice> More than half of parents do not think sex education should be taught to children in school from a young age, a survey suggests. May 05 22:01:26 <geniice> Of 1,700 parents of UK 5-11 year olds surveyed by the BabyChild website, 59% said they disagreed with the practice. May 05 22:01:28 <DespatcheOW> okay May 05 22:01:29 <geniice> May 05 22:01:30 <Qcoder00> And a duplicate does exist on Commons, also unsourced May 05 22:01:33 <geniice> oh dear May 05 22:01:38 <MuZemike> Why? So that no other wiki can use it? May 05 22:01:40 <DespatcheOW> you put down the public domain tag, poof May 05 22:01:48 <DespatcheOW> why are these people taking issue May 05 22:02:03 <DespatcheOW> there's anti, then there's this May 05 22:02:28 * Glass_Arm ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:02:43 <Qcoder00> DespatcheOW : There is a minority of users on Wikipedia, that apparently think that because an image has been untouched for a while and because it was uploaded by a respected contirbutor May 05 22:02:43 <DespatcheOW> though that's obviously not the issue May 05 22:02:45 * Tatsujin ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:02:46 <DespatcheOW> what did you do May 05 22:02:56 <Qcoder00> that somehow it should be considered more carefully than other uploads May 05 22:03:15 <Qcoder00> DepatcheOW, Tagged an image that was PD-Old for not having a source? May 05 22:03:20 <Qcoder00> (which it didn't) May 05 22:03:27 <Qcoder00> I then get yelled at May 05 22:03:33 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:03:36 <Qcoder00> For not seeing that it was obviously PD May 05 22:03:43 * Glass_Arm ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:03:45 <Qcoder00> ( Which was never in dispute) May 05 22:03:46 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:03:48 * Glass_Arm ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:03:51 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:03:55 * Glass_Arm ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:03:56 <Logan_> !ops join/part spam May 05 22:03:57 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:03:58 * Glass_Arm ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:04:04 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:04:06 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to FAdmArcher May 05 22:04:06 * ChanServ removes channel operator status from Thehelpfulone May 05 22:04:10 * Glass_Arm ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:04:12 * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Thehelpfulone May 05 22:04:13 * Glass_Arm ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:04:14 * Thehelpfulone sets ban on *!* May 05 22:04:14 <Logan_> Thehelpfulone: fail :P May 05 22:04:17 * ChanServ removes channel operator status from Thehelpfulone May 05 22:04:24 * Fumika (~Zamorak@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:04:27 * Fumika has quit (Changing host) May 05 22:04:27 * Fumika (~Zamorak@wikia/ZamorakO-o) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:04:32 <FAdmArcher> *sigh* May 05 22:04:36 <stwalkerster> Thehelpfulone: might have been more appropriate to forwardban to ##fix_your_connection :P May 05 22:04:45 <Logan_> stwalkerster: that is definitely not a connection problem May 05 22:04:48 <Qcoder00> Is there some rule that obvious PD-old is immune from sourcing requriements of image policy? May 05 22:04:50 <Thehelpfulone> oops the script failed :P May 05 22:04:59 <Logan_> stwalkerster: he was joining and leaving the channel on purpose May 05 22:05:08 <Logan_> that cannot be caused by a network problem May 05 22:05:13 <FAdmArcher> Thehelpfulone: actually hold on, that might be another spammer we had earlier May 05 22:05:19 <Logan_> FAdmArcher: it was May 05 22:05:20 <Thehelpfulone> ok May 05 22:05:21 <Logan_> Osama_Win_Laden May 05 22:05:23 <Logan_> he was quieted May 05 22:05:24 <stwalkerster> point, it was a JOIN/PART cycle, not a JOIN/QUIT cycle, my mistake :P May 05 22:05:25 * Klevre (~god@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:05:27 <FAdmArcher> ya ^^ May 05 22:05:38 * Glass_Soul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:05:42 <Logan_> Thehelpfulone: he's back May 05 22:05:47 * Glass_Soul ( has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:05:51 * FAdmArcher sets ban on *!