Module:Tropical cyclone season effects
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Tuesday February 11, 2025
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This module is available only as a template since it requires a frame. You might want to visit the documentation for the template instead.
-- Used for tropical cyclone season articles. local invocation = require('Module:Template invocation').invocation local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local yesno = require('Module:Yesno') local dateperiod = require('Module:Date period')._main local Date = require('Module:Date')._Date local p = {} function p.main(frame) local args = getArgs(frame, { trim = true, removeBlanks = false }) return p._main(frame, args) end function p._main(frame, args) if not yesno(args["no-header"]) and (args["Basin"] or args["basin"]) == nil then error("Basin not specified") elseif not yesno(args["no-header"]) and (args["start-year"] or args["year"]) == nil then error("Year (or start year) not specified") elseif not yesno(args["no-header"]) and args["start-year"] == nil and args["end-year"] ~= nil then error("End year specified but start year not specified") end local tableEntries = args[1] or "" local totalStorms = 0 local strongestWinds = 0 local tableWindsUnit = nil local lowestPressure = 2000 local tablePressureUnit = nil local totalDamages = 0 local totalDeaths = 0 local earliestFormed = nil; local earliestFormedDate = nil; local latestDissipated = nil; local latestDissipatedDate = nil; for name, formed, dissipated, winds, windsUnit, pressure, pressureUnit, damages, deaths in string.gmatch( tableEntries, 'data%-tcse%-entry="([^|]+)|([%w%-]+)|([%w%-]+)|([%d%.]+)|(%w+)|([%d%.]+)|(%w+)|([%d%.]+)|(%d+)"' ) do totalStorms = totalStorms + 1 if latestDissipated ~= "present" then if dissipated == "present" then latestDissipated = "present" elseif latestDissipated == nil or latestDissipatedDate == nil then latestDissipated = dissipated latestDissipatedDate= Date(dissipated) elseif latestDissipatedDate.gsd < Date(dissipated).gsd then latestDissipated = dissipated latestDissipatedDate = Date(dissipated) end end if earliestFormed == nil then earliestFormed = formed earliestFormedDate = Date(formed) elseif earliestFormedDate.gsd > Date(formed).gsd then earliestFormed = formed earliestFormedDate = Date(formed) end if tableWindsUnit == nil then tableWindsUnit = windsUnit elseif windsUnit ~= tableWindsUnit then error("Winds unit of one storm does not match winds unit of all storms") end if tablePressureUnit == nil then tablePressureUnit = pressureUnit elseif pressureUnit ~= tablePressureUnit then error("Pressure unit of one storm does not match pressure unit of all storms") end if strongestWinds == nil or strongestWinds < tonumber(winds) then strongestWinds = tonumber(winds) end if lowestPressure == nil or lowestPressure > tonumber(pressure) then lowestPressure = tonumber(pressure) end totalDamages = totalDamages + tonumber(damages) totalDeaths = totalDeaths + tonumber(deaths) end local tcHeader = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Tropical cyclone season effects (top)", args = { ["no-sort"] = totalStorms == 0 and "yes" or nil, ["no-header"] = args["no-header"], ["basin"] = args["basin"], ["start-year"] = args["start-year"] or args["year"], ["end-year"] = args["end-year"], ["currency-link"] = args["currency-link"] } } -- Template parameters not yet standardized. Hence the usage of capitalized -- parameter names. local tcFooter = frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Tropical cyclone season effects (bottom)", args = { ["TC's"] = totalStorms .. " system" .. (totalStorms == 1 and "" or "s"), ["dates"] = totalStorms == 0 and "Season not started" or dateperiod( earliestFormed, (latestDissipated == "present" or yesno(args["active"])) and "Season ongoing" or latestDissipated, (latestDissipated == "present" or yesno(args["active"])) and nil or true ), ["winds"] = (totalStorms == 0 or strongestWinds == 0) and "" or ( tableWindsUnit == "kn" and ( frame:expandTemplate{ title = "convert", args = { strongestWinds, tableWindsUnit, args["winds-target"] or "kph", round = "5", abbr = "on", disp = "out" } } .. (args["winds-target2"] ~= "none" and " (" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "convert", args = { strongestWinds, tableWindsUnit, args["winds-target2"] or "mph", round = "5", abbr = "on", disp = "out" } } .. ")" or "") ) or frame:expandTemplate{ title = "convert", args = { strongestWinds, tableWindsUnit, args["winds-target"] or "", round = "5", abbr = "on" } } ), ["pres"] = (totalStorms == 0 or lowestPressure == 0) and "" or frame:expandTemplate{ title = "convert", args = { lowestPressure, tablePressureUnit, args["pressure-target"] or "inHg", comma = "off", sigfig = 4, abbr = "on" } }, ["damage"] = (totalStorms == 0 or totalDamages == 0) and "" or frame:expandTemplate{ title = totalDamages == 0 and "nts" or "ntsp", args = { totalDamages, "", totalDamages ~= 0 and (args["currency-symbol"] or "$") } }, ["deaths"] = (totalStorms == 0 or totalDeaths == 0) and "" or frame:expandTemplate{ title = "nts", args = { totalDeaths } }, ["Refs"] = args["footer-refs"] or "" } } return tcHeader .. "\n" .. tableEntries .. "\n" .. tcFooter end return p