Module:Election box US auto
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Saturday February 08, 2025
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{{#invoke:Election box US auto|function_name}}
local p = {} local mYesno = require('Module:Yesno') -- a global per #invoke local linked_write_in = false function formatnum( num ) -- simple wrapper local lang = mw.getContentLanguage() return lang:formatNum( num ) end function percent( part, total ) if total >= 1000000 then -- if > 1 million votes, then round to 2 decimals round_to = 2 else round_to = 1 end local ret = mw.ext.ParserFunctions.expr( "" .. 100 * part / total .. " round " .. round_to ) if not string.find( ret, ".", 1, true ) then -- add the decimals that expr doesn't ret = ret .. "." .. string.rep("0", round_to) end return ret end function p.make( invoke ) frame = invoke:getParent() local state, year, contest, type = parse_args( frame.args ) local ret = "" local no_headings = mYesno(frame.args["no headings"]) if string.find(year, ",", 1, true ) then -- multi mode for i,v in pairs(mw.text.split( year, ",", true )) do if not no_headings then ret = ret .. "\n=== " .. v .. " ===" end ret = ret .. make( state, v, contest, type, year_args(v, frame.args) ) end else ret = ret .. make( state, year, contest, type, frame.args ) end return invoke:preprocess( ret ) end function fmt_candidate(v, winner, total_votes,args, usestateparties) local temp = "{{" if v[2] == winner[2] then temp = temp .. "Election box winning candidate" else temp = temp .. "Election box candidate" end local n_party = normalize_parties( v[3], usestateparties ) if n_party then temp = temp .. " with party link no change|party=" .. n_party else temp = temp .. " no party link no change" end link = args[v[2] .. " link"] if link then link = else -- bypass redirects, which is mostly important for display names link =[2]) -- except if the redirect goes to an "elections" article (e.g. Kim Vann), then -- we don't want a bypass if link.isRedirect and not string.find(link.redirectTarget.prefixedText, "elections", 1, true ) then link = link.redirectTarget end end -- Strip disambiguators since we can't use the pipe trick display_name, ignore = mw.ustring.gsub(link.prefixedText, "%b()", "") if args.redlinks or (link.exists and not link.isRedirect) then full_link = "[[" .. link.prefixedText .. "|" .. display_name .. "]]" else full_link = display_name end temp = temp .. "|candidate=" .. full_link if v[4] or args.incumbent == v[2] then -- incumbent temp = temp .. " (Incumbent)" end if v[6] then -- write in if linked_write_in then temp = temp .. " (write-in)" else temp = temp .. " ([[Write-in candidate|write-in]])" linked_write_in = true -- only link it once end end temp = temp .. "|votes=" .. formatnum(v[5]) temp = temp .. "|percentage=" .. percent(v[5], total_votes) .. "%" temp = temp .. "}}" return temp end function parse_args( args ) local state = args[1] if not state then error("State is missing") end local year = args[2] if not year then error("Year is missing") end local contest = args[3] if not contest then error("Contest is missing") end local type = "General" if args.type then if args.type == "Primary" then type = "Primary" else error("Invalid value for |type=") end end return state, year, contest, type end function year_args( year, args ) -- we want to turn year args like "|2018 foo=" into just foo -- drop any other year args like "|2016 foo=" -- and have year args override general args -- finally have general args local new = {} for k,v in pairs(args) do local k_year = mw.ustring.match(k, "^%d%d%d%d ") if k_year then k_year = mw.text.trim(k_year) end if k_year and k_year == year then new[mw.ustring.sub(k, 6)] = v elseif k_year and k_year ~= year then -- do nothing else -- if k isn't set yet, set it. if not new[k] then new[k] = v end end end return new end function make( state, year, contest, type, args ) function load_tabular( state, year, type ) local tab_name = state .. " Elections/" .. year .. "/" .. type .. "/" local tabular = if tabular then return tabular else return {error="Unable to find tabular data: " .. tab_name} end end local tabular = load_tabular(state, year, type) if