* May 05 22:05:55 <Logan_> ban the nick too May 05 22:06:03 <Logan_> imo May 05 22:06:15 <Hedgehog456> Glass_(bodypart)!*@* May 05 22:06:21 <Qcoder00> - for example - US Government Image is all that can be said May 05 22:06:28 <Logan_> Qcoder00: drop it May 05 22:06:32 * Fuze is now known as MJ94 May 05 22:06:33 <Qcoder00> Which isn't a 'useful' source for other people to verify May 05 22:06:38 <DespatcheOW> I don't even freaking know what's going on here... better for me to just ignore it May 05 22:06:39 <Qcoder00> Logan_: Why? May 05 22:06:48 * HuckFinn ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:06:55 <Qcoder00> It;'s a polocy issue I'd like clarification on May 05 22:06:57 <Logan_> Qcoder00: because you're being annoying, and I already told you to stay away from no source tags May 05 22:07:13 <Qcoder00> Logan_: I'm sorry, but you don't control what can be dissuced here May 05 22:07:26 * Drule ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:07:39 <Logan_> *discussed May 05 22:07:41 <Qcoder00> And I'd liike to know why I am being actively denied from editing in good faith May 05 22:07:56 <topaz> Qcoder00: what goal are you trying to achieve? May 05 22:08:12 <Qcoder00> topaz: I am getting angry messages about having tagged an image for no source May 05 22:08:34 <topaz> right. What goal are you trying to achieve by the tagging you're doing? May 05 22:08:50 <Qcoder00> topaz: Trying to ensure that ll images meet image usage policy May 05 22:08:59 <Qcoder00> So that they can be moved to Commons etc May 05 22:09:24 <topaz> what would happen if this image were not tagged? May 05 22:09:48 <Qcoder00> topaz: It's unsoruced, so it doesn't meet image policy May 05 22:09:54 <Qcoder00> (and thus might get tagged by others) May 05 22:10:19 <Qcoder00> It was my understanding that images needed a source for verification May 05 22:10:24 <topaz> so it might stay on Wikipedia, or someone else might tag it for deletion (which would have the same effect as what you just did) May 05 22:10:30 <FAdmArcher> actually I have a better idea for that ban May 05 22:10:38 <topaz> how does it benefit the project to delete that image? May 05 22:10:39 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 05 22:10:44 <Qcoder00> I got yelled at for tagging it because it was obivously PD May 05 22:10:56 * FAdmArcher sets ban on *!*pocketirc@* May 05 22:10:58 <Qcoder00> topaz: Hmm May 05 22:11:06 <DespatcheOW> what is pocketirc May 05 22:11:15 <DespatcheOW> oh pocketpc May 05 22:11:18 <Qcoder00> Having unsourced images around makes it harder for other users to be sure it's actually under the license concerned May 05 22:11:30 * FAdmArcher removes channel operator status from FAdmArcher May 05 22:11:35 <topaz> so what? May 05 22:11:38 * Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:11:45 * Courcelles (~chatzilla@wikipedia/courcelles) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:11:46 <Qcoder00> I'm not disputing the actual statuis... It's obvious that it's old May 05 22:11:57 <topaz> if another user actually has a concern about that image, they can always bring it up May 05 22:12:15 <Qcoder00> topaz: True May 05 22:12:19 * Douche is inside the bus and tethering to his iPhone :) May 05 22:12:24 <Logan_> FAdmArcher: eh... May 05 22:12:27 <topaz> it seems as though you're tagging images in order to meet policy for the sake of policy, not because there's an actual issue May 05 22:12:30 <Logan_> there could be other users connecting with that client May 05 22:12:40 <topaz> and I'm suggesting that that doesn't benefit the project. May 05 22:12:50 <Logan_> FAdmArcher: and that client might have that as the default username May 05 22:12:53 <Qcoder00> But I don;t like the fact that I am once again being subjected to a form of 'active