Module:Sports rivalry series table
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Tuesday January 21, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchImplements {{sports rivalry series table}}
-- This module implements {{sports rivalry series table}} local p = {} local root = nil local lang =mw.getContentLanguage() local function formatnumR(num) num = mw.ustring.gsub(num, '^[^%d]*([%d,%.]-)[^%d]*$', '%1') return lang:parseFormattedNumber(num) end local function isnotempty(s) return s and s:match( '^%s*(.-)%s*$' ) ~= '' end local function addheader(header1, header2, series_summary, compact, winner_only, compact_score, nonumber, nolocation, trophy_series, notes, notes_label, date_width, location_width) -- create the header row local row = root:tag('tr') if(not nonumber) then row:tag('th'):wikitext('No.') end row:tag('th'):css('width', date_width):wikitext('Date') if(not nolocation) then row:tag('th'):css('width', location_width):wikitext('Location') end if((not compact) and (not winner_only) and (not compact_score)) then row:tag('th'):attr('colspan', 2):wikitext(header1 or 'Winning team') row:tag('th'):attr('colspan', 2):wikitext(header2 or 'Losing team') if(not series_summary) then row:tag('th'):wikitext('Series') end else if compact_score then row:tag('th'):wikitext(header1 or 'Winning team') row:tag('th'):wikitext(header2 or 'Losing team') else row:tag('th'):wikitext(header1 or 'Winner') end row:tag('th'):wikitext('Score') if( (winner_only or compact_score) and (not series_summary)) then row:tag('th'):wikitext('Series') end end if(trophy_series) then row:tag('th'):wikitext('Trophy series') end if(notes) then row:tag('th'):wikitext(notes_label) end end local function series_text(team1name, team1wins, team2name, team2wins, ties, leads) local res = '' local t1 = mw.ustring.gsub(team1name, '%s*/.*', '') local t2 = mw.ustring.gsub(team2name, '%s*/.*', '') if (team1wins > team2wins) then res = t1 .. ' ' .. (leads and 'leads ' or '') .. team1wins .. '–' .. team2wins .. ( (ties > 0) and '–' .. ties or '') elseif (team2wins > team1wins) then res = t2 .. ' ' .. (leads and 'leads ' or '') .. team2wins .. '–' .. team1wins .. ( (ties > 0) and '–' .. ties or '') else res = 'Tied ' .. team1wins .. '–' .. team2wins .. ( (ties > 0) and '–' .. ties or '') end return res end local function small_rank(team) team = mw.ustring.gsub(team or '', '(%(.-%))', '<small style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;">%1</small>') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team or '', '([Nn]o%.%s*[0-9][0-9]*)', '<small style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;">%1</small>') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team or '', '#([0-9][0-9]*%s*)([A-Z%)])', '<abbr title="Number">#</abbr>%1%2') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team or '', '(<abbr[^<>]*>[^<>]*</abbr>%s*[0-9][0-9]*)', '<small style="font-size:85%; font-weight:normal;">%1</small>') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team or '', '(<small[^<>]*>%()<small[^<>]*>(.-)</small>(%)</small>)', '%1%2%3') return team end local function get_name(team) team = mw.text.trim(team or '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, '%[%[[^%[%]|]*|(.-)%]%]', '%1') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, '%([^%(%)]*%)', '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, '<abbr[^<>]*>[^<>]*</abbr>', '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, '^[Nn]o%.%s*[0-9][0-9]*', '') team = mw.ustring.gsub(team, '^[^A-Za-z%.]*(.-)[^A-Za-z%.]*$', '%1') return team end local function ismultiequal(s1, s2) for k1, a1 in pairs( mw.text.split(s1, '[%s]/[%s]') ) do for k2, a2 in pairs( mw.text.split(s2, '[%s]/[%s]') ) do if a1 == a2 then return 1 end end end return nil end function p.table(frame) local args = (frame.args[3] ~= nil) and frame.args or frame:getParent().args local compact = (args['format'] or ''):lower() == 'compact' local winner_only = (args['format'] or ''):lower() == 'winner only' local compact_score = (args['format'] or ''):lower() == 'compact score' local no_number = isnotempty(args['no_number']) local no_location = isnotempty(args['no_location']) local notes = isnotempty(args['notes']) or isnotempty(args['notes_label']) local notes_label = isnotempty(args['notes_label']) and args['notes_label'] or 'Notes' local team1style = args['team1style'] or '' local team1name = mw.text.trim(args['team1'] or '') local team1abbr = isnotempty(args['team1abbr']) and mw.text.trim(args['team1abbr'] or '') or team1name local team2style = args['team2style'] or '' local team2name = mw.text.trim(args['team2'] or '') local team2abbr = isnotempty(args['team2abbr']) and mw.text.trim(args['team2abbr'] or '') or team2name local team1wins = tonumber(args['team1win_start']) or 0 local team2wins = tonumber(args['team2win_start']) or 0 local ties = tonumber(args['tie_start']) or 