
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
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3,186 bytes added ,  07:44, 22 May 2014
<!-- The nested div fixes a spacing problem in Firefox. -->
<!-- All the other changes are intended to address aesthetic considerations in various browsers -->
<onlyinclude>{{#if:{{{center|}}}|<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center"><tr><td>|<center>}}
<div style="clear:none; {{#if:{{{maxWidth|}}}|max-width:{{{maxWidth}}};|max-width:50em;}}"><div style="margin: 0 10%;">
{| style="border-collapse:collapse; background-color:transparent;"
| valign="top" style="overflow:hidden; margin: 0 0 1em 0; color:{{{color|silver}}}; font-size:{{{size|3.6em}}}; font-family:serif; font-weight:bold; text-align:left;" | <span style="line-height:0.4em;">&nbsp;</span><br />“
| valign="middle" style="overflow:hidden; padding:0 1em; text-align:left; font-style:italic; {{#if:{{{textColor|}}}|color:{{{textColor}}};|}} {{#if:{{{textSize|}}}|font-size:{{{textSize}}};|}}" | &nbsp;<br />{{#if:{{{textSize|}}}||<big><big>}}{{{1}}}{{#if:{{{textSize|}}}||</big></big>}}<br />&nbsp;
| valign="bottom" style="overflow:hidden; color:{{{color|silver}}}; font-size:{{{size|3.6em}}}; font-family:serif; font-weight:bold; text-align:right;" | „<br /><span style="line-height:0.55em;">&nbsp;</span>
| colspan="3" | <p style="font-size:{{{sourceSize|85%}}}; {{#if:{{{sourceColor|}}}|color:{{{sourceColor}}};|}} line-height:1em; text-align:right"><cite style="font-style:normal;">{{ #if:{{{2|}}} |—{{{2| }}}}}{{ #if:{{{3|}}} |, ''{{{3}}}''}}</cite></p>
|}</div></div><!-- {{subst:FULLPAGENAME}} -->

'''Template structure'''

<nowiki>{{quote| 1 | 2 | 3 |color=silver|size=360%|textColor=red|textSize=200%|sourceColor=green|sourceSize=100%}}</nowiki>

'''Template usage'''

<nowiki>{{quote|Quote Text|Person|Source|color=silver|size=360%|textSize=85%|textColor=red|textSize=200%|sourceColor=green|sourceSize=100%}}</nowiki>

# The "color" and "size" parameters refer to the quotation marks—not the text.
# The "textColor" and "textSize" parameters refer to the text.
# The "sourceColor" and "sourceSize" parameters refer to the text for the quoted persons or source.
# If you want to change the color and size variables, you must declare the parameter explicitly (i.e. you must include "color=" or "size=").
# If you want to change the size parameter, then you must include a unit of measurement (e.g. %, px, pt).
# "If a parameter value contains an equals sign, the parameter name must be declared explicitly." This means that if you want to include a URL in your quote, and if that URL contains an equals sign, then you must explicitly declare the parameter. All that means is that you should add "1=", "2=", or "3=", as appropriate, ahead of your quote text, speaker, or source, like this: <nowiki>{{quote|1=Quote text|2=Person|3=Source|color=silver|size=360%}}
# Do not add <nowiki> <big>, <small> or <center> </nowiki> tags inside the quote, the only acceptabe tags are <nowiki> <pre> and <br /></nowiki> all others screw up the formatting. And makes [[Admins]] angry, [[Banhammer|you wont like them when they are angry]].
<noinclude>[[Category:Formatting Templates|{{PAGENAME}}]]</noinclude>


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