
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Sunday July 07, 2024
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===== The Signal Moment=====
===== The Signal Moment=====
One night as I did wander,
When corn begins to shoot,
I sat me down to ponder
Upon on auld tree root.
Auld Ayr ran by before me,
And bicker'd to the seas;
A cushat crooded o'er me,
That echoed through the trees.
Robert Burns, One Night As I Did Wander, [CPW, 48]
There is a thought that forms the theme of the present inquiry, indeed, as a chorus to a lyric are its evocations to the text that records this inquiry, and I find myself returning to its expressions on a constantly recurring basis, however much I strive to introduce variations for the sake of developing its implications and reflecting on its meanings from a fresh angle.  So let me give the current rendition:
The present inquiry, y0, portraying itself as an inquiry into inquiry, y.y, proceeds on the premiss that a generic inquiry, y, can generally inquire into a generic inquiry, y, thereby achieving a settled result, one that awaits a mere determination to be signified by the name "y.y".  Thus the present inquiry, acting on the pretext of a "formal posability", that is, a poetic license, a verbal permission, or a written suggestion, being motivated and justified by no more authority than these connote, is led to define itself in terms that appose its own term to its own term, and so it is led to take on a recursive, a reflective, or a reflexive cast.
The terms of this description need to be inquired into, and their implications pursued in greater detail.
The present inquiry, y0, portraying itself as an inquiry into inquiry, y.y, proceeds on the premiss that a generic inquiry, y, can generally inquire into a generic inquiry, y, and thereby achieve a settled result, and that this result awaits nothing other than its determination by the present inquirer to confer an objective significance on the name "y.y".  All of this is summed up in the formula:  "y0 = y.y".
Thus the present inquiry, acting on the pretext of a "formal posability", namely, the circumstance that the rules of a prospective formal grammar allow one to write the expression "y.y" and to inquire after its meaning, is led to define itself in terms that apply to its own case as argument, since the present inquiry, y0, must be an example of whatever genus, Y, that a generic inquiry, y, is selected to represent.  As a consequence, the present inquiry is forced to pursue the development of its own case in terms that appose its own actions to its own motives, and so is led to take on a recursive, a reflective, or a reflexive cast.
===== The Symbolic Object=====
===== The Symbolic Object=====


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