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== Ethnic cleansing, Post-World War Two Camps & Communist Concentration Camps==
== Ethnic cleansing, Post-World War Two Camps & Communist Concentration Camps==
Ethnic cleansing of [[Italy|Italians]] (Foibe massacres),[[Hungary|Hungarians]] and [[Directory:Germany|Germans]] were carried out in Yugoslavia.<ref>[ Retaliation and Persecution on Yugoslav Territory During and After WWII Dr. Ph. Michael Portmann]
Ethnic cleansing of [[Italy|Italians]] (Foibe massacres), [[Hungary|Hungarians]] and [[Directory:Germany|Germans]] were carried out in Yugoslavia.<ref>[ Retaliation and Persecution on Yugoslav Territory During and After WWII Dr. Ph. Michael Portmann]
* "The following article deals with repressive measures undertaken by communist-dominated Partisan forces during and especially after WWII in order to take revenge on former enemies, to punish collaborators, and “people’s enemies“ and to decimate and eliminate the potential of opponents to a new, socialist Yugoslavia. The text represents a summary of a master thesis referring to the above-mentioned topic written and accepted at '''Vienna University''' in 2002." (p12, p13, p17)</ref><ref>[,+Hungarians+and+Italians+Yugoslavia&hl=en&ei=VqqmTNSYAoPmvQOChdnnDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Ethnic%20cleansing%20of%20Germans%2C%20Hungarians%20and%20Italians%20Yugoslavia&f=false Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Responses] by Karl Cordell & Stefan Wolff (p181)</ref><ref>[ Refugees in the Age of Total War] by Anna Bramwell. (p 138)</ref><ref>[,+after+a+bomb&source=gbs_search_s&cad=0 A Tragedy Revealed''] The Story of the Italian Population of Istria & Dalmatia by Arrigo Petacco & Konrad Eisenbichler. (p89)</ref> <ref>[ Where the Balkans Begin (The Slovenes in Triest-The Foiba Story)] by Bernard Meares:
* "The following article deals with repressive measures undertaken by communist-dominated Partisan forces during and especially after WWII in order to take revenge on former enemies, to punish collaborators, and “people’s enemies“ and to decimate and eliminate the potential of opponents to a new, socialist Yugoslavia. The text represents a summary of a master thesis referring to the above-mentioned topic written and accepted at '''Vienna University''' in 2002." (p12, p13, p17)</ref><ref>[,+Hungarians+and+Italians+Yugoslavia&hl=en&ei=VqqmTNSYAoPmvQOChdnnDA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=7&ved=0CEIQ6AEwBg#v=onepage&q=Ethnic%20cleansing%20of%20Germans%2C%20Hungarians%20and%20Italians%20Yugoslavia&f=false Ethnic Conflict: Causes, Consequences, and Responses] by Karl Cordell & Stefan Wolff (p181)</ref><ref>[ Refugees in the Age of Total War] by Anna Bramwell. (p 138)</ref><ref>[,+after+a+bomb&source=gbs_search_s&cad=0 A Tragedy Revealed''] The Story of the Italian Population of Istria & Dalmatia by Arrigo Petacco & Konrad Eisenbichler. (p89)</ref> <ref>[ Where the Balkans Begin (The Slovenes in Triest-The Foiba Story)] by Bernard Meares:
*"During the early Communist occupation in Trieste, Gorizia and the Littoral, and the 40 days of [[Communists|Communist]] rule in Trieste city, some 6000 arrests were made and the prisoners carried off to Communist-controlled areas. When the Allies finally imposed their rule they found out about the Yugoslav execution squads. The more objective Italian historians and statisticians such as Galliano Fogar and Raoul Pupo point to between 1000 and 1800 [[Italy|Italians]] and [[Slovenia|Slovene]] victims. The '''Red Cross''' estimates that 2,250 failed to return , in rough agreement with Bogdan Novak who said in 1971 that 4200 Italians returned out of 6000 arrested."</ref>  
*"During the early Communist occupation in Trieste, Gorizia and the Littoral, and the 40 days of [[Communists|Communist]] rule in Trieste city, some 6000 arrests were made and the prisoners carried off to Communist-controlled areas. When the Allies finally imposed their rule they found out about the Yugoslav execution squads. The more objective Italian historians and statisticians such as Galliano Fogar and Raoul Pupo point to between 1000 and 1800 [[Italy|Italians]] and [[Slovenia|Slovene]] victims. The '''Red Cross''' estimates that 2,250 failed to return, in rough agreement with Bogdan Novak who said in 1971 that 4200 Italians returned out of 6000 arrested."</ref> Along the Dalmatian coast Italian was spoken for centuries, <ref>[ Dalmatia and Montenegro: With a journey to Mostar in Herzegovina.Volume 1] by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (p4).
