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This is the documentation page for Module:MapClip

This module clips out a small region from a set of equirectangular world maps. It can cross boundaries between maps, pasting together pieces of up to four maps per figure. It adds markings for longitude and latitude, feature markings and annotations. You can click on marked features to go to the target articles.




Note that all parameters can be provided either as a single number (fractional degrees) or three numbers (fractional degrees, minutes, seconds).

Note that marks for degrees, minutes, seconds are ignored - the numbers are simply assumed to be deg, min, sec in that order, with any other numbers ignored.

Each of these values can be fractional. "W", "S", or "-" causes the latitude/longitude to be counted as negative (the module doesn't actually check to see it is in the right direction).

Giving a south value greater than a north value causes an error; east and west values can be swapped to show the other half of the world.

Mandatory parameters

  • regionwestedge,regioneastedge,regionsouthedge,regionnorthedge - required parameters set the edges (in degrees) of the region to be mapped

Optional parameters

  • mapfile - specifies a custom set of map files to use. Map files are in [[ ]] listed from left to right. If multiple rows are present they should be separated by "|" (I think this can be passed in with Template:Tlf).
  • grid - this important parameter specifies the color for a grid of latitude and longitude meridians used to annotate the map. Omitting it omits the grid. The spacing of the grid is presently only automatic.
  • mapwestedge,mapeastedge',mapsouthedge,mapnorthedge - optional parameters set the edges in degrees of the entire set of map image files. Default to -180,180,-90,90. If mapfile is not specified the default is provided for these and overrides this parameter value (you don't need it).
  • mapwidthpx,mapheightpx - tell the program how many pixel an individual map image file has. I've actually had it work with the wrong figure.
  • float- right or left to allow the image to "float" in the html sense (like a normal image)
  • nowiki - returns the html text (a mass of divs and a file link) for display of the map, rather than the map itself. This is not the same as simply enclosing the #invoke in nowiki tags.

Per-feature parameters

Each of these uses an independent number N. If a feature is present it must have a featureNlat and a featureNlong; the others are optional per feature. Numbers should start from 1 and not skip any for best results.

  • featureNlat - the latitude of the feature (can be one or three numbers like the others)
  • featureNlong - longitude
  • featureNname - the main purpose of the name of the feature presently is to be a Wikilink; apart from linking to an article this shouldn't be provided. There might be a way to distinguish mouseover from the link in the future...
  • featureNimage - overrides the default File:Full Star Yellow.svg with a filename you specify. Omit File: from the parameter.
  • featureNsize - overrides the default 15px size for the image.
  • featureNtext - suppresses placement of any image - instead this arbitrary text is used. This can be a link or not, and is displayed with upper left corner at the latitude and longitude you've provided. The purpose is to allow annotation of general features or groups of features. It can also be used to add a caption to a star on the map, by displacing it a little to the right (larger longitude) or in some other direction.


{{#invoke:MapClip|map|regionwestedge=-82|regioneastedge=-80|regionnorthedge=26|regionsouthedge=24|feature1=Key West|feature1lat=24°33′33″N|feature1long=81°47′03″W|feature2=Old Rhodes Key|feature2lat=25.365957°N|feature2long=80.241866°W|feature3=Old Totten Key|feature3lat=25.3796°N|feature3long=80.2484°W|feature4=Reid Key|feature4lat=25.392779°N|feature4long=80.240149°W|feature5=Duck Key|feature5lat=24°46′32″N|feature5long=80°54′39″W|feature6=Pigeon Key|feature6lat=24.703991°N|feature6long=81.155308°W|feature7=Summerland Key|feature7lat=24.657°N|feature7long=81.441°W|feature8text=[[Lower Keys]]|feature8lat=24.4|feature8long=-81.8|feature9text=[[Middle Keys]]|feature9lat=24.55|feature9long=-81.13|grid=grey}}
