MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
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Functionality for {{UKB criterion}}
Code | Result |
created during the contest |
created during the contest (including redirects) |
created before the contest started (existing pages) |
expanded with at least 1000 bytes |
is a/an article or template |
is a/an article or template at |
is a/an article |
{{#invoke:UKB|criterion|backlinks|List of Presidents of Egypt}}
linked to from List of Presidents of Egypt |
that links to Bergen |
{{#invoke:UKB|criterion|templates|Copy edit}}
having the template {{Copy edit}} |
{{#invoke:UKB|criterion|templates|Citation needed|Unreferenced}}
having at least one of the templates {{Citation needed}} or {{Unreferenced}} |
in the category Iceland |
in at least one of the categories Iceland, Island or Islánda |
{{#invoke:UKB|criterion|categories|Apes|ignore=Humans,Hominidaes in fiction}}
in the category Apes |
Iceland or Greenland |
{{#invoke:UKB|criterion|sparql|query=?item wdt:P31 wd:Q146. }}
have a Wikidata item matching this SPARQL query |
{{#invoke:UKB|criterion|sparql|query=?item wdt:P31 wd:Q146. |description=about cats }}
about cats (Wikidata query) |
If the generated text isn't suitable, it can be overriden using Template:Para:
Code | Result |
{{#invoke:UKB|criterion|namespaces|0|10|description=in the main namespace}}
in the main namespace |
Functionality for {{UKB points}}
Code | Result |
20 points awarded for creating a new page (not redirect) |
1 points awarded for creating a new redirect |
2 points awarded for every qualified page |
1 points awarded for every edit |
0.1 points awarded for every byte added |
1 points awarded for every byte added, but max 100 points per page |
20 bonus points when more than 3000 byte were added to a page |
3 points awarded for every word added to the article body (excluding templates, tables etc.) |
3 points awarded for every word added to the article body (excluding templates, tables etc.), but max 100 points per page |
20 bonus points when %(action)s more than 3000 words were added to a page |
3 points awarded for every media file added |
3 points awarded for every media file added, but max 100 points per page |
3 points awarded for every media file added (10 for self-uploaded), but max 100 points per page |
3 points awarded for every media file added to pages that had no more than 0 from before (10 for self-uploaded), but max 100 points per page |
3 points awarded for every source added and 1 points for every reference to an existing source |
3 points awarded for every source added and 1 points for every reference to an existing source, but max 100 points per page |
{{#invoke:UKB|rule|templateremoval|10|Citation needed|Unreferenced}}
10 points awarded for removal of {{Citation needed}} or {{Unreferenced}} |
3 points awarded for every external link added |
2 points awarded for every external link added, but max 10 points per page |
2 points awarded for addition of P18 or P2096 to items not already having such a statement |
2 points awarded for addition of P569 to items not already having such a statement (only referenced) |
2 points awarded for every P569 added, but max 10 points per page |
2 points awarded for addition of Wikidata label (nb, nn or se) to items not already having such a statement |
2 points awarded for addition of Wikidata alias (nb, nn or se) to items not already having such a statement |
2 points awarded for addition of Wikidata description (nb, nn or se) to items not already having such a statement |
uk = {} local messages = { ['and'] = 'and', ['or'] = 'or', ['page_at_site'] = '%(page)s at %(site)s', ['argument_missing'] = 'Argument missing: %s', ['anon_argument_missing'] = 'No %s specified', ['invalid_criterion'] = '"%s" is not a valid criterion', ['invalid_rule'] = '"%s" is not a valid points rule', -- Criteria ['templates'] = 'templates', ['templates_criterion_singular'] = 'having the template %s', ['templates_criterion_plural'] = 'having at least one of the templates %s', ['categories'] = 'categories', ['categories_criterion_singular'] = 'in the category %s', ['categories_criterion_plural'] = 'in at least one of the categories %s', ['categories_criterion_ignore'] = ', but not in %s', ['backlinks'] = 'backlinks', ['backlinks_criterion_singular'] = 'linked to from %s', ['backlinks_criterion_plural'] = 'linked to from %s', ['forwardlinks'] = 'forwardlinks', ['forwardlinks_criterion_singular'] = 'that links to %s', ['forwardlinks_criterion_plural'] = 'that links to %s', ['pages'] = 'pages', ['pages_criterion_singular'] = '%s', ['pages_criterion_plural'] = '%s', ['sparql_criterion'] = 'have a Wikidata item