MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Wednesday February 19, 2025
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--[[ Module to implement an unordered list with a generalised separator. Use TemplateStyles with an associated template to style the list. It will recognise "hr" as the horizontal rule. --]] p = {} p.makelist = function(frame) local args = frame.args if not args[1] then args = frame:getParent().args if not args[1] then return end end local sep = (args.sep or "") if sep == "hr" then sep = "<hr>" end local out = {} for k, v in ipairs(args) do v = mw.text.trim(v) table.insert(out, "<li>" .. v .. "</li>") end if #out > 0 then return '<ul class="seplist">' .. table.concat(out, sep) .. '</ul>' end end return p