
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Monday May 06, 2024
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[18:38] <Qcoder00> Q7 :  How many posts do you need for a 9 panel fence?
[18:38] <Qcoder00> Q7 :  How many posts do you need for a 9 panel fence?
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[18:40] <{soap|bed}> 45. it's actually a picket fence
[18:40] <Qcoder00> Soap : Hmm ;)
[18:40] <Qcoder00> Picket uses 4 posts per panel?
[18:40] <Qcoder00> Arghh
[18:40] <Qcoder00> I mean 5 ...
[18:40] <{soap|bed}> actualyy sory 46
[18:41] <Qcoder00> Why 46?
[18:41] <{soap|bed}> one extra for the end of the last panel
[18:41] <Qcoder00> +1
[18:41] <Qcoder00> :)
[18:41] <Qcoder00> And this why my code doesn't work first time
[18:41] <Qcoder00> ;)
[18:42] <Qcoder00> Wasn;t there a Wikibooks math test somewhere?
[18:42] <{soap|bed}> that would be fun
[18:44] <Qcoder00> NotAspy: IIRC You get some interesting math in chemistry?
[18:45] <NotASpy> not particularly.
[18:45] <{soap|bed}> i gotta admit i love sicence but chemistry is the most boring science i can find. hard to believe i wanted to major in it once
[18:46] <Qcoder00> Chemsitry makes bangs,  Physics makes really big bangs
[18:46] <Qcoder00> The Biologists scare me though
[18:46] <{soap|bed}> oh look if you mix vancomycin and aminohydroxydimethyloxandihydroxycarbamoylmethylpenemdichloropentanaminocontadecanacarbolic acid you get more vancomycin!!
�03[18:46] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:47] <{soap|bed}> i agree physics is probably even more boring than chemistry for mnost people but for me its actually exciting
[18:47] <Qcoder00> Biology bangs thing ;)
[18:47] <Qcoder00> XD
[18:47] <NotASpy> There's not a lot of maths on a day to day basis. You probably do more maths working out delivery costs on your raw ingredients and feedstocks, rather than in conducting experiments.
[18:47] <{soap|bed}> oh hi NotASpy youre a chemist ?
[18:48] <NotASpy> yeah
[18:48] <NotASpy> well, I've a bit of paper (and a membership card) that says so.
[18:48] <Qcoder00> NotASpy:  I thought there was stuff like molar mass that you use to calculate how mcuh feedstock you need?
�03[18:49] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[18:49] <NotASpy> Qcoder00: you do it once, write an SOP (standard operating procedure) or more likely, copy it off the internet, and then repeat ad infinitum
[18:49] <Qcoder00> OH OK
[18:49] <Qcoder00> I mean if you know where to look there;'s probbaly all kinds of chemistry recipe online...
[18:50] <Qcoder00> From simple things like dyes, and detgerents right up to high energy fertilizers :)
[18:51] <NotASpy> yeah, the last SOP I wrote took and turned it into a 3 or 4 page step by step guide, so anybody using or even reviewing the SOP can ensure compliance.
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[18:56] <NotASpy> I should point out, when I say "copy it off the internet" we're normally talking about either manufacturer's instructions and research papers, which are cited in the SOPs.
[18:57] <git> NotASpy: what kind of chemist?
�02[18:57] * Chess (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds�)
[18:57] <NotASpy> degree was drug development, lab work has been mainly toxicology work
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[18:58] <{soap|bed}> ah
[18:58] <{soap|bed}> so its close to biology
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[18:59] <{soap|bed}> its not just mixing yellow liquids like we did in high school
[18:59] <git> nice, pharmacy stuff is interesting
[19:00] <{soap|bed}> a possible cure for AIDS is on the horizon
[19:00] <{soap|bed}> well, sorry
[19:01] <{soap|bed}> a drug that can prevent one from acquiring HIV is on the horizon.  Its not a cure for AIDS unfortunately
[19:01] <NotASpy> toxicology stuff is properly interesting - genuinely not knowing if the results you're looking at are either correct or are to be expected, and having to sit down with the rest of the team to work out if everything's right or not.
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[19:01] <git> so is that like, working with medical examiners and that kind of stuff?
[19:03] <NotASpy> the company I worked for did contract research with the big agrichemicals, so we would apply new pesticides on cell lines and look for undesirable behaviour.
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[19:11] <JamesEG> what happened to those ethiopian prostitutes|whores who were found to possess an immuno-response that prevented HIV from afflicting them?
[19:15] <git> hey, does someone want to do a histmerge?
[19:15] <git> and
[19:15] <git> looke like the guy in the second one just copy/pasted from the draft pagae
[19:16] <git> and then approved their own article?
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[19:40] <White_Cat_> JamesEG they probably did what they were doing prior
[19:45] <JamesEG> you mean the medical researchers or the women?
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[19:46] <Qcoder00> git: Think Monsanto proving they aren't about to  release another Pesticide disaster
[19:47] <Qcoder00> Soap|bed: Aids/HIV won't be cured without a societal change
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[19:52] <{soap|bed}> Qcoder you mean, make homosexual activity illegal again?
[19:52] <Qcoder00> Not quite
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[19:52] <Qcoder00> But people would need to be a lot more responsible about sexual matters
[19:55] <git> u wot
[19:55] <git> oh
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[20:05] <Qcoder00> Homosexual partners in a long term relationship tend to be less promiscuous anyway
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[20:06] <White_Cat_> Qcoder00 heterosexuals arent doing better
[20:07] <White_Cat_> I am inclined that best partners are plants
[20:07] <Qcoder00> :O
[20:08] <Amortias> Only way to ensure you dont cheat on anyone is to remain celibate
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[20:08] <git> you could do what i unintentionally do and date only asexual/homosexual women
[20:08] <Qcoder00> Until self cleaning sex-driones come along
[20:09] <Qcoder00> Next 10 years and there will be consumer sex dolls...
[20:09] <Qcoder00> with marginal AI
�03[20:09] * natuur12|away is now known as natuur12
[20:09] <git> there already are, dear.
[20:09] <SuicidalZerg> lol
[20:10] <Qcoder00> git: Not consumer yet?
[20:10] <Qcoder00> At least not with AI
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[20:14] <JamesEG> crude responses that mimic, but the AI models are used for tradeshows.  a few years back you could rent the korean gynoids for 20K daily.
[20:14] <GorillaWarfare> Come on guys
[20:14] <Qcoder00> Not quite consumer yet then
[20:14] <GorillaWarfare> Please talk about this somewhere else
[20:14] <Qcoder00> [[Gynoid]] has an article
[20:15] <Qcoder00> But if it's making you nervous
[20:15] <Qcoder00> ...
[20:15] <GorillaWarfare> That does not make this discussion on-topic
[20:15] <Qcoder00> Noted
[20:16] <JamesEG> where were you when I was asking questions about my edits?
[20:17] <GorillaWarfare> When were you asking?
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[20:20] <git> neat felicia day and i have the same birthday
[20:21] <GorillaWarfare> As do you and I, apparently. Happy birthday
[20:21] <git> :o
[20:21] <git> happy birthday GorillaWarfare!
[20:21] <GorillaWarfare> Thanks :)
�06[20:22] * Amortias researches a method of sending real cake over the internet
[20:22] <Amortias> An pushing into into your dsl connection doesnt work form experience
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[20:26] <Qcoder00> 3D printed flour objects?
[20:26] <Qcoder00> Hmmm...
[20:26] <Amortias> Potentially you coudl 3D print in chocolate
[20:26] <Qcoder00> And icing sugar
[20:27] <Amortias> Would a 3D chocolate mousse cake be of interest to anyone?
[20:27] <Qcoder00> Possibly
[20:27] <Qcoder00> Werider things have got Kickstarter funbding
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[20:30] <SigmaWP> GorillaWarfare: happy birthday?
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[20:35] <GorillaWarfare> Thanks SigmaWP
[20:36] <JamesEG> anyone like cinema?  what's the usual practice for cast lists in the infoboxes?
[20:39] <Amortias> with regards to?
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[20:46] <JamesEG> i wonder if inventing vandalism for ClueBot's ruleset, based on wild playfulness, would help ClueBot or simply slow it down?
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[20:46] <Amortias> it'd likely get you blocked for vandalism
[20:46] <JamesEG> probably already been done — no, you fool, not page vandalism
[20:46] <JamesEG> :-)
[20:46] <JamesEG> I meant just going to town inside the ruleset
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[20:48] <JamesEG> it looks like they might not've allowed for that facility
[20:49] <JamesEG> way to go, building the thing in Google
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[23:49] <PontoCom_BR> hello.
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[00:24] <Josve05a> Any BAG'er in here?
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[01:18] <comets> so Bobby Jindal is running, not sure Americans are ready for a guy whose initials are BJ
[01:18] <comets> they already have a BO as president :P
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[01:35] <mareklug> comets BJ is a brainy guy. I just wish he took up positions worth electing him for.
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[01:48] <comets> which is?
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[01:53] <mareklug> something about making th 13 million illegals documented merkins overnight, for wont of example
�02[02:01] * BitXIV ( Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
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[02:08] <SamB_7> mareklug: well, that's not very likely; someone would have to write up the documents ...
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[02:12] <mareklug> what is the alternative?  you won't get them physically repatriated/gone.
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[02:13] <mareklug> all it takes is a directive of the President:  go get our ID at the nearest office of Blah Blah.  Or, even better:  You are your own document.  No document NEEDED.
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[02:26] <SamB_7> all I meant was that the documentation is not actually going to appear one morning
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[03:09] <comets> i like the new NZ flag >
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[03:12] <Dustin> Why is that at a .au link? And it makes the Union Jack green instead of blue
�02[03:12] * BitXIV ( Quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds�)
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[03:12] <ZeroSerenity> Could somebody double check my work?
�02[03:13] * mangopear (~mmango@unaffiliated/asdfasdffdsa) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
[03:14] <comets> an australian designed it lol
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[03:17] <Monty845> ZeroSerenity: NFCC 3b, resolution probably needs to be reduced
[03:19] <ZeroSerenity> I did want to show the point of "This is native resolution" so we don't get into the whole upscaling nonsense again.
�02[03:20] * JD|cloud (uid7951@wikimedia/Jasper-Deng) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity�)
[03:21] <SamB_7> isn't that resolution thing for logos and covers and stuff, not UIs?
[03:23] <ZeroSerenity> Oh. Apparently the license is wrong. Hold on a sec.
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[03:28] <git> hey anyone here want to do a histmerge?
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[03:34] <ZeroSerenity> Done. Apparently there's a Microsoft specific license.
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[05:52] <asdffffff> WIKIPEDIA IS FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[05:52] <asdffffff> i -.0 for wikipedia......
[05:53] <asdffffff> thank
�02[05:59] * PontoCom_BR (bb7b5809@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[06:02] <slakr> no prob
[06:02] <slakr> glad you enjoy it
[06:02] <slakr> :P
[06:02] <comets> i give it a few months before the word 'awesome' disappears from his sentence :P
[06:03] <slakr> "wikipedia is fucking?"
[06:03] <slakr> bow chicka bow wow
[06:03] <ZeroSerenity> Don't tell him what Wiki-tan is...
�02[06:03] * Princess_Zelda (~Isaac829@wikia/Isaac829) Quit (Quit: Just got kidnapped again.�)
[06:06] <asdffffff> well it is..........
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[06:25] <{soap|bed}> huh? the USA abolished truck driver's licenses
[06:25] <{soap|bed}> all driver's licenses are valid for trucks now
[06:25] <{soap|bed}> you can just hop in and start driving
[06:26] <{soap|bed}> buses too. there's no more "school bus certification"
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[06:27] <IDoH> {soap|bed}: That can be problematic
[06:27] <IDoH> I'd imagine driving a school bus would take some amount of precaution, if only to protect the kids on bard.
[06:29] <poutine> do school buses have seatbelts yet?
[06:30] <IDoH> Not the last I heard.
[06:30] <IDoH> I'm not sure why.
[06:30] <{soap|bed}> theoretically a school bus could be driven by a teenager who's still in school himself, if not for the fact that he'd have to dliver the bus back to the station every morning while he's in school
[06:30] <{soap|bed}> huh? you guys have school buses with no seatbelts?
[06:30] <IDoH> I think my mom got nervous about me riding in a bus with no seat belts when I was four or five.
[06:30] <IDoH> {soap|bed}: Yup.
[06:30] <{soap|bed}> maybve it goes by state
[06:30] <IDoH> Yeah, probably.
[06:31] <poutine> I am in my 30s now, but as a kid, I've never seen a single schoolbus with seatbelts, and I have been in them on about 6 different states
[06:31] <IDoH> Apparently, you're protected by physics while on a bus.
[06:31] <{soap|bed}> i know for sure that there were seatbelts in the school buses i used to ride, not that it was enforced that much since how are you gonna control 50 kids while simultaneously dodging traffic?
[06:31] <{soap|bed}> they were lap belts only
[06:31] <IDoH> Even in the wheelchair buses with seatbelts, it was the lap belts and not the lap-and-shoulder belts.
[06:31] <{soap|bed}> ah thats what i meant
[06:32] <{soap|bed}> lapbelts only. the seats were of a type that it wouldnt really be possible to do soulderbelts since you ahd to cram 3 kids into erach seat
[06:32] <{soap|bed}> i klnow Massachuisetts (where i went to school) is a bit odd in that it allows "non standard" school buses
[06:32] <{soap|bed}> if you own a truck you can become a "school bus" if you pass some kind of test
[06:33] <{soap|bed}> itd be for special education kids who dont ride the regular school bus
[06:33] <IDoH> It was impossible to cram three kids into each seat once pre-adolescence got close enough.
[06:33] <{soap|bed}> all you have to do is put a flip-up sign on top that says "SCHOOL BUS" and i think maybe attach the typical red stop sign
[06:33] <{soap|bed}> but you dont have to paint your car yellow or anyuthinmg
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[06:36] <ZeroSerenity> Here's a fun problem I'm having: Finding Anti-malware for a Windows XP x64 machine.
[06:36] <{soap|bed}> i walked to school from Grades 6-8, but then got on a bus again in high school
[06:36] <{soap|bed}> hi zero
[06:36] <ZeroSerenity> Hey Mr. Clean.
[06:36] <{soap|bed}> yeah WinXP
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[06:39] <ZeroSerenity> I decided to put a VM together for downloading viruses and testing apps (roll with it). So I thought I would pick an obscure and weird OS.
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[06:42] <foks> haha, apparently the Kanye West gig was subtitled by the BBC
[06:42] <foks> for some reason
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[07:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Turkish police spray gay pride parade
[07:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> an read that in so many ways
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[07:17] <revent> ToAruShiroiNeko: (snicker)
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[07:26] <ZeroSerenity> Its amazing how far behind some cultures are.
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[07:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ZeroSerenity I do not believe it is the culture
[07:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> It is more about the fear of the ruling party that the slightest sign of defience will be the end of them
[07:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> which has a level of truth to it
[07:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> The oppressed majority is sick of it.
[07:53] <ZeroSerenity> I would consider it being a bit of both when put that way.
[07:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> same rally was peaceful in the past
[07:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> for a decade+
[07:54] <ZeroSerenity> Oh that's news to me.
[07:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it wasnt news because you do not report a peaceful rally where nothing happens.
[07:55] <ZeroSerenity> Well no. I didn't know about the other part about it being a thing that has gone on peacefully for years.
[07:55] <ZeroSerenity> I didn't read the associated articles. I just saw the headline and moved on.
[07:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> tis ok
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[10:23] <revent> !cookie coalballs
[10:24] <revent> (I wonder if he stalks that, lol)
[10:24] <revent> !cookie SigmaWP (for
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�06[10:27] * slakr steals SigmaWP's cookie
[10:27] <slakr> :P
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[12:45] <Carly_away> I am working on Belén sotoén_Soto and I would like someone give me a hand with the article
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[12:46] <Carly_away> For example the references are in spanish language and I don't know if use the template {{es}}
[12:46] <Carly_away> Or if that is the correct template for this
[12:46] <Carly_away> Please
[12:47] <Carly_away> I dont know any user here so,I dont still have partners
[12:47] <Carly_away> Lol
[12:48] <Carly_away> GorillaWarfare  if you are available could you help me
[12:48] <Carly_away> With the template please
[12:50] <Carly_away> Well the article can wait
[12:50] <Carly_away> Thanks :D
[12:53] <Carly_away> Isarra Hello I've see you in recent changes in some Wikimedia projects,I need help with the article
�03[12:55] * GEOFBOT (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:55] <Carly_away> GEOFBOT Hello I tolk to tou
[12:55] <Carly_away> You*
[12:55] <RD> ...
[12:55] <RD> This bot shouldn't be here.
[12:56] <Carly_away> Ok ok sorry >_<
[12:56] <GEOFBOT> ?
[12:56] <RD> GEOFBOT: lol
[12:56] <GEOFBOT> I'm not a bot, that's just my name
[12:56] <RD> Yeah
[12:56] <Carly_away> He is not a bot
[12:56] <RD> So I've seen.
[12:56] <RD> Didn't check the cloak right away.
[12:56] <Carly_away> I confused him as a bot
[12:56] <RD> People keep bringing bots in ...I just assumed
�03[12:56] * Carly_away is now known as Carliitaeliza
[12:57] <Carliitaeliza> GEOFBOT remember me?
[12:57] <Carliitaeliza> I need help with an article
[12:57] <Carliitaeliza> Help me,please :D
[12:58] <GEOFBOT> not sure if I remember you but what do you need help with?
[12:58] <Carliitaeliza> With templates
[12:58] <Carliitaeliza> Onén_Soto
[12:59] <GEOFBOT> Carliitaeliza: which templates?
[12:59] <Carliitaeliza> If you open the references link they're all in spanish
[12:59] <Carliitaeliza> And i need use templates to notice that the linka are in spanish
[13:00] <Carliitaeliza> But I am not sure if it is {{es}}
[13:01] <Carliitaeliza> And i want to put the templates in good way
[13:02] <Carliitaeliza> Because some are  references are disordely
[13:02] <Carliitaeliza> Because some references are disordely*
�02[13:02] * ripley (~ripley@ Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[13:03] <Carliitaeliza> Please GEOFBOT :) if you can of course
[13:03] <GEOFBOT> Carliitaeliza: you can add "|language=es" to the {{cite web}} templates and it will do what you want
�02[13:05] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[13:05] <Carliitaeliza> I will try
[13:05] <GEOFBOT> I fixed it for you
[13:06] <Carliitaeliza> Let me see
[13:06] <Carliitaeliza> Oww :) thank you GEOFBOT
[13:08] <Carliitaeliza> Because I'm happy!
[13:08] <Carliitaeliza> I go to do some work
[13:08] <GEOFBOT> you're welcome :)
�03[13:08] * Carliitaeliza is now known as Carliita|working
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[13:35] <Carliita|working> GEOFBOT see this
[13:35] <Carliita|working> 5. ^ "Belén Soto cuenta que habría sido amenazada de muerte" (in Spanish). Retrieved 2015-06-29.
[13:35] <Carliita|working> Unknown parameter |Website= ignored (|website= suggested) (help )ref
[13:35] <Carliita|working> What's that error?
[13:35] <GEOFBOT> You used |Website rather than |website
[13:36] <Carliita|working> Wooow
[13:36] <Carliita|working> That was fast,thanks
�02[13:39] * vicente_ (~vicente@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[13:39] <Carliita|working> I fixed the mistake
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[14:02] <comets> < does the image look compressed here?