'''Sir John Gardner Wilkinson''' (1797 – 1875) was an [[England|English]] traveller, writer and pioneer Egyptologist of the 19th century. He is often referred to as "the Father of British Egyptology".
*"Italian is spoken in all the seaports of Dalmatia (today part of Croatia), but the language of the country is a dialect of the Slavonic, which alone is used by peasants in the interior."</ref><ref>[ Dalmatia and Montenegro: With a journey to Mostar in Herzegovina.Volume 1] by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (p362)
*"Their language though gradually falling into Venetianisms of the other Dalmatians towns, still retains some of that pure Italian idiom, for which was always noted."
</ref><ref>[ Dalmatia: The Land Where East Meets West] by Maude Holbach (p121)
* "DALMATIA: The Land Where East Meets West is MAUDE M. HOLBACH's second book of travel in Eastern Europe. First published in 1910, this is an anthropological travel journal of an often-overlooked kingdom" [ Web site:]
* "Two hundred years later that, is, early in the tenth century you might have heard Slavish and [[Latin]] spoken had you walked in the streets of Ragusa (Dubrovnik), just as you hear Slavish and Italian''' today'''; for as times of peace followed times of war, the Greek and Roman inhabitants of Rausium intermarried with the surrounding Slavs, and so a mixed race sprang up, a people apart from the rest of Dalmatia"</ref> (in many of the cities along with Croatian), this was no longer the case after 1945/46.
* Information from the Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity-Yugoslavia by Ed. Dinah L. Shelton. Gale Cengage, 2005:
* Information from the Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity-Yugoslavia by Ed. Dinah L. Shelton. Gale Cengage, 2005:
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*Native German and Hungarian communities, seen as complicit with wartime occupation, were brutally treated; tantamount in some cases to ethnic cleansing. The Volksdeutsch settlements of Vojvodina and Slavonia largely disappeared. Perhaps 100,000 people—half the ethnic German population in Yugoslavia—fled in 1945, and many who remained were compelled to do forced labor, murdered, or later ransomed by West Germany. Some 20,000 Hungarians of Vojvodina were killed in reprisals. Albanian rebellions in Kosovo were suppressed, with prisoners sent on death marches towards the coast. An estimated 170,000 ethnic Italians fled to Italy in the late 1940s and 1950s. (All of these figures are highly approximate.)<ref>[ "Yugoslavia." Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Ed. Dinah L. Shelton. Gale Cengage, 2005. 2006. 26 Jun, 2010 ] Yugoslavia: Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity-Mark Thompson.</ref>}}
*Native German and Hungarian communities, seen as complicit with wartime occupation, were brutally treated; tantamount in some cases to ethnic cleansing. The Volksdeutsch settlements of Vojvodina and Slavonia largely disappeared. Perhaps 100,000 people—half the ethnic German population in Yugoslavia—fled in 1945, and many who remained were compelled to do forced labor, murdered, or later ransomed by West Germany. Some 20,000 Hungarians of Vojvodina were killed in reprisals. Albanian rebellions in Kosovo were suppressed, with prisoners sent on death marches towards the coast. An estimated 170,000 ethnic Italians fled to Italy in the late 1940s and 1950s. (All of these figures are highly approximate.)<ref>[ "Yugoslavia." Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. Ed. Dinah L. Shelton. Gale Cengage, 2005. 2006. 26 Jun, 2010 ] Yugoslavia: Genocide & Crimes Against Humanity-Mark Thompson.</ref>}}
In 1946 the Yugoslav Camps<ref>[ European Public Hearing on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes"]  
In 1946 the Yugoslav Camps<ref>[ European Public Hearing on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes"]  