tabular.error then error(tabular.error) end function find_candidates(data, contest) local candidates = {} for k,v in pairs(data) do if v[1] == contest then table.insert(candidates, v) end end return candidates end local candidates = find_candidates(, contest) function sum_totals(candidates) local total_votes = 0 local incumb_party = false local winner = {} winner[5] = 0 for k,v in pairs(candidates) do total_votes = total_votes + v[5] if v[5] > winner[5] then winner = v end if v[4] or args.incumbent == v[2] then incumb_party = v[3] end end return total_votes, winner, incumb_party end local total_votes, winner, incumb_party = sum_totals(candidates) local usestateparties = nil if mw.ustring.find(contest, "United States Representative", 1, true) then title = "[[United States House of Representatives elections, " .. year .. "]]" elseif mw.ustring.find(contest, "State Assembly Member", 1, true) then title = "[[" .. state .. " State Assembly election, " .. year .. "]]" usestateparties = state elseif contest == "President" then title = "U.S. presidential election in " .. state .. ", " .. year else title = "...????" end local primary = mYesno(args.primary) ptabular = load_tabular(state, year, "Primary") if ptabular.error then -- todo log an error here? primary = false end if primary then open = "Election box open primary begin no change" else open = "Election box begin no change" end function make_ref(tabular) return '<ref name="' .. tabular.description .. '">' .. tabular.sources .. "</ref>" end local ref = make_ref(tabular) if primary then -- primary ref goes first ref = make_ref(ptabular) .. ref end local ret = "{{" .. open .. "| title=" .. title .. ref .. "}}" function total_box(total_votes) return "{{Election box total no change|votes=" .. formatnum(total_votes) .. "|percentage = " .. percent(total_votes, total_votes) .. "%}}" end function sort_candidates(a,b) return a[5] > b[5] end table.sort(candidates, sort_candidates) if primary then local pcandidates = find_candidates(, contest) table.sort(pcandidates, sort_candidates) local ptotal_votes, pwinner, pincumb_party = sum_totals(pcandidates) local fake_winner = {} -- we don't want a winner in primaries, so use a fake one that no -- candidate will match fake_winner[2] = "" for k,v in pairs(pcandidates) do ret = ret .. fmt_candidate(v, fake_winner,ptotal_votes,args,usestateparties) end ret = ret .. total_box(ptotal_votes) .. "{{Election box open primary general election no change}}" end for k,v in pairs(candidates) do ret = ret .. fmt_candidate(v, winner,total_votes,args,usestateparties) end ret = ret .. total_box(total_votes) local hold = args.hold local gain = false if hold == "held" or winner[4] or args.incumbent == winner[2] then ret = ret .. "{{Election box hold with party link without swing|winner=" .. normalize_parties(winner[3],usestateparties) .. "}}" elseif hold == "flip" then -- shorthand for D->R/R->D win_party = winner[3] if win_party == "Democratic" then lose_party = normalize_parties("Republican",usestateparties) else lose_party = normalize_parties("Democratic",usestateparties) end win_party = normalize_parties(win_party) gain = true elseif args.gain then win_party = normalize_parties(args.gain,usestateparties) lose_party = normalize_parties(args.loser,usestateparties) gain = true elseif incumb_party and incumb_party ~= winner[3] then win_party = normalize_parties(winner[3],usestateparties) lose_party = normalize_parties(incumb_party,usestateparties) gain = true end if gain then ret = ret .. "{{Election box gain with party link without swing|winner=" .. win_party .. "|loser=" .. lose_party .. "}}" end ret = ret .. "{{Election box end}}" return ret end function normalize_parties( party, state ) -- Drop all parties after the first one? party = mw.text.split( party, ",", true )[1] local specials = { Blank = "Independent (politician)", Independent = "Independent (politician)", } specials["No Party Preference"] = "No party preference" if specials[party] then return specials[party] end if state then -- ex "California Democratic Party" return state .. " " .. party .. " Party" end return party .. " Party (US)" end return p