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→‎Selina's opinion: Good gravy, I didn't realize I was copying from a "private" WR forum. Sorry!
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[[User:Geoff Wilson|Geoff Wilson]] 11:09, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
[[User:Geoff Wilson|Geoff Wilson]] 11:09, 10 October 2008 (PDT)
== Selina's opinion ==
Not trying to stir up drama.  Just holding this temporarily here, in case it gets oversighted from Wikipedia Review.
QUOTE(One @ Fri 10th October 2008, 6:48pm)
Yeah, I guess I'm a snob. I don't like it when site leadership chase off the best members of a community.
"best" your opinion, and I did not "chase him off", he ran off in a huff because I dared to insult him back. He's one of those people that gives it all the time but when someone stands up to him he gets all upset and offended that someone even would (I've talked with other people who said similar about thekohser but didn't say in public because of the drama factor).
QUOTE(One @ Fri 10th October 2008, 6:48pm)
My attitude is that Kohs is one of the most constructive users to this site, by any metric. Whether you care about hard meta criticism, or even the drama. He's tops.
That's pretty laughable, there was a couple of good things but primarily he was concentrated on promoting his 1-man-band business (constantly, incessantly) and posting reams of crap about how unjust it is that he isn't allowed to spam Wikipedia and that he should be unbanned. He didn't want to criticise it too much because his intention was always to become a Wikipedian again.
QUOTE(One @ Fri 10th October 2008, 6:48pm)
And he was kicked off the forum[/url]Totally irrelevant considering he wasn't even ON the forum when his account was temporarily closed for about half an hour. He doesn't have any intention of returning either, so banned or unbanned it's a bit pointless either way.
QUOTE(One @ Fri 10th October 2008, 6:48pm)
Have you read Selina?
"? That's the facts..."
"yeah well said."
"Tell us another one!"
"ooooo harsh!  "
Taking quotes out of context is a cheap trick that anyone can do, a line in a conversation that people are posting to fast is perfectly acceptable I think...
QUOTE(One @ Fri 10th October 2008, 7:11pm)
I've criticized this site for not being tough enough on members. (Namely, conspiracy theorists that tend to discredit the place.)
Obviously I guess that excludes less convenient-to-criticise conspiracy theories like "Selina is poetwhatever" "Selina is telling the admins what to do on wikipedia argh shes turning them all against me!"
:I don't actually hate him though is the thing, just had issues with (like I said before) the constant accusations and replied pointing out just how crazy they were. Before that I had no problem with him at all, I'm still not sure what exactly prompted the attacks and accusations.
:Sure I used one swear word but I had been very patient til then, and I was being attacked in completely random topics by both him and Awbrey, for no apparent reason other than because I lightheartedly teased them quite a bit back, I think they took it as a personal insult or something. I did at one point try to point out that I didn't intend it nastily and I actually say those things becuase I LIKED them not because I didn't, if I didn't like it would have been far worse than THAT... but they weren't having any of it and just seemed to want to character assassinate me.
:I still think it's a bit ludicrous to even try suggest it because I was one of the ones principly against poetwhatever. I (and Alison after I got fobbed off the first time) did a lot to try and clear up the mess he'd caused for the victims that got left behind on Wipipedia but "Balzac" didn't want to cooperate and didn't seem to care really, and all the discussion has been wiped now (if you search I think Alison mentioned it, balzac wrote in the comments "fixing a problem"...)
:So yeah anyway if he did want to start posting again I really don't have anything against him... it just seems it avalanched from a tiny snowball into a serious argument...

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