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, 16:51, 30 December 2008
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''<blockquote>NorCal Cars is an inventory display website created to help used car dealers easily display their inventory on the internet. Inventory can be manually added, bulk added using a KarPower database, or scraped from an existing website.
[ NorCal Cars] recieves thousands of visitors each week form the Northern California area looking for cars from local used car dealers.</blockquote>''
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<!-- If you want to really load up your MyWikiBiz Directory page with information about yourself, you can see more Infoboxes, semantic tags, and ASK queries in the listing for [[Directory:Gregory J. Kohs]]. -->
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==Photo gallery==
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<div class="references-small" style="-moz-column-count:1; column-count:1;">
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==External links==
*[ NorCal Cars] Northern California Used Cars
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