matching [%(queryLink)s this SPARQL query]', ['sparql_criterion_with_explanation'] = '%(description)s ([%(queryLink)s Wikidata query])', ['bytes_criterion'] = 'expanded with at least %s bytes', ['namespaces_criterion_singular'] = 'is a/an %s', ['namespaces_criterion_plural'] = 'is a/an %s', ['article'] = 'article', ['new_criterion'] = 'created during the contest', ['new_criterion_with_redirects'] = 'created during the contest (including redirects)', ['existing_criterion'] = 'created before the contest started (existing pages)', -- Rules ['base_rule_max'] = '%(baserule)s, but max %(maxpoints)s points per page', ['newpage_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for creating a new page (not redirect)', ['newredirect_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for creating a new redirect', ['page_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every qualified page', ['edit_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every edit', ['byte_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every byte added', ['listbyte_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every byte added to a a list article', ['word_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every word added to the article body (excluding templates, tables etc.)', ['image_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every media file added', ['image_rule_limited'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every media file added to pages that had no more than %(initialimagelimit)s from before', ['image_rule_own'] = '(%(ownimage)s for self-uploaded)', ['reference_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every source added and %(refpoints)s points for every reference to an existing source', ['templateremoval_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for removal of %(templates)s', ['categoryremoval_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for removal of %(categories)s', ['exlink_rule'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every [[WP:EL|external link]] added', ['wikidata_rule_first'] = '%(points)s points awarded for addition of %(thing)s to items not already having such a statement', ['wikidata_rule_all'] = '%(points)s points awarded for every %(thing)s added', ['wikidata_rule_require_reference'] = '(only referenced)', ['properties'] = 'properties', ['labels'] = 'labels', ['aliases'] = 'aliases', ['descriptions'] = 'descriptions', ['label'] = 'Wikidata label', ['alias'] = 'Wikidata alias', ['description'] = 'Wikidata description', ['bytebonus_rule'] = '%(points)s bonus points when more than %(bytes)d byte were added to a page', ['wordbonus_rule'] = '%(points)s bonus points when %(action)s more than %(words)d words were added to a page', } local config = { ['decimal_separator'] = '.', ['template_link_template'] = 'Tl', ['error_message_template'] = 'Error', -- Map localized argument values for the criterion template ['criteria'] = { ['new'] = 'new', ['existing'] = 'existing', ['stub'] = 'stub', ['bytes'] = 'bytes', ['namespaces'] = 'namespaces', ['categories'] = 'categories', ['templates'] = 'templates', ['backlinks'] = 'backlinks', ['forwardlinks'] = 'forwardlinks', ['pages'] = 'pages', ['sparql'] = 'sparql', }, -- Localized argument values for the rule template ['rules'] = { ['new'] = 'newpage', ['redirect'] = 'newredirect', ['qualified'] = 'page', ['edit'] = 'edit', -- ['stub'] = '(deprecated)', ['byte'] = 'byte', ['listbyte'] = 'listbyte', ['word'] = 'word', ['image'] = 'image', ['ref'] = 'reference', ['bytebonus'] = 'bytebonus', ['wordbonus'] = 'wordbonus', ['templateremoval'] = 'templateremoval', ['categoryremoval'] = 'categoryremoval', ['exlink'] = 'exlink', ['wikidata'] = 'wikidata' } } local category_prefix = { ['se'] = 'se:Kategoriija', ['nn'] = 'nn:Kategori', ['no'] = 'no:Kategori', ['commons'] = 'commons:Category', ['default'] = 'Category' } --[ Helper methods ] ------------------------------------------------------------------ --[[ Named Parameters with Formatting Codes Source: <>, author:RiciLake ]] local function sprintf(s, tab) return (s:gsub('%%%((%a%w*)%)([-0-9%.]*[cdeEfgGiouxXsq])', function(k, fmt) return tab[k] and ("%"..fmt):format(tab[k]) or '%('..k..')'