</ref><ref>['s+UDBA&hl=en&ei=cu2mTLe5JIOSuwPZorCADQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Transitional justice in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union] by Lavinia Stan. Chapter 9. (p201,p202)</ref><ref>[ Comrades- A History of World Communism] by Robert Service (p252)</ref> <ref>[ The Three Yugoslavias: State-Building and Legitimation, 1918-2005] by Sabrina P. Ramet (p159)</ref>held 117 485 folksdojcera (58 821 women, 32 214 men & 24 422 children).<ref>[  Hrcak Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia by Mr Dizdar's Scientific Journal - An Addition to the Research of the Problem of Bleiburg & Way of the Cross.]'''pdf page 66'''/Document page 182.</ref>
</ref><ref>['s+UDBA&hl=en&ei=cu2mTLe5JIOSuwPZorCADQ&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCsQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Transitional justice in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union] by Lavinia Stan. Chapter 9. (p201,p202)</ref><ref>[ Comrades- A History of World Communism] by Robert Service (p252)</ref> <ref>[ The Three Yugoslavias: State-Building and Legitimation, 1918-2005] by Sabrina P. Ramet (p159)</ref>held 117 485 folksdojcera (58 821 women, 32 214 men & 24 422 children).<ref>[  Hrcak Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia by Mr Dizdar's Scientific Journal - An Addition to the Research of the Problem of Bleiburg & Way of the Cross.]'''pdf page 66'''/Document page 182.</ref>
'''''Note A''''': Referenced information from '''European''' Public Hearing on: “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes". The European Public Hearing was organised by the [[Slovenia|Slovenian Presidency]] of the Council of the [[European Union]] (January–June 2008) and the European Commission.
'''''Note A''''': Information is referenced from the ''Hrcak Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia'' by Mr Dizdar's Scientific Journal: An Addition to the Research of the Problem of'' Bleiburg'' & ''Way of the Cross'' massacres. Written by  Zdravko Dizdar a Croatian Historian from the [[Croatia|Croatian]] Institute for History in Zagreb.
*In this paper, the author deals with concentration and labour camps established in Slovenia (a former republic of Yugoslavia) under [[Communists|Communist]] rule after the end of the war in Slovenia in 1945. Concentration camps were established already in May 1945 and were filled with members of the German and Hungarian national minorities, captured members of the Slovenian Home-guard (“domobranstvo”) and members of military units from other Yugoslav regions who fought against the partisans.
*The treatment of internees in these camps was as cruel as in the Nazi concentration camps. In certain Communist concentration camps, for example, such as the camp in Teharje and at the Bishop’s institutes (Skofovi zavodi) in St. Vid nad Ljubljano, the great majority of internees were killed without any trial. In the autumn of 1945, concentration camps in Slovenia were abolished.
*Communist labour camps in Slovenia were established already in 1945. These were camps for forced labour and were called “penal camps”. In 1949, “correctional camps” and camps for socially beneficial labour called “working groups” were established. All these labour camps were abolished in the beginning of 1951, when new criminal legislation, free of the concept of forced, correctional and socially beneficial labour, was adopted.( p145, p146)}}
* '''European EU's''' [ Press Releases-Brussels-''Link'']
'''''Note B''''': Information is referenced from the ''Hrcak Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia'' by Mr Dizdar's Scientific Journal: An Addition to the Research of the Problem of'' Bleiburg'' & ''Way of the Cross'' massacres. Written by  Zdravko Dizdar a Croatian Historian from the [[Croatia|Croatian]] Institute for History in Zagreb.
