Module:Road data/strings/USA/WA
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< Module:Road data | strings | USA
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--[==[ To inspect the content of this data module, use [[Special:ExpandTemplates]] and enter the following input text: {{#invoke:Road data/dump|dump|module=Module:<name-of-this-module>}} To inspect the content of this data module when editing, enter the following into the Debug console: local util = require("Module:Road data/util") print(util.arrayToString(p)) ]==] --Washington local WA = require("Module:Road data/strings/USA") local util = require("Module:Road data/util") local format = mw.ustring.format local suffix = " ([dab||%dab%, |]Washington)" local maint = "[[Washington State Department of Transportation|WSDOT]]" WA[" common "] = { browse = { {link = "State highways in Washington", bold = true}, { noprint = true, {link = "List of Interstate Highways in Washington", name = "Interstate"}, {link = "List of U.S. Highways in Washington", name = "U.S."}, {link = "List of state highways in Washington", name = "State"}, {link = "List of Washington State Scenic and Recreational Highways", name = "Scenic"}, {link = "List of Primary State Highways in Washington", name = "Former PSH"}, {link = "1964 state highway renumbering (Washington)", name = "1964 renumbering"}, {link = "List of former state routes in Washington", name = "Former"} } } } WA.I.maint = maint = { ["82"] = "Interstate 82", ["182"] = "Interstate 182", ["205"] = "Interstate 205 (Oregon–Washington)", ["705"] = "Interstate 705", default = { hook = "splitlen", split = 3, above = "Interstate %route% (Washington)", below = "Interstate %route% in Washington" } } WA["I 1957"].link = WA["I 1961"].link = = "Interstate %route% Business" .. suffix WA.US.maint = maint = "U.S. Route %route% in Washington" for _,year in ipairs({"1926", "1948", "1961"}) do WA["US " .. year] = { shield = format("US %%route%% (%s).svg", year), shieldmain = format("US %%route%% Washington %s.svg", year), base = WA.US.base, name =, link =, abbr = WA.US.abbr, width = "square", } end WA["US 1961"].shield = "US %route% (1961).svg" WA["US 1961"].shieldmain = "US %route% (1961).svg" for _,type in ipairs({'US', 'US 1926', 'US 1948', 'US 1961'}) do for _,auxType in ipairs({"Alt", "Bus", "Byp", "Conn", "Opt", "Scenic", "Spur", "Temp", "Truck"}) do local spec = WA[" aux "][auxType] WA[type .. "-" .. auxType] = { shield = WA[type].shield, shieldmain = WA[type].shieldmain, name = WA[type].name .. " " .., link = WA[type].link .. " " .. .. suffix, abbr = WA[type].abbr .. " " .. spec.abbrsuffix, banner = spec.bannerprefix .. " plate.svg", aux = spec.aux, width = WA[type].width } end end WA["US-Alt-plain"] = { shield = WA["US-Alt"].shield, name = WA["US-Alt"].name, link = WA["US-Alt"].link, abbr = WA["US-Alt"].abbr, banner = "Alt plate.svg", width = "expand" } WA["US 1926"].shieldmain = "US %route% Washington 1926.svg" WA["US 1926"].link = WA["US 1948"].shieldmain = "US %route% Washington 1948.svg" WA["US 1948"].link = WA["US 1961"].link = WA["US-Fut"] = { shield = WA.US.shield, name = "Future " .., link = "U.S. Route %route% Future ([dab||%dab%, |]Washington)", abbr = "US %route% Future", banner = "Future plate.svg", width = "expand" } WA.WA = { shield = "WA-%route%.svg", name = "State Route %route%", link = "Washington State Route %route% [dab||(%dab%)|]", abbr = "SR %route%" } WA.SR = WA.WA for _,type in ipairs({'WA', 'SR'}) do for _,auxType in ipairs({"Alt", "Bus", "Byp", "Conn", "Opt", "Scenic", "Spur", "Temp", "Truck"}) do local spec = WA[" aux "][auxType] WA[type .. "-" .. auxType] = { shield = WA[type].shield, shieldmain = WA[type].shieldmain, name = WA[type].name .. " " .., link = WA[type].link .. " " .. .. suffix, abbr = WA[type].abbr .. " " .. spec.abbrsuffix, banner = spec.bannerprefix .. " plate.svg", aux = spec.aux, width = WA[type].width } end end = "" = "" WA.FFH=WA.FH WA.PSH = { shield = "WA-PSH%route%.svg", name = "Primary State Highway %route%", link = "Primary State Highway %route% (Washington)", abbr = "PSH %route%", orientation = "upright" } WA.SSH = { shield = "WA-SSH%route%.svg", name = "Secondary State Highway %route%", link = "Secondary State Highway %route% (Washington)", abbr = "SSH %route%", orientation = "upright" } WA["SR-Alt"] = { shield = WA.SR.shield, name = .. " Alternate", link = "Washington State Route %route% Alternate [dab||(%dab%)|]", abbr = "SR %route% Alt.", banner = "Alt plate.svg" } WA["SR-ALT"] = WA["SR-Alt"] WA["SR-Bus"] = { shield = WA.SR.shield, name = .. " Business", link = "Washington State Route %route% Business [dab||(%dab%)|]", abbr = "SR %route% Bus.", banner = "Business plate.svg" } WA["WA-Bus"] = WA["SR-Bus"] WA["SR-Spur"] = { shield = WA.SR.shield, name = .. " Spur", link = "Washington State Route %route% Spur [dab||(%dab%)|]", abbr = "SR %route% Spur", banner = "Spur plate.svg" } WA["WA-Spur"] = WA["SR-Spur"] WA.ID = {alias = {module = "USA/ID", type = "SH"}} WA.OR = {alias = {module = "USA/OR", type = "OR"}} return WA