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  • #REDIRECT [[Directory:James A. Garfield]]
    41 bytes (5 words) - 17:43, 1 April 2008

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  • ...rby Marion; CBS reporter Phil Jones; and cartoonist Jim Davis, creator of "Garfield." Allow 1 hour minimum. Mon.-Sat. 10-5, Sun. noon-5, Mar.-Nov.; by appointm '''THE JAMES DEAN GALLERY''', 425 N. Main St., houses a large collection of James Dean memorabilia, including clothes, photographs, yearbooks, screenplays an
    958 bytes (132 words) - 21:29, 21 January 2009
  • ...lican]] candidate for [[Governor of Indiana]] in 1876, being defeated by [[James D. Williams]]. He was appointed a member of the [[Mississippi River Commiss ...with the head of [[United States Secretary of State|Secretary of State]] [[James G. Blaine]] gawks down at the President, a reference to the famous [[Edgar
    26 KB (3,514 words) - 21:23, 5 March 2009
  • American presidents: Ulysses S. Grant, Rutherford B. Hayes, James A. Garfield, Benjamin Harrison, William McKinley, William Howard Taft, and Warren G. Ha * James J. Ritty, of Dayton, invented the cash register in 1879 to stop his patrons
    15 KB (2,346 words) - 19:20, 17 January 2013
  • 6 eligible Presidents - [[Abraham Lincoln|Lincoln]], [[James Garfield|Garfield]], [[William McKinley|McKinley]], [[Warren G. Harding|Harding]], [[Franklin ...e office to [[James A. Garfield]], who was assassinated. With the death of Garfield, [[Chester A. Arthur]] stepped into the Presidency.
    26 KB (3,755 words) - 20:46, 5 March 2009
  • * [[James Mark Baldwin|Baldwin, James Mark]] (ed., 1901–1905), ''Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology'', 3 v * [[James K. Feibleman|Feibleman, James K.]] (1962), "Nominalism", p. 211 in Runes (1962).
    61 KB (7,563 words) - 18:26, 15 June 2010
  • * [[James Mark Baldwin|Baldwin, James Mark]] (ed., 1901–1905), ''Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology'', 3 v * [[James K. Feibleman|Feibleman, James K.]] (1962), "Nominalism", p. 211 in Runes (1962).
    61 KB (7,562 words) - 18:18, 18 March 2008
  • * [[James Mark Baldwin|Baldwin, James Mark]] (ed., 1901–1905), ''Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology'', 3 v ...1999), ''Truth'', Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Includes papers by James, Ramsey, Russell, Tarski, and more recent work.
    81 KB (11,851 words) - 22:22, 25 January 2008
  • * [[James Mark Baldwin|Baldwin, James Mark]] (ed., 1901–1905), ''Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology'', 3 v ...1999), ''Truth'', Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. Includes papers by James, Ramsey, Russell, Tarski, and more recent work.
    81 KB (11,851 words) - 18:53, 20 August 2007
  • ...the good job of county engineer in 1859). In 1856 he voted for Democrat [[James Buchanan]] for president to avert secession and because "I knew [[John C. F Sigel's Shenandoah campaign and Butler's James River campaign both failed. Lee was able to reinforce with troops used to d
    79 KB (11,946 words) - 16:50, 1 April 2008
  • By James W. Pindell, Globe Correspondent | September 9, 2007 STRATHAM, NH - Former U ...e for the Future After a Failed National Policy for Thrifts" ''in'' Barth, James et al. ''[
    81 KB (11,762 words) - 11:08, 10 September 2007
  • ...the United States Democratic Party|Democratic]] opponent, fellow Ohioan [[James M. Cox]], by a landslide—60.36% to 34.19%. ...ion]], Harding ran against Democratic [[Governor of Ohio|Ohio Governor]] [[James M. Cox]], whose running-mate was [[Assistant Secretary of the Navy]] [[Fran
    46 KB (6,678 words) - 17:29, 1 April 2008
  • *[[James Garfield]] *[[James Baldwin (writer)|James Baldwin]]
    77 KB (10,533 words) - 08:11, 21 April 2010
  • ...was on the scene of three presidential assassinations. His father in 1865, Garfield in 1881, and McKinley in 1901.''' | predecessor = [[James Buchanan]]
    98 KB (14,380 words) - 18:00, 6 March 2009
  • �03[11:22] * comets (~james@wikimedia/Cometstyles) has joined #wikipedia-en �02[12:29] * comets (~james@wikimedia/Cometstyles) Quit (Quit: Z-Lined�)
    971 KB (120,204 words) - 00:04, 10 July 2015
  • ...pragmatism for "differences that don't make a difference" is legend, e.g. (James, 1907). The form of reasoning that argues toward a definition is bound up * Garfield, J.L., and Kiteley, M. (eds.), ''Meaning and Truth : Essential Readings in
    226 KB (34,541 words) - 14:20, 20 August 2016
  • May 01 05:26:48 <Mike_H> May 01 05:36:28 <topaz> that garfield site looks terrifying.
    1.58 MB (215,511 words) - 23:33, 28 January 2015