{{Cquote|'''Quote''':The paper is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of these tragic events represents a small step towards the elaboration of known data and brings a list of yet '''unknown''' and '''unpublished''' original documents, mostly belonging to the ''Yugoslavian Military'' and ''Political Government'' from 1945-1947. Amongst those documents are those mostly relating to Croatian territory although a majority of concentration camps and execution sites were outside of Croatia, in other parts of Yugoslavia. The author hopes that the readers will receive a complete picture about events related to Bleiburg and the Way of The Cross and the suffering of numerous Croats, which is confirmed directly in many documents and is related to the execution of a person or a whole group of people and sometimes non-stop for days.''}}
{{Cquote|'''Quote''':The paper is dedicated to the 60th anniversary of these tragic events represents a small step towards the elaboration of known data and brings a list of yet '''unknown''' and '''unpublished''' original documents, mostly belonging to the ''Yugoslavian Military'' and ''Political Government'' from 1945-1947. Amongst those documents are those mostly relating to Croatian territory although a majority of concentration camps and execution sites were outside of Croatia, in other parts of Yugoslavia. The author hopes that the readers will receive a complete picture about events related to Bleiburg and the Way of The Cross and the suffering of numerous Croats, which is confirmed directly in many documents and is related to the execution of a person or a whole group of people and sometimes non-stop for days.''}}
* Statement in Croatian: "Tako je 18. I. 1946. u jugoslavenskimlogorima bilo 117.485 folksdojcera (58.821 žena, 34.214 muškaraca i 24.422 djece)".   
* Statement in Croatian: "Tako je 18. I. 1946. u jugoslavenskimlogorima bilo 117.485 folksdojcera (58.821 žena, 34.214 muškaraca i 24.422 djece)".   
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*More info on Mr Dizdar's ''Scientific Journal'' in English: [ Hrcak Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia] by [ Mr Zdravko Dizdar]
*More info on Mr Dizdar's ''Scientific Journal'' in English: [ Hrcak Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia] by [ Mr Zdravko Dizdar]
The Communist regime of Yugoslavia after [[Second World War]] engaged in moving large ethnic populations from its territory (a similar policy was being excicuted by the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe). This would explain the women and children in the camps. Along the Croatian coast Italian was spoken for centuries <ref>[ Dalmatia and Montenegro: With a journey to Mostar in Herzegovina.Volume 1] by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (p4).
The Communist regime of Yugoslavia after [[Second World War]] engaged in moving large ethnic populations from its territory (a similar policy was being excicuted by the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe). This would explain the women and children in the camps.  
'''Sir John Gardner Wilkinson''' (1797 – 1875) was an [[England|English]] traveller, writer and pioneer Egyptologist of the 19th century. He is often referred to as "the Father of British Egyptology".
*"Italian is spoken in all the seaports of Dalmatia (today part of Croatia), but the language of the country is a dialect of the Slavonic, which alone is used by peasants in the interior."</ref><ref>[ Dalmatia and Montenegro: With a journey to Mostar in Herzegovina.Volume 1] by Sir John Gardner Wilkinson (p362)
*"Their language though gradually falling into Venetianisms of the other Dalmatians towns, still retains some of that pure Italian idiom, for which was always noted."
</ref><ref>[ Dalmatia: The Land Where East Meets West] by Maude Holbach (p121)
* "DALMATIA: The Land Where East Meets West is MAUDE M. HOLBACH's second book of travel in Eastern Europe. First published in 1910, this is an anthropological travel journal of an often-overlooked kingdom" [ Web site:]
* "Two hundred years later that, is, early in the tenth century you might have heard Slavish and [[Latin]] spoken had you walked in the streets of Ragusa (Dubrovnik), just as you hear Slavish and Italian''' today'''; for as times of peace followed times of war, the Greek and Roman inhabitants of Rausium intermarried with the surrounding Slavs, and so a mixed race sprang up, a people apart from the rest of Dalmatia"</ref> (in many of the cities along with Croatian), this was no longer the case after 1945/46.
