Module:WikiProjectBanner/banners/WikiProject Linguistics

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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:WikiProjectBanner/banners/WikiProject Linguistics/doc

return {
	project           = 'Linguistics',
	imageLeft         = 'ParseTree.svg',
	imageLeftLarge    = '50px',
	mainCategory      = 'WikiProject Linguistics articles',
	portal            = 'Linguistics',
	attentionCategory = 'Linguistics articles needing attention',
	comments          = true,
	commentsCategory  = 'Linguistics articles with comments',
	quality = {
		scale = 'standard',
	importance = {
		params = {
	taskForces = {
			params             = { 'etymology' },
			link               = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Linguistics/Etymology',
			name               = 'the Etymology Task Force',
			nested             = 'Etymology',
			image              = 'Wiktprintable without text.svg',
			quality            = true,
			assessmentCategory = '$1 etymology articles',
			mainCategory       = 'Etymology Task Force articles',
			params             = { 'phonetics' },
			link               = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Linguistics/Phonetics',
			name               = 'the Phonetics Task Force',
			nested             = 'Phonetics',
			image              = 'Praat-spectrogram-tatata.png',
			quality            = true,
			assessmentCategory = '$1 phonetics articles',
			mainCategory       = 'Phonetics Task Force articles'
			params             = { 'theoretical' },
			link               = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Linguistics/Theoretical',
			name               = 'the Theoretical Linguistics Task Force',
			nested             = 'Theoretical Linguistics',
			image              = 'S-NVsymbol.png',
			quality            = true,
			assessmentCategory = '$1 Theoretical Linguistics articles',
			mainCategory       = 'Theoretical Linguistics Task Force articles'
			params             = { 'applied' },
			link               = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Linguistics/Applied',
			name               = 'the Applied Linguistics Task Force',
			nested             = 'Applied Linguistics',
			image              = 'Tokyoship Talk icon 2.svg',
			quality            = true,
			assessmentCategory = '$1 applied linguistics articles',
			mainCategory       = 'Applied Linguistics Task Force articles',
			params             = { 'sfl' },
			link               = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Linguistics/SFL',
			name               = 'the Systemic Functional Linguistics Task Force',
			nested             = 'Systemic Functional Linguistics',
			image              = 'MAK Halliday.jpg',
			quality            = true,
			assessmentCategory = '$1 systemic functional linguistics articles',
			mainCategory       = 'Systemic Functional Linguistics Task Force articles',
			params             = { 'philosophy' },
			link               = 'Wikipedia:WikiProject Philosophy/Language',
			name               = "the '''Philosophy of language''' task force",
			nested             = 'Philosophy of language',
			image              = 'Logos.gif',
			mainCategory       = '$1 Philosophy of language task force articles',
			quality            = true,
			assessmentCategory = 'philosophy of language articles',
	requests = {
			params   = { 'needs-image' },
			text     = "It is requested that a '''image''' or '''images''' be "
				.. "[[Wikipedia:Uploading images|included]] in this article "
				.. "to [[Wikipedia:Guide to improving articles"
				.. "|improve its quality]].",
			image    = 'Image-request.svg',
			size     = '25px',
			category = 'Linguistics articles needing images',
	notices = {
			params = { 'maindykdate' },
			text   = function (t)
				local msg = "A fact from this article %s on Wikipedia's"
					.. " [[Main Page]] in the"
					.. " '''[[:Template:Did you know|Did you know?]]''' column"
					.. "%s."
				if t.args.maindykdate then
					return msg:format('appeared', ' on ' .. t.args.maindykdate)
					return msg:format('has appeared', '')
			image  = 'Updated DYK query.svg',
			size   = '20px',