
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
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*3-83 Istvan Hajdu, Vita sancti Ladislai  confessoris regis Hungariae.
*3-83 Istvan Hajdu, Vita sancti Ladislai  confessoris regis Hungariae.
*85-109 Magdalena Bieniak, A Critical Edition of Stephen Langton's Question _De persona_.
*85-109 Magdalena Bieniak, A Critical Edition of Stephen Langton's Question ''De persona''.
*111-125 Ernesto Santos, Is 'Deus scit quicquid scivit' an epistemic sophisma?
*111-125 Ernesto Santos, Is 'Deus scit quicquid scivit' an epistemic sophisma?
*127-146 David Bloch, Averroes Latinus on Memory. An Aristotelian Approach.
*127-146 David Bloch, Averroes Latinus on Memory. An Aristotelian Approach.
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Vol 76, Pp. 282.
Vol 76, Pp. 282.
*3-30 David Bloch, Theodoros Metochites on Aristotle's  _De memoria_.
*3-30 David Bloch, Theodoros Metochites on Aristotle's  ''De memoria''.
*31-44 Chris Schabel & Russell L. Friedman, Trinitarian  Theology and Philosophical Issues V.
*31-44 Chris Schabel & Russell L. Friedman, Trinitarian  Theology and Philosophical Issues V.
*45-130 Heine Hansen, An Early Commentary on Boethius'  _Topics_.
*45-130 Heine Hansen, An Early Commentary on Boethius'  ''Topics''.
*131-158 William J. Courtenay, Radulphus Brito, Master of Arts  and Theology.
*131-158 William J. Courtenay, Radulphus Brito, Master of Arts  and Theology.
*159-237 Mischa von Perger, Walter Burley's _Quaestiones libri Elenchorum 1-3 & 13-18_.
*159-237 Mischa von Perger, Walter Burley's ''Quaestiones libri Elenchorum 1-3 & 13-18''.
*239-282 Sten Ebbesen, Gualterus Burleus, _Quaestiones super Sophisticos Elenchos 4-12_. A revised edition.
*239-282 Sten Ebbesen, Gualterus Burleus, ''Quaestiones super Sophisticos Elenchos 4-12''. A revised edition.
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*3-6 Fritz S. Pedersen, The Treatise on the Rising and Setting of Signs Ascribed to Roger of Hereford.
*3-6 Fritz S. Pedersen, The Treatise on the Rising and Setting of Signs Ascribed to Roger of Hereford.
*7-119 David Bloch, The Manuscripts of the _De sensu_ and the _De memoria_.
*7-119 David Bloch, The Manuscripts of the ''De sensu'' and the ''De memoria''.
*121-160 Chris Schabel & Russell L. Friedman, Trinitarian  Theology and Philosophical Issues IV.
*121-160 Chris Schabel & Russell L. Friedman, Trinitarian  Theology and Philosophical Issues IV.
*161-218 Irène Rosier-Catach & Sten Ebbesen, Petrus de  Alvernia + Boethius de Dacia: _Syllogizantem ponendum est terminos_.
*161-218 Irène Rosier-Catach & Sten Ebbesen, Petrus de  Alvernia + Boethius de Dacia: ''Syllogizantem ponendum est terminos''.
*219-220 Addenda et corrigenda to CIMAGL 68, 71, 72, 74.
*219-220 Addenda et corrigenda to CIMAGL 68, 71, 72, 74.
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Vol 74, Pp. 208.
Vol 74, Pp. 208.
*3-20 Christian Troelsgaard, A List of Sticheron Call-Numbers of the _Standard Abridged Version of the Sticherarion_. Part I (The Cycle of the Twelve Months)
*3-20 Christian Troelsgaard, A List of Sticheron Call-Numbers of the ''Standard Abridged Version of the Sticherarion''. Part I (The Cycle of the Twelve Months)
*21-38 David Bloch, Alexander of Aphrodisias as a Textual Witness. The Commentary on the _De Sensu_
*21-38 David Bloch, Alexander of Aphrodisias as a Textual Witness. The Commentary on the ''De Sensu''
*39-88 Chris Schabel & Russell L. Friedman, Trinitarian  Theology and Philosophical Issues III
*39-88 Chris Schabel & Russell L. Friedman, Trinitarian  Theology and Philosophical Issues III
*89-150 Sten Ebbesen, Mary Sirridge & Paul Streveler, The  Pupils of the Master of Abstractions: _Abstractiones Digbeianae, Regiae & Venetae_
*89-150 Sten Ebbesen, Mary Sirridge & Paul Streveler, The  Pupils of the Master of Abstractions: ''Abstractiones Digbeianae, Regiae & Venetae''
*151-207 Sten Ebbesen, Burley on Equivocation in his Companion to a _Tractatus Fallaciarum_ and in his Questions on the  _Elenchi_
*151-207 Sten Ebbesen, Burley on Equivocation in his Companion to a ''Tractatus Fallaciarum'' and in his Questions on the  ''Elenchi''
*208 Addenda et Corrigenda to CIMAGL 56 & 68.
*208 Addenda et Corrigenda to CIMAGL 56 & 68.


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