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[14:31] <Carliita|working> GEOFBOT it's correct the way I added what the actress (Belén) said in an interview about she wants to study acting and journalism?
[14:31] <Carliita|working> Because I want this like ' ' ' text ' ' "
[14:31] <GEOFBOT> there is probably a quote template somewhere but i'm not sure what it is
[14:31] <Carliita|working> ' ' ' tex here ' ' '
[14:32] <Carliita|working> Okay I am going to look up the template
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[14:40] <Carliita|working>
[14:40] <Carliita|working> It was easy
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[14:57] <SigmaWP> revent: huh?
�02[14:59] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[14:59] <revent> SigmaWP: Hours later, lol. I like your edit summary search tool, was using it, and tossed you a cookie.
[15:00] <SigmaWP> ah.
[15:00] <SigmaWP> good. I was afraid it was broken and you were just telling me.
[15:00] <SigmaWP> I'm off.
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[15:21] <ZeroSerenity> Mondays. Am I right?
[15:21] <Carliita|working> I need help with using the template Infobox person
[15:21] <ZeroSerenity> Sure, what's up?
[15:22] <Penwhale> ZeroSerenity: I hope you're not a garfield, because I can't relate to garfield's hatred of mondays.
[15:22] <Carliita|working> Isn't working on the articleén_Soto
[15:23] <Carliita|working>én_Soto
[15:23] <Carliita|working> Can someone lead me a hand please
[15:23] <Penwhale> ah, you didn't close the template right
[15:23] <Carliita|working> Oh I will do it
[15:25] <ZeroSerenity> Templates use two curly brackets for everything, so your filmography template also needs updating.
[15:25] <Carliita|working> Oh,yes but I never learnt to use very well the templates
[15:25] <Carliita|working> Thank you Penwhale
[15:26] <Carliita|working> ZeroSerenity I will look for the template of filmography
[15:26] <Carliita|working> Thanks
[15:26] <ZeroSerenity> English doesn't seem like your first language. Is this article written somewhere else too?
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[15:34] <Carliita|working> Unexpected use of template {{18}} - see Template:18 for details.
[15:34] <Carliita|working> Santiago ?
[15:34] <Carliita|working> Which is the error?
[15:35] <Carliita|working> ZeroSerenity No,I did not take info from other wikipedias
�03[15:35] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:36] <Carliita|working> I am translating to english the spanish information
[15:36] <NotASpy> Carliita|working: wrong template. Date of birth should be in the following format. {{birth date|year|month|day}}, i.e {{birth date|1906|09|18}}
[15:36] <Carliita|working> (Info from references)
[15:37] <{soap|bed}> thats a problem
[15:39] <ZeroSerenity> And there is the filmography fixed.
[15:40] <Carliita|working> Thank you ZeroSerenity and NotASpy
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[16:50] <Carliita|working> It was a long day and very active
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[18:05] <Qcoder00> ON FoP -
[18:05] <Qcoder00> "(iv)  A restriction on freedom of panorama could also be used by certain organizations to harrass or supress individuals and entities involved in matters of public concern.  An example may bea quasi relgiosu orgabisation objecting to an image of protest about it's beliefs on the grounds that the protest included an image of an artwork for which they owned the copyright."
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[18:05] <Qcoder00> Is that a reasonable comment?
[18:06] <Ironholds> Qcoder00: no, look up fair use and fair dealing, both of which would cover the use of copyrighted works in areas of legitimate criticism
[18:06] <Ironholds> this is /specifically what they exist for/
[18:07] <Qcoder00> Thanks
�03[18:07] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away
[18:07] <{Soap}>  another weird reference tyhatp robably 95% of people wont get
[18:07] <{Soap}> i *sort of* get it
[18:08] <{Soap}> and it shows what age bracket Im in i think bvecasuse those childrens books were only popular for a short time
[18:08] <Ironholds> not really; I've never read the book but get it because the book became memetic
[18:08] <{Soap}> it dids? hgmm ok
[18:08] <{Soap}> i didnt know
[18:09] <{Soap}> as for why i said "sort of" i apparently didnt remember some of what was referenced
[18:09] <Qcoder00> Ironholds: Fair use is what I had mine with the comment, but it didn't stop certain quasi relgious bodies attempting to get people into toruble for photoing ther logo at protests...
[18:10] <Qcoder00> *trouble
[18:12] <Ironholds> Qcoder00: and you think those organisations, and let's be explicit, we're talking about the church of scientolog,y have ever been stopped from suing based on something as unimportant as what the law said?
�03[18:13] * Bradford (Pancho@gateway/shell/yourbnc/x-tyqebzcufthnonvy) has joined #wikipedia-en
[18:13] <Qcoder00> Depends, presumably it's base don what they think they can get away with
[18:14] <Ironholds> quite
�02[18:14] * ___Chess___ (~Chessbro@wikipedia/chess) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds�)
[18:14] <Qcoder00> My reasons for objecting to the EU FoP change (discountign the one above for the reason you outline)
[18:15] <Qcoder00> (i) Sometimes it's not clear what is and isn't an artwork
[18:15] <Qcoder00> (ii) Image focus vs direct subject
[18:15] <Qcoder00> Sorry... (ii) In shot vs direct focus
[18:15] <Qcoder00> (iii) Sudden categorisation of previous accetpable images as prolematic
[18:15] <Qcoder00> *problematic
[18:16] <Ironholds> which are implementation details
[18:16] <Ironholds> address the actual problem with restricting FoP; it weakens the commons
[18:16] <Qcoder00> It allso allows powerful agencies to contol freedom of expression
[18:17] <Qcoder00> It doesn't address the routine folouting of existing limiations by US based corporations (like Google, Facebook and so on)
[18:17] <Qcoder00> *flouting
[18:17] <Ironholds> now say that again but less like it ends with "and THAT'S WHY I WEAR MY TINFOIL HAT"
[18:17] <Ironholds> and put it in the complaint
[18:18] <Qcoder00> I'll hhave to give this more thought
[18:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds not aluminum foil?
[18:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[18:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> "Weird Al" Yankovic - Foil
[18:19] <Qcoder00> IN any case my point (ii) is probably an issue on what exactly qualifies as De Minimis
[18:19] <Qcoder00> As you say an "Implementation" problem
[18:20] <{Soap}> tinfoil has less syllables
[18:20] <Qcoder00> Ironholds: Have you already spoke to your polticians about the FoP issue? Or being US based at the moment it's not a problem?
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[18:21] <Qcoder00> spoken
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[18:24] <Qcoder00> An EU change could make imagesof EU items  hosted in the US a regulatory problem for US tech
[18:25] <Qcoder00> Not that they comply at the moment....
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[18:29] <Ironholds> Qcoder00: I can't vote, anywhere, ;p
[18:30] <Qcoder00> Sorry
[18:30] <Interpuncts> Hello; I'm new to IRC
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[18:30] <Interpuncts> people like this UI?
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[18:30] <Qcoder00> This is like having an open forum in a concert hall
[18:30] <Ironholds> the UI depends on your client, so...I don't know
[18:31] <{Soap}> hi Interpuncts
[18:31] <Interpuncts> ooh, green
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[18:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds you can vote, I was offered a vote ballot in 2004 elections
[18:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I naturally didnt vote. :p
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[18:36] <Ironholds> ToAruShiroiNeko: for me to register to vote as a foreigner I need to find multiple British people in the US in a position of some authority to verify I am who I say I am
[18:36] <Ironholds> to vote in the US I need to wait until 2021
[18:36] <Ironholds> so... ;p
[18:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Ironholds you can have a ballot box in WMF office and drop a vote every day
[18:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you can vote on every election and referandum, unofficially
[18:38] <Ironholds> that makes literally no sense and I'm too busy to deal with you being twee rather than productive
[18:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh sorry
[18:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it was a joke.
[18:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I'll try to avoid making them to you in the future
[18:39] <Ironholds> thank you for the apology that made it my fault and intentionally misunderstood what I meant
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[19:12] <Beschu> Hi Colleagues. Could somebody revert the changes made by on [[Henckel von Donnersmarck]]? It is pure vandalism only to put his external link.
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[19:50] <Qcoder00> Hi folks
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[19:56] <Ironholds> argh, flying
[19:56] <KimiNewt> It has been humanity's dream since antiquity
[19:57] <Ironholds> and I'm scared of it
[19:59] <KimiNewt> You're scared of flying?
[19:59] <Ironholds> yep
[20:01] <KimiNewt> That's weird, in this day and age
[20:01] <KimiNewt> You know we're hurtling through space as we speak
[20:01] <KimiNewt> Are you at the airport or currently in the air?
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[20:02] <Qcoder00> If he was in the air he wouldn't be on IRC
[20:03] <Ironholds> KimiNewt: there's absolutely nothing weird about it, regardless of time
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[20:03] <Ironholds> and a good people skill is not dismissing the fears of others as weird or stupid or etc, etc, etc.
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[20:04] <Ironholds> Qcoder00: correct, insofar as I refuse to fly conscious, but you can get wifi on a lot of flights these days
[20:07] <kelapstick> being scared of flying is completely rational, it is the same reason a fish should be afraid of driving
[20:07] <kelapstick> I have only accessed wifi on a flight once, London to Istanbul
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[20:09] <Ironholds> kelapstick: ditto, albeit DC to Minneapolis
[20:10] <Ironholds> today I'm going Boston -> Amsterdam -> Aalborg and then Aalborg -> Copenhagen -> London in a week
[20:10] <KimiNewt> Qcoder00 - there's flights with wifi now
[20:11] <KimiNewt> Ironholds - if I was talking to a stranger I wouldn't be dismissive
[20:11] <KimiNewt> How much is a usual flight from the US to -anywhere in europe-?
[20:12] <Ironholds> KimiNewt: you're more dismissive to people you're familiar with, i.e., those who should have fewer shields up?
[20:12] <Ironholds> that's an odd order in which to do things
[20:12] <KimiNewt> Yes
[20:12] <KimiNewt> Not really, aren't you much more rude and unkind to your friends?
[20:12] <KimiNewt> I'm much more polite and kind to strangers
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[20:12] <KimiNewt> I think that's most people..
[20:12] <Ironholds> Not around things they're sensitive about. Or, at least, I try not to be.
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[20:12] <KimiNewt> Well, not if they had cancer or something
[20:13] <IDoH> KimiNewt: What about mental health?
[20:14] <KimiNewt> Light ribbing, probably
[20:14] <KimiNewt> ribbing? is that a word?
[20:14] <KimiNewt> Depends on how severe, anyway
[20:14] <KimiNewt> but generally amongst my friends, we make fun of seemingly everything
[20:14] <Ironholds> you speak for the social circle you normally associate with; if I'm part of that you have fewer friends than I thought ;p
[20:15] <Ironholds> but "light ribbing" is precisely the thing not to do unless you know for certain they're okay with it, both generally and in their current context.
[20:15] <KimiNewt> Well, you did not seem to be an overly sensitive person
[20:15] <Ironholds> the entire context in which mental illness operates is that sufferers are aberrant from the standard human condition. Emphasising and reinforcing that is pretty harmful.
[20:15] <KimiNewt> well
[20:15] <KimiNewt> I don't know anyone with a mental illness
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[20:16] <Ironholds> really? Hi.
[20:16] <{Soap}> lol
[20:16] <KimiNewt> But I will consider it when I do
[20:16] <IDoH> Hi.
[20:16] <Ironholds> nice ta meetcha
[20:16] <KimiNewt> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
[20:16] <KimiNewt> Is your mental illness a crippling fear of flying?
[20:17] <Ironholds> no, my mental illness is depression and generalised anxiety, most prominently social but also around flying, needles and heights
[20:17] <KimiNewt> I see
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[20:17] <KimiNewt> Will you guys excuse me for being a total ass and ask a question?
[20:17] <KimiNewt> It will probably be offensive, but I mean no offense.
[20:17] <Ironholds> could you answer that question by googling for it?
[20:17] <KimiNewt> Um
[20:18] <Ironholds> if it's offensive try and think of a non-offensive way of asking it
[20:18] <KimiNewt> can't you just like
[20:18] <KimiNewt> not get offended
[20:18] <Ironholds> if it's non-offensive but you could answer it with google, google for it. Two good rules for dealing with people generally
[20:18] <Ironholds> yes, magically. you've found my power
[20:18] <KimiNewt> worst x-men ever
[20:18] <Ironholds> see, anxiety has given me the mutant ability to reset my brain's state and input processing at any point in time
[20:18] <KimiNewt> x-man, rather
[20:18] <Ironholds> normally I keep it secret but you've puzzled it out
[20:18] <KimiNewt> good thing this channel isn't publicly logged
[20:19] <{Soap}> yeah it totally isnt
[20:19] <{Soap}> dont mind all 80 of those people who never talk, theyre just really shy
[20:19] <Amortias> that or were just waiting for the next fight to kick off
[20:19] <Ironholds> KimiNewt: if you really want to ask it, can't answer it with google and can't think of a better way of phrasing it, sure, ask away
[20:20] <KimiNewt> I'll pass then
[20:20] <KimiNewt> I don't care that much
[20:20] <Ironholds> kewl
[20:20] <{Soap}> nio i want to see the question, you could ask in PM to me maybe?
[20:20] <KimiNewt> um I guess
[20:20] <Amortias> KimiNewt: Was going to suggest the same thing to see if it could be reworded
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[20:23] <Ironholds> well reword fast, I'm out in 5
[20:24] <Amortias> I'll pick it up if your not here im not going anywhere anytime soon
[20:24] <Ironholds> kk
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[20:41] <{Soap}> OK i went to a "free unlock code" site and it says i have to enter my IMEI code and then sign up for some ikind of offer
[20:41] <{Soap}> i entered my IMEI code as "4" and it went to the next page
[20:41] <{Soap}> im guessing this site is fake?
�06[20:41] * Amortias facepalms
[20:41] <{Soap}> an IMEI is supposed to be 15 digits i believe
[20:42] <GEOFBOT> its a trap!
[20:42] <{Soap}> im doing it inside a virual machine, so even if it's literally just a virus, i'm safe
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[20:42] <{Soap}> oh wai t ithink i might know what th egig is
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[20:43] <Amortias> "Im safe" famous last words of the man about to be ripped apart by the monster they swore was dead
[20:44] <{Soap}> its one of those endless clicking sites where it keeps promising you that your reward is just a few clicks away and it never gets there
[20:45] <Amortias> That or you end up starng at some guys junk
[20:45] <{Soap}> besides, how would the main site know when youre "done" ?  Even if they were the world's only "honest" version of that setup, it still woudlnt work
[20:45] <{Soap}> so alas it wont happen
[20:46] <GEOFBOT> just like those "post this comment 5 times on various blogs to get a free copy of minecraft" schemes
[20:46] <GEOFBOT> those were everywhere a few years ago
[20:46] <{Soap}> thing is, my carrier says the phone is unlocked, and every time i go to another store to get it set up, they tell me they cant because the phone is locked
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[20:46] <{Soap}> the only way i can go forward is to actually get a SIM card from someone who's on another carrier (i'd prfer AT&T) and let me use it
[20:46] <{Soap}> just to see for sure if it's locked or not
[20:47] <{Soap}> it worked with an *inactive* ATT sim, which is a very good sign, but that of course doesnt let me actually make phone calls
[20:47] <KimiNewt> Phones here are unlocked by law
[20:47] <KimiNewt> so um, tough luck?
[20:47] <ZeroSerenity> My good phone broke last week. I had to buy a burner, which sucks.
[20:48] <{Soap}> yeah thatll probably happen in America soon, but only if the price of phones jumps back to what it was in the late 90s and early 2000s
[20:48] <{Soap}> the first four-figure phone prices appeared late last year
[20:48] <KimiNewt> We also don't allow contracts, so you can quit at any time with no fines and switch companies
[20:48] <ZeroSerenity> Unlocking is supposed to be legal in the US.
[20:48] <{Soap}> and still w2ere not unlocked
[20:48] <KimiNewt> they also have to transfer your phone number to the other company by law
[20:49] <KimiNewt> Also, if there's a deal for a phone device in a phone company (i.e. pay 1000$ and get 100$ back in calls every month or whatever)
[20:49] <KimiNewt> they have to apply it even if you bought the phone in a normal shop or ebay or whatever
[20:49] <{Soap}> wow that is a lot of dollars
[20:49] <KimiNewt> I was just joking with the dollars
[20:49] <{Soap}> ok
[20:49] <KimiNewt> Well, not joking, just placed random numbers
[20:50] <KimiNewt> Final nice thing about these new laws is that they can't place bandwidth caps on home users
[20:50] <{Soap}> i thought maybe your local currency was $ but placed after the number
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[20:50] <{Soap}> no bandwidth caps??? for cellphones??? wow
[20:51] <{Soap}> that will never ever happen in America. I mean, it was allowed very early on before the companies realized that people were literally going to sit there with their phones and stream 60 gigs of movies every month
[20:51] <KimiNewt> No, not for cellphones
[20:51] <{Soap}> so it cant happen anymore
[20:51] <{Soap}> oh OK
[20:51] <KimiNewt> For home usage, like I said
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[20:51] <KimiNewt> home networks
[20:51] <{Soap}> People occasionally use cellphones as their home Internet here, especially in rural areas
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[20:51] <KimiNewt> I've done that when my net crapped out
[20:51] <{Soap}> the computers tether to it as a Wifi hiotspot
[20:52] <KimiNewt> I have 6GB a month on my phone and I barely use 2GB
[20:52] <{Soap}> i met someone who got angry becxause she did that and didnt read the fine print
[20:52] <{Soap}> which said only 100MB of roaming per month
[20:52] <{Soap}> she ate through that in like a day
[20:52] <KimiNewt> fff
[20:52] <{Soap}> by picking the worst carrier (Sprint) for rural Maine
[20:52] <KimiNewt> wait for SpaceX's sat network :tear:
[20:53] <{Soap}> they were nice enough to leave her phone service on, though
[20:53] <{Soap}> and even the Internet og the phone.  just killed the hotspot
[20:53] <KimiNewt> they can stop tethering remotely? wut?
[20:53] <KimiNewt> How would they do that? User-agents?
[20:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> KimiNewt spacex will switch to fireworks I think
[20:54] <KimiNewt> ]:
[20:54] <KimiNewt> Don't say that
[20:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am sad that the rocket blew up
[20:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but it is the 3rd failiure
[20:54] <KimiNewt> Not SpaceX's.
[20:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> their design seemingly has a fundamental flaw
[20:54] <KimiNewt> This is the first Falcon 9 to have failed
[20:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Maybe they shouldnt call it a falcon.
[20:54] <{Soap}> the phone is the nexus of the network, so the hotspot is controlled by the phone
[20:55] <{Soap}> the network can shut off the feature at any time
[20:55] <KimiNewt> Are you confusing the Progress and Orbital Sciences launch?
