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== Testimony-Eye Witness ==
== Testimony-Eye Witness ==
*Mitja Ribicic - ''' Internal Security''' of the Former Yugoslavia: [ Interview BBC 4]
*Mitja Ribicic - ''' Internal Security''' of the Former Yugoslavia: [ Interview BBC 4]
*Ivan Supek - Croatian Physicist, Philosopher, Writer, Playwright, Peace Activist Humanist & former Yugoslav Partizan: [ Interview BBC 4]
*Janez Stanovnik - [[Slovenia|Slovenian]] Politician & Economist/Former '''Yugoslav Partizan''' Commander.
*Janez Stanovnik - [[Slovenia|Slovenian]] Politician & Economist/Former '''Yugoslav Partizan''' Commander.
*Ivan Supek - Croatian Physicist, Philosopher, Writer, Playwright, Peace Activist Humanist & former Yugoslav Partizan: [ Interview BBC 4]
* Simo Dubajic- [ Link] Former Yugoslav Partizan Commander: Simo Dubajic published a book entitled 'Life, Sin and Killing' (Život, Grijeh i Kajanje).The book is a detail account about the post [[World War Two]] massacre of Croatian POWs at Kocevski Rog.
* Simo Dubajic- [ Link] Former Yugoslav Partizan Commander: Simo Dubajic published a book entitled ''Life Sin and Remorse''.The book is a detail account about the post [[World War Two]] massacre of Croatian POWs at Kocevski Rog.
*Josip Zoretic -Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison, [ Goli Otok:Yugoslavia’s Evil Island-Gulag]
*Josip Zoretic -Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison, [ Goli Otok:Yugoslavia’s Evil Island-Gulag]
*Vera Winter – Economist/Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison, Goli Otok: [[BBC|BBC 4]]
*Vera Winter – Economist/Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison, Goli Otok: BBC 4
* Alfred Pal - Artist/Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison, Goli Otok: BBC 4
* Alfred Pal - Artist/Political prisoner of the former Yugoslavia's most notorious prison, Goli Otok: BBC 4
===== British Government representative =====
===== British Government representative =====
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* From Foreign Office to Belgrade, 15 August 1947 '''Waddams''', vice-consul Ljubljana 1945, considers he may be the diplomatic representative referred to in the trial, as both Furlan and Sirc were the only people who helped him to get the Ljubljana consulate going when he first opened it. He considers this the probable reason for their sentence. </ref> }}
* From Foreign Office to Belgrade, 15 August 1947 '''Waddams''', vice-consul Ljubljana 1945, considers he may be the diplomatic representative referred to in the trial, as both Furlan and Sirc were the only people who helped him to get the Ljubljana consulate going when he first opened it. He considers this the probable reason for their sentence. </ref> }}
== Media ==
== Media ==
* [ New York Times:] Evolution in Europe; Piles of Bones in Yugoslavia Point to Partisan Massacres.
* [ New York Times:] Evolution in Europe; Piles of Bones in Yugoslavia Point to Partisan Massacres.