0 local series_summary = isnotempty(args['series_summary']) local legend = (args['legend'] and args['legend'] ~= 'no') or (args['legend'] == nil) local cols = tonumber(args['cols'] or '') or 0 local tiestyle = args['tiestyle'] or 'background-color:#DDD; color:#000;' local nowinstyle = args['nowinstyle'] or '' local number_start = tonumber(args['number_start'] or '1') or 1 local tseries_start = tonumber(args['trophy_series_start'] or '0') or 0 local tseries_end = tonumber(args['trophy_series_end'] or '0') or 0 local tsteam1wins = 0 local tsteam2wins = 0 local tsties = 0 local res = '' local topres = '' if (cols < 1 ) then cols = 1 end -- compute the maximum cell index local cellcount = 0 for k, v in pairs( args ) do if type( k ) == 'number' then cellcount = math.max(cellcount, k) end end -- datacols local datacols = 6 if notes then datacols = datacols + 1 end if no_location then datacols = datacols - 1 end -- dataoffsets local doffsets = no_location and { ['date'] = 1, ['t1'] = 2, ['s1'] = 3, ['t2'] = 4, ['s2'] = 5, ['note'] = 6} or { ['date'] = 1, ['loc'] = 2, ['t1'] = 3, ['s1'] = 4, ['t2'] = 5, ['s2'] = 6, ['note'] = 7} -- compute the number of rows local rows = math.ceil(cellcount / datacols) -- compute the number of rows per column local totalrows = rows if (series_summary ) then totalrows = totalrows + 1 end if (isnotempty(args['note'])) then totalrows = totalrows + 1 end local percol = math.ceil( totalrows / cols ) if( (tseries_start > 0) or (tseries_end > 0) ) then if( tseries_start < 1 ) then tseries_start = 1 end if( tseries_end < 1 ) then tseries_end = rows end end -- generate the legend if( legend ) then local legendtable = mw.html.create('table') local col3 = args['legend_tie_text'] or 'Tie games' local col4 = args['legend_forfeit_text'] or '' local lcc = 2 if isnotempty(col3) then lcc = lcc + 1 else col3 = nil end if isnotempty(col4) then lcc = lcc + 1 else col4 = nil end local w12 = math.floor(100/lcc + 0.5) local w34 = 0 if lcc > 2 then w34 = (100 - 2*w12)/(lcc - 2) end legendtable :addClass('wikitable') :css('text-align', 'center') :css('font-size', '90%') :css('white-space', 'nowrap') :cssText(args['style']) local lrow = legendtable:tag('tr') local t1 = mw.ustring.gsub(team1name, '%s*/.*', '') local t2 = mw.ustring.gsub(team2name, '%s*/.*', '') lrow:tag('td') :cssText(team1style) :css('font-weight', 'bold') :css('width', w12 .. '%') :wikitext(t1 .. ' victories') lrow:tag('td') :cssText(team2style) :css('font-weight', 'bold') :css('width', w12 .. '%') :wikitext(t2 .. ' victories') if( col3 ) then lrow:tag('td') :cssText(tiestyle) :css('width', w34 .. '%') :wikitext(col3) end if( col4 ) then lrow:tag('td') :css('width', w34 .. '%') :wikitext(col4) end topres = topres .. tostring(legendtable) end -- build the table content for j=1,rows do if(math.fmod(j - 1, percol) == 0 ) then -- create the root table res = res .. (root and tostring(root) or '') root = mw.html.create('table') root:addClass('wikitable') if isnotempty(args['sortable']) then root:addClass('sortable') end root:css('text-align', 'center') :css('font-size', '90%') root:cssText(args['style']) if(cols > 1) then root:css('float', 'left') root:css('margin-right', '1em') end addheader(args['header1'], args['header2'], series_summary, compact, winner_only, compact_score, no_number, no_location, (tseries_start > 0), notes, notes_label, args['date_width'], args['location_width']) end -- start a new row row = root:tag('tr') row:css('vertical-align', 'top') -- Number if (not no_number) then row:tag('td'):wikitext(j - 1 + number_start) end -- Date row:tag('td'):wikitext(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['date']] or '') -- Location if(not no_location) then row:tag('td'):wikitext(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['loc']] or '') end -- Team1 / Team2 / Score1 / Score2 local team1 = get_name(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t1']]) local score1 = mw.ustring.gsub(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['s1']] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') local team2 = get_name(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t2']]) local score2 = mw.ustring.gsub(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['s2']] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') local shade1 = nil local shade2 = nil local win = mw.ustring.gsub(args['win' .. (j - 1 + number_start)] or '', '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') or '' if( isnotempty(win) ) then topres = topres .. '[[Category:Pages using sports rivalry series table with a win parameter]]' end if( isnotempty(win) or (score1 ~= '' and score2 ~= '') ) then local score1num = tonumber(formatnumR(score1)) or 0 local score2num = tonumber(formatnumR(score2)) or 0 if( isnotempty(win) ) then score1num = -1 score2num = -1 end if ( (win == team1) or (score1num > score2num) ) then