[20:55] <{Soap}> er
[20:55] <KimiNewt> This is the only Falcon 9 failure
[20:55] <{Soap}> bad wording there, i used "network" with 2 different meanings
[20:55] <{Soap}> the carrier can shut off the feature, just the way theyd shut off anything else
[20:55] <KimiNewt> Orbital Science's Antraes failed in a mission to the ISS earlier this year
[20:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> media is reporting 3 failiutes, people will not focus too much on the facts
[20:55] <KimiNewt> and the Russian Progress failed to reach orbit
[20:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Russia has failed in many areas
[20:55] <KimiNewt> Only one of those failures is SpaceX's
[20:56] <KimiNewt> The two others are Orbital and Roscosmos
[20:56] <KimiNewt> And the Russian had a successful launch, just a problem with the ship itself
[20:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I do think they need to reimagine the concept of getting to space
[20:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> rockets are kind of old...
[20:57] <KimiNewt> Um, well, there's no better solution
[20:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> S&P demoted greece again :/
[20:57] <KimiNewt> at the moment
[20:57] <KimiNewt> If there was they'd be investigating it
[20:57] <KimiNewt> SpaceX (and ULA) are researching resuable rockets.
[20:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> KimiNewt they arent even trying
[20:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> reusable rockets dont fix the actual problem
[20:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> stuff like space elevators and such need more funding and research
[20:58] <KimiNewt> Stuff like space elevators are pie-in-the-sky ideas
[20:59] <KimiNewt> You won't get to LEO cheaply with fancy ideas 50 years in the future
[20:59] <Qcoder00> Space travel has the fundamental problem that ALL planets are in a well
[20:59] <Qcoder00> Once you get out of the welll....
[20:59] <Qcoder00> (Seem to recall an SKCD
[20:59] <Qcoder00> *XKCD
[20:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> KimiNewt for private sector you;d be right
[20:59] <KimiNewt> Yeah it had some huge one
[20:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is the kind of research for NASA
[20:59] <KimiNewt> Right, and they do "moonshot" research
[21:00] <KimiNewt> It wouldn't make sense to put all their weight into them
[21:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> imagine a world where every human as access to LEO, that is the thing we arent doing.
[21:00] <KimiNewt> because all other possible (non-rocket) transportation into space is too far off seemingly
[21:00] <KimiNewt> That's what SpaceX is trying to do.
[21:01] <KimiNewt> If they can reuse their rockets and launch them quickly
[21:01] <Qcoder00> Evreyone could have their own mini sats... not such a good idea
[21:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Virgin Galactic has a better idea.
[21:01] <KimiNewt> they can have three launch a month
[21:01] <KimiNewt> The combined plane idea is good but it's not for exploration
[21:01] <KimiNewt> It's the anti-thesis to what you're thinking aobut
[21:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> my point is have a launch mid-air
[21:02] <KimiNewt> There's Virgin and Stratolaunch doing that kind of stuff
[21:02] <Qcoder00> That still dosen't solve the welll problem
[21:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and not use a traditional plane
[21:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its no different than the same problem space shuttle had, no doubt
[21:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you replace the external tank with an aircraft
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�06[21:40] * ToAruShiroiNeko rolls the rug with Jeske_Couriano in it
[21:40] <Jeske_Couriano> *YIP!*
�06[21:40] * ToAruShiroiNeko seels it on ebay
�06[21:40] * Jeske_Couriano flails, blunted Bori claws and tail thrashing
�06[21:41] * Amortias contacts the Royal Society for prevention of cruelty to Wikipedians
[21:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think thats a royal society
[21:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we are the common folk
[21:41] <Amortias> gimme half an our and ill have a Wikipedia entry and a webpage showing its 300 year history
[21:41] <Amortias> and probably a block for hoaxing
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Jeske_Couriano btw what do you think of holo lens?
[21:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Amortias I expect the Queen not to care too much about us.
[21:43] <Amortias> I dunno if you think how many of us there are we could be turned into a hell of a PR machine
[21:43] <Amortias> The odd cown jewel under the table a knighthood here or there
[21:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> queen doesnt care about pr that much
[21:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if she did we would be showering in cash
[21:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> each of us would have our private money bin
[21:44] <Amortias> You mean you dont?
[21:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> full of penies.
[21:44] <Jeske_Couriano> TASN ) No comment.
[21:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Jeske_Couriano but that is a comment. :p
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�03[21:56] * enterprisey (~enterpris@wikipedia/APerson) has joined #wikipedia-en
[21:56] <enterprisey> How on earth did I only just discover this
[21:56] <enterprisey>
[21:58] <{Josve05a}> Meta-stupid. Stupid cubed. Trans-stupid stupid. Stupid collapsed to a singularity where even the stupons have collapsed into stuponium. Stupid so dense that no intelligence can escape. Singularity stupid. Blazing hot summer day on Mercury stupid.
[21:58] <Amortias> something got your goat Josve05a
[21:58] <{Josve05a}> (from that link :P )
�03[21:59] * Guest4235 (~rdaiccher@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:01] <enterprisey> I particularly liked the stupons and stuponium
[22:01] <enterprisey> gonna put it on reddit now
[22:02] <Amortias> Am i allowed to say yes to question 72 if my wife has edited from time to time?
�03[22:02] * Kelapstick (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Kelapstick) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:03] <Amortias> if so does it score me points or not
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[22:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> enterprisey you arent a proper wikipediholic
[22:09] <{Josve05a}> Admin action wanted:
�02[22:10] * Amortias (~SHDeludo@wikipedia/Amortias) Quit
[22:15] <enterprisey> ToAruShiroiNeko: why not?
[22:15] <enterprisey> :D
[22:16] <ToAruShiroiNeko> because you didnt notice it on your 10th edit
[22:18] <Kelapstick> why do you need an admin for that {Josve05a} ?
[22:19] <{Josve05a}> Kelapstick: yup. Blacklisted. But it can't be in userspace due to AfC-policy
�02[22:19] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[22:19] <{Josve05a}> so it needs to be moved to Draft:
[22:19] <Kelapstick> orly?
[22:19] <{Josve05a}> [[Category:Pending AfC submissions in userspace]]
�03[22:19] * Jeske_Couriano_ (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) has joined #wikipedia-en
[22:21] <Kelapstick> done {Josve05a}
[22:21] <{Josve05a}> ty :)
�02[22:21] * Jeske_Couriano (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jeske-couriano/x-0000001) Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
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[22:42] <{Josve05a}> Kelapstick: Can you revert me?
[22:42] <{Josve05a}> (only the talk page...)
�02[22:42] * MusikAnimal (~musikanim@wikipedia/MusikAnimal) Quit (Quit: Cheers�)
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[22:45] <slakr> why are you asking for edits to be made by proxy?
[22:45] <slakr> {Josve05a}: ^
[22:46] <slakr> ah
[22:46] <slakr> the notices
�03[22:46] * Oshwah is now known as Oshwah_Away
�02[22:46] * Qcoder00 ( Quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253]�)
[22:46] <{Josve05a}> slakr: First edit I needed was blacklisted, now I need a delete(?) or something and...
[22:47] <slakr> possibly an editfilter
[22:47] <slakr> it worked for me *shrug*
[22:47] <slakr> :P
�02[22:47] * Magog_the_Ogre (~Magog_the@wikipedia/Magog-the-Ogre) Quit (Quit: Leaving�)
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[22:47] <Kelapstick> yeah you should have been able to reverse that on your own
[22:48] <slakr> the draft is A7 and almost G11 so it should be declined anyway
[22:48] <{Josve05a}> I saw no "revert" button as I normally do, and when Itried to move it said I needed to request a move
[22:48] <{Josve05a}> slakr: Yeah, but better it being in Draft-ns then on userpage
[22:48] <slakr> move revert links are in page history; admittedly, that is confusing
[22:48] <slakr> ermm page log*
[22:48] <Kelapstick> oh usually you can just move back over it
[22:48] <slakr> see even I'm confused.
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[22:48] <Kelapstick> I thought anyway
[22:49] <slakr> right
[22:49] <slakr> you can do that
[22:49] <slakr> jos was looking for the link
�02[22:49] * Jayflux ( Quit (Changing host�)
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[22:49] <{Josve05a}> I know I should be able...or...was it bcit wanted to move the Draft as well, and I edited the user page after the move? I'm confused
[22:49] <slakr>
[22:50] <slakr> that's the droid you're looking for (the revert link)
[22:50] <slakr> but it's on the origin
[22:50] <slakr> so like my revert is now living at
[22:51] <{Josve05a}> All good now at least! :P Thanks :D
[22:51] <slakr> either way, like Kelapstick ways saying, the easiest is to just use the "move" tab :p
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[22:52] <{Josve05a}> (Advertising: THE LIFE ON WIKIPEDIA – A WIKIGNOME'S PERSPECIVE)
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[01:26] <{Soap}>  <--- lol
[01:29] <{Soap}> also
[01:29] <SuicidalZerg> IT'S A TRAP!
[01:30] <Monty845> that was a quick way to get blocked lol
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[01:57] <comets> no admin has the balls to deal with issue 2 on the WP:ANI board? :/
[01:58] <comets> will just get swept under the carpet like everything else :/
�02[02:14] * juliancolton (~juliancol@wikimedia/Juliancolton) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
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[02:26] <Finnegan> comets: for what it's worth, a number of the most active admins are currently arbcom-restricted from taking any action in a situation "involving" a number of other very active editors. Could be that no one's willing to take the chance of closing a well-attended ANI discussion. (or it could be the usual ANI wtfery. who knows.)
�03[02:29] * JeDa is now known as notaguy
[02:30] <slakr> also, the people who are least likely to be involved in those types of things are less likely to visit [[WP:DRAMA]] (i.e., ANI)
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[02:33] <comets> i stay away from it but that doesn't stop trolls from dragging
[02:34] <comets> u there..
[02:34] <comets> :/
[02:35] <Symmachus> comets: By and large, if you pick your battles carefully, you can pretty much avoid the so-called "drama boards".
[02:36] <Symmachus> Though admittedly, I've tended to let some things go when I probably shouldn't have. Stuff that's clearly an example WP:OWNership and whatnot, for example.
[02:40] <Symmachus> Just make non-controversial edits, and when you edit a controversial area (such as one covered by ARBPIA) where editors tend to drag each other to the "drama boards", be sure to have a nearly insurmountable defense of your edit, backed by reliable sources.
[02:41] <Symmachus> The encyclopaedic high ground, as it were.
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[02:49] <comets> lol, and people wonder why actual contributers to enwiki has been on the decline...
[02:50] <{Soap}> oh come locked me out
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[02:56] <haggis> {Soap}: busy?
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[03:05] <{Soap}> hi
�03[03:06] * the-best-of (~kxc@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:06] <the-best-of> !ops I love bitches!
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�06[03:07] * {Soap} yawns
[03:07] <SoUlS_OF_MiScHIE> !ops !ops i love rape!
�03[03:08] * Youfa_El_7ob ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[03:08] <Youfa_El_7ob> !ops We're weak trolls.
[03:08] <{Soap}> rape (n.) The stalks and husks of grapes from which the must has been expressed in winemaking.
[03:08] <{Soap}> yeah me too
[03:08] <{Soap}> gotta love that red wine
[03:09] <Youfa_El_7ob> !ops I love spreading defaming information on Wikipedia!
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[03:09] <[JaDe]> Can we spread libellous information on Wikipedia?
�03[03:09] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Finnegan
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[03:09] <comets> :/
[03:09] <comets> soem more Finnegan ;)
[03:10] <SoUlS_OF_MiScHIE> !ops
[03:10] <the-best-of> !ops
[03:10] <[JaDe]> !ops
[03:10] <Finnegan> sigh
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�06[03:10] * comets hugs roo :DDDDD
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�06[03:10] * Ornacia- huggles comets tightly.
[03:10] <Shirik> so I promise I saw the message and told chanserv to op me
[03:10] <Shirik> [20:21:08] * C: Unknown command
[03:10] <Shirik> apparently I didn't :(
�06[03:10] * Finnegan docks Shirik's pay
[03:10] <comets> cop :P
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[03:13] <Katie> Yes, hello.
[03:13] <Katie> I'm here.
[03:14] <comets> you should be a police officer Katie
[03:14] <comets> always on time.....
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[03:20] <juancarlos> hi wikipædians
[03:21] <comets> ¥ carlos o/
[03:21] <juancarlos> \o
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�06[03:34] * Ornacia- humps juancarlos
[03:34] <juancarlos> hi
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[03:38] <GorillaWarfare> Ornacia-: Please don't
[03:38] <Ornacia-> GorillaWarfare, he knows me :)
[03:39] <GorillaWarfare> Still pretty weird for the rest of us
[03:39] <Ornacia-> I can make it weirder...
[03:39] <GorillaWarfare> Please don't
[03:39] <mareklug> Ornacia-GW asked kindly in the sense of please don't urinate on the railroad station
[03:39] <Ornacia-> Just like Katie is into weird stuff.
[03:39] <PontoCom_BR> Ornacia y/and juancarlos: hola./hi.
[03:39] <juancarlos> #wikipedia-en used to get freaky all the time
[03:40] <juancarlos> now it is a library, Ornacia-
[03:40] <Katie> Just the tip.
[03:40] <Ornacia-> Agreed. It's like a big library, with the occasional bum in the bathroom.
[03:41] <juancarlos> i learned a new word today
[03:41] <mareklug> it is still the norm to leave the library bathroom cleaner than when you entered it.
[03:41] <{Soap}> i havent been to a library in about 8 years
[03:41] <Ornacia-> yep
[03:42] <{Soap}> they let me down every single time i needed something so i just gave up
[03:42] <juancarlos> minge
[03:42] <comets> 16 years for me lol
[03:42] <juancarlos> that's the new word
[03:42] <Ornacia-> not my fault if you live in a remote place, comets.
[03:42] <mareklug> to minge or a minge?
[03:42] <juancarlos> get your parents' permission before looking it up on the World Wide Web.
[03:42] <juancarlos> mareklug: the noun
[03:42] <{Soap}> someone added minge as another word for cat to wiktionary some years ago
[03:43] <comets> lol
[03:43] <Katie>
[03:43] <juancarlos> and i also learnt that fanny in the UK means minge
�06[03:43] * Ornacia- does weird sexual stuff to Katie
[03:43] <Ornacia-> juancarlos, also fag in UK means cig
[03:44] <juancarlos> yes yes
[03:44] <comets> in america it means u are a republican :P
[03:44] <mareklug> but it is marked as British vulgar slang, so why is it at all confusing.  the proper word is closer to merkin, albeit merkin is a separate entity
[03:44] <GorillaWarfare> Seriously, guys, knock it off
[03:45] <Ornacia-> Shake it off.
[03:45] <comets> don't find taylor swift any bit interesting
�06[03:45] * comets is a selena gomez guy ;)
[03:45] <Katie> I'm seeing Ms. Swift in two weeks.
[03:45] <{Soap}> minge was still listed as another word for cat until Nov 2012 it seems
[03:46] <comets> seeing or 'stalking'? :P
[03:46] <mareklug> dontchu bring Ms. Swift into any of this now.  She has a power to change AAPL policies.  Re$pect!
[03:46] <juancarlos> Katie: jelly.
[03:46] <comets> i have heard of mangy dog or mangy cat but minge as a reference to cat is new ..
[03:46] <juancarlos> To Taylor, Love juancarlos
[03:46] <Ornacia-> lol speaking of AAPL, they're releasing IOS 8.4 on June 30 at 8 AM PST
[03:47] <Ornacia-> I noticed a smal glitch in iOS, it's more of a maps calculating glitch
[03:48] <juancarlos> apple maps suck
[03:48] <mareklug> Katie I just had to opt out myself.  Cannot abide sharing Taylor with a NFL venue crowd.  Too much!
[03:48] <Ornacia-> Agreed.
[03:48] <juancarlos> Katie: Are you going with your hot girlfriend?
[03:48] <Ornacia-> juancarlos, do you play Ingress?
[03:48] <juancarlos> girl friend
[03:48] <juancarlos> Ornacia-: never heard of it
[03:49] <Katie> juancarlos: I'm going with a bunch of girls.
[03:49] <juancarlos> oh
[03:49] <Katie> She's playing at Nationals Park.
[03:49] <Katie> The baseball stadium.
[03:49] <juancarlos> Ornacia-: I am addicted to clash of clans and i'm not even that good
[03:49] <juancarlos> I went there!
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[03:52] <Ornacia-> juancarlos, ew.
[03:52] <Ornacia-> I prefer Ingress since i meet people and hack RL places and exchange keys
[03:52] <Ornacia->
[03:52] <Ornacia-> This is me so far
[03:52] <mareklug> hack real life places?  explain, please
[03:53] <Ornacia-> mareklug, Ingress is alternate reality game for Android / iOS phones
�02[03:53] * BitXIV ( Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[03:53] <Ornacia-> hacking portals that are scattered all over the world.
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[03:53] <mareklug> what does this hacking entail?
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[03:54] <Ornacia-> mareklug, hacking a portals entails weapons, power packs, portal keys
[03:54] <Ornacia->
[03:54] <mareklug> so it is makebelieve hacking
[03:54] <Ornacia-> green represents the Enlightened faction, and blue the Resistance
�06[03:54] * Ornacia- nods.
[03:55] <Ornacia-> Portals are either grey (neutral), blue (Resistance), or green (Enlightened).[
[03:55] <mareklug> how much time per week do you spend on this?
[03:55] <Ornacia-> Maintaining my portals? About 10 hours ;)
[03:56] <Ornacia-> Commute to work
[03:56] <Ornacia-> commute back to home
[03:56] <PontoCom_BR> [00:46] <juancarlos> To Taylor, Love juancarlos // O.O
[03:56] <Ornacia-> nite <3
[03:57] <mareklug> Ornacia- makes sense, that only during commute.  You can't start conversations during that time without being a weirdo or pervert, as SigmaWP has it.
[03:57] <{Soap}> hmm
[03:58] <juancarlos> a weird sociological phenomena
[03:59] <mareklug> juancarlos let's call it what it is:  oppression
[03:59] <juancarlos> who is the oppressor ?
�03[03:59] * Finnegan is now known as Finne|sleep
[03:59] <mareklug> self-opression
[03:59] <juancarlos> you preempted my question
�03[04:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o GorillaWarfare
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[04:00] <mareklug> i was expecting it
�03[04:00] * GorillaWarfare sets mode: -o GorillaWarfare
[04:02] <juancarlos> I don't take mass transit, but when I was in DC it was odd taking the metro around the time people were getting off work
[04:02] <juancarlos> they all looked like they hated their lives
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[04:09] <mareklug> it's also cultural.  I find it far easier to engage latinos and latino mothers with kids into conversations, and when I sold insurance, my best experiences were with so-called "ethnics"
�03[04:10] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan
[04:10] <GorillaWarfare> juancarlos: I imagine I look that way on the train
[04:10] <GorillaWarfare> Either because I'm thinking of other things, or trying to deter people from bothering me
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[04:17] <comets> lol Finne|sleep ur friend ever get back to you after that spaceX explosion?
[04:23] <mareklug> GorillaWarfare juancarlos just about the only way I could see myself getting into a conversation with a Caucasian woman on a bus is if she spilled something and we all came to her rescue,
[04:24] <mareklug> etcetera
[04:24] <juancarlos> white people are terrible
[04:26] <mareklug> although I take that back -- Minnies are in a leagu of their own.  I distinctly remember very warm conversation with two Minneapolis white young women with luggage at OHare elevated train.
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[04:29] <{Josve05a}> Is there a en.wp-only pipermail, or are there only the wikimedia-l one=
[04:29] <{Josve05a}> ?*
[04:30] <juancarlos> there's a wikipedia one
[04:30] <{Josve05a}> is it active?