In Dizdar's Scientific Journal it further states that 10,621 POWs died in the camps. He claims to have referenced this information from government documents of the day (Dizdar's Scientific Journal:page 183/pdf page 67).  
In Dizdar's Scientific Journal it further states that 10,621 POWs died in the camps. He claims to have referenced this information from government documents of the day (Dizdar's Scientific Journal:page 183/pdf page 67).  
=== Goli Otok ===
'''''Note B''''': Referenced information from '''European''' Public Hearing on: “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes". The European Public Hearing was organised by the [[Slovenia|Slovenian Presidency]] of the Council of the [[European Union]] (January–June 2008) and the European Commission. '''European EU's''' [ Press Releases-Brussels-''Link here'']
Goli Otok (Barren Island), a notorious prison gulag on the Croatian coast (former Yugoslavia’s Gulag). [[Directory:Austria|Austro]]-Hungarian government set up the prison during [[World War I|World War One]].
*In this paper, the author deals with concentration and labour camps established in Slovenia (a former republic of Yugoslavia) under [[Communists|Communist]] rule after the end of the war in Slovenia in 1945. Concentration camps were established already in May 1945 and were filled with members of the German and Hungarian national minorities, captured members of the Slovenian Home-guard (“domobranstvo”) and members of military units from other Yugoslav regions who fought against the partisans.  
*The treatment of internees in these camps was as cruel as in the Nazi concentration camps. In certain Communist concentration camps, for example, such as the camp in Teharje and at the Bishop’s institutes (Skofovi zavodi) in St. Vid nad Ljubljano, the great majority of internees were killed without any trial. In the autumn of 1945, concentration camps in Slovenia were abolished.  
The communist authorities of Yugoslavia in 1949  made into a high-security, top secret prison and labour camp. Until 1956 it was used to incarcerate political prisoners. They included ''alleged'' enemies of the communist state, other Communist Party members, regular citizens accused of exhibiting any democratic, anti-communist behaviour and Stalinists.
*Communist labour camps in Slovenia were established already in 1945. These were camps for forced labour and were called “penal camps”. In 1949, “correctional camps” and camps for socially beneficial labour called “working groups” were established. All these labour camps were abolished in the beginning of 1951, when new criminal legislation, free of the concept of forced, correctional and socially beneficial labour, was adopted.( p145, p146)}}
Inmates were regularly beaten and humiliated.<ref>[ The Three Yugoslavias: State-building and Legitimation, 1918-2005] by Sabrina P. Ramet. (p377).</ref><ref>[ Discontents: Postmodern and Postcommunist] by Paul Hollander. (p397)</ref><ref>[ Goli Otok: Yugoslavia’s Evil Island Gulag]  '''Josip Zoretic'''-Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison. Goli Otok: Hell in the Adriatic (book) by Josip Zoretic</ref><ref>'''Vera Winter'''– Croatian Economist. Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's prison, Goli Otok. '''Interview''': [[BBC]] 4/Tito's Ghosts</ref><ref>'''Alfred Pal'''- Croatian [[Art|Artist]]. Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's  prison, Goli Otok. '''Interview''': BBC 4/Tito's Ghosts</ref>The prison inmates were forced to do heavy labour in a stone quarry. Other camps that were used by the regime are KPH Zenica, Stare Gradiska and Sveti Grgur.