if( ismultiequal(team1, team1name) ) then shade1 = 'font-weight:bold;' .. team1style if isnotempty(win) then shade2 = nowinstyle end team1wins = team1wins + 1 if (j >= tseries_start and j <= tseries_end) then tsteam1wins = tsteam1wins + 1 end elseif ( ismultiequal(team1, team2name) ) then shade1 = 'font-weight:bold;' .. team2style if isnotempty(win) then shade2 = nowinstyle end team2wins = team2wins + 1 if (j >= tseries_start and j <= tseries_end) then tsteam2wins = tsteam2wins + 1 end end elseif ( (win == team2) or (score2num > score1num) ) then if( ismultiequal(team2, team1name) ) then shade2 = 'font-weight:bold;' .. team1style if isnotempty(win) then shade1 = nowinstyle end if (j >= tseries_start and j <= tseries_end) then tsteam1wins = tsteam1wins + 1 end team1wins = team1wins + 1 elseif ( ismultiequal(team2, team2name) ) then shade2 = 'font-weight:bold;' .. team2style if isnotempty(win) then shade1 = nowinstyle end team2wins = team2wins + 1 if (j >= tseries_start and j <= tseries_end) then tsteam2wins = tsteam2wins + 1 end end elseif ( (win == 'tie') or (not isnotempty(win) ) ) then shade1 = tiestyle shade2 = tiestyle if not args['header1'] then args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t1']] = 'Tie' args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t2']] = 'Tie' end ties = ties + 1 if (j >= tseries_start and j <= tseries_end) then tsties = tsties + 1 end end end shaderow = args['style' .. (j - 1 + number_start)] if( (not compact) and (not winner_only) and (not compact_score)) then -- Team 1 row:tag('td') :cssText(shaderow or shade1) :wikitext(small_rank(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t1']])) -- Team 1 score row:tag('td') :cssText(shaderow or shade1) :wikitext(score1) -- Team 2 row:tag('td') :cssText(shaderow or shade2) :wikitext(small_rank(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t2']])) -- Team 2 score row:tag('td') :cssText(shaderow or shade2) :wikitext(score2) -- Series if(not series_summary) then local seriescell = row:tag('td') if( score1 ~= '' and score2 ~= '') then seriescell:wikitext(series_text(team1abbr, team1wins, team2abbr, team2wins, ties, nil)) end end if(tseries_start > 0) then local seriescell = row:tag('td') if( score1 ~= '' and score2 ~= '' and j >= tseries_start and j <= tseries_end) then seriescell:wikitext(series_text(team1abbr, tsteam1wins, team2abbr, tsteam2wins, tsties, nil)) end end else if( isnotempty(win) or (score1 ~= '' and score2 ~= '') ) then local score1num = tonumber(formatnumR(score1)) or 0 local score2num = tonumber(formatnumR(score2)) or 0 if(score1num > score2num) then -- Winner row:tag('td') :cssText(shaderow or shade1) :wikitext(small_rank(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t1']])) if compact_score then -- Loser row:tag('td') :wikitext(small_rank(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t2']])) end -- Score row:tag('td') :wikitext(score1 .. '–' .. score2) elseif(score2num > score1num) then if compact_score then -- Loser row:tag('td') :wikitext(small_rank(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t1']])) end -- Winner row:tag('td') :cssText(shaderow or shade2) :wikitext(small_rank(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['t2']])) -- Score row:tag('td') :wikitext(score2 .. '–' .. score1) else if compact_score then row:tag('td'):cssText(shaderow or tiestyle):attr('colspan',2):wikitext('Tie') else -- Winner row:tag('td'):cssText(shaderow or tiestyle):wikitext('Tie') end -- Score row:tag('td') :wikitext(score1 .. '–' .. score2) end if( (winner_only or compact_score) and (not series_summary)) then local seriescell = row:tag('td') if( score1 ~= '' and score2 ~= '') then seriescell:wikitext(series_text(team1abbr, team1wins, team2abbr, team2wins, ties, nil)) end end if(tseries_start > 0) then local seriescell = row:tag('td') if( score1 ~= '' and score2 ~= '' and j >= tseries_start and j <= tseries_end) then seriescell:wikitext(series_text(team1abbr, tsteam1wins, team2abbr, tsteam2wins, tsties, nil)) end end end end if(notes) then row:tag('td'):wikitext(args[datacols*(j-1)+doffsets['note']] or '') end end if( series_summary and root) then local ftext = '\'\'\'Series:\'\'\' ' local ftext = ftext .. series_text(team1name, team1wins, team2name, team2wins, ties, 1) if(args['footnote']) then ftext = ftext .. args['footnote'] end row = root:tag('tr'):addClass('sortbottom') row:tag('td') :attr('colspan', 9) :css('background-color', '#f0f0f0') :wikitext(ftext) end if(isnotempty(args['note']) and root) then row = root:tag('tr'):addClass('sortbottom') row:tag('td') :attr('colspan', 9) :wikitext(args['note']) end res = res .. (root and tostring(root) or '') if (cols > 1 ) then root = mw.html.create('table') root:attr('role', 'presentation') row = root:tag('tr') row:tag('td'):wikitext(res) res = tostring(root) end -- return the root table return topres .. res end return p