MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Monday March 31, 2025
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Lua error: expandTemplate: template "diagonal_split_header" does not exist.
ㄱ | ㄲ | ㄴ | ㄷ | ㄸ | ㄹ | ㅁ | ㅂ | ㅃ | ㅅ | ㅆ | ㅇ | ㅈ | ㅉ | ㅊ | ㅋ | ㅌ | ㅍ | ㅎ |
local p = {} local data = mw.loadData 'Module:Hangul/data' ---- From [[wikt:Module:ko-hangul] -- Given the "syllable index" of a precomposed Hangul syllable (see -- above), returns "indices" representing the three constituent jamo -- ("lead", i.e. initial consonant; "vowel"; and "tail", i.e. final -- consonant, except that zero denotes the absence of a final consonant). local function syllableIndex2JamoIndices(syllableIndex) local lIndex = math.floor(syllableIndex / 588) local vIndex = math.floor((syllableIndex % 588) / 28) local tIndex = syllableIndex % 28 return lIndex, vIndex, tIndex end ---- local tocodepoint = mw.ustring.codepoint local function indexof(arr, val) for i, v in ipairs(arr) do if v == val then return i end end return -1 end local function get_name(char) local codepoint = tocodepoint(char) -- Hangul Compatibility Jamo block if 0x3130 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0x318F then return ('U+%X: HANGUL LETTER %s'):format(codepoint, data.names[codepoint - 0x3130]) -- Hangul Syllables block -- From [[wikt:Module:Unicode data]]. -- Cheaper to derive names from decomposed form of syllable? elseif 0xAC00 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0xD7A3 then local li, vi, ti = syllableIndex2JamoIndices(codepoint - 0xAC00) return ("U+%X: HANGUL SYLLABLE %s%s%s"):format( codepoint, data.leads[li], data.vowels[vi], data.trails[ti]) else error(('No name for U+%X found.'):format(codepoint)) end end local function get_anchor(index) return string.char(('a'):byte() + index - 1):rep(2) end local function diag_split_header(column_text, row_text) return mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate{ title = 'diagonal_split_header', args = { column_text, row_text }, } end local function syllables_by_initial(initial) local codepoint = mw.ustring.codepoint(initial) if not (0x1100 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0x1112) then error('Incorrect initial ' .. initial .. '. Should be between U+1100 and U+1112.') end local initial_index = indexof(data.initials, initial) local output = {} local i = 0 local function push(text) i = i + 1 output[i] = text end push( ([[ {| class="wikitable collapsible collapsed nowrap" style="width: 96px; height: 96px;" |+ id="%s" | Initial <span lang="ko">%s</span> |- ! %s]]):format( get_anchor(initial_index), data.independent_initials[initial_index], diag_split_header('Medial', 'Final'))) -- initial jamo for _, final in ipairs(data.independent_finals) do push(('! title="%s" | <span lang="ko">%s</span>') :format(final ~= '' and get_name(final) or '', final)) end for i, medial in ipairs(data.medials) do push('|- lang="ko"') local independent_medial = data.independent_medials[i] push(('! scope="row" title="%s" | %s') :format(get_name(independent_medial), independent_medial)) for _, final in ipairs(data.finals) do push(('| %s%s%s'):format(initial, medial, final)) end end push('|}') output = table.concat(output, '\n') output = mw.ustring.toNFC(output) output = mw.ustring.gsub( -- Add names of syllable codepoints. output, '[가-힣]', -- [[Hangul Syllables]] block (U+AC00-D7AF) function (syllable) return ('title="%s" | %s'):format(get_name(syllable), syllable) end) -- Check for consecutive span tags. -- output:gsub('<span[^>]+>[^<]*</span><span[^>]+>[^<]*</span>', mw.log) return output end function p.syllables_by_initial(frame) local initial = frame.args[1] or 'ᄀ' return syllables_by_initial(initial) end function p.all_syllables(frame) local tables = {} for i, initial in ipairs(data.initials) do tables[i] = syllables_by_initial(initial) end return table.concat(tables, '\n') end function p.TOC(frame) local output = {} for i, initial in ipairs(data.independent_initials) do table.insert(output, ('| [[#%s|%s]]'):format(get_anchor(i), initial)) end table.insert(output, 1, '{| class="wikitable" lang="ko" style="width: 96px; height: 10px;"') table.insert(output, '|}') return table.concat(output, '\n') end return p