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[[File:TsunamiLecture.jpg‎|thumb|left|250px|<small> Professor Leslie M. Golden lectures in 2005 on how the East Indian Ocean [[tsunami]]-generating earthquake led to a shortening of the length of the day.</small>]]He lectures to adult and student audiences on the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the hypothetical shapes of their bodies.  A frequent cruise ship lecturer, he was selected by Royal Cruise Lines to be their shipboard lecturer on the high seas during the 1986 apparition of Halley's Comet, and was the first University of Illinois professor selected to be a professor on the Institute of Shipboard Education's (ISE) Semester at Sea program,<ref>(1997), “Physics sails the world,” ''UIC News'' (University of Illinois at Chicago), April 30, p. 2;</ref> teaching courses on astronomy and the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the fall semester of 1996.  [[File: PhysicsEducationReview.gif|thumb|left|150px|<small>The review of Les Golden’s "Laboratory Experiments in Physics for Modern Astronomy" by Michael Vollmer, published in Physics Education Journal, July 2013, volume 48, number 4, pages 534-535.</small>]]Among his popular writings on astronomy<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> and public presentations,<ref>(2005)  Anderson, Holly, “Day shortened by quake, astronomer calculates,”, January 5</ref><ref></ref><ref>(2013), Jobs in the sky, <i>Chicago Tribune</i>, February 16, p. 13;,0,5802913.story</ref>  he presented a series of lectures to the renowned Field Museum of Natural History on the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligent life, has been the featured speaker at the meeting of the Great Lakes Planetarium Association, and was the keynote speaker for Chicago's Adler Planetarium on the occasion of the dedication of their new wing.
[[File:TsunamiLecture.jpg‎|thumb|left|250px|<small> Professor Leslie M. Golden lectures in 2005 on how the East Indian Ocean [[tsunami]]-generating earthquake led to a shortening of the length of the day.</small>]]He lectures to adult and student audiences on the possibility of extraterrestrial life and the hypothetical shapes of their bodies.  A frequent cruise ship lecturer, he was selected by Royal Cruise Lines to be their shipboard lecturer on the high seas during the 1986 apparition of Halley's Comet, and was the first University of Illinois professor selected to be a professor on the Institute of Shipboard Education's (ISE) Semester at Sea program,<ref>(1997), “Physics sails the world,” ''UIC News'' (University of Illinois at Chicago), April 30, p. 2;</ref> teaching courses on astronomy and the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the fall semester of 1996.  [[File: PhysicsEducationReview.gif|thumb|left|150px|<small>The review of Les Golden’s "Laboratory Experiments in Physics for Modern Astronomy" by Michael Vollmer, published in Physics Education Journal, July 2013, volume 48, number 4, pages 534-535.</small>]]Among his popular writings on astronomy<ref></ref><ref></ref><ref></ref> and public presentations,<ref>(2005)  Anderson, Holly, “Day shortened by quake, astronomer calculates,”, January 5</ref><ref></ref><ref>(2013), Jobs in the sky, <i>Chicago Tribune</i>, February 16, p. 13;,0,5802913.story</ref>  he presented a series of lectures to the renowned Field Museum of Natural History on the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligent life, has been the featured speaker at the meeting of the Great Lakes Planetarium Association, and was the keynote speaker for Chicago's Adler Planetarium on the occasion of the dedication of their new wing.
Professor Golden was referenced internationally, including the <i>[[Chicago Tribune]]</i> and the <i>[[Toronto Globe and Mall]]</i> for his analysis of the shortening of the length of the day following the December 26, 2004, [[Sumatran earthquake]].[[File: TomWhy.jpg|thumb|right|600px|<small> Les Golden, astronomer, was quoted internationally for his analysis of the shortening of the length of the day following the December 26, 2004, Sumatran earthquake]]
Professor Golden was referenced internationally, including the <i>[[Chicago Tribune]]</i> and the <i>[[Toronto Globe and Mall]]</i> for his analysis of the shortening of the length of the day following the December 26, 2004, [[Sumatran earthquake]].[[File: TomWhy.jpg|thumb|right|800px|<small> Les Golden, astronomer, was quoted internationally for his analysis of the shortening of the length of the day following the December 26, 2004, Sumatran earthquake]]
His textbook, <i>Laboratory Exercises in Physics for Modern Astronomy</i> (Springer-Verlag, 2012)<ref>,+observations+and+techniques/book/978-1-4614-3310-1</ref> has been enthusiastically reviewed.<ref></ref><ref>(2013) Vollmer, Michael, “Physics and astronomy meet in book of experiments,” <i>Physics Education</i>, v. 48, no. 4, p. 534-535;;jsessionid=6530B374440A8BBC9B63245D60D284DF.c1;</ref>
His textbook, <i>Laboratory Exercises in Physics for Modern Astronomy</i> (Springer-Verlag, 2012)<ref>,+observations+and+techniques/book/978-1-4614-3310-1</ref> has been enthusiastically reviewed.<ref></ref><ref>(2013) Vollmer, Michael, “Physics and astronomy meet in book of experiments,” <i>Physics Education</i>, v. 48, no. 4, p. 534-535;;jsessionid=6530B374440A8BBC9B63245D60D284DF.c1;</ref>


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