[04:30] <juancarlos>
[04:30] <juancarlos> not especially
[04:31] <{Josve05a}> ty
[04:31] <juancarlos>
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[04:36] <{Josve05a}> I just used wikimedia-l, bigger audience or something, but thanks :)
[04:39] <mareklug> ToAruShiroiNeko I just now noticed that you gave me a graphic designer's barnstar for the ideas that went into the logo design for [ [m:Research:Revision scoring as a service]] . Terrible than thees!
[04:40] <mareklug> k
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[04:56] <{soap|bed}> 82 Million Chinese Survive on Less Than $1 a Day, Says an Official
[04:56] <{soap|bed}> thats basically 1/10 if you exclude children
[04:58] <{soap|bed}> at least its rural China where there arent as many diseases
[04:58] <{soap|bed}> i wouldnt mind living on $1 a day if i was healthy. i seriously wouldnt.  I cant speak for all the people who actually do live like that, though
[04:59] <haggis> {soap|bed}: i'm pretty sure it'd be a tad difficult
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[05:03] <{soap|bed}> they probb ably do a lot of hunting and fishing
[05:03] <{soap|bed}> well, depernds on where in the countryu they are
[05:05] <{soap|bed}> guns are apparently a part of rural CHinese culture just as much as youd expect if it were anywhere else. Not so in the cities however
[05:06] <{soap|bed}>  <--- somehow we beat Switzerland
[05:08] <{soap|bed}> looks like Eastern Europe, except FInland & Serbia for some reason, has very few guns
�02[05:13] * ObsequiousNewt (~Obsequiou@wiktionary/ObsequiousNewt) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
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[05:14] <Pine> Are there any admins about who can do a geonotice please?
[05:15] <Pine> QueenOfFrance: ping
[05:15] <{soap|bed}> whoa China is actually hgettting pretty rich
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[05:19] <Princess_Zelda> I like how China is becoming the thing they were trying to get away from
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[05:37] <{soap|bed}> Beijing is richer than Portugal
[05:37] <{soap|bed}> thats pretty scary
[05:37] <{soap|bed}> they beat Greece too
[05:38] <{soap|bed}> theyre closing in on Japan
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[06:24] <Chess> Who had the bright idea of making {{uw-taxonomy}}
[06:24] <Chess> It's a midd
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[06:25] <___Chess___> who had the bright idea for {{uw-taxonomy}}?
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[06:25] <Chess> It's a little too specific
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[06:57] <PontoCom_BR> bye, people.
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[08:16] <CyanoTex> [[Comodo IceDragon]] got an update.
[08:16] <CyanoTex> !link
[08:16] <CyanoTex> Oop.
[08:16] <CyanoTex> =-=
[08:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> So let me get this straight. In Brussels VAT has been 21% for hotels since forever but greece wants that to be 13%?
[08:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no its objecting that to be too high
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[12:21] <gde33> ToAruShiroiNeko:
[12:22] <foks> "Homophobic views may be a sign that a pupil is at risk of becoming an extremist, Nicky Morgan has said."
[12:22] <foks> Um.
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[12:29] <CyanoTex>
[12:29] <CyanoTex> So. Many. Jokes. Can be made. Out of that.
[12:29] <CyanoTex> I guess you could say she's RIDING the wild life.
[12:34] <kelapstick> extreme what?
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[07:32] <Raymie> How many FM radio stations fit into one Mexican state? For Veracruz, the answer is 104, and a swollen navbox of redlinks...
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[07:33] <Raymie> All the state radio navboxes in Mexico are out of date, and I’ve been updating them to reflect years of AM FM migration changes. But 104!?!?!?!?
[07:36] <Raymie> I almost wish I had an automated tool to make the navboxes from the IFT list
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[11:11] <{soap|bed}> sad + happy ---> sappy ?
[11:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> tacky
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�06[11:20] * ToAruShiroiNeko beaches at addshore
[11:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ello addshore
[11:21] <addshore> :0
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[11:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Did I surprise you that much?
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[12:02] <BarkingFish> Morning guys, I wonder if I could grab some opinions from you please.  I am working around an article at the moment, - it has a description of all the characters in the show, but I would like to add small thumbnails of them, purely for ID only.
[12:02] <BarkingFish> What kind of images can I use, like screenshots, etc, without breaking copyright?
[12:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> copyright is easy
[12:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> non-free content policy is harder
[12:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I'd suggest a single image with all your chars
[12:05] <Celestio> Lol sappy
[12:05] <Celestio> hello
[12:06] <{soap|bed}> hi envigado
�02[12:08] * AMERICAN_PSYCHO ( Quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds�)
[12:08] <BarkingFish> There are no single images with all of the characters present at one time, ToAruShiroiNeko - they would need to be cutouts from individual episodes, since not all of the characters appear in all of the episodes.
[12:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> no shorts with multiple characters? no official art?
[12:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that would be strange
[12:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> something like
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[12:10] <{soap|bed}> 04:28, 27 February 2015 Drmies (talk | contribs | block) changed visibility of 7 revisions on page Bing (TV series): content hidden (RD1: Blatant copyright violations)
[12:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[12:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko> note the absence of images
[12:13] <BarkingFish> I'll have a more thorough search of google images, and see if I can come up with something of a similar nature
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[12:14] <BarkingFish> There is a good one, but the problem is that it doesn't show all of the characters.
[12:14] <BarkingFish> actually, I tell a fib. It does show them all :)
[12:15] <BarkingFish> The problem is going to be that it's a copyrighted image.
[12:15] <BarkingFish>
[12:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish thats a good one
[12:20] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it will be a copyrighted image regardless
[12:21] <BarkingFish> I'll have to check the NFCC then
[12:21] <BarkingFish> but if that one's good to fly, so be it!
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[12:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you need it in lower resolution naturally
[12:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> look at the one piece article as referance
[12:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> On an unrelated note, the US has asked Switzerland to extradite seven Fifa officials arrested on corruption charges in May, Swiss authorities say.
[12:23] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how is this news?
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[12:34] <Krauss64> Hello, everyone.
[12:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hail
[12:34] <Krauss64> All hail who?
[12:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Hail, Hrothgar! Higlac is my cousin and my king.
[12:35] <Krauss64> Is it healthy to die?
[12:35] <KP-> inhale ebola
[12:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Dont inhale ebola
[12:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if you want something unhealthy go for pure oxygen
[12:35] <Krauss64> Do people talk abou serious businesses here?
[12:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> actually yes
[12:36] <Krauss64> Oh!
[12:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how can I help?
[12:36] <KP-> tell me 2+2 please
[12:36] <Krauss64> Oh, nothing, at the moment.
[12:36] <Krauss64> 2+2 is 2+2.
[12:36] <KP-> ohk
[12:36] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats easy... 2 + 2 is... Hmm so sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 = 1
[12:37] <KP-> that is really serious businesses
[12:37] <Krauss64> It's not trigonometry.
[12:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 2 + 2 = 2sin(x)^2 + 2cos(x)^2 + 2ln(e)
[12:37] <Krauss64> It would be more like log(2/-2) up to 4
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[12:37] <ToAruShiroiNeko> or.
[12:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 2 + 2 = 2x(sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2 + ln(e))
[12:38] <Krauss64> I think it's a Neperian logarithm.
[12:38] <Krauss64> You see, you only have to use 10 as a base.
[12:38] <KP-> Is there any easy way to solve 2 + 2?
[12:38] <Krauss64> Depends on what you consider easy.
[12:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> KP- I dont know. My calculator doesnt take numbers.
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[12:39] <Krauss64> Then use randomness.
[12:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 2 + 2 = (100) base 2
[12:39] <Krauss64> In this metaphysical universe, anything is possible.
[12:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh!
[12:39] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 2+2=2^2
[12:40] <Krauss64> But it's not periodic!
[12:40] <Krauss64> Well, it can be...
[12:40] <Krauss64> Can be be?
[12:41] <Krauss64> Something that is, really is?
[12:41] <Krauss64> Is it possible to be the?
[12:41] <BarkingFish> Bugger.
[12:41] <Krauss64> Well.
[12:41] <BarkingFish> Can someone help me fix an alignment issue please?
[12:42] <Krauss64> What benefits do we obtain?
�02[12:42] * ty (~ty@wikia/vstf/TyA) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[12:42] <BarkingFish> I managed to get the image uploaded, but it's busted the page layout now.
[12:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Buger?
[12:42] <Krauss64> Fish don't bark.
[12:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Burger!
[12:42] <Krauss64> They growl.
[12:42] <BarkingFish> Never heard of a dogfish?
[12:43] <Krauss64> I've heard of FishFish.
[12:43] <BarkingFish> Anyway, ideally I would like to try and get that image, next to the Characters section, but the infobox on the right is getting in the way.
[12:43] <Krauss64> A fish inside a fish.
[12:43] <Krauss64> A juxtapositiones fish.
[12:43] <Krauss64> Two juxtapositiones fish.
[12:43] <Krauss64> *juxtapositioned
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[12:48] <Krauss64> Is?
[12:49] <Krauss64> I have a question on references.
[12:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> please ask?
[12:50] <BarkingFish> >>Does this look better for the layout?
[12:50] <BarkingFish> sorry to interrupt.
[12:50] <Krauss64> If I find some information on a Wikipedia, and then put it onto a wikipedia page of another language, do I still have to mention my sources, even though I haven't viewed them personally?
[12:51] <Krauss64> *a Wikipedia page
[12:51] <Krauss64> Do you understand my gramatically-well structured question?
[12:53] <BarkingFish> Yep.  And I think it largely depends on the rules of the wikipedia you're putting them onto.  Some are very lax and do not require sources or refs to even be added to an article, others are so tight you could trampoline off them.
[12:53] <BarkingFish> Are you thinking of doing this on any specific wikipedia, or is this just a general question?
[12:54] <Krauss64> I ment THEIR sources, since I found them on the other Wikipedia page.
[12:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it looks fine
[12:55] <Krauss64> Ok, sorry for my english.
[12:56] <BarkingFish> oh right, then yes you do Krauss64.  We generally ask for references for anything you add to an article, since what is put on here, needs to be verifiable.
[12:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> BarkingFish
[12:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[12:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> how is that?
[12:57] <Krauss64> Ok, I'm asking that because maybe I don't have those references, but I still want to add that information to my article.
[12:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Krauss64 so how would we know it is not made up?
[12:57] <Krauss64> True.
[12:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I mean
[12:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont mind trusting good faith users
[12:57] <Krauss64> But it would look like I'm copying someones references.
[12:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but we have had quite a number of people whom added incorrect informaiton intentionally
[12:58] <BarkingFish> Krauss64: then what you would need to do is look at the internet and see if you can find a webpage which mentions the information you wish to add.  We generally don't like self published sources, or "user generated content", where there is no editorial control.
[12:58] <Krauss64> And how do I know that their references are real?
[12:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Krauss64 you can look up their referances?
[12:58] <Krauss64> You don't accept primary sources, right?
[12:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we do
[12:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> we generally prefer secondary sources but thats not always possible
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[12:59] <BarkingFish> and ToAruShiroiNeko - that is fantastic!  Nicely done.
[12:59] <Krauss64> But maybe their references are a book which I don't have, or it's hard to fins.
[12:59] <Krauss64> *find
[12:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that can be hard, but libraries do exist
[12:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> or you can ask a wikipedian with easier access to one
[12:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you dont have to do this alone.
[13:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this can take time, naturally
[13:00] <Krauss64> Libraries don't have all the books in the world.
[13:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> some do
�02[13:00] * p858snake (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
�03[13:01] * p858snake (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:01] <Krauss64> Some don't.
[13:01] <Krauss64> Many of them don't.
[13:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> a wikipedian may have access to LoC
[13:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that has practically everything imagineable
[13:02] <Krauss64> ?
[13:04] <BarkingFish> any admins on the floor?
[13:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am on the floor but not an admin
[13:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I applied for one but to acuire it I have to freeze hell
[13:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so that snowballs can hanve a chance of survival
�06[13:05] * kondi looks around
�03[13:06] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:06] <BarkingFish> Back in a tick, I may not need that admin. Just waiting on someone to contact me.
�03[13:06] * JohnFLewis (uid17799@wikimedia/John-F-Lewis) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:08] <Krauss64> Has anyone heard of Unununium?
�03[13:09] * chipotles ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:09] <BarkingFish> I am going to need an admin, I need a block whacking on someone.
[13:10] <BarkingFish> in a moment or two at least.  Maybe not... AARGH!
[13:10] <Krauss64> You enjoy blocking people?
[13:11] <BarkingFish> No, there's a user who is currently using a Wikimedia foundation suffix to their username, and we can't verify whether they're actually WMF staff
�03[13:11] * dbrant (~dbrant@wikimedia/dbrant-wmf) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:11] <Krauss64> Oh.
[13:11] <BarkingFish> Hi dbrant!
[13:11] <BarkingFish> You might be just the person I'm after.
[13:12] <Krauss64> Hey, can I upload pictures on WC made by me?
[13:12] <dbrant> BarkingFish: hello!
[13:12] <BarkingFish> dbrant: are you able to help with a suspect WMF account on enwp?
[13:13] <BarkingFish> I just spoke to Glaisher, we can't verify if it's genuine, but there was another imposter earlier today apparently.
[13:13] <BarkingFish> I'll pm you details if that's ok.
[13:16] <Krauss64> Excuse me, can flooding damage a chat room?
[13:16] <Krauss64> How can it do it?
�03[13:16] * textaural ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:18] <BarkingFish> Flooding can't damage a chatroom, however it can get you kicked or banned from a channel, or k-lined if you do it in more than one channel.
[13:20] <Glaisher> BarkingFish: It's a valid account.
[13:20] <BarkingFish> Thank you for the confirmation, I was just getting dbrant to have a quick hunt as well, since you said it might take a few hours.
[13:20] <BarkingFish> Cheers for the help!
[13:21] <Glaisher> I got in touch with another person.
[13:22] <BarkingFish> Either way, I can rest easy now, knowing that it's not another imposter :P
�03[13:23] * Finne|sleep is now known as Finnegan
�03[13:24] * GEOFBOT (uid66582@wikimedia/Sn1per) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WC as in me?
[13:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am a certain WC>
[13:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> :/
�03[13:26] * HelloMousie (2721c49e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:26] <Krauss64> Oh, nothing.
[13:26] <Krauss64> I ment Wikimedia Commons
�03[13:27] * SleepyOne is now known as KTC
�02[13:27] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) Quit (Excess Flood�)
[13:27] <Krauss64> Are logarithms fun?
[13:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> O_O
[13:29] <HelloMousie> ToAruShiroiNeko:  hey
[13:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ello
[13:29] <HelloMousie> Washington Navy Yard on lockdown after report of shooter
[13:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ya
[13:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think they should move the navy facility off shore :p
[13:31] <Krauss64> That is macabre.
�03[13:31] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) has joined #wikipedia-en
[13:31] <HelloMousie> I am so tired. I was wondering why they sound weren't coming out from the speakers... headphones plugged
[13:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> haha
[13:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I do that a lot
[13:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I rarely am stupid enough to unplug them when something is playing
[13:34] <ToAruShiroiNeko> as I turned the volume to max to figure out why no sound is coming
[13:34] <BarkingFish> right guys, I'm going to shuffle.  I need to go fix some shit before I go home.
[13:34] <BarkingFish> see ya
�02[13:34] * BarkingFish (500493de@wikimedia/BarkingFish) Quit
[13:36] <HelloMousie> I haven't slept in 76 hours my brain and body are failing
[13:39] <comets> \o/
[13:39] <HelloMousie> comets:  do you speak Hindi?
[13:39] <comets> ya
[13:40] <HelloMousie> How different is Fiji Hindi from Indian Hindi?
�02[13:40] * textaural ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[13:40] <comets> fiji hindi is rajasthani hindi ..
[13:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> thats rough
[13:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> fiji has hindi
[13:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> O_O
[13:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> is Fiji stil under military rule?
[13:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Or did the military find a new hoby?
[13:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> say fishing.
[13:43] <comets> soemewhat
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�06[13:46] * ToAruShiroiNeko imagines generals dedicating their time to fishing competitions
[13:46] <HelloMousie> why do people read side effects of pills....
[13:46] <HelloMousie> Medicine that is...
[13:46] <HelloMousie> All of them got side effects, ugh
[13:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> because it is good to know what to expect
[13:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if I am feeling nasious I can assume that I got ill
[13:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but in fact its the side effect
[13:47] <HelloMousie> Doc gave 12 pills to my mom she threw them all out spent 200 CAD on them
[13:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> also you may chose not to take the medication if you think side effects arent worth it
[13:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm
[13:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I'd go and read side effects first before blowing money on it
[13:48] <HelloMousie> But its a must
[13:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> that reminds me I need to get my bottle of enterol
[13:48] <HelloMousie> All the pills have side fects ..
[13:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not all
[13:48] <HelloMousie> I cant tpye well, lack of sleep and stress getting to me
[13:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> please dont be stressed
[13:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> when in doubt whatch videos of kittens being kittens
[13:49] <HelloMousie> ins't enterol for infectious d....
[13:49] <HelloMousie> diarrhoea
[13:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes but it has other uses
[13:49] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if you get food poisoning for instance
[13:49] <HelloMousie> I would get a typhoid shot
[13:49] <HelloMousie> and avoid outside food :p
[13:49] <HelloMousie> I am sure comets  could cook some fish dishes
�06[13:51] * comets hates fish
[13:51] <comets> yes i can see the irony ..
�02[13:53] * foks (~sup@wikipedia/fox) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[13:59] <HelloMousie> comets:  what do you then?
[13:59] <comets> not fish
[14:00] <HelloMousie> So you can get red meat, and chicken there?
[14:03] <HelloMousie> Do we have any Rachel Raquel on Wikipedia? or IRIC here something
[14:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I try to avoid outside food
[14:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but all my food, save rasberries come from outside
[14:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont have a farm under my command
[14:04] <Qcoder00> ToAruShiroiNeko:  Generals devoting time to a Fishing contest... Isn't that a Phil Shilvers plot?
[14:04] <Qcoder00> XD
[14:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Qcoder00 possible
[14:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> But fiji military is serious buinsess
[14:05] <HelloMousie> Hi Qcoder00
[14:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> They rank 146th
[14:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> <- wow
[14:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> they have 75 reservists
�06[14:06] * HelloMousie ranks on scale of 1-10 ToAruShiroiNeko , a perfect 8
[14:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you could fill 1/3rd a passenger jet with that
�03[14:09] * fetus (uid32386@wikia/Iiii-I-I-I) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Panama has no military? Wow
[14:09] <HelloMousie> I knew a model in Panama, she was a bitch didn't bother to go further with her.
[14:10] <HelloMousie> She was religious "Catholic" yet showed some skin in poses.
�02[14:10] * niko (~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko) Quit (Quit: leaving�)
[14:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> By that logic my seat cussion is a catholic
�03[14:12] * niko (~niko@freenode/staff/ubuntu.member.niko) has joined #wikipedia-en
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�03[14:25] * k6ka (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:26] <Krauss64> Hello
[14:26] <Krauss64> Anyone?
�02[14:28] * rr0 (~rr0@wikipedia/ruslik0) Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia�)
[14:28] <Krauss64> Is Bitcoin valuable?
[14:29] <Krauss64> Can you declare war on death?