'''Assassinations''' and ''purges'' were organised to eliminate individuals who were deemed anti-Yugoslavian or who were publicly critical of communism in Yugoslavia. Noted victims are Bruno Busic, Stjepan Djurekovic and Andrija Hebrang.<ref>[  Assassinations Commissioned by Belgrade: Documentation about the Belgrade] by Hans Peter Rullmann (p62,p71)</ref><ref>'''Amnesty International''' Report, 1984 by Amnesty International. In July Stjepan Djurekovic, a Croatian emigre was shot dead, near Munich in [[Germany]]. Amnesty International received allegations that he had been killed by agents of the Yugoslav state security police.</ref> Additionally historian Kerubin Segvic was executed for proposing a different historic model than that of Tito's Communist Yugoslav state policies of Croatians arriving in the Western Balkans.<ref>[,+Becoming+Croat:+Identity+Transformations+in+Post-Roman&hl=en&ei=ITrwTP7nLsW3cO_RwJYK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat:] Identity Transformations in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Dalmatia by Danijel Dzino (p20)</ref>
=== Commission on Concealed Mass Graves in Slovenia ===
=== Commission on Concealed Mass Graves in Slovenia ===
The Government of the [[Slovenia|Republic of Slovenia]] (a former republic of Yugoslavia) created'' "Commission on Concealed Mass Graves in Slovenia"'' in 2005. In October 2009 they issued their report to the Government of Slovenia. Significant factual statements  came to light, concerning Yugoslavia in the aftermath of [[Second World War]]. The Jutarnji newspaper reported on the 01/10/2009 commissions find, in all it is estimated that there are 100 000 victims in 581 mass graves.<ref>[]  U 581 Grobnici je 100.000 žrtava. [ English version-The Jutarnji newspaper reported on the 01/10/2009 commissions find, in all it is estimated that there are 100 000 victims in 581 mass graves]</ref> According to the Reports and Proceedings of the 8th of April European public hearing on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes" the killings were executed by the Yugoslav Paritsian Army in 1945 and 1946. There was a large scale execution of people that were, guilty by association only and no trials.
The Government of the [[Slovenia|Republic of Slovenia]] (a former republic of Yugoslavia) created'' "Commission on Concealed Mass Graves in Slovenia"'' in 2005. In October 2009 they issued their report to the Government of Slovenia. Significant factual statements  came to light, concerning Yugoslavia in the aftermath of [[Second World War]]. The Jutarnji newspaper reported on the 01/10/2009 commissions find, in all it is estimated that there are 100 000 victims in 581 mass graves.<ref>[]  U 581 Grobnici je 100.000 žrtava. [ English version-The Jutarnji newspaper reported on the 01/10/2009 commissions find, in all it is estimated that there are 100 000 victims in 581 mass graves]</ref> According to the Reports and Proceedings of the 8th of April European public hearing on “Crimes Committed by Totalitarian Regimes" the killings were executed by the Yugoslav Paritsian Army in 1945 and 1946. There was a large scale execution of people that were, guilty by association only and no trials.
   Line 99: Line 90:  
These were the victims of the notorious ''Bleiburg massacre'' and ''Way of the Cross'' massacres.<ref>[ '''BBC-History Partisans''':] War in the Balkans 1941-1945. Dr Stephen A Hart is senior lecturer in war studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He is the author of The Road to Falaise: Operations "Totalize" & "Tractable" (Alan Sutton, 2004), "Montgomery " and "Colossal Cracks": The 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe, 1944-45 (Praeger, 2000).
These were the victims of the notorious ''Bleiburg massacre'' and ''Way of the Cross'' massacres.<ref>[ '''BBC-History Partisans''':] War in the Balkans 1941-1945. Dr Stephen A Hart is senior lecturer in war studies at the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst. He is the author of The Road to Falaise: Operations "Totalize" & "Tractable" (Alan Sutton, 2004), "Montgomery " and "Colossal Cracks": The 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe, 1944-45 (Praeger, 2000).