..fmt end)) end local function make_error(template, arg) return string.format( '{{%s|%s}}', config['error_message_template'], string.format(messages[template], arg) ) end local function parse_args(frame) local args = {} local kwargs = {} for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do v = mw.text.trim(frame:preprocess(v)) if v ~= '' then if type(k) == 'number' then args[k] = v else kwargs[k] = v end end end return args, kwargs end local function shift_args(in_args) local args = {} for i, v in ipairs(in_args) do if i > 1 then args[i - 1] = v end end return in_args[1], args end local function format_plural(items, item_type) if #items == 0 then return make_error('anon_argument_missing', messages[item_type]) end if #items == 1 then return items[1] end return mw.text.listToText(items, ', ', ' ' .. messages['or'] .. ' ') end local function format_plural_criterion(items, item_type) local value = format_plural(items, item_type) if #items == 0 then return value end if #items == 1 then return string.format(messages[item_type .. '_criterion_singular'], value) end return string.format(messages[item_type .. '_criterion_plural'], value) end local function make_template_list(args) local templates = {} for i, v in ipairs(args) do local lang, link = string.match(v, '^([a-z]+):(.+)$') if lang then table.insert(templates, string.format('{{%s|%s|%s}}', config['template_link_template'], link, lang)) else table.insert(templates, string.format('{{%s|%s}}', config['template_link_template'], v)) end end return templates end local function make_category_link(v) local lang = 'default' local name = v local m, n = string.match(v, '^([a-z]+):(.+)$') if m then lang = m name = n end return string.format('[[:%s:%s|%s]]', category_prefix[lang], name, name) end local function make_category_list(args) local category_links = {} for i, v in ipairs(args) do v = mw.text.trim(v) if v ~= '' then table.insert(category_links, make_category_link(v)) end end return category_links end local function pagelist(args) local r = {} for i, v in ipairs(args) do v = mw.text.trim(v) if v ~= '' then local lang, page = string.match(v, '^([a-z]+):(.+)$') if lang then table.insert(r, string.format('[[:%s:%s|%s]]', lang, page, page)) else table.insert(r, string.format('[[:%s]]', v)) end end end return r end local function nslist(args) local r = {} local namespaceName = messages['article'] for i, namespaceId in ipairs(args) do namespaceId = mw.text.trim(namespaceId) if namespaceId ~= '' then if namespaceId ~= "0" then namespaceName = '{{lc:{{ns:' .. namespaceId .. '}}}}' end table.insert(r, namespaceName) end end return r end --[ Criterion format methods ]------------------------------------------------------------- local criterion = {} function criterion.backlinks(args, kwargs, frame) return format_plural_criterion(pagelist(args), 'backlinks') end function criterion.bytes(args, kwargs, frame) return string.format(messages['bytes_criterion'], args[1]) end function criterion.categories(args, kwargs, frame) local msg = format_plural_criterion(make_category_list(args), 'categories') if args.ignore ~= nil then r = mw.text.split(args.ignore, ',') for i, v in ipairs(r) do v = mw.text.trim(v) r[i] = make_category_link(v) end msg = msg .. string.format(messages['category_criterion_ignore'], mw.text.listToText(r, ', ', ' ' .. messages['or'] .. ' ')) end return msg end function criterion.existing(args, kwargs, frame) return messages['existing_criterion'] end function criterion.forwardlinks(args, kwargs, frame) return format_plural_criterion(pagelist(args), 'forwardlinks') end function criterion.namespaces(args, kwargs, frame) local site = local msg = format_plural_criterion(nslist(args, site), 'namespaces') if site ~= nil then return sprintf(messages['page_at_site'], { ['page'] = msg, ['site'] = string.format('[https://%s %s]', site, site), }) end return msg end function, kwargs, frame) local msg = messages['new_criterion'] if kwargs.redirects ~= nil then msg = messages['new_criterion_with_redirects'] end return msg end function criterion.pages(args, kwargs, frame) return format_plural_criterion(pagelist(args), 'pages') end function criterion.sparql(args, kwargs, frame) local query = 'SELECT ?item WHERE {\n ' .. kwargs.query .. '\n}' local url = '' .. frame:callParserFunction('urlencode', { query, 'PATH' }) local vizUrl = '' .. frame:callParserFunction('urlencode', { query, 'PATH' }) if kwargs.description ~= nil then return sprintf(messages['sparql_criterion_with_explanation'], { description = kwargs.description, queryLink = url, vizQueryLink = vizUrl }) end return sprintf(messages['sparql_criterion'], { queryLink=url, vizQueryLink=vizUrl }) end function criterion.stub(args, kwargs, frame) -- deprecated return messages['stub_criterion'] end function criterion.templates(args, kwargs, frame) return format_plural_criterion(make_template_list(args), 'templates') end function criterion.format(frame) local args, kwargs = parse_args(frame) local criterion_arg, args = shift_args(args) -- Try to find the corresponding formatter or bail out if not found if criterion_arg == nil then return frame:preprocess(make_error('argument_missing', 