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===== The Endeavor to Communicate=====
===== The Endeavor to Communicate=====
{| align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="90%"
| colspan="2" | When o'er the hill the eastern star
| width="5%"  |   || Tells bughtin time is near, my jo,
| colspan="2" | And owsen frae the furrow'd field
| width="5%"  |   || Return sae dowf and weary, O,
| colspan="2" | Down by the burn, where scented birks
| width="5%"  |   || Wi dew are hangin clear, my jo,
| colspan="2" | I'll meet thee on the lea-rig,
| width="5%"  |   || My ain kind dearie, O!
| colspan="2" align="right" | — Robert Burns, ''The Lea-Rig'', [CPW, 474]
When o'er the hill the eastern star
Tells bughtin time is near, my jo,
And owsen frae the furrow'd field
Return sae dowf and weary, O,
Down by the burn, where scented birks
Wi dew are hangin clear, my jo,
I'll meet thee on the lea rig,
My ain kind dearie, O!
Robert Burns, The Lea-Rig, [CPW, 474]
An agent involved in an "effort to communicate" (ETC), no matter how various the signs and the media that make its conveyance conceivable, and no matter how articulately the character of its endeavor is styled, whether it is pointed and straightforward, or allusive and recursive, whether it is elliptic, hyperbolic, parabolic, or otherwise conically sectioned, or whether it is much less smoothly sliced into its initial approximations and final truncations, there are only so many ways that a "finitely informed creature" (FIC) can find to figure out what meaning the world has and to formulate what sense a life's work can add to it.
An agent involved in an "effort to communicate" (ETC), no matter how various the signs and the media that make its conveyance conceivable, and no matter how articulately the character of its endeavor is styled, whether it is pointed and straightforward, or allusive and recursive, whether it is elliptic, hyperbolic, parabolic, or otherwise conically sectioned, or whether it is much less smoothly sliced into its initial approximations and final truncations, there are only so many ways that a "finitely informed creature" (FIC) can find to figure out what meaning the world has and to formulate what sense a life's work can add to it.