�03[14:29] * Sir_Designer (~Sir_Desig@wikipedia/mareklug) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:29] <Krauss64> Is it healthy to die?
[14:31] <Krauss64> Are the laws of physics different  in other parts of the planet?
[14:32] <GEOFBOT> hi Krauss64
[14:32] <Krauss64> Hi GEOFBOT
[14:32] <Qcoder00> Krauss - Bitcoin is only as vlaubale as people are prepared topay for it... In this instance its like a [[tradable commidity]]
[14:32] <Krauss64> Are you a bot?
[14:32] <GEOFBOT> why are you panicking
[14:32] <GEOFBOT> no soy un bot
[14:32] <Krauss64> Ah, está bien.
[14:33] <Qcoder00> Krayss64:  A War on death can be declared but it depends on wht you mean by a war
[14:33] <Krauss64> You declare engaging hostile actions to the concept of death.
[14:33] <Qcoder00> Hmm
[14:34] <Krauss64> Well?
�02[14:34] * chipotles ( Quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…�)
[14:34] <Qcoder00> And on your last point :  "Laws" of physics are understood to be Universal, how those laws affect llocal conditions can vary
�03[14:35] * Deskana|Away is now known as Deskana
[14:35] <Krauss64> But what about black holes?
[14:35] <Krauss64> They don't follow Newton's laws on gravity.
[14:35] <Qcoder00> Erm..
[14:36] <Krauss64> And they're IN our Universe.
[14:36] <GEOFBOT> well, Newton's law of gravity turns out to be an approximation
[14:36] <Krauss64> True.
[14:36] <Qcoder00> If not read up enough on Relativity to be able to give a sensible answer on Black holes
[14:36] <Qcoder00> I've
�03[14:36] * James_F|Away is now known as James_F
[14:36] <Krauss64> What part of Relativity?
[14:36] <Krauss64> E=mc square¿
[14:37] <GEOFBOT> there was a minutephysics video about newton's gravity being an approximation
[14:37] <Krauss64> Do Kepler's laws and Newton's laws coincide?
[14:38] <GEOFBOT> I am honestly not trained in physics so I don't want to say something wrong and make a fool of myself
[14:38] <Krauss64> Does existence really exist?
[14:39] <Krauss64> Does non-existence exist?
[14:42] <Krauss64> Does it?
[14:42] <comets> guys, take this to #wikipedia-nerds :P
[14:43] <Krauss64> Where is that?
�03[14:46] * Beliq ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:47] <Krauss64> Does existence exist?
[14:49] <Krauss64> Anyone?
�02[14:50] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[14:51] <{soap|bed}> hi
[14:51] <Krauss64> Hi
[14:51] <Krauss64> Do you exist?
[14:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Umm
�02[14:51] * T-MaN (~thomas@ Quit (Quit: Lämnar�)
[14:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> existence is defined by the absence of existence
[14:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> something exists because it is surrounded by absence of an existence
[14:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I exsit because I am surrounded by an absence of me
[14:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is #wikipedia-en, don't try to out philosophy us.
[14:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> :D
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[14:52] <Krauss64> How?
[14:53] <Krauss64> In a good way or a bad way?
[14:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> In a funny way
[14:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Blackholes blow.
�03[14:53] * Okiku|Away is now known as SailorHaumea
[14:53] <Krauss64> What are your thoughts on psychological egoism?
[14:53] <Krauss64> We humans seek our own interests.
�02[14:54] * trifolio6 ( Quit (Quit: Konversation terminated!�)
[14:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I try not to think of it.
[14:54] <Krauss64> Why not?
[14:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I spend my time more on more relevant matters
[14:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I currently am contemplating if my wall is a perfect 90 degrees from the floor
[14:55] <Krauss64> Do you like planes?
[14:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Do you always ask random questions?
[14:55] <Krauss64> Unless you live in a pyramid.
[14:55] <Krauss64> No, it's just that I edit articles on aircraft.
[14:56] <Krauss64> And create them, of course.
�03[14:57] * Deskana is now known as Deskana|Away
�02[14:58] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) Quit (Quit: Leaving.�)
[14:59] <Krauss64> Is Megalomys Desmarestii a rodent?
�03[14:59] * darev ( has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[14:59] * CraigyDavi (~CraigyDav@unaffiliated/craigydavi) has joined #wikipedia-en
[14:59] <darev> Hello!
[14:59] <Krauss64> Hi darev.
[15:00] <Krauss64> Do you exist as a consciousness?
�03[15:02] * Caliburn (~Caliburn@wikimedia/Caliburn) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:03] <HelloMousie> Krauss64: darev stays away from stupidity to be honest.
[15:03] <HelloMousie> And drama.
[15:03] <HelloMousie> I know darev for at least 3 years now.
�03[15:03] * the-wub (~the_wub@wikimedia/the-wub) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:04] <Krauss64> Are you insinuating that I am saying stupid things?
[15:04] <Krauss64> They are just philosophical questions.
[15:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not really
[15:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> she is outright declaring this
[15:04] <ToAruShiroiNeko> and I +1 it
[15:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> try #philosophy
[15:05] <Krauss64> What is that?
[15:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> not our patience.
[15:05] <{soap|bed}> lol.
[15:05] <HelloMousie> I am a she now? Brilliant.
[15:05] <Krauss64> I thought this was a place to discuss Wikipedia issues.
[15:05] <ToAruShiroiNeko> HelloMousie idea was to confuse Krauss64
[15:05] <{soap|bed}> nice syllepsis
[15:06] <HelloMousie> I have no gender.
[15:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Krauss64 of which you did none of.
[15:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> HelloMousie genders are overrated anyways
[15:06] <HelloMousie> I guess you're .5 % correct.
[15:06] <HelloMousie> out of the 1 %
[15:06] <Krauss64> Well, I came to ask a question about references.
[15:06] <HelloMousie> And?
[15:06] <Krauss64> But I guess I'm not welcome here :L
[15:07] <HelloMousie> And?
[15:07] <HelloMousie> ToAruShiroiNeko: I guess Qcoder00  's scores.. +1 is a thing now then.
[15:07] <Krauss64> And what?
[15:07] <Krauss64> I still didn't get my answer.
[15:08] <HelloMousie> Shouldn't you be on the beach or something, after all you're from Spain
[15:08] <{soap|bed}> almost everyone is welcomer here. turst me, youd be gone by now if you werent welcome
[15:08] <Krauss64> That is stereotypicall.
[15:08] <{soap|bed}> sure there's like 68 bans but 67 of them are for the same guy.We're actually pretty friendly and open
[15:08] <Krauss64> I see.
[15:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> <- Durban solves parking problem
[15:09] <Krauss64> Wow.
[15:09] <Krauss64> So what do people discuss here anyway?
[15:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> {soap|bed} 67 bans for one person? Thats cute
�03[15:09] * Keegan|Away is now known as Keegan
[15:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> {soap|bed} do you think it would be a good idea to visit the European Parliment as a group?
[15:10] <{soap|bed}> who? us?
[15:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am tempted to give them a peice of my mind
[15:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> US wikipedians
[15:10] <{soap|bed}> to protest the FoP thing?
[15:10] <Krauss64> Have you ever checked out the Catalan Wikipedia?
[15:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> rather to talk with MPs
�03[15:10] * Okiku-fu (~DN-boards@2602:306:8381:7390:507e:ff0f:f2a1:1658) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:10] <{soap|bed}> yeah i'll go
[15:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> are you anywhere near brussels?
[15:10] <{soap|bed}> me??
[15:11] <{soap|bed}> surely you know who i am?
�02[15:11] * SailorHaumea (~DN-boards@unaffiliated/dn-boards1) Quit (Disconnected by services�)
[15:11] <{soap|bed}> we've both been in this channel for like 8 years. but OK. No I live in the USA
[15:11] <Krauss64> One last question: If Pinocchio says "my nose will now grow", will it grow or won't it?
[15:12] <{soap|bed}> if there seriously was a pan-Wikipedia meetup in Brussels to protest the new law, though, I would go there just to take part in it
[15:12] <HelloMousie> wow.... I always thought ToAruShiroiNeko  and {soap|bed} were closer to each other as people than me to both of you guess I love you guys the same <3
[15:12] <{soap|bed}> krauss: yes of course it wil
[15:12] <Krauss64> No, there isn't.
�03[15:12] * Okiku-fu is now known as SailorHaumea
[15:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> {soap|bed} I was just checking
[15:12] <Krauss64> Who would care of our benefits?
�02[15:12] * SailorHaumea (~DN-boards@2602:306:8381:7390:507e:ff0f:f2a1:1658) Quit (Changing host�)
�03[15:12] * SailorHaumea (~DN-boards@unaffiliated/dn-boards1) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:13] <Krauss64> You mean the new law that will badly affect Commons?
[15:13] <ToAruShiroiNeko> people move around all the time after all
[15:13] <{soap|bed}> i always picture you as this:
[15:13] <Krauss64> Very smart.
[15:14] <{soap|bed}> admitteldy though thats partly because Blofeld used the sig "White Cat" for a while and early on i thought you were the same editor
[15:14] <Krauss64> Am I the typical "newbie" in a chat room, that soon disappears forever?
[15:15] <{soap|bed}> probably
[15:15] <Krauss64> I understand.
�03[15:15] * Falcorian (~Falcorian@wikipedia/Falcorian) has joined #wikipedia-en
�03[15:16] * Keegan is now known as Keegan|Away
�02[15:16] * chipotles ( Quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:�)
[15:16] <Krauss64> Have you ever thought of having an Einsteinium skeleton?
�02[15:18] * OlEnglish (~me@wikipedia/OlEnglish) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
[15:18] <{soap|bed}> wouldnt i set off the metal detectors everytime i went shopping?
[15:19] <Krauss64> it must be pretty heavy.
[15:19] <{soap|bed}> and wouldnt i die?
[15:19] <Krauss64> Yes, you would.
[15:19] <Krauss64> Obviously.
[15:19] <{soap|bed}> i'd probably survive for a few minutes or so, just long enouigh to think i was on the world's most poewrful drug trip
[15:20] <Krauss64> But you would be able to melt people.
[15:20] <{soap|bed}> as a side erffect the radiation wold be so strong that everyone who went to my funeral would also die
[15:20] <Krauss64> haha
[15:20] <Krauss64> Your casket would also break under your weight.
[15:21] <Krauss64> But you would be radioactive for only 200 days or so.
[15:22] <Krauss64> Before you synthetized into Mendelevium.
[15:22] <Krauss64> Wait, you would still be radioactive.
[15:22] <Qcoder00> Would it even break a Roman Coffin?
[15:23] <Qcoder00> Which were lead?
[15:23] <Krauss64> Let's see...if you weigh 80kg
�03[15:23] * dbrant is now known as dbrant|brb
[15:23] <Krauss64> No, if your normal skeleton weighs 30kg
[15:23] <Krauss64> Then an einsteinium skeleton would weigh like 600kg
[15:24] <Krauss64> So yes, it probably would.
�03[15:24] * AzaToth (~azatoth@wikipedia/AzaToth) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:26] <Krauss64> Can death die?
�02[15:27] * p858snake (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds�)
[15:27] <Krauss64> Hey, ToAruShiroiNeko, have you heard of the Great Attractor?
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[15:42] <HelloMousie> I hate Obama even more
[15:42] <HelloMousie>
[15:42] <HelloMousie> Seriously, this idiot is Iran's agent
[15:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> nah
[15:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> such a thing cannot be a simple executive decision
�03[15:46] * thineantiquepen (uid7812@wikipedia/Thine-Antique-Pen) has joined #wikipedia-en
[15:47] <HelloMousie> I find Obama to be a dick.
[15:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I think he has one
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[15:49] <HelloMousie> According to police, 60-year-old Donald F. Beard attached a camera to a long metal pole and used the device to record videos through a window for more than a year.
[15:50] <HelloMousie> While searching Beard's electronic devices, detectives say they uncovered 16 videos of the woman, including one showing her naked. Beard is facing four charges, including using a camera to record a private residence.
[15:50] <HelloMousie> Court documents say Beard told police he wanted to collect evidence of the woman spending time with married men so he could tell their wives.
[15:51] <HelloMousie> ToAruShiroiNeko:  perfect excuse no?
[15:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hmm
[15:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> such a good samaritan
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[16:02] <HelloMousie> vv
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[16:02] <HelloMousie> weird
[16:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah
[16:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> scumbags will be scunbags
�03[16:08] * dbrant|brb is now known as dbrant
[16:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> please dont take my sarcastic tone as aproval of that detestable behaviour :)
[16:09] <HelloMousie> Of who?
[16:09] <HelloMousie> Did I miss something?
�02[16:10] * HarryS (~h@unaffiliated/harrys) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds�)
[16:13] <HelloMousie> ToAruShiroiNeko: Can I ask a weird question?
[16:15] <HelloMousie> Or anyone else.... doesn't matter, my wrist been paining like a *** for 3 weeks, time to go for a check up?
[16:18] <ToAruShiroiNeko> sure
[16:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I would go
[16:19] <HelloMousie> My doctor literally broke a bone by mistake in my finger.
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[16:29] <Interpuncts> wut
[16:29] <Krauss64> Anyone there?
[16:30] <Interpuncts> me, why?
[16:30] <Interpuncts> not that I'm important or anything. I'm really not
[16:30] <Krauss64> Do you know what Unununium is?
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[16:46] <Interpuncts> sounds like a synthesized element or something really science-y
[16:47] <Interpuncts> ah, he's gone
�06[16:48] * HelloMousie drugs Interpuncts
�06[16:48] * Interpuncts acts rather drugged
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[17:31] <TrueCRaysball> So quick question: Is there a policy against ignoring an Articles for Creation ruling and moving the page to mainspace yourself as long as you have a consensus from the appropriate WikiProject?
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[17:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TrueCRaysball it would be a spectacularly bad thing to do
[17:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but I dont think policy bans it
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[17:45] <TrueCRaysball> ToAruShiroiNeko: Thing is, we created the list article after a LONG LENGTHY discussion the pro wrestling project, and it should have been created in the mainspace right away, the problem took hold when an editor made a mistake and created in the draft space and submitted it to AFC instead. And AFC has now declined it twice.
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[17:52] <{soap|bed}> lol @ "long lengthy"
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[18:04] <TrueCRaysball> {soap|bed}: It's called "emphasis".
[18:05] <KimiNewt> usually you'd put an "and" between those
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[18:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TrueCRaysball argh
[18:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yeah that would only end bad
[18:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> afds arent that hard to file and you seem to have people that dont want the article in
[18:09] <TrueCRaysball> KimiNewt: I meant to put a comma. But in my rush I forgot it.
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[19:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Wat
[19:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> uh
[19:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> hello SailorHaumea
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[19:38] <Interpuncts> are there any other Wikipedia channels that are more active?
[19:40] <{soap|bed}> the help channel possibly. but i never go there
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[19:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> {soap|bed} I have seen you go there once secretly >:D
�06[19:45] * Penwhale tosses {soap|bed} into the wash.
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[19:58] <GEOFBOT> gasp, {soap|bed} is dissolving
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[20:07] <Qcoder00> Amortias : Busy?
[20:08] <Amortias> for a little bit fraid so
[20:08] <Qcoder00> I'm up for some comedy some time...
[20:08] <Qcoder00> So when you are free
[20:09] <Amortias> ok am in middle of a finance report so will need to wait till numbers crunched
�03[20:09] * Deskana is now known as Deskana|Away
�06[20:10] * {soap|bed} is surfin' the ocean while on IRC
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[20:20] <KTC> ToAruShiroiNeko, about?
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[20:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> KTC sure
[20:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> always here :p
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[21:31] <JamesEG> perchance there be any astronomers here?
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[22:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> JamesEG yes?
[22:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> What is the question?
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[22:17] <JamesEG> have you ever heard of the nickname ‘lord of the rings’ for Saturn?
[22:18] <foks> no
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[22:21] <JamesEG> i mean, sure some people could use it as a colorful title here or there
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[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> JamesEG I have heard ring related words for saturn
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> lord wasnt one of them
[22:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> astronomers tend to name things in a boring manner
[22:31] <SigmaWP> what about the motherfucking hexagon on motherfucking saturn
[22:34] <JamesEG> experiment with a spinning circular tub?  morons.  until you can properly simulate a rotating sphere, your experiment is about as useful as stirring mud in the street.
[22:34] <JamesEG> but i thought the eye hole was freakier.
[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ?
[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Objection.
[22:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it was a pie hole
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[22:36] <ZeroSerenity>
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[23:00] <ZeroSerenity>
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[23:18] <JamesEG> Zero Serenity Now?
�02[23:18] * Tylak ( Quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -�)
[23:19] <JamesEG> or maybe Mal's first ship must be retired, and his next one is named the Serenity-1?
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�03[23:26] * Lycurgus ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[23:27] <Lycurgus> wha
[23:27] <Lycurgus> t's the process to stop a thread
[23:27] <Lycurgus> and the associated activity
[23:28] <Lycurgus> on the socialism article
[23:28] <Lycurgus> where you see the template saying the discussion is closed
[23:29] <JamesEG> you mean they are still adding to it?
[23:29] <Lycurgus> looks that way
[23:30] <JamesEG> do your own edit, separating it to a new section, and remind them of the reasons why it was closed?
[23:30] <JamesEG> that way you didn't undo any of their stuff, so they can't complain.
[23:30] <JamesEG> I just made that up now, though.  No idea if it would work.
[23:31] <Lycurgus> i'd like to avoid doing anything adminish on this article
[23:32] <Lycurgus> but looks like CJK won't be satisfied unless there's a "Socialism Lost" section
[23:33] <JamesEG> what initials
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[23:33] <Lycurgus> which is so messed up in so many ways but the main one is that it seems to stand outside time
[23:33] <Lycurgus> that's the user's nick like this is mine
[23:34] <SigmaWP> ... on the socialism article?
[23:35] <JamesEG> well I was guessing that they were initials for the name.
[23:35] <SigmaWP> Lycurgus: Yeah CJK is fucking batshit insane
[23:35] <Lycurgus> i thought "chinese japanese korean" but no idea
[23:35] <SigmaWP> racist
�03[23:35] * Oshwah_Away is now known as Oshwah
[23:35] <Oshwah> lol
[23:35] <Oshwah> Hi everyone.
[23:36] <Lycurgus> yello Oshwah
[23:36] <Oshwah> hi Lycurgus
[23:36] <SigmaWP> Lycurgus: I actually just wrote my second reply in that article
[23:36] <SigmaWP> I mean the talk page.
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[23:36] <SigmaWP> Essentially asking him how much research he's actually done on the topic on hand
[23:37] <SigmaWP> Hopefully this stops when he realises that he's too uninformed to say anything
[23:37] <SigmaWP> This may take a while, sadly.
[23:38] <Lycurgus> i try to avoid any negative associations with this persona aside from matter of factness, just hate to see the public discourse clotted like that, i'm sure if it goes on the thread is going to be closed
�03[23:38] * IDoH|AfIRC is now known as IDoH
[23:38] <SigmaWP> how did you find the discussion anyway
[23:38] <SigmaWP> are people linking to it
[23:39] <Lycurgus> after it kept going on, I stopped looking at the details
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[23:43] <JamesEG> besides, ‘socialism’ is an abstracted or idealized concept.  it can't “lose” in the way that the word should mean, to be unfixed or detached.
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[23:44] <comets> anyone knows how to get rid of that ugly green bullet points on watchlist for good?
