Module:Database report
MyWikiBiz, Author Your Legacy — Friday March 14, 2025
Jump to navigationJump to searchThis module is used from Template:T, Template:T and Template:T. Template:Sandbox other
local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs local p = {} local function error(text) return '*' .. require('Module:Error').error{ text, tag = 'p' } end local function arr_contains(array, val) for _, value in ipairs(array) do if value == val then return true end end return false end local function str_split(inputstr, sep) local t = {} for str in string.gmatch(inputstr, "([^"..sep.."]+)") do table.insert(t, str) end return t end local function is_integer(str) if str:match("%D") then return false end return true end local function trim(s) return s:match("^%s*(.-)%s*$") end -- Called from {{Database report}} function p.check_syntax(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) -- check that required parameters are provided if not args.sql then return error('Invalid config: required parameter "sql" is missing') end if not args.row_template then if args.skip_table then return error('Invalid config: skip_table can only be used with row_template') end if args.header_template then return error('header_template can be used only when row_template is being used') end end -- check for invalid parameters for param, _ in pairs(args) do if not arr_contains({ 'sql', 'wikilinks', 'excerpts', 'comments', 'widths', 'hide', 'table_style', 'remove_underscores', 'autoupdate', 'pagination', 'max_pages', 'frequency', 'row_template', 'skip_table', 'header_template' }, param) then return error('Unknown parameter "' .. param .. '" used, ignoring') end end -- check wikilinks config if args.wikilinks then local configs = str_split(args.wikilinks, ',') for _, config in ipairs(configs) do local parts = str_split(trim(config), ':') local srcColNum = parts[1] if not is_integer(srcColNum) then return error('Invalid wikilink config: Non-numeral source column number: '[1]..'. Will be ignored.') end local ns = parts[2] if ns and ns:match("^c?%d+$") == nil then return error('Invalid namespace number "'.. ns..'" in wikilinks parameter: refer to [[WP:NS]] for namespace numbers, or use "cN" to take namespace number from column number N') end end end -- check excerpts config if args.excerpts then local configs = str_split(args.excerpts, ',') for _, config in ipairs(configs) do local parts = str_split(trim(config), ':') local srcColNum = parts[1] if not is_integer(srcColNum) then return error('Invalid excerpts config: Non-numeral source column number: '[1]..'. Will be ignored.') end local dstColNum = parts[2] if dstColNum and not is_integer(dstColNum) then return error('Invalid excerpts config: Non-numeral destination column number: '[2]..'. Will be ignored.') end local ns = parts[3] if ns and ns:match("^c?%d+$") == nil then return error('Invalid namespace number "'.. ns..'" in excerpts parameter: refer to [[WP:NS]] for namespace numbers, or use "cN" to take namespace number from column number N') end local charLimit = parts[4] if charLimit and not is_integer(charLimit) then return error('Invalid excerpts config: Non-numeral in charLimit: '[4]..'. Will be ignored.') end local hardCharLimit = parts[5] if hardCharLimit and not is_integer(hardCharLimit) then return error('Invalid excerpts config: Non-numeral in hardCharLimit: '[5]..'. Will be ignored.') end end end -- check column numbers in widths param if args.widths then local configs = str_split(args.widths, ',') for _, config in ipairs(configs) do local parts = str_split(trim(config), ':') local column = parts[1] if not is_integer(column) then return error('Invalid widths config: Non-numeral column number: '[1]..'. Will be ignored.') end end end -- check numeric configs if args.comments then local columns = str_split(args.comments, ',') for _, column in ipairs(columns) do if not is_integer(trim(column)) then return error('Invalid comments parameter: Non-numeral column number: '..column..'. Will be ignored.') end end end if args.remove_underscores then local columns = str_split(args.remove_underscores, ',') for _, column in ipairs(columns) do if not is_integer(trim(column)) then return error('Invalid remove_underscores parameter: Non-numeral column number: '..column..'. Will be ignored.') end end end if args.hide then local columns = str_split(args.hide, ',') for _, column in ipairs(columns) do if not is_integer(trim(column)) then return error('Invalid hide parameter: Non-numeral column number: '..column..'. Will be ignored.') end end end if args.pagination and not is_integer(args.pagination) then return error('pagination should be an integer. Will be ignored.') end if args.max_pages and not is_integer(args.max_pages) then return error('max_pages should be an integer. Will be ignored.') end if args.frequency and not is_integer(args.frequency) then return error('frequency should be an integer. Will be ignored.') end return '' end -- Called from {{Database report/footer}} and {{Database report/subpage}} function p.navlinks(frame) local args = getArgs(frame) if then local page = tonumber( local num_pages = tonumber(args.num_pages) local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local nextPage = title.nsText..':'..title.baseText..'/'..(page + 1) local prevPage = title.nsText..':'..title.baseText..'/'..(page - 1) -- page 1 has no subpage name if page == 1 then nextPage = title.nsText..':'..title.text..'/2' elseif page == 2 then prevPage = title.nsText..':'..title.baseText end local prevPageText = '<< Previous page' local nextPageText = 'Next page >>' local prevPageLink = (page == 1 or page > num_pages + 1) and '<span style="color:grey">'..prevPageText..'</span>' or '[['..prevPage..'|'..prevPageText..']]' local nextPageLink = page >= num_pages and '<span style="color:grey">'..nextPageText..'</span>' or '[['..nextPage..'|'..nextPageText..']]' return prevPageLink..' || '..nextPageLink end return '' end return p