
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Monday September 30, 2024
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Report created by the "Cultural Development Working Group" of Fremantle.
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== Report created by the  "Cultural Development Working Group" of Fremantle. ==
The J Shed Perspective:
We have found from our perspective this whole process set in motion by the  "Cultural Development Working Group" of Fremantle to have been lacking in transparency and might we add in our opinion an under researched document.
At no time have we been consulted and we were actually unaware of the process in motion until 3 weeks ago. Some how in this whole process to review and revitalise the area, from which we work, we were not informed or approached for our input (all it takes is a email).
The Cultural committee never spoke to us during their research process.
Some members of the council itself even though they came through J Shed early this year, also never spoke to us about this.
Artsource, of whom we have been members for 20 years, never told us about the process and only spoke to us after we discovered by accident that they were actually writing the recommendations based on the cultural committees report that would be put to council for vote.
These above are facts and they could indicate many things. Something went horribly wrong in a process that is supposed to be open and transparent. I would hope that this should be addressed so that it doesn't happen again. It may be just poor management which needs to be rectified.
Note: Their recommendations have been received by Fremantle Council:
Below a small section of the report:
== "Develop the Arthur Head properties into a dedicated  ‘Artists in Residence’ space==
"This project would provide an area for an  ‘Artists in Residence’ programme that allow for artist exchanges and ensure all arts forms and indigenous artists are included in this project. The City could partner with a Arts organisation to oversee the Artist in Residence programme increasing the number of working artists sharing skills and producing work in Fremantle. This builds upon the current successful ‘Artist in Residence’ programme run by the Fremantle Arts Centre where up to 60 working artists a year participate in various ways to the arts community in Fremantle."
On the surface it reads well but we have taken a long time to get to the core of what this implies for the diversity of arts practise in Fremantle. Our main concern is that this committee has recommended to Council that the Arthur Head properties should be developed into a dedicated "artist in Residence space".
This means all of J Shed and all of the Arthur Heads buildings may be used for short term residencies and managed by Artsouce and involve only subsidised arts based activities. There will be no dedicated space for industrial processes with self managed arts businesses or any independent artist run initiatives in this area as the ones we run. In other words yet another mono culture of subsidised arts practise that already exists at The Moores Building, Fremantle Arts Centre and Customs house.
Note: What about the place for diversity and professional artists who can exist and self manage? 
Web link:
Web page:
Web link for the report:‘Artists+in+Residence’+space.&hl=en&gl=au&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESjK43JZpd1mPW5KG2jErysBtyors7fkP1sl9ZJZS_XWLj9t_ciywIh0qoHmRogm6OFkJI5n5wdlY59IDb8pGyYn6V0AgeK1d0GwuDNFPGirBu6i6yoEphD_j-FWYN2RaYtjm8h6&sig=AHIEtbTK4PTDF_kAqQt4YiMFmbRZI7JMmA
== J Shed Art Studios ARTHUR’S HEAD PRECINCT Potential Ideas for a “Creative Arts and History Hub” ==
== J Shed Art Studios ARTHUR’S HEAD PRECINCT Potential Ideas for a “Creative Arts and History Hub” ==
(Draft form)
(Draft form)


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