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Template:Used in system Template:Module rating Template:Module rating Template:Lua This module contains functions to find the target of a redirect page.


The main function accepts the name of a single page. It determines if the page is a redirect; if so it looks up the page, extracts the target, and returns the target name as text. Its usage is {{#invoke:redirect|main|page-name}}. If page-name does not exist or is not a redirect then page-name is returned. If page-name is blank then blank is returned.

The function normally neither takes nor gives square brackets, so to show the result as a link use [[{{#invoke:redirect|main|page-name}}]].

If the parameter bracket is given a nonblank value, brackets will be passed on if present.


  • {{#invoke:redirect|main|WP:AFC}} → WP:AFC
  • {{#invoke:redirect|main|[[WP:AFD]]|bracket=yes}}WP:AFD
  • {{#invoke:redirect|main|Wikipedia:Articles for deletion}} → Wikipedia:Articles for deletion
  • {{#invoke:redirect|main|Wikipedia:Articles for rumination}} → Wikipedia:Articles for rumination

Note: WP:AFC and WP:AFD are both redirects, but Wikipedia:Articles for deletion is not, and Wikipedia:Articles for rumination does not exist.


If you want to use the main function from another Lua module, you may want to use the luaMain function. This provides the same functionality as the main function, but doesn't require that a frame object be available.

To use this, first load the module.

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local mRedirect = require('Module:Redirect') </syntaxhighlight>

Then use the function with the following syntax:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mRedirect.luaMain(rname, bracket) </syntaxhighlight>

rname is the name of the redirect page, and if bracket is anything but false or nil, the module will produce a link rather than just a page name.


The isRedirect function is used from wiki pages to find out if a given page is a redirect or not. If the page is a redirect, the function returns "yes", and if not the output is blank. Its usage is {{#invoke:redirect|isRedirect|page-name}}.


  • {{#invoke:redirect|isRedirect|WP:AFC}}
  • {{#invoke:redirect|isRedirect|Wikipedia:Articles for deletion}}
  • {{#invoke:redirect|isRedirect|Wikipedia:Articles for rumination}}


The isRedirect can be accessed from other Lua modules in the same way as the main function:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local mRedirect = require('Module:Redirect') mRedirect.luaIsRedirect(rname) </syntaxhighlight>


The getTarget function fetches the target page name of a redirect page, and is only usable from Lua. If the page specified is a redirect, then the target is returned; otherwise the function returns nil.

To use it, first load the module.

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> local mRedirect = require('Module:Redirect') </syntaxhighlight>

Then use the function with the following syntax:

<syntaxhighlight lang="lua"> mRedirect.getTarget(page) </syntaxhighlight>

page can be either the name of the redirect page as a string, or a mw.title object.

See also

-- This module provides functions for getting the target of a redirect page.

local p = {}

-- Gets a mw.title object, using pcall to avoid generating script errors if we
-- are over the expensive function count limit (among other possible causes).
local function getTitle(...)
	local success, titleObj = pcall(, ...)
	if success then
		return titleObj
		return nil

-- Gets the name of a page that a redirect leads to, or nil if it isn't a
-- redirect.
function p.getTargetFromText(text)
	local target = string.match(
	) or string.match(
	return target and mw.uri.decode(target, 'PATH')

-- Gets the target of a redirect. If the page specified is not a redirect,
-- returns nil.
function p.getTarget(page, fulltext)
	-- Get the title object. Both page names and title objects are allowed
	-- as input.
	local titleObj
	if type(page) == 'string' or type(page) == 'number' then
		titleObj = getTitle(page)
	elseif type(page) == 'table' and type(page.getContent) == 'function' then
		titleObj = page
			"bad argument #1 to 'getTarget'"
				.. " (string, number, or title object expected, got %s)",
		), 2)
	if not titleObj or not titleObj.isRedirect then
		return nil
	-- Find the target by using string matching on the page content.
	local target = p.getTargetFromText(titleObj:getContent() or "")
	if target then
		local targetTitle = getTitle(target)
		if targetTitle then
			if fulltext then
				return targetTitle.fullText
				return targetTitle.prefixedText
			return nil
		-- The page is a redirect, but matching failed. This indicates a bug in
		-- the redirect matching pattern, so throw an error.
			'could not parse redirect on page "%s"',
			fulltext and titleObj.fullText or titleObj.prefixedText

-- Given a single page name determines what page it redirects to and returns the
-- target page name, or the passed page name when not a redirect. The passed
-- page name can be given as plain text or as a page link.
-- Returns page name as plain text, or when the bracket parameter is given, as a
-- page link. Returns an error message when page does not exist or the redirect
-- target cannot be determined for some reason.
function p.luaMain(rname, bracket, fulltext)
	if type(rname) ~= "string" or not rname:find("%S") then
		return nil
	bracket = bracket and "[[%s]]" or "%s"
	rname = rname:match("%[%[(.+)%]%]") or rname
	local target = p.getTarget(rname, fulltext)
	local ret = target or rname
	ret = getTitle(ret)
	if ret then
		if fulltext then
			ret = ret.fullText
			ret = ret.prefixedText
		return bracket:format(ret)
		return nil

-- Provides access to the luaMain function from wikitext.
function p.main(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {frameOnly = true})
	return p.luaMain(args[1], args.bracket, args.fulltext) or ''

-- Returns true if the specified page is a redirect, and false otherwise.
function p.luaIsRedirect(page)
	local titleObj = getTitle(page)
	if not titleObj then
		return false
	if titleObj.isRedirect then
		return true
		return false

-- Provides access to the luaIsRedirect function from wikitext, returning 'yes'
-- if the specified page is a redirect, and the blank string otherwise.
function p.isRedirect(frame)
	local args = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs(frame, {frameOnly = true})
	if p.luaIsRedirect(args[1]) then
		return 'yes'
		return ''

return p