Module:Load WikiProject Modules
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday February 14, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchImplements {{Load WikiProject Modules}}
local p = {} function standardicon(modulename) index = {} -- Take modulename as input, returns corresponding icon filename -- Returns default icon if no icon is defined -- Grow the library! Add default icons as needed by adding this line below: -- index['MODULENAME'] = 'FILE NAME.ext' index['About'] = 'Information Noun 176431.svg' index['About us'] = 'Information Noun 176431.svg' index['Alerts'] = 'Bell icon.svg' index['Article alerts'] = 'Bell icon.svg' index['Article Alerts'] = 'Bell icon.svg' index['Partners'] = 'Handshake noun.svg' index['Partnerships'] = 'Handshake noun.svg' index['Discussions'] = 'Speechbubbles icon.svg' index['Events'] = 'Simpleicons Business calendar-with-a-clock-time-tools.svg' -- Is this PD-shapes? index['External Links'] = 'Link icon.svg' index['External links'] = 'Link icon.svg' index['Links'] = 'Link icon.svg' index['Maps'] = 'MapPin.svg' index['Metrics'] = 'ArticleCheck.svg' index['News'] = 'Calendar icon 2.svg' index['Offline App'] = 'Offline logo.svg' index['Press'] = 'Cite newspaper.svg' index['Recent changes'] = 'Clock icon.svg' index['Recent Changes'] = 'Clock icon.svg' index['Recognized content'] = 'RibbonPrize.svg' index['Recognized Content'] = 'RibbonPrize.svg' index['Related Projects'] = 'Contributions icon.svg' -- Not for use for the update bot, special use case, that expands the page index['Related WikiProjects'] = 'Contributions icon.svg' index['Requests'] = 'Quotes icon.svg' index['Research'] = 'Microscope icon (black OCL).svg' index['Resources'] = 'Cite book.svg' index['Showcase'] = 'RibbonPrize.svg' index['Tasks'] = 'ListBullet.svg' index['Tools'] = 'Octicons-tools-minor.svg' index['Translations'] = 'Translation icon.svg' index['Watchlist'] = 'OpenEye icon.svg' index['Worklists'] = 'ListBullet.svg' for t, fn in pairs(index) do if t == modulename then return fn end end return 'Beta icon.svg' -- default if nothing matches end function editlinktest(modulename) no_edit_links = {'Discussions', 'Alerts', 'Showcase', 'Related WikiProjects'} -- no edit link for these standard modules for _, l in pairs(no_edit_links) do if l == modulename then return 'no' end end return 'yes' end function title = '' intro = '' image = '' color = '#6af' -- default value displaymode = 'normal' -- default value modules = {} for key, value in pairs(frame:getParent().args) do -- iterate through arguments, pick out values if key == 'title' then title = value elseif key == 'intro' then intro = value elseif key == 'image' then image = value elseif key == 'color' then color = value elseif key == 'displaymode' then displaymode = value elseif string.find(key, 'module') ~= nil then -- matches module1, module2, etc. id = string.gsub(key, 'module', '') id = tonumber(id) modules[id] = value end end -- Rendering table of contents and body toc_args = {width = 80, height = 55} -- passed into Image Array module toc_args['font-size'] = '100%' toc_args['margin'] = 0 body = "" -- Load a Table of Contents entry, transclude module, for each named module counter = 0 for _, module in pairs(modules) do counter = counter + 1 toc_args['image' .. counter] = standardicon(module) toc_args['alt' .. counter] = module if displaymode == "womeninred" then if module == "Metrics" or module == "Showcase" or module == "About us" or module == "Press" or module == "Research" or module == "External links" then toc_args['link' .. counter] = "Wikipedia:WikiProject Women in Red/" .. module else toc_args['link' .. counter] = "#" .. module end else toc_args['link' .. counter] = "#" .. module end toc_args['caption' .. counter] = "[[" .. toc_args['link' .. counter] .. "|" .. module .. "]]" if module == "Related WikiProjects" then -- Load the appropriate subpage of [[Wikipedia:Related WikiProjects]] moduletitle = 'Related WikiProjects' .. '/' .. title