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<!-- MyWikiBiz users, note... Text that appears between these brackets are merely remarks. -->
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<!-- The following is a simple Infobox designed to identify a PERSON.  You should feel free to add your own content to any of the missing elements.  The few items pre-filled here are intended to "just get you started" with some basic formatting and semantic tagging. -->
| name        = [[Person_First_Name:=Gavin]] [[Person_Last_Name:=Smith]]
| other_names = <!-- Could be a nickname or maiden name. -->
| residence  = {{flagicon|UK}} Guildford, Surrey, [[Country_Name:=United Kingdom|[[Directory:United Kingdom|UK]]]]
| image      = Gavin_Smith.jpg
| imagesize  = 128px
| caption    = Gavin Smith (2007)
| birth_date  = 1984
| birth_place = Durban, [[Country_Name:=South Africa|[[Directory:South Africa|South Africa]]]]
| birth_name  =
| death_date  = <!-- Hopefully, you won't be entering this info about yourself. -->
| death_place =
| death_cause =
| occupation  = Software Engineer, Professional Blogger
| known      = Whit, Creativity, and Diplomacy
| contact    =
| reference  =
'''Gavin Smith''' is a [[software engineer]] and well-known professional blogger.  He is the oldest child of three, born in Durban, South Africa to Ronnie and Heather Smith.  In 1997, he moved with his parents to the south-east USA, settling in [[Directory:Atlanta, Georgia|Atlanta]], [[Directory:Georgia|Georgia]]. 
Gavin has since relocated to Guildford, Surrey in the south-eastern part of the UK, just outside of London.
==Resume Information==
In 2002, Smith enrolled at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville, GA on the Hope Scholarship as a Chemistry major with intentions to become a Chemical Engineer.  After a full semester of University, he soon uncovered his passion in software development after signing up for a introductry Computer Science class.  For every single one of the next four (4) semesters, Smith made the Dean's honor list. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Smith was forced to abandon his degree to move to the UK.
In August, 2004, Smith enrolled at the University of Reading as a Computer Science student under the School of Systems Engineering.  Mr. Smith graduated from the University of Reading in 2007 with the highest grade-point average in the Computer Science Department.  He was appropriately awarded the Hockney Prize for "The Best Student in Computer Science". Despite being accepted into the University of Kent in Canterbury as MSc student to study 'Distributed Systems and Networks', Smith decided to enter the workforce as software engineer.
| period1    = [[Job_Period1:=2007-Present]]
| employer1  = [[Employer_Name1:=Livewire Digital Ltd|[[Directory:Livewire Digital|Livewire Digital]]]]
| title1      = [[Job_Title1:=Software Engineer]]
| salary1    = [[Job_Salary1:=Not Disclosed]]
| experience1 = [[Job_Years1:=1]] year
| occupation1 = [[NAICS_Code1_Title:=Applications software, computer, packaged|[[NAICS/51|Software Engineer]]]]
| code1      = [[NAICS_Code1:=511210]]
| physical  = [[Person_Race:=White]] [[Person_Gender:=Male]], [[Person_Height:=68]] inches, [[Person_Weight:=135]] pounds, [[Person_Hair:=Brown]] Hair, [[Person_Eyes:=Brown]] Eyes
| known      = Intellect, humor, and diplomacy
| education  = [[Education_Level1_Degree:=BS|[[Bachelor of Science|BS]]]], [[Education_Level1_Major:=Computer Science|[[Computer Science]]]], [[Education_Level1_Institution:=The University of Reading|[[Directory:The University of Reading|The University of Reading]]]], [[Education_Level1_Year:=2007]];
| profession = Software Engineer
| credential =
| member      = [[Association:=British Computing Society|[[Directory:British Computing Society|British Computing Society (BCS)]]]]
| party      = [[Political_Party:=Conservative Party|[[Directory:Conservative Party|Conservative Party]]]]
| religion    = [[Religion:=Christian|[[Christianity|Christian]]]]
| marital    = [[Marital_Status:=Single]] - [[Spouse_Name:=]]
| children    = [[Number_Children:=0]]
| relations  = [[Number_Relations:=0]]
| friends    = [[Friend_Of::Directory:Gregory J. Kohs|Gregory J. Kohs]]
| interests  = [[Subject_Interest::Programming]], [[Subject_Interest::Music]], [[Subject_Interest::Blogging]], [[Subject_Interest::Fishing]], [[Subject_Interest::Category:History|History]]
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==External links==
*[ BlogaPro] Teaches individuals how to make money blogging
*[ About Gavin] Gavin's autobiography
*[ BlogaPro Wiki] Make-money-blogging directory
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