
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday March 07, 2025
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Under the banner of prospective representation parades an uncontrolled and wide-ranging variety of pretended signs and prospective signs, entities with the alleged or apparent significance of signs, of likely stories that are potentially meaningful and useful as descriptions and representations, but the character of whose participation in a sign relation is yet to be judged and warranted.  A certain quality of PR marks the brand of significance that a candidate sign possesses before it is known for certain whether it will be genuine or spurious in its role as a sign, the meagre benefit of the doubt that can be granted any reputed sign before its character as an authentic sign has been tested in the performance of its assigned functions.
Under the banner of prospective representation parades an uncontrolled and wide-ranging variety of pretended signs and prospective signs, entities with the alleged or apparent significance of signs, of likely stories that are potentially meaningful and useful as descriptions and representations, but the character of whose participation in a sign relation is yet to be judged and warranted.  A certain quality of PR marks the brand of significance that a candidate sign possesses before it is known for certain whether it will be genuine or spurious in its role as a sign, the meagre benefit of the doubt that can be granted any reputed sign before its character as an authentic sign has been tested in the performance of its assigned functions.
The prospects and pretensions of prospective representation are associated with a quality of tension that prevails on the scene of representation even before it is definite that objects have signs and signs have objects, an uncertain character that supervenes on the stage before one is sure that a project of representation will succeed in its intentions &mdash; far enough for its extension to stretch over many determinate instances, or well enough for its intension to hold forth any distinctive properties.  This whole modality of allegation and aspiration, given the self described significance and uncertified self-advertisement that signs in all their immature phases and developmental crises cannot help but affect, taken along with the valid ambitions of potential signs to become signs in fact, is a class of pretended and prospective meaning that it seems fitting to label as a category of ''pretensional representation''.
The prospects and pretensions of PR are associated with a quality of tension that prevails on the scene of representation even before it is definite that objects have signs and signs have objects, an uncertain character that supervenes on the stage before one is sure that a "project of representation" (POR) will succeed in its intentionsfar enough for its extension to stretch over many determinate instances, or well enough for its intension to hold forth any distinctive properties.  This whole modality of allegation and aspiration, given the self described significance and uncertified self advertisement that signs in all their immature phases and developmental crises cannot help but affect, taken along with the valid ambitions of potential signs to become signs in fact, is a class of pretended and prospective meaning that it seems fitting to label as a category of "pretensional representation" (PR).
The assortment of PR mechanisms that goes into a run of the mill POR is a rather odd lot, drawing into its curious train every style of potential, preliminary, prospective, provisional, purported, putative, and otherwise "pretensional representation".  The motley array of artifice and device that is permitted under this gangly heading seems ill suited to becoming recognized as a natural category, and perhaps it is destined to persist for all time pretty much as one presently finds it, too quixotic to regiment fully and too recalcitrant to organize under compact terms.  For the purposes of the current project, the point of distinguishing the category of PR as a mode of description is twofold:
The assortment of prospective representation mechanisms that goes into a run-of-the-mill project of representation is a rather odd lot, drawing into its curious train every style of potential, preliminary, prospective, provisional, purported, putative, and otherwise ''pretensional representation''.  The motley array of artifice and device that is permitted under this gangly heading seems ill-suited to becoming recognized as a natural category, and perhaps it is destined to persist for all time pretty much as one presently finds it, too quixotic to regiment fully and too recalcitrant to organize under compact terms.  For the purposes of the current project, the point of distinguishing the category of prospective representation as a mode of description is twofold:
1. The category of PR is drawn up to encompass the categories of "extensional representation" (ER) and "intensional representation" (IR) and to allow the creation or recognition of a collection of continuities and correspondences between them.
# The category of prospective representation is drawn up to encompass the categories of extensional representation and intensional representation and to allow the creation or recognition of a collection of continuities and correspondences between them.
# The prospective representation mode of description draws attention to several important facts about the more problematic phases of interpretation and inquiry processes, especially including the inchoate actions of their initial stages and the moments when global paradigm shifts are manifestly in progress.  All that interpreters have to go on for much of the intermediate time that they spend involved in the sign formation processes of inquiry is a type of prospective representation.
2. The PR mode of description draws attention to several important facts about the more problematic phases of interpretation and inquiry processes, especially including the inchoate actions of their initial stages and the moments when global paradigm shifts are manifestly in progress.  All that interpreters have to go on for much of the mean time that they spend involved in the sign formation processes of inquiry is a type of PR.
Variant. The purpose of these PR labels is to draw attention to the indirect character and the allusory nature of the interpretive processes that contribute to the initial stages and non-routine phases of inquiry.
The purpose of these PR labels is to draw attention to the indirect character and the allusory nature of the interpretive processes that contribute to the initial stages and non routine phases of inquiry.
Variant. The point of pointing out the indirect character and the allusory nature of all prospective representation is to draw attention to the circumstance that intelligent agents of interpretation and inquiry have to be capable of waiting, trading, and acting on purported and potential representations.  To proceed at all from the conditions prevailing at the outset of inquiry, they have to lead off from the slightest inklings that a problematic phenomenon may disclose an objective reality that is a key to its resolution, to take their initial direction from uncertain signs that an object of value might be in the offing, and to open the bidding on a brand of improper symbols whose very qualifications as representations are required by the nature of interpretive inquiry to remain in question for much of the mean time taken up by the pursuit of the alleged objects.  It is part of the task that prospective representation is all these agents have to go on, &hellip;
The point of pointing out the indirect character and the allusory nature of all PR is to draw attention to the circumstamce that intelligent agents of interpretation and inquiry have to be capable of waiting, trading, and acting on purported and potential representations.  To proceed at all from the conditions prevailing at the outset of inquiry, they have to lead off from the slightest inklings that a problematic phenomenon may disclose an objective reality that is a key to its resolution, to take their initial direction from uncertain signs that an object of value might be in the offing, and to open the bidding on a brand of improper symbols whose very qualifications as representations are required by the nature of interpretive inquiry to remain in question for much of the mean time taken up by the pursuit of the alleged objects.  It is part of task that PR is all these agents have to go on, ...
Extensional descriptions of n place relations are the kinds that can be presented in relational data tables, or at least initiated and partially illustrated in this form.  If an n place relation is constituted as a "finite information construction" (FIC), where the relation as a whole plus each of its elements is specified in "finite and discrete" (FAD) terms, then the prospective tabulation can be carried out to completion, at least in principle, explicitly enumerating the "elementary relations" or the n tuples of relational domain elements that enter into the relation.
Extensional descriptions of n place relations are the kinds that can be presented in relational data tables, or at least initiated and partially illustrated in this form.  If an n place relation is constituted as a "finite information construction" (FIC), where the relation as a whole plus each of its elements is specified in "finite and discrete" (FAD) terms, then the prospective tabulation can be carried out to completion, at least in principle, explicitly enumerating the "elementary relations" or the n tuples of relational domain elements that enter into the relation.


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