
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Tuesday September 17, 2024
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Jcon/data/doc

           Other signs (not roads)

local miscTable = {                                                             
	["hospital"] = "[[File:Ontario M401.svg|19px]]",
	["airport"] = "[[File:Ontario M502.svg|19px]]",
	["bus"] = "[[File:Ontario M506.svg|19px]]",
	["ferry"] = "[[File:Ontario M508.svg|19px]]",
	["train station"] = "[[File:Ontario M509.svg|19px]]",
	["tch"] = "[[File:TCH-blank.svg|x20px]]"

           Turn proper division into type

local typeTable = {                                                            
	["Highway"] = "Highway",
	["Toll"] = "Highway",
	["Sudbury"] = "Municipal",
	["Brant"] = "County",
	["Bruce"] = "County",
	["Chatham-Kent"] = "Municipal",
	["Dufferin"] = "County",
	["Elgin"] = "County",
	["Essex"] = "County",
	["Frontenac"] = "County",
	["Haldimand"] = "County",
	["Grey"] = "County",
	["Haliburton"] = "County",
	["Hastings"] = "County",
	["Huron"] = "County",
	["Leeds and Grenville"] = "County",
	["Lennox and Addington"] = "County",
	["Lambton"] = "County",
	["Middlesex"] = "County",
	["Norfolk"] = "County",
	["Northumberland"] = "County",
	["Oxford"] = "County",
	["Perth"] = "County",
	["Lanark"] = "County",
	["Peterborough"] = "County",
	["Prescott and Russell"] = "County",
	["Prince Edward"] = "County",
	["Renfrew"] = "County",
	["Simcoe"] = "County", 
	["Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry"] = "County",
	["Wellington"] = "County",
	["Muskoka"] = "District",
	["Durham"] = "Regional",
	["Hamilton"] = "Regional",
	["Halton"] = "Regional",
	["Niagara"] = "Regional",
	["Peel"] = "Regional",
	["Ottawa"] = "Regional",
	["Waterloo"] = "Regional",
	["York"] = "Regional",
	["Cornwall"] = "Municipal",
	["Kawartha Lakes"] = "Municipal",
	["Kingston"] = "Municipal",
	["Quinte West"] = "Municipal",
	["Central Frontenac"] = "Township",
	["Frontenac Islands"] = "Township",
	["North Dumfries"] = "Township",
	["North Frontenac"] = "Township",
	["South Frontenac"] = "Township",
	["Tyendinaga"] = "Township",
	["Wellesley"] = "Township",
	["Wilmot"] = "Township",
	["Wollaston"] = "Township",
	["Woolwich"] = "Township",
	-- Regional/County Highways below
	["Brant County Highway"] = "County Highway",
	["Durham Regional Highway"] = "Regional Highway",
	["Haldimand County Highway"] = "County Highway",
	["Norfolk County Highway"] = "County Highway",
	["Perth County Line"] = "County Line",