denial' of cleanup efforts because of a difference of opinion May 05 22:13:01 <FAdmArcher> Logan_: Yep, I think were good for now, I will leave it for a few hours only May 05 22:13:06 <Logan_> mmkay May 05 22:13:10 <Qcoder00> rather than because there an actual objection on mis-application May 05 22:13:24 <topaz> how about being discouraged from engaging in disruptive behavior? May 05 22:13:35 <Qcoder00> topaz: Cleanup efforts are not dirsuptive May 05 22:13:35 <topaz> I think you're perilously close to [[WP:POINT]], frankly. May 05 22:13:44 <topaz> the way you follow them, they are. May 05 22:13:58 <Qcoder00> topaz: Then I would aks you to apologise for a false assumption May 05 22:14:06 <DespatcheOW> the venom was uncalled for but easily handled May 05 22:14:07 <Qcoder00> *ask May 05 22:14:36 <Qcoder00> topaz: I don't randomly massacre tag May 05 22:14:49 <Qcoder00> And I've tried to be very careful in what I tag May 05 22:15:13 <topaz> then surely there is a simple explanation for tagging [[File:Hannah de Rothschild.jpg]]? May 05 22:15:23 <Qcoder00> topaz: It was unsourced May 05 22:15:24 <topaz> something other than "that's what policy says"? May 05 22:15:29 <topaz> right. May 05 22:15:33 <topaz> [[WP:POINT]] May 05 22:15:46 <Qcoder00> topaz: Application of policy is not POINT May 05 22:15:57 <Qcoder00> And you would agree that before it got tagged the image was unsourced? May 05 22:16:08 <topaz> sure. May 05 22:16:10 <Qcoder00> If you want to bring POINT into it? May 05 22:16:32 * IShadowed ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:16:33 * IShadowed has quit (Changing host) May 05 22:16:33 * IShadowed (~Null@wikimedia/IShadowed) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:16:34 <topaz> and moreover I'm saying that for that image, sourcing is at best a minor concern. May 05 22:16:44 <MuZemike> Remember? Maintaining the encyclopedia is disruptive. May 05 22:16:51 <DespatcheOW> ^ May 05 22:17:12 <MuZemike> Just like clearing backlog on Wikipedia is disruptive. May 05 22:17:17 <Qcoder00> I could start actively replacing di-no sources with BSR's and Broadly worded sources like 'US Government image' or 'Digital repropduction of public domain' work? May 05 22:17:23 <Qcoder00> If yu think that would be helpful? May 05 22:17:53 <Qcoder00> I dislike deletions May 05 22:17:53 <topaz> I don't know what BSR is. May 05 22:17:57 <Qcoder00> I really do May 05 22:18:04 <Qcoder00> BSR - {{Bsr}} May 05 22:18:09 <Qcoder00> Better source request? May 05 22:18:14 <topaz> thanks. May 05 22:18:23 <Hedgehog456> Bye May 05 22:18:23 * Hedgehog456 has quit (Quit: *is destroyed by a falling piano*) May 05 22:18:48 <Qcoder00> In fact I've said in the past that perhaps CSD's for images should be phased out and replaced with something more like FFD for all images May 05 22:18:53 <Qcoder00> Granted this might be more time consuming May 05 22:19:04 <Qcoder00> but it would avoid silly arguments May 05 22:19:23 * SonicAD_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:19:38 <Qcoder00> about application of policy for policy sake as a human would still be involved May 05 22:20:12 <topaz> humans are involved in CSD nominations and deletions too, they're just discouraged from thinking much about the issue May 05 22:20:18 <Qcoder00> IN any event images tagged as no-source don't get deleted for 7 days giving other contributors a chance to fix the issue May 05 22:20:53 <Qcoder00> And I've noted in the past that sometimes, having left less obvious tags , NOTHING happened, whereas putting a CSD 'got something done' May 05 22:20:58 * mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:21:23 <Qcoder00> - I've put to a comproimise wording May 05 22:21:33 <Qcoder00> Would you like me to continue in that vien? May 05 22:21:34 * SonicAD has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 22:21:42 <topaz> I'm just wondering if you're trying to do something that materially improves the encyclopedia with this, but your work doesn't seem to be motivated by anything but "because policy says so" May 