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, 03:43, 18 February 2009
{{Infobox Nonprofit
| nonprofit_name = [[Nonprofit_Name:=American Conservative Party]]
| nonprofit_logo = [[Image:|143px]]<br/><small>''Iconic logo of the church''</small>
| nonprofit_slogan = ''The individual is sovereign <br>Putting you in charge!''
| company_type = [[Company_Type:=NPO|[[Non-Profit Organization]]]]
| foundation = [[ January2008]]
| founder = W.T. Quick
| location = {{flagicon|US}} [[City:=Madison|[[Madison, Wisconsin|Madison]]]], [[State_Name:=Wisconsin|[[Wisconsin]]]], [[Country_Name:=United States|[[United States|USA]]]]
| key_people = [[Key_Person1:=Bill Quick]], [[Key_Person1_Title:=Novelist]]<br/> [[Key_Person2:=Tracy Coyle]], [[Key_Person2_Title:=Chairwoman]]<br/> [[Key_Person3:=Bill Hinman|[[Directory:Bill Hinman|Bill Hinman]]]], [[Key_Person3_Title:=Vice Chairman]]<br/> [[Key_Person4:=Al Reasin]], [[Key_Person4_Title:=Treasurer]]<br/>
| industry = [[NAICS_Code1_Title:=Political Party|[[Political parties]]]]
| products =
| revenue = {{profit}}[[United States dollar|US$]][[Revenues:=|Undisclosed]] (2008)
| net_assets = {{loss}}US$[[Change Net Assets:=-|-undisclosed]] (2008)
| num_employees = {{steady}} [[Employees:=0|part-time volunteers]] (2008)
| parent =
| subsid = <!-- The " " text you see below creates "non-breaking space". -->
| owner =
| contact = [[Address:=4710 E. Broadway, Suite 180]]<br>Madison, [[State_Code:=WI]] [[Country_Code:=US]] [[Zip:=53716]]<br>[[Phone:=Undisclosed]] [[Fax:=]]<br>[[Web:=|[]]]
| reference = [[Year End]]: [[Year End:=1231|December/31]]<br>[[NAICS]]: [[NAICS_Code1:=81311]]<br>[[Entity Type|Entity]]: [[Entity_Type:=Corporation|[[Corporation]]]]<br>[[Latitude]]: [[Latitude:=|=]]<br>[[Longitude]]: [[Longitude:=-|=-]]<br>
| footnotes =
The American Conservative Party's mission is to promote and protect individual rights and freedoms as set forth in the United States Constitution, and to limit the scope of government to the authority set forth in the same.
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<br clear="all">
===Annual Budget Presentation===
Not available.
==Photo gallery==
==External links==
*[] Party's homepage.
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