moduletitle_encoded = string.gsub('Wikipedia:' .. moduletitle, ' ', '_') body = body .. "\n" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'WPX header', args = { module, color = color, modulename = moduletitle_encoded, editlink = editlinktest(module) } } body = body .. "\n" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = "Wikipedia:Related WikiProjects/" .. title, args = {color} } else if displaymode == "normal" or ( displaymode == "womeninred" and module ~= "Metrics" and module ~= "Showcase" and module ~= "About us" and module ~= "Press" and module ~= "Research" and module ~= "External links" ) then moduletitle = title .. '/' .. module moduletitle_encoded = string.gsub('Wikipedia:' .. moduletitle, ' ', '_') body = body .. "\n" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'WPX header', args = { module, color = color, modulename = moduletitle_encoded, editlink = editlinktest(module) } } if mw.title.makeTitle('Wikipedia', moduletitle).exists == true then body = body .. "\n" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia:' .. moduletitle, args = {color} } .. "\n<div style='clear:both;'></div>" else -- Is module in question a Standard Module? If so, load the template with corresponding editintro if mw.title.makeTitle('Template', 'WPX module/' .. module).exists == true then preload = '&preload=Template:WPX_module/' .. string.gsub(module, ' ', '_') editintro = '&editintro=Template:WPX_editintro/' .. string.gsub(module, ' ', '_') else preload = '' -- no preload editintro = '&editintro=Template:WPX_editintro/Generic' -- generic editintro end -- Create notice create_url = '//' .. string.gsub(moduletitle, ' ', '_') .. '?action=edit' .. preload .. editintro create_button = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Template:Clickable button 2', args = {'Create Module', url = create_url, class = 'mw-ui-progressive' } } body = body .. '[[Wikipedia:' .. moduletitle .. ']] does not exist. ' .. create_button end end end end toc_args['perrow'] = counter -- sets length of image array to the number of icons toc = "<div style='margin-bottom:4em;'>" .. frame:expandTemplate{ title='Image_array', args = toc_args } .. "</div><div style='clear:both;'></div>" -- Adding header header = "__NOTOC__\n<div style='display: flex; display: -webkit-flex; flex-flow: row wrap; -webkit-flex-flow: row wrap;'>" -- top container if displaymode == "womeninred" then header = header .. "<div style='flex: 1 0; -webkit-flex: 1 0; border-top: solid .7em " .. color .. ";'>" -- intro else header = header .. "<div style='flex: 1 0; -webkit-flex: 1 0; padding-bottom: 3em; border-top: solid .7em " .. color .. ";'>" -- intro end -- Adding project icon header = header .. "<div class='nomobile' style='float:left; margin-top: 1em; margin-right: 2em; margin-bottom: 1em; text-align: center;'>" header = header .. image .. "</div>" -- Adding project title header = header .. "<div style='font-size: 120%; padding: 0;'>" -- header header = header .. "<h1 style='font-weight: bold; border-bottom: none; margin:0; padding-top:0.5em;'>" .. title .. "</h1></div>" if displaymode == "womeninred" then header = header .. toc end -- Adding intro blurb header = header .. "<div style='margin-top: 1em; font-size: 110%;'>" header = header .. intro .. "</div>" -- Adding announcement section if mw.title.makeTitle('Wikipedia', title .. "/" .. "Announcements").exists == true then header = header .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'Wikipedia:' .. title .. "/" .. "Announcements", args = { } } end header = header .. "</div>" -- Adding member box header = header .. "<div style='flex: 0 1; -webkit-flex: 0 20em;'>" header = header .. frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'WPX participants box', args = { } } header = header .. "</div>" -- Closing off header header = header .. "</div></div>" -- Assembling parts if displaymode == "womeninred" then contents = header .. body else contents = header .. toc .. body end return contents end return p