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<!-- The following is a simple Infobox designed to identify a COMPANY. You should feel free to add your own content to any of the missing elements. The few items pre-filled here are intended to "just get you started" with some basic formatting and semantic tagging. -->

| company_name = [[Company_Name::Exotics Rally]]
| company_type = [[Company_Type::Private Company]]
| foundation = [[Year_Started::2007]]
| founder =
| location = {{flagicon|US}} [[City::Hicksville]], [[State_Name::NY]], [[Country_Name::United States|USA]]
| key_people = [[Key_Person1::Seth Rose]], [[Key_Person1_Title::CEO]]
| industry = [[NAICS_Code1_Title::Automotive]]
| products = <!-- Exotic Automotive Forum & Rallies -->
| num_employees = {{profit}} [[Employees::3]] (2010)
| owner = <!-- Seth Rose. -->
| contact = [[Address::86 Woodbury Road]]<br>Hicksville, [[State_Code::NY]] [[Zip::11801]]-[[Plus4::0000]]<br>[[Phone::516.942.5555]]<br>Web: []
| reference = <!-- Reference items help facilitate search engine optimization (SEO) --><br>[[Property:Region1|Region]]: [[Region1::Nassau County]]<br>[[Latitude]]: [[Latitude::40.77110|40°77'11.0"]]<br>[[Longitude]]: [[Longitude::--73.51965|-73°51'96.5"]]
| footnotes =

'''Exotics Rally'''
Exotics Rally was started in 2007 as a social activity club by an Exotic Car enthusiast (Seth Rose) and it quickly expanded its philosophy beyond [[automobiles]]. ER gathers groups of people together who share the same interests in luxury cars, travel and night life.
The Exotic automobile owner-member is offered many different types of events per year like car show-display, drag, track, rally, runway, Sunday drive etc. The free online forum has over 2500 members with sub categories “events, general, car talk, sponsors, off topic, ER life, social lounge and classifieds”. Several members have achieved national coverage by participating in the Bullrun live rally. The Bullrun Navigator Award is given to the team that has the best overall navigation for the Rally’s entire seven days. The 2011 rally saw the 1st Place Navigator Awarded to Seth Rose (owner of Exotics Rally) and Tony King- Team Exotics Rally/ Hudson Jeans.
==Activities motorsports==
ER offers the East Coast's luxury car events typically featuring over 200 privately owned cars that compete in rally’s. Drag race, motorsport track rentals, runway & top speed events are available to members on a regular basis. Venues have included Monticello Motor Club, Alpine Motorsports Club, New Jersey Motor Park, Englishtown Raceway Park, Miami Airport Runway Event etc. A typical event uses RFID tags to speed up the check-in process for these driving events.
==Activities non motorsports==
Asian, European and domestic cars on display at club, dealer or restaurant. Display events are more casual and often allow the public an opportunity to view the exotic cars up close and mingle with the owners.
==Benefits for Charities==
*2007 Turkey Run - Interfaith Nutrition Network

*2008 Spring Sprint - Schneiders Children Hospital
*2008 Summer Exotix Run -
*2008 Turkey Run - Katz Womens Hospital

*2009 Spring Sprint - Autism Speaks
*2009 Summer Exotix Run - Doctors without Borders
*2009 Turkey Run - NYSP Signal 30 Fund

*2010 Spring Sprint - Autism Speaks
*2010 Exotics on the Square - Big Brothers Big Sisters NYC
*2010 Summer Exotix Run - Make-A-Wish

*2011 Spring Sprint - Steven & Alexandra Cohen, Children's Medical Center of NY
*2011 Exotics on the Square - Big Brothers Big Sisters NYC
*2011 Summer Exotix Run - American Red Cross
*2011 Turkey Run - KT Starck
[[File:Exotics Rally.jpg|thumb|Exotic Rally]]
==Exotics Rally App.==
The Exotics Rally mobile navigation app allows members greater participate in planned events by sharing live information with drivers and passengers.
==See also==

*[ Bullrun 2011]
*[ Bullrun 2011 winners]
*[ Team Hall N Nass]
*[ SNTL Car Life]
==External Links==
*[ Exotics Rally]
*[ Exotics Rally on facebook]
*[ Exotics Rally on twitter]
*[ Exotics Rally picture gallery]

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