05 22:22:31 <Qcoder00> topaz: Are you saying I'm mis-applying policy? May 05 22:22:51 <topaz> I'm saying that you're missing the forest for the trees. May 05 22:23:12 <topaz> I'm saying that a touch of [[WP:IAR]] here might do you a world of good May 05 22:23:25 <Qcoder00> topaz: Hmm May 05 22:23:56 <Qcoder00> When I tagged a load of 'obviously PD' but confsuingly sourced for Comons, (which was why I was trying to get images cleaned up) May 05 22:24:08 <Logan_> slakr: you there? May 05 22:24:15 <topaz> it's not at all clear to me that PD images require source information. maybe they do (so that PD status can be clearly established). Maybe they don't. In really unambiguous cases like this, it seems clearly irrelevant. May 05 22:24:24 <Qcoder00> I got yelled at by people on Commons, for allowing images that didn't meet policy through to Commons May 05 22:24:26 <topaz> which makes me wonder why you continue pursuing it. May 05 22:24:46 <Qcoder00> If Commons wasn't at times so pedantic about stuff , there would be less rows May 05 22:24:47 <topaz> Qcoder00: I try not to engage people on Commons more than necessary. May 05 22:25:03 <topaz> now *that* we can agree on. May 05 22:25:22 <Qcoder00> There would also be less rows if ALL 'free' images were uploaded SOLELY to Commons May 05 22:25:34 <Qcoder00> So that there was ONE set of policy to deal with May 05 22:25:38 <Qcoder00> Instead of at least 5 May 05 22:26:06 <Qcoder00> I'd also STRONGLY be inf avour of getting rid of KeepLocal May 05 22:26:24 <Qcoder00> Free image -> Commons, Fair use -> Local May 05 22:26:49 <DespatcheOW> may as well post this for you May 05 22:26:52 <DespatcheOW> "A Man who has been brought up among Books, and is able to talk of nothing else, is what we call a Pedant. But, methinks, we should enlarge the Title, and give it to every one that does not know how to think out of his Profession and particular way of Life." May 05 22:27:01 <Gfoley4> Qcoder00: there was a recent TFD May 05 22:27:06 <Gfoley4> closed as keep May 05 22:27:07 <Qcoder00> and clarLink? May 05 22:27:10 <Gfoley4> I believe May 05 22:27:13 <Qcoder00> :( May 05 22:27:15 <Qcoder00> Hmm May 05 22:27:16 <Qcoder00> OK May 05 22:27:18 <Qcoder00> Right May 05 22:27:30 <Qcoder00> It's clear I'm not going to make progress May 05 22:27:33 <Qcoder00> So May 05 22:27:53 * DespatcheOW has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 22:27:55 <Qcoder00> Does anyone here want to review recent efforts at cleanup by Sfan00_IMG? May 05 22:28:11 <Qcoder00> Just to confirm i'm not actully incomptent? May 05 22:28:32 <MuZemike> Or a bot? May 05 22:28:42 <MuZemike> Or an incompetent bot? May 05 22:28:46 <Qcoder00> LOL May 05 22:28:53 <Qcoder00> I'm not a bot May 05 22:29:01 <Qcoder00> Even if I seem to do a lot of editing ;) May 05 22:29:02 * HuckFinn has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 05 22:29:51 <Qcoder00> Also I'd in some instance been using {{add-author-I}} request to uploaders as opposed to doing no-source CSD's May 05 22:30:02 <MuZemike> What? Everyone else tends to think you're a bot :-p May 05 22:30:28 <Qcoder00> MuZemike: I do sometimes use TWINKLE and FURME to 'help' May 05 22:30:36 <Qcoder00> but I am not a bot doing hispeed automatatic editing May 05 22:31:16 <Qcoder00> - Is an example of an image that would by some others get tagged as no-source , but I didn't May 05 22:31:23 <Qcoder00> because I wasn;t sure May 05 22:31:43 <Qcoder00> There are others like it, mainly from befroe 2005 or so when Image poliocy was less stringent May 05 22:32:16 <Qcoder00> Another question? Is there a cut-off date for when current image policy doesn't apply? May 05 22:32:25 <Qcoder00> And when images can be trated less stringently? May 05 22:33:07 <MuZemike> Oh, then policy must be wrong, and we must go back to before 2005. </sarcasm> May 05 22:33:57 <MuZemike> Back when you could do whatever you wanted. May 05 22:34:09 <geniice> cleaning up the early stuff is an ongoing process May 05 22:34:10 * MJ94 is now known as GUNNEDDOWN May 05 