Module:Legislationuk/Mw.html extension
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Tuesday February 18, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchSourced from here. Credit to CephHunter at the RuneScape Wiki.
Documentation can be found here.
local p = {} local checkType = require( 'libraryUtil' ).checkType local mwHtml = getmetatable( mw.html.create() ).__index -- Trick to get acces to the mw.html class local stack = {} -- Used to keep track of nested IF-END tags local noOp = {} -- This object is returned by IF(false) tag function mwHtml:addClassIf( cond, class ) if cond then return self:addClass( class ) else return self end end function mwHtml:tagIf( cond, tagname ) if cond then return self:tag( tagname ) else return self end end function mwHtml:wikitextIf( cond, text ) if cond then return self:wikitext( text ) else return self end end function mwHtml:doneIf( cond ) if cond then return self:done() else return self end end function mwHtml:attrIf( cond, name, value ) if cond then return self:attr( name, value ) else return self end end function mwHtml:cssIf( cond, name, value ) if cond then return self:css( name, value ) else return self end end function mwHtml:na() return self:tag( 'td' ) :attr( 'data-sort-value', 0 ) :attr( 'class', 'table-na' ) :wikitext( '<small>N/A</small>' ) :done() end function mwHtml:naIf( cond ) if cond then return self:na() else return self end end local function addValues( self, settings ) -- wikitext and addClass are no-ops when their argument is nil self:wikitext( settings[1] or settings.wikitext ) self:addClass( settings.class or settings.addClass ) if settings.attr then if settings.attr[1] and settings.attr[2] then self:attr( settings.attr[1], settings.attr[2] ) else self:attr( settings.attr ) end end if settings.css then if settings.css[1] and settings.css[2] then self:css( settings.css[1], settings.css[2] ) else self:css( settings.css ) end end if settings.cssText then self:cssText( settings.cssText ) end end function mwHtml:tr( settings ) if self.tagName == 'tr' then self = self:done():tag( 'tr' ) elseif self.tagName == 'th' or self.tagName == 'td' then self = self:done():done():tag( 'tr' ) else self = self:tag( 'tr' ) end if type( settings ) == 'table' then addValues( self, settings ) end return self end function mwHtml:th( settings ) if self.tagName == 'th' or self.tagName == 'td' then self = self:done():tag( 'th' ) else self = self:tag( 'th' ) end if type( settings ) == 'table' then addValues( self, settings ) else self = self:wikitext( settings ) end return self end function mwHtml:td( settings ) if self.tagName == 'th' or self.tagName == 'td' then self = self:done():tag( 'td' ) else self = self:tag( 'td' ) end if type( settings ) == 'table' then addValues( self, settings ) else self = self:wikitext( settings ) end return self end function mwHtml:IF( cond ) if cond then table.insert( stack, { obj=noOp, trueCaseCompleted=true } ) return self else table.insert( stack, { obj=self, trueCaseCompleted=false } ) return noOp end end function mwHtml:ELSEIF( cond ) if #stack == 0 then error( 'Missing IF tag', 2 ) end local last = stack[#stack] if cond and not last.trueCaseCompleted then last.trueCaseCompleted = true local res = last.obj last.obj = noOp return res else if self ~= noOp then last.obj = self end return noOp end end function mwHtml:ELSE() return self:ELSEIF( true ) end function mwHtml:END() if #stack == 0 then error( 'Missing IF tag', 2 ) end local res = table.remove( stack ) -- Pop element from the end if res.obj == noOp then return self else return res.obj end end function mwHtml:exec( func, ... ) checkType( 'exec', 1, func, 'function' ) return func( self, ... ) end function p.addFunction( func, name ) checkType( 'addFunction', 1, func, 'function' ) checkType( 'addFunction', 2, name, 'string' ) if mwHtml[name] then error( 'Function "' .. name .. '" already exists', 2 ) end mwHtml[name] = func end noOp.IF = mwHtml.IF noOp.ELSEIF = mwHtml.ELSEIF noOp.ELSE = mwHtml.ELSE noOp.END = mwHtml.END setmetatable( noOp, { __index = function( self ) return self end, __call = function( self ) return self end, __tostring = function() error( 'Attempting to convert no-op object into a string. Check for unbalanced IF-END tags', 2 ) end, __concat = function() error( 'Attempting to concatenate a no-op object. Check for unbalanced IF-END tags', 2 ) end } ) return p