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<!-- MyWikiBiz users, note... Text that appears between these brackets are merely remarks. -->
<!-- They do not appear in the actual page. -->
<!-- The following is a simple Infobox designed to identify a COMPANY. You should feel free to add your own content to any of the missing elements. The few items pre-filled here are intended to "just get you started" with some basic formatting and semantic tagging. -->
| company_name = [[Company_Name:=Milson Printing]]
| company_name = [[Company_Name:=The Licence Bureau]]
| company_logo = [[Image:Milson_Printing_Logo.jpg|150px|Milson Printing logo]]
| company_slogan = ''Validating Your Drivers''
| company_slogan = ''Your Printing Guru''
| company_type = [[Company_Type:=Private|[[Private Company|Private]]]]
| company_type = [[Company_Type:=Private|[[Private Company|Private]]]]
| genre =
| foundation = [[Year_Started:=2003|[[2003]]]]
| foundation = [[Year_Started:=1965|[[1965]]]]
| location = {{flagicon|UK}} [[City:=Hemel Hempstead|[[Directory:Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire|Hemel Hempstead]]]], [[State_Name:=Hertfordshire|[[Directory:Hertfordshire|Hertfordshire]]]], [[Country_Name:=United Kingdom|[[Directory:United Kingdom|UK]]]]
| founder =
| products = Driving licence verification services, driving licence checks, driver checks.
| location = {{flagicon|US}} [[City:=Memphis|[[Directory:Memphis, Tennessee|Memphis]]]], [[State_Name:=Tennessee|[[Directory:Tennessee|Tennessee]]]], [[Country_Name:=United States|[[Directory:United States|USA]]]]
| contact = [[Address:=5 Amberside House, Wood Lane]]<br>Hemel Hempstead, [[Zip:=HP2 4TP]]<br>[[Phone:=+44.845.270.1080]]<br>[[|[ The Licence Bureau website]]]
| key_people = [[Key_Person1:=Sanford Milson|[[Directory:Sanford Milson|Sanford Milson]]]], [[Key_Person1_Title:=CEO|CEO]]<br>[[Key_Person2:=Ollie Hopnoodle]], [[Key_Person2_Title:=COO|General Manager]]
| reference = [[NAICS]]: [[NAICS_Code1:=541612]]<br>[[Latitude]]: [[Latitude:=51°44'54.32"]]<br>[[Longitude]]: [[Longitude:=0°28'05.33"]]
| industry = [[NAICS_Code1_Title:=Printing|[[Printing]]]]<br>[[NAICS_Code2_Title:=Support Activities for Printing|[[Printing Support]]]]
| products = <!-- You can list the company's products here. -->
| revenue =
| operating_income =
| net_income =
| num_employees = {{profit}} [[Employees:=11|11]] (2007)
| parent = <!-- Link to a parent company here. -->
| subsid = <!-- List any subsidiary operations here. -->
| owner = <!-- Useful for privately or closely-held firms. -->
| contact = [[Address:=4729 Elvis Presley Blvd]]<br>Memphis, [[State_Code:=TN]] [[Zip:=38116]]-[[Plus4:=0000]]<br>[[Phone:=901.555.1212]]<br>[[|[ Milson Printing website]]]
| reference = <!-- Reference items help facilitate search engine optimization (SEO) -->[[NAICS]]: [[NAICS_Code1:=32311]], [[NAICS_Code2:=32312]]<br>[[Attribute:Region1|Region]]: [[Region1:=Orange County|[[Directory:Orange County|The OC]]]]<br>[[Latitude]]: [[Latitude:=35.019608|35°01'10.59"]]<br>[[Longitude]]: [[Longitude:=-90.025098|-90°01'30.35"]]
| footnotes =
'''Milson Printing''' is a fictional commercial [[color printing]] company located in [[Directory:Memphis, Tennessee|Memphis]], [[Directory:Tennessee|Tennessee]]. It is one of the twelve largest commercial printers in the Memphis area.
'''The Licence Bureau''' carries out [ driver checks] and [ driving licence checks] for its corporate client base. The company is based [[Directory:Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire|Hemel Hempstead]], [[Directory:Hertfordshire|Hertfordshire]], [[Directory:UK|UK]].
<!-- The following gives the user an example of one way to footnote a reference citation. -->
The officers of a company in the UK can be held personally responsible, under the Road Traffic Act, for periodically verifying the driving licences of all employees who have been required to drive by the company. The licence verification service provided by The Licence Bureau provides a fully outsourced or partially outsourced solution to companies to satisfy these obligations.
One of Milson's clients has recently expanded his reach into entrepreneurial ventures centering on wiki editing and optimization. <ref name="DieWelt">{{cite news|last=Peer|first=Mathias|title=Wikipedia-Artikel, die man kaufen kann|publisher=[[Directory:Die Welt|Die Welt]]|date=2006-08-24|url=|accessdate=2007-01-02}}</ref>
The Licence Bureau was the first organisation in the UK to develop a unique driving licence verification system in co-operation with the DVLA with a three year mandate. Under this arrangement, once the initial consent is obtained from the driver, no further recourse is required from them to carry out periodic checks throughout the three year term.
The service includes full reporting. Drivers can enter their details online and clients can view the reports online at their convenience.
== History ==
Milson Printing started business in [[1965]] in a small shop on Duval Street in Key West, Florida. As the business expanded, it moved in [[1974]] to a larger facility in town on Caroline Street, and then again moved in [[1998]] to its present location in Memphis, where the owner could be closer to the blues music he so loves.
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== External links ==
*[ The Licence Bureau website]
== External links ==
*[ Milson Printing website]
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