22:34:28 <MuZemike> Back to when it was OK to say that John Siegenthaler conspired to kill Kennedy. May 05 22:34:29 * Douche has quit (Disconnected by services) May 05 22:34:47 <Qcoder00> geniice: Which I seem to get 'denied' from assisting with when I try to help ... May 05 22:34:52 * Douche (~Douche@wikimedia/Zalgo) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:34:57 * Douche has quit (Disconnected by services) May 05 22:35:13 <MuZemike> Back when you could have a completely unsourced Featured Article. May 05 22:35:27 * GUNNEDDOWN is now known as MJ94 May 05 22:35:27 <Qcoder00> Not actively banned, but denied due to intimidatory pressure from some contriobutorrs questioning my ability, comptence, sanity etc... May 05 22:35:34 <MuZemike> ...on some Pokemon that nobody would give two shits about. May 05 22:35:34 * LjL (~ljl@unaffiliated/ljl) has left #wikipedia-en ("Connection reset by myself") May 05 22:35:37 <Qcoder00> Sometimes I wonder myself May 05 22:35:43 <geniice> Qcoder00 it's an area that needs to be handled with tact May 05 22:35:51 <Qcoder00> Which I've tried to do May 05 22:36:00 <geniice> you templated the regulars May 05 22:36:16 * Randomguy83 (ad318c8d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:36:18 <Qcoder00> geniice: The regulars should know better XD May 05 22:36:23 <Randomguy83> yo. May 05 22:36:26 <Qcoder00> And should reposnde with good grace... May 05 22:36:30 <Qcoder00> but point taken May 05 22:36:37 <Randomguy83> er, shouldn't that be "respond"? May 05 22:36:50 <Qcoder00> Randomguy83: My typing is not goog May 05 22:36:52 <Qcoder00> *good May 05 22:37:10 * MJ94 is now known as ICLAIMGHOST May 05 22:37:12 * ICLAIMGHOST is now known as MJ94 May 05 22:37:17 * Sceptre (~sceptre@unaffiliated/sceptre) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:37:31 <Qcoder00> It's difficult to type with a pencil between your teeth, when they give you the special jacket to wear XD May 05 22:38:06 * MJ94 (~mj94@wikimedia/mj94) has left #wikipedia-en ("Please follow me on Twitter at - thank you!") May 05 22:38:30 <Randomguy83> ugh May 05 22:38:36 <Randomguy83> commons is confusing :S May 05 22:38:39 <Qcoder00> BTW I'' go back to trying to add {{information}} and leave CSD's to other contributors for a bit? May 05 22:39:21 <Qcoder00> topaz, MuZemike and others : You are aware of {{add-author-I}} which can be subst on user talk pags? May 05 22:39:23 <Qcoder00> *pages May 05 22:39:45 * mabdul has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 05 22:39:49 * matthewrbowker (~matthewrb@wikipedia/matthewrbowker) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:39:51 <MuZemike> wtf is [[User:Orangemarlin]]'s problem? May 05 22:40:01 * matthewrbowker is now known as MRB[away] May 05 22:40:13 <Qcoder00> OK... May 05 22:40:38 <Qcoder00> Based on the disscussion I am considering not using CSD's for a week? May 05 22:40:42 <Qcoder00> That reasonable? May 05 22:40:45 * MRB[away] is now known as matthewrbowker May 05 22:41:14 <Gfoley4> this? "I've got goofy admins who think they can block me for saying "fuck". I've got a couple of editors who hound and stalk me rather than actually doing work on the project, and file a weekly ANI or something because I reverted their useless POV edits. Your getting pissed because I might have fucked up your editing, well I probably deserved it. It takes a lot to insult me. Now if you said my citations were worthless....well, them's fighting w May 05 22:41:14 <Gfoley4> LOL. OrangeMarlin Talk• Contributions 4:31 pm, Today (UTC−5)" May 05 22:41:38 <Qcoder00> Gfoley4: Combative style? May 05 22:42:09 <Qcoder00> I may not like the way people refer me to ANI, but I've not got that heated? May 05 22:42:18 <Qcoder00> (or have I?) :( May 05 22:42:34 <Gfoley4> nope May 05 22:42:39 <Gfoley4> =0 May 05 22:42:49 <Gfoley4> * =) May 05 22:43:22 <Qcoder00> MuZemike: , Logan_ : Others? May 05 22:43:39 <Qcoder00> Can I make a request for an admin to wtach/mentor my edits? May 05 22:43:49 <Qcoder00> I am getting the impression I'm missing