'criterion')) end local formatter = config.criteria[criterion_arg] if formatter == nil or criterion[formatter] == nil then return frame:preprocess(make_error('invalid_criterion', criterion_arg)) end -- Use manual description if given if kwargs.description ~= nil and formatter ~= 'sparql' then return kwargs.description end -- Generate auto-generated description return frame:preprocess(criterion[formatter](args, kwargs, frame)) end --[ Rule format methods ]------------------------------------------------------------- local rule = {} function rule.image(points, args, kwargs) local out local tplargs = { ['points'] = points, } if kwargs.initialimagelimit ~= nil then out = messages['image_rule_limited'] tplargs['initialimagelimit'] = kwargs.initialimagelimit else out = messages['image_rule'] end if kwargs.ownimage ~= nil then out = out .. ' ' .. messages['image_rule_own'] tplargs['ownimage'] = kwargs.ownimage end return sprintf(out, tplargs) end function rule.wikidata(points, args, kwargs) local out local params local arg_types = { messages['properties'], messages['labels'], messages['aliases'], messages['descriptions'] } local results = {} if == nil and kwargs.labels == nil and kwargs.aliases == nil and kwargs.descriptions == nil then return make_error( 'argument_missing', mw.text.listToText( arg_types, ', ', ' ' .. messages['or'] .. ' ' ) ) end if ~= nil then params = mw.text.split(, ',') for k, v in pairs(params) do params[k] = string.format('[[:d:Property:%s|%s]]', v, v) end table.insert(results, mw.text.listToText( params, ', ', ' ' .. messages['or'] .. ' ' )) end if kwargs.labels ~= nil then params = mw.text.split(kwargs.labels, ',') table.insert(results, messages['label'] .. ' (' .. mw.text.listToText( params, ', ', ' ' .. messages['or'] .. ' ' ) .. ')') end if kwargs.aliases ~= nil then params = mw.text.split(kwargs.aliases, ',') table.insert(results, messages['alias'] .. ' (' .. mw.text.listToText( params, ', ', ' ' .. messages['or'] .. ' ' ) .. ')') end if kwargs.descriptions ~= nil then params = mw.text.split(kwargs.descriptions, ',') table.insert(results, messages['description'] .. ' (' .. mw.text.listToText( params, ', ', ' ' .. messages['or'] .. ' ' ) .. ')') end results = table.concat( results, ' ' .. messages['and'] .. ' ' ) if kwargs.all ~= nil then out = messages['wikidata_rule_all'] else out = messages['wikidata_rule_first'] end if kwargs.require_reference ~= nil then out = out .. ' ' .. messages['wikidata_rule_require_reference'] end return sprintf(out, { ['points'] = points, ['thing'] = results, }) end function rule.reference(points, args, kwargs) return sprintf(messages['reference_rule'], { ['points'] = points, ['refpoints'] = args[1], }) end function rule.templateremoval(points, args, kwargs) local templates = format_plural(make_template_list(args), 'templates') return sprintf(messages['templateremoval_rule'], { ['points'] = points, ['templates'] = templates, }) end function rule.categoryremoval(points, args, kwargs) local categories = format_plural(make_category_list(args), 'categories') return sprintf(messages['categoryremoval_rule'], { ['points'] = points, ['categories'] = categories, }) end function rule.bytebonus(points, args, kwargs) return sprintf(messages['bytebonus_rule'], { ['points'] = points, ['bytes'] = args[1], }) end function rule.wordbonus(points, args, kwargs) return sprintf(messages['wordbonus_rule'], { ['points'] = points, ['words'] = args[1], }) end function rule.format(frame) -- Make tables of anonymous and named arguments local args, kwargs = parse_args(frame) rule_arg, args = shift_args(args) points, args = shift_args(args) -- Try to find the corresponding formatter or bail out if not found if rule_arg == nil then return frame:preprocess(make_error('argument_missing', 'rule')) end local formatter = config.rules[rule_arg] if formatter == nil then return frame:preprocess(make_error('invalid_rule', rule_arg)) end -- All rules requires argument 1: number of points awarded if points == nil then return frame:preprocess(make_error('argument_missing', '1 (number of points)')) end points = points:gsub( '%.', config['decimal_separator']) -- If there's a rule formatter function, use it. -- Otherwise, use the string from the messages table. local out if rule[formatter] ~= nil then out = rule[formatter](points, args, kwargs) else out = sprintf(messages[formatter .. '_rule'], { ['points'] = points, }) end if kwargs.max ~= nil then out = sprintf(messages['base_rule_max'], { ['baserule'] = out, ['maxpoints'] = kwargs.max:gsub( '%.', config['decimal_separator']), }) end return frame:preprocess(out) end -- Export return { ['criterion'] = criterion.format, ['rule'] = rule.format, }