Module:MLB standings
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Thursday March 13, 2025
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This module is used to implement Template:MLB standings, a helper template used in the implementation of templates for Major League Baseball division standings, such as Template:2013 AL East standings.
-- This module copies content from Template:MLB_standings; see the history of that page -- for attribution. local me = { } local mlbData = mw.loadData('Module:MLB standings/data') local Navbar = require('Module:Navbar') local defaultOutputForInput = { default = 'default', overallWinLoss = 'winLossOnly', } local readTeamInfo = { default = function(args, currentIdx, returnData) if (args[currentIdx] == nil or args[currentIdx+1] == nil or args[currentIdx+2] == nil or args[currentIdx+3] == nil or args[currentIdx+4] == nil ) then return nil end teamInfo = { name = mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx]), homeWins = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+1])), homeLosses = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+2])), roadWins = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+3])), roadLosses = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+4])), } returnData.cIndicesRead = 5 teamInfo.wins = teamInfo.homeWins + teamInfo.roadWins teamInfo.losses = teamInfo.homeLosses + teamInfo.roadLosses return teamInfo end, -- function readTeamInfo.default() overallWinLoss = function(args, currentIdx, returnData) if (args[currentIdx] == nil or args[currentIdx+1] == nil or args[currentIdx+2] == nil ) then return nil end teamInfo = { name = mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx]), wins = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+1])), losses = tonumber(mw.text.trim(args[currentIdx+2])), } returnData.cIndicesRead = 3 return teamInfo end, -- function readTeamInfo.default() } -- readTeamInfo object local generateTableHeader = { default = function(tableHeaderInfo) return '{| class="wikitable" width="535em" style="text-align:center;"\ ! width="50%" |' .. tableHeaderInfo.navbarText .. '[[' .. tableHeaderInfo.divisionLink .. '|' .. tableHeaderInfo.division .. ']]\ ! width="7%" | [[Win (baseball)|W]]\ ! width="7%" | [[Loss (baseball)|L]]\ ! width="9%" | [[Winning percentage|Pct.]]\ ! width="7%" | [[Games behind|GB]]\ ! width="10%" | [[Home (sports)|Home]]\ ! width="10%" | [[Road (sports)|Road]]\ ' end, -- function generateTableHeader.default() winLossOnly = function(tableHeaderInfo) return '{| class="wikitable" width="380em" style="text-align:center;"\ ! width="66%" | ' .. tableHeaderInfo.navbarText .. tableHeaderInfo.division .. '\ ! width="10%" | [[Win (baseball)|W]]\ ! width="10%" | [[Loss (baseball)|L]]\ ! width="14%" | [[Winning percentage|Pct.]]\ ' end, -- function generateTableHeader.winLossOnlyNoNavBar() wildCard2012 = function(tableHeaderInfo) return '{| class="wikitable" width="375em" style="text-align:center;"\ ! width="60%" | ' .. tableHeaderInfo.navbarText .. 'Wild Card teams<br><small>(Top two qualify for postseason)</small>\ ! width="8%" | [[Win (baseball)|W]]\ ! width="8%" | [[Loss (baseball)|L]]\ ! width="12%" | [[Winning percentage|Pct.]]\ ! width="12%" | [[Games behind|GB]]\ ' end, -- function generateTableHeader.wildCard2012 } -- generateTableHeader object local generateTeamRow = { default = function(teamRowInfo, teamInfo) return '|-' .. teamRowInfo.rowStyle .. '\ || ' .. teamRowInfo.seedText .. '[[' .. teamRowInfo.teamSeasonPage .. '|' .. .. ']]\ || ' .. teamInfo.wins .. ' || ' .. teamInfo.losses .. '\ || ' .. teamRowInfo.winningPercentage .. '\ || ' .. teamRowInfo.gamesBehind .. '\ || ' .. teamInfo.homeWins .. '–' .. teamInfo.homeLosses ..'\ || ' .. teamInfo.roadWins .. '–' .. teamInfo.roadLosses .. '\n' end, -- function generateTeamRow.default() winLossOnly = function(teamRowInfo, teamInfo) return '|-' .. teamRowInfo.rowStyle .. '\ || ' .. teamRowInfo.seedText .. '[[' .. teamRowInfo.teamSeasonPage .. '|' .. .. ']]\ || ' .. teamInfo.wins .. ' || ' .. teamInfo.losses .. '\ || ' .. teamRowInfo.winningPercentage .. '\n' end, -- function generateTeamRow.winLossOnly wildCard2012 = function(teamRowInfo, teamInfo) return '|-' .. teamRowInfo.rowStyle .. '\ || ' .. teamRowInfo.seedText .. '[[' .. teamRowInfo.teamSeasonPage .. '|' .. .. ']]\ || ' .. teamInfo.wins .. ' || ' .. teamInfo.losses .. '\ || ' .. teamRowInfo.winningPercentage .. '\ || ' .. teamRowInfo.gamesBehind .. '\n' end, -- function generateTeamRow.wildCard2012 } -- generateTeamRow object local function parseSeeds(seedsArg, seeds) local seedList = mw.text.split(seedsArg, '%s*,%s*') if (#seedList == 0) then return end for idx, seed in ipairs(seedList) do local seedData = mw.text.split(seed, '%s*:%s*') if (#seedData >= 2) then local seedNumber = tonumber(mw.text.trim(seedData[1])) local team = mw.text.trim(seedData[2]) seeds[seedNumber] = team seeds[team] = seedNumber end end end -- function parseSeeds() local function parseHighlightArg(highlightArg, teamsToHighlight) local teamList = mw.text.split(highlightArg, '%s*,%s*') if (#teamList == 0) then return end for idx, team in ipairs(teamList) do teamsToHighlight[mw.text.trim(team)] = true end end -- function parseHighlightArg local function parseTeamLinks(teamLinksArg, linkForTeam) local teamList = mw.text.split(teamLinksArg, '%s*,%s*') if (#teamList == 0) then return end for idx, teamLinkInfo in ipairs(teamList) do local teamData = mw.text.split(teamLinkInfo, '%s*:%s*') if (#teamData >= 2) then local team = mw.text.trim(teamData[1]) local teamLink = mw.text.trim(teamData[2]) linkForTeam[team] = teamLink end end end -- function parseTeamLinks function me.generateStandingsTable(frame) local inputFormat = 'default' if (frame.args.input ~= nil) then local inputArg = mw.text.trim(frame.args.input) if (inputArg == 'overallWinLoss') then inputFormat = 'overallWinLoss' end end local templateName = nil if (frame.args.template_name ~= nil) then templateName = frame.args.template_name end local outputFormat = defaultOutputForInput[inputFormat] local fDisplayNavbar = true local fDisplayGamesBehind = true if (frame.args.output ~= nil) then local outputArg = mw.text.trim(frame.args.output) if (outputArg == 'winLossOnly') then outputFormat = 'winLossOnly' fDisplayGamesBehind = false end if (outputArg == 'wildCard2012') then outputFormat = 'wildCard2012' end end local year = mw.text.trim(frame.args.year or '') local division = mw.text.trim(frame.args.division or '') local divisionLink = mw.text.trim(frame.args.division_link or division) local seedInfo = {} if (frame.args.seeds ~= nil) then parseSeeds(frame.args.seeds, seedInfo) end local teamsToHighlight = {} if (frame.args.highlight ~= nil) then parseHighlightArg(frame.args.highlight, teamsToHighlight) end local linkForTeam = {} if (frame.args.team_links ~= nil) then parseTeamLinks(frame.args.team_links, linkForTeam) end local listOfTeams = {}; local currentArgIdx = 1; while (frame.args[currentArgIdx] ~= nil) do local returnData = { } local teamInfo = readTeamInfo[inputFormat](frame.args, currentArgIdx, returnData); if (teamInfo == nil) then break end if (linkForTeam[] ~= nil) then teamInfo.teamLink = linkForTeam[] else teamInfo.teamLink = end table.insert(listOfTeams, teamInfo) currentArgIdx = currentArgIdx + returnData.cIndicesRead end if (#listOfTeams == 0) then return '' end local outputBuffer = { } local tableHeaderInfo = { division = division, divisionLink = divisionLink, } if (fDisplayNavbar) then local divisionForNavbox = division if (mlbData.abbreviationForDivision[division] ~= nil) then divisionForNavbox = mlbData.abbreviationForDivision[division] end local standingsPage if (templateName ~= nil) then standingsPage = templateName else standingsPage = year .. ' ' .. divisionForNavbox .. ' standings' end tableHeaderInfo.navbarText = Navbar.navbar({ standingsPage, mini = 1, style = 'float:left;width:0;', }) end table.insert(outputBuffer, generateTableHeader[outputFormat](tableHeaderInfo) ) local leadingHalfGames = nil; if (fDisplayGamesBehind) then local standingsLeaderIdx = 1; if (outputFormat == 'wildCard2012' and #listOfTeams > 1) then standingsLeaderIdx = 2; end local teamInfo = listOfTeams[standingsLeaderIdx] leadingHalfGames = (teamInfo.wins - teamInfo.losses) end for idx, teamInfo in ipairs(listOfTeams) do local teamRowInfo = { teamSeasonPage = year .. ' ' .. teamInfo.teamLink .. ' season', winningPercentage = string.format( '%.3f', teamInfo.wins / ( teamInfo.wins + teamInfo.losses ) ), gamesBehind = '', seedText = '', rowStyle = '', } if (fDisplayGamesBehind) then local halfGamesBehind = leadingHalfGames - (teamInfo.wins - teamInfo.losses) local prefix = nil -- if games behind is negative, take the absolute value and prefix a + -- character if (halfGamesBehind < 0) then halfGamesBehind = -halfGamesBehind prefix = '+' end if (halfGamesBehind == 0) then teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = '—' else -- if halfGamesBehind is not 0 teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = math.floor(halfGamesBehind / 2) if (halfGamesBehind % 2 == 1) then if (halfGamesBehind == 1) then teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = '½' else teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = teamRowInfo.gamesBehind .. '½' end end if ( prefix ~= nil ) then teamRowInfo.gamesBehind = prefix .. teamRowInfo.gamesBehind end end -- if halfGamesBehind is not 0 end -- if (fDisplayGamesBehind) if (seedInfo[] ~= nil) then teamRowInfo.seedText = '<sup>(' .. seedInfo[] .. ')</sup> ' teamRowInfo.rowStyle = ' style="background:#CCFFCC"' end if (teamsToHighlight[]) then teamRowInfo.rowStyle = ' style="background:#CCFFCC"' end table.insert(outputBuffer, generateTeamRow[outputFormat](teamRowInfo, teamInfo) ) end -- end of looping over listOfTeams table.insert(outputBuffer, '|}') return table.concat(outputBuffer) end -- function me.generateStandingsTable() function me.generateStandingsTable_fromTemplate(frame) return me.generateStandingsTable(frame:getParent()) end -- function me.generateStandingsTable_fromTemplate() return me