[23:44] <SigmaWP> JamesEG: If you wanna talk about that shit you'd better get on the talk page
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[23:44] <JamesEG> yeah, i don't think it would help though.
[23:44] <SigmaWP> probably not
[23:45] <JamesEG> i will, though.
[23:45] <JamesEG> wow that's a tangled mess.
[23:46] <SigmaWP> [16:34:59] <SigmaWP> : Yeah CJK is fucking batshit insane
[23:47] <JamesEG> at least there's a linear timeline
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[23:48] <Lycurgus> comets, you can override css
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[23:49] <comets> it was overwritten before, some idiot re-enabled it recently :/
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[23:49] <Lycurgus> i meant your personal css
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[23:54] <SigmaWP> JamesEG: keep in mind that when you make your edit on that talk page you're choosing to align with either the editors who have read Marx and Lenin and Proudhon and Rousseau and other socialists, or the editors who don't know what they're talking about
[23:54] <JamesEG> ooh battlelines
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[23:55] <JamesEG> anyways i'll just remark on the semantics, like i said.
[23:55] <SigmaWP> JamesEG: there is no such thing as 'neutral' in that thread
[23:55] <SigmaWP> just saying
[23:55] <SigmaWP> choose wisely.
Session Time: Fri Jul 03 00:00:00 2015
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[00:04] <eve_> holoa
[00:04] <eve_> hola
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[00:43] <JamesEG> adios
[00:45] <SigmaWP> JamesEG: bye
[00:45] <SigmaWP> JamesEG: you brave soul
[00:45] <JamesEG> no, i meant to eve_
[00:46] <SigmaWP> oh
[00:46] <JamesEG> i did submit my edit, tried to be as non-confrontational while nudging the discussion in the right direction, which is that it's a pointless one.
[00:48] <JamesEG> besides, i forget who mentioned it, but (extrinsic) capitalism isn't even in opposition to socialism.
[00:48] <JamesEG> that's why the soviets failed.
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[00:48] <JamesEG> at least the way that I see it.
[00:49] <SigmaWP> we'll see what happens next then
[00:49] <JamesEG> i feel bad for CJK though.  at least they didn't degrade to a shouting match, but they still couldn't see they were in the wrong.
[00:56] <SigmaWP> JamesEG: yeah :(
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[00:57] <ZeroSerenity> As for that picture, one of my operators fell down a pit.
[00:57] <JamesEG> stupid People's Front of Judea.
[00:57] <JamesEG> no, we're the People's Front of Judea!
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[00:58] <DustinVS> New RfA:
[01:00] <SigmaWP> #canvassing
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[01:02] <JamesEG> is that a tweeter channel?
[01:03] <DustinVS> SigmaWP: Did I bias my link? No. How on Earth is this cancassing?
[01:03] <DustinVS> I haven't even given an opinion on that and probably never will.
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[01:03] <DustinVS> I just linked it FYI. What's wrong with that?
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[01:04] <JamesEG> everything.  you're going up the river, Dusty.
[01:04] <SigmaWP> Geez, calm down
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[01:08] <DustinVS> I don't appreciate your accusation, so if you think I am overreacting, now you know why.
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[01:10] <JamesEG> you're raquel rico, Zero?
[01:11] <SigmaWP> I was kidding.
[01:12] <DustinVS> Sarcasm/jokes don't go the best in text only, so sorry if I misinterpreted you
[01:13] <DustinVS> I'm not that completely unhumorable person by the way, it's just the text thing
[01:16] <SigmaWP> Whoo.
[01:17] <SigmaWP> psh.
[01:17] <SigmaWP> JamesEG: 01:07, 3 July 2015 (diff | hist) . . (-555)‎ . . Soviet Union ‎ (Undid revision 669710205 by Σ (talk) rv, this issue is heavily debated (see Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact) and as such you have absolutely no right to force one view on the public) (current)
[01:17] <SigmaWP> look at this guy
[01:18] <SigmaWP> dem be fightin words
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[01:30] <JamesEG> why keep deleting that passage?
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[01:31] <JamesEG> does CJK disagree with a causal relationship?
[01:32] <SigmaWP> [16:34:59] <SigmaWP> : Yeah CJK is fucking batshit insane
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[02:57] <jubo2> SigmaWP: CJK is also delicious eats
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[03:02] <jubo2> Talking of which.. Wienerschnitzel Zeit
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[03:04] <JamesEG> kielbasa
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[03:08] <PontoCom_BR> hello.
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[03:11] <JamesEG> hi
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[03:47] <{Soap}>  <-- some idiot keeps vandalizing
[03:47] <{Soap}> an IPv6 rangeblock would help, but Im not sure what's the good way to do that
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[04:22] <JamesEG> strange.  curiously zealous; why are there some pages that get much attention?
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[06:35] <Chess> "Pending decision due June 26"
[06:35] <Chess>
[06:35] <Chess> it's July 3 where in the world is ArbCom
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[06:37] <Chess> ArbCom is late af
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[06:46] <Chess> GorillaWarfare: why ArbCom can't into decision
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[06:50] <Chess> OK what is this major stuff going on at wikipeeeeedia
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[07:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Chess, where in the world is ArbCom? Wherever Carmen Santiago is probably.
[07:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> If I had to guess... Syria?
[07:14] <Chess> along with Waldo
[07:14] <Chess> Along the Oregon Trail
[07:14] <ToAruShiroiNeko> NO, Waldo is in canada.
[07:15] <Chess> remember you can't beat the Oregon trail on easy
�03[07:15] * Isarra (~root@wikimedia/Isarra) has joined #wikipedia-en
[07:15] <Chess> we need more of those games
[07:16] <Chess> wage guerilla warfare against the British
[07:16] <Chess> assassinate the fckers
[07:19] <PontoCom_BR> bye, people.
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[08:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Chess I think the british would not appreicate that
[08:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it may be easier to coax them with tea
�03[08:33] * horst (~Horst@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[08:33] <Chess> But the americannz will love it
�02[08:34] * Spitfire (spitfire@wikipedia/spitfire) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds�)
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[08:37] <HelloMousie> Spitfire:  i want a hug
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�02[08:40] * trifolio6 ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection�)
[08:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I dont think Canadians care for such british hate
[08:41] <HelloMousie> Chess is Canadian?
[08:42] <Chess> you don't say
[08:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> HelloMousie, I suggest changing your doctor
[08:43] <HelloMousie> ToAruShiroiNeko: I am confused and lack of sleep... I always thought Chess  is Norwegian
[08:43] <HelloMousie> IS was whatever
[08:44] <Chess> I'm part norwegian
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[08:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I always thought Chess was a game native to India
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[08:47] <HelloMousie> ToAruShiroiNeko:  do you smoke?
[08:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> nop
[08:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the kind of insanity you here me is not influenced by smoking :p
[08:49] <HelloMousie> Reminds me of RCMP smoking pot
[08:49] <Chess> chess is not native to India
[08:49] <Chess> unless you enjoy using the vizier
[08:49] <HelloMousie>
[08:49] <Chess> And no castling
[08:50] <HelloMousie> A Winnipeg woman who heard two police officers in a helicopter broadcast comments about oral sex — comments they made without realizing their public address system was on — says she wants them disciplined.
[08:50] <Chess> And no en passent
[08:50] <Chess> HelloMousie: Really sucks for the officers
�02[08:50] * fetus (uid32386@wikia/Iiii-I-I-I) Quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity�)
[08:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> HelloMousie so they will recieve spanking?
[08:50] <HelloMousie> I sometimes wonder if ToAruShiroiNeko  was in the military or something.
[08:51] <HelloMousie> Back to Star Wars
[08:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Nop
[08:52] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Not military.
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[09:01] <HelloMousie> Hi closedmouth  been a while
[09:02] <closedmouth> you said that to me like two weeks ago
[09:02] <HelloMousie> I did?
[09:02] <HelloMousie> ToAruShiroiNeko:  @PatOndabak @afixedaddress the only other words we could discern were "....too much body hair."
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[09:10] <HelloMousie> Anyone care to update me on Police in The Hague, Netherlands, detain 200 people for violating terms of curfew as unrest continues - @Reuters
[09:10] <HelloMousie> Whats happening in Ntherlands...
[09:11] <HelloMousie> I always miss out on the fun stuff
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[09:59] <HeloMousie> Fell asleep on left over pizza.
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[10:00] <HeloMousie> France refuses asylum request by Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, president's office says - @Reuters
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[12:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[12:10] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I am tempted to revert this
[12:11] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[12:12] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this account is rather strange
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[12:13] <Penwhale> ... Well, considerign the fact that FoP doesn't exist in Belgium
[12:13] <Penwhale> that image probably needs to be nuked too
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�03[12:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +o TBloemink
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�03[12:18] * TBloemink sets mode: +b *!*
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[12:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Penwhale yes
[12:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> <- when would these be PD?
[12:21] <Penwhale> ToAruShiroiNeko: A work meeting these requirements is
[12:21] <Penwhale> protected ``for the remainder of the term of copyright that the work
[12:21] <Penwhale> would have otherwise been granted in the United States if the work
[12:21] <Penwhale> never entered the public domain in the United States.
[12:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes but copyright expires
[12:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> when would be that?
[12:22] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I want to show how much the date moved
[12:24] <Penwhale>
[12:24] <Penwhale> Dec 31 2047
�02[12:24] * KP- (KP@gateway/shell/elitebnc/x-icnxjdfgjckafdvb) Quit (Quit: EliteBNC free bnc service - - be a part of the Elite!�)
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[12:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Error?
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[12:33] <Penwhale> ToAruShiroiNeko: what error?
[12:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wikipedia one
[12:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> it dissapeared
�03[12:34] * kikichugirl (~Hippo@wikipedia/kikichugirl) has joined #wikipedia-en
[12:35] <Penwhale> ToAruShiroiNeko: because I nuked it.
[12:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> you nuked wikipedia?
[12:35] <Penwhale> lol
[12:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> dont nuke my wiki bro
[12:35] <Penwhale> nuked the image :p
[12:35] <ToAruShiroiNeko> image shall be exterminated
�06[12:35] * Penwhale uses Railgun on ToAruShiroiNeko
�06[12:35] * ToAruShiroiNeko dodges and uses splash attack
�02[12:36] * closedmouth (~mouthy@wikipedia/closedmouth) Quit (Quit: I can’t believe that my huge beautiful wife did the birth of the dreaded Laramie.�)
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[12:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[12:38] <ToAruShiroiNeko> WAT?
[12:43] <Migrant> anyone here who understand russian ?
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[13:04] <darev> Hello!
[13:04] <Migrant> Hello darev ?
[13:04] <Migrant> anyone here who understand russian ?
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[13:07] <ToAruShiroiNeko> #wikipedia-ru ?
[13:08] <HelloMousie> No but... russavia used to seek for Russian speakers from grinder
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[14:54] <balrog>ónsdóttir&type=revision&diff=669773190&oldid=657376415 -- looks like something that should have been picked up by cluebot?
�06[14:58] * enterprisey goes and looks
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[15:00] <enterprisey> balrog: well, it wasn't their first edit, nor did it insert profanity or stuff commonly inserted by vandals
[15:00] <enterprisey> this is just me guessing about how cluebot works
[15:00] <Gangster> ?
[15:00] <balrog> ahh
[15:01] <balrog> their other edits were inserting the same text into related pages
[15:01] <Gangster> hello gandoo
[15:01] <Gangster> :D
[15:01] <balrog> (looks like they hit all three Icelandic Pirate Party MPs)
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[15:43] <Gangster> hello
[15:43] <Amortias> afternoon
[15:43] <Gangster> night here :D
�02[15:44] * Bsadowski1 (~Brian_S@wikipedia/Bsadowski1) Quit (Quit: Bsadowski1�)
[15:44] <Amortias> i coudl say night but then people might think im going away :P
[15:44] <Gangster> :P
[15:44] <Gangster> how are you
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�06[15:45] * Amortias checks pulse blood pressure and breathing
[15:45] <Amortias> according to latest test results im alive
[15:45] <Gangster> lol
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[15:46] <Amortias> yourself?
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[15:47] <Gangster> fine :) shine
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[15:47] <git> heh,
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[15:50] <LordServer> Total noob here; If someone asked you to leave them a message on their page, does that mean to go to their User Talk and start a new topic?  That's what it looks like but that feels wrong.
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[15:51] <Amortias> Thats what they mean
[15:51] <LordServer> I'm sure everyone appreciates a noob who hesitates and asks for confirmation before any edits he's not 110% sure of.  lo
[15:52] <Amortias> Much better to ask before you push a big red button than push a big red button and start World War 3
[15:52] <TheMesquito> Updates pls
[15:53] <Amortias> TheMesquito: Updates on what?
[15:53] <TheMesquito> 86kb/s on my system updates D:
[15:53] <Amortias> I'd loan you some of my bandwidth bt i dont think it works like that
[15:53] <TheMesquito> lol
[15:54] <TheMesquito> Updates always take a bit for some reason, maybe bad repos
�06[15:54] * TheMesquito shrugs
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[15:56] <LordServer> could I ask a question about wikipedia back end that always made me curious, or is this room only for professional on-topic chat?
[15:56] <Amortias> Its about as professional and on topic as the guys who knock on your door saying your chimney needs repairing if im honest
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[15:56] <LordServer> lol I'm going to guess that that means not too much?
[15:57] <Amortias> question away no guarantee of an answer though
[15:57] <LordServer> Well... does the server compile/generate a new page each time it's accessed, instead of caching?
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[15:58] <LordServer> I made some sites for retailers who didn't change things too often where it ran php only when they made a change, and that php generated an html page, so they would get a much faster response and lower server use overall.
[15:59] <LordServer> But wikipedia gets constant edits so I wondered if it had to compile from data base each time
[16:01] <Amortias> not 100% sure but from what it looks like it would be cached, if youve ever had more than one person go in to change something at once the second person wont be able to edit once first ones saved, it reloads the new page and asks them to edit that one.
[16:01] <LordServer> That pause would be more in line with database locking.
[16:01] <LordServer> and not so much relevant to user access
�02[16:02] * vicente (~vicente@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer�)
[16:02] <Amortias> true but its the best answer i can come up with, it wouldnt make sense to compile a new page if the database was always locking up
[16:03] <Amortias> in my opinion anyway
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[16:05] <LordServer> the database can be read without the need for locking.  The only time you need to lock a database is when you intend to edit it
[16:05] <{soap|bed}> huh?
[16:06] <{soap|bed}> i thought they only time we lock the database is that 0.001% of the time when wikipedia has a problem and we have to temporarily shut down editing
[16:06] <{soap|bed}> or are you talking about something completely unmrelated?
[16:06] <Amortias> different locking
[16:06] <LordServer> taling about preventing two people from editing at the same time
[16:06] <LordServer> which you obviously want to prevent because that would just make a giant mess.
[16:06] <Amortias> when you make an edit it locks the page to that version of whoever saves it first
[16:06] <Amortias> hence edit conflicts
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[16:06] <{soap|bed}> i vaguely remember old old old wikipedia having messages like "you cannot edit this page, someone else already is" but that was fixed way early on
[16:07] <{soap|bed}> although yes, i guess we still have edit conflicts
[16:07] <LordServer> My original question though was about when the database is read for user access
[16:07] <{soap|bed}> i think a fix for edit conflicts exists, but the devs wont implement it because oince in a while it fails and deletes the edit ,and at least the setup we have now saves the text that didnt make it
[16:07] <LordServer> because those conflicts are about *reading* the database it doesn't really give us a hint as to how it's being done
[16:08] <MJ94> {soap|bed}: hey!
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[16:10] <{soap|bed}> hi
[16:10] <{soap|bed}> how are you?
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[16:11] <Amortias> LordServer: I think we can guess a fair bit but your best bet might be to go to the reference desk see if you can draw the attention of an employee (former or otherwise)
[16:11] <{soap|bed}> there's also #wikimedia-tech if you prefer IRC
[16:12] <LordServer> lol don't want to bug them.  It has just been a curiosity for years now
[16:12] <Amortias> damn it was just looking that up
[16:12] <LordServer> and google doesn't point me at an answer, which always makes me more curious
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[16:13] <Amortias> Its all a conspiracy to hide the fact that Wikimedias servers run on the souls of the faithless
[16:13] <LordServer> lol
[16:13] <git> well i mean it is mysql
[16:13] <git> so that's not too far from the truth
[16:14] <LordServer> it would just use up a *lot* of processing while slowing the whole thing down if you're reading mySQL and compiling that into html each time
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[16:14] <Amortias> might explain why we get server too busy to process messages from time to time though
[16:14] <LordServer> and I'm aware that if PHP is running a database call it can't just be cached
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[16:16] <LordServer> But when I did my infinitely smaller projects there were issues with how to make sure the page was reloaded by the user's browser after an edit instead of using the cached version, and the rapid edits by wikipedia would make my workaround fail
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[16:34] <geniice> So has the WMF pointed at reddit to show they aren't that bad at community relations yet?
[16:34] <foks> haw haw
[16:36] <Amortias> tink it might be a bit of a kick in the teeth but we do seem to be doing ok dont we
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[16:40] <{soap|bed}> is reddit still full of chaos over the deletions of the fatpeoplehate etc boards? or is it beyond that?
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[16:41] <Amortias> staff member got let go
[16:41] <Amortias> community has responded
[16:41] <Qcoder00> And the reddit clique did not like it
[16:41] <Qcoder00> (the firing)
[16:41] <Qcoder00> From what I hear
[16:41] <Qcoder00> hi Amortias
[16:42] <{soap|bed}> An Internet insurrection is taking place on Reddit, where moderators have shut down many of the social sharing site's most popular sections in an apparent protest over the dismissal of Victoria Taylor.  Once word of Taylor's firing began to spread, moderators of other popular sections that cover movies, science, gaming and a host of others, also went private, making much of Reddit
[16:42] <{soap|bed}> essentially useless to regular site visitors.
[16:42] <TheCrypticName> Yeah reddit has a bunch of new drama lol
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[16:52] <Qcoder00> What a shame a clique is holding the site operators to ransom
[16:52] <Qcoder00> over what was preusmably a commercial decision
[16:54] <MJ94> {soap|bed}: doing okay, you?
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[16:56] <TheMesquito> Qcoder00: Well, its not that mostly, its a whole slew of things the reddit admins have done, namely not have any contact with mods of subreddits when they need help or have questions and basicly ignoreing any pull requests on the github page for reddit
[16:57] <Qcoder00> Who runs reddit?
[16:57] <Qcoder00> :)
[16:58] <TheMesquito> Qcoder00: Think of it like if the WMF just ignored admins on when they ask something about an admin tool or see if they can improve one
[16:59] <Qcoder00> Ah you mean like the VE fiascon?
[17:00] <TheMesquito> Essentially, reddit admins are not listing to users that make there site run smoothly
[17:00] <LordServer> given the nature of reddit, they make it run at all
[17:01] <Qcoder00> I've ben told elsewhere that's there a mod clique that's holding back reddit
[17:01] <Qcoder00> from developing outside it's "geeky" demiogrpahic
[17:01] <TheMesquito> Qcoder00: No, not at all
�02[17:01] * vicente (~vicente@ Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat�)
[17:01] <TheMesquito> Mostly it is due to the reddit admins not caring about users who make the site run
[17:02] <LordServer> ... There could easily be a situation where both sides' stories are mostly true, no?
