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6,001 bytes added ,  14:39, 19 October 2011
Changed template to reflect RIFT SUCCESS and its corporate governance. Changed codes and industry information.
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<!-- The following is a simple Infobox designed to identify a COMPANY. You should feel free to add your own content to any of the missing elements. The few items pre-filled here are intended to "just get you started" with some basic formatting and semantic tagging. -->

| company_name = [[Company_Name::RIFT SUCCESS, LLC]]
| company_logo = [[Image:RIFT_SUCCESS_LOGO.jpg|150px|RIFT SUCCESS Corporate Logo]]
| company_slogan = ''Recruiting Individuals For True SUCCESS''
| company_type = [[Company_Type::Limited Liability Company]]
| genre =
| foundation = [[Year_Started::2009]]
| founder =
| location = {{flagicon|US}} [[City::Wappingers Falls]], [[State_Name::New York]], [[Country_Name::United States|USA]]
| key_people = [[Key_Person1::Junior Sanchez LION]], [[Key_Person1_Title::CEO]]<br>[[Key_Person2::Jennifer Rasbach]], [[Key_Person2_Title::COO]]
| industry = [[NAICS_Code1_Title::Employment Placement Agencies]]<br>[[NAICS_Code2_Title::Engaged in listing employment vacancies and in referring or placing applicants for employment.]]
| services = Contingent Staff
| revenue =
| operating_income =
| net_income =
| num_employees = {{profit}} [[Employees::100]] (2011)
| parent =
| subsid = Outsourcing, Consulting, Advertising, Web Hosting, Help Wanted Ads, Classifieds, Logo & Banner Creation, Website Creation, SEO Development, B2B Loans
| owner = Junior Sanchez LION
| contact = [[Address::PO BOX 704]]<br>Wappingers Falls, [[State_Code::NY]] [[Zip::12590]]-[[Plus4::1216]]<br>[[Phone::845.345.7438]]<br>Web: [ Direct Contact]
| reference = <!-- Reference items help facilitate search engine optimization (SEO) -->[[NAICS]]: [[NAICS_Code1::561310]], [[NAICS_Code2::56131]]<br>[[Property:Region1|Region]]: [[Region1::Dutchess County]]<br>[[Latitude]]: [[Latitude::41.717586|41°43'3" N]]<br>[[Longitude]]: [[Longitude::-73.806994|73°48'25" W]]
| footnotes =

'''RIFT SUCCESS''' is a recruiting and [[staffing agency]] headquartered in [[Directory:Wappingers Falls, New York|Wappingers Falls]], [[Directory:New York|New York]]. It has representatives throughout the [[United States]], [[Serbia]], [[India]], and [[Norway]].

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[[RIFT SUCCESS]] [[CEO]] [[Junior Sanchez LION]] is well known throughout the [[business]] world and was inteviewed by international magazine IAIR (International Alternative Investment Review). His [[vision]] focuses on changing how the [[Human Resources]] Industry views staffing agencies and their business models. A clothing line, techno [[music]], and new [[technology]] was added to the company's websites as a gateway to attract younger job seekers looking for [[employment]]. <ref name="Sanchez">{{cite news|last=Sanchez|first=Junior|title=Interview with Junior Sanchez, CEO at Rift Success|date=2010-12-23|url=|accessdate=2011-10-18}}</ref>
<ref name="IAIR">{{cite news|first=IAIR|title=International Alternative Investment Review Magazine|date=2010-01-01|url=|accessdate=2011-01-01}}</ref>

== History ==
'''RIFT SUCCESS''' started pro-bono work as a staffing agency in [[2007]]. Since its incorporation in [[2010]], it has developed a nonprofit entity as its company niche called Rift Success - 2nd Chance Division. This particular niche finds employment for ex incarcerated individuals.

'''The RIFT SUCCESS Mission'''

We are dedicated to establishing unquestionable customer satisfaction and long lasting relationships through world-class quality service and ethical business practices.

'''About Us'''

We are a group of professionals with years of experience in a wide range of industries. RIFT SUCCESS, LLC recruits the best of the best in order to provide our clients and colleagues with a new level of SUCCESS. Our team’s tireless dedication, professionalism, and passion are the front line of the RIFT SUCCESS business model, which is why RIFT is SUCCESS!

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== External links ==
*[ RIFT SUCCESS Website]

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