something again May 05 22:43:51 <geniice> not a good idea May 05 22:43:53 * Randomguy83 has quit (Quit: Page closed) May 05 22:44:04 * Demiurge1000 (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Demiurge1000) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:44:10 <Logan_> I'm still not an admin May 05 22:44:17 <Logan_> hasn't changed in the last hour, IIRC May 05 22:44:26 <Demiurge1000> keep checking May 05 22:44:30 <Qcoder00> Logan_: Not an admin May 05 22:44:31 <Logan_> alright May 05 22:44:32 <Qcoder00> OK May 05 22:44:36 <Logan_> :P May 05 22:44:39 <Qcoder00> OK Admin or long term contributor? May 05 22:45:13 <Qcoder00> I mean long term contributors are just as good for watching other peoples decenst into Wiki-Insnaity? XD May 05 22:46:34 * Logan_ takes out some popcorn, enjoys the show. May 05 22:47:05 <MuZemike> Giano? May 05 22:47:19 <Thehelpfulone> anyone here good with regex? May 05 22:47:42 * Dragonfly6-7 has quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds) May 05 22:47:45 <Qcoder00> MUZemike: I meant Safn00_IMG burning out by Policy drone ing May 05 22:47:46 <Qcoder00> ;) May 05 22:48:08 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:48:11 <Logan_> Thehelpfulone: /join #regex May 05 22:48:23 <Qcoder00> Right on a more positive note May 05 22:48:27 <Thehelpfulone> ooh May 05 22:48:35 <Qcoder00> Does anyone have objections to me adding {{information}} to images? May 05 22:48:56 <Qcoder00> I mean trying to add information rather than being delitionist isn't disruptive is it? May 05 22:50:15 * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has left #wikipedia-en May 05 22:50:22 * Theo10011 (~Theo10011@wikimedia/Theo10011) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:50:23 * Theo10011 has quit (Client Quit) May 05 22:50:31 <Qcoder00> - Is an obvious Commons candidate :) May 05 22:52:08 * mabdul ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 22:52:31 * mabdul is now known as mabdul|afk May 05 22:58:23 * LauraHale has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 3.6.17/20110420140830]) May 05 23:00:21 <Qcoder00> -hmm May 05 23:00:30 <Qcoder00> I see what he's trying to say May 05 23:00:37 <Qcoder00> but it's a bit combative :( May 05 23:00:55 <Qcoder00> Anyway there seem to be some duplicate images around if anyone wants to try and cleanup? May 05 23:02:31 * Falcorian has quit (Quit: Leaving.) May 05 23:03:52 <Demiurge1000> if User:MyPrecious was blocked for sockpuppetry in 2006, would it be a bad idea for a new user, now in 2011, to call themselves User:My Precious? May 05 23:04:17 * Deskana (~dan@wikipedia/deskana) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:04:25 * Avruch (~Avruch@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:04:26 * Avruch has quit (Changing host) May 05 23:04:27 * Avruch (~Avruch@wikimedia/Nathan) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:04:37 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:04:56 <Qcoder00> OK POeople - - Book cover? May 05 23:05:04 <Qcoder00> My thought is that's only text May 05 23:05:27 * Quentinv57 has quit (Quit: Quitte) May 05 23:06:57 * Barras[busy] is now known as Barras[away] May 05 23:06:59 * Sunderland06 (~chatzilla@Wikipedia/Sunderland06) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:08:13 * Adam00 ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:10:37 * Adam00 has quit (Client Quit) May 05 23:13:02 * Fluff|away is now known as Fluffernutter May 05 23:13:04 * Courcelles has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 23:13:17 * Seahorse (~Seahorse@wikipedia/Seahorseruler) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:15:13 * Deskana has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 23:17:11 <Qcoder00> - Why is this Keep L:ocal? May 05 23:17:18 <Qcoder00> It looks like it could be very useufl May 05 23:18:07 <Qcoder00> I personally think it time policy was changed to EXPLICTY state that if you upload a 'free' image locally , it WILL be moved to Comons if it meets the scope of that project May 05 23:20:27 <geniice> Qcoder00 not worth the hastle May 05 23:20:39 <Qcoder00> Well May 05 23:20:53 <Qcoder00> I might as well ignore that User's contributions then May 05 23:21:05 <Qcoder00> If they don't want to share :( May 05 23:21:05 <geniice> commons doesn't want to get into fights with other projects and one of the ways to do that is to allow people to keep stuff localy if they want May 05 23:21:35 <geniice> it's generaly only a hadful of oldtimers who object anyway so who cares May 05 23:21:37 <foks> Some people (like me) don't like commons May 05 23:21:57 <foks> judah judah-ah-ah May 05 23:21:59 <Gfoley4> foks is a rebel May 05 23:22:03 * Irish_Eddy has quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 4.0.1/20110413222027]) May 05 23:22:40 <geniice> not liking commons is sooooo 2006 May 05 23:23:16 <Fluffernutter> where the hell is my highlighter May 05 23:23:24 <Qcoder00> geniice: Unfortunatly it's frustrating when stuff locally can't be put on Commons, May 05 23:23:36 <Qcoder00> I thought the whols point of CC licences was that you could share May 05 23:23:37 <Qcoder00> ;) May 05 23:23:53 <Qcoder00> The User concerned seems to have issues with Commons though :( May 05 23:23:55 <geniice> indeed it is but commons has ten million images May 05 23:23:57 <MuZemike> Exactly May 05 23:24:25 <geniice> a few thousand one way or the other doesn't matter May 05 23:24:31 <MuZemike> Let other projects use free images; don't hoard them just because you don't like Commons. To say the least, you're not impressing me. May 05 23:24:48 <Qcoder00> MUZemike: ? May 05 23:24:53 <Qcoder00> Now need to tell me May 05 23:25:00 <Qcoder00> Tell the user concerned ;) May 05 23:25:12 <Qcoder00> *No need May 05 23:25:30 <geniice> Giano doesn't like commons because he likes to think of himself as a big cheese and on commons he isn't May 05 23:25:41 <Demiurge1000> Telling Giano about it would be a great idea, he loves to hear from people (especially admins) who disagree with him :) May 05 23:25:52 <Fluffernutter> lawl May 05 23:25:55 <Qcoder00> That was satire? May 05 23:26:03 <geniice> irony May 05 23:26:23 <Qcoder00> Sarcasam? XD Any more bids? May 05 23:26:36 <Demiurge1000> I think the word "sardonic" might come into it, but I'm not sure what the noun is from that... May 05 23:26:49 <Qcoder00> Any more bids May 05 23:26:50 <Qcoder00> ? May 05 23:26:53 <Qcoder00> Going once.... May 05 23:27:08 <MuZemike> Demiurge1000 is right, though. May 05 23:27:27 <MuZemike> some people won't listen to you simply because you 1) either know too much, 2) been around too far, or 3) is an admin. May 05 23:27:36 <geniice> I suspect the real reason Giano is getting pissed off is because the current generation don't care about him any more. May 05 23:27:37 <MuZemike> *are an admin May 05 23:27:49 <Demiurge1000> Giano writes so nicely though, sometimes I even enjoy reading him insulting *me* May 05 23:28:24 <Qcoder00> MuZemike:: On a side note one of Giano's recent comments caused me offence... May 05 23:28:32 <geniice> Qcoder00 yes he does that May 05 23:28:35 <geniice> ignore him May 05 23:28:40 <Fluffernutter> heh May 05 23:28:57 <Qcoder00> I disliked the Cassonova comment given that I have rather strong views about casual sex May 05 23:30:15 <Qcoder00> Of course Wikipedia is a broad church , and I realise people may hold other moral views ... :) May 05 23:30:48 <Qcoder00> 'Free love' and 'FREE SEX' are completly different things though .... May 05 23:31:19 <Qcoder00> The world needs more GNU style 'Free Love' and less commericalised 'Free Sex' May 05 23:32:16 <MuZemike> We don't need anymore porn on WP or Commons. May 05 23:33:04 <Qcoder00> 'Free Love' is not synonmous with Porn... May 05 23:33:28 <Qcoder00> In fact most porn is a base exploitation of weakness anyway May 05 23:33:42 <Qcoder00> (and most porn cannot be called 'Free' in the GNU sense) May 05 23:33:46 <MuZemike> Are you questioning the Powers That Be? May 05 23:34:05 <Qcoder00> No May 05 23:34:12 <Qcoder00> I was clarifying my argument May 05 23:34:16 * Cobi has quit (Read error: Operation timed out) May 05 23:34:31 <Qcoder00> The fact that Porn is not withinin Commons scope is well known ;) May 05 23:34:54 <Qcoder00> However 'appropriate' erotic art has a place in artistic commentary May 05 23:35:09 <Qcoder00> It's a complex subject :( May 05 23:36:20 * Mike5 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds) May 05 23:36:22 * Cobi (~Cobi@2002:1828:88fb:0:aede:48ff:febe:ef03) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:36:58 <Qcoder00> MUZemike: Busy at the moment? May 05 23:37:15 <MuZemike> Actually, a little May 05 23:37:24 <Qcoder00> Never mind May 05 23:37:32 <Qcoder00> I'm still looking for someone to check my contribs May 05 23:37:38 <Qcoder00> And my sanity level XD May 05 23:37:44 <MuZemike> I'm disrupting wikipedia by trying to clear another backlog right now. May 05 23:38:15 <Qcoder00> Which one? May 05 23:38:36 <MuZemike> Unassessed [[WP:VG]] articles May 05 23:39:33 <Qcoder00> Ah May 05 23:39:59 * ffya has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 23:41:26 * Mikemoral (~mikemoral@wikimedia/mikemoral) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:45:36 <geniice> hmm and thats one dead candidate May 05 23:46:19 <matthewrbowker> geniice: <sarcasm> Wha'd you kill this time? </sarcasm> May 05 23:46:35 * Aief (~Aief@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:47:03 <geniice> lib dem candidate for candidate for Westerhope, Newcastle aparently May 05 23:47:03 * ffya (~apscott@ has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:47:55 * vonRanke ( has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:48:51 * Jayflux has quit (Quit: ( :: NoNameScript 4.22 :: )) May 05 23:49:11 * Falcorian has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) May 05 23:50:08 <MuZemike> I think some citations are needed in this article: May 05 23:50:49 <geniice> tell him to stop staring at me first May 05 23:51:21 <Tothwolf> MuZemike: lol, at least that one is legit for a change May 05 23:51:28 <Logan_> heh, this is a pretty cool template: Wikipedia:Image copyright tags/Non-free May 05 23:51:31 <Logan_> woops May 05 23:51:33 <Logan_> May 05 23:51:36 <Tothwolf> not some made up spoofed article :P May 05 23:51:36 <Logan_> that ^ May 05 23:51:49 * Leonard^Bloom_ has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds) May 05 23:51:51 <MuZemike> FWIW, I kind of doubt that he's worked as an intern for Google. May 05 23:52:03 <Logan_> every admin should use that template on A1s and A3s, imo May 05 23:52:14 <geniice> Logan_ as someone who has been known to zap stuff stright off the special:newpages errr no May 05 23:52:14 <Logan_> when they are tagged shortly after creation May 05 23:52:29 * vonRanke is now known as Kafkaesque May 05 23:52:30 <Tothwolf> MuZemike: google it May 05 23:52:31 <MuZemike> Not for each and every A1/A3 though May 05 23:52:34 * Logan_ glares at geniice May 05 23:52:35 <Logan_> :P May 05 23:52:41 * Kafkaesque has quit (Changing host) May 05 23:52:41 * Kafkaesque (~Justin@wikipedia/LeonardBloom) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:52:53 * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en May 05 23:52:55 <Logan_> MuZemike: well, obviously AGFing to your best extent May 05 23:53:02 <Logan_> some articles you know won't be improved May 05 23:53:30 <MuZemike> AGF is not Dianetics. You need to assume that newcomers are from Planet Earth. May 05 23:53:36 * Zuzak decides that Nick Robinson == Cory Doctorow May 05 23:53:56 <Jeske_Couriano> No no, MuZemike... May 05 23:54:03 <Jeske_Couriano> AGF is not the Waaagh! May 05 23:54:22 <Logan_> Zuzak: I <3 Cory Doctorow May 05 23:54:27 <Logan_> have you read Little Brother? May 05 23:55:00 <Zuzak> Yep May 05 23:55:20 * Zuzak prefers Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom, though May 05 23:55:45 <Logan_> good stuff May 05 23:56:47 * AzaToth has quit (Remote host closed the connection) May 05 23:57:00 * Resfirestar is now known as res|starcraft May 05 23:57:46 * CKtravel_ ( has joined #wikipedia-en