[17:02] <Qcoder00> There's also a concern that reddit's about to change it's policy on some issues andn start cracking down on controversial channels
[17:02] <Qcoder00> and redits
[17:03] <TheMesquito> That has a bit of truth, but it is highly convoluted
[17:04] <TheMesquito> But seeing as we still have coontown and greatapes, i dont think that is fully true, they are only banning subreddits who engage in harassment outsitde of there subreddit
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[17:07] <geniice> Thats not really relivant to current events
[17:08] <TheMesquito> No, that drama ship sailed a while back
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[17:24] <{soap|bed}> hmm i;d say reddit has expanded quite impressively
[17:24] <{soap|bed}> most reddit users that i know in person definitely arent stereotypical "geeks"
[17:25] <{soap|bed}> basically reddit users are just like other Internet users now, which is probably at least half the adult population
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[17:36] <git> !admin has some maybe blp violations in the history, lots of vandalism the last few days
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[17:57] <{soap|bed}> yeah im just posting to cplain some more about AndroIRC
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[17:58] <{soap|bed}> it ate up1.1GB of data in justr a day due to a malfunciton so Im dleeting it and I wont be on AndroIRC anymorep robably ever.  if i do, its over wifi.  Carrier wouldnt void the overage charge because Im on a discontinued plan paying far lower than what others pau. I dont blame 'em.  Theyre in fact far far more generous than I expected.  I do blame AndroIRC though
[17:59] <{soap|bed}> thank you Yunshui fdor protecting that schoool
[17:59] <{soap|bed}> i wonder if's a 12 month school?
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[18:00] <{soap|bed}> school's out for sure in the USA except for a few very unlickly school districts that either had like forty snow days or just like to keep kids inside so they dont get in trouble
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[18:01] <{soap|bed}> there was someplace in California a few years back where they said "oh by the way, due to a technicality, we're adding a couple of months to this school year with no compensation for any of the teachers. You'll get out in the middle of August.  Deal with it"
[18:02] <{soap|bed}> the teachers vowed to protest it by just declaring all the summer days field trip days and letting anyone skip school of they chose. i didnt follow the story to see what came of it when it actually happpened though
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[18:29] <TParis> lol Hey
[18:30] <Penwhale> how be you, TParis?
[18:30] <TParis> Ohh, fairing a bit better than you are, I imagine...Arbcom has it's hands full I see
[18:31] <TParis> I just know you're enjoying being a Clerk at the moment :)
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[18:35] <Headbomb> could san admin please db-move
[18:35] <Headbomb> it's fairly urgent in that there is a bot run going on and it needs to be deleted before the bot edits it
[18:37] <TParis> You might use the ! word
[18:37] <Headbomb> i suppose i could
[18:37] <Amortias> isnt bird the word?
�06[18:38] * TParis slaps Amortias
[18:38] <Headbomb> !admin  could an admin please db-move,  it's fairly urgent in that there is a bot run going on and it needs to be deleted before the bot edits it
[18:38] <jackmcbarn> looking
[18:39] <jackmcbarn> done
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[18:39] <Headbomb> thanks!
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[18:39] <jackmcbarn> yay for edit conflict
[18:39] <jackmcbarn> now to find out where the revisions all went
[18:39] <jackmcbarn> move conflicts suck
[18:40] <jackmcbarn> Headbomb: can you make sure that the revision history is what you expect it to be?
[18:41] <Headbomb> jackmcbarn, looks fine
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[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TParis yo
[18:50] <TParis> sup
[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its been a while
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[18:50] <TParis> I dont come around much anymore
[18:50] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Penwhale you are an arbcom clerk? Why would you do this to yourself?
[18:51] <ToAruShiroiNeko> TParis yah you have been missed by a certain white cat
[18:52] <Penwhale> TParis: ehehe
[18:52] <Penwhale> ToAruShiroiNeko: ... I've been an arbcom clerk longer than I was an admin
[18:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> really?
[18:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so you made it admin, congrats
[18:55] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I have been distracted by school for a few years and a lot seemingly have changed since
[18:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Penwhale they did not make me an admin while I was gone :p
[18:56] <Penwhale> ToAruShiroiNeko.... you know, I got made an admin in 2007?
[18:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Woha
[18:56] <{soap|bed}> bbl
[18:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> clearly I do not pay attention to it much
[18:56] <Penwhale> ToAruShiroiNeko: lol
[18:56] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I kinda suck it seems.
[18:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I should run for adminship to see how quickly I break the oppose record. :)
[18:57] <Penwhale> Kuroko worst pairing with Mikoto
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[18:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Penwhale why do you think people hate my adminship prospect so much?
[18:59] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Do they fear I may actualy be useful?
[19:00] <Penwhale> How many times did you go under RFA?
[19:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 4
[19:00] <ToAruShiroiNeko> last one was probably 5 years ago though
[19:00] <Penwhale> so... try
[19:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> No last one was in 2007
�03[19:01] * k6ka (~k6ka@unaffiliated/k6ka) has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> btw
[19:01] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I was reverted by 9carney
[19:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this article is in the News by jombo giving it as an example why we need FOP
[19:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> *jimbo
[19:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he re-uploaded the file too
[19:02] <Penwhale> urgh...
�03[19:02] * foks is now known as foks|vaek
[19:02] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh he reverted someone else as well
[19:03] <ToAruShiroiNeko> so ultimately he reuploaded the image
�03[19:07] * bin_005 (~ctlM@ has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Penwhale what do you think?
[19:08] <Penwhale> discussing it with other people atm
[19:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh ok
[19:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> he is doing this to upset jimbo probably
[19:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> upload came after his article on the independent
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[19:43] <Qcoder00> The licens there says proposed bulding
[19:43] <Qcoder00> We know it's alreayd been built so the license claim might be invalid
[19:44] <Qcoder00> Also - That's very strong
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[19:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> wow this article is in a sorry state:
[19:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Penwhale if you like I can join the discussion
�03[19:47] * Symmachus (41b99a0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #wikipedia-en
[19:49] <git> hi can someone block
�03[19:52] * Bradford|Away is now known as Bradford
[19:52] <Symmachus> git: I can't block them, of course, but I did CSD their user page.
[19:54] <ToAruShiroiNeko> whats the issue?
[19:56] <Symmachus> ToAruShiroiNeko: Promotional user, erasing Book:Wikipedia and replacing it with their business contact info.
[19:57] <Symmachus> Two edits, doing that, outside their user space, which contains the same info.
[19:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh
[19:58] <Symmachus> It's not even in English; fairly sure it's a Dravidian or Austronesian language.
[19:58] <Penwhale> I got to those deletions
[19:58] <ToAruShiroiNeko> our local Penwhale is on the job
�03[19:58] * Bradford is now known as Bradford|Away
[19:58] <Symmachus> Awesomeness.
[19:58] <Qcoder00> You do not Delete the "Book of Wikipedia"!
[19:59] <Qcoder00> "For he that defileth the record shall fell thrice the rejection of their sins...."
[19:59] <Penwhale> as for the pictures on Atomium... ToAruShiroiNeko: send email to legal@
[19:59] <Penwhale> picture may pass FoP-USOnly, but... there does exist that chilling effects entry
[19:59] <Penwhale> ToAruShiroiNeko: that is,
[20:02] <Symmachus> Penwhale: I had no idea you were an admin until now. Ha.
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[20:04] <Penwhale> Symmachus: a lot of people seem to be surprised by it. somehow.
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[20:07] <Symmachus> Penwhale: Nah. Just don't believe I've heard you mention something particular to adminship is all. :) Not that I can recall, at least.
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[20:07] <Qcoder00> Ninja
[20:07] <Qcoder00> ;)
[20:08] <SigmaWP> TParis: literally fascist
�06[20:08] * SigmaWP sweats
[20:08] <Qcoder00> You only see the resulyts :)
[20:08] <Symmachus> Qcoder00: Apparently!
[20:08] <MJ94> TParis: hi
�03[20:08] * p858snake (~p858snake@unaffiliated/p858snake) has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:09] <MJ94> SigmaWP: hi
[20:09] <SigmaWP> hi
[20:09] <MJ94> SigmaWP: y u sweatin
[20:09] <SigmaWP> im pregnant
[20:09] <SigmaWP> <!3
�03[20:13] * jubo2 ( has joined #wikipedia-en
[20:13] <SigmaWP> TParis: long time no see, so i'm going to say hi before you disappear for a million year slumber again :P
[20:14] <Qcoder00> SigmaWP:  Congratualtions. Due when?
[20:15] <SigmaWP> due tomorrow, do tomorrow
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[20:25] <MJ94> GorillaWarfare: Hi! Are you around?
�03[20:25] * FastLizard4|zZzZ is now known as FastLizard4
[20:25] <GorillaWarfare> I am!
[20:26] <git> GorillaWarfare: did you have a good birthday?
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[20:26] <GorillaWarfare> git: I did! Did you?
[20:26] <git> t'wasn't bad
[20:27] <git> i don't actually remember what it involved
[20:27] <GorillaWarfare> heh
[20:27] <GorillaWarfare> Doing it right
[20:27] <git> ... but it wasn't drinking
[20:27] <GorillaWarfare> :P
[20:27] <GorillaWarfare> I started a job several days after my 21st birthday, and some of my coworkers asked how it was
[20:27] <GorillaWarfare> I made the mistake of saying the same thing
[20:28] <GorillaWarfare> And then had to spend quite a while trying to convince them that no, I'm just forgetful
[20:28] <MJ94> I don't drink, I'm just naturally forgetful.
[20:28] <git> ^
[20:29] <MJ94> GorillaWarfare: I had something to ask you, but I may have found an answer...I'll let you know :P
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[20:30] <GorillaWarfare> Okeydoke
[20:30] <GorillaWarfare> I'll be around
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[20:33] <MJ94> GorillaWarfare: May I PM you?
[20:33] <GorillaWarfare> Anytime
[20:33] <GorillaWarfare> No need to ask
[20:34] <git> i registered for classes at uni like two days ago, and i just got an email from the head of the cs department with job openings
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[20:34] <git> i think i'm going to like him
[20:35] <MJ94> I got an email from Google saying a Googler submitted my résumé and may have found a spot on the team I may like to apply for.
[20:35] <MJ94> They said they'd get back to me in 2 weeks.
[20:35] <MJ94> It's been 10 days.
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[20:37] <git> MJ94: i realized a few weeks ago that i might've submitted the wrong resume to a couple companies
[20:37] <git> as in, not mine
[20:38] <MJ94>'d so did they get the job? ;)
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[20:39] <git> idk if they did it's probably a downgrade
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[20:49] <git> okay, i know there are people that use OS X in here. i have a queestion for you. what browser do you use, and what's its average energy impact?
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[20:53] <MJ94> git: Chrome.
[20:53] <MJ94> 824 MB memory right now.
[20:54] <git> energy impact
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[20:58] <foks> I use three
[20:59] <foks> chrome's on about 26.4, Safari 10.5 and FF's on 5
[20:59] <foks> though FF is mostly just for Chatzilla
[21:00] <git> ...average energy impact?
[21:01] <git> because mine is like 1500
[21:01] <git>
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[21:07] <foks> git, holy fuck
[21:08] <foks>
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[21:09] <git> um
[21:09] <git> i must be doing something wrong then O_o
[21:09] <git> unless energy impact depends on the hardware?
[21:09] <foks> god knows
[21:09] <foks> might be a bug
[21:10] <Qcoder00> Chrome has leaks
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[21:19] <foks> on OSX, certainly
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[21:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I literaly expected a photo of a physical impact :p
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[22:19] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Any USians that is going to attend wikimania here?
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[22:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> North Korean space scientist to U.S. people: 'Trust us'
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[23:03] <TParis> SigmaWP - did you see my complete destruction of your argument?
�06[23:04] * MJ94 grabs popcorn.
�06[23:04] * MJ94 opens Cyber's RfA,
[23:04] <TParis> You may need to report to the burn unit after that
[23:06] <MJ94> TParis: link to RfA for the lazy?
[23:06] <Qcoder00> Might go offline suddenly
[23:07] <Qcoder00> Hearing thunder
�02[23:07] * Kelapstick (~chatzilla@wikipedia/Kelapstick) Quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds�)
[23:07] <TParis> I don't want to post it, MJ94, I don't want to be accused of canvassing.  Would've preferred not even mentioning it.
[23:07] <TParis> Qcoder00: Stay safe
[23:07] <TParis> I loved me a good thunderstorm when I lived in Texas
[23:08] <MJ94> TParis: pretty sure it's not canvassing if I specifically ask for it :P
[23:08] <TParis> Yeah, but tons of other people havent :P
�06[23:08] * ToAruShiroiNeko accuses TParis of using a canvas
[23:08] <TParis> sent it over PM
[23:08] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Objection! The canvas is a lie.
[23:08] <TParis> ToAruShiroiNeko: What I do in my sexy time is none of your business :P
[23:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Please do not tell me you are pricolo v2
[23:09] <TParis> lol
[23:09] <ToAruShiroiNeko> lie if you have to
[23:09] <TParis> Gotta find inspiration somewhere
[23:09] <TParis> No, no, I'm not pricolo v2
[23:10] <TParis> So where is SigmaWP, is he ignoring me?
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[23:10] <MJ94> TParis: Your comment seems a bit BITEy.
[23:10] <MJ94> Not really friendly.
[23:11] <TParis> On SigmaWP?  I'm sure he'll be fine.
[23:12] <TParis> The tools Cyber is running are on their 4th or 5th interation of developers.  And each developer has added their own suite of tools and frameworks.  It's a huge conglamorate of scripts.  I don't know of anyone that is running anything that matches.
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[23:31] <SigmaWP> TParis: I don't see any destructed arguments
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[23:31] <SigmaWP> TParis: I do see, however, someone trying to destroy an argument with fallacies
[23:31] <SigmaWP> TParis: Also I wasn't here.
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[23:32] <TParis> SigmaWP: Only fallacy I see is trying to compare the number of bug reports you get (and the limited scope, size, and usage of your scripts) to Cyber
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[23:33] <SigmaWP> What kind of fallacy is that, then?
[23:33] <SigmaWP> Where does that claim arise?
[23:34] <TParis> On the surface, it's an anecdotal fallacy
[23:35] <MJ94> Does MusikAnimal use IRC?
[23:35] <TParis> Ooo, the article on fallacies also lists "Affirming the consequent"  'If Cyber is a bad maintainer, he'll have bugs.  He has bugs, therefore he is a bad maintainer.'
[23:36] <MJ94> SigmaWP: TParis can you two take your bickering elsewhere, please?
[23:37] <TParis> We're not bickering.  We're got a lot of history together, this is playful banter at worst.
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[23:39] <MJ94> TParis: Fair enough.
[23:39] <MJ94> Cyber's RfA is the first RfA I just don't know which side I fall into.
[23:39] <TParis> The side of goodness.
[23:40] <MJ94> TParis: probably neutral, but idk
[23:40] <TParis> Sounds like you hate puppies...
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[00:25] <MJ94> TParis: I love puppies. He isn't a puppy.
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[00:26] <TParis> Ohh, so it's kittens you want to throw into a tree shredder?  I see how it is!
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[00:29] <MJ94> TParis: HOW DID YOU KNOW
[00:30] <TParis> Well, it's a secret hobby of most people - so it was a good guess
[00:30] <comets> kittehs are more awesome than poopies :(
[00:30] <TParis> lol
[00:34] <MJ94> +hat_collector> TParis edited [[Wikipedia:Requests for adminship/Cyberpower678]]: /* Oppose */ I'm hopeless
[00:35] <MJ94> now you admit it
[00:35] <TParis> Ohh, I've admitted it more than once
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[01:14] <Carliitaeliza> I want to work can someone give a edition gift (a homework) to edit or expand
[01:15] <nonsenseferret> on what subject
[01:15] <Carliitaeliza> I'm bored creating the
[01:15] <Carliitaeliza> Oh
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[01:15] <Carliitaeliza> Mental health
�06[01:16] * Sir_Designer__ ...avec ton bassin
[01:17] <nonsenseferret> there's one could do with more info
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[01:20] <TParis> I know of an actress that doesn't have an article
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[01:20] <TParis> She's been in several prominent roles
[01:20] <TParis> a DYK might even be possible
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[01:22] <Carliitaeliza> More specifically may be for example different types of schizophrenia if there is a "stub" or a stub catefory of mental health
[01:22] <Carliitaeliza> And look for an article to expand
[01:23] <nonsenseferret> presumably
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[01:27] <Sir_Designer__> Hi Tom. Which unhappy actress is that?
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�06[01:29] * Sir_Designer__ des ronds avec ton ba$$in. -- Yelle
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�06[01:36] * Carliitaeliza looks for an interesting topic for her
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[01:37] <Carliitaeliza> Agrrr I don't have head >_<
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[02:13] <Carliitaeliza> Sir_Designer that humor sense you have
[02:13] <Carliitaeliza> Unhappy actress lol
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[02:27] <MJ94> Look how fancy my userpage is :P
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[03:00] <{Soap}> hi everypuppy
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[03:28] <PontoCom_BR> Hello.
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[03:32] <{Soap}> cherry strawberry raspberry plum watermelon pomegranate cranberry
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[03:38] <{Soap}> thats whats inside me now
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[03:38] <{Soap}> what was that company that made a "new fruit" just so they could call it a flavor? i forget
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[03:46] <Sri_Designer> {Soap} as icecream or as indie fresh fruit?
[03:49] <{Soap}> i think it was lip balm
[03:49] <{Soap}> although there was also a candy company doing that, but they werent serious
[03:49] <{Soap}> all i remember is "banamelber" for a banana + (water?)melon + strawberry mashup
[03:50] <closedmouth> snozberries?
[03:51] <{Soap}> i gooogled it and someone used "Banamelber" as a surname, which goes to show that you cant  really trust all those ancestry sites that seem to be so Fort Knox-like secure
[03:51] <{Soap}> people can load up anyuthing
[03:51] <Sri_Designer> closedmouth
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[03:52] <darev> Hello!
[03:52] <Sri_Designer> darev Hello!
[03:57] <darev> hi, Sri_Designer!
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[03:57] <Sri_Designer> foks I have discovered that Torres' new album _Sprinter_ was recorded by thePJ Harvey's producer and some famous musicians from electronica and shoegaze worlds Dorsett.  So McKenzie Scott a.k.a. Torres (after her grandmother's maiden name)  DOES visit UK.
[03:58] <Sri_Designer> darev how are you doing?
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[04:00] <foks> Sri_Designer, well okay
[04:01] <Sri_Designer> and, I have put in hours of hours listening to it, and I like it bettr than the S/T that you said you have.  And there is a 20 minute micro live show/interview with her, that would approximate a live concert.
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[04:33] <MJ94> GorillaWarfare: around? :)
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[04:50] <{Soap}> hmm the Jetsons takes place in 2062
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[04:51] <{Soap}> therell probably be at least a few people who watched that show as a kid, young enough to believe that it would really happen
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[04:54] <{Soap}> at least we have the Internet
[04:54] <{Soap}> the Jetsons had no Internet
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[05:04] <MJ94> amen {Soap}
[05:04] <MJ94> I like internetz
[05:04] <SigmaWP> TParis: hi
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[05:06] <{Soap}> <--this has always been one of my favorite examples of optimistic future technologu
[05:06] <{Soap}> it was published in 1959
[05:06] <{Soap}> in 40 yrs they thought we would all be floating around in spoaceships
[05:08] <MJ94> {Soap}: you around to do a quick admin task?