           Turn improper names for division into proper division

local divisionTable = {                                                          
	["hwy"] = "Highway",
	["highway"] = "Highway",
	["toll"] = "Toll",
	["sb"] = "Sudbury",
	["gs"] = "Sudbury",
	["greater sudbury"] = "Sudbury",
	["sudbury"] = "Sudbury",
	["brant"] = "Brant",
	["bruce"] = "Bruce",
	["c frontenac"] = "Central Frontenac",
	["central frontenac"] = "Central Frontenac",
	["chatham kent"] = "Chatham-Kent",
	["ck"] = "Chatham-Kent",
	["chatham-kent"] = "Chatham-Kent",
	["cornwall"] = "Cornwall",
	["dufferin"] = "Dufferin",
	["durham"] = "Durham",
	["elgin"] = "Elgin",
	["essex"] = "Essex",
	["frontenac"] = "Frontenac",
	["frontenac islands"] = "Frontenac Islands",
	["fi"] = "Frontenac Islands",
	["grey"] = "Grey",
	["hamilton"] = "Hamilton",
	["haldimand"] = "Haldimand",
	["hh"] = "Haliburton",
	["haliburton"] = "Haliburton",
	["halton"] = "Halton",
	["hastings"] = "Hastings",
	["huron"] = "Huron",
	["kawartha lake"] = "Kawartha Lakes",
	["kl"] = "Kawartha Lakes",
	["klinfo"] = "Kawartha Lakes",
	["ckl"] = "Kawartha Lakes",
	["kawartha lakes"] = "Kawartha Lakes",
	["kingston"] = "Kingston",
	["lanark"] = "Lanark",
	["lambton"] = "Lambton",
	["lg"] = "Leeds and Grenville",
	["leeds and grenville"] = "Leeds and Grenville",
	["la"] = "Lennox and Addington",
	["lennox and addington"] = "Lennox and Addington",
	["muskoka"] = "Muskoka",
	["niagara"] = "Niagara",
	["norfolk"] = "Norfolk",
	["n dumfries"] = "North Dumfries",
	["north dumfries"] = "North Dumfries",
	["n frontenac"] = "North Frontenac",
	["north frontenac"] = "North Frontenac",
	["northumberland"] = "Northumberland",
	["ottawa"] = "Ottawa",
	["oxford"] = "Oxford",
	["middlesex"] = "Middlesex",
	["peel"] = "Peel",
	["perth"] = "Perth",
	["pb"] = "Peterborough",
	["peterborough"]  = "Peterborough",
	["pr"] = "Prescott and Russell",
	["prescott and russell"] = "Prescott and Russell",
	["pec"] = "Prince Edward",
	["prince edward"] = "Prince Edward",
	["qw"] = "Quinte West",
	["qwinfo"] = "Quinte West",
	["cqw"] = "Quinte West",
	["quinte west"] = "Quinte West",
	["renfrew"] = "Renfrew",
	["simcoe"] = "Simcoe", 
	["sdg"] = "Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry",
	["stormont, dundas and glengarry"] = "Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry",
	["stormont, dundas, glengarry"] = "Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry",
	["stormont dundas and glengarry"] = "Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry",
	["s frontenac"] = "South Frontenac",
	["south frontenac"] ="South Frontenac",
	["tyendinaga"] = "Tyendinaga",
	["waterloo"] = "Waterloo",
	["wellesley"] = "Wellesley",
	["wellington"] = "Wellington",
	["wilmot"] = "Wilmot",
	["wollaston"] = "Wollaston",
	["woolwich"] = "Woolwich",
	["yr"] = "York",
	["york"]  = "York",
	-- Regional/County Highways below
	["bch"] = "Brant County Highway",
	["brant county highway"] = "Brant County Highway",
	["drh"] = "Durham Regional Highway",
	["durham regional highway"] = "Durham Regional Highway",
	["hch"] = "Haldimand County Highway",
	["haldimand county highway"] = "Haldimand County Highway",
	["nch"] = "Norfolk County Highway",
	["norfolk county highway"] = "Norfolk County Highway",
	["pcl"] = "Perth County Line",
	["perth county line"] = "Perth County Line",

          Give code needed to make most pictures

local pictureTable = {           
	["Central Frontenac"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Cornwall"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Durham"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Essex"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Halton"] = {"Halton RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Highway"] = {"Ontario "," crown.svg"},
	["Kawartha Lakes"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Kingston"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Niagara"] = {"RR "," jct blue.svg"},
	["North Dumfries"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Peel"] = {"Peel RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Quinte West"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Simcoe"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["South Frontenac"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Toll"] = {"Ontario "," crown toll.svg"},
	["Tyendinaga"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["Wilmot"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	["York"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"},
	-- Regional/County Highways below
	["Durham Regional Highway"] = {"RR "," jct.svg"}

return {
	pictureTable = pictureTable,
	divisionTable = divisionTable,
	typeTable = typeTable,
	miscTable = miscTable