*"Murder, rape and mass executions were all too common in Yugoslavia during World War Two - carried out by '''Partisan fighters''' as well as by Chetnik rebels and German troops." </ref><ref>[ Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes in Europe] by Jerzy W. Borejsza, Klaus Ziemer, Magdalena Hułas & Instytut Historii. (p232).</ref><ref>[ Yalta and The Bleiburg Tragedy] by C Michael McAdams/University of San Francisco, California-[[USA]]. Presented at the International Symposium for Investigation of the Bleiburg Tragedy Zagreb, Croatia and Bleiburg, Austria May 17 and 18, 1994.</ref><ref>[ Croatians: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases] by Inc Icon Group International</ref>
*"Murder, rape and mass executions were all too common in Yugoslavia during World War Two - carried out by '''Partisan fighters''' as well as by Chetnik rebels and German troops." </ref><ref>[ Totalitarian and Authoritarian Regimes in Europe] by Jerzy W. Borejsza, Klaus Ziemer, Magdalena Hułas & Instytut Historii. (p232).</ref><ref>[ Yalta and The Bleiburg Tragedy] by C Michael McAdams/University of San Francisco, California-[[USA]]. Presented at the International Symposium for Investigation of the Bleiburg Tragedy Zagreb, Croatia and Bleiburg, Austria May 17 and 18, 1994.</ref><ref>[ Croatians: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases] by Inc Icon Group International</ref>
=== Goli Otok ===
Goli Otok (Barren Island), a notorious prison gulag on the Croatian coast (former Yugoslavia’s Gulag). [[Directory:Austria|Austro]]-Hungarian government set up the prison during [[World War I|World War One]].
The communist authorities of Yugoslavia in 1949  made into a high-security, top secret prison and labour camp. Until 1956 it was used to incarcerate political prisoners. They included ''alleged'' enemies of the communist state, other Communist Party members, regular citizens accused of exhibiting any democratic, anti-communist behaviour and Stalinists.
Inmates were regularly beaten and humiliated.<ref>[ The Three Yugoslavias: State-building and Legitimation, 1918-2005] by Sabrina P. Ramet. (p377).</ref><ref>[ Discontents: Postmodern and Postcommunist] by Paul Hollander. (p397)</ref><ref>[ Goli Otok: Yugoslavia’s Evil Island Gulag]  '''Josip Zoretic'''-Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison. Goli Otok: Hell in the Adriatic (book) by Josip Zoretic</ref><ref>'''Vera Winter'''– Croatian Economist. Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's prison, Goli Otok. '''Interview''': [[BBC]] 4/Tito's Ghosts</ref><ref>'''Alfred Pal'''- Croatian [[Art|Artist]]. Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's  prison, Goli Otok. '''Interview''': BBC 4/Tito's Ghosts</ref>The prison inmates were forced to do heavy labour in a stone quarry. Other camps that were used by the regime are KPH Zenica, Stare Gradiska and Sveti Grgur.
'''Assassinations''' and ''purges'' were organised to eliminate individuals who were deemed anti-Yugoslavian or who were publicly critical of communism in Yugoslavia. Noted victims are Bruno Busic, Stjepan Djurekovic and Andrija Hebrang.<ref>[  Assassinations Commissioned by Belgrade: Documentation about the Belgrade] by Hans Peter Rullmann (p62,p71)</ref><ref>'''Amnesty International''' Report, 1984 by Amnesty International. In July Stjepan Djurekovic, a Croatian emigre was shot dead, near Munich in [[Germany]]. Amnesty International received allegations that he had been killed by agents of the Yugoslav state security police.</ref> Additionally historian Kerubin Segvic was executed for proposing a different historic model than that of Communist Yugoslav state policies of Croatians arriving in the Western Balkans.<ref>[,+Becoming+Croat:+Identity+Transformations+in+Post-Roman&hl=en&ei=ITrwTP7nLsW3cO_RwJYK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CCcQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Becoming Slav, Becoming Croat:] Identity Transformations in Post-Roman and Early Medieval Dalmatia by Danijel Dzino (p20)</ref>
=== British Government representative ===
=== British Government representative ===


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