[05:08] <MJ94> Also, I wish we floated around in spaceships
[05:12] <{Soap}> hi
[05:12] <{Soap}> yeah
[05:13] <{Soap}> i think someone should sit down and write a good sceiecne fiction novel/movie where people have present day technology except that hovercrafts exist and work quite well
[05:13] <{Soap}> see how radically cociety would change if just that one advance were made
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[05:15] <{Soap}> north koraew would probably shut down
[05:15] <comets> \o/
[05:16] <{Soap}> well, no, thats where it gets complicated.  Its one thing to say that people will have hovercars.  Quite another to suppose that they would be cheap enough to be available even in places like N Korea
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[05:25] <TParis> heh {Soap}, you're clarification didn't help much.  I can't find where Sigma's RfA came into the picture before you.
[05:25] <TParis> SigmaWP: Die a slow painful communist death!
[05:25] <TParis> With love! :)
[05:26] <{Soap}> hi TParis
[05:26] <TParis> {Soap} Wasn't that movie already done?
[05:26] <{Soap}> it's in Leaky caldron's Q17
[05:26] <TParis> Robbin William's Flubber?
[05:26] <{Soap}> possibly. i dont really watch movies
[05:28] <TParis> Robin Williams uses his Flubber technology to create a hover car :)
[05:28] <TParis> And big negatory on Leaky
[05:31] <SigmaWP> TParis: you're a programmer right?
[05:35] <TParis> yeah
[05:35] <SigmaWP> thanks
�06[05:35] * TParis smells a rebuttal coming
[05:36] <SigmaWP> I'm trying to decide whether I should post my reply on WP or in here
[05:36] <TParis> You're welcome to go either way, but I'm sure I'll have a rebuttal to your rebuttal of my rebuttal
[05:36] <SigmaWP> lamest of the lame
[05:37] <TParis> That's how I felt about your concern too
[05:37] <TParis> Cyber is looking for volunteers, after all, you should join him
[05:39] <{Soap}> oh nice the hot dog eating contest is today
[05:39] <comets> u in it {Soap}? :D
[05:40] <{Soap}> i couldnt qualify
[05:40] <{Soap}> most i can do is about 15
[05:40] <{Soap}> <--- these guys are fightin' for 60
[05:40] <TParis> 15 doesnt qualify you?
[05:41] <{Soap}> and i cheat because i always run out of bread before i run out of hot dogs
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[05:41] <{Soap}> so its not really "15 hot dogs"
[05:41] <{Soap}> but ytea
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[06:12] <PontoCom_BR> bye, people.
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[07:04] <Penwhale> so, ToAruShiroiNeko
[07:04] <Penwhale> John Isner is at it... again
[07:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh?
[07:06] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Is he playing tenis?
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[07:14] <closedmouth> that bastard
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[09:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Obama administration spied on German media as well as its government
[09:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> whats wrong with spying?
[09:57] <ToAruShiroiNeko> France: Spying 'undermines' trust with U.S.
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[10:40] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: spying is illegal
[10:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> jubo2 but if you are spying from another country you arent in the jurisdiction
[10:40] <jubo2> there are zero countries that say that spying on them is legal so this automatically leads to that we can say that spying is illegal in international law
[10:40] <ToAruShiroiNeko> its all over the internet
[10:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I do not believe there is a single treaty against spying.
[10:41] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: Thank the most holy for encrypted then
[10:41] <ToAruShiroiNeko> jubo2 encryption can and will be broken
[10:42] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: I don't worry
[10:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> the notion that encryption is a fix is a lie
[10:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I do not worry either
[10:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> if I ever lose my files I'll just ask NSA
[10:42] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: you one of those nutters who think we can make 2048 qbit quantum computer ?
�02[10:42] * contempt (contempt@unaffiliated/contempt) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds�)
[10:42] <jubo2> last I checked the biggest one was 7 qbit
[10:42] <ToAruShiroiNeko> any encryption can be broken over time
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[10:43] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: but the info is usually useless by the time it is gotten
[10:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> this is true
[10:43] <ToAruShiroiNeko> but not always
[10:43] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: Do you worry that some nasties will break your ssh tunnels ?
[10:43] <jubo2> Ssh btw is yet another innovation from Finlan
[10:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> better practice IMHO is to pretend encryption doesnt exist and dont put stuff you dont want others to see in it
[10:44] <jubo2> proof-of-concept-by-code ( #1st ssh server and client ) was made by Tatu Ylönen in Esbo in 1995
[10:44] <ToAruShiroiNeko> jubo2 finland has molotov cocktails and ssg tunnels?
[10:45] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: sauna, molotov, irc, GNU/Linukka, ssh
[10:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> what about a molotov cocktail inside an ssh tunnel?
[10:45] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: silly
[10:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> :D
[10:45] <jubo2> ToAruShiroiNeko: silly ToAruShiroiNeko cannot put matter into information network
[10:45] <ToAruShiroiNeko> unless... you can convert matter into energy
[10:46] <jubo2> no nukes.
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[10:46] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh yes
[10:46] <jubo2> putain no..
[10:47] <ToAruShiroiNeko> I believe denmark is the only country with nukes whom did not want them in the first place
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[10:48] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[10:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko>
[10:53] <ToAruShiroiNeko> ah we have an article
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[12:48] <Sri_Designer> {soap|bed} in 2015 we barely start to having watches we can talk to and which talk back to us.
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[14:50] <kisuke> any admin on i can borrow for a sec?
[14:52] <NotASpy> kisuke: what's up ?
[14:53] <kisuke> NotASpy, says it all really, anything i should do other than revert, possibly request a revdel?
[14:54] <NotASpy> reverting is fine
[14:57] <kisuke> check me, the last edit by me (keastes) removed the goatse link correct?
[14:58] <Penwhale> a lot of attacks to Module lately..
[14:58] <kisuke> PROTECT ALL THE THINGS!
[14:58] <kisuke> not really...
[14:58] <NotASpy> yeah
[15:00] <Penwhale> I don't know whether the account is compromised, or did the person not realized that Module:Dynkin was compromised
[15:00] <kisuke> Penwhale, it was compromised, simple password reuse bit me on the ass. I blame plex
[15:01] <kisuke> not what i wanted to come back to breakfast to.
[15:02] <Penwhale> hmm. NotASpy: what do you think?
[15:02] <Penwhale> there's an ANI thread out there, so it does need to be addressed.
[15:02] <Penwhale> kisuke: in the mean time, scramble your password or something
[15:02] <kisuke> Penwhale, swapped WP from my 5 year old static to lastpass managed one, so that is fixed.
[15:03] <kisuke> going to look into getting a 24 HR orr so block so i can make sure i have it locked down.
�06[15:03] * Penwhale thinks for a moment
[15:11] <kisuke> wondering if i should not request a 30 edit block.
[15:11] <kisuke> 30 day*
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[15:15] <kisuke> any thoughts?
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[15:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Hmm
[15:24] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Penwhale if you protect copright law, would that prevent EU from ammending it?
[15:25] <kisuke> ToAruShiroiNeko, thanks now im stuck in a recursive loop.
[15:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> O_O
[15:26] <ToAruShiroiNeko> recursive infinite loop?
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[15:27] <Penwhale> kisuke: I'd ask a CheckUser what to do
[15:27] <ToAruShiroiNeko> whatd I do?
[15:27] <Qcoder00> kisuke: You edit from a shared system?
[15:28] <kisuke> Qcoder00, nope, pretty sure password reuse bit me in the ass.
[15:28] <ToAruShiroiNeko> Czech user?
�06[15:28] * Penwhale swings a hammer at ToAruShiroiNeko
�06[15:28] * ToAruShiroiNeko takes a direct hit
[15:28] <kisuke> ToAruShiroiNeko, the bigger question, is who would own the copyright.
�06[15:29] * ToAruShiroiNeko has flintched
[15:29] <kisuke> ToAruShiroiNeko is unable to move!
[15:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> kisuke copyright of?
[15:29] <Penwhale> in most cases, aren't laws themselvesd not eligible to be copyrighted?
[15:29] <Qcoder00> ROFL
[15:29] <kisuke> ToAruShiroiNeko> Penwhale if you protect copright law, would that prevent EU from ammending it?
[15:29] <ToAruShiroiNeko> yes laws are in the public domain
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[15:30] <Penwhale> or do you mean [[WP:Protect]] a copyright law?
[15:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> [[WP:Protect]] [[Copyright law]]
[15:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> >:D
[15:30] <ToAruShiroiNeko> And delete [[EU]]
[15:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> oh! #redirect EU to Pokemon
[15:31] <kisuke> Penwhale, i assume WP:CU can view active sessions? i know they can see prior logins, but not sure beyond that.
[15:33] <Penwhale> let's find out...
[15:33] <Penwhale> !checkuser
[15:33] <ToAruShiroiNeko> !objection
[15:34] <Qcoder00> kisuke : Was this an IP you were reverting - ?
�03[15:34] * NotASpy is now known as NotASpy|away
[15:35] <kisuke> Qcoder00, that is one of the edits i didnt make, from my read of the diff, that user added a goatse link, and a revert was under my account.
[15:35] <Qcoder00> oK
[15:35] <kisuke> only 99% sure im reading it right though.
[15:36] <Qcoder00> I'm just trying to think laterally here... sometimes reverted users start playing mind games and try and get the admin/contrubutor that tried to stop thier little games into trouble
[15:37] <kisuke> possible, like i said i have been using that PW for low profile stuff for a while now.
[15:37] <Qcoder00> I say we need a checkuser
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[15:37] <Qcoder00> kisauke: As I said does anyone else use your computer?
[15:37] <kisuke> Qcoder00, im about to mail the functionaries list.
[15:37] <kisuke> Qcoder00, only if they want to die.
[15:38] <Qcoder00> kisuke:  There are password cracking tools
[15:38] <Qcoder00> I assume you cehcked your system for malware, keyloggers etc?
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[15:39] <Izhidez> Penwhale: CU cant view active logins, only edits
[15:39] <Qcoder00> The IP seems to be located in Singapore if the Geolocate is right
[15:40] <Penwhale> So the question is, would CU be able to help kisuke and positively/negatively confirm geolocation (i.e. the account is under control again)?
[15:40] <Penwhale> there IS an ANI request out
[15:41] <kisuke> Qcoder00, true, but brute forcing is impractacl with any sanely set up auth system
�06[15:41] * Izhidez pulls ani out
[15:41] <kisuke> Qcoder00, its been fresh installed for less than a week.
[15:42] <Qcoder00> Very strange
[15:42] <Qcoder00> Samsumg or Lenovo?
[15:42] <kisuke> Qcoder00, custom
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[15:43] <Qcoder00> Windows?
[15:43] <kisuke> Qcoder00, yes
[15:43] <Qcoder00> I'd suggest getting something like AdAware or Spybot to take a look
[15:43] <Qcoder00> And if you've got Anti Virus
[15:43] <Qcoder00> Scan
[15:44] <kisuke> Qcoder00, KAV rescue disk :)
[15:44] <Qcoder00> What's KAV?
[15:44] <kisuke> Kaspersky Anti Virus
[15:44] <Qcoder00> Oh OK
[15:44] <kisuke> huh, actually been closed to 2 weeks now that i think about it
[15:46] <Izhidez> Penwhale: where on ani am I looking?
[15:46] <kisuke> Izhidez, for my ANI?
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[15:46] <Izhidez> which ever is requesting the CU, cause I am one
[15:47] <Qcoder00> That would be kisuke dircetly i think
[15:47] <Qcoder00> or Penwhale
[15:47] <kisuke> Izhidez, AFAIK there is not one requested yet, simply because i am working on making sure i have my account locked back down.
[15:48] <Qcoder00> IZhidez -
[15:48] <Qcoder00> It was suggested that a CU be done on edits to confirm if the vandal edits came from :-
[15:48] <Qcoder00> (i) a simmilar machine
[15:48] <Qcoder00> (ii) A machine in a completly different range
[15:49] <Qcoder00> to the edit pattern before May 12th
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[15:49] <Qcoder00> which is when Kisuke stated they last editied
[15:49] <Qcoder00> It was me that wondered if the recent vandal edits were an IP kisuke had reverted
[15:49] <kisuke> yep and prior to may 12 all edits should be either in UT, CO, or NM.
[15:49] <Izhidez> oh ok, so I"m CUing kisuke to see if the edits were made by a third party and when they started/stopped. ok
[15:50] <kisuke> Izhidez, they were all made today 04 Jul, last edit prior to that was 12 may.
[15:51] <kisuke> many thanks
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[15:56] <Izhidez> ok, so I can confirm that the account appears to be comprimsed. What I can't confirm is if the edits were made from your computer or not. I have some information that may help, but I have to verify you are the account holder before I discuss that with you.
[15:57] <Izhidez> (For privacy reasons)
[15:58] <Izhidez> The edits that I think were comprised were from 13:44 - 14:12
[15:59] <Izhidez> Qcoder00, kisuke ^^
[15:59] <Qcoder00> IZhidez: Thanks
[15:59] <kisuke> Izhidez, UTC i assume?
[15:59] <Qcoder00> IZhidez But I would suggest further disscussion take place in private between yourself and kisuke
[16:00] <Qcoder00> (i.e not in the public channel)
[16:00] <Penwhale> aye, although you definitely should make a point at the ANI request too, Izhidez :d
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[16:00] <Izhidez> kisuke: yes, UTC.
[16:00] <{soap|bed}> trhat must be a very tech savvy vandal
[16:00] <Izhidez> will do Penwhale
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[16:01] <Qcoder00> {soap|bed}:  Or they got lucky
[16:01] <Penwhale> ah, for what its worth... Diannaa blocked for 1wk
[16:01] <kisuke> {soap|bed}, maybe, all they did was pull a template of somesort in to a couple of otehr templates.
[16:01] <kisuke> Izhidez, how would you like to handle this?
[16:01] <Qcoder00> Right up until the point when the tech-savvy vandal has his door knocked in by the cops :)
[16:01] <kisuke> Penwhale, at my request.
[16:02] <Qcoder00> IIRC The cops in some parts of the world have a low tolerance for "vandals" and "trolls"
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[16:02] <Izhidez> kisuke: are you looking for me to confirm if it was your computer or are you talking about unblock?
[16:02] <Penwhale> kisuke: right, I was just making sure that people that are helping you knows :p
[16:02] <kisuke> Izhidez, the former
[16:03] <kisuke> the block was effectively at my request.
[16:03] <Qcoder00> Well I was of thie view that the checkuser was needed to cnofirm the vandal edits were NOT from the same range....
[16:03] <Izhidez> kisuke: for that, I need some sort of verification that the account is indeed yours. I'll private message you and we'll continue there.
[16:03] <Qcoder00> That's seemingly proven i think
[16:03] <kisuke> WFM
[16:04] <kisuke> Qcoder00, its a bit harder sence i havent exactly been active in the community for a year or so.
[16:04] <Qcoder00> IZhidez: Thanks
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[16:17] <kisuke> well fudge, MIT now 404s my key, now to find it again...
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[16:31] <ToAruShiroiNeko> 404
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[17:00] <MJ94> {soap|bed}: hey
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[17:35] <{soap|bed}> hi
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[17:42] <{soap|bed}> hmm what if Independent Day was in them iddle of the winter
[17:42] <{soap|bed}> would we still celebrate it as much?
[17:43] <{soap|bed}> those of us who live in colder climates anyway. its not like youre gonna have many barbecues when you cant get to your grill because its buried under 6 ft of snow
[17:44] <{soap|bed}> the founding fathjers probably wanted to declare war in Feburary but they wanted to make sure the next 30 generations of Americans would have their major holiday in the hottest part of the year
[17:44] <{soap|bed}> (global warming, of course, will turn the entire USA into a tropical paradise all year round, so there's no need to worry about the future)
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[17:57] <ceradon> Does anyone here have access to JSTOR through a university?
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[18:08] <darev> Hello!
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[18:24] <canaima> hola
[18:24] <canaima> si por que
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[18:24] <KimiNewt> wikipedia-EN
[18:25] <canaima> hola
[18:26] <foks> canaima, do stick to English please
[18:26] <canaima> hello
[18:26] <foks> ta
[18:29] <canaima> speak in Spanish English
[18:30] <canaima> me llamo sofia
[18:30] <KimiNewt> donde esta la biblioteca
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[18:37] <SamB_7> okay, the hatnotes at the tops of and aren't helping, particularly
[18:37] <SamB_7> *how* am I supposed to avoid confusing them?
[18:40] <MJ94> KimiNewt: lol
[18:43] <{soap|bed}> oh wow its JHuly4 so all the people in tyhe nldg off the street from me are off from work
�06[18:43] * {soap|bed} goes to barbecue in thier parking lot
[18:45] <Qcoder00> HI
[18:45] <{soap|bed}> hi
[18:45] <Qcoder00> Anyone here want some fun?
[18:46] <{soap|bed}> baebque
[18:46] <Qcoder00> I'lll take it elsewhere if people are wanting to do serious tuff
[18:46] <Qcoder00> *stuff
[18:46] <Qcoder00> Unusal clauses in a lease...
[18:46] <Qcoder00> 1. Leaseholder is liable to pay for the good order of the chapel roof....
[18:47] <Qcoder00> (And I leave it open to the channel)
[18:47] <{soap|bed}> how about 2.) Even though marijuana is forbidden in this building, if we find any we'll steal it and keep it for ourselves
[18:48] <{soap|bed}> 2b) and dont even think of calling the cops because then youll be admitting to possession and youll go to jail and by now what we stole is arleadt used anyway
[18:48] <{soap|bed}> that hgappebed to a briend of mine before legalization
[18:49] <{soap|bed}> so he said, anyway. i dont have any reason to doubt
[18:49] <Qcoder00> 3. Leaseholder is adivsed that all music must be played during the hours of darkness, and at excessive bass volume :)
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[18:51:22] #wikipedia-en url is
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[18:52:15] <{soap|bed}> ^^^^^^^dont know if that ever happens in real life, though its based on a story that happened to someone i knew
[18:52:32] <{soap|bed}> they kicked her out 2 days before she gave birth, though for unrelated reasons
[18:53:00] <Qcoder00> 5. The owenrye shall noyt unlode cargo, chattels, or merchandises, of a foul, orderous or despicable charrcter within the curtilage of the trout pond....
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[18:53:46] <KimiNewt> soap
[18:53:50] <KimiNewt> jokes aren't better with backstory
[18:54:05] <{soap|bed}> mine were serious
[18:54:06] <{soap|bed}> but OK
[18:54:08] <KimiNewt> not that there's anything wrong with your stories
[18:54:16] <KimiNewt> but I think qcoder is looking for more humouristic stuff
[18:54:41] <{soap|bed}> yeah i know
[18:54:45] <Qcoder00> Not necessarily... No1 and No5 are based on actual clauses
[18:54:46] <{soap|bed}> im in a bad mood alot lately. cant help it
[18:54:53] <KimiNewt> sorry
[18:54:54] <KimiNewt> I mean
[18:54:57] <KimiNewt> aw
[18:55:02] <Qcoder00> Technically in UK leases you can still be asked to fund the village church
[18:55:05] <KimiNewt> cheer up
[18:55:32] <KimiNewt